Research Profile Compile

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,188
  • Pages: 7

1. RESEARCH PROFILE (2006-PRESENT) Name: Daniel Wagner_________________________________________________ Position: Lecturer and Course Coordinator: Film & Television Projects____________ Department: Performing and Screen Arts___________________________________

Current Academic Qualifications (and date qualifications were achieved) Bachelor of Arts: Responsible Telecommunications (1973) Graduate Certificate: Higher Education (2007)

Qualifications that you are currently enrolled in, if applicable. (Include e.g.: enrolment date, research topic, academic Institution enrolled at, details of supervisors and expected date of completion).

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Post Graduate Supervision. (e.g. Number of post graduate students, M and PhD level, e.g. numbers completed, currently enrolled, and due for completion in 2010).

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My current research activity is focused on integrating newer technologies with more traditional modalities of cinematic storytelling and promotion. I am also looking into the effects of new and emerging technologies on a culture and on the individual in terms of programme delivery and consumption. I have been Director of Photography on 3 projects which utilise a ground-breaking delivery vehicle (faux holographic projection of life-sized human images into storefronts to create the impression that the person is actually inside), and also on a short film shot with the RED ONE, a new-generation of super-high-resolution camera (much higher than High Definition). The film is still in post-production, for an early 2010 release. I’ve had an article published in OnFilm, the New Zealand trade magazine for the motion picture industry. This article was about the necessity to teach traditional film theory and technique in order to properly prepare students for shooting in High Definition. I have been invited to contribute additional articles on related topics, and have a few in the works. I coordinated and established the technical infrastructure on the Film & Television end of the Rod Oram Forums for the Future, and will do the same next year, when we hope to establish a live webstream of the events, including online interactivity (on an international level) with the Forums as they are occurring.

Research Track Record 2006-2009 Quality Assured Outputs

Peer Esteem

Contribution to Research Environment

Quality Assured Outputs (70%)

Peer Esteem (15%) Fellowships, prizes, awards; (research-related) Fellows and/or restricted or elected membership of learned societies or academies Participation in editorial boards and/or refereeing (eg for journals) Invitations to present conference address or similar Favourable reviews and/or commendations Appointments to key discipline-based, research, professional, community or government bodies Esteem factors associated with students Research-related favourable citations Other evidence of peer esteem (eg acknowledgement by peers)

to Research and disciplinary leadership Contribution through students and emerging researchers Contribution to institutional vitality Membership of research collaborations and consortia Contributions to the research discipline Contributions to research environment within and without the TEO (eg membership/leadership of institutional research committees and leadership in national / international research associations) Supervision of student research Mentoring of postgraduate students (especially Maori & Pasifika) Assisting student publishing, exhibiting or performance Facilitating discipline-based and research networks Other evidence of contribution to the research environment

Formal & independent scrutiny; publicly disseminated Exhibitions in Quality Assured Galleries Journal articles (refereed) Fully refereed conference papers Book(s), Book chapters (normally peer-reviewed) Note: Non quality-assured items may also be included

Published Article (2009) Back to the Future in OnFilm, September 2009 Technical Coordination: Forums for the Future (2009) Created and managed infrastructure for collaborative interactive project involving industry leaders and online audience. Broadcast of TVC on local television (2008, 2009) Director of Advert for Unitec’s Department of Performing & Screen Arts Exhibition of Work in Telecom storefront (2006)

Departmental co-coordination of eLearning initiative (2009)

Director of Photography on promotional video displayed with Vizoo (faux holographic) projection system. Exhibition of Work in Vodafone storefront (2006) Director of Photography on promotional video displayed with Vizoo (faux holographic) projection system. Exhibition of Work in Adidas storefront (2006) Director of Photography on promotional video displayed with Vizoo (faux holographic) projection system.

Individual Staff Research Planner 2010-2011 Quicklink to URC Guidelines Quicklink to URC Application Form

Quality Assured Outputs

Quality Assured Peer Esteem Outputs

Contribution to Research Environment

Estimat Type of ed Costs Funding Requested

List all current research and proposed research outputs for 2010.

Quality Assured Outputs (70%)

Contribution to Research Environment (15%)


Funding requested

Provide detailed estimate of all costs associated with each research project

Indicate here what type of funding is requested from the following categories:

Indicate the expected date for each research output which will be completed. Note: All information to include identification of the appropriate targeted journal, conference etc. The "where" and "when" and status is also advisable information to be provided where possible.

Note: All outputs are, for example, to be placed in the context of the following, where applicable. * Article for journal publication * Vertical qualification attainment * Presentation for refereed conference * Exhibition * Etc. Outputs may be subject to one or more of the following: Formal & independent scrutiny; publicly disseminated Exhibitions in Quality Assured Galleries Journal articles

Peer Esteem (15%) Fellowships, prizes, awards; (researchrelated) Fellows and/or restricted or elected membership of learned societies or academies Participation in editorial boards and/or refereeing (eg for journals) Invitations to present conference address or similar Favourable reviews and/or commendations Appointments to key discipline-based, research, professional, community or government bodies

Including – but not limited to: Research and disciplinary leadership Contribution through students and emerging researchers Contribution to institutional vitality Membership of research collaborations and consortia

Individual Project Group Project Post Graduate Support (conference attendance) Capacity Building

Contributions to the research discipline Contributions to research environment within and without the TEO (eg membership/leadership of institutional research committees and leadership in national / international research associations)

(refereed) Fully refereed conference papers Book(s), Book chapters (normally peerreviewed) Note: Non qualityassured items may also be included

Esteem factors associated with students Research-related favourable citations Other evidence of peer esteem (eg acknowledgement by peers)

Supervision of student research Mentoring of postgraduate students (especially Maori & Pasifika) Assisting student publishing, exhibiting or performance Facilitating discipline-based and research networks Other evidence of contribution to the research environment

Technical Coordination: Forums for the Future (2010) Create and manage infrastructure for collaborative interactive project involving industry leaders and online audience. A multicamera, live-switched panel discussion, webcast live to an international audience who interacts with the panellists through webcam, txt, twitter and mobile streaming. The New Storytellers. OnFilm article documenting a case study whereby students use mobile streaming and online editing to craft narrative, documentary and experimental

Attendance at an international conference on eLearning (TBD)

Attendance at an international conference on Mobile Web Entertainment (TBD)

works which are published online. Assessing Professional Practice. OnFilm article exploring the definitions of “professionalism” in a Film/TV context and examining a variety of methods for assessing its achievement. Video Dance – A Performance Mashup. OnFilm article detailing PSA’s Video Dance project, which uses the camera as a choreographic element (rather than merely to document a dance performance). What happens when dancers and film&video craftspeople collaborate to create a work which synthesizes the two disciplines? “Be Careful” – Director of Photography on this NZ Short Film, shot on RED ONE, newgeneration of superhigh-resolution camera (much higher than High Definition).

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