Renesmee & The Prophecy Child

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  • Words: 18,737
  • Pages: 65
Renesmee & the Prophecy Child


Part One: The Present


1. Memories “Yoo-hoo Birthday girl wake up… wake up!” Mackenzie said while poking my side. My head snapped up from off the desk. Oh I almost forgot that we were in school today. “Huh?” my voice thick with sleep. “Jeez I never noticed that you sleep like a log!” she commented. “C’mon our next class starts in less than four minutes and you have to make it across campus by then.” “Oh I’ll make it; I’ll just blink into the nearest bathroom and ta-da I’m there!” I push my body up, slinging my bag over my shoulders. “Why don’t you walk? You need to wake yourself up and maybe you’d have a lot more energy if you did.” She encouraged. We picked up our walking speed when entering the hallway. “I do have energy.” I protested with a yawn. She rolled her eyes. “Ness this past week, you’ve turned sleeping into an art form.” “It’s only because I’ve been having these nightmares lately and there keeping me up at night… ever since that party last Friday.” I told her. “Nightmares?” “Well I don’t really know if they’re nightmares or memories. I still can’t seem to recall what all happened that night after I started drinking. It wouldn’t bother me so much if I hadn’t disappeared.” My walk came to a halt while I thought of something. “But you found me!” Mackenzie stopped walking and faced me. “Yeah.” 3

“You never told me where I was.” “Nessie we can talk about this later we’re going to be late.” She attempted to walk away, but I blocked her path. “Why can’t you just tell me now?” I wondered, beginning to feel uneasy. She inhaled deeply. “You were at Vince’s house.” My brows pulled together in confusion. “I was?” “Yeah you were hoping to find Jake there since he had gone after Langston.” She explained. “That makes sense, but I still wish that I could remember.” I stressed. “It’s like I somehow won’t allow myself to remember like I’m protecting myself from something.” The bell rang. We both groaned. “Oh joy!” Mac griped. I giggled. “See you later!” I called back to her as I took off towards class. The rest of the school day had gone by in a blur since I slept through most of it. The last bell rang and we all surfaced from the gym. Jacob and I walked hand-in-hand towards the parking lot. “So how does it feel to be eighteen, but look seventeen?” Seth joked from behind us. “Technically she’s eight.” Alex pointed out. “This is so not far!” Mac whined. “What?” I asked. “Everyone here isn’t aging, but me. You all get to live forever and one day I’ll die.” She looked so sad. I’m not sure what came over me, but I was filled with so much grief and I began sobbing uncontrollably. “Oh Mackenzie!” I blubbered, throwing my arms around her tightly. Seth didn’t appear happy at all about the thought. Jacob chuckled. “Ness she’s not dead yet.” Seth punched him in the arm. His comment didn’t help in the slightest it only pointed out the inevitable making me cry harder. I


can’t imagine not having Mackenzie around; she was my first real friend and we’ve been through so much together. “Ness she can’t breathe!” Alex shrieked. I released her and she swallowed down a huge gulp of air. “I’m so sorry… see I almost killed her!” I cried. They threw glances at each other. “Vince is working to see if he can keep that from happening.” Alex assured me. I wiped my eyes. “He is?” They nodded. My tears vanished and I became frustrated. “Why didn’t you say so in the first place?” She shrugged. “Anyways, happy birthday!” I eased up a bit. “So what’s my birthday surprise?” “You’ll find out soon enough.” Jake assured me. “But you should be going.” I looked at him in confusion. “You’re not coming with me?” He shook his head. “We’ve got some last minute things to take care of.” “It’s a party isn’t it?” Jacob mashed his lips shut. “Alright let’s go before you get Jake to spill the beans.” Alex suggested. “Do you need the car?” Mac wondered. My brows pulled together. “You’re not coming either?” “Sorry I’ve got some last minute shopping; it’s kind of hard to find a present for a girl who has just about everything!” she teased. “No we don’t need it.” Alex said to her Mac and Seth waved goodbye and jumped into the car. “I’ll miss you every second that we’re apart.” He told me. “I miss you already.” I pouted. He snickered and kissed me softly. “Time is of the essence people!” Alex pressed. I threw her a deadly glare. He kissed me once more on the forehead and got into the car with the others.


I turned to Alex. “Where are we going and why don’t we need the car?” “I thought I’d challenge the birthday girl to a race!” she said with a sly grin. “I’m too tired to race.” “Too tired or just afraid of defeat!” She doesn’t play fair. “Fine and where are we going?” “To Charlie’s to get you ready and then I’ll take you to your surprise.” We walked over to the edge of the woods. “Okay on three! One. Two…” “Three!” Alex shouted taking off in the lead. “Cheater!” I grumbled. I chased after her pushing myself as hard as I possibly could. Alex is very fast the only person that she can’t out run is our dad. I easily dodged the trees while Alex seemed to get some type of thrill by running into them, sending thunderous sounds throughout the forest. I avoided the debris and with four long strides we were neck and neck. “Wow I’m impressed!” she said sourly. “Just because it’s my birthday you don’t have to let me win.” “Don’t worry I won’t!” she began to pick up speed. I tried to force myself forward, but my body wouldn’t allow me to. I was beginning to feel terribly weak as if I had over done it. Something was wrong I had to stop. “Stop!” I said breathlessly. Alex slid to a stop and fluttered over to my side. “Can’t handle defeat can you!” I fell to my knees gasping for air. Alex knelt down in front of me. “What’s wrong with you?” “I don’t… know!” my body was trembling. “Oh my you look so pale! When’s the last time you fed?” “This morning before school like I always do.” But now that she brought it up I was feeling very thirsty, actually I was starving! “I need to feed quickly.” I exclaimed. Alex was up instantaneously, pulling me with her. 6

She looked puzzled. “Are you able to hunt for yourself?” I contemplated that for a moment. My body was still reeling from the race. “I don’t think I’m up to it.” She gasped in shock, but then composed her face. “Well why don’t you sit here and I’ll go see what I can find.” I nodded in shame as she disappeared into the trees. I stood there waiting for her return too afraid to even sit. What’s happening to me I don’t even feel like myself anymore. So thirsty. Someone said. I whirled around in every direction trying to see who was there. “Alex?” I called. It couldn’t have been her; the voice did not belong to her. It was a childlike tone of voice that I don’t recognize at all. “Is someone there?” no answer. I inhaled deeply trying to pick up a scent, but I could only smell the trees and the mist from the rain. Clearly Alex and I were the only ones who’d been through here today and I was definitely alone now. So what was that I heard? “Oh great I’m hearing things!” I griped aloud. Yet another thing to add to the list of what seems to be wrong with me. Are you sure bout that? That very same voice asked. My heart stopped briefly in fright, but it wasn’t the voice that frightened me. It was that I didn’t feel afraid of it; it seemed familiar to me. “Hey!” I screamed, but stopped when I realized Alex was back with two big deer. She examined me closely before she spoke. “My intention wasn’t to scare you.” she scoffed. “I know I just thought someone else was out here with us.” Her brows rose. “It’s just us Ness! Now drink up we have to be going.” She backed away to give me some room. My mouth began to water I can’t believe how thirsty I am! I bent down over the carcass, but before I could put my mouth to its neck an awful stench hit my 7

nose. I pause for a moment trying to locate the source of the smell when I grasped that it was the deer itself. I jump back from the dead animal covering my nose, startling Alex. “What the hell?” she demanded. “There’s something wrong with it!” “No there isn’t.” “Yes there is!” I protested. “It smells so damn awful!” She sniffed. “It smells fine to me.” “Then you drink it!” Her mouth fell open. “You can’t be serious.” I folded my hands in front of me and waited. “Alright.” She spit through her teeth. Alex knelt down and proceeded to suck all the blood from out of the deer. When she had finished she rose to her feet bushing off the dirt from her jeans and lick the corners of her mouth. “See nothing is wrong with the blood. So can we try this again?” Alex backed away again, tapping her foot with impatience. I walked over to the other deer. “Try not to breathe since you say it smells bad.” Alex suggested. I nodded. I held my nose and lunged for the animal’s throat. Gross! The voice shouted in my head. I ignored it and kept drinking until there was nothing left. I stood up and released my nose. The smell was still floating in the air and if that wasn’t bad enough, there was an unpleasant after taste that lingered in my mouth. “I still say that there was something wrong with it.” I told Alex. She rolled her eyes. “We should blink home to make up for the time we lost… Alice will kill me if we’re late.” “Late for what?” “Nice try!” she smiled. We appeared in our room at Charlie’s. Alex zoomed pass me and to the closet. “I have your outfit right here… oh where did Mac put the shoes!” she complained to herself. I tired to pay attention to her, but I was struggling to keep the blood down. It was fighting its way up and I 8

was continually swallowing it back down. Then a twisted pain erupted within me, I could no longer control it. “Found them!” she rejoiced, holding them up for me to see. I could feel the horror that my face must have shown her. “I know that look… you’re going to vomit aren’t you?” she asked. My only reaction was to run. Although I made it through the bathroom door, I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I puked all over the floor. My body became limp and Alex had to carry me the rest of the way. This went on for two or three minutes. When I figured it was over I threw up some more. Alex had to flush the toilet twice so it wouldn’t over flow. Another minute passed and this time I was certain it was over. I started to get up, but Alex pushed me back down. “Oh no you don’t! Give yourself a few minutes to recover and I’m going to call Carlisle.” She pulled out her cell phone. “Don’t!” I pleaded weakly. Her eyes started to bug out. “I must be losing it because I thought I just heard you say don’t!” “You can’t.” “And why not?” she said angrily. “Because it’ll ruin my whole birthday.” I explained. Alex shook her head. “So what if it does I care more about your well being then some stupid party.” “So it is a party!” I smiled weakly in triumph. She gave me a disapproving look. “Be serious, before I thought you were just messing around with me, but there is obviously something wrong with you and you need to let Carlisle check you out.” “I agree with you hundred percent but…” “But! There’s a but?” “It’s just that this is the first birthday that I get to celebrate with you and Mac, plus Jacob is back! Please can we just wait until after the party, then we’ll tell Carlisle?” “Renesmee,” her voice firm, “You just threw up every bit of blood that was inside of you.” “Not true!” I objected. 9

“But still you have to be thirsty.” “I’m fine Al.” I lied. “I can handle it please.” The phone vibrated in her stone hands. “Alice.” She answered. “Yes I know I’m late… yes Alice, yes okay.” She waited. “Hi mom!” My heart sank she was going to spill it. Alex wasn’t a tattle tale but if there’s something wrong with me then I wouldn’t blame her for telling them. She stared back at me. “Is something wrong? No everything’s fine I just didn’t know where Mac had put Nessie’s shoes.” I blew out a sigh of relief. Alex threw a towel at me and pointed at the shower. She pulled the phone away from her ear. “Get in!” she ordered in a hushed whisper. I turned on the shower and waited for the water to get hot, Alex left me alone as she continued to tell mom that nothing was the matter. I got undressed and stepped into the shower, and then the bathroom door swung open seconds later. “She’s on her way isn’t she?” I muttered knowingly. “That would be my guest.” The smell of bleach circulated around the room, it didn’t sit well with me however I didn’t feel the urge to gag. Alex picked up where she left off. “I told her that we were going to be there soon, but by the tone in her voice I could pretty much tell she didn’t believe that nothing was wrong. I heard the sounds of the Volvo in the background. “Why would she be driving the Volvo here from Alaska?” I laughed. “I figured she’d get Mac to blink her here.” Alex grew quite as did I. If mom was driving the Volvo that meant she was already in Forks… “You know I suck at keeping secrets! If you manage to put together what the surprise is then please just act surprised anyway!” she begged. “I will.” I was finished with my shower at the precise moment Alex had completed cleaning the floors. “Don’t think about it around dad!” I warned. 10

“I won’t!” she promised. That was the downside to dad being able to hear our thoughts, when there was something that we didn’t want him to know we’d have to try extra hard not to think about it. I’d have to ask Vince for another one of those potions again! We made it back into the room just as the car pulled up to the house. “You’re sure you can do this?” Alex asked her voice too low for human ears. I gave her a thumps up, afraid to speak again knowing mom would be listening to every word. Alex began helping me into my satin red and white dress when mom emerged in the doorway. She smiled eyeing us curiously. She wore a red blouse and a white skirt with multi colored pumps. She didn’t seem too happy about that. Alice. “Oh look Ness mom’s here.” Alex mentioned casually smoothing out the ruffles in my dress. “I’ve noticed.” I said in the same tone. “Hello mom.” Mom’s smile reached her shimmering gold eyes. “Looks like I was worrying for nothing, huh?” “I’ll say.” Alex laughed helping me slip into my red heels. I caught mom’s brows fur up as she glanced at the bathroom and back to us. She shrugged. Mom pinned up my naturally curly hair after she blow dried it and applied some makeup while Alex got herself dressed. “You don’t even need it, but it makes you look even more devastatingly beautiful!” she commented. “Okay let’s jet!” Alex wore a white satin dress like mine but it was strapless with red pumps, letting her shoulder length hair hang flawlessly. I was beginning to think that there was a dress code. We huddled outside and into the car. Mom had picked up dad’s driving habits speeding down the streets of Forks. I was still wondering where we were going until we turned off down a very familiar dirt road. Mom pulled up at the white house in record time. I jump out of the car and hurried up the stairs into the house. It was pitch black; nonetheless I knew they were there. I flipped on the light switch.


“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” shouted the massive crowd before me. Red, white and pink confetti, my favorite colors, were being sprinkled at me. I stood there with a dumbfounded expression. Alice has always thrown me extravagant birthday parties, but this was unbelievable! The ceilings were filled with red, white and pink balloons, some where placed neatly on the floor. Streamers coming out of everywhere, my favorite music from Glenn Miller and his band were playing from the stereo. I was right about the dress code, everyone was wearing either colors. I inhaled the sweet smell of red, white and pink roses; she had long stemmed rose in vases everywhere you turned. My dad placed a pink one in my hair and kissed my forehead. “Happy Birthday!” he told me again. “Thank you.” I whimpered. I was crying. Esme reached for me next. “Oh Renesmee Happy Birthday!” she exclaimed. When she released me I noticed all who was present for my birthday bash. My family of course and the entire Denali clan, Charlie and Sue, the whole La Push gang, even Claire. I was even more amazed to see the other two Guardians Morgan and Mordakai. Also that Vince had made it back from the alternate world with Shane and Chris. I waved to them and they returned the gesture. My tears did not cease. Alice handed me a box of tissues. “I knew you’d love it!” she beamed. “Absolutely I do!” “I’m guessing you already know what the surprise is!” Rosalie said. “Yeah it was the party.” I told her sure of my answer. Everyone grinned. “Um, is that not it?” “That certainly is part of it.” Mom said with a wide smile. I waited for her to tell me the rest. “We’re moving back to Forks.” My mouth fell open. “You are? How?” Her eyes flickered to Claire. “We’ll fill you in on the details later.”


And then it hit me, my family’s moving back to town. I started screaming at the top of my lungs, hopping up and down like a little kid. “That’s the response we were hoping for.” Carlisle laughed. “Well c’mon there’s plenty more to see there’s cake, food, games and loads of presents!” Alice announced pointing between the living room and dining room. “That food smells delightful!” Claire complemented. “Feel free to help yourself!” Esme encouraged her. Claire made an about face in the direction of the dinning room. She smiled and touched my arm as she went by. I froze. Jacob was next to me now, but I was unable to focus on what he was saying because my mind was filled with her delicious scent. I’ve smelled her before and it wasn’t anything special, she smelled like any other human. Now however, her aroma was driving me insane. It wasn’t like before when I tired to feed off of the deer, I didn’t shy away from the scent of her blood. One bite wouldn’t hurt!

The child like voice was much stronger than before, it caved for Claire. The power the voice had unnerved me. Before I could reign myself in, my body flung itself forward without my consent and straight for Claire. “Renesmee!” my father roared. Suddenly it was like the entire room caved in on me. “Get her out of here!” Jasper ordered Mackenzie. Mac rushed around me and the others who had me pinned down to the floor. My teeth snapped at her legs and snarled in fury as her scent washed over me, but the reaction was not mine. “What’s going on?” Clair asked in fear. They blinked from the room. No! Now we can’t follow their trail. The voice grumbled. “We’re not doing anything!” I shouted. I could feel their eyes boring into my skin. “Who are you talking to sweetie?” Mom wondered. “The voice!” I shrieked in irritation. 13

“The voice?” she repeated with concern. “Yes! It’s been coming and going all day.” I managed to turn my head around and caught sight of my father. “Dad didn’t you hear it?” He looked confused. “Edward?” mom asked. “I can’t say for sure. I don’t know if she’s making it up in her head or if it’s an actual voice.” I stared at him in anguish. “Dad please, I know I heard it! I didn’t make this up.” They think you’re crazy.

Who or what are you? I shot back inside my head, but I received no answer. Dad still gazed at me with pure confusion, which is how I felt. “I believe you.” he finally said. I half smile and then my body slouched over under the others. “Let her up!” mom demanded. “Alex you should’ve came straight to us regardless.” Dad scolded. “I know.” “What happened?” Jacob questioned her. I could here Charlie asking what was going on. “Nessie just isn’t feeling very well she was trying to hide it.” Esme explained. “Bring her upstairs.” Carlisle said to my mother. Mom cradled me in her arms as she flew up the stairs into Carlisle’s examining room. “You’re so pale and you look drained.” Mom frowned. “I’m just so thirsty.” I explained. I smelled fresh blood. Carlisle handed me a metal cup. “Thank you!” I said taking it from him. As I sipped on my meal I heard Esme and Alice saying goodbye to our guest and I felt so guilty for the turn of events. Alex had even taken the Denali clan back to Alaska. Jacob was the first to join us and then came my dad, Alex, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett, Alice and Esme. Alex had


already explained what happened to Jake so everyone was up to speed. “Alex you should’ve told us about this right away!” Jake yelled at Alex. But she wasn’t having it. “Okay I get! But there’s no need to be a jerk!” “Knock it off before I have the both of you put out.” Carlisle stated. I grimaced when my cup was empty. “Are you feeling any better?” he asked. I nodded. I was feeling a whole lot better, yet still I was so very thirsty. “She needs more.” Dad told Carlisle. Carlisle smiled and swiftly left the room. When he arrived with more, mom asked. “So what do you think is wrong with her?” Carlisle brows pulled together as he was deep in thought. “It’s very hard to say. She could’ve drunk some blood that just didn’t sit well with her; although I can’t really run any testes on her to make sure of that.” “She seems fine now.” Rosalie pointed out. “Yes, but I want to keep an eye on her throughout tonight just in case.” Emmett chuckled in the corner and threw his arm around Jasper. “Doesn’t this party bring back memories!” he scoffed. Jasper shoved Emmett off of him and I caught my mom wince. “It was just a joke!” Emmett laughed. “What memories?” Alex inquired. “We’ll save that story for another time.” Dad told her glaring at his favorite brother. I was about to get started on my fifth cup when I remembered about Claire. “Where’s Claire did I scare her?” I asked in panic. “She’s alright. Mackenzie took her home and Vince said that she doesn’t remember a thing.” Mom murmured as she removed the pins from my hair. I yawned noisily and rested against the pillows. “I’m so tired.” “Then sleep.” Jacob suggested. “You’ll stay with me?” I asked, already knowing the answer. 15

He smiled. “Sure I will.” He pulled up a chair next to the bed. Emmett and Jasper had gone downstairs as well as Esme and dad was talking with Carlisle. Rosalie and Alice approached Alex. “Oh Alex!” they sang. “I already know!” she sighed glumly. My eyes had slipped closed as I listened to them. “Still avoiding Morgan?” Mom guessed. “I’m not avoiding him!” Alex protested. My eyes fluttered open briefly and we stared at her in disbelief. “Okay so maybe I am.” “Why?” I wondered. “You’ve dedicated all of your time trying to get his attention, now he wants to be with you and you’re pushing him away? I don’t get you Alex, but you’ve got a problem.” “Yeah we can’t keep making up excuses every time he calls or blinks in for a visit.” Jake agreed. “I know that, but you just don’t understand.” “Then help us to understand.” Rose pleaded. Alex hesitated for a moment, debating over something. “You know the reason why I went after Morgan in the first place was because he didn’t want me. He was the first guy to, since I became a vampire, reject me. And I needed him to want me. Well now he does.” She frowned. “So what is the problem?” Alice asked Alex rolled her eyes at me. “The problem is that he wants me!” I could hear the skepticism in their silence. “I don’t mind if we go out occasionally, but he wants a committed relationship… with me!” I instantly understood. Alex wasn’t the type to settle with anyone, she’s been burned in the past before and was determined not to let history repeat itself. She swears marriage isn’t for her and that she never wants to be. “I don’t like titles or romantic commitments with the opposite sex. That’s not me.” “Then tell him that.” Mom proposed. Alex shook her head. “I can’t.” she muttered helplessly. She smacked her hand against her marble forehead.


“You can’t? What do you love him or something?” Jacob laughed. It was too quite. I pushed my eye lids open. Alex hands dropped to her sides and she looked at him with a tortured glare. I gasped. I inhaled so much air that I thought my lungs was going to burst. “It’s not a big deal!” she insisted. “Oh yes it is!” Rose said her voice matter-o-fact. “Well it doesn’t matter!” she grumbled. “And we aren’t discussing this any further. You can tell him I’m not here.” “But you are.” Alice threw back at her. “Am not!” Alex said from a distance. “Where are you going?” mom asked. “Hunting.” Of course she is. Alex hunts obsessively when she’s trying to distract herself from what’s really bothering her. Mom was on her feet. “I’ll go talk to her.” she kissed my forehead. “Sleep tight!” My dad blew me a kiss and took my mom’s hand, leaving the room with the others. “Goodnight!” Rose and Alice chimed. “Night.” I replied drowsily. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call for me.” Carlisle instructed. “Okay.” He turned the light out and closed the door tightly behind him. Today seem to be the longest of them all and with all the sleep I’ve gotten throughout this today you wouldn’t think that I’d feel so withdrawn. I am afraid to sleep because I know the nightmares are going to come back like they do every night, I can’t seem to escape them. I glanced over at Jacob who was sound asleep, snoring lightly. I like the sound of his snores they had a certain beat… that wasn’t helping me stay awake! So I decided to listen in on the small conversations that was going on downstairs, but Emmett was placing a bet with Jasper on which team would win the next game; Dad was talking with Carlisle about me; Mom had left in pursuit of Alex; Alice was helping Rosalie update her wardrobe, but Esme was hymning quietly to herself. It wasn’t enough to keep me from falling asleep, my eyes continued to drupe and I just let them close. 17

I had to keep myself from thinking bad thoughts, so I choose to think about Jacob. My happiest moments are with him. When I first saw him, my first hunt, he was there when I took my first steps! My favorite memory is our first kiss! I would always imagine how my first kiss would feel, but my imagination didn’t do the kiss justice. My metal pictures took me to when I first saw him after thinking he was dead for a year, when I made him jealous at the movie theaters on my fake date with Dylan… I twitched with an unknown anxiety when I saw his face through my reminiscences. Something was trying to reach the surface, but I shied away from it. No! You have to let yourself remember. The voice instructed. Remember what? What happened that night.

I knew what night the voice was talking about. I laid there as stiff as an ironing board, wondering what to do. I did want to remember didn’t I? It’s been bothering me not knowing what had happened, but Mackenzie had told me where I was and how she found me. Somehow her explanation didn’t sit well with me, like she was holding something back. I remember feeling uneasy when I asked her about it today… it was like she didn’t want to tell me. And then that night after I had been found she appeared to be so nervous almost afraid, but of what? Her word wasn’t enough I have to know for myself. I shifted through my thoughts and went back to where Langston gave Jacob his memory back. “What did you do?” I heard myself say. Langston didn’t bother to look at me as she spoke. “I gave him back his memory; it’s hitting him pretty fast right now he’ll be back to normal in a matter of seconds. Wish I could stay, but I’ve got business to attend to.” This I remember. Jacob wouldn’t respond to for a minute or so, but when he finally snapped out of it he asked, “Where is she?” “She ran in that direction.” And I pointed down the street. 18

That’s when Jacob ran after her and I felt so betrayed… I was going to go inside, but I spotted the keg in the middle of the yard. I drank all the beer. I can even taste the bitterness of it in my mouth. I started to wonder what were the side effects of me drinking, when I began to feel weird. The flow of my memories cut off abruptly. I gritted my teeth in frustration. I can’t ever seem to get past that point. Let me help you. It offered. I contemplated this. I don’t even know what this is that keeps talking to me and let alone can I trust it. How can a stranger help me within my own mind? You’d be surprised.

I chewed it over for another minute. If I let you help me, will you tell me who or what you are? Yes. It said without hesitation. Alright then. I agreed reluctantly. You have to let go of all the fear and the stress… relax. It ordered. I took a few deep breaths and focused myself on staying calm. A few moments later, I felt as if a power was rising within me almost like I was glowing. I could no longer hear my family’s conversations going on downstairs; I couldn’t even hear Jake’s snoring. I was now in a place of my own. Then I was standing in the front yard of Charlie’s house, how did I get here? Kids where running loose just like they had been last Friday at the party. Look around, what do you see? I listened to the voice willingly, comprehending the fact that I already trusted whoever or whatever this was. My eyes wandered around aimlessly not knowing what I should be look for, when I saw myself. “That’s me!” I gasped astounded. I quickly understood that my memories had picked up where they had left off, but I was having an out of body experience! I watched myself stumble up the steps and into the house. I went after myself. I went inside and spotted


myself with Mackenzie. I thought about hiding, afraid someone might notice that there was two of me. They can’t see you. Just watch. It told me. “Oh thank goodness I found you!” Mackenzie shouted in relief over the loud music. “What are we going to do everything is out of control!” She examined the other me and wiped the wet tears from my face. “What’s wrong?” “Langston that’s what! She showed up calming she gives up and gave Jacob his memory back.” I had said. Mac backed away from me. “And that’s a bad thing?” “He went after her!” “Maybe it was out of anger!” “Nope I don’t think so.” Her face was scrunched up and then she gasped. “Renesmee have you been drinking!! Is that beer I smell?” “Yup! There’s this keg out there in the middle of the yard.” “Since when do you drink?” “Since now!” “Anybody wants a shot!” A boy yelled from the living room. “I do!” I volunteered. Mackenzie reached for me, but I was too quick for her. I moved into the other room with myself and Mackenzie, watching on with regret as I gulped down the drink. “That’s not enough!” I complained aloud. My mouth fell open as the other me seized the entire bottle of Vodka from the boy and proceeded to drink every last drop. “Chug! Chug! Chug!” People chanted. Mac tried to take the bottle from me, but was unsuccessful. I smashed the bottle and fell into Mackenzie. And then I caught sight of him. My heart began racing with dread and I didn’t understand why. “Hey Kenny!” Dylan greeted her. “Dylan!” Mac shouted with glee. “I thought you were going out of town.” “Yeah, but I came back when I heard that this was the hottest party in town!” 20

She looked horrified. “It’s all over town.” “Kenny it’s all over this town, the next town and the town after that. News travels fast.” Sounds of a crash came from the kitchen. “Can you watch her for me? I have to get out of here!” She asked him. Get out of here! Where is she going? “I can do that.” I watched in horror as Mackenzie handed me over to him and bolted from the house. Mackenzie lied to me! She said she’d never lie to me. Why didn’t she tell me that she left me with Dylan… but I’m not the only one she didn’t tell. No one knew that Dylan was even at the party. Supposedly, when he left town that weekend it was said he didn’t return. We all figured he went with his sister. Evidently that was far from the truth. “Would you like to go some place quite?” he asked politely. The other me nodded. I watched as he dragged me out the door. “Come back!” I shouted. I ran out the door, but skidded to a stop. Everyone was gone! The cars, the street, and the yard it was all gone. I turned back towards the house, which had disappeared as well. Everything was replaced by darkness. My heart went into over drive. “I want you to stop this right now!” I shouted at it. I’m not doing this. It admitted. “If not you then who…” “I am.” I eyes snapped open. I search around me. Jacob was not longer there, as a matter of I wasn’t even in the room any more. I was surrounded by that same darkness; a thick fog covered the ground. “Show yourself.” I demanded, drawing on what ever strength I had left. He walked from out of the shadows clapping his hands. “Impressive.” “Dylan.” My insides ached with fear. “I knew it would be quite powerful, but powers from inside the womb! I never would’ve imagined!” he mused. 21

“What are you talking about and what are you doing here?” “I believe there’re some things that we need to discuss.” “Like what.” I spit through my teeth. His grin was sinister. “For one, our unborn child.” For the first time in my entire life, I felt cold and hollow; like he had just rip my insides out of me. I was choking on my words. “Our. Ch- chi…” He was next to me, dancing around me as if to taunt me. “You know what happened Renesmee, you remember don’t you.” My thoughts were spinning inside of my head. Pictures flashed around, I was trying to make sense of them all. I’ll help you. I felt the surge of power like before and like that, they fell into place. “Amazing.” Dylan murmured I ignored him as I watched what my mind had been trying to protect me from. I opened my eyes when I noticed how quiet things where. “Dylan?” He came back, but he wasn’t dress. I immediately knew something was wrong. “Take me home.” Dylan didn’t listen. I attempted to get up, but he shoved me back down. I winced as he reached under my dress and ripped off my panties. I fought back against him. “Wait…stop…it” Then his lips on my ear. “I promise to be gentle.” “I remember!” I breathed. “You bastard! You raped me!” Tear spilled over out of my eyes as I faced the horrible truth. “Oh god you raped me!”



Bella’s POV 2. Heart to Heart The thing I love most about being a vampire is the speed. After eight years it hasn’t gotten old yet, there’s nothing like it. I feel as if I’m flying. Alex didn’t get very far; I stopped abruptly at one of the biggest trees near the cottage. “I’m fine.” She told me. I looked way up high and spotted her on the highest branch. If it was a mere human trying to find her it wouldn’t have been possible, with my new eyes everything was much sharper. It still amazes me. “Who are you trying to convince, me or yourself?” “Both.” She replied sheepishly. I leaped half way up the tree and then climb the rest of my way up. She watched me intently as I planted myself on the branch across from her. “Do you want to talk about it?” Alex just stared back at me. Getting her to open up to me was like putting teeth sometimes. “If you don’t want to tell me I understand you know that I will respect your privacy.” She raised her eyebrows. “That’s only because dad’s not around to tell you what I’m thinking.” “True. But I won’t push you. I know you only go hunting like this when you’re trying to engross yourself in something other than your problems.” She started biting down on her lip. I decided to take a guess. 24

“You’re afraid to love him, aren’t you?” she nodded sheepishly. “But you guys hit it off; I saw the way you two were tonight at the party before things got messed up.” “Straight out of the ball park.” She muttered in mock annoyance. “He told me that he wanted to go, as he put it, ‘steady’ with me I nearly keeled over!” I’m really fond of Morgan, he’s the type of guy a mother would want for their daughter. The perfect gentlemen and very old fashioned like Edward, that’s what really won me over. “That’s some great news!” I beamed, but Alex looked at me in pure misery. “Oh.” I said slowly. “But you don’t like to be tied down.” “Exactly!” she sprang to life. “See you understand me, how is that? You know me better that my real mom ever did. I have to break it down to everyone else, but you… you just get it.” “Because I’m your mother silly.” I said playfully. “What kind of mom would I be if I didn’t know my own daughter inside out? And plus your track record speaks for itself!” She cracked a smile. “Alex you were never the one to stick with one guy so I can see how it would be hard for you to break the habit and commit to one person.” Her shoulders slumped. “It maybe easier if I didn’t already love him you know. At least give myself some time to get use to the idea, but no I just do!” “Like love at first sight?” Alex rolled her eyes. “I didn’t believe that until I heard about the wolves and how they mate. Can I me ask you something?” “Anything.” I told her without realizing what I just said. “Does it bother you that Jacob imprinted on Nessie?” I wasn’t expecting that. “What made you ask that?” She gave me a disapproving look. “Mom you shouldn’t answer a question with a question.” I folded my arms in front of me, waiting.


“It’s just pure curiosity!” she insisted. “Now will you answer my question?” I pressed my lips together. “Mom you said anything.” Alex reminded me. “Very much so in the beginning.” I admitted. “It was just weird because Jacob is my best friend. I would’ve never imagined in a million years that he’d fall for one of my daughters, let alone did I ever fathom I’d have a child by Edward. With time I’ve come to terms with it.” She eyed me inquisitively. “That’s the only reason why it bothered you?” My eyes narrowed. “What are you getting at?” “You’re not being entirely truthful with me.” she accused. “How can you ask me to open up to you when you won’t do the same?” I looked at her flabbergasted. “At one point you were torn between your love for dad and your love for Jacob, I mean you were in love with him too!” “How do you know this?” I was fuming now. “Does it matter, are you going to deny it?” she replied dodging my question. I said nothing. “See. I know that’s all over now and you are both strictly friends, but it’s just so weird how things turned out. The guy you once loved is now about to become you son-in-law! It’s like he couldn’t get the mother so he settles for the daughter.” “But it isn’t like that at all. Jacob really and truly loves your sister. And it’s not like he had much of a choice in the matter.” “I know.” “Okay that’s enough on that subject.” I pressed. “Back to you and Morgan…” She groaned. “Alice saw you and Morgan together; she said your future with him is pretty solid. I just had no idea you were having such a hard time excepting it.”


“No!” she shouted. “Alexandria Cullen does not fall for anyone! This can’t be happening, I won’t accept this.” She jumped down elegantly and landed neatly in the leaves. I followed her. “You’re going to have to come to terms with this because once a vampire is changed, they are forever altered there’s no going back. Just ask your father.” “Why yes I am familiar with your epic love story, nevertheless the situations are different. Yeah he’s human, but he’s immortal. Morgan is one of the Guardians and he knows all about the vampire and supernatural world. I don’t have to try to hide or protect him.” “Doesn’t that make things a whole lot easier?” I pointed out. “Maybe, but mom he’s human! Do you know how many guys that have been with me that’s dead? I don’t mean to kill them it’s just I get so carried away and I lose myself. And I don’t know if I can rein in the monster within me.” She shuttered slightly. “If you hadn’t have barged in on us that night I might’ve killed him.” I nodded in understanding. “Like you said before he’s a Guardian and he can defend himself. You love him right?” Her expression changed drastically, she was lighter, happier. “Yeah I do love him.” she professed with pride. “That’s all you need to know. It’s not going to be easy by any means your father struggled daily to keep from killing me! Though once you stop trying to fight this and embrace it everything will be much easier.” I declared. She smiled at me thoughtfully. “What?” I asked. “Nothing… it’s just that I don’t know how or why I’ve been so blessed to have such an amazing life. Before Margaret and I were kidnapped by Xavier, home life wasn’t all that it should’ve been. Unlike my sister I did make all the good grades and I wasn’t the popular girl. She was my parents golden child, I felt so inferior to her. I would act out to get attention, but that still wouldn’t seem to work. And now I have an awesome sister who truly loves me and doesn’t make me feel like I’m some flaw in her perfect life, I have 27

parents who invests time in both their kids and doesn’t show favoritism. A father who kids around with me and protects me and makes me feel safe. A mom who also makes me feel safe and takes time out to make sure that I’m okay. I love these heart to heart talks that we have, especially when Nessie’s here too. I’ve got a host of aunts and uncles and Carlisle and Esme and Charlie. A family is all I’ve ever wanted and you’ve given it to me.” she paused. “I don’t think I’ve ever really fully expressed my gratitude, but I’m so very thankful that you saved me.” This was a moment where I wish that I could still cry. I was a bit choked up by her speech. I pulled her into my arms and held her as tight as was possible knowing it wouldn’t hurt Alex in the slightest. “Saving you that day was one of the best things that I’ve ever done, right next to deciding to have your sister and being with your father. The three of you are the very best part of me.” I released her. “C’mon let’s head back to the house and take a peek at some of your sister’s birthday gifts.” Alex laughed. I turned to run, but the sounds of something approaching stopped me. “Bella!” Rosalie voice was like a whisper in the trees, but her tone startled me. “Rose what is it?” “Renesmee…” I took off in a sprint before she told me the rest. “She’s gone!” she said running with me now. My muscles tensed up. “What do you mean she’s gone?” I demanded. “She disappeared from her room.” In my hast to find one daughter I didn’t realize that Alex was no longer with me. We didn’t stop until we were in front of the house, everyone was outside. “It’d be so much easier if I could see her!” Alice complained to herself. She was pacing back forth; Esme was with her. “Don’t blame yourself for something that is out of your control dear, we’ll find her.” 28

“Where is everyone?” I asked. “Out searching.” Esme replied. I sighed. “She probably blinked somewhere and she might be back any minute.” “We assumed the same until we picked up a scent in the room. Someone else was in there with Nessie and Jacob and right before that she screamed. Esme and I rushed up to check on her and she was gone.” Rosalie informed me. “Who ever it was came and went quickly because we didn’t hear anything!” Alice interjected. “But Jacob was there with her! He’s supposed to protect her how could he let someone take Renesmee right from under his nose?” I shouted in anger. Then I heard his racing heart behind me. I turned around to look at the werewolf whose eyes were filled with pure anguish. He hung his head down. “Jake please I’m just upset and I just want my baby.” I whimpered. “I’m presuming you haven’t found anything?” Esme guessed. Jacob bobbed his head. “What?” I demanded. Edward joined us now. “We caught Langston’s scent near the cabin; I followed the trail to the clearing and lost it.” he admitted shamefully. I gasped. “She’s behind this?” Edward shook his head in confusion. “It appears that way, but it wasn’t her scent in the room. Langston isn’t alone.” It seemed as if everything and everyone was spinning out of control. I couldn’t just stand there doing nothing. “Bella.” Morgan’s voice came from behind us in a subtle whisper. “Morgan.” I said in surprise, he wasn’t by himself. His brother Mordakai was standing at his side. “I thought you two were gone.” “Well as you know my brother watches the future while I guard the present and Renesmee appears to have fallen off of my radar. However Mordakai has seen a major shift in the future.” “What kind of shift?” I asked. Edward and the others were very quiet. Alice was in a faraway place, still trying to see.


Mordakai stepped forward and bowed slightly. “Hello again Mrs. Cullen, I’m so sorry.” “Why?” “Because I’ve been so distracted with so many distressing futures that I hadn’t even notice the danger that Renesmee’s was in. If I would’ve seen it sooner this wouldn’t be happening.” I shook my head in confusion. “Can you just tell me what is happening?” Edward cleared his throat and I turned to look at him. He must have seen whatever Mordakai had. “The Volturi are coming for her again and this time we won’t win.” I was unable to move, I could only look at my husband in disbelief. Alice screeched in aggravation. “Why can’t I see them? I can’t see anything!” “It’s the witches from Mystic Council, their protecting the Volturi by preventing you from seeing their approach.” Morgan explained. “How much time do we have?” Esme breathed in dread. Edward chocked on his words. “There only minutes outside of Forks and Renesmee is no where to be found.” The rest of my family joined us now, I wasn’t even aware Rosalie had left to go get them. The wolves arrived at the same time, lined up prepared to fight. This was unreal; less than an hour ago we were going to celebrate Renesmee’s birthday and now she was gone while we faced a death sentence. “Well at least she’s not here!” I said feeling some relief. “I just hope she’s safe.” “This doesn’t make sense.” Emmett said. “What has she or any of us done to deserve the death penalty this time?” I caught Edward’s jaw flex as did everyone else. Just as I was about to ask him what he knew, Esme asked: “Um where’s Alexandria?” I glanced around in horror as my worse fears were coming to life; both of my daughters missing! I began panting as did Morgan. “Sh- she was with me… behind me!” or so I thought.


“What is this the day the Cullen children go missing?!” Rosalie ranted. Alice’s gasped. “What do you see?” I inquired. “She’s gone after Langston.” Alice and Edward hissed. Without another thought I took off into the trees with Edward and Jacob following right behind. “Bella?” Alice called. Edward reached me and took my hand. “We have to find our girls!”


3. Explanation I could hardly stand; the very foundation of my being was rocked with this revelation. I remember everything from that night and God I wish I hadn’t. I looked up at him unwillingly trying to be brave, but I couldn’t see him through my tears that flowed from my eyes with no indication of stopping. I wiped my eyes hoping that would help and it did. I looked into Dylan’s crystal blue eyes. I remember what happened before when I’d look into them, I’d fall weak at the knees however now it didn’t phase me in the least. I was filled with so much hatred for this animal that stood before me. I never knew that I could loath a person so much until now. Dylan stared back at me; he appeared to be as unhappy to see me as I was to see him. Not only was he the man who… who… assaulted me, he was also… Is my father.

I squeezed my eyes shut as the voice confirmed my worse fear. My hands flew down to my abdomen, but my eyes didn’t leave Dylan’s face. My legs wobbled again nevertheless I managed to stay standing. This was just too much to process all at once, even for a vampire. It can’t be it just can’t be true! Dylan sighed. He looked as if he was debating over something. I took a deep breath and found my voice.


“Haven’t you done enough why can’t you just leave me alone?” My tone wasn’t as strong as I was going for it was shaky and unstable. He titled his head a bit seeming curious about something. “Nothing would please me more than to leave, but I must get what I came for.” He murmured softly. His voice was so endearing I had to try hard to hold onto my anger. “And what is that?” Dylan put his hands in the pockets of his jeans and walked closer. He was now standing inches away from me, still keeping a safe distance away as if not to make me feel more uncomfortable than I already was. “First, I want to tell you how sorry I am for what I’ve done to you.” I could feel my face scrunch up in pure confusion. Was he being serious? I examined his face and notice how truly sad his eyes were. “I. don’t understand.” Was all I could say. “You’re sorry for raping me, you’re sorry for getting me… for getting me…” I refused to say it because if I did than it’d make it true. “I am, but I figured you wouldn’t sleep with me willingly and I’m afraid I couldn’t take no for an answer.” “Obviously.” I muttered in disgust. “Why me why not someone else? There’re millions of girls that you could’ve went up to that would’ve said yes in a heartbeat!” “True yet still none of those girls are you.” he said as if to be polite. “What is that suppose to be some kind of compliment?” I frowned at him in disapproval. He shrugged. “If you chose to take it that way that’s your business I’m just telling you the honest truth.” My brows pulled together in frustration. He smiled at my expression. “Can I please explain myself? You’re going to need to hear this because it won’t be long before they arrive.” “Before who arrive?”


Dylan rolled his eyes. “The Volturi.” He spit through his teeth. I couldn’t take much more of this. I gave up trying to be strong for the moment and my legs gave out on me. Dylan was startled by this. He reached out to me and I flinched away from the contact. I didn’t want him touching! Couldn’t he understand that? Apparently not because he tried again touching my right arm. “Don’t touch me!” I growled at him. I swung my arm around and he flew threw the air landing on his back in the fog. NO! The voice roared within my head. I suddenly felt bad for what I had done. “Dylan?!” I called out to him in spite of myself. “Are you okay?” He looked up at me from out of the fog in bewilderment. “Am I supposed to believe that you care?” “I don’t.” but it did. Though I could feel its feelings and they were conflicted. The voice didn’t like what Dylan did to me, but it also did care for Dylan which is only natural I guess. I pushed myself off the ground as he stood up himself. “I didn’t mean to upset you I hear it’s not healthy in your condition!” he insisted. “Look I want to get back to my family so can you please get on with it.” He eyed me carefully. “And what if I don’t?” he challenged. I scowled at him. “I will kill you.” Dylan laughed a dark laugh that sent chills down my spine. “Oh c’mon Renesmee you won’t kill me if that was the case then I’d already be dead by now!” he said calling my bluff. “Besides you wouldn’t kill the father of your child would you?” he stared deep into my eyes like he was looking into me soul, searching. His smile faded. “Nothing would give me more pleasure! I’m not drunk like I was that night and I will take you out without hesitation.” He folded his hands in front of him. “You said you were going to explain yourself!” I reminded him.


He nodded. “I did didn’t I.” he paused for a moment. “For centuries I’ve been searching for a way to free my father from this place called The Phoenix have you heard of it?” “Yes I have.” “He was banished there by the Volturi. They are the reason why my brother, sister and I lost our parents. They took away our mother and our father; they do this to many people on a daily basis. The Volturi breaks up families and destroys lives and rationalize it. Aren’t you tired of that?” I didn’t respond. “I heard about how they came after you as a child, they were going to kill you and your family. Who are they to get to decide who lives or dies!” he hissed in rage. “The Volturi.” I said sarcastically. He shot me an irritated look. “Do you want to hear this or not?” I mashed my lips together. “Even since than I’ve been searching for a way to bring them down as well as the Mystic Council. I would’ve probably gotten to them sooner if it wasn’t for the council protecting them with their powers all these years; they’ve formed this alliance that has never been broken. So I had to find a way to bring them all down and the only one who possessed that power was my father. That’s when I found that there was to be one witch whose powers were greater than anything that we’ve every seen before! Ancients called it the Prophecy Child.” “Prophecy Child.” I whispered. “I have been searching for the one who is going to give birth to this child for decades. But it wasn’t just the mother I had to find I mean someone had to help the woman father the child right. The prophecy stated that both parents must be equally powerful.” He approached me again, standing so close invading my personal space. “And you my dear are the strongest female of them all,” he sighed, “and you don’t even know it yet, however you will sooner than you think. Your abilities will be tested.”


I took a step back from him. “Can you please continue on with your story? How did you come to the conclusion that you’d father such a child?” “Right.” He said recollecting his thoughts. “I come from a long line of great witches. No ones magic can compare to ours and each generation is stronger than last. I couldn’t just go on my suspicions because what if I was wrong. So Langston wrote a time travel spell.” “You can travel through time? But the Guardians…” He cut me off. “Yes the Guardians are the only ones who are allowed to do that. Please witches and warlocks break the rules all the time! And Mordakai destroyed it when he caught me.” I chuckled, but stopped. “What you’re saying is that I’m now carrying it.” He gave me a sharp nod. I shook my head mechanically. “You’re lying!” I accused. “You know that this isn’t a lie! I bet you can feel the power generating for within you because I can sense it from where I stand.” Dylan proclaimed. “That’s the voice in my head…” I mused. “It speaks to you?” “Yes.” I admitted. I placed my hand back on my stomach trying to acknowledge the fact that I’m with child but I couldn’t. “I don’t want this!” I confessed. “Please I can’t do this.” The voice in my head was extremely quiet, listening I presumed and I could tell it didn’t like what I said. “I was hoping you’d feel that way.” Dylan grinned. My eyes narrowed. “You were?” I don’t if the reaction was my own or not, but I was overwhelmed with an awful gut wrenching feeling. “I was afraid that you would be protective of the child, but since you’re not this makes what I’ve come to do much easier. I have no intention of letting that child be born.” I was officially confused and my stomach was in knots. “I thought you needed it.” 36

“I don’t want the child I just want its powers. All I have to do is recite a simple spell to drain the fetus of its powers and it’ll be too weak to survive; you’ll suffer a ‘miscarriage’ and can go back to your life the way it was.” I glared I him. “There is no going back to the way things were! You don’t get it do you, what you did to me I will have to carry that with me for the rest of my never-ending life. I’m sorry, but I can’t allow you to have such a power.” He wasn’t happy in the least by my refusal of his offer. “If you don’t let me do this then you and your family will have to face the Volturi and there plans for you are far more severe!” “But it’s not like I got pre- pregnant,” I forced out the word, “on purpose!” “It doesn’t matter to them and you know that! They’ve been looking for an excuse to finish off you family for years and now they’ve got one.” “They can have it for all I care!” I shouted. “Renesmee!” he said in mock surprise. “You’d give our child to strangers but not its own father.” I gritted my teeth. “And their not planning on wanting a month until that baby is born. The Volturi want it dead and since it’s growing inside you as we speak their going to kill you along with it!” “I though they wanted the power.” “No I want the power.” He corrected me. “The Volturi are scared to death at the very idea of the child even existing.” I knew that I was backed into a corner. “Wouldn’t you rather give me what I want so that you and your family won’t have to face death?” Of course that’s what I wanted, but either way I went with this it wasn’t going to end well. You can’t let him to this. The voice pleaded. I was overwhelmed with sadness, not just the voices sadness but mine as well. I had started to care for it without giving myself permission to. I had to face facts; I couldn’t save a strangers life over that of my own or 37

my families because even if this is my child it’s still a stranger to me and I am nowhere near ready to bring a child into this world! I can picture myself having a family with Jacob, but not in the near future. This isn’t how things are suppose to happen. “I’m waiting.” He said impatiently “Will I be in pain?” I asked. Please. Please don’t do this.

The tears began to flow again. These mood swings were exhausting! “I promise to be gentle.” He repeated himself. “But I’m going to have to touch you tummy.” I became stiff. “Alright but if you try anything else I will break your arm!” I threatened. He scoffed. “I’m sure you will.” He placed the palm of his hand on my belly. I noticed that I had gained some weight. It wasn’t anything to go crazy over but I could defiantly see it. Please!

I tried so hard to tune the voice out, but it would not be silence. If you do not stop him, then I will.

Again I chose to ignore it. “Before the passing of this hour Take away this witches powers.” Dylan chanted. Then there was this aura of light around him as he consumed the powers. “Yes!” he rejoiced in triumph. “This is what I’ve been waiting for.” I can’t allow this. He must be destroyed.

“Dylan maybe you should stop!” I warned, but he wouldn’t listen. I began to fell hotter that I usually do I felt like I was burning up. It was worse in the pit of my stomach. “What!” Dylan gasped in horror. I looked down and watch astonishment. His hand was on fire. Dylan pulled his hand back, frantically trying to put out the fire but it was spreading like wildfire. He screamed in agony as the flames swallowed him whole and ending with an explosion. I shielded my face. When I 38

looked there was nothing left but a heap of what appeared to be sand.


Mackenzie’s POV

4. Talking with Vince Washing dishes is my least favorite thing to do, but it’s something to keep myself occupied while all hell is breaking loose. Well already has broken loose! Seth was saying goodbye to Shane; he was leaving town again but said that he’d be back to see Ness and Jake tie the knot. Chris had already gone and I wanted to know what happened between him and Vince, but that would have to wait because I had some major things to talk with him about. Vince wasn’t home yet, he was making sure Claire didn’t remember what had happened at tonight’s party. I was still trying to wrap my head around it; I’d never seen Nessie like that before. Apparently, Alex already knew that there was something wrong with Ness before the party, but didn’t mention it to anyone. Seth said that Jacob told him that she’s sick, though that doesn’t make any sense. She never gets sick! And everyone is one edge because 40

of that key factor. We’re hoping she just had some bad blood and that’s why she’s feeling so weird, but I have a hunch that it’s something more than that! “Need any help?” Seth asked entering the kitchen. “You can help me dry them.” I said gesturing to the stack at my left. He kissed my cheek and then he reached for my chin and kissed my lips. I began gasping for air in a matter of seconds. “We should um finish this.” I muttered incoherently. “Okay.” He laughed. I tried to concentrate on washing the bowl that I had retrieved from the bottom of the sink, but I was sidetracked. Seth was so close, so warm, so inviting; I wanted to kiss him again… actually I wanted to do more than that. The bowl slipped out of my hand and sank back to the bottom. Seth gave me a weird look. “Is everything okay?” “I think so…” He raised his eyebrows. “You want to tell me what you’re thinking about.” I smiled. “Why tell you why can’t I show you?” “Show me what.” He questioned with a dumbfounded expression. I rolled me eyes, and then I tried to give him a seductive look though I didn’t think it’d work. Seth scooped me up into his arms and kissed me intensely. “You sure?” he asked when he came up for air. “Positive, I’m not scared anymore.” He kissed me again pulled tightly to him when the front door slammed. He groaned. “Let’s go upstairs.” He suggested. “Alright.” I giggled. He carried me out of the kitchen when I yelled for him to stop. “Vince!” I gasped. He chuckled. “I’m I interrupting something?” “Yes.” “No.” Seth looked puzzled by my response. “Which one is it?” Vince wondered. 41

“Actually, Seth was just about to go check in with Jacob.” I said quickly. “I was?” he muttered dully. I nodded. “Yeah uh, I’d feel so much better if you go check in on him and Nessie again please!” I sang. “Sure.” He half smiled then gave me a peck on the cheek. With a sigh of frustration, he left. Vince frowned at me. “There seemed to be something going on.” I shook me head. “That is the least of our problems.” His brows pulled together. “Our problems? I’m not the one who’s afraid of having a sexual relationship with my boyfriend.” “I’m not afraid anymore! But that’s beside the point, there’s something I’ve got to tell you!” He realized that I was being serious. “What’s going on?” Vince walked into the kitchen and hoped up on the stool. “I don’t know where to start.” I declared. “From the beginning!” he suggested. I took a deep breath. “Before you left to join Shane in search of Chris, you told me about the Volturi and the Mystic Council looking for the person who would be carrying the Prophecy Child. You remember how I thought that Renesmee was the one.” He nodded slowly. “Did something happen?” “I think so.” “What do you mean you think?” “Well I thought I got there in time before anything did happen.” I whined. “I mean I rushed into the room and I saw him on top of her and I flung him against the wall and…” “Wait, wait before what happened? Flung who off of who?” he rambled in confusion. “I flung your brother off of Renesmee.” His eyes grew wide. “Why was he even on top of her?” I recoiled from the image. “I think you can pretty much guess.” “No I can’t.” he said, his eyes narrow. “Nessie got drunk at the party, and I mean she was wasted! Everything was out of control and I had to get help because I 42

couldn’t handle her and the crowd by myself and Alex was off somewhere trying to seduce Morgan! I don’t know why, but I left her at Charlie’s with Dylan.” Vince shook his head repeatedly. “No way! Dylan wasn’t even in town last weekend.” “He came back!” I insisted. “And I asked him to watch Renesmee for just a minute, when I returned with Bella they were gone!” “But you found them.” he pointed out. “Yes, I did. Here upstairs in his room…” His face went blank. “What were they doing?” his voice was somber. I glared at him. “They weren’t doing anything! He was raping her!” “You’re lying!” He shouted, his voice rattled with anger. “You think I’d lie about something like this!” “He’d never do anything like that!” he said in his brother’s defense. “Look at me Vincent! We’ve been friends for years and even with all the craziness that has been going on with Langston I still love your family… what’s left of it.” He scowled at me. “I would never lie about something like this, I wouldn’t do something like that to you or Dylan and you know that.” He stared at me for a few moments. “You’re serious.” He uttered in disgust. “Oh my God!” he stormed out of the room and bolted up the stairs. I went after him. “That isn’t all of it!” “Oh great there’s more.” He mumbled bitterly. He halted just outside of his door. “Now I suppose your going to tell me that she’s pregnant.” “It’s just a theory.” I grumbled. “Nessie hasn’t been herself lately and it’s the only explanation that I can come up with.” “Does anyone else know about this?” I shook my head. “She can’t seem to remember.” “You didn’t even tell Nessie what happened to her? Don’t you think she has a right to know?” he questioned me. 43

I swallowed back tears, Vince was absolutely right. I should’ve told Nessie that very nigh what had happened. “She didn’t remember and I didn’t want to be the one to remind her of it. I was hoping she would never have to remember such a horrifying experience, that we could just forget about that night. Now that’s not possible considering the circumstances. I have to tell her the truth.” “Damn Mackenzie!” “What are you getting mad at me for?” “I’m not mad at you, I’m, well I guess I’m just mad in general! You even said this might happen and I dismissed the very idea.” “What should we do?” I asked. He shrugged. “I don’t know what to do and even if she is pregnant doesn’t mean that it’s with the Prophecy Child!” “I believe that she is.” I told him. “Why?” “I had a vision a few days ago.” He waited. “I saw Dylan with Nessie talking about it, but I don’t where they were or when.” “Well that would explain why Dylan really came to Forks, but does Langston have something to do with this?” Vince mused. “She must because you even said she was desperately searching for the one who’d carry the child, I got a feeling that the two of them have been in on this from the get go.” Vince sighed. “But why? What are they planning on doing?” He shoved open his door and I followed him into his room. We both came to an abrupt halt when we spotted someone climbing into his window. “Who the hell?” I screamed. “It’s me!” Langston exclaimed hurrying through the windowpane. Vince and I stood there in shock. “What are you doing here?” Vince asked. Langston ran into him. “She’s coming!” Langston screeched. “Who?” “Alex!” I shouted as she burst through the window. The house shook violently nearly knocking us to the floor. Shattered pieces of 44

glass rained on us. Alex stood there in the center of the room snarling, her eyes were a bloody red and blood spilled from the sides of her mouth. Vince put up his force field, reluctantly covering his sister. She cried out in pain. “That psycho bit me!” Langston announced showing off her wounded neck. “I use up all my potions trying to get away and I flew here on my broom!” “What did you do to piss her off?” Vince demanded. “Why are you so quick to jump down my throat?!” she shot back. “Where is she?!” Alex growled at her. “Where’s who?” I asked Alex. “For the thirteenth time I don’t KNOW!” Langston protested. “Don’t know what?” Vince and I questioned her. “Renesmee’s missing!” Alex informed us. “And guess who I find wandering around in the woods.” “Alex clam down,” I urged. “If you kill her then we’ll never find Renesmee!” But Alex was too far gone. Her eyes were fixed on her target; her body was ready to spring on a moments notice. “We have to do something.” Vince whispered to me. “We have to stop her.” “Excuse me.” I said surprised by his statement. “You want answers don’t you, if she kills Lang than we’ll never get them.” I knew he was right; I just didn’t want to turn against one of my best friends. But then again I had to save another. “What answers?” Alex spit through her teeth. She eyed us carefully. I stared hard at the arm chair in the corner behind her, it slowly elevated up off the floor. With my hand I jerked it back towards her. Alex swiftly leaped up onto the ceiling. “I am one of the best movers around; don’t try that with me Mackenzie.” Alex warned. Vince and Langston grabbed viles off of his dresser and tried to throw them at her, but Alex was too fast. She dodged them easily. “Ugh!” Langston moaned. “That’s it! 45

Evil that has traveled here I call on you to disappear!” She chanted and Alex was gone. I gawked at the empty place where Alex once stood. “Where did you made her disappear to?” Vince asked in terror. “Oh calm down, I sent her home! Maybe her parents can control her.” she said doubtfully. I fell back against the door while Vince’s shield snapped back against him. “What did you do with Renesmee?” Vince pressed. She stalked passed her brother, opened his dresser draw and pulled out candles and a pack of matches. “I didn’t do anything to her, but I have an idea of who might’ve.” “Dylan.” I said knowingly. Langston glanced at me briefly and then began placing the candles in a circle. It reminded me of our séance a few weeks back. “Yes.” She reached back into the draw and pulled out a knife. “We came here together unsure on what to do about Nessie and the kid.” “Oh no it really is true.” Vince said miserably. “Look we’re not going to hurt them… intentionally anyway, we just want to harness the child’s powers. Then we’ll be on our way!” “What do you want it for?” Vince asked. “That’s for me to know and for you to wonder little brother!” she teased, lighting the candles. She then put out the match. “What are you about to do?” I wondered curiously. “I’m summoning them. Vince you have to help me my powers aren’t enough to bring them both here.” He reluctantly took her hand. I watched as they took a few breaths to calm down and then recited a spell. “Powers of the witches rise Course unseen across the sky Come to us who call you near Come to us and settle here.” Langston pricked her index finger until blood oozed from it. “Blood to blood I summon thee Blood to blood return to me.” 46

The drop of blood the spilled out of her finger turned white and began to glow. It multiplied and swirled around in the circle of candles when Renesmee appeared. Next to her feet was a pile of ashes. “Nessie!” I exclaimed in relief. She didn’t move it was like she couldn’t even here me. Nessie continued to stare down at the remains on the floor. She grabbed the sides of her head. “What have you done?” she gasped in a faint whisper. Who was she talking to? Langston fell down on all fours sobbing uncontrollably. Vince consoled his sister. “Did I miss something? Where’s Dylan?” Then my eyes zeroed in on the mound of dust that everyone was so interested in. An ill feeling crept over me. I couldn’t find the words to say for I knew what must’ve happened. Dylan must’ve threatened Nessie so she… my mouth was so dry it was like sawdust. But something troubled me about his demise. By the looks of it he was either shocked or burned to death, powers that I didn’t know she possessed. Unless it wasn’t her at all. What have you done? Nessie’s words echoed in my head. Could she have been talking to it? As I stood there motionless, my head fell into my hands. This always happens when I’m having a vision; my body began to tremble which lead me to know that what I was about to see wasn’t going to be pleasant. Nessie and I joined the others in the clearing. “Renesmee!” Bella cried as she and Edward held their daughter. I watched their happy reunion which didn’t last very long. I glanced over to my right and although it was already night it became darker. The only light came from the moon, but that was blacked out by the shadows. “There here.” Alex announced. Seth hovered over me now growling at the darkness advancing on us. Everyone crouched forward ready to attack; what I couldn’t figure out was what was coming. I had a feeling that this was the end. Finally they came into sight they reminded me of dark angles; beautiful yet deadly. 47

“Is that?” I managed my voice hoarse. I almost didn’t ask too afraid of the answer I’d receive if any. “Yes.” Edward said his expression grim. “It’s the Volturi.” He stood out front with Carlisle. Bella was at his side and Alex was behind them with the Jacob wolf. Nessie was on his back crying and shaken with fear. He turned his head around and whined. Jake couldn’t bare to see her in the tiniest bit of pain. They stopped at few feet away from us. There were so many of them and I also realized that the witches from the Mystic Council were among them. We were out numbered. A white haired man stepped forward; he looked so friendly I couldn’t believe that he’d wish harm against us. “Aro.” Carlisle began, but he stopped him. “I’m afraid there isn’t anything you can say old friend there is no escape… not this time!” The vision began to fade. Something was shaking me. “Mackenzie what did you see?” Nessie demanded. I refocused my eyes on her my heart pounding in my chest so loud that it was thundering in my ears. Vince and Langston was still mourning over the loss of their brother. “What did you see?” she asked again now hysterical. “It’s the Volturi isn’t it?” “We have to get out of here!” I said talking her hand, blinking from the house.


Part Two: Return to the Past 49

1. Great Escape


Mackenzie and I blinked into the woods. I immediately knew where we were; I could hear the voices of my family near by. “Where are they?” Mom panicked. “Mordakai said they’d be here and they will.” Dad reassured her. Mackenzie pulled my hand. “Come on we don’t have much time.” We burst out from the trees running as fast as we could to join our loved ones. “Renesmee!” My mother cried as she and my father held me. I clung to them tightly not wanting to let them go, but I didn’t have much of a choice. I heard someone catch their breath. “There here.” Alex informed everyone. For the second time in my life I felt cold, I became a block of ice. Before I could register what was happening, Mom passed me back to my sister and she lifted me up onto Jake’s back. Once I was in place I could feel him relax a little. He and the other wolves were already in formation. Was it possible that as dark as the night sky was that it could get any darker. It seems like it’s reaching out at us trying to pull us in. As I took in this familiar scene my body trembled while tears streaked down my cheeks. Jacob whined uneasily at my discomfort. Carlisle and my dad were in the front of the line standing beside each other. Mom was at my dad’s left side. Esme was a little further back from Carlisle; I could tell that even though the distance between them was small it was too much for them to bare at the moment. Alex stood next to Jacob and me, fixated on what was coming. One of the wolves growled. “Is that?” Mackenzie choked. “Yes.” Dad answered. “It’s the Volturi.” That’s when they came into view moving swiftly but gracefully at the same time. I noticed that there appeared to be new faces in their crowed from what I remembered. The difference between these new faces and the ones that I recognized was that the new ones wore white and silver robes. Counting the Volturi, their guard, and these newcomers we were definitely out numbered. “Who are they?” Rosalie whispered to my dad so low that the others couldn’t hear, but Alice is the one who answered. 51

“They must be the ones Morgan told us about the ones who are protecting them by somehow blinding me.” She muttered in pure frustration. I laid down in my Jacob’s fur trying to burry myself not wanting to be seen. Although I knew what they wanted: Me. I can’t hide from this; I can’t allow my family to be slaughtered because of me. I sat up knowing what I had to do. When I did get up my eyes met my father’s. He shook his head disapproving of the plan I had formed in my head. “Stay put.” He ordered, his eyes burning with intensity. Then he glanced at Alex and she nodded at him as if they were agreeing on something. He probably told her to keep an eye on me already just incase I decided to surrender myself to them. Finally they stopped a few feet away from us. Aro stepped forward. “Aro.” Carlisle greeted him, but Aro raised his hand up to silence him. This time around it seemed he was not interested in hearing any explanations. “I’m afraid there isn’t anything you can say old friend there is no escape… not this time!” “Yes. What’s done is done.” Caius smiled triumphantly. Carlisle spoke again. “But what have we done to deserve such a fate? At least if we are destined to die let us know why.” Caius roared with laughter. “Please do not try to fool us. Trickery won’t help or save you now.” “Stop that Caius!” A woman hissed. She stepped out from the crowd wearing one of the white and silver robes. The hood of the robe covered her face so I couldn’t get a good look at her. She stopped between Aro and Caius. “The man truly does not know why we are here as do many of them who are before us now. Only a select few know why we’ve come. We will not do anything until they’ve been properly informed about the situation at hand.” Caius was about to say something when Aro cut him off. “She is right brother. Like young Edward she can read thoughts as well, she’d know they were lying. Carry on my friend.”


The woman pulled back the hood of her robe and silver white hair flowed down the sides of her shoulders. The woman smiled at us; the smile reached her gray eyes and they danced. “Greetings one and all! My name is Gwen and I am, as you say, the spokes person and member of the Mystic Council. We live in an alternate world that parallels this one. While the Volturi looks after you vampires here, it is up to us to look after witches, unknowns and all other supernatural beings so we do not risk exposure on either side. A few of you here I am familiar with… Mackenzie… Alexandria…” They both held their heads down as she said their names, not even attempting to look at her. I couldn’t figure out why. “Oh and look who joins us Vincent, Langston and Dylan!” As if she was overjoyed that they we here. My jaw dropped as, indeed, Dylan walked with his brother and sister into the clearing joining neither side. It was like they were their own team. I flipped quickly through my mental pictures to make sure what I had seen was real, because I was certain that Dylan was just burned alive in front of me moments ago. However it wasn’t surprised at all. They must have cast a spell. It told me. My thoughts were interrupted by Gwen. “Something has happened here that was brought to our attention… by you Langston.” I heard a few gasps as well as my own, although the loudest came from her brother’s. “Langston what have you done?” Vince demanded. “I was just being a model citizen!” She replied with a smirk. “They were looking for the one who was carrying the prophecy child and there she is.” And she pointed to me. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me now. “Edward what are they talking about?” Mom asked in confusion. I could feel her eyes on me. Jacob was tense beneath me. Everyone broke into small conversations asking each other what was going on. 53

Alex asked me, “Ness are you… are you pregnant?” Silence flowed through the clearing in that instant. Everyone was now waiting for my response. Should I tell them the truth, should I lie? But what difference did lying make the truth was out and there was no need in denying it. Yet, instead of focusing on them my attention was on Dylan. My hatred burned for him with a new passion. He in turn stared at me and so many emotions were exposed on his face. One of them being fear, but the others took me by surprise. He clearly looked worried, but he couldn’t have been worried about me, and again sad. It felt bad for him, but I didn’t. I jumped down off of Jake’s back and stormed my way past my family. My dad didn’t raise a hand to stop me. “How could you!” I screamed in Dylan’s face. “Everything you told me back there was a lie wasn’t it?” “No.” “I thought you wanted this thing for your own personal gain but the whole time you were working with them to try and destroy me and my family!” He didn’t like the conclusion that I had come up with. “THAT’S NOT TRUE!” He shouted back at me. I’m not sure why but I didn’t want him yelling at me this way. I began to pout; I couldn’t believe I was about to cry over this being pregnant is the worst! “No don’t cry!” he begged. He reached out to me to wipe a tear that had fallen though before he could touch me he was yet again sailing through the air landing at least a hundred feet away from me. This time it wasn’t me who did this. Jacob stood in front of me his teeth bared, blocking Dylan’s path to me. He was growling menacingly. It became very upset at Jake’s violent reaction toward Dylan, making me upset as well. “Please Jake stop!” I grabbed hold of his hind leg as if to stop him in case he did try to make a move. He looked back at me and took in my expression. Reluctantly, he relaxed his position to attack as well as the rest of the pack. Oh thank goodness. It said. 54

I rolled my eyes. “Could you a least make up your mind? Either you hate him or you don’t.” I said aloud with out even realizing it. Sorry this isn’t an easy situation for me either. I mean he did try to kill me, but just because I did what I did earlier doesn’t mean I’m heartless. He’s still my father.

The more I talk to this… child the more I care for it. “Sweetheart who are you talking to?” My mom was next to me now. Her cool hand was on my face and she appeared to be extremely concerned. “Is it that voice you heard earlier tonight?” I nodded. “It’s the baby talking to me.” I admitted. More gasps erupted. “That thing can communicate with you from inside the womb?” Caius hissed in disgust. “Not only that but it also has powers from inside there too!” Gwen informed them all. “Oh my God!” I heard one of the men in the white and silver robes say. “Extraordinary.” Aro breathed. “It’s more powerful than any of us ever imagined.” Even Langston looked stunned. There was something in Aro’s eyes as if he just had a new idea. My dad growled at him and Gwen gave him a disapproving look. “Aro the plan is to destroy the growing fetus before it is born and to destroy all who protect it if that’s what it takes.” Then she turned back to us. “I truly wish you all no harm, your mind reader can tell you my intentions and you will know that all I speak is the truth and what I believe. As you all have seen and heard that child as immense amount of power and that is just from inside the womb can you imagine what will become of this child when it is born? All the abilities it will possess. An adult, let alone a child, cannot handle such power without being corrupt by it.” She paused. “We have freewill… either to follow the path of good or evil, that thing will surely be evil.” No they haven’t even given me a chance they’re just speculating.


I shook my head defiantly, feeling the need to defend it. “And how do you know that? Can you see the future?” She eyed my carefully and then answered with a smile. “No Renesmee I can’t, nevertheless as Mordakai and you aunt will tell you the future is never set in stone it’s always changing. Only seers are able to see an exact future that is never changing.” She gestured to Mackenzie. “Sadly, Mackenzie’s powers have not grown enough yet for her to get premonitions at will. So why would we leave something like this up to chance?” They’re wrong. I know they are scared about my future but they are wrong!

A chill ran up my spine. This is just like what happened to me eight years before when the Volturi were deciding on whether or not I should be allowed to live or not. This was just so wrong. Dylan was at least right about one thing… who are they to decide who lives or dies. Gwen continued on with her speech. “We are not only doing this to protect our world, but all of mankind. With powers such as this the child will overthrow us.” “So is that what this is about making sure you don’t lose your seats of power?” Alex interrupted. “Alexandria this is about something bigger than all of us.” “But Alex is right isn’t she?” Langston asked suddenly. “I mean that is part of it to hell with the rest of us you just want to make sure you still have all the powers and the authority.” There seemed to be some sort of conviction in her words. “This kid probably won’t even turn out to be evil you just want to make sure that no one rules above you. You just want to get rid of him like you got rid of our father!” Their crowd became uneasy. Langston moved into a spot where she could glare Caius straight in the eyes. “He had every right to come after for what you did to us all the pain you cause because of your stupid rules!” “Our rules have kept us all safe and undetected for centuries it’s all been for the best.” “Is that what you tell yourself every time you screw my mother?” 56

Caius was clearly appalled by Langston’s language. He raised his hand to smack her and with the force he was about to use Langston wasn’t going to live through this. I don’t know why but it seemed as if everything was moving in slow motion. It was like watching Irina get killed all over again. I remember when he smacked her just like he was about to do the same to Langston, it was so degrading. We can’t let this happen!

And it was right. Though she was the meanest, cruelest… Focus.

Right. She didn’t deserve do die like this. Its difficult lifting a vampire off its feet unlike it is to lift a human because vampire’s are like stone and they’re so heavy. Alex can do it with ease because she is a full vampire and she’s been a mover much longer than I have. The one time I could move a vampire was when I was undergoing my transformation to an unknown and I knocked Carlisle through the wall in the house. That was when I was completely out of control and my abilities were at its strongest. Now I have to continue to practice to get them under control if I want to be able to do those things again. Now there was no way I’d be able to do that. Yes you can. You have that kind of power. I don’t get everything from my father. Just let go and do what comes naturally. Quickly!

I did just that. I felt a new strength building up inside me. I could tell that it was coming directly from me and not the child. Instead of waving my arm to move Caius back, I held the palm of my hand out facing him. I didn’t realize that my dad was trying to stop me until after a jolt of energy released itself hitting Caius with full force knocking him out of sight. All any of us could hear was him and a couple dozen trees colliding with the ground. The aftershock knocked me off of my feet, but my mother caught me. No one spoke only the guard got into position ready to spring they weren’t even going to wait for the command. The pack was ready to their teeth bared ready in a moments notice. My dad grabbed me away 57

from my mother. Jacob quickly moved back behind them and stood within a circle the wolves had formed; they were still facing our enemies. “What’s going on?” I asked him scared that I’d made a terrible mistake. “You shouldn’t have done that.” He told me as he lifted me back onto Jake’s back. Alex came to stand at Jake’s right side while Mackenzie came and stood on his left. Both had their fingers intertwined in his fur. Mac was crying. Seth glance back at her and yelped. She blew him a kiss in response. “What’s happening?” I whispered down to her. She looked at me, but she didn’t answer my question. “You just have to trust us and do what we say.” Alex whispered. Jacob huffed in agreement. I really wish I knew what I did. It wasn’t until I turned back and looked at Langston that I understood what I had done. She wore the biggest smile on her face. It wasn’t a pure smile but a mischievous one. That’s when it clicked and I wasn’t the only one who understood. It was a trap.

It was right. I was wondering why Langston would give me up to the Volturi if she and her brother wanted the kid’s powers so bad. It just didn’t make sense because if they got a hold of me then it would spoil their plans. Except… She knew that the Volturi has had it in for my family for a while I mean everyone knew that by now. If they were to find out that I was the one who was carrying the special child everyone is so worried about that would be the icing on the cake. It would be the perfect reason to get rid of my family and I. Because in order to kill the child they would have to kill me along with it since, unlike Dylan, they don’t want its powers. They know all to well that my family would not watch me die for any reason especially for something out of my control. It could only lead to a major fight leaving them the victors. However Langston has no intention on letting them get to me before she can. Just a few minutes ago she was carrying on about how they did her father wrong; she wouldn’t give up so easily after coming this far 58

and being so close to what she wants. Everything she’s done has been leading up to this moment. The only thing stopping her from getting to me is my family. She would be dead before she could get within a hundred yards of me, but if they were distracted by a fight than that would easily solve her problems; except she wasn’t counting on the fact that the fetus could protect itself. The man in the white and silver robe quickly came out and turned to the crowd. “You see what we’ve been saying! That poor girl is being use by the fetus, using its own powers to extract its own justice!” They all fell into agreement with him. “That’s not true!” I protested. “What just happened wasn’t because of the child at all. I did that all on my own that was my power.” “Oh please stop with this foolishness.” The man ordered. “Let’s do what we can here to do and be done with it.” “She is telling the truth.” Dylan barked at him. This surprised me that he was coming to my defense. It enjoyed this every much. “If you know anything about the Prophecy than you’d know that the parents of the prophecy child are both powerful in their own right. And together… well its obvious what we can do together isn’t it.” “What?” I heard my family shout. “We?” Aro repeated. “Are you saying that you are the father of that baby my daughter is carrying?” mom growled at him. Dylan’s brows pulled together. “Who did you think it was Jacob?” Dylan laughed at the thought. Jacob growled. “Yes. I wasn’t pleased about it, but why would I think anything other than that?” Alex looked up at me in shock. “You actually slept with him!” I shook my head repeatedly. “Not willingly!” There was a pause. “What do you mean by that?” In that moment I couldn’t help but relive the rape in my memories. Dad could see everything now. He snarled viciously at Dylan and lurched forward at him. 59

“Edward NO!” Mom pleaded. “Dad stop!” I screamed. No, no, no.

He was within reach of Dylan but he wasn’t about to let my dad catch him. He shimmered and disappeared out of sight. Dad tried to stop but he was moving to fast and he slammed into the ground leaving a huge dent in the earth. “Where’d he go?” I asked frantically. Alex glanced up at me like I had lost all my marbles. “Why do you sound as if you care?” Because It did, and on some level I do too. Instead of telling her this and risking Jake hearing my answer, I just shrugged. Dylan finally reappeared at the opposite end of the clearing. Dad tried again, although this time Jasper and Emmett were able to grab hold on him and pin him to the ground. A second later I caught sight on mom grabbing the sides of her head. “I can feel the pressure against my shield.” She told us. Dad snapped out of it and joined his brother’s and Carlisle as they readied themselves for the fight that was inevitable. Aro stepped forward. “Look we do not wish to harm you all as Gwen pointed out earlier. It is indeed sad how this all came to be…” he hesitated. “My deepest apologies dear Renesmee. They too will not go unpunished.” “So I’m being punished for something I didn’t cause, for something I don’t even want.” I could feel that I hurt It’s feelings. He sighed. “I so sorry.” He didn’t seem very sorry. “Sometimes some must be sacrificed for the greater good.” Gwen interjected. “Screw the greater good!” Mom retorted. “You will not lay a hand on her. You harm one of us you harm us all!” Caius was back standing next to Aro with a satisfied grin on his face. “So you all chose to die?” “No. We chose to fight!” Rosalie answered. Caius’ smile faded. A few howls descended into the early morning sky; the sun was quickly rising. 60

“Well,” Aro said, “as you wish.” He looked back at his army and with a nod they charged at us and my family charged right back. There was so much going on, the Council stayed out of the action though. Demetri rushed out of the crowd heading straight for mom. Dad was right behind him, but Demetri was too quick. Then he was repelled back, like he bounced off of something… a shield. Vince was there and he took my mom’s hand, both finding strength in the other. “Alright this is it we have to go!” Mackenzie shouted over the noise. Alex nodded. Before I could ask them anything, Alex, Mackenzie, Jacob and I blinked to the cottage. Alex pulled me off of Jake’s back. He barked at us, probably telling us to hurry. I yanked myself away from Alex, I had a strange feeling that were going to have to say goodbye. “Are you ready?” I heard Morgan’s voice ask. “Nessie please the Council is going to find us soon they’ll be able to sense our presence here.” Mackenzie pressed. “Just one moment please.” “But-” Alex began. “Come on Alex.” Mackenzie told her. I could see understanding in her eyes. “She just wants to say goodbye.” I smiled as if to say thank you to her. Then I turned my attention to Jacob. In his eyes there wasn’t just sadness, but so much pain and anguish. The tears quietly fell from my eyes. Jake moaned, rubbing his fur against my face. I chuckled. “Thanks. This isn’t goodbye you know… this is just a see you later.” He nodded in agreement. “I’m going to find my way back to you and there is nothing that can keep us apart!” I professed. I kissed his fur and whispered into his ear, “I love you Jacob Black.” He sounded like he was choking on something and then I noticed a huge drop of water hit the ground. My Jacob was crying. I just wanted to stay there and console him. Then a recognizable bright


light caught my attention. It was Mac’s crystal necklace. She hadn’t worn it in so long. “The brighter it gets the closer they are.” She said. “Nessie you got to go!” Ales stressed. Jacob growled at the forest waiting for them to come. Alex pushed me back to Mackenzie and Morgan. “What about you?” I asked. “I have to stay here and help Jake fend them off until you and Mackenzie get out of here.” “Wait I’m going too?” Mackenzie asked in confusion. “Yes. Nessie can’t go alone and Morgan and Mordakai are not allowed to go with her because they won’t be able to watch their own times.” I was deeply confused. “Look I love you both! Please hurry you’re our only hope!” Mackenzie pulled me to the back of the cottage where Morgan waited with Mordakai. “We don’t have much time to explain,” Mordakai began, “You are going to have to travel back in time to warn yourself about what is going to happen so you can prevent this whole mess.” Morgan picked up where he left off. “So you are going to go back at least a day in advance in case anything goes wrong which is September 8th two days before your last birthday.” “Okay.” I said. “You are going to open a portal right on this wall.” Mordakai said patting the stone wall of the cottage. “Why here?” “There are only a few places in the world where we can open up portals on each continent. This just happens to be one of them.” Morgan handed me a piece of paper. “Now here’s the spell to open up the portal it’s a one way spell. When you’ve finished what you’ve gone to do you should automatically catch up with the new future, but if for any reason something goes wrong…” he pulled out two viles and handed one to me and the other to Mackenzie. “Just come right back here to the cottage throw the potions against 62

the wall and it will bring you right back here. Stay focused on where you want to go or you will end up in a completely different place or time. And we won’t be able to bring you back because you’re the only one with access to the past.” I nodded. “Wait won’t their mind reader know what you guys have planned?” Mackenzie shook her head. “She can only see into your thoughts if you look her in the eyes. You can tell a lot by staring deep into someone’s eyes.” So that’s why they kept their heads down… I heard a crash and a struggle in the front of the cottage my heart sank deep into the pit of my stomach I kept thinking about what my family went through eight years ago and how the nightmare was actually coming to life. Now Mackenzie’s necklace was entirely too bright. “Nessie say the spell.” Mackenzie ordered. I pulled out the paper. “Powers of the unknowns rise Course unseen across the skies Send me back to where I’ll find What I wish in place and time.” Surely enough, the entire wall flashed a slivery light. I looked at it amazed that I could actually walk through the wall without getting hurt. “There they are!” Mackenzie shouted. The council members stalked into the back where we were, their eyes on me. “Just stop this now and no one will get hurt.” Gwen pleaded. “You mean no one but Renesmee.” Mackenzie shot back. They started to walk forward. “Freeze!” Morgan and Mordakai commanded them. But the council didn’t freeze; instead they just moved sluggishly until they broke free of it and retained the brothers. Mackenzie ripped off her necklace and handed it to me. “You’re going to need this now go!” “No!” 63

Mackenzie turned her back from me, suddenly a hit pitched scream escaped from her lungs. The council members were flying everywhere freeing the brothers as well. As I watch the three of them battle I was convinced I had to stay and help. Then one of the members charged at me with something in their hand. It was a white electrical orb and I knew it meant the end for me. I squeezed my eyes shut as tightly as I could, but the feeling that came next was not what I was expecting. Someone grabbed me from behind and it felt as if I was floating. I couldn’t hear anything after that it was me and whoever I was with and we were just… floating.




I was floating for a long time or at least it felt as if I was floating. It was a while before I came to. I wasn’t alone because I heard a heartbeat nearby. Did I get knocked out or was I sleeping. I rolled over to my side and felt the hard surface I was on. I ran my figures across it and realized it was the ground. I was sleeping outside? I still hadn’t opened my eyes yet. It took me a minute to remember the events of the day and finally my eyes snapped open. “It’s about time sleeping beauty!” He said in relief. I didn’t need to look up to know who it was. “Where are we?” I grumble as I got up and stretched. “You’re not going to be happy about this.” He handed me a newspaper. I glance at it. September 9th it read. Not the day I was going for but close enough. “Oh no!” I gasped. “I told you.” He said knowingly. The year was completely wrong. “Eight years! We’ve gone back eight years!” I was having a mental break down. He placed his arm around my shoulder as if to comfort me. “Well look on the bright side… at least we’re not alone.” 64

I gave him a disapproving glare. “Just you, me and our baby, huh?” “Yeah.” Dylan agreed. “One big happy family.” He wasn’t the only one fond of this idea… It was too. As his smile grew wider, my despair grew deeper.


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