Requisitions Condensed Manual

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  • Pages: 42
Purchasing Requisitions Condensed Manual

The University of Akron Learning Technologies

Office of VP/CIO Department of Purchasing

Contact Training Services 330.972.6391 [email protected]

Version 2004.05.20

Requisitions Condensed Manual

The University of Akron

TABLE OF CONTENTS NOTES FOR REQUISITIONS ....................................................................................... 2 LESSON 1: REQUISITIONS OVERVIEW ................................................................. 3 LESSON 2: ENTER A REQUISITION......................................................................... 5 LESSON 3: VIEW, UPDATE, AND INQUIRE ON A REQUISITION................... 15 PART 1: VIEW & UPDATE AN EXISTING REQUISITION ................................................... 15 PART 2: REQUISITION DOCUMENT INQUIRY PANEL ....................................................... 19 LESSON 4: PRINTING A REQUISITION ................................................................ 21 PART 1: SETUP FIRST TIME REQUISITION PRINTING ...................................................... 21 PART 2: REQUISITION PRINTING: AFTER THE INITIAL SETUP ........................................ 23 SAMPLE OF PRINTED REQUISITION ................................................................................. 25 LESSON 5: APPROVING A REQUISITION ............................................................ 26 PART 1: ACCESSING AND TAKING ACTION ON A REQUISITION AS THE APPROVER ........ 26 PART 2: PROCESSING RECYCLED REQUISITIONS AS THE REQUESTER ............................ 28 LESSON 6: INVOICE OVERVIEW ........................................................................... 32 (WHAT DO I DO IF I HAVE AN INVOICE THAT NEEDS TO BE PAID?)......... 32 LESSON 7: REIMBURSEMENT OVERVIEW......................................................... 34 (WHAT DO I DO IF I NEED TO GET REIMBURSED?)......................................... 34 APPENDIX A: REQUISITIONS PROCESS CHART .............................................. 36 APPENDIX B: PURCHASING WEB SITE................................................................ 37 APPENDIX C: SWITCHER......................................................................................... 38 APPENDIX D: SECURITY FORM TO ADD REQUISITIONS .............................. 40

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Requisitions Condensed Manual

The University of Akron

Notes for Requisitions What types of Requisitions do I do in PeopleSoft? As of July 1, 2001 you will need to do Requisitions for external (off campus) Vendors via PeopleSoft. The process for Requisitions for items or services from an internal (on campus) Vendor (Departments like Printing Services, Communications, etc) has remained unchanged. As these processes change in the future, you will be advised. Please refer to the FAQ document on the web, see Appendix B for details. Installation Before you can access the Requisition panels in PeopleSoft Financials, please remember that your computer needs to have the appropriate software installed. If you need to have the software installed, contact the support desk at 6888. They will open a work ticket for you. (If several people in your department need to have the software installed, it is best to have the installations done at one time.) Security First, you must get PeopleSoft Financials Installed. You will need to fill out the Application for Online Requisitioning (See Appendix D.) This form must be filled out and sent via campus mail to Andy Roth in The Department of Purchasing at Zip- 9001. You will not be able to Add a new Requisition until this form has been received by Andy, signed, and forwarded to Jodi Faloba to grant your increased security. If you have questions about your security, e-mail Jodi Faloba at [email protected]. Printing Set-Up Questions If you experience problems as you follow the steps to, “Part 1: Setup First Time Requisition Printing,” contact at the Support Desk at 6888 and they will open a work ticket.

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Requisitions Condensed Manual

The University of Akron

Lesson 1: Requisitions Overview Th e D epartm ent of Purchasing does m anual entry to get item s and V end ors into D atabase.

R equisition add ed in P eopleS oft b y D epa rtm ents. A s of July 1, 2001 only thos e R equisitions using “External V end ors” w ill use this process. If you are ord ering item s from an “Internal V end or” such as Printing S ervices, th e process rem ains unchang ed as this tim e.

R equisition is entered and com pleted b y D epa rtm ents and Saved to P eopleS oft.

If th e R equ ester and th e A pprover is th e sam e person, w ill g o right to B udg et C hecking M odule.


If th e R equ ester is a different p ers on than th e A pprover, th e R equisition g oes through “W ork flow ” to th e A pp rover for A pp roval, R ecycle, or D enial

A fter A pproval, th e R equisition runs through th e B udg et C h ecking M odule during nightly flow to verify that th e funds exist. If funds exist, R equisition m oves on.

If R ecycled, th e R equisition w ill return to th e R equ ester via W ork flow for revisions.

Th e R equisition g oes to the D epa rtm ent of Purchasing and becom es a Purchase O rd er and it is then p rocessed

Th e R equ ester can m ake n ecessary chang es and R esaves th e R equisition w hich w ill return it to th e A pprover.

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If D enied, th e R equisition b ecom es “dead” and you cann ot w ork w ith it unless you cop y and m odify.

Requisitions Condensed Manual

The University of Akron

The basic steps for processing a Requisition: 1. The Requisition is entered and SAVED in PeopleSoft. 2. The Requisition is electronically moved into the Approvers Worklist in PeopleSoft. The Approver will not receive any type of notification via e-mail. 3. The Approver Reviews and Accepts the Requisition. 4. The Requester will receive an e-mail stating that the Requisition was Approved. 5. The Requisition will go through Budget Check during nightly flow (after Approval) to verify that the funds exist. 6. If there are sufficient funds, a Purchase Order is created the following morning. Note: The time for this process to be completed can vary. For example, if you enter a Requisition today and your Approver reviews and Approves it today (assuming you have the funds) you will have a Purchase Order ID Number tomorrow. However, if you enter a Requisition today and your Approver does not review it until next week, your Requisition has not progressed beyond your entry in the overall process. Each step listed above is contingent upon the previous step.

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The University of Akron

Lesson 2: Enter a Requisition PATH/PANEL Choose: Go, Administer Procurement, Requisition Items Use, Requisitions, Defaults/Details, Add

ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS The Add- - Requisitions box returns.

Information should be as follows: 1. Business Unit: AKRON 2. Requisition ID: NEXT Select OK. The Defaults/Details panel returns. Enter information as follows: 1. Vendor: The ID Number for the Vendor. This field should not be left blank. If you do not know the Vendor OR if the Vendor is not in PeopleSoft yet, select the Department of Purchasing from the Vendor tables. (Vendor ID Number is 0000001342) For this situation, you will enter the Vendor information on the Header Comments panel later in this process. Directly enter Vendor ID number, use the down arrow, or use Shift + F4 to return a search box. The field next to Vendor ID, is for the office location of the Vendor. For example, Main Office. It will default once you activate the Vendor field. If you clicked on the down arrow to search for the Vendor, the Valid Values search box returns. Enter information as follows: Short Vendor Name: Type the first few letters of the Vendor name to return a list. Select OK. Locate the Vendor and select OK. Page 5 2004.05.20 Office of Purchasing & Learning Technologies

Requisitions Condensed Manual PATH/PANEL

The University of Akron ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS The Defaults/Details panel returns again. Continue entering information as follows: 2. Buyer: The only time you need to make a selection in this field is if you selected Purchasing as your Vendor. If you used Purchasing, select from the down arrow Cool,Denise. 3. Ship To: First location items are delivered once on campus. Typically will be Central Receiving. 4. Location: Where the items need to ultimately be delivered once they are in Receiving. In order to specify room or office number, you will use the Header Comments panel. 5. Hold From Further Processing Checkbox: Select the checkbox if you want to hold the Requisition and come back to it at a later time. 6. Speed Type: Enter the “old” Account Code for your order. Once you enter the code and tab out of the field, the other required fields will default in. Remember: You must enter a Speed Type (Account Code), there is not a link between your ID and Speed Type.

DO NOT enter any other numbers into the fields at the bottom of the panel (i.e. Account). All necessary fields will already be filled in.

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The University of Akron

ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS Your panel will look similar to the panel on the left. Notice that the GL Unit, Program, Fund, Class, Dept and Bdgt Pd fields are now filled in. The Account field will default in once an item category is selected.

Advance to the first panel in the group, Requisition Form, by using F2, the next panel in group icon the folder tab.

or by clicking on

The Requisition Form panel returns. Enter or verify information as follows: 1. Status: Pending Approval 2. Requester: Defaults from User ID, but you can use the down arrow to see a list of other people for whom you may request for. For example, you may be processing the Requisition for your Supervisor. Your name will default in this field. You can override your name by using the down arrow, locate your supervisor’s name, select it and OK. You are now ready to enter the items for this Requisition.

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The University of Akron

PATH/PANEL ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS Note: You enter details about the items you are ordering on the bottom half of the Requisition Form panel. Please note how the field names and fields are set up.

If you read the field names in bold, you can see that the first field is Item ID and the next field is Category and after that is Long Description. The second row of field names starts with Requisition Quantity and then UOM and then Price and so on. The entry fields are in the same order as the field names. Therefore, if you are looking at the field name Price, the entry field below it is actually for the Long Description and not the Price. The Price field is below it where you see the “0.00000” default. Notice the arrows drawn on the panel above. The arrow shows the field names with an arrow pointing to the line for entry.

Enter information as follows and be sure to use the Tab key to move from field to field. If you use the Tab key, the fields will be in the order specified below: 1. Item ID: Leave this field blank. Not applicable for non-defined items.

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The University of Akron ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS 2. Category: Directly enter the Category ID or use the down arrow to select the appropriate category for the item being ordered. In the Valid Values list box, scroll through the list of Categories and select the most appropriate for your item. 3. Long Description: Enter a SPECIFIC description for the Item (Item, ID #, page, SKU #, Catalog #, etc.) Remember: Be very specific in your description. Enter your description in this field even if you are entering an Invoice. ***You are now going to enter information into the second line of entry fields. 4. Requisition Quantity: Enter how many of the item you want to order. 5. UOM: Directly enter the UOM or use the down arrow to determine the Unit of Measure for the Item. 6. Price: Enter the price PER Item. 7. Due Date: When the Item is due. Typically will use current date. You can access a calendar by double clicking the field. Note: Enter a line item for Freight, if applicable. If you do not know the exact amount, enter an estimate. Use the Category, “FRT.” To insert additional items, insert a row using F7 or the insert a row icon from the toolbar. .

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The University of Akron ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS To delete a row, place the cursor in any field for the line item that you want to delete. Once your cursor is in the appropriate line, delete the row using F8 or the delete row

icon from the toolbar.

You will receive a Warning Box that will ask you to verify the Delete. Select Yes.

Note #1: If you select the Line Details icon, you will be returned the Requisition Line Details subpanel. You can select this icon for any line item if you need to override the default Vendor. Remember that the first step in the process was to set a Vendor default. Therefore, if you need to specify various Vendors for one Requisition you will need to use this subpanel to make that selection on each line item, if necessary. In the Vendor field, directly enter the Vendor ID or use Shift + F4 to return a search box. Once you enter the correct information, select OK to return.

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The University of Akron ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS Note #2: You can enter Comments that are unique to a particular item that you are ordering. The Header Comments panel that you will see later in the process is for Comments that pertain to the entire Requisition and print at the bottom. If you have Comments that are specific to a Line Item, select the Comment icon. (Circled in the screen shot to the left.) The Requisition Line Comments subpanel returns. Enter comments specific to the item and select OK.

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The University of Akron ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS Advance to the next panel in the group, Requisition Schedule, by using F2, the next panel in group icon the folder tab.

or by clicking on

The Requisition Schedule panel returns. You will use this panel override the SpeedType entered on the Defaults/Details panel. During the first step in the process, you identified the Account Code through a SpeedType. This will default the Speed Type for all items on this Requisition. Therefore, if you need to charge one item to multiple Speed Types or if you need to charge one item to Speed Type A and another item to Speed Type B you will need to manually override the default Speed Type from the initial step. First, locate the item you need to override using the outermost scroll bar. Second, click on the Schedule Details icon (circled in the panel to the upper left) to access the Schedule Details subpanel. To make changes to the Speed Type (and/or Percentages or Amounts) follow these steps: 1. To change just the Speed Type for the line item, place the cursor in the SpeedType field. Enter the new Speed Type (old Account Code) and tab out using the Tab key on your keyboard. The Speed Type has just been changed for this line item. Select OK.

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Note: Percentage column should equal 100.

The University of Akron

ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS 2. To change the Percentage to charge more than one Speed Type, first double click in the Perc field and type in the correct allocation for this Speed Type . Then, insert a row using F7. In the new row, type the Speed Type for the remaining percentage in the SpeedType field. Tab out using the Tab key on your keyboard. The line item now has a percentage distribution based on your entry of percentage and SpeedType (old Account Code). You can also distribute by dollar amount. To do this, in the Distributed by field, select from the down arrow Amt (Amount). A new field will appear on the bottom of the subpanel, called Amount. Enter the dollar amount, such as “30.25” if this SpeedType is paying $30.25 for the item. Then, insert a row as instructed above and enter the new SpeedType for the balance. Select OK. Advance to the next panel in the group, Header Comments, by using F2, the next panel in group icon the folder tab.

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or by clicking on

Requisitions Condensed Manual PATH/PANEL

The University of Akron ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS The Comments panel returns. The Purchasing Department uses this panel to create unique Comments or to choose pre-defined Comments. The Departments will use this panel to create unique Comments, such as specific delivery location and notes to the Buyer. 1. Send to Vendor Checkbox: Leave this checkbox blank unless you want your notes to go to the Vendor. 2. In the large edit box, type your Comments, for example: ¾ Contact Name for Questions ¾ What attachments you are sending ¾ Office/room number for delivery ¾ Vendor information if the Vendor was not in PeopleSoft Remember: To specify the specific office/room number for delivery. The Activities panel is not being used at this time. The Requisition is now ready to be saved and sent to the Approver. Save your changes with ENTER or click on the save icon.

At this point, the Requisition will be assigned a Requisition ID. You can locate this in the Requisition ID field located at the top of the panel, in the center. Prior to Saving, “NEXT” will be displayed. Remember: The Approver does not receive an e-mail message telling them that the Requisition is waiting. The Approver will need to check their PeopleSoft Worklist. The instructions are in the next lesson. Page 14 2004.05.20 Office of Purchasing & Learning Technologies

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Lesson 3: View, Update, and Inquire on a Requisition Part 1: View & Update an Existing Requisition PATH/PANEL Choose: Go, Administer Procurement, Requisition Items Use, Requisitions, Requisition Form, Update/Display

ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS The Update/Display - - Requisitions search box returns.

Enter the Requisition ID and select OK. The Requisition ID is 10-digits in length. Therefore, if your Requisition ID is 510, you would input “0000000510.” OR In the Requester Name field, enter the name of the Requester by using the PeopleSoft Format (LastName,FirstName) and select Search to return a list of those Requisitions this requester has done. You can type in only the first few letters of the last name to produce a search. Make sure that you capitalize the first letter of the last and first name or you search will not be recognized. For example, if you are looking for those Requisitions Mike Smith did, you can type: Smith,Mike Smith,M Smith Smi Locate the Requisition that you want to go to and select OK. Note that if there is only one Requisition for this requester, it will automatically open up.

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The University of Akron ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS The Requisition panels return. You can view each panel. If the Requisition has not been approved you can still make changes and resave. If you need to make changes after Approval, contact the Department of Purchasing.

When you advance to the Header Comments panel, the comments section is grayed out and the comments are not in view. Click on the fetch icon, circled in the screen shot to the left.

The Comments can now be viewed.

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The University of Akron ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS Note for when you are making changes to a Requisition that has already been saved. If you are trying to add new items to a Requisition after it has been saved (and NOT Approved yet) you will need to manually enter the Speed Type (old Account Code) for the newly entered items. The initial entry that you completed on the Default/Details panel will not carry over to new line items.

Follow these general steps for adding Line Items after the initial save: 1. Enter your item(s) on the Requisition Form panel.

2. If you need to change the Vendor, use the Line Details icon, circled in the above left screen shot, and the Details subpanel returns. The process is the same as when you initially enter a line item and want to override the Vendor as outlined in Lesson 2.

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The University of Akron ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS 3. Advance to the Requisition Schedule panel. Using the outermost scroll bar, locate the newly added items, and click on the Schedule Details icon


The Line Details subpanel returns for the item. In the SpeedType field enter the 6-digit SpeedType (old Account Code). Select OK. Do this for all items that you added after the initial save. Once you have entered the SpeedType for the new items, resave the Requisition.

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Part 2: Requisition Document Inquiry Panel PATH/PANEL Choose: Go, UA Department Inquiries Inquire, Req Document Status Inquiry

ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS The Update/Display - - Req Document Status Inquiry search box returns.

Enter information as follows: 1. Business Unit: Will default to Akron. 2. Requisition ID: Type the Requisition ID number. Tip – a quick way to enter the ID number is: a. Type the non-zero digits. b. Press the Home key (to move the cursor to the beginning of the field). c. Hold down the zero key to insert the preceding zeroes. d. Press Enter. Select OK. The Requisition Document Inquiry panel returns. Some key fields on the top-half of this panel are as follows: Status: Approved, Denied, Recycled Budget Check: Valid, Not Checked, Error Note: This is where you can verify that your Requisition passed Budget Check. In the Budget Check field you will see one of the following: Valid: Passed Budget Check Error: Did not pass Budget Check Not Checked: Did not go to Budget Check yet. Most likely will go through that night.

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The University of Akron ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS Remember: Once a Requisition has been Approved, the requester will receive an email telling them that their Requisition was approved and will go through Budget Checking. If the Requisition passes Budget Checking, the Requisition will be built into a Purchase Order and it will then be available for the Buyer to process the next morning. To find details, such as Purchase Order ID, select the Purchase Order checkbox and select the Load (Sparky) icon.


Be specific when using the checkboxes to retrieve information. Do not select the All checkbox. Once you select Sparky, the specific information you asked for will be displayed in the lower portion of the screen. The related documents for a transaction are listed in the grid at the bottom of the panel. This will show information such as if the Requisition has been Dispatched, Items Received, Payments Made, Requisition into a Purchase Order, etc For further information on any of the related documents, scroll to the right and select the Go To button particular line item.

for that

Depending on the documents displayed, additional information can be obtained such as vendor, item description, received date, and payment date.

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The University of Akron

Lesson 4: Printing a Requisition You will need to print the Requisition when you are sending supplemental documents to the Purchasing Department. For example, when you need to submit item specifications, catalog pages, quotations, receipts, etc. with your Requisition. In order to print the Requisition, you will need to follow these steps. If you experience problems setting up this process or with printing the Requisition, contact the Printing Support person given to you in class or the Support Desk at extension 6888.

Part 1: Setup First Time Requisition Printing The FIRST TIME that you need to print a Requisition you must set up the process on your computer. This only needs to be done the first time. After the initial setup, use “Part 2: Requisition Printing: After the Initial Setup” to print your Requisitions. PATH/PANEL Choose: Go, Administer Procurement, Requisition Items Report, Requisition Print, Add

ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS The Add- - Requisition Print box will return.

Enter in the Run Control ID field the following: Req_Print Note: Make sure the Run Control ID is 16 characters or less! The Requisition Print panel returns. Enter information as follows: 1. Business Unit: Akron 2. Req Statuses to Include frame: Select the Select All pushbutton. This will put a checkmark in all the boxes.

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The University of Akron

ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS Then, Depending on how you want to locate the Requisition, use any of the following fields: 1. Requisition ID: Directly enter the Requisition ID or use the down arrow to return a list of Requisitions. The ID is 10-digits in length. 2. From Date: Start date for search. 3. Through Date: End date for search. 4. Requester Name: Name of person who requested the Requisition. Must search for name in PeopleSoft format. The PeopleSoft format is: Lastname,Firstname MI For example: Roth,Andy W Select the Run icon

from the toolbar.

The Process Scheduler Request subpanel returns. Verify or change the following: 1. Run Location: Client 2. Output Destination: Printer 3. File/Printer: LPT1 Select OK and pick up the Requisition from the printer.

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Part 2: Requisition Printing: After the Initial Setup PATH/PANEL Choose: Go, Administer Procurement, Requisition Items Report, Requisition Print, Update/Display

ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS The Update/Display- - Requisition Print box will return.

Enter in the Run Control ID field the following: Req_Print

OR Select the Search button and a list will return. Select the Req_Print option and select OK. Note: Make sure the Run Control ID is 16 characters or less!

The Requisition Print panel returns. Enter or verify information as follows: 1. Business Unit: Akron 2. Req Statuses to Include frame: Select the Select All pushbutton. This will put a checkmark in all the boxes.

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ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS Then, Depending on how you want to locate the Requisition, use any of the following fields: 1. Requisition ID: Directly enter the Requisition ID or use the down arrow to return a list of Requisitions. 2. From Date: Start date for search. 3. Through Date: End date for search. 4. Requester Name: Name of person who requested the Requisition. Must search for name in PeopleSoft format. The PeopleSoft format is: Lastname,Firstname MI For example: Roth,Andy W

Select the Run icon

from the toolbar.

The Process Scheduler Request subpanel returns. Verify or change the following: 1. Run Location: Client 2. Output Destination: Printer 3. File/Printer: LPT1 Select OK and pick up the Requisition from the printer.

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Sample of Printed Requisition

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Lesson 5: Approving a Requisition Part 1: Accessing and Taking Action on a Requisition as the Approver PATH/PANEL Choose: Go, Administer Procurement, Requisition Items View, Navigator Display, Worklist

ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS Note: If you are both the Requester and the Approver you will not need to follow this process. The requisition that you save will bypass the Worklist and move on to Budget Checking. You only need to follow this process to review requisitions submitted by other people.

The Worklist view displays. This will display the list of requisitions that you need to review and then Approve, Deny or Recycle. Double click on the Requisition Chartfield Approval folder or click on the Expand tool [+] to open the folder.

You will now have an expanded list of the “work” that needs to be reviewed and Approved, Denied or Recycled. Follow these steps to process the items in your Worklist: To open a Requisition for action, click once on the folder tool for the Requisition. OR Highlight the requisition and select the Work It! pushbutton below the toolbar.

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ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS The Approval panel returns. At the bottom of the panel, you can review the Chartfield information to verify that the correct Speedtype (previously know as Account Code) was used. To locate additional information about the Requisition, go to the Details panel. This panel will show information such as Amount, UOM, Quantity, Description, and Buyer. Review the requisition and then on the Approval panel: 1. Approve: In the Appr Act field, select Approve. Once approved, the requisition will be routed to Purchasing for processing. 2. Deny: In the Appr Act field, select Deny. In the large edit box, provide an explanation/comment for the denial. If the requisition is denied, it will not be editable for further use. 3. Recycle: In the Appr Act field, select Recycle. In the large edit box, provide an explanation /comment for the recycling. If the requisition is recycled, is can be modified by the Requester and then sent back through the approval process. Regardless of the status assigned to the Requisition (Approved, Denied or Recycled), an email message will be sent back to the Requester notifying them of the requisition status and in the cases of Deny and Recycled the explanation/comment will be included in the email. Save your changes with Enter or click on the Save tool. The Requisition will proceed to Budget Checking and then to the Department of Purchasing for processing.

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Part 2: Processing Recycled Requisitions as the Requester Once you process and save a Requisition it will go to your Approver to Approve, Deny or Recycle. The status of Recycle should be used if the Approver wants the Requisitioner to make adjustments (of any kind) to the Requisition prior to Approval, Budget Checking and then processing by the Department of Purchasing. If the Requisition is Recycled, you will need to open your Worklist and make the necessary changes, save the updated Requisition, and proceed to the Chartfield Approval panel and reset the status to approved so it may proceed back through the approval process. If adjustments need to be made, the Approver must recycle the Requisition rather than deny. Once a Requisition is denied it cannot be modified. After you save a Requisition, one of the following will occur: 1. If it was approved, you will receive an e-mail indicating that it was approved and forwarded to Purchasing for processing. The e-mail will contain any comments offered by the Approver. 2. If it was denied, you will receive an e-mail indicating that it was denied with any comments provided by the Approver. 3. If it was recycled, you will receive an e-mail indicating it was recycled with any comments provided by the Approver concerning changes that need to be done before it will be approved. A recycled Requisition will be routed to your Worklist. 4. If no action was taken on the Requisition in three business days, your Requisition will be recycled and returned to you for action. You will receive an e-mail indicating that no action was taken on your Requisition. You may wish to contact the Approver concerning the Requisition or in some cases you may wish to cancel the Requisition.

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PATH/PANEL Choose: Go, Administer Procurement, Requisition Items View, Navigator Display, Worklist


The Worklist view displays. This will display the list of requisitions that have been recycled back to you. Open the Requisition Chartfield Approval folder by double clicking on the folder or click on the Expand tool [+] to expand the folder.

You will now have an expanded list of the “recycled work” that needs to be reviewed. Follow these steps to process the recycled items in your Worklist: Double click on the Requisition (from the left side of the panel) that you want to work with. OR Highlight the requisition and select the Work It! pushbutton below the toolbar. The Requisition Entry panels will return. Make the necessary adjustments to the requisition. Save your changes with Enter or click on the Save tool .

Once you save the requisition, navigate to Page 29 2004.05.20 Office of Purchasing & Learning Technologies

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ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS the Chartfield Approval panel. Choose: Go, Administer Procurement, Requisition Items Use, Chartfield Approval, Approval Select the requisition and change the status to Approve and save your changes with Enter or click on the Save tool . This indicates that you are satisfied with the changes that you made and that you want the requisition to move forward again to your Approver for review and Approval. Your Approver will receive the requisition in their Worklist again to review and act upon (Approve, Deny or Recycle.) If approved, the requisition will proceed to Budget Checking and then to the Department of Purchasing for processing.

Timed Out Requisitions: Remember: You may receive a recycled requisition because there was not any action taken by the Approver within three business days. The email that you receive will tell you that no action was taken. At this point you have two options: ¾ Contact the Approver concerning the requisition. The Approver can still Approve the requisition at this point. ¾ Cancel the requisition.

Cancel a Requisition: Cancel the requisition by following these Page 30 2004.05.20 Office of Purchasing & Learning Technologies

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ACTION TO BE TAKEN/COMMENTS steps: Go, Administer Procurement, Requisition Items. Use, Requisitions, Requisition Form, Update/Display. Select the requisition and click on OK. Advance to the Header Comments Panel, click on the Delete Document (trash can) icon. PeopleSoft will ask you to confirm the deletion of the requisition. Once you say “Yes” you cannot retrieve the requisition. Select Yes. Save your changes with Enter or click on the Save tool

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The University of Akron

Lesson 6: Invoice Overview (What do I do if I have an Invoice that needs to be paid?) Note: This process is subject to change per process improvement. PATH/PANEL

ACTION TO BE TAKEN/ COMMENTS 1. Complete a PeopleSoft Requisition for the invoice.* *Note: There are exceptions to this process. There are “Contracts” set up in PeopleSoft for certain Vendors. If you are working with one of these Vendors you can directly submit the invoice to Accounts Payable for payment. These exceptions must have the SpeedType placed on the invoice and the invoice needs to be signed by the appropriate departmental person. (“OK to Pay” should accompany the signature.) Please refer to the next page for a list of those Vendors that this exception applies. 2. Send the printed Requisition with Invoice to the Department of Purchasing (+9001). The Department can also write the Requisition ID number on the Invoice and send it without the printed PeopleSoft Requisition. 3. If the PeopleSoft Requisition is Approved, it will be entered into the system and will then go through the Budget Checking Module. 4. After successfully passing Budget Checking, a Purchase Order is automatically created. 5. A PO voucher is created in Accounts Payable after receiving the invoice with the proper signature on it (authorize to pay).

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ACTION TO BE TAKEN/ COMMENTS 6. The Vendor is paid as soon as possible. 7. If a Vendor calls with questions pertaining to a payment, such as status, use the Voucher Inquiry panel outlined in the Reimbursement Overview. If you cannot answer the Vendor’s question then refer them to Accounts Payable at extension 7200.

*Vendors that have Contracts

Ad Graphics Akron Beacon Journal Akron Civic Theatre

Constantines Nursery & Garden Center Crowne Plaza at Quaker Square

Kelly Temporary Services

Allied Cable Corp

Darby,Susan Donzell's Garden Center

Artists Incorporated AAA Travel Agency Bark At The Moon Graphics Studio Inc

Earth N Wood Enterprise Rent-ACar(Use 37) Farris Disposal Services Inc

Labels & Letters Magic City Drain Service Malone Advertising Inc Messina Floor Covering LLC Mills Decorating Center Montecalvo Electric Inc

Bassak Brothers Inc Betro Communications Inc


Morton Salt


New Leaf Design

Burrows Bros Photo Lab


O'Rourke,Kerrie Obex Communications

Cahill Corporation Canton Repository

Garick Corp Harper & Co Communications

Cardinal Maintenance & Serv Co

Home Depot

Cathy Chapman Chima Travel

John S Grimm Inc John S Grimm Inc

Ohio Color Plate Paxson Communications PAX TV *USE 1875 Plain Dealer Publishing Co Public Design Co

Connect Ohio Inc

Kargs Screened Topsoil

Radisson Hotel

Randstad Inc.

Wagoner Moving & Storage Inc

Record Publishing

Waste Management

Revere Travel

West Side Leader



Roy's Stow Travel Sheila Hart Design Inc


Sheraton Suites Simplex Time Recorder Co Stathos Construction & Engineering Co


Sterling Paper


Stoll Designz


Sun Newspapers


Thompson Electric Time Warner Cable US Communications & Electric Inc



Xpedx Zaidan Photography

This list is updated frequently. Visit the Purchasing Website at: to locate an updated list. Page 33 2004.05.20 Office of Purchasing & Learning Technologies

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Lesson 7: Reimbursement Overview (What do I do if I need to get Reimbursed?) PATH/PANEL

ACTION TO BE TAKEN/ COMMENTS 1. Departments complete a WebReq* with details pertinent to the Reimbursement. Note: Please be sure to provide the individuals name, department, and campus zip on the WebReq. 2. Submit WebReq* directly to Accounts Payable, not The Department of Purchasing. *Note: The WebReq process has replaced the multi-copy Requisition form. If you are not currently using WebReq’s you will want to look into this process. This is separate from PeopleSoft. You can go to this URL for the Requisition Application for WebReq’s (Not PeopleSoft.) 3. Information is entered into PeopleSoft (by Accounts Payable) and a Voucher is created. 4. The check is created and then sent to the department that the individual works in.

Choose: Go, Administer Procurement, Enter Voucher Information Inquire, Voucher, Voucher Inquiry

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5. To check the status of a Reimbursement, use the Voucher Inquiry panel. Note: You can also use this Inquiry Panel to look up Vendor Payments.

Requisitions Condensed Manual

The University of Akron


ACTION TO BE TAKEN/ COMMENTS The Update/Display- - Voucher search box returns. In the Short Vendor Name field, enter the first few letters of the individual’s last name (or Vendor). The Short Vendor name is a 10-character field. You do not have to enter the entire last name, just enough so that it is recognized. Select OK, and then select the appropriate occurrence and select OK again.

The Voucher Inquiry panel returns. Advance to the Voucher Payments panel for more information.

6. After you review the Voucher Inquiry panel, if you still have questions pertaining to a specific payment, contact Accounts Payable at extension 7200.

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Appendix A: Requisitions Process Chart Requisitions Process Chart What are you Purchasing (or from Who)? Office Supplies

What method to use.


Office Supply Requisition Form

Using the Pre-Paid process

Pre-Paid Order Form

No change in process. Available from Central Stores. No change in process. Available from Purchasing.

Federal Express

Company to invoice department directly. After review and approval by department, send invoice directly to AP. Company to invoice department directly. After review and approval by department, send invoice directly to AP. WebReq Print the WebReq and fax directly to Vendor. See Invoice Overview section of manual.

Temporary Employees

Airline Tickets, Hotel, and Vehicle Rentals from Enterprise, Crowne Plaza at Quaker, Sheraton Suites, Radisson Hotel, AAA Travel Agency, Roy’s Stow Travel, and Chima Travel Bureau Inc. Reimbursements Printing Services Book Store Communications Physical Plant TV, Radio, and Any Print Advertisements

WebReq WebReq WebReq WebReq WebReq WebReq (Communications) *Exceptions are Human Resources and EJ Thomas. PeopleSoft Requisition Process

No change in process*

No change in process* No change in process* No change in process* No change in process* No change in process* No change in process*

Items using Off Campus (external) PeopleSoft Process. Vendors, and for payment of *See pages 33-36 for Invoices. details and exceptions. *The WebReq is a process that was developed and is maintained in the Department of Purchasing. This process has replaced the duplicate paper Requisition form. The WebReq has been in effect for over a year, however, the old duplicate Requisition form is still being used (and accepted) to exhaust the supply of excess forms. If you are not currently using WebReq’s you will want to look into this process. This is separate from PeopleSoft and you can refer to the chart at the top of this page as a guideline to know when to use this process. You can go to this URL for the Requisition Application for WebReq’s (Not PeopleSoft.) There is not a training session for this type of Requisition. If you have general questions or questions about how or when to use WebReq’s, please contact the Department of Purchasing. For PeopleSoft Requisitions: Refer to the materials distributed in the Requisitions Seminar or go to: Page 36 2004.05.20 Office of Purchasing & Learning Technologies

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Appendix B: Purchasing Web Site Purchasing Web Site:

From this site you can go to the following: ¾ FAQ: Question from Requisitions Training Seminars ¾ How to approve or rework (recycle) a Requisition ¾ Access Request Form- Requisitions: Security Form to gain “Add” access ¾ Requisition Entry: The complete version of the Requisition training manual ¾ Switcher Quick Guide: 2 page overview of how to use the PeopleSoft Switcher ¾ Requisition Condensed Manual: A copy of the Requisition process that is condensed into the basics. Note: There are other documents available, but they are specific to the processes that occur in the Department of Purchasing. You will want to concentrate on those links indicated with the circle on the screen shot above.

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Appendix C: Switcher The PeopleSoft Switcher The PeopleSoft Switcher is for those people who need to work with both the Financials Database AND the Student Administration or Human Resource Database. In order to work with the Student Administration or Human Resources AND Financials databases, you must use the Switcher. Once you complete the PeopleSoft Switcher and PeopleSoft Sign on boxes, you will then be in the requested database, on a panel specific to that module. After you switch between the databases, you will have access to different menu options and different data. You do not need to use the Switcher each time you logon. The last database that you were in will return when you logon again. For example, if you are working in Student Administration, exit PeopleSoft and later logon again, Student Administration will be the selected database. Then, when you need to use Financials follow the steps outlined to change the database. PATH/PANEL

ACTION TO BE TAKEN/ COMMENTS Locate the PeopleSoft Switcher icon on the desktop:

Double click on the Switcher icon. The PeopleSoft Switcher box returns. Using the down arrow in the Choose PeopleSoft Configuration field select the following: FOR: Student Administration Human Resources Financial

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SELECT: heprdsa heprdhr financ~1 OR financials

Requisitions Condensed Manual PATH/PANEL

The University of Akron ACTION TO BE TAKEN/ COMMENTS Click on the Apply pushbutton. The pushbutton then becomes gray (inactive). The Switcher has reconfigured your computer. The Start PeopleSoft After Changing Configuration checkbox should be unchecked. Click the Cancel pushbutton. Go to: Start, Programs, PeopleSoft 7.6 (for HR/Student Admin), PeopleTools OR Start, Programs, PeopleSoft 7.51 (for Financials), PeopleTools

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Appendix D: Security Form to Add Requisitions

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