Revelations During The Transformation Of Consciousness

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  • Words: 1,513
  • Pages: 3
Revelations During the Transformation of Consciousness When historians write the final chapter on the George Bush Presidency and his Middle East Wars, what will they say about the shift in consciousness? To a careful observer, it is obvious that we are in an extremely rapid shift of mass consciousness right now. We are experiencing an evolutionary jump in consciousness that rivals that time period where human began to walk, talk, or think abstractly. We are becoming aware of our creative power, we are experiencing personal transformations, we are becoming god-men and grasping our creative potential. One of the major signs of the shift is the sexual revolution. The cultural phenomenon of pornography is a historic wave repeat from the French Revolution. Pornography was rampant amongst the intelligentsia when Marie Antoinette lost her head. The booming modern pornography business is major sign of the shift. The word porn, whore, adultery, etc. are words invented by theocrats reflecting their own sexual repression and need to subjugate women. What used to be a whore is now a sexually liberated woman experiencing hot sex for pure pleasure. People are no longer buying into the common religious meme that sex is only for procreation. The fact is that just about every modern woman is now having orgasms or least trying to is a cultural tsunami that is sweeping Christian woman along as well. Free sex and pornography are winning, people are not buying godly servitude and repression as ‘the way’ to live there lives. Many are seeking sexual fulfillment as one of the most important goal in their lives. The sexual revolution is profoundly changing our viewpoint of ourselves and it will eventually profoundly change our political institutions. Millions of people believe we are in the ‘end times’, they look forward to the coming Apocalypse because they believe their god will return and save the earth. This denial is so deep it’s become psychopathic, it’s the energy creating the Apocalypse. Christians will never believe that their votes that put the new Antichrist, GW Bush, into power is causing the Apocalypse. They deny that their own convoluted thoughts are the force behind the Apocalypse. Here’s a nasty fact, the earth would be saved if the fundamentalist Christians were eliminated from the earth. The Book of Revelations could be summarized and rationalized as this: in the end times (of religion) you will become aware of the myth/memetic origins of your faith, you will loose that faith but not after experiencing tremendous violence. The Apocalypse is the shift, we are in it right now, it will end when that which is resisting the shift are either dead or transformed by the violence. In other words, it’s time to evolve or die. From the group consciousness point of view, fundamentalists are the cancer that must be removed from the world body. Watch closely as Jewish-Christian-Muslim jihadists are drawn like moths to the flame to the apocalyptic killing fields. Revelations is the prophecy of what happens during the ‘end times’ at the end of age of faith. The undoing of the faith, which is really a memetic induced trance, will be chaotic. Revelations is appropriately placed as the last chapter of the Christian Bible, as it is a prophecy about the end of the Christian Church. Revelations is a metaphoric dream of the future from St. John’s higher consciousness, which is part of our collective soul. This higher self, often mislabeled as god, is not disturbed by our violence on the physical plane, she calmly advises us of our mistakes during our evolution. Those higher dimensional angels are part of our multidimensional self. Revelations is a critique of what was created, it is the prophecy from the higher self when ancient myth was transformed into Christian mind control program. Believing in the judgmental god Jehovah manifests as judgment because we create what we believe. It will be one of mankind’s greatest mistakes because it is precisely that belief which is leading

us into a nuclear holocaust. The massive violence being waged today in the vile ‘holy land’ and the Middle East is the product of Judaism and her two offspring’s: the Christian and Islamic faiths. This is the rarely talked about fact. Why? Because those people that have the power and money are the same who control the media who endorse religion as a prime form of cultural control. Bluntly stated, the Jewish media controllers push religion to keep the goy enslaved. Make no mistake identifying that Christianity is Jewish created black magic as Jesus was a sole creation of Jewish intelligentsia during the Roman occupation of their tribal homeland. Witness the plight of the Palestinians, is not the Jewish-Christian beliefs causal? If you believe that the Illuminati controllers are Satanic, know that there can be no Satan without the Judeo-Christian belief in Satan. It’s time to realize that the Christian fear of Satan is creating a satanic political system. When the memetic veil is lifted from our consciousness no one will allow the current political system to exist, including those mysterious controllers. There is no Biblical God of the Hebrews. There’s no special place called the ‘Holy Land’, there are no ‘chosen people’. There is no Satan, Jehovah, Yahweh, or Allah. There is no heaven or hell, sin or eternal judgement. They never existed except in our imaginations. Not one person in the last 4,000 years has proven any of those concepts, so why do they persist? Because those memes are mind viruses, parasitic ideas that transfer from one mind to another mainly through religious indoctrination. The new best selling book about memes by Richard Dawkins, God is a Delusion, challenges the still reigning institution of organized religion. The scientific concept of memes being introduced right now into our consciousness is as important as Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection. It was the science of evolution, which permanently shifted our perspective of our origin forever. Before Darwin we believed in creation myths, we had no way to explain large fossilized bones. Now we know that most species that evolved on this planet are long extinct, directly contradicting the religious memes of an earth created in seven days. Evolutionary fact will eventually overwhelm the faith-based creationism but not after a bloody fight. Evolutionary theory totally transformed our medical understanding of disease. Huge pharmaceutical companies are constantly developing new drugs to battle rapidly mutating germs and viruses. Modern biology rests totally on the bedrock of evolutionary theory. Yet we still see infantile biblical creationists challenging science, they voted for GW Bush as a last ditch effort to resurrect their fallen ideas. Unproven concepts of god are memes that invade the mind and spread from one person to another causing those infected to become mentally ill. That’s correct, religion is a dangerous delusion that only leads to witch hunts, war, and holocausts. Bush’s wars can be directly attributed to his biggest support group, the Evangelical Christians that put him into power. Make no mistake identifying that those who disavow evolution are the same group lobbying for Armageddon. That' why George W. Bush is the beloved antichrist of the Christian-Zionist war lobby. George will ‘get ‘er done’, he’ll deliver the war ‘they of little faith’ have been impatiently waiting. Have you noticed that those repressed areas of the world, where women are covered up from head to toe, are being bombed into ruins? Is the Universe broken? Pay attention to the current balance of power in Iran. Many Iranians want to live in intellectual freedom offered by the modern secularized world but the tyrannical mullahs, who control Iran, will have nothing to do with free thought. Metaphorically speaking, the higher liberated consciousness is going to send

‘bolts from Zeus’ down upon the Mullah mentality. Just remember that during the upcoming SS Blitzkrieg style attack on Iran that she will react and launch hundreds of missiles against the Jews who have conglomerated together in Israel as a last stand against humanity. So once again we will witness another holocaust, another ‘final solution’, to the Hebrew thought and law system under which we all suffer. The Universe is not broken and Hitler was a perfect creation of consciousness energy flows. That fascist energy flow is still alive and well and was transferred to America after World War 2. America's long term interference into Iranian internal affairs has created energy time loops of karma that draw her back into the morass like a magnet. So just as Germany was used by higher consciousness to raise consciousness, America is being used to wage World War 3. When that ends we then can all breath a sigh of relief when the world is rid of the religious crazies. We are currently faced with the arduous task of repairing our earth mother from the damage caused by those who preached dominion over her. Nuclear warfare will make it much worse. Think about this for a moment, if we ruin the earth, what god can save us? It’s time to dump the myth and become rational about our existence. Phishna 14 Feb 2007

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