Respond Ants Rejoiner Submission

  • June 2020
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R E P U BLIC OFTHE PHILIPPINES Departmentof Labor and Employment NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONSCOMMISSION RegionalArbitration BranchNo. III City of SanFernando,Pampanga TONY BRIAN HORN, Complainant,



NLRCCaseNo. RAB-III-03-L464O-09


x___________ lesnoT-'-:-t; RESPONDENTS' REJOINDER (OnComplainant's Reply) Respondents, throughthe undersignedcounsel,unto this HonorableOffice, respectfully state that

"Complainant's Reply" had

been substantially

Position to by Respondents in their "Replyto Complainant's commented/replied Paper"datedfune28, 2009.

respondents In view of the foregoing, deemit appropriateto adoptsignificant discussedin the aforesaidReplyand to elaboratemore clearlythe considerations therein,to wit: mattersdiscussed

1.. There is no truth or factual and legal basis to complainant's allegation that respondents'illegally dismissedcomplainant Tony Brian Horn (HORN,for brevity). In the present case,there is hardly any evidence on record so as to meet the quantum of evidence required to believe that Complainant was indeed illegally dismissed. Complainant's claim of illegal dismissal is supported by no other than his own bare, uncorroborated and, thus, self-

2.. Complainanthimself narrated that on October 27, 2008, Norman Haynes told him that "nothing good could come out of it" if he were in the Monday meetingr. By Complainant'sown thinking, Nornran Flaynes'words wcre translated as illegal dismissal. However, with these statement alone as complainant'sbasis for his allegationof illegal dismissal,his complaint must fail for it is based on a misconceptiononly created in the mind of the complainant.

3. More importantly,if it wcre really the intention of respondentOPSEC to dismiss the complainant, it would have carried its action by advising the

complainanteither orally or in writing that he was being dismissedby its authorizedofficersor administrators. It is elementarythat a corporation, being a juridical entity, may act only through its directors, officers and employees. In the sameway,any act of dismissing an omployeemustbe done by authorizedofficersor representative of a corporation.The recordis bereft of evidenceto show that respondentOPSECnotified or informed the complainant that he had beendismissed. Moreover,NormanHaynes,as the personwho dismissed so-called him,is neitheran incorporator, a stockholder nor an employeeof respondcntOPSEC.

4. Notice also the inconsistenciesin complainant'sdeclaration.As admitted by himself he was allegedlydismissedby Norman Haynesand refusedto enter companypremiseson October 27. 20082,as appearingin his PositionPaper dated May 1B, 2009. However,in his AmendedComplaintdated April 1,2009

(copy of which is hereto marked and attachedqs A4nex 7), complainant indicatedthat he was dismissedon October13, 2008, which incidentallyis alsothe very datewhich he claimedin his PositionPaper3asthe datewhenhe departedfor ferusalemon an allegedcompanyauthorizedvacationto which In his PositionPaper,he was he claimedhe was entitledto getthe $L0,000.00. in effect convincingthis HonorableOfficethat he was still an employeeof OPSECon October 13, 2008 but in his Initial Complaintand Amended Complaintfiledon April 1,2009,heis statingotherwise'

his allegationclfbeing underscored had sensationally 5. Likewise,Complainant deprived entry from the company premises. ON THE CONTMRY, admitted that after October27,2A08,he was ableto return to Complainant the compoundto give some files and help respondent'snew office staffa, 3, 2008, he again pa:'ticuiariyon Decerrrber Again,on severaloccasions, returnedto receivea generousamountas financialaid for his family and other charitablepursuits. For this reason,the fact alone that he wqs able to return to the premises in numerous occasion raises doubt as to his theatricalillustrationof purported ban from the same Surely,complainant's premiseswith armedguardsin him beingdeniedaccessfrom respondents' -- all in continuoussurveillanceis an embellishmentand a mere exaggeration the hopesof solicitingsympathyfrom this HonorableOffice.

6. As held in the caseof LemerySavingsand Loans: "x x x It is true that the Constitution has placed a high regard for the welfare of the labor sector.However, socialand compassionate 3

LastParagraphof Page2 of Complainant'sPositionPaperdated May 18, 2009'

q situqtionwherebythe management justicedoesnot contemplate ndsto sufferfor certain misconceptions crea.tedin the mind oI,an emploJrqe.where there is no dismissal,Iegal or illegal,no to the employeeinvolvedis duefrom retribution nor compensation theemployer." Actual Receiptof Salary from the alleged employer must be proved; MEREOPENINGof a PayrollAccountfrom the bank in the absence of actual payment thru deposit in said account is NOT A PROOFOF WAGE PAYMENT. PositionPaperdatedluly 1'4,2009,complainant 7. In his Replyto Respondents' presenteda SignatureCard6from BancoDe Oro clairningto be a Payroll Onthe faceof the saidsignature Accounthe openedas an employeeof OPSEC. card,it appearsthat saidaccountwith No. 1310081032in the nameof Tony Brian Horn was openedon August22,2007 with an initial depositof One HundreclPesos[P100.00). Undeniably,this documentwas presentedto misguidethis HonorableOffice.

B. A scrutinyof the very evidences(Copiesof the SavingsAccountEnquiryBasic AccountData, Current Stotementand SignatureCardshereto marked and that Complainanthimself attachedas Annexes2, 3 ,4 and 4-A respectively) presentedwill revealthe followingpertinentinformation: BDOSignatureCard ACCOUNTNUMBER i CUSTOMERDATA : : INITIALDEPOSIT OPENED: DATEACCOUNT

13100B1032 TONYB, HORN P100.00 0B-22-07


1310081032 TONYB. HORN March30,2009 L6:08:26


.00 .00 .00 OPEN 08-22-07 08-22-07 100.00


: : : :

March30,2009 .00 100.00 L00.00

g. From the abovementionedinformation,it is quiet obvious that while the accountwas openedon August22,2007 with an initial depositof P100.00, whether through deposit or withdrawal said accounthas NO MOVEMENT, from August 22, 2007 up to March 30, 2009. Simply stated,the allegecl has NO PayrollAccountof Complainantfor his so-calledemployerOPSEC ORWITHDMWAL or any other activity. ACTUALDEPOSIT

from the attachedinformationin the BasicAccountDato,the last active L0.Based in the nameof TonyB. Hornwas NUMBER1310081032 depositfor ACCOUNT made only August 22, 2007 with an initial depositof P100.00when the payrollaccountwas actuallyopened,while its CurrentStatementtells us that its CurrentBalanceas of March30, 2009 is P100.00,the amountwhich was initiallydeposited19 monthsearlier.

Ll.Translatingthe aboveinformation,it meansthat the signaturecardpresented OFACTUAL VALUEand is NOTA PROOF hasNO PROBATIVE by complainant rhat may be due to a OR REMUNERATION PAYMENTOF COMPENSATION real employeeduly recognizedby his true employer.Outstandingly,this account was opened without the knowledge of OPSECnor any of the

or paymenthas ever been appliedin the said account,from the time of its .

openingup to the present,the same not being known or recognizedby OPSEC. respondent

Gomplainant'sdocumentaryevidenceswere superflous, irrelevant and deceitful he evidences' the seemingly'overwhelming for the complainant, L2.Regrettably adducedwere all irrelevant,insubstantialand unreliableto support a are evenremotelyguilty of illegallydismissing that respondents conclusion him. While there were loadsof professedevidencespresented,thesefigures and documentsare not credibleand doubtful. cardTallegedlyprovided a. In his Reply,Complainantpresenteda business bearinghis nameand position.In so far as to him by respondentOPSEC the sarne::ouldeasilybe manufactured Cardis concerned, the Br.lsiness ancl fabricated. Using the latest technology in computers and sophisticatedprinting,businesscardscan effortlesslybe duplicatedor falsifiedin just a few minutes.

evidenceattachedin his Replyas b. The sameappliesto Complainant's ')psec Fund Trocking'. Aside from being Annex'?" denominatedas irrelevant in the caseat bar, the figures and items presentedwere blown up only to overstatea point (Copyof the Affidavit of MichelleDel Pradoheretomarkedand attachedasAnnex5).

c. As to the demandletter datedMarch1,6,2009sentto the Complainant, .

informationthereofat that time were basedon the data relayedto the undersignedcounselby respondent'snew officestaff who committed the instructiongivento her an honestmistakeafter shemisunderstood with regard to the nature of engagementof the Complainant,This is especiallyso becauseat the time said demandletter was sent - and as the tenor of the demandletter reads,databaseand other pertinent informationof respondent'semployeesand other consultantswere sabotageand sometaken.So,it would be utterly unfair for respondent to pronouncethat complainantHORNwas its employeeon that OPSEC officestaff 0live Biter hereto basis(Copyof the Affidavit of respondent's markedqnd attachedasAnnex"6". )

The negative testimony of Rodolfo Madlangbayan is i,aintedwith rnaiice and bad faith in his 1.. The negativetestimonyof RodolfoMadlangbayan IMADLANGBAYAN) datedApril 7, 2009 againstthe respondentsis tainted with letter-Affidavite maliceand bad faith,hence,shouldnot be given credence.It is significantto has a pendingcasebeforethis HonorableOffice note that MADLANGBAYAN hereinon December for illegaldismissalwhich he filed againstrespondents 22, 2008 docketed as NLRC Case No. RAB-lll-L2-1.4248-08(Copy


Madlangbayan'sComplaintdated December22, 2008 hereto mqrked and attachedasAnnex"7" Qnd'7-A"),

2. It is apparent that this Affidavit of Madlangbayanis a ploy intended to damagethe respondentsas orchestratedby ComplainantHORNhimself.This

Honorable Office cannot therefore brush .

aside the

fact that

letter-Affidavit lacks honesty and suffers from bias. MADLANGBAYAN's very witnessshowsthat his personalinterestsleads Evidently,Complainant's executedhis him to declareagainstthe respondentsas MADLANGBAYAN letter-Affidavitafter his own casefor illegaldismissalhasbeenfiled.

thereis a dearthof evidenceto establishthefact,of Complainant's ON THESESCORES, Much hasbeensaid and much hqsbeenpresentedmostlyabout irrelevant dismissal. matters - but the fact still remainsthat the illegalityof dismissalhas never been by the complainant.For as statedearlier,there Is NO employer-employee established relationshipin the engagementof a consultantbut only that of client-professional relationship.Thus, there can be no illegal dismissalin consultancyagreements. Logically,if there is no dismissal,then there cqn be no questionas to the legaliA or illegaiitythereof.

ServicesCenter,Inc., As ruledin the caseof Machicav. Roosevelt "lt is a basicrule in evidence, however,thqt the burdenof proof is on the part of the party who makesthe allegations- ei incumbit probatio,qui dicit, non qui negat. If he claims a right, grantgd by lqw. he must prove his claim by cqmpetent evidence. relying on the strength of his own evidence and not upon the weaknessof that of his opponent",

PRAYER premises considered,respondentsrespectfullypray that WHEREFORE, captionedcasebe dismissedfor utter lack of merit and lack of jurisdiction.

other reliefsand remediesjust and equitablein the premisesare prayedfor' AngelesCity for the CitYof Sa


E A. YTURRALDE-CHAN Counselfor the ResPondents Unit 4 M.A.YBuilding No.2444Sto.EntierroStreet Sto.Cristo,2009AngelesCitY Rollof AttorneysNo.51097 Pampariga IBPLifetimeNo.05365;05.16.2005; AngelesCity No.ACF0206054;01.05.09; P.T.R.

No.II-0005890 ComPliance IUCLE

CopyFurnished: TonyBrianHorn SapangBiabas MabalacatPamPanga


of LaborandEmployrnenl - . - _ -Deparlmenl


r,tAT?otttAL LABOR FtrLAilOl.tscrjh,$llssgt{ , Regional Arbitritition Branch.Ns. ttt pampanp Cityof SanFsrnando,

-Triu",l, F.t,i,.,-r. llorn

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CAUSE OF ACTION A. lllegalDismissal Aclual Conslructive B. tltegal$uspension C. lllegal,LEpOff

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AFFIDAVIT I, MICHELLE DEL PRADO , of legal age, Filipino, with addressat San Nicolas, Bamban,Tarlar, after having been sworn to in accordancewith law, hereby deposeand say: L That I am an Accounting Personnel of OPSEC INTERNATIONAL GROUP INC. (OPSEC),a domesticcorporationorganizedand existing under the Philippine laws with principal addressat Unit 1116 City Land Shaw Tower Saint Francis Streetcorner Shaw Blvd., MandaluyongCity; 2. That I read the Opsec Fund Tracking Report for the period February l, 2008 to August o'I" in the 22, 2008 allegedly emailed by me to Pastor Tony Horn attachedas Annex latter's Reply datedJuly 14, 2009 submittedbeforethe NLRC; 3. That after a careful evaluation of the said report, I confirm that there are differences in the said report from my actual report that reporting of the sameis on a daily basis; 4. That I only started working in the company on April 2008 and only started doing accountingreports after I was hired, hence, I deny having emailed Pastor Horn and preparedreports which dates back to February 2008 considering that I was not yet connectedwith OPSECthen.

5. That I am executingthis Affidavit in supportof whateverlegal purposeit may serveas well asto attestto thetruthof the foregoingaverments. AFFIANT FURTHERSAYSNONE. AUGI 0 2009 day of August,2009 IN WITNESSWIIEREOF,I haveherountosetmy handthis in theCity of Angeles,Philippines.


MICHELLE'DEL PRADO Affiant AUG1 0 2009 day of August, 2009 affiant SUBSCRIBEDAND SWORN to befoTeme this _ -[t P gqlffi $io ] E1 ro exhibitingto me her:

R . e gN. o . i 7 q ; PageNo. 61 ; '?Bock |lc. ; Seriesof 2009.

CorsndssionNo. 20il?-l 53 Notary Public until 31 Decembert FTR Nu. 02150 10/AngelesCi9"/8 lan I{cLl cf Atlcrrr:y i'l.c.4'5i i4 I B P l . i f r t j : a ; " 1 1 1 ; i 1 r ; r l ltrlilp N u . 0 3 5 7 8 Unit I ;II.CS l)Idg', l'231';11vatSt. Diam+ncl $r;bd., 13aiib*gi-',Ai:lg*!*s City



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I, OLMA D. BITER, of legalage,Filipino,singlewith addressat PeacockStreet,Don with law, herebydepose MarianoSubd.,CaintaRizal, after havingbeenswornto in accordance andsay: !. ThatI am oneof the consultantof OPSECINTERNATIONALGROUPINC. (OPSEC), a domesticcorporationorganizedand existingunderthe Philippinelaws with principal addressat Unit 1116City Land ShawTower SaintFrancisStreetcornerShawBlvd., MandaluyongCity; 2. That sometimein March of the currentyear,I was directedto requestAtty. Chanto preparea letter addressedto PastorTony Hom calling him to explain the unaccounted funds and the production of missing databaseand pertinent information relative to OPSEC'semployees; 3. That dueto an honestmistake,therewas an error in the informationrelayedto our legal of Tony Horn; counselparlicularlythe natureof engagement in the instructionsgiven to me as 4. That this was broughtaboutby the misunderstanding well as the current situation at that time were numerouscompanyfiles were fouud missingwhich brought about the hiring of new employeesand assignmentof new consultants 5. ThatI am executingthis Affidavit in supportof whateverlegalpurposelt may serveas well asto attestto the truth of the foregoingaverments. AFFIANT FURTHERSAYSNONE.

r o ?009 unatr,h$G day of August,2009

IN WITNESSWHEREOF.I havehereu in theCity of Angeles,Philippines.

SUBSCRIBEDAND SWORN to before me to meher: f$S to ,.rd). ()3- t bt3 )rS_O exhibiting

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thiso_l jley-

ust, 2009


Reg.No. 333 ; PageNo. 6q' ; Book No. ?- ; Seriesof2009.

NotaryPublicuntii s I ?TR No. 0215010/Angeles Roil of Attor"ntYNo. 46I 14 IBF Lifetimei.{embershipID No. 03578 Unit I JRCSBldg., l-23 ArayatSt. IDlamondSubd.,Balibago,AngclcsCity


ffomplalnarUg . _ vff$U$.

NLRSCASE[!O.RABIII GSI{ ".FELTX *-a$C [N0. ' & GSI$ IJ;flEG} STIffKER II{$EGRAIED " $DSIl'flfi,S r-rMR" '^MR', ..GROUP HAYSSS IiU.l{f,gR riul{fl,gR Tr.t. . GROUFINC' rNC..r'C0. tsPSSCTNT'.!. :'I1,. , l{ANIiA S{JLORATICI\ddhcl








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