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User Exits 1.What are user exits? A user exit is a 3GL program that you write and then link into the Report Builder executable. It is a way to pass control from Report Builder to a program you have written, which performs some function, and then returns control to Report Builder. 2. What are the types of user exits? You can write the following 3 types of user exits: 1.

ORACLE Precompiler user exits


OCI (ORACLE Call Interface) user exits


non-ORACLE user exits

You can also write a user exit that combines both the ORACLE Precompiler interface and the OCI. 3What are the various tasks performed by user exits? User exits can perform the following tasks: n

perform complex data manipulation


pass data to Report Builder from operating system text files


manipulate LONG RAW data


support PL/SQL blocks


control real time devices, such as a printer or a robot

4. How can be values be passed between precompiler user exits and Oracle reports? By using the statements EXEC IAF GET & EXEC IAF PUT An EXEC IAF GET statement passes a value from Report Builder to an ORACLE Precompiler user exit. Specifically, it places the value of an Report Builder parameter or column into a host language variable. Once Report Builder passes a value to a user exit, the user exit can use the value for calculation, manipulation, or update. Syntax

EXEC IAF GET report_variable_1[, report_variable_2, ...] INTO :host_variable_1[, :host_variable_2, ...]; where: report_ variable_n Contains the name of the Report Builder parameter or column from which you are reading a value. host_variable_n Is the name of the host language variable into which you are reading a value. An EXEC IAF PUT statement passes a value from an ORACLE Precompiler user exit to Report Builder. Specifically, it places the value of a constant or the value of a host language variable into an Report Builder parameter or column. Syntax EXEC IAF PUT report_variable[, ...] VALUES ({:host_variable | constant}[, ...]); where:

5.How can a message be passed to the user from reports? By using the SRW.MESSAGE function. SRW.MESSAGE (msg_number NUMBER, msg_text CHAR); Examples Suppose you have a user exit named STORE to which you want to pass salary values from Report Builder. To do so, you could write the following formula: function foo return boolean is begin if :sal >= 0 then srw.reference(:sal); srw.user_exit('store sal'); else srw.message(100, 'Found a negative salary. Check the EMP table.'); end if; exception when srw.unknown_user_exit then srw.message(200, 'STORE user exit was unknown. Check if it''s linked.'); when srw.user_exit_failure then srw.message(200, 'STORE user exit failed. Check its code.'); return(true); end;

If the user exit fails and the user exit program does not write a message to the SRWERB buffer, SRW.USER_EXIT_FAILURE will be FALSE, and Report Builder will not raise an error message. If the user exit program does write a message to the SRWERB buffer, then SRW.USER_EXIT_FAILURE will be TRUE, and Report Builder will raise the message, "STORE user exit failed. Check its code." Assume you have a user exit named BIG_EXIT. Assume also that BIG_EXIT contains code to check itself for errors in three different locations. If it finds an error, it will return (EXEC IAF PUT) one of the following values: A if portion A of BIG_EXIT failed, B if portion B of BIG_EXIT failed, and C if portion C of BIG_EXIT failed. Your user exit call could look like this: Procedure multi_errors is function inner return char is begin srw.user_exit('big_exit'); return(:error); end; begin if :error='A' srw.message(100, 'Portion A of BIG_EXIT failed.'); elsif :error='B' srw.message(200, 'Portion B of BIG_EXIT failed.'); else srw.message(300, 'Portion C of BIG_EXIT failed.'); end if; end; GENERAL 6.What is a bind variable? A global variable you can create and use outside of a PL/SQL package. It can be used in various clauses like SELECT Clause SELECT CUSTID, NVL(COMMPLAN, :DFLTCOMM) COMMPLAN FROM ORD The value of DFLTCOMM replaces null values of COMMPLAN in the rows selected. WHERE Clause SELECT ORDID, TOTAL FROM ORD WHERE CUSTID = :CUST The value of CUST is used to select a single customer. GROUP BY Clause

SELECT NVL(COMMPLAN, :DFLTCOMM) COMMPLAN, SUM(TOTAL) TOTAL FROM ORD GROUP BY NVL(COMMPLAN, :DFLTCOMM) All non-aggregate expressions such as NVL(COMMPLAN, :DFLTCOMM) in the SELECT clause must be replicated in the GROUP BY clause. HAVING Clause SELECT CUSTID, SUM(TOTAL) TOTAL FROM ORD GROUP BY CUSTID HAVING SUM(TOTAL) > :MINTOTAL The value of MINTOTAL is used to select customers with a minimum total of orders. ORDER BY Clause SELECT ORDID, SHIPDATE, ORDERDATE, TOTAL FROM ORD ORDER BY DECODE(:SORT, 1, SHIPDATE, 2, ORDERDATE) The value of SORT is used to select either SHIPDATE or ORDERDATE as the sort criterion. Note that this is not the same as ORDER BY 1 because :SORT is used as a value rather than to identify the position of an expression in the SELECT list. Note that DECODE is required in this example. You cannot use a bind variable in an ORDER BY clause unless it is with DECODE. CONNECT BY and START WITH Clauses References in CONNECT BY and START WITH clauses are used in the same way as they are in the WHERE and HAVING clauses. PL/SQL procedure double is begin; :my_param := :my_param*2; end; The value of myparam is multiplied by two and assigned to myparam. 7. What are the different file extensions that are created by Oracle reports? .REP File and . RDF file 8.From which destination is it preferred to send the output to a printer? Previewer 9.Is it possible to disable the parameter form while running the report? Yes.

10.What is a lexical reference ? How can it be created? -A lexical reference is a place holder for text that can be embedded in a SQL statement. -A reference to a parameter used to represent a string of text in a SQL select statement A lexical reference can be created using a & before the column or parameter name. 11.What is a bind reference? How can it be created? A reference to a parameter used to replace a single literal value(for e.g a character string, number or date) appearing any where in a PL/SQL construct or a SQL SELECT statement. A bind reference can be created using a colon(:) before the column or parameter name. 12.What is the use of command line parameter CMDFILE? Description CMDFILE is a file that contains arguments for the RWCON60 command. This option enables you to convert a report/library without having to specify a large number of arguments each time you invoke RWCON60. Syntax [CMDFILE=]cmdfile Values Any valid command file. Usage Notes à

A command file may reference another command file.

à Command file syntax for RWCON60 arguments is identical to that used on the command line. à Values entered on the command line override values specified in command files. For example, suppose that you specify RWRUN60 from the command line with COPIES equal to 1 and CMDFILE equal to RUNONE (a command file). In RUNONE, COPIES is set to 2. Only one copy of the report would be generated in this case. For more information, see "Command Line Syntax Rules". à

The argument(s) for this keyword may be operating system-specific.

PARAMETERS 13.What are parameters in repots? A parameter is a variable whose value can be set at runtime (e.g, from the Runtime Parameter Form or the command line). User parameters are created by you for the report. System parameters are created by Report Builder.

Note that while you can delete or rename a user parameter you cannot delete or rename a system parameter. 14. What are the various system parameter(11) in reports? 1.BACKGROUND

Is whether the report should run in the foreground or the background.


Is the number of report copies that should be made when the report is printed.


Is the symbol for the currency indicator (e.g., "$").


Is the symbol for the decimal indicator (e.g., ".").


Is the definition of the output device's format (e.g., landscape mode for a printer). This parameter is used when running a report in a character-mode environment, and when sending a bitmap report to a file (e.g. to create PDF or HTML output).


Is the name of the output device (e.g., the file name, printer's name, mail userid).


Is the type of device to which to send the report output (screen, file, mail, printer, or screen using PostScript format).


Is whether the report should run in character mode or bitmap.


Is the print direction for the report (landscape, portrait, default).


Is whether the Print Job dialog box should appear before the report is run. Is the symbol for the thousand's indicator (e.g., ",").


15.What are the default parameters that appear at runtime in the parameter screen? DESTYPE and DESNAME

16.Which parameter can be used to set read Level consistency across multiple queries? READONLY

Description READONLY requests read consistency across multiple queries in a report. When accessing data from ORACLE, read consistency is accomplished by a SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY statement (refer to your Oracle8 Server SQL Language Reference Manual for more information on SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY). Syntax [READONLY=]{YES|NO} Values YES requests read consistency. NO means do not provide read consistency. Default NO Usage Notes n This keyword is only useful for reports using multiple queries, because ORACLE automatically provides read consistency, without locking, for single query reports. 17. What is TERM? Description TERM is the type of terminal on which you are using RWRUN60. TERM is useful for the Runtime Parameter Form and Runtime Previewer only. This keyword is only used in character mode. Syntax [TERM=]termtype Values Any valid terminal type. Default Installation dependent. (See your System Administrator for a compatible definition.) Usage Notes n The argument(s) for this keyword may be case sensitive, depending on your operating system. DATA MODEL EDITOR 18. What is a format trigger? A format trigger is a PL/SQL function executed before an object is formatted. A trigger can be used to dynamically change the formatting attributes of the object. 19.To exclude a row from being displayed but still use columns in the row, which property can be used? Format Trigger.

20.Is it possible to insert comments into SQL statements written in the data model editor? Yes. 21.If the maximum records retrieved property summary value will be calculated ?

by a query is set to 10 then a

Only for 10 rows. 22.Where is the maximum records property useful? In report formatting. 23.What are the SQL clauses supported in the link property sheet? WHERE, START WITH, HAVING 24. Is it possible to set a filter condition in a cross product group in a matrix report? No. 25.What is a filter? A PL/SQL function or anonymous function that restrict the data displayed by a group. 26.If a break order is set on a column would it affect columns which are under that column? No 27.With which function a summary item is the COMPUTE AT option required? % of Total function 28.What is the purpose of the product order option in the column property sheet? To specify the order of individual groups evaluation in a cross product. 29.Can a formula column be obtained through a SELECT statement? Yes. 30.Can a formula column refer to columns in a higher group? Yes.

31.How can a break order be created on a column in an existing group? By dragging the column outside the group. 32. What are the types of calculated columns available? Formula column, Summary column , Place holder columns 33.What is the use of a place holder column? àA place holder column is used to hold a calculated value at a specified place rather than allowing it to appear in the actual row where it has to appear. à A placeholder is a column for which you set the datatype and value in PL/SQL that you define. You can set the value of a placeholder column in the following places: n

the Before Report Trigger, if the placeholder is a report-level column


a report-level formula column, if the placeholder is a report-level column

n a formula in the placeholder's group or a group below it (the value is set once for each record of the group) 34.What is the use of hidden column ? A hidden column is used when a column has to be embedded into a boilerplate text 35.What is the use of a break group? A break group is used to display one record for one group once, while multiple related records in other groups can be displayed. 36. If two groups are not linked in the data model editor, what is the hierarchy between them? The group that is above or leftmost ranks higher than the group that is to right or below it. 37. The join defined by the default data link is an outer join.Yes/No? Yes. VARIOUS TRIGGERS IN REPORT BUILDER. 38. What are the various triggers in report builder? The triggers in report builder is classified into 3 types

1.Report Trigger. 2.Data Trigger 3. Layout Trigger. 39.What are the types of report triggers? And their order of execution. Report triggers execute PL/SQL functions at specific times during the execution and formatting of your report. 1.BEFORE PARAMETER FORM 2.AFTER PARAMETER FORM 3.BEFORE REPORT 4. BETWEEN PAGES 5.AFTER REPORT 40.What are the various Data Triggers? 1.REF CURSOR QUERY 2.GROUP FILTER 3.FORMULA 4.VALIDATION TRIGGER 41.What are the various Layout Trigger? 1.Format Trigger 2.Action Trigger 42. .BEFORE PARAMETER FORM? Description The Before Parameter Form trigger fires before the Runtime Parameter Form is displayed. From this trigger, you can access and change the values of parameters, PL/SQL global variables, and report-level columns . If the Runtime Parameter Form is suppressed, this trigger still fires. Consequently, you can use this trigger for validation of command line parameters. Definition Level report On Failure Displays an error message and then returns to the place from which you ran the report. 43. AFTER PARAMETER FORM Description The After Parameter Form trigger fires after the Runtime Parameter Form is displayed. From this trigger, you can access parameters and check their values. This trigger can also be used to change parameter values or, if an error occurs, return to the Runtime Parameter Form. Columns from the data model are not accessible from this trigger. If the Runtime Parameter Form is suppre ssed, the After Parameter

Form trigger still fires. Consequently, you can use this trigger for validation of command line parameters or other data. Definition Level report On Failure Returns to the Runtime Parameter Form. If the Form is suppressed, then returns to place from which you ran the report. 44. BEFORE REPORT Description The Before Report trigger fires before the report is executed but after queries are parsed and data is fetched. Definition Level report On Failure Displays an error message and then returns to the place from which you ran the report. 45. BETWEEN PAGES Description The Between Pages trigger fires before each page of the report is formatted, except the very first page. This trigger can be used for customized page formatting. In the Runtime Previewer or Live Previewer, this trigger only fires the first time that you go to a page. If you subsequently return to the page, the trigger does not fire again. Definition Level report On Failure Displays an error message when you try to go to the page for which the trigger returned FALSE. The pages subsequent to the page that returned FALSE are not formatted. If the trigger returns FALSE on the last page, nothing happens because the report is done formatting. The Between Pages trigger does not fire before the first page. If the trigger returns FALSE on the first page, the first page is displayed, but, if you try to go to the second page, an error message is displayed. 46. AFTER REPORT Description The After Report trigger fires after you exit the Runtime Previewer, or after report output is sent to a specified destination, such as a file, a printer, or a mailid. This trigger can be used to clean up any initial processing that was done, such as deleting tables. Note, however, that this trigger always fires, whether or not your report completed successfully. Definition Level report On Failure Does not affect formatting because the report is done. You can raise a message, though, to indicate that the report did not run correctly. For example, you could put the system time in a variable in the Before Report trigger and then compare it against the system time in the After Report trigger. If the report took longer than a certain time to run, you could raise an error.

Usage Notes n

The After-Report trigger does not fire when you are in the Live Previewer.

47. .REF CURSOR QUERY Description A ref cursor query uses PL/SQL to fetch data for the report. In a ref cursor query, you specify a PL/SQL function that returns a cursor value from a cursor variable. Definition Level query On Failure No data is returned to the query. Usage Notes n When you make a ref cursor query the child in a data link, the link can only be a group to group link. It cannot be a column to column link. n If you use a stored program unit to implement ref cursors, you receive the added benefits that go along with storing your program units in the Oracle database. 48. GROUP FILTER Description A group filter is a PL/SQL function that determines which records to include in a group, if the Filter Type property is PL/SQL. The function must return a boolean value (TRUE or FALSE). Depending on whether the function returns TRUE or FALSE, the current record is included or excluded from the report. You can access group filters from the Object Navigator, the Property Palette (the PL/SQL Filter property), or the PL/SQL Editor. Definition Level group On Failure Excludes the current record from the group. function filter_comm return boolean is begin if :comm IS NOT NULL then if :comm < 100 then return (FALSE); else return (TRUE); end if; else return (FALSE); -- for rows with NULL commissions end if; end;

49. FORMULA Description Formulas are PL/SQL functions that populate formula or placeholder columns. You can access the PL/SQL for formulas from the Object Navigator, the PL/SQL Editor, or the Property Palette (i.e., the PL/SQL Formula property). A column of datatype Number can only have a formula that returns a value of datatype NUMBER. A column of Datatype Date can only have a formula that returns a value of datatype DATE. A column of Datatype Character can only have a formula that returns a value of datatype CHARACTER, VARCHAR, or VARCHAR2. Definition Level column On Failure No value is returned for the column. Example Formula for adding value example function salcomm return NUMBER is begin return(:sal + :comm); end; Formula with condition example function calcomm return NUMBER is temp number; begin if :comm IS NOT NULL then temp := :sal + :comm; else temp := :sal; end if; return (temp); end; 50. VALIDATION TRIGGER Description Validation triggers are PL/SQL functions that are executed when parameter values are specified on the command line and when you accept the Runtime Parameter Form. (Notice that this means each validation trigger may fire twice when you execute the report.) Validation triggers are also used to validate the Initial Value property of the parameter. The function must return a boolean value (TRUE or FALSE). Depending on whether the function returns TRUE or FALSE, the user is returned to the Runtime Parameter Form. You can access validation triggers from the Object Navigator, the PL/SQL Editor, or the Property Palette (Validation Trigger property).

Definition Level parameter On Failure The user is returned to the parameter value in the Runtime Parameter Form where they can either change it or cancel the Runtime Parameter Form Examples /* This function prevents the runtime user from ** sending report output anywhere except a printer. ** The user will be returned to the Runtime Parameter ** Form unless PRINTER is specified as the destination ** type (DESTYPE). */ function DESTYPEValidTrigger return boolean is begin IF UPPER(:DESTYPE) = 'PRINTER' THEN RETURN(TRUE); ELSE RETURN(FALSE); END IF; end; 51. Format Trigger Description Format triggers are PL/SQL functions executed before the object is formatted. The trigger can be used to dynamically change the formatting attributes of the object. The function must return a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE). Depending on whether the function returns TRUE or FALSE, the current instance of the object is included or excluded from the report output. You can access format triggers from the Object Navigator, the Property Palette, or the PL/SQL Editor. Definition Level layout object On Failure Excludes the current instance of the object from the output. Usage Notes n Format triggers do not affect the data retrieved by the report. For example, if a format trigger returns FALSE for a field, the data for the field is retrieved even though the field does not appear in the output. n If a format trigger suppresses report output on the last page of the report, the last page will still be formatted and sent to the appropriate output and the page will be included in the total number of pages. Example Format trigger example (highlighting a value)

/* Suppose that you are building a banking report and ** would like it to indicate if a customer is overdrawn. ** To do so, you give the repeating frame around the ** customer information a format trigger that causes ** it to have a border only if a customer's account ** balance is less than 0 (or the required minimum **balance). */ function my_formtrig return BOOLEAN is begin if :bal < 0 then srw.attr.mask := SRW.BORDERWIDTH_ATTR; srw.attr.borderwidth := 1; srw.set_attr (0, srw.attr); end if; return (true); end; Format trigger example (placing a comma between fields) /* Suppose that you want to create a comma-separated ** list for the names of employees. First, you create ** a field inside a repeating frame with a Print ** Direction of Across. Next to the field, you create ** a boilerplate text object that contains a comma ** followed by a space. To ensure that the comma does ** not appear after the last name in the list, enter the ** following format trigger for the boilerplate object. ** LASTNAME is a summary column with a Source of ENAME, ** a Function of Last, and Reset At of Report. */ function my_formtrig return BOOLEAN is begin if :ename <> :lastname then return (true); else return (false); end if; end; Format trigger example (suppressing labels) /* Suppose that you are building a master/detail report ** and, if no detail records are retrieved for a master

** record, you do not want the boilerplate labels to ** appear. To do this, you first create a summary ** column called MYCOUNT with a Function of Count in ** the source group of the master repeating frame. ** In the format trigger for the group frame that ** surrounds the detail repeating frame and its labels, ** you enter the following: */ function my_formtrig return BOOLEAN is begin if :mycount = 0 then return (false); else return (true); end if; end; Format trigger example (suppressing values) /* Suppose that you are building a salary report and ** you only want to see salaries above $2500. In the ** report summary of all salaries, however, you want all ** salaries to be included. To do this, you create a * data model for the report without restricting the records ** retrieved. Then, you enter the following format trigger ** for the repeating frame. The report output will only show salaries greater than $2500, but the summary that ** calculates the sum of all salaries will include all the ** salaries retrieved from the database. */ function my_formtrig return BOOLEAN is begin if :sal > 2500 then return (true); else return (false); end if; end; 52. Action Trigger Description Action triggers are PL/SQL procedures executed when a button is selected in the Runtime Previewer. The trigger can be used to dynamically call another report (drill down) or execute any other PL/SQL. You can access action triggers from the Object Navigator, the Property Palette (PL/SQL Trigger property), or the PL/SQL Editor. Definition Level button

Usage Notes n PL/SQL action triggers cannot be tested in the Live Previewer because the buttons are not active there. You must use the Runtime Previewer (choose ViewRuntime Preview from the Live Previewer). n You cannot use the PL/SQL Interpreter to debug action triggers because it is not available from the Runtime Previewer and buttons cannot be activated in the Live Previewer. To get around this, you can move your action trigger code to a report trigger to test it from the Live Previewer. Example /* When the button is clicked, the action trigger ** defined by this procedure displays the Parameter ** Form for a report named web4.rdf, then displays ** the resulting report output on your screen. */ procedure U_1ButtonAction is begin srw.run_report('module=web4.rdf destype=Screen paramform=yes'); end; 53.Which exception is raised when a user exit u called has failed? SRW.USER_EXIT_FAILURE; Description This exception is raised when the user exit you called has failed. called, it stops the report execution and raises the following error message: REP-1416: User exit <exit_name> failed. Syntax SRW.USER_EXIT_FAILURE; Usage Notes This exception is raised when the SRWERB buffer is non-empty.


54.Does a Before Report trigger fire when the parameter form is suppressed? Yes 55.At what point of report execution is the Before Report Trigger Fired.? After the query is executed but before the report is executed displayed. 56.Is the after report trigger fires if the report execution fails?

and the records are

Yes LAYOUT EDITOR 57.How can a text file be attached to a report while creating it in the report writer? By using the link file property in the Layout boiler plate property sheet. 58.Can a repeating frame be created without a data group as a base? No. 59.Can a field be used in a report without it appearing in any data group? Yes 60.Is it possible to center an object horizontally in a repeating frame that have a variable horizontal size?If yes ,how? Yes. By the use of Anchors. 61.What are Anchors? Anchors are used to determine the vertical and horizontal positioning of a child object relative to its parent. The end of the anchor with a symbol on it is attached to the parent object.. Since the size of some layout objects may change when the report runs (and data is actually fetched), you need anchors to define where you want objects to appear relative to one another. An anchor defines the relative position of an object to the object to which it is anchored. Positioning is based on the size of the objects after the data has been fetched rather than on their size in the editor. It should also be noted that the position of the object in the Layout editor effects the final position in the report output. Any physical offset in the layout is incorporated into the percentage position specified in the Anchor property sheet. 62.What are the two repeating frames always associated with a matrix object? One down repeating frame below one across repeating frame.

63.Is it possible to split the print previewer into more than one region?

Yes. 64.Does a grouping done for objects in the layout editor affect the grouping done in the data model editor? No. 65.How can a square be drawn in the layout editor of the report writer? By using the rectangle tool while pressing the Constraint key. 66.To display the page number for each page on a report , what would be the source -&Logical page number or &Physical page number. &Physical page number. 67. What does the term panel refer to with regard to pages? A panel is the number of physical pages needed to print one logical page. 68.What is an anchoring object and what is its use? A layout object use to fix a spot on one object to a spot on another object., ensuring the position of the first object in relation to the second object. An anchoring object is a print condition object which used to explicitly or implicitly anchor other objects to itself. 69.What is physical page and what is logical page? Physical page is the size of the page that is output by the printer. Logical page is the size of one page of the actual report(it may be displayed on one or more physical pages) as seen in the priviewer. Master/Detail Report 70. What is a master/detail Report? A master detail report contain two groups of data, the master group and the detail group. For each master record fetched , the related details records are fetched. A master/detail report is built using two queries related by a data link. 71. What is the difference between Break report and Master/Detail reports?

Break reports and master/detail reports are similar in output but require different data models. A break report uses one query and two groups, while a master/detail report uses two queries, each of having one group. A relation between the two queries is established using a data link. 72.What is a data link in report? A data model object used to define a master /detail (parent-child) relationship between a group and a query. 73.What type of join is defined by data link? Outer join. 74.What is a frame ? A layout object used to include other layout object and control the formatting ,frequency and positioning of several layout objects. A frame is a holder for a group of fields. 75.What is a repeating frame? A layout object used to display rows of data that are fetched for a group. A repeating frame is used to display a set of records when the number of records that are to display is not known before. OPTIMISATION 76.Is it possible to modify an external query in a report which contains it? No. 77.What are the ways to monitor the performance of a report? 1.Use Reports PROFILE executable statement. 2.Use SQL-TRACE facility. 78.What are the two types of view available in the object navigator? The Object Navigator enables you to view objects by ownership hierarchy or by object type. ViewOwnership-> View displays objects in a parent-child hierarchy. For example, a query’s columns would appear underneath the query and a field would appear underneath

the repeating frame that encloses it. This view can be a useful debugging tool because it enables you to easily see the relationships between objects. ViewObject Type ->View displays objects by their type. For example, all queries would appear underneath the Queries heading and all database columns underneath the Database Columns heading. This view can be useful when you want to quickly find objects in the Object Navigator. 79.Which of the two views show objects according to possession? View Ownership 80.How is it possible to restrict the user to a list of values while entering values for parameters? By enabling Restrict List to Predetermined Values in list of value property of parameter property palette. Description The Restrict List to Predetermined Values is a checkbox that indicates whether a value for the parameter must be in the list of values. For example, if you check Restrict List to Predetermined Values and the Initial Value does not match a value in the list of values, an error will be generated when you accept the Parameter property sheet. Similarly, if you set a value for the parameter on the command line or in a command script and it does not match a value in the list of values, an error will be generated when the report is run. If you check Restrict List to Predetermined Values, a list of values will appear in the runtime parameter form. If you do not check it, a combo box will appear (i.e., you can enter values as well as select from the list). Applies to parameters Default checked 81.How can a button be used in a report to give a drill down facility? By setting the action associated with that button to execute PL/SQL option and using the SRW.Run_report function. 82.What is SRW.RUN_REPORT? Description This procedure invokes RWRUN60 with the string that you specify. This procedure is useful for: n

running drill-down reports (i.e., calling a report from a button's action trigger)

n sending parts of a report to different recipients (e.g., to send a report via e-mail to each manager with just his or her group's data)

n sending parts of a report to different printers (e.g., to send each manager's report to his or her printer) n

running multiple reports from a single "driver" report

SRW.RUN_REPORT executes the specified RWRUN60 command. Syntax SRW.RUN_REPORT (command_line CHAR); Parameters command_line Is a valid RWRUN60 command. 82.What are the two ways by which data can be generated for a parameter’s list of values? 1.Using static values 2.Writing a SELECT statement. 83. What is pane? A distinct portion of the editor where work is performed ,usually resizable. 84.What are the three panes that appear in the run time PL/SQL interpreter? 1.Source Pane. 2.Interpreter Pane. 3.Navigator Pane. 85.What is the difference when Confine mode is on and when it is off? When confine mode is on, an object cannot be moved outside its parent in the layout editor. 86.What is the difference when Flex mode is on and when it is off? When Flex mode is on, Reports automatically resizes the parent when the child is resized. CROSS PRODUCTS & MATRIX REPORTS. 87.How can a cross product be created? By selecting the cross product tool and drawing a new group surrounding the base groups of the cross product. 88.How can a group in a cross product be visually distinguished from a group that does not form a cross product?

A group that forms part of a cross product will have a thicker border. 89.At least how many sets of data must a data model have before a matrix report can be based on it? Four. 90.Is it possible to have a link from a group that is inside a cross product to a group outside it? No. 91.Is it possible to link two groups inside a cross product after the cross product group has been created? No 92.In which styles of reports we cannot put labels? Form like Mailing label Form letter 93.What does the & symbol before the column in report builder indicate? The ampersands indicate that they are hidden fields, and are contained within boilerplate and repeating frame objects. 94.What is a master/master report? A master/master report displays at least two sets of data which are not directly related—that is, the records constituting the data are fetched using at least two separate queries. A master/master report (also called a parent/parent report) contains two or more queries with no links (parent/child relationships). 95.What is the default mode of the objects in the layout model? Confine mode With Confine mode on, an object cannot be moved outside of or placed behind its parent. Such a situation renders the layout invalid and no output is produced.Sometimes moving an object outside of its parent is a valid action. If you need to do so, you can turn off Confine mode by clicking the Confine Off button in the toolbar. 96.What is summary report/summary column?

A summary report contains at least one column whose value or values consist of a summary of other data. A column that totals sales, a column that averages a list of commissions, and a column that shows the maximum amounts found in a series of purchase orders are all examples of summary columns. Reports Builder provides packaged summary functions you can use to compute the values of summary columns. A summary column performs a computation on another column's data. 97.Which properties are required to create summary report? 1.Source 2.Function 3.Reset At 4.Compute At(optional) Source is the name of the column that contains the data on which the summary column performs its computations. The source column remains unchanged. ¦

¦Function is the type of summary to be performed. The function tells Reports Builder how to compute summary column values. The functions provided with Reports Builder are Average, Count, First, Last, Maximum, Minimum, % of Total, Standard Deviation, Sum, and Variance. (If none of the Reports Builder summary functions performs the computation you need for your report, you can create your own functions using PL/SQL.) ¦Reset At is the level or frequency at which the summary columns value returns to zero. The reset level, also known as the reset group, determines when to reset the value of the summary column to zero--in other words, how much of the source column to summarize. You can specify that the summary column summarize all values of the source column for the entire report, you can summarize column values in a break group, or you can summarize column values on a record-by-record basis. The option at Reset At are either –Report or Page 98.What happens to Compute At properties under summary when Function property set to sum? Function is % of Total. Change % of Total to Sum. Note that the Compute At property disappears because it is unnecessary for a Sum calculation. Change Function back to % of Total and Compute At reappears. 99.What is a RDF file? RDF file

A file that contains a single report definition in binary format. .RDF files are used to both run and edit reports. 100.What is a REP file? REP file

A file that contains a single report definition in binary format. .REP files are used Only to run reports; you cannot edit a .REP file. 101.What is a Repeating Frame? repeating frame

A layout object used to display rows of data that are fetched for a group. 102.What is XML? XML

Acronym for Extensible Markup Language. A metalanguage using SGML to define and structure data. Reports Builder supports XML output to enable Web publishing as well as electronic data exchange with third-party applications. You can also use XML to build report definitions that can be merged with other report definitions at runtime or run separately. GROUP REPORTS

1.Single Query Group Report 2. Two-Query Group Report 3.Across Group Report 4.Group Left Summary Report 5.Group Left Formula Report 103.What is a Single Query Group Report? A single-query group report contains a single query and divides the rows of a report into groups based on common values in one or more column(s). Group left and group above reports divide the rows of a report into ”sets,” based on common values in one or more of the columns, For example, employees can be grouped based on department numbers, which means each department number prints only once for every group. Otherwise, the department number would print once for every employee in the department. These reports include the group left and group above

reports and were earlier known as break reports or master/detail reports. 104.Matrix report are also known as – Cross Tab report 105.What is a matrix report?

A matrix report looks like a grid that contains 1- a row of labels, 2- a column of labels 3-and information in a grid format related to both the row and column labels. These reports are sometimes referred to as "crosstab" reports. 106.What are the requirements(minimum no. of groups required) for building a matrix reports? Certain requirements exist for building matrix reports: 1.You must have at least four groups in your data model. 2.One group must be a cross product group. 3.At least two of the groups must be within the cross product group. These groups furnish the "labels" of the matrix report. 4. At least one group must be a "cell" group; i.e., it must provide the information related to the labels. The values from this group fill the cells created by the matrix. 107. With how many queries you can create matrix report? With single or multiquery 108.What is a matrix with group above report? A matrix with group above report is a combination of a matrix and a group above report layout. Essentially, a matrix report is printed for each master group record. A matrix with group is similar to the multiquery nested matrix, except that in a matrix with group report, the parent exists above the cross product. In a multiquery nested matrix report with groups, the parent/child relationship exists within the across or down dimension of the cross product. 109.How will you perform conditional formatting of the reports? Using Format Trigger.

110.What is Ref Cursor? When will you use Ref Cursor? By using a ref cursor, which is a PL/SQL cursor datatype, you can reference a cursor from within a PL/SQL query. For example, if you already have numerous queries built and you want to reuse those queries in your reports, you can simply use a ref cursor in your report data model to access those queries. A ref cursor is a PL/SQL datatype that you can use in a query to fetch data. Each ref cursor query is associated with a PL/SQL function that returns a strongly typed ref cursor. The PL/SQL function must ensure that the ref cursor is opened and associated with a SELECT statement that has a SELECT list that matches the ref cursor type. You base a query on a ref cursor when you want to: 1.more easily administer SQL. 2.avoid the use of lexical parameters in your reports. 3.share data sources with other applications. 4.increase control and security. 5.encapsulate logic within a subprogram. Furthermore, if you use a stored program unit to implement ref cursors, you receive the added benefits that go along with storing program units in the Oracle database.

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