Renegade Bbs Manual 2

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DOC 1.1 documentation file ----------------------------------------------------------------------Please note - this is a plain ASCII text file containing multiple documents. You may find it most convenient to view or print this file using the DOC.EXE program supplied. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Title1:Renegade Configuration Title2:Volume 2 Copyright:(C)1992 Cott Lang Enterprises @@Sys Config _______________________________________________________ System configuration: A. C. E. G. I. K.

Main BBS Configuration System ACS Settings System Toggles Subscription/Validation System Offline Mail Configuration Color Configuration

B. D. F. H. J. L.

Modem/Node Conf System Variable File System Con Network Configu String Configur Archive Configu

1. 3. 5. 7.

Time allowed per day UL/DL # files ratio Post/Call ratio Max download kbytes per day

2. 4. 6. 8.

Max calls per UL/DL K-bytes Max downloads Update System

d r p A

Enter selection (A-L,1-8) [Q]uit : _________________________________________________________ Selecting one of the keys will take you to the corresponding section of the system configuration. Pressing "Q" will take you back to the WFC screen (or the SysOp Menu). @@ A. _________________________________________________________ Main BBS Configuration A. B. D. F. H. J. L.

BBS name/number :GS Connection BBS (207-799-9080) SysOp's name :The "O" C. Registration nu SysOp chat hours :18:00...22:00 E. Minimum baud ho Regular DL hours :Always allowed G. Minimum baud DL BBS Passwords I. Pre-event warni Startout menu :START K. Bulletin Prefix Multinode support:Off M. Network mode

0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Main data files dir. :E:\RENEGADE\DATA\ Miscellaneous Files dir.:E:\RENEGADE\MISC\ Message file storage dir:E:\RENEGADE\MSGS\ Menu file directory :E:\RENEGADE\MENU\ Nodelist (Version 7) dir:E:\RENEGADE\TEXT\ Log files/trap files dir:E:\RENEGADE\LOGS\ Temporary directory :E:\RENEGADE\TEMP\ Protocols directory :E:\RENEGADE\PROT\ Archivers directory :E:\RENEGADE\PROT\ File attach directory :F:\ATTACH\

Enter selection (A-M,0-9) [Q]uit : _______________________________________________________ A

This option allows you to enter the name and the phone number of your BBS.


This option allows you to enter the username of the SysOp.


This option allows you to enter your registration number for the BBS program. However, since Renegade is currently an �eta test, this option does absolutely nothing.


This option allows you to declare your chat hours. When someone pages you during these hours, a bell will sound to inform you that a user wishes to chat.


This option defines the hours that the minimum baud rate callers may log on. Some SysOps prefer to restrict the hours available to users of lower baud modems for various reasons.


This option defines the hours that file downloading is allowed.


This option defines the hours that low baud callers may download files.


This option defines the SysOp, new user and baud override passwords.


This options sets the number of seconds before a scheduled event is run in which the user is warned.


Menu where users with an undefined startout menu will start from. (Normally set to MAIN) The startout menu is the menu which the user is first in contact with. Some Sysops prefer to have the menu set to something else to perform some type of maintenance before the user gets to the main menu.


Prefix of the Bulletin Files. (Normally left Blank or set to BULLET) Refer to Chapter 11-D-12, SubBulletins for a explanation.


This option allows you to tell Renegade if it has 1 or more n (If multi-node, you must use the -Nx command to load node x.)


This option will allow you to turn the Network mode on. It activates functions as: a) Forces local security on. b) Disables all function keys unless a sysop is logged on.

c) Disables the sysop window system. d) All WFC commands are disabled except the obvious. e) If no node is specified on the command line, the node will assume it is a local node, and automatically configure itself as the next available node number. 0

This option defines the directory in which your main data files are stored. (.DAT, .DIR, etc.)


This option defines the directory in which your text files are stored. (.ANS, .ASC, .INF, .ASW, etc.)


This option defines the directory in which your messages are stored. (.BRD, .MIX, etc.)


This option defines the directory in which the menu files are stored. (.MNU)


This option defines the directory in which the Version 7 Nodelist files will be stored.


This option defines the directory in which the trap files, system log files and capture chat files are stored. (.LOG)


This option defines the directory in which temporary files are stored. This directory is used for various things to hold files while using them, but when they aren't permanent.


This option defines the directory in which the protocol drivers will be held. These include DSZ.EXE, HSLINK.EXE, etc. These files are used in the Protocol Editor as your upload and download files.


This option defines the directory in which the archive drivers will be held. These include PKUNZIP.EXE, ARJ.EXE, PKZIP.EXE, ARCE.COM, etc.


This option defines the directory in which the files which are attached to Email and Netmail are to be sent to.

@@ B _______________________________________________________ Modem/Node Configuration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Maximum baud rate COM port number Modem init string Modem answer string Modem hangup string Modem offhook string Inactivity init time

: : : : : : :

2400 4 ATV0S0=0&C1&D2M0E0| ATA| ATH0| ATH1| 30

8. 9. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. R.

COM port locking : Locked baud rate : CTS/RTS flow control : XON/XOFF flow control: ACS for this node : Path for door files : TeleConf Normal : TeleConf Anon : TeleConf Global : TeleConf Private : Modem result codes.

Off 38400 baud On Off C:\RENEGADE\

Enter selection or (Q)uit : _______________________________________________________ Note that the command strings can contain the following special characters: "|"

Sends a carriage return (^M) to the modem.


Sends a control character to the modem. (^M can be typed as a | here.)


Performs a half-second delay before sending the next character to the modem.

Each menu option is described in detail below. 1

This is the baud rate that Renegade will use when waiting for calls at the WFC menu. This should be set to the modem's maximum baud rate, either 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 or 57600 baud.


This is the COM port that your modem is connected to, which can be COM1 through COM8.


This is the command that initializes the modem. This is VERY important, as it tells the modem how to operate under the BBS environment.


This is the command that enables the modem to answer an incoming call.


This is the command that hangs up the modem.


This is the command that places the modem offhook. (Makes the phone line busy.)


This sets the time (in minutes) in which the modem will be reinitialized if no one has called. (Warning: Do not set this to zero. If you do, the modem will be constantly reinitializing.)


This option lets you lock the COM port if you have a 9600 baud or faster modem.


This option sets the baud rate to lock the COM port at if you have option 8 set to "Yes".


This option toggles CTS/RTS flow control on or off. Flow control tells the computer or modem when to start and stop sending or receiving information to/from the other device. (RTS/CTS is also known as Hardware Flow Control.)


Set this to the opposite of RTS/CTS flow control. (It's technically same as RTS/CTS except it's Software Flow Control. RTS/CTS is better if you can support it.)


The minimum ACS setting required to be met by the user trying to logon to the node so they can stay on.


The complete path to where the door files (CALLINFO.BBS, DORINFOx.DEF, DOOR.SYS, etc.) will be written to for this node. (If blank, files are written to main BBS directory)


The string inserted here sets what is displayed by this node's line in the teleconference before the user's text is sent normally.


The string inserted here sets what is displayed by this node's line in the teleconference before the user's text is sent anonymously.


The string inserted here sets what is displayed by this node's line in the teleconference before the user's text is sent globally.


The string inserted here sets what is displayed by this node's line in the teleconference before the user's text is sent privately.


These are the result codes returned by the modem when the NO CARRIER, NO DIALTONE, BUSY and various baud rate conditions are encountered. Case 1 result codes are the main codes returned by the modem. Case 2 result codes are provided for persons using MNP class modems. (Also called ARQ mode.) @@ C ______________________________________________________ System ACS settings A. C. E. G. I. K. M. O. R. T.

Full SysOp :s255 Msg Base SysOp :s200 SysOp PW at logon:s255 Post public :vv See anon pub post:s100 Global Anon post :s100 See unval. files :vv No UL/DL ratio :s30 No file point chk:^ MCI in TeleConf :s250

B. D. F. H. J. L. N. P. S. U.

Full Co-SysOp :s250 File Base SysOp :s200 Remote PW viewing:% Send e-mail :^ See anon E-mail :% E-mail anon :% DL unval. files :s200 No PostCall ratio:s200 ULs auto-credited:s250 Chat at any hour :s250

V. Send Netmail :% X. Mail file attach :vv

W. "Invisible" Mode :s250 Y. Change a vote :^

Enter selection (A-Y) [Q]uit : ______________________________________________________ A

This setting defines the security level for a full SysOp.


This setting defines the security level for a full Co-SysOp.


This setting defines the security level for a message base SysOp.


This setting defines the security level for a file base SysOp.


This setting defines the security level in which the SysOp password must be specified during the logon process.


This setting defines the security level in which a user can view passwords in the user editor.


This setting defines the security level required to post normal public mail.


This setting is similar to option G, except that it pertains to normal Email.


This setting defines the security level that allows a user to see who posted public messages anonymously.


This setting defines the security level that allows a user to see who posted Email anonymously.


This setting defines the security level that allows a user to post anonymously on ANY message base.


This setting is similar to option K, except that it deals with Email.


This setting defines the security level that allows a user to see unvalidated files when looking through the file lists.


This setting defines the security level that allows a user to download unvalidated files.


This setting defines the security level at which upload/download ratio checking is turned off.


This setting defines the security level at which the post/call ratio check is turned off.


This setting defines the security level at which

file point checking is turned off. S

This setting defines the security level at which uploaded files are automatically credited to the uploader. (This is useful to prevent uploading of "garbage" files to balance an UL/DL ratio for further downloading.)


This setting defines the ACS needed to use MCI codes in the teleconference area.


This setting defines the security level at which a user can request a chat with the Sysop. (This overrides chat hours.)


This setting defines the security level at which a user can send Netmail to another BBS on a network.


This setting defines the security level at which a user can logon to the BBS (in multi-node mode only) and be "Invisible" to the other nodes when they log on, and in the node listing


This setting defines the security level at which a user can "attach" a file to mail that they send on the board.


This setting defines the security level at which a user can change his vote in the voting section. @@ D _______________________________________________________ System variables A. C. E. G. I. K. M. O. R. T.

Max private sent per c:255 Max public posts per c:255 Normal max mail waitin:25 Logins before bday che:0 Number of logon attemp:3 SysOp chat color :9 Min. space for posts :100 Back SysOp Log keep da:7 Alert beep delay :5 Minimum logon baud rat:1200

0. F1 1. F2 2. F3 3. F4 4. F5 5. F6 6. F7 7. F8 8. F9 9.F10

Macro Macro Macro Macro Macro Macro Macro Macro Macro Macro

B. D. F. H. J. L. N. P. S. U.

Max feedback s:5 Max chat attem:3 CoSysOp max ma:50 Swap shell sho:EMS Password chang:0 days User chat colo:3 Min. space for:500 Blank WFC menu:2 Number of syst:2164 Minimum downlo:1200

:"" :"" :"" :"" :"" :"" :"" :"" :"" :""

Enter selection (A-U,1-9) [Q]uit : _______________________________________________________


This option sets the limit for the amount of Email that any single caller can leave during a call.


This option sets the limit for the number of feedback messages that any single caller can send during a call.


This option sets the limit for the number of public messages that any single caller can send during a call.


This option sets the limit for the number of chat attempts that any single caller can make during a call.


This option sets the limit for the amount of Email that can be kept waiting for a certain user.


This option sets the limit for the amount of Email that can be kept waiting for a Co-SysOp.


This option sets the number of logons a user can have before the BBS checks to see (as a security feature) if the user knows what the birthdate they entered into the BBS at the first logon.


This option tells the BBS where to swap memory to when the BBS "swaps" out of Renegade. The locations are either (D)isk, (E)MS Memory, (X)MS Memory, (N)on XMS Extended Memory or (A)nywhere.


This option sets the number of attempts a user can make to log on to the BBS, before the BBS hangs up on them.


This option sets the amount of days before a user has to change their password as a security precaution.


This option sets the SysOp chat color. This only matters to the users that can view ANSI colors, as this color is the one that is used while the SysOp is typing.


This goes along with option K, except that it's the user chat color. (In case you're wondering.. the reason there are 2 different colors for chat is basically so that the Sysop and user knows who said what.)


This option sets the minimum amount of hard drive space (in K) that must be available on the hard drive in order to post a message.


Pretty much the same as option M, except that it deals with the amount of space needed to be free to upload a file.


This option sets the number of days that the SysOp back logs are kept. (Maximum is 15 days.)


This option sets the time of inactivity before the WFC screen is blanked. (Screen Saver)


This option defines the delay in between beeps to the user or the Sysop.


This option defines the number of calls the BBS has received.


This option defines the minimum baud rate that can call into the BBS. (This is normally used to "lock-out" 300 baud users who are normally too slow to do much.)


This option defines the minimum baud rate that can download files from the BBS. (See note on option T)


These are the F1-F10 Sysop Definable Macros that only the Sysop can use on the BBS. @@ E ____________________________________________________ System flagged functions A. C. E. G. I. K. M. O. R. T. V. X.

Handles allowed on:On Local security pro:Off Global activity tr:Off AutoMessage in log:On Last few callers i:On Strip color off Sy:Off Mandatory voting :On UL duplicate file :On Use BIOS for video:On Refuse new users :Off Use shuttle logon :Off Time limits are pe:Off

B. D. F. H. J. L. N. P. S. U. W. Y.

Phone number in log:On Use EMS for overlay:On Auto chat buffer op:Off Bulletins in logon :On User info in logon :Off Offhook in local lo:On Compress file/msg n:On SysOp Log type :File Suppress snow on CG:Off Swap shell function:On Chat call paging :On SysOp Password chec:On

1. New user message sent to :1 2. Mins before timeout bell :2 3. Mins before timeout :3 Enter selection (A-Y,1-3) [Q]uit : _______________________________________________________ A

This option specifies whether or not handles are allowed on the system. (A handle is an alias. Like CB Radio.)


This option specifies whether or not the user's phone number is asked for during the logon process.


This option controls local security protection.


This option specifies whether or not the RENEGADE.OVR

file is to be accessed from, EMS (expanded) memory. If the overlay can't be stored in EMS, Renegade will access the overlay from disk as usual. (EMS is MUCH faster in accessing then the disk.) E

This option controls global activity trapping. If set to ON, the BBS will make a trap file for EVERY caller.


This option specifies whether or not to automatically open the chat buffer during a chat session.


This option specifies whether or not the auto-message is displayed during the logon process.


This option specifies whether or not the bulletin menu is presented during the logon process.


This option specifies whether or not the last few callers list is displayed during the logon process.


This option specifies whether or not the user's status is shown during the logon process.


This option specifies whether or not Renegade's color codes will be stripped from the SysOp log.


This option specifies whether or not the phone should be taken off-hook during local logons.


This option specifies whether or not to force all users to vote on all unanswered voting questions.


This option controls the "compression" of file and message base numbers. This option takes a little explaining... Say you have ten message bases (1-10), and bases 2, 6 and 9 are restricted from certain users. Normally when the list of message areas is displayed, those areas are not shown, leaving a gap in the listings (1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10). If this option is set to on, all the message base numbers are made contiguous..(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) to the user.


This option controls the search for duplicate files during the uploading procedure.


This option controls the output of the SysOp log. have three choices.


File only -- Puts the log in the SYSOPxx.LOG file. Printer & file -- Same as File except it outputs the log to the printer also. Printer only -- Sends the log to the printer only. R

This option specifies whether or not ROM BIOS routines

are to be used for all local screen output. S

This option specifies whether or not "snow checking" is required for Color Graphics Adapters (CGAs).


This option defines if new users will be allowed onto the BBS or not.


This option defines if Renegade will Swap memory if it shells out of the BBS.


This option defines if the BBS will use the Shuttle Logon.


This option toggles Chat call paging. (After a user pages you, the board buzzes you to remind you that the user wants to chat.)


This option defines if the time limits are per call or per day.


This option defines if most options (some are logon, most functions in SysOp menu, etc.) ask for the Sysop password before letting you execute the command.


This option defines the number of the user that will receive "new user" messages.


This option specifies the number of minutes before the bell is sounded to alert the user that the system is about to "time out".


This option specifies the number of minutes that are allowed to pass with no activity before the system "times out". @@ F _________________________________________ File section configuration A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N.

Upload/download ratio system :On File point system :Off Daily download limits :Off Test and convert uploads :On Point rewarding system :Off Search for/User FILE_ID.DIZ :On Point reward compensation ratio:50% File point compensation ratio :3 to 1 Base file size per 1 file point:10k Upload time refund percent :150% "To-SysOp" file base :1 Auto-validate ALL files ULed? :No Max k-bytes allowed in temp dir:500 Min k-bytes to save for resume :100

Enter selection (A-N) [Q]uit : _________________________________________


This option specifies whether or not upload/download ratio checking is active.


This option specifies whether or not a file point file system is active.


This option turns the daily download limits on or off.


This option toggles if the uploads will be recommented and converted to the current file base's archive setting.


This option works with option C and defines how many file points should be given for the upload based on the number of K in the given upload.


This option will toggle whether or not Renegade will search an uploaded file for FILE_ID.DIZ. (It is a file that describes what the file is, no matter what the user enters for information. It is a standard also used by PC Board.)


This option defines the % of the file's points that is rewarded to the uploader whenever the file is downloaded.


This option defines how many file points you get per file size. (See E)


This option defines what 1 file point is equal to in K. (ie: if set to 10k, every 10k of a file will charge the user 1 file point.)


This option defines the percentage of time that a user is refunded after uploading a file.


This option defines the file base that is set to "SysOp only". This is for SysOp-only uploads which are sent by putting a "\" as the first character in the file description.


This option specifies whether or not all uploaded files are to be auto-validated.


This option defines the maximum number of kilobytes allowed in the temporary archive working directory.


This option defines the minimum number of kilobytes that must have been sent during an upload before it can be saved for a resume-later upload operation. @@ G _____________________________________________________ A. New User Settings C. Low Level 6 Month E. High Level 6 Month G. I.

B. Validated Access D. Low Level 1 Year F. High Level 1 Year H. J.

K. M. O. Q. S. U. W. Y.

L. N. P. R. T. V. X. Z.

Subscription editor (?=help) : __________________________________________ Level (A) is always used for New Users, and option (B) is for Validated users. The other 24 levels are open for what you need. __________________________________________ Subscription level A A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. K. L. M.

Description: New SL : New DSL : AR flags : AC flags : File points: New credit : Expiration : Expire to : AR upgrade : AC upgrade : Start menu :

New User Settings 10 10 -----------------------------------/---0 0 No expiration No change Hard Hard

Enter selection (A-M) [Q]uit : __________________________________________ A

This option defines the Description of the Subscription Level.


This option defines the security level (SL) of the user.


This option defines the download security level (DSL) of a user. The DSL is basically the same as SL, except that it is normally used in the file transfer area.


This option defines the area flags (AR flags) for a user.


This option defines the access flags (AC flags) for a user. While AR flags are definable in what they mean, AC flags have a certain set meaning that is listed in Appendix A. These flags are normally used to restrict a user from doing certain functions that override the System Configuration. The flags are: LCVBA*PEKM/1234


This option sets the initial number of file points awarded to the user.


This option sets the amount of credit the user gets in their account.


This option sets the amount of days that the user account will remain at the current subscription level. (See I).


This option sets which Subscription level the user will expire to after their level expires. (See H).


This option toggles if the AR Flag upgrade will be Hard or Soft. *19*


This option is the same as (K) except it toggles the AC Flags. *19*


This option sets the starting menu for the user at the current subscription level. @@ H __________________________________________________________ Network configuration A. B. C. D. E. F.

Net addresses Origin line : GS Strip IFNA kludge l: Strip SEEN-BY lines: Strip origin lines : Add tear/origin lin:

G. H. I. J.

Default Default Netmail Netmail

Connection BBS Yes 1. Color Yes 2. Color No 3. Color Yes 4. Color

Echomail path Groupmail path path attributes

- 207-799-9080 of standard t: of quoted tex: of tear line : of origin lin:

0 9 4 3


Enter selection (A-J,1-4) [Q]uit : _________________________________________________________ A

This option goes to the Net Addresses Menu (explained below).


Defines the origin line placed at the bottom of outgoing messages.


Toggles stripping of IFNA kludge lines from incoming messages.


Toggles stripping of SEEN-BY lines from incoming messages.


Toggles stripping of origin lines from incoming messages.


Toggles the automatic addition of tear and origin lines

to messages posted in FidoNet bases. G

This is the default prefix for the EchoMail directories.


Same as G above, but for GroupMail bases.


Same as G above, but for Netmail.


This option toggles the attributes of Netmail.


Defines the color used to display normal text. (Default=0)


Defines the color used to display quoted text. (Default=9)


Defines the color used to display the tear line. (Default=4)


Defines the color used to display the origin line. (Default=3)

______________________________ Network addresses A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.

Address Address Address Address Address Address Address Address Address Address

#0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9

: : : : : : : : : :

0:0/0.0 0:0/0.0 0:0/0.0 0:0/0.0 0:0/0.0 0:0/0.0 0:0/0.0 0:0/0.0 0:0/0.0 0:0/0.0

Enter selection (A-J) [Q]uit : ______________________________ A-J

Defines your given FidoNet address. You will be prompted for each individual component of the address (zone, net, node and point numbers); pressing [ENTER] at any prompt will leave that component unchanged.

A is your main Address, and B-J are AKA Addresses for either other networks using Fido-transfer-lines, or for other Fido nodes. @@ I ________________________________________________ Offline Mail Support A. B. C. D.

QWK/REP Packet name Welcome screen name News file name Goodbye file name


E. F. G. H.

Local QWK/REP path Ignore time for DL Max total messages Max msgs per base

:D:\STUFF\ :Off :500 :200

Enter selection (A-H) [Q]uit : ________________________________________________ A

This option is what the name of the QWK packet which is created will be called (and what the reply is called.) without the QWK or REP extension.


This option is the complete path and filename (without extension) of the welcome screen in the QWK file.


This option is the complete path and filename (without extension) of the news file in the QWK file.


This option is the complete path and filename (without extension) of the goodbye file in the QWK file.


This option is the complete path to where you normally have your QWK files and REP files for when you want to read the BBS's messages offline with the other mail packets.


This option can be set if you want people to have unlimited time for downloading their mail (no matter what the time they have left, let them d/l their mail packet).


This option will set the Maximum Total number of downloadable messages.


This option will set the Maximum Total number of downloadable messages per message base. @@ J __________________________________________________________ String configuration - page 1 of 6 A. Anonymous :[Wondering who I am?] B. Logon note #1:Enter your User Name, Real Name, or ID Nu Logon note #2:or enter "NEW" to logon as a new user. C. Logon prompt :@M<What are you known as?> : D. Echo chr :� E. SysOp IN :I'm holding The "O" here! Scream if you F. SysOp OUT :I'm sorry, The "O" is out at the moment. G. Engage chat :@MHail - Oh Mighty @A! The "O" will be @M H. Exit chat :The "O" has thrown you back to the boa@M I. Sysop working:--> The "O" is doing something neat <-J. Pause screen :--> Caress a key <-Enter selection (A-J,[,]),(Q)uit : ________________________________________________________ A

This string is what gets displayed to all users when the mail they are reading was sent anonymously.


These lines are displayed when the BBS asks for a user name, real name, user number, or NEW for a new user.


This is displayed just before the input area, and is usually a prompt such as "Logon:" that lets the caller know that the system is ready to log them on.


This is the character that is echoed to the screen when the caller types sensitive information.


This string tells the user that the SysOp is available and ready to chat.


This string is displayed when the SysOp is not available to chat.


This string is displayed when the SysOp has engaged the Chat mode.


This string is displayed when the SysOp disengages the Chat mode.


This string is displayed when the SysOp is performing a function while a user is online.


This works with the default screen size, established during the new user logon. _______________________________________________________ String configuration - page 2 of 6 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.

Message entry L#1:Enter your message now, @A. You may Message entry L#2:Press /S to save, or /? for a list of NewScan start :[@W - @5 msgs] Scanning...@M NewScan done :[@W - @5 msgs] Scan complete.@M Read msgs prompt :[@4 of @5] Read (1-@5,=Next,?=H : Automessage by: :Auto-Message by: Auto border char.:Quote header L#1 :On @D, @F said the following to @T... Quote header L#2 : Regarding: @S Continue prompt :- Continue? Y/N/C -

Enter selection (A-J,[,]),(Q)uit : _______________________________________________________ A

This is the first line of the description for entering public messages and Email, displayed just after the header information is entered.


This is the second line of the description for entering public messages and Email.


This message is displayed at the start of each message base during a NewScan of messages.


This message is displayed at the end of each message base during a NewScan of messages.


This prompt is displayed after each message and provides a list of available commands.


This message is displayed as the header of the automessage.


This character surrounds the text in the automessage above and below it.


This string is the first line that is displayed when the user quotes a message.


This is the same as (H) except it's the 2nd line.


This is like Option (J) on Page 1 except it's a continue prompt with keys (Y)es, (N)o, and (C)ontinuous.

_______________________________________________________ String configuration - page 3 of 6 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.

Shell to DOS L#1:The "O" is calling DOS.. "Shell to DOS Shell to DOS L#2:Haha! DOS came back fighting! Chat call L#1 :I'm giving The "O" a really annoying s Chat call L#2 :>><*><< Continue Scan Q :Continue, Read msgs, Quit? Name not found :That name is NOT found in the user lis Bulletin line :Enter bulletin selection (?=List,Q=Q): Protocol prompt :Which Protocol to use? (What a decisio Chat call reason:What is your reason to chat?

Enter selection (A-I,[,]),(Q)uit : _______________________________________________________ A

This message is displayed when the SysOp has performed a shell to DOS.


This message is displayed when the SysOp has returned from dropping to DOS.


This message is displayed when a user pages the SysOp for chat.


This message is displayed while the BBS is paging the SysOp during chat hours. It is displayed nine times, with a beep between each one. (A visual for the Sysop and the user that the user wants to chat.)


This line is displayed while the user is scanning the message bases.


This message is displayed if the user name entered during the logon process is not a valid user name on the BBS.


This message is displayed below the list of the BBS

bulletins. H

This string is displayed when the user is about to transfer a file. It's used to find out which protocol they want to use.


This string is displayed to the user when they want to chat with you. Don't confuse this with Chat call, or the Sysop Available strings. This is displayed when you are available and the board asks for a reason why they want to chat. __________________________________________________________ String configuration - page 4 of 6 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.

List line :List files - P to Pause... File NewScan line:Search for new files Search line :Search all Directories for a File Mas Find Descrip. L#1:Search Descriptions and Filename for Find Descrip. L#2:Enter the string to search for: Download line :Download - You have @U file points le Upload line :Upload! - @3K free in this directory. View content line:View archive interior files Insuff. file pts :ACCESS DENIED! Insufficient file poi Bad UL/DL ratio :ACCESS DENIED! Your U/Dload Ratio is

Enter selection (A-J,[,]),(Q)uit : __________________________________________________________ A

This message is displayed when the user selects to list files at the file transfer menu.


This message is displayed when the user selects to scan for new files.


This message is displayed when a user searches for a particular file or set of files.


This is the first line of the message that is displayed when a user wants to search for a text string in the file lists.


This is the second line of the message described in option D.


This message is displayed before a user enters a filename to download.


This message is displayed when a user attempts to upload a file.


This message is displayed when a user attempts to view the contents of an archive file.


This message is displayed when a user attempts to download a file that is worth more file points than they have.


This message is displayed when a user attempts to download a file when their upload/download ratio is out of balance. ______________________________________________________ String configuration - page 5 of 6 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.

P/N file info :P to Pause, N for Next Directory Get filespec L#1:[ENTER] = All Files Get filespec L#2:File Mask >> Add to batch :File added to Leeching Queue. Adding batches :Batch Download Flagging Reading prompt :Begin Reading at [1-@5] (Q=Quit): Scanning prompt :Begin Scanning at [1-@5] (Q=Quit): Use defaults :Press [ENTER] to use defaults... Newscan begins :> [ Newscan All ] < Newscan done :> [ Newscan Done ] <

Enter selection (A-J,[,]),(Q)uit : ______________________________________________________ A

This message is displayed when a NewScan of the file bases has begun. Pressing "P" will pause during a file listing, while pressing "N" will skip to the next available file base.


This is the first line of the message displayed when a file search is being attempted.


This is the second line of the message displayed when a file search is being attempted.


This message is displayed when a user has added a file to the upload or download queue.


This message is displayed when the user wants to flag a file for batch downloading.


This prompt is displayed when the user starts reading messages.


This prompt is displayed when the user starts scanning messages.


This message is displayed when the user is entering a message. It informs the user that default statements will be used if they press [ENTER] at the prompt.


This message is displayed when the user starts a new scan of the available file areas.


This message is displayed when the new scan of files is done. (See option I.) __________________________________________________________ String configuration - page 6 of 6 A. User question #1 :What computer type do you use most fr

B. C. D. E. F.

User User User User User

question #2 :What is your occupation? question #3 :Where did you hear about this board f editor display #1 :Computer editor display #2 :Occupation editor display #3 :Heard From

Enter selection (A-J,[,]),(Q)uit : __________________________________________________________ A-C

These messages are what the user is asked during the Sysop definable question section of the new user logon process.


These are the strings that are displayed in the corresponding sections of the screen in the user editor for the sysop definable questions.

@@ K __________________________________________________________ NN:Description :Colors ==:==============================:======================== 1 GSC Default Colors 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Color Scheme editor (?=Help) : __________________________________________________________ D

This will delete one of the color schemes that are available.


This will insert a color scheme into your current list.


This will modify a current color scheme, and bring you to the next menu (below).


This will set the position of a scheme in the list.


This will quit you from the color configuration menu, and bring you back to the System Config Menu.

After pressing M and choosing the scheme you wish to modify the following menu is displayed: __________________________________________________________ Color Scheme 1 of 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. B.

Description : GSC Default Colors System colors : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 File Listings Message Listings File Area Listings Message Area Listings User Listings Node Activity Listing Last Callers Listing Offline Mail screen Private Mail Listing

Edit menu (?=Help) :

__________________________________________________________ 1

Changes the description of this scheme


Changes the different colors of the carat color system.


Changes the colors in the file listing.


Changes the colors in the message listing.


Changes the colors in the file area listing.


Changes the colors in the message base listing.


Changes the colors in the user listing.


Changes the colors in the node activity listing.


Changes the colors in the last callers listing.


Changes the colors in the offline mail listing.


Changes the colors in the private mail listing.

After pressing 2, the following is shown: ________________________________________________ 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

System System System System System System System System System System

color color color color color color color color color color

0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9:

Bright White on Black Cyan on Black Blue on Black Bright Cyan on Black Bright Blue on Black Bright Yellow on Black Bright White on Blue Bright Red on Black Blinking Bright Red on Black Bright Green on Black

System color to change : ________________________________________________ [1-9]

Pressing any of these keys will change the system color that corresponds to the number you pressed.

After entering the number of the color you want to change, the menu from Flag 7 (*7*) is shown. After Pressing 3 on the color scheme menu, the following menu is shown: __________________________________________________________ ��������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � File Name � Size � Description MS-DOS Games #8 � ���������������������������������������������������������� *RENEGADE.ZIP 351300 Latest version of Renegade! *RG .ZIP 276420 Latest RENEGADE upgrade. This is the latest upgrade available Uploaded by: John Smith

(A) Border (D) Size field

(B) File Name field (E) Desc Field

(C) Pts Field (F) Area field

(G) File name (J) File desc (M) Uploader

(H) File Points (K) Extended (N) Search Match

(I) File size (L) Status fla

Color to change : __________________________________________________________ [A]

This key will change the color for the border.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the listing header.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the actual listing. (Status Flag is the *, Unvalid, etc..)

After entering the letter of the area you want to change, the menu from Flag 7 (*7*) is shown. After Pressing 4 on the color scheme menu, the following menu is shown: __________________________________________________________ �������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � Msg# � Sender � Receiver � Subject � Posted � ��������������������������������������������������������� * 1 Herb Avore Peter Abbot Help! 01/01/93 * 2 Robin Banks Helen Beck Re: Renegade 01/01/93 > 3 Noah Zark Lou Zerr Modems 01/01/93 (A) Border (D) Receiver field

(B) Msg Num field (E) Subject Field

(C) Sender Field (F) Date field

(G) Msg Num (J) Subject

(H) Msg Sender (K) Msg Date

(I) Msg Receiver (L) Status flags

Color to change : __________________________________________________________ [A]

This key will change the color for the border.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the listing header.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the actual listing. (Status Flag is the *, Unvalid, etc..)

After entering the letter of the area you want to change, the menu from Flag 7 (*7*) is shown. After Pressing 5 on the color scheme menu, the following menu is shown: ______________________________________________________________________________

��������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � Num � Name � Num � Name � ���������������������������������������������������������� 1 � SysOp Directory 2 � Miscellaneous 3 Apogee Programs 4 Epic Megagames 5 Nor'Easter Software 6 � MS-DOS Utils 7 � MS-DOS Comm Progs. 8 � MS-DOS Games 9 � MS-DOS Misc 10 � Windows Files 11 � Apple II Files 12 � Apple IIgs Files 13 Commodore 14 Macintosh 15 � SoundBlaster VOC Files 16 � MOD Files 17 � GIF Graphics 18 � Hints/Cheats/Docs 19 � Twilight 2000 Files 20 � Renegade Files 21 � BBS Programs 22 � BBS Doors 23 � BBS Utilities 24 � Programming Files 25 � Adult GIF Files 26 � Adult Text Files 27 � Adult Misc Files 28 � Just because I care (A) Border

(B) Base Num field

(D) Scan Indicator

(E) Base Number

(C) Base Name Field (F) Base Name

Color to change : __________________________________________________________ [A]

This key will change the color for the border.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the listing header.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the actual listing. (Scan Indicator is the � to show if you are scanning that base)

After entering the letter of the area you want to change, the menu from Flag 7 (*7*) is shown. After Pressing 6 on the color scheme menu, the following menu is shown: __________________________________________________________ ��������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � Num � Name � Num � Name � ���������������������������������������������������������� 1 � General Messages 2 � MS-DOS 3 � Apple 4 Macintosh 5 Commodore 6 � Ops-Only 7 � Humor 8 � BBS Plugs 9 � Ham Radio 10 � Debate 11 � Story Time 12 � Suggestions 13 � Games Galore 14 � Buy-Sell 15 � Twilight 2000 16 � Tradewars 2002 17 � Upgrades 18 � Reviews 19 � Slam 20 � Environmental Issues 21 � Programming 22 � Tagline Conference 23 � Science Fiction 24 � Renegade

25 27 29 31 33

� � � � �

System Announcements Netbase Ham Radio (UNI) Sysops and Moderators Chit Chat (UNI)

(A) Border

26 28 30 32 34

� � � � �

Portland Computer Buy / Sell (UNI) Hardware (UNI) User Comments Conferenc Local Net

(B) Base Num field

(D) Scan Indicator

(E) Base Number

(C) Base Name Field (F) Base Name

Color to change : __________________________________________________________ [A]

This key will change the color for the border.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the listing header.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the actual listing. (Scan Indicator is the � to show if you are scanning that base)

After entering the letter of the area you want to change, the menu from Flag 7 (*7*) is shown. After Pressing 7 on the color scheme menu, the following menu is shown: __________________________________________________________ The complete user listing for GS Connection BBS ��������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � User Name � Calling from � Sex � Last on � ���������������������������������������������������������� Sarah Bellum New York, NY F 01/01/93 Abel Boddeed San Francisco, CA M 01/01/93 Jose Canusee Atlanta, GA M 01/01/93 (A) Border (B) User name field (C) Location field (D) Gender field (E) Last call field (F) Title (G) User name (J) Last Call

(H) Location

(I) Gender

Color to change : __________________________________________________________ [A]

This key will change the color for the border.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the listing header. (Title is "The complete user listing ...")


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the actual listing.

After entering the letter of the area you want to change, the menu from Flag 7 (*7*) is shown.

After Pressing 8 on the color scheme menu, the following menu is shown: __________________________________________________________ �������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � N � User Name � Location � Activity � Avail � ��������������������������������������������������������� 1 Paul Bearer Bonn, Germany Miscellaneous Yes 2 Lisa Carr Paris, KY Miscellaneous Yes 3 (A) Border (B) Node num field (D) Location field (E) Activity field (G) Node number (J) Activity

(C) User name field (F) Available field

(H) User name (K) Available

(I) Location (L) Blank

Color to change : __________________________________________________________ [A]

This key will change the color for the border.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the listing header. (Title is "The complete user listing ...")


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the actual listing. (Blank is the node(s) which don't have a user on them: Node 3 above)

After entering the letter of the area you want to change, the menu from Flag 7 (*7*) is shown. After Pressing 9 on the color scheme menu, the following menu is shown: __________________________________________________________ Today's callers to GS Connection BBS ��������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � Num# � Login � User Name � Calling from � Baud � ��������������������������������������������������������Ĵ � 3001 � 06:57p � Rigel � Portland, ME � 2400 � � 3002 � 07:44p � John Hanlon� Portland, ME � 2400 � � 3003 � 08:13p � Sir Robin � Cape Elizabeth, ME� 2400 � � 3004 � 08:38p � Benny � Franklin, MA � 2400 � � 3005 � 09:07p � Midget � Cumberland Foresid� 2400 � ���������������������������������������������������������� (A) Border (B) Caller num field (D) User name field (E) Location field

(C) Login field (F) Baud field

(G) Caller number (J) Location (M) New User flag

(I) User name (L) Title

Color to change :

(H) Login time (K) Baud rate

__________________________________________________________ [A]

This key will change the color for the border.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the listing header.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the actual listing. (Title is the "Today's callers ...". New User flag is the "*" which appears next to the name of a new user logon)

After entering the letter of the area you want to change, the menu from Flag 7 (*7*) is shown. After Pressing A on the color scheme menu, the following menu is shown: __________________________________________________________ The QWKSystem is now gathering mail. ��������������������������������������������������������Ŀ �Num� Msg base� Short � Echo � Total � New � Your � Size � ���������������������������������������������������������� 1 General GEN No 530 328 13 103k 2 Not so Ge NSGEN No 854 86 15 43k 3 Vague VAGUE No 985 148 8 74k (A) Border (D) Short field (G) New field

(B) Base num field (E) Echo field (H) Your field

(C) Base name field (F) Total field (I) Size field

(J) Title (M) Short (P) New Msgs

(K) Base Number (N) Echo flag (R) Your Msgs

(L) Base name (O) Total Msgs (S) Msgs size

Color to change : __________________________________________________________ [A]

This key will change the color for the border.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the listing header.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the actual listing. (Title is the "QWK System is now ..")

After entering the letter of the area you want to change, the menu from Flag 7 (*7*) is shown. After Pressing B on the color scheme menu, the following menu is shown: __________________________________________________________ �������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � Num � Date/Time � Sender � Subject � ���������������������������������������������������������

1 1

01 Jan 1993 01:00a 01 Jan 1993 01:00a

Izzy Backyet Rhoda Bote

Renegade Upgrades

(A) Border (D) Sender field

(B) Number field (E) Subject field

(C) Date/Time field

(F) Number (I) Subject

(G) Date/Time

(H) Sender

Color to change : __________________________________________________________ [A]

This key will change the color for the border.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the listing header.


These keys will change the color for the given letter in the actual listing.

After entering the letter of the area you want to change, the menu from Flag 7 (*7*) is shown. @@ L __________________________________________________________ Archive configuration edit NN:Ext:Compression cmdline :Decompress cmd :Success C ==:===:=========================:===============:========= +1 ZIP pkzip @F @I PKUNZIP -o @ 0 +2 ARJ ARJ a -y @F ARJ e /y @F 0 1. Archive comment file: d:\gsczip.txt 2. Archive comment file:
________________________________________________________ Archive #1 of 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Q.

Active Extension name Interior list method Compression cmdline Decompression cmdline File testing cmdline Add comment cmdline Errorlevel for success Quit

: : : : : : : :

Yes ZIP "/1" - *Internal* ZIP viewer pkzip @F @I PKUNZIP -o @F @I pkunzip -t @F rezip.bat @F @C 0

Edit menu: (1-8,[,],Q) : ________________________________________________________ The "[" and "]" keys will allow you to move back and forth between each entry in the list. 1

This option specifies whether or not the archive format is active.


This option specifies the extension used for files saved in the particular archive format.


This option defines the way the board is to view the contents of archive files in the current format. /1 /2 /3 /4 /5


Uses Uses Uses Uses Uses

the the the the the

internal internal internal internal internal


file file file file file

viewer viewer viewer viewer viewer

If you have defined an archive format that is not supported internally, use this option to define the commandline required to view the archive's contents. When defining the command line, substitute the "@F" MCI code where the actual filename would be placed. 4

This option defines the command line used to create or update an archive file using this format. When defining the command line, substitute the "@F" and "@I" MCI codes where the actual archive filename and file to be archived, respectively, would normally be placed.


This option is similar to option 4, except that it defines the commandline used to extract files from an archive file. All rules and restrictions mentioned above also apply.


This option is similar to option 4, except that it defines the commandline needed to check the integrity of an archive file.


This option is similar to option 4, except that it defines the commandline used to add a comment to an archive file. Use the MCI code "@C" to insert the comment line from the file base. (ie: pkzip -z@C @F .. Will add the comment selected in the file base to the file.)


This option defines the ERRORLEVEL value that the archiving program returns when an operation has been successfully completed. Most programs return a level of 0. @@ 1 __________________________________________________________ Editing: Time limitations 0:1 1:1 . . . 19:10

20:20 21:20 . . . 39:40

40:50 41:50 . . . 59:80

60:90 61:90 . . . 79:100

80:110 81:110 . . . 99:120

100:130 101:130 . . . 119:130

120:130 121:130 . . . 139:130

140:130 141:130 . . . 159:130

Range settings (S)et (T)oggle (Q)uit : __________________________________________________________ (S)et - Sets the SL values for a range of SL areas. You are asked to enter the starting and ending SL areas, and the new value to be placed in those spots. (T)oggle - Switches the display between showing SL areas 0-159 and 160-255. (Q)uit - Returns you to the System Configuration menu. (Just for definition, the SL is on the left, then a colon, then the time limit on the right.) @@ 2 This section works like the Time Limitations section except this section sets the number of calls allowed per day. @@ 3 This section works like the Time Limitations section except this section sets the number of files that a user can download for every file that they upload. @@ 4 This section works like the Time Limitations section except this section sets the number of K that a user can download for every K that they upload. @@ 5 This section works like the Time Limitations section except this section sets the number of posts per call ratio that must be kept in order to have AR Flag Z. (Helpful if you want to keep people out of the File transfer section until they get productive in posting, etc..) @@ 6

This section works like the Time Limitations section except this section sets the # of downloadable files per day. @@ 7 This section works like the Time Limitations section except this section sets the # of downloadable K per day. @@ 8 This command will update the current System Averages. This command should only be used when the stats get messed up.

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