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  • Words: 2,473
  • Pages: 26
A Research Paper Submitted to The Faculty of Francisco Ramos National High School Concepcion, Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay

In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements in Inquiries, Investigations and Immersions Academic Strand HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE


Approval Sheet [Only for Thesis 2 after the oral defense, when you are ready to submit your final copy before binding. Get from the your research adviser]




Table of Contents

Chapter 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 3 The Problem............................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction.............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Perspective of the Researcher ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................................................ 7 Statement of the Problem .................................................................................................... 3 Hypotheses(sis for singular) ................................................................................................ 4 Scope and Limitations of the Study .................................................................................... 4 Significance of the Study...................................................................................................... 5 Definition of Terms ................................................................................................................ 5 Structure of the Thesis .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Review of Related Literature ................................................................................................... 6 Variable 1 ............................................................................................................................... 6 Variable 2 ............................................................................................................................... 6 Variable 3 ............................................................................................................................... 6 Chapter 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 8 Research Methods .................................................................................................................... 8 Research Design ................................................................................................................... 8 Research Environment ......................................................................................................... 8 Research Participants .......................................................................................................... 8 Sampling Techniques ........................................................................................................... 9 Instruments............................................................................................................................. 9 Data Gathering Techniques ............................................................................................... 10 Statistical Treatment [for quantitative studies] ................................................................ 10 Data Analysis [for qualitative studies] .............................................................................. 10 Chapter 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data .............................................................. 11 Variable 1 ............................................................................................................................. 11

ii Variable 2 ............................................................................................................................. 13 Variable 3 ............................................................................................................................. 13 Testing of the Hypotheses ................................................................................................. 13 Chapter 5 ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Summary of Findings, Conclusion/s and Recommendations........................................... 16 Summary of Findings .......................................................................................................... 16 Conclusion/s......................................................................................................................... 16 Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 16 References ................................................................................................................................... 17 Appendix A ................................................................................................................................... 18 [Permission to conduct the study] ............................................................................................. 18 Appendix B ................................................................................................................................... 19 Appendix C ................................................................................................................................... 20 Instrument B ................................................................................................................................. 20 Curriculum Vitae .......................................................................................................................... 21

Chapter 1 The Problem Background of the Study In the island of Mindanao, a group of a LUMAD indigenous cultural community called the “Subanen” are still existing. They are also known as Suban-on or Subano derived from the word “Suba” because they’re living near in the river. According to the history of Zamboanga City, the Subanen came around 2000 to 6000 years ago from Indonesia. Approximately 175, 000 in habitants have been registered in areas such Zamboanga Del Norte, Zamboanga Del Sur and Zamboanga Sibugay. The Subanen are Warlikes Tribe although war and rituals dances are perform in special occasion such as weddings. Subanen have also different Timuays and each one of them are has assignment or commitments subanen are one of the most group has many different belief that can make this tribes strong, every occasion this tribes will performed the rituals dances and etc. But time goes by and many generations pass away the Subanen culture and belief are slowly disappear because the new generations are educated and already working in various private government office but several of them are no longer practices their culture some are not cooperating anymore in preserving their culture. How did this happen? In barangay Calapan have almost 200 Subanen family residing inside the community. Some of Subanen people are separated from their tribe according to our study this individuals are no longer practices their culture and beliefs. Statement of the Problem The study assesses the relationship of the administrators and teachers’ leadership skills and pupils’ engagement. It focuses in Margosatubig District utilizing the elementary schools administrators, teachers and Grade VI pupils as research participants. The study will be conducted during the school year 2010-2018.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following queries: 1. What is the level of administrators’ leadership skills [V1] in terms of the following indicators: 1.1 a; 1.2 b;

4 1.3 c; and 1.4 d? 2. What is the level of teachers’ leadership skills [V2] in terms of the following indicators: 2.1 a; 2.2 b; 2.3 c; and 2.4 d? 3. What is the level of students’ engagement [V3]? 4. Is there a significant relationship between [V1] and [V3]? 5. Is there a significant relationship between [V2] and [V3]? 6. Based on the findings, what action plan can be developed to enhance [V3]? Hypotheses(sis for singular) The following hypotheses shall be tested using the 0.05 level of significance: 1. There is a significant relationship between V1 and V3. 2. There is a significant relationship between V2 and V3. Scope and Delimitations of the Study This study focuses on the rate existing percentage of subanen residing Subject Matter.This study shall focus on V1, V2 and V3. [If there are indicators for any of the variables, then enTHumerate here.] Research Environment and Timeline. Research Participants. Research Design. Research Methods.

5 Significance of the Study [General statement on how your research will contribute to the body of knowledge.

Usually the desired output is the writer’s contribution to the body of

knowledge, hence it is presented here as the significance of the study].

[Identify the beneficiaries and how they can benefit from your study. Arrange them according to who will benefit the most, not on their rank]. Administrators. The study will help the administrators to …. Teachers. The study will provide teachers with … Pupils. The study … Other researchers.[Always included as the beneficiaries since your study might provide other researchers with baseline information on related topics] Definition of Terms The following terms will be used extensively in this study and shall be taken according to the definition given below:[arrange alphabetically] [Define your variables/sub-variables/indicators. For conceptual definition, cite the source: author, year: page number.For operational definition, no source.]

6 Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature This chapter reviews the literature related to contextualizationand its effects to the academic performance of the STEM students enrolled at Francisco Ramos National High School, which will provide bases for the interpretation of the data that shall be gathered later. Variable 1 Definition/s of variable 1 (cite sources) Enumeration of the indicators or sub-variables (cite sources). Define the indicators (cite source) Conceptual or empirical discussion of Variable 1 and its indicators. (1)

Conceptual discussion can focus on the THEORIES relevant to the variable. Consult books as thesemay help.


Empirical discussions are taken from the findings/conclusions of related studies. Here discussion can already tackle the relationship of V1 to V2 or V3. Research articles from peer reviewed journals are the best sources to consult.


(ALWAYS cite sources.


COUNT yet.) (4)

Sources from international, national, and local

Variable 2 [Same as V1] Variable 3 [Same as V1]

7 [Concluding paragraph where the gaps in the related literature are identified hence the current study] Based on the review of related literature, it has been found that there is a dearth of materials related to the relationships of the three variables. Hence, this study is proposed to focus on the relationships of variables 1 and 2 to variable 3 in the District of Kumalarang, Zamboangadel Sur.

Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework of the study in shown in Figure 1. [Insert here the figure] [Discuss the figure and the meaning of arrows that connect the figures.] [If quantitative, then enumerate the variables and identify which one is the independent variable/s and which one is/are the dependent variable/s. Also enumerate the indicators or sub-variables of each of the independent and dependent variables. Cite the source of these indicators. No source means these are mere opinions.]. [If qualitative, then discuss the concept/s in the figure and how these concepts are taken in the study]. [Cite the theory where you anchor your study. Refer to your readings of related literature.]

Chapter 3 Research Methodology [Introductory paragraph]. This chapter presents the research methods of the study. It includes discussion on the research design and research methods covering the research environment, research subjects, sampling techniques, instrumentation, data gathering techniques, and statistical treatment. Research Design

[Identify and define the research design to be used. Cite its weakness as a design but highlight its strength. Cite source. Use research books as sources. Avoid using previous theses as sources for the definition, advantages and disadvantages of research design. The thesis is meant to present the findings of a study, not as an authority in research methodology. Ensure that the source is published recently, or not later than 2010.] *survey /case study/experimental – define (cite source) *appropriateness

Copy in the research book not from the master teachers’ thesis

*advantage and disadvantage Research Locale [Describe the target locale of the study. If a municipality/district/school, then include information on the locale that is relevant to the topic. May include vicinity map.] *map of the area *ethnicity if applicable

Research Respondents [Describe the target research participants. Present in Table 1].

9 Table 1The Research Respondents No.




Grade 7 Students







Tambulig NHS







Upper Tiparak NHS







Sumalig NHS












Sampling Techniques [Define the sampling technique used.

Cite source/s.

Describe how actual

research participants will be chosen.] * Instruments [Describe what instrument/s will be used to measure the variables. If adopted or adapted from a source, acknowledge the source/s. If self-made, then describe how the instruments are validated. If questionnaire, explain who will answer each and how it can be filled out.

Discuss the hypothetical mean ranges and describe how these can be

interpreted. If interview guide, then describe in what language it will be used. Mention if it will be translated to vernacular. Ensure that the instruments can answer the specific questions asked in the statement of the problem.] [Attach the instruments at the appendices.] *range and its indicator must be discussed Range/weighted mean = ex.:

4−1 4

4 as the highest

10 Data Gathering Procedure Explain how the researcher will gather the data. Start by stating that permission to conduct the study will be sought from proper authorities (School President or Schools Division Superintendent). 

Attach – appendix a –

Appendix a, b,c, d, participants’ consentcucciculum vitae

Statistical Treatment[for quantitative studies] [Describe the types of data gathered and how these will be treated statistically. Identify the tests to be conducted. (e.g. t-test, ANOVA or analysis of variance for testing significant differences or multiple regression or Pearson”r” for testing significant relationship.) 

No formula

Data Analysis [for qualitative studies] [Describe what types of data are gathered and how these will be analysed]. Ethical Considerations in Research [Describe how ethics in research will be ensured. Enumerate the considerations and what measures are applied to ensure the observance of ethics]. 

Consult research books

How the study observe ethics

Chapter 4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data on Variable 1, Variable 2 and Variable 3. The components of Variable 1 are: component 1, component 2 and component 3. The indicators for volume 2 are Indicator 1, indicator 2 and indicator 3. Variable 3 consists of indicator a, indicator b, and indicator c. Variable 1 This study includes the following indicators of variable 1: indicator 1, indicator 2 and indicator 3. Tables 2 to 5 present the data on Variable 1. [Present first the overall weighted mean. Second, the item with highest weighted mean. Third, the item with lowest weighted mean.] Indicator 1. Table 2 presents the data on indicator 1. As shown, the overall weighted mean of indicator 1 is 3.5, interpreted as Very Good. The table also presents that Item No. 4 etcetcetc got the highest weighted mean of 3.8, interpreted as very good. Item No. 1 The teacher is etcetcetcposted the lowest weighted mean of 2.6, interpreted as Good. (Interpret the data (why are they so? Why highest, why lowest) (Support with literature.Highlight how your data are similar or different from the findings of related literature. Why is it so?) ex. The results indicated that etc. etc. etc. The results find support from Agustero (2013), etc. etc etc. However, Lim (2013: p.12) argued that “etc., etc., etc.,etc”.

12 Table 2Indicator 1 Items



Mean 1 The teachers is etcetcetc








Highly Skilled



Highly Skilled



Not Skilled



Overall Mean Response Hypothetical Mean Range:


Highly Not Skilled

1.76 – 2.5

Not Skilled

2.51 – 3.25


3.26 – 4.00

Highly Skilled

[The interpretation of the hypothetical mean must align with the question asked in the statement of the problem. e.g. Q1 level of skills hence interpreted as highly skilled, skilled, not skilled, highly not skilled]. Indicator 2. The data on Indicator 2 are presented in Table 3. As shown, the overall weighted mean of Indicator 2 is 3.26, interpreted Very Good. The table also presents that Item No. 4 etcetcetc got the highest weighted mean of 3.8, interpreted as very good. Item No. 3 The teacher is etcetcetcposted the lowest weighted mean of 2.5, interpreted as Fair. (Present first the overall weighted mean. Second, the item with highest weighted mean. Third, the item with lowest weighted mean.) (Interpret the data (why are they so? Why highest, why lowest)

13 (Support with literature.Highlight how your data are similar or different from the findings of related literature. Why is it so?) ex. According to Agustero (2013), etc. etc etc. Anghad (2013) supported this contention by saying “etcetc, etcetc”.

Summary Data on Variable 1. Table 5 shows the summary of data on V1 Indicators



Weighted Mean 1

Indicator 1


Indicator 2


Indicator 3 Overall Mean Response

Hypothetical Mean Range:


Highly Not Skilled

1.76 – 2.5

Not Skilled

2.51 – 3.25


3.26 – 4.00

Highly Skilled

Variable 2 (Same as variable 1) Variable 3 (Same as variable 2) Testing of the Hypotheses The following hypotheses were tested using the 0.05 level of significance. There is a significant difference between Group 1 and Group 2 in terms of …..


15 Action Plan(desired output) Based on the findings, an action plan was developed to enhance V3 (cf. Appendix 5). (Discuss the action plan).

Chapter 5 Summary of Findings, Conclusion/s and Recommendations [Introductory paragraph stating the contents of the chapter.] Summary of Findings Introductory paragraph. 1. (Question 1) Answer to Question 1 2. (Question 2) Answer to Question 2 3. And so on Conclusion/s (Refer to your general statement of the problem) Make a general statement relevant to the purpose of your study. Add statements on so what? (ex. Students’ engagement in online games affects their social behaviors and academic-related behaviors. Then HEIs/Guidance Center should ….[still generic statements]. ) Recommendations Based on the findings, the researcher endorses the following recommendations: 1. (identify the target group/persons who will implement the recommendation, then state the specific course of action.) (must jive to the significance). 2. And so on… 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. c

17 References

18 Appendix A [Permission to conduct the study]

19 Appendix B (Instrument A)

20 ( Appendix C Instrument B

21 Curriculum Vitae [Insert picture in toga]

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