Renovation Project-aya Dar Lina Jude Zein

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  • Words: 1,116
  • Pages: 24
Aya Darwazeh Zein Farradj Jude Gousous Lina Shahin

On Monday 30th of March grade 10 DT students visited a historical site in Fuheis aiming to renovate it, while preserving its cultural value. As the students were examining the site looking for new ways to improve it, the students noticed the different components of the site. Abiotic, biotic, and anthropic elements were thoroughly observed giving the site more character and historical value. The first thing students noticed was the old staircase enclosed by a wide arch made of limestone which was the dominant building material used as shown in the picture below. After entering the staircase, the students entered a wide open area which resembled a courtyard which displayed all sections of the house.

Renovatio n

To renovate is to bring something such as a building or room back to a former better state by repairing, redecorating or remodeling it. The picture below is an example of and old building that has been renovated in order to look better and provide more comfort to the inhabitants of the building.

Renovatio n

Heritage Site

A heritage site is a country’s or area’s historical buildings that represents their culture and are considered to be of value of present generations. Haret Jdoudna is an example of a heritage site since it is a long lasting restaurant that has been past along from father to son in the Jumeian family as a home and was eventually sold and turned into a restaurant. Till today, people dine in this restaurant and feel how it felt like to eat and live in an old house just like our forefathers did in the past.

Heritage Site

Natural Environme nt

A natural environment is usually found or present in nature and produced naturally, it is neither artificial nor synthetic. This is the part of the site or area which is organic.

Natural Environme nt

Built Environme nt

A built environment is usually a man-made building or structure that has no relation to natural features.

Built Environme nt

Hardscape Hardscape, in landscaping, refers to the paved areas like streets and sidewalks, large business complexes and housing developments, and other industrial areas where the upper-soil-profile is no longer exposed to the actual surface of the Earth.


Softscape Softscape refers to the elements of landscape that comprise live, horticultural elements. Softscaping can include flowers, plants, shrubs, trees etc.


Classify Before renovating any site, in this case a heritage site the landscape must be first investigated. Investigating the landscape is very important for it’s a step where the landscape is discovered more. Discovering means to learn more about the site since it’s unfamiliar. One of the main ways of investigating a landscape is investigating all the wastes found and observing how it transformed the landscape with the development of time. There are two main types of wastes natural and manmade. Generally and specifically in Jordan man made wastes are mostly dominant over organic wastes. Man contributes greatly to the adding wastes to the environment by throwing plastic bottles and glasses, polluting the environment through using radioactive materials, throwing boxes of cigarettes on the ground and etc…

Before renovating any site, in this case a heritage site the landscape must be first investigated. Investigating the landscape is very important for it’s a step where the landscape is discovered more. Discovering means to learn more about the site since it’s unfamiliar. One of the main ways of investigating a landscape is investigating all the wastes found and observing how it transformed the landscape with the development of time. There are two main types of wastes natural and manmade. Generally and specifically in Jordan man made wastes are mostly dominant over organic wastes. Man contributes greatly to the adding wastes to the environment by throwing plastic bottles and glasses, polluting the environment through using radioactive materials, throwing boxes of cigarettes on the ground and etc…

*Manmade wastes include: -New technologies -Metal glass and ceramics -Plastics -Chemical products -Radioactive materials *Natural Wastes include: -Organic matter -Fossil fuels

This site used to be a home for a family in the past. The evidence that supports this is shown due to the fact of the different rooms added on, these rooms would be for the sons and daughters families. This site was built during the modern period, therefore at the time there wasn’t much waste except for metals, glass and ceramics. It is recently that waste is being produced and gathered at the site. Since the site is neglected its exterior has changed.

As you can see in the picture above all the arches and entries of the home have bent inwards. This is due to the neglect and chemical products that degrade the rocks so they become less supportive.

Moreover as shown in the picture below, the cement factory produces a lot of radioactive gases. The gases produced are harmful to both man and the environment. As seen, the gasses are visible and are also very difficult to recycle as they contaminate the environment greatly causing a big threat to it. Additionally, the gasses produced such as CO2 and SO2 contribute to the global warming effect as they also cause respiratory problems to mankind.

Being located next to the heritage site, the cement factory has contributed to the landscape of the heritage site as it has also affected all people of Fuheis, therefore one of the major changes that must be done is to relocate the cement factory to an uninhabited area so it doesn’t affect the people nor the buildings of that area. Other wastes that have gathered in the site due to neglect would be the simple waste we know like paper metal and plastic; as you can see the photo below. This has also affected the landscape since many of those elements are non biodegradable like certain plastics that greatly threaten the environment of the site and also contribute to the unattractiveness of the site.

Being located next to the heritage site, the cement factory has contributed to the landscape of the heritage site as it has also affected all people of Fuheis, therefore one of the major changes that must be done is to relocate the cement factory to an uninhabited area so it doesn’t affect the people nor the buildings of that area. Other wastes that have gathered in the site due to neglect would be the simple waste we know like paper metal and plastic; as you can see the photo below. This has also affected the landscape since many of those elements are non biodegradable like certain plastics that greatly threaten the environment of the site and also contribute to the unattractiveness of the site.

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