Remote Control System

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Remote Control System

INTRODUCTION Now a days remote control system are becoming popular in many application like light switching, controlling fan, water pumps etc. Generally infrared signal is use for this purpose which is directional in nature that is when push to ON switch on transmitter is pressed the infrared LED of the transmitter produces infrared signal which is in Invisible form . It requires to be oriented towards the receiver . If the distance is considered a coverage of maximum 10m is achieved using a relatively high power transmitter and a receiver with good sensitivity . The infrared transmitter and receiver i.e. remote is totally isolated from receiver. However if one uses an A. M. Transmitter and Receiver pair in place of infrared Transmitter & Receiver one can achieve 50 m. coverage just by connecting the speaker output of a relay. Relay work with A.M. radio signal which is transmitted by A.M. Transmitter. The system is non directional . The circuit has been designed in such a way that it can be control by A.M. Transmitter signal. The circuit provides ON/OFF action and its insensitive to the noise and the spikes develop in A.C. mains. Load of about 1 Kw. can be directly controlled using the circuit & its depends upon the make and break contact capacity of electromagnetic relay.

Govt. Poly. Washim.


Remote Control System

CLASSIFICATION There are two main types of transmitter and receiver i.e. Infrared transmitter and Receiver which is work on the principle of Infrared signal which is in unvisibe from and it signal is received by the receiver. This signal is received by the help of sensor module, which is the major part of the Infrared receiver this is directional device which is having the range of 10 meter. max. (Near 30 feet). But if any interruption is produce between transmitter and receiver the result is that this CKT has not work, so there are no any disturbance occurred between transmitter and receiver this is used in large amount due to its better performance Another type of Remote Controls is CORDLESS. This is the modification of the Infrared remote control the problem of and direction is overcome by using the A.M. transmitter receiver section improved by the help of oscillator to generate frequency of radio signal which is transmitted through air throughout the transmitting antenna. This A.M. signal is received by the help of receiver section its nothing but the A.M. superhetrodyne radio receiver but the change is only to remove the IF section and converter section as well as gang condenser and speaker. The M.W. oscillator coil and trimmer condenser we can select specific desired selected frequency due to this better synchronization between transmitter and Receiver . The signal is drive through the driver transistor and the Govt. Poly. Washim.


Remote Control System relay connoted in place of speaker output with respect to +vcc supply. The relay is ON when the push button is ON in remote section. This is very popular than that of Infrared remote control, because of need of direction is totally overcome using this CORDLESS Transmitter and Receiver. The range is greater than that of INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL.

OBJECTIVE Govt. Poly. Washim.


Remote Control System In the present area of Electronics there is an arrival of large verities of sophisticated equipment and mass attenuation in every field . But this system means multipurpose remote control are very popular than Microsoft programme controller. The popularity has got due to a lot of performance and functioning advantage in compare with Microsoft programming control system. The major advantage is that transmitter is not fixed at a certain position, it means its flexible and any person can be handled easily. But in case of Microsoft programming controller the programming language which is to be used to perform this operation is also known by user only. But in case of there is no need of knowing any remote system language which is easy to understand any person

BLOCK DIAGRAM OF TRANSMITTER SECTION OF INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL Transmitter section consist of mainly three block Govt. Poly. Washim.


Remote Control System 1. POWER SOURCE 2. OSCILLATOR 3. OUTPUT STAGE 1. POWER SOURCE: For maximum range and gradually increase the distance and five tune the transmitter is powered from 6 F22 sine 9 v battery. We can keep the receiver 20 feet away from transmitter. In this CKT transmitter is build mainly by using IC 555 configuration its operate as an astable Flip-Flop capable of operating or oscillating at different frequencies depending upon the depression of two switches result in a diff. value of two resistance ( 10K Ohm & 47 K Ohm ) being connected between +ve supply and Pin No. 7 of IC-555. Frequency determine as per formula. 1 F =

Hz 0.69 (R1 +2R2 ) C1

The output of timer FLIP-FLOP is use to drive the Infrared L.E.D. D2 & D3 via a PNP transistor BC158. Thus the Infrared L.E.D. is modulated at the frequency of the FLIP-FLOP selected by switched S1 & S2 which is present in Infrared Remote Transmitter. 9 V battery is required to supply power to the remote transmitter.

RECEIVER SECTION OF INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL Receiver section consist of Govt. Poly. Washim.


Remote Control System 1. INFRARED SENSOR MODULE. 2. TIME DELAY AND NOISE FILTER CKT. 3. BISTABLE FLIP-FLOP. 4. OUTPUT SECTION ( RELAY DRIVER). 5. RECTIFIER AND FILTER. 6. REGULATOR CKT. The sensor sense the I.R. signal which is transmitted through the I.R. transmitter, this signal is fed to the pin no. 2 of IC 555. The pin no. 2 is trigger input the pin, the trigger pulse is gives through the sensor output terminal ( For the extended the range of infrared remote control we replace photo diode than sensor of Sony T.V. (SBS 1920-52* 711 SONY Sensor). In this section the some time delay and noise filter to is obtain in this time delay and noise filter then this signal is fed to biastable FLIP-FLOP . In biastable FILP-FLOP section it is use to ON and OFF really means at a time when the push button now ON means press, the biastable FLIP-FLOP gives high output and if the next time push button is ON then the output of biastable FLIP-FLOP gives low. Due to this operation the relay is now ON and OFF corresponding to biastable FLIP-FLOP action and we obtain the ON and OFF function the receiver section the regulated power supply is used because of the regulated power supply gives constant output inspite a auction of A.C. mains and it is free from electrical spike produces due to ON/OFF switching action. A 9 volt regulated power supply is Govt. Poly. Washim.


Remote Control System gives to the receiver of INFRARED remote control to avoid the electrical fluctuation.

DESIGN OF CIRCUIT PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD & ITS IMPORTANCE The PCBs is an essential part of an integrated circuits is the driving force behind electronic system development. Since the equipment is built up by Govt. Poly. Washim.


Remote Control System connection active devices together into manageable cost effective blocks the printed circuit boards system is an inter connection system which is multilevel, highly conductive, consistently reproducts and has a low medium dielectric constant this PCBs system also provide mechanical support as well as electrical interconnection for the component and thermal management initially the PCB’s was developer to produce an interconnection technology which facilitated for mass production and gave economic of weight and space. The current carrying capacity is that of copper is depends on material & the thickness of copper printed wiring board is in accordance with international electromechanical commission specification 194, which is widely recognized standard for term and definitions for use with printer circuits ICE 194 defines a “Printed circuits board” as including printed components & printed wiring pattern. Dr. Paul Eisler patented the first “Modern” printed circuits board in 1943, but development of the technology really took shape with invention of the transistor in the late 1950, the printed board industry grew in the 1960, & 1970 and is now considered mature, multilayer products, date essentially from 1961 with the Hazeltyne patent.

ADVANTAGES OF PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD Printed ckt are of interest to the industry because

Govt. Poly. Washim.


Remote Control System 1) They are the common denominator for almost all approaches to mechanized fabrication of electronic equipment. 2) There use has greatly reduced the labour required for the wiring of an electronic circuit. This reduction especially significant for small units used in computers and guided missile equipment. 3) They can be manufactured uniformly because graphic art processes provide reportable results. 4) There uniformity improves the product through specification of quality control. 5) Printed circuitory has helped to minimize unskilled labour and to greatly reduce one major cause of unreliability in electronic equipments , by permitting the use of dip- soldering rather than hand soldering processes. 6) Precision capabilities of graphic art processes particularly in integrated circuits, have resulted in significant size and weight reduction which are especially important in electronic equipment of such applications as medical instrumentation and space exploration.



Remote Control System The Infrared transmitter is build around NE 555 timer (IC1) configurated to operate as a astable Flip-Flop capable of oscillating of different frequency depending upon the depression of the specifies push to ON switches S1 & S2. Dispersion of each switch result in different value of resistance being connected between supply rail and PIN No. 7 of IC 555 the resistance R 1 47K ohm & R2 10K ohm in conjunction with resistance R2 & capacitor C1. The output of timer Flip-Flop is use to drive the I.R.-LED’s D1 & D2 via PNP transistor BC 158 (T1) , thus Infrared light emitted by I.R.-LED’s is modulated at the frequency of Flip-Flop. The purpose of resistance is voltage control oscillator. A 9 Volt battery is required to the remote transmitter ckt.


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Remote Control System In case of Infrared receiver IC 555, IC 4027 & transistor BC 148 is the main component use in the circuit. The sensor sense the transmitted signal I.R wave. Which is transmitted by I.R. transmitter and sensor gives the output and this output is directly fed to the triggetr PIN No. 2 of IC 555. Then IC get trigger and gives the output of PIN No. 3 with respect to + ve. After, this output is connected to the input PIN NO. 3 of IC 4027. PIN NO. 5,6 & 16 connected to + Ve vcc, then PIN NO. 4,7&8 connected ground and output is obtained from PIN NO. 1. The IC 4027 contain MS JK Flip-Flop which is set or reset depends upon trigger PIN NO. 2 ( I/P pin). If the one pulse gives to PIN NO. 2. then the Flip-Flop is set and gives output at PIN NO. 1. Then the output is connected to base of BC 148 which acts as a driver transistor and transistor turned ON and Relay which is collected to collector of transistor with respect to + ve. turns ON and contact of Relay is inter change and output load is ON. Then next time push button is ON and same procedure is applied to 555 CKT. But diff. is that IC 4027 (M.S.J.K. Flip-Flop) reset and output voltage of pin no. 1 is not obtained then transistor is not conduct and turn off. And the Relay does not conduct and its contact turns back in previous position. In this way this CKT can worked and the switching action (ON/OFF) is done.


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Remote Control System Regulated power supply is of 12 volt & 9 volt . power supply is the main section of any electronics CKT. It is a heart of am circuit without power supply no CKT gives result, so to perform the function or operation of any-CKT power supply is necessary. But some CKT which is containing sensitive ICS like digital Ic’s For e. g. Ic7490, CD4017,CD4027,these ICs are very sensitive if the input voltage increase than that of rating of IC’s then IC will easily damages and the whole ciicuil!8n not worked. This voltage problem is occurs because of the input mains voltage is not constant continuously some amount of fluctuation is continuous occurs input mains. Due to this effect temperature, the output voltage is gradually changes its characteristics are may be affected. To avoid or overcome this problem the regulated power supply is always used. Here the 12 v & 9v D.C. regulated voltage is obtain by using the regulated IC that is 7812 & 7809 is used. This two IC’s has three terminal +ve voltage regulator. This IC’s are smaller in size and heat sink connected already in back side due to this heat sink this IC is protect against temperature. The 12-0. 1 12 Amp. transformer is used in power supply. The bridge rectifier is used for rectification. This voltage is filter by using filter capacitor (2200 microfarad /25 v) and this output voltage is connected to the Pin no. I of IC 7812 & 7809 . The middle terminal of both IC’s are connected to the ground and output voltage is obtain from the Pin no 3. The IC 7812 gives the fixed 12volt D. C. Govt. Poly. Washim.

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Remote Control System voltage at Pin no. 3 with respect to ground. In other hand the 9 volt fixed D.C. voltage obtain from the Pin no. 3 of IC 7809 with respect to ground. In this way we made regulated power supply for Infrared /cordless receiver. The D1 & D2 are two LED’s indicates that both voltage +12 &+9 are available at the Pin no. 3 of both IC’s.


SELECTION Govt. Poly. Washim.

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Remote Control System There are so many advantage of Remote control system. It is most popular because of it is isolated transmitter from receiver and It is used in electronics lab. and household application also. Due to this ckt. we can control fan, lamp. electric motor, T.V., freeze, cooler etc. This is a latest electronics ckt. and it is most popular due to its superior performance. It is widely use in electronics field.

APPLICATION 1) Remote control is used in Industries. 2) It is used in Electronics Toy. Govt. Poly. Washim.

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Remote Control System 3) It is used in Speed control of fan. 4) It is used in ON/ OFF T.V. 5) It is used in ON/OFF VCR , VCP & MODULATOR. 6) It is used in latest Cinema Theater to control the speaker system like o Dolby Sound System o DTS Sound System o FOUR TRACK Sound System 7) It is used in Electronics & Computer lab. 8) It is used in House Hold Application. 9) It is used in Aeroplane & Marine Engineering. 10)It is used in Airforce, Neavy & CRP, SRP & Military Application. 11)It is used in Space Air Craft & Satellite Communication. 12)It is used in ON OFF Controls in A. C. Boggies of modern Railway foreign countries. 13)It is used to open & closed door system in modern electronics lab. 14)It is used in to control the movement of Robot. 15)It is used to Bomb Blast.

ADVANTAGES 1) As a wireless become a major part of a GLOBAL COMMUNICATION, common network component need to be developed which can provide Govt. Poly. Washim.

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Remote Control System virtually any desired future service combination between wire or wireless access links. 2) It is free from noise & electrical spikes. 3) The total atmosphere interference reduced. 4) The transmitter and receiver section are totally isolated from each other, so Its avoided loading effect. 5) It is most popular dua to it’s superior performance and better result. 6) The size, weight and cost is less. 7) It is able to keep a small box and easy to handle and carried over a long distance. 8) Operating power is less(3 to 9V) 9) It consume less power. 10)It can work on the temp. range from -25°c To +85°c without changing its characteristics. 11)Due to the use of Digital ICs it is easy to under stand to detect the fault. 12)The lot of ICs are available in the market with its equivalant & less cost.

TESTING OF INFRARED TRANSMITTER IC 555 is the main component of Infrared Remote Control The modulated frequency is transmitted through the I.R. LED. The 9 volt D.C. supply is given to this CKT through the Battery of 9v. Govt. Poly. Washim.

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Remote Control System 1) Check the battery voltage. If its voltage is lower than that of required voltage then replace the battery. 2) If the supply voltage is okey then check the voltages of all pins of IC555. If the

same voltage are available of all pins the them the IC will get short, so replace IC. 3) If the IC is okey then press the push button and check the CKT & If the CKT is not work then check the push button with the help of ohms range on multimeter or check its contact. If there is no any contact if press the switch then the switch is defective then replace it. 4) If all function are okey but Remote can not work then check output voltage at Pin no. 3 of IC 555. If the IC get voltage then check transistor BC 158. If the transistor diffective, replace it. Check the voltage of at base, collector and emitter. 5) If all the function is okey but Remote cannot work then connected the probe across 1.R. LED and press the switch button and measure the voltage at ANODE AND CATHODE on the range of DC 10 volt. If the voltages is obtained to this LED but its not work then replace the I.R.LED.


Check the voltage corresponding to the three different terminal of sensor. The Pin no. 2 of sensor is the out put pin means if its sense the I.R. signal then

Govt. Poly. Washim.

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Remote Control System it gives output through Pin no.2. If its not give the output voltage so the result is that the sensor is not work properly and then replace it. 2)

Then check the voltage about all terminal of IC 555.


Checked voltage about all terminal IC 4027.


Check voltage of Base, Emitter & Collector of BC 148 transistor.


Check, the resistance of Relay coil and its contact terminal etc.

COMMENTS Remote control is the name given to the device which gives the wireless communication. Govt. Poly. Washim.

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Remote Control System In the modem and latest field of electronics technology developed day by day in the whole world so the imported, equipment new CKT are produces daily. This instruments are containing new CKT, compact in nature, better superior performance. Remote control is the eg. of latest new electronics CKT which is used to ON/OFF and controls of several electrical & electronics equipment without wire. The Remote and Receiver section are totally isolated from each other the remote is operated on small voltage like 3 volt, 9volt etc. So the power consumption is very less easy to handle and long life. On the basis of operating principle there are two main types of Remote control CKT. 1) INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL 2) CORDLESS REMOTE CONTROL In case of IR. R.C. the infrared rays is transmitted from transmitter it is unvisible forms and it is sense the sensor module which is connected in receiver section. But the link of transmitter and receiver is clear to perform this operation. If the interference or disturbances occurs in between transmitter and receiver, the result is that this CKT cannot work. The range of this Remote control is near equal to 10 mtr. (30 feet) But the another modified Remote CKT is cordless Remote control. The name “CORDLESS” is very popular because of in this case there is no need to Govt. Poly. Washim.

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Remote Control System keep the clear link between transmitter and receiver. It is also work when the interruption is take place between transmitter and receiver and this process is non directional. This REMOTE CONTROL is work on the basis of Radio waves. The transmitter section is build by the help of oscillator CKT and it is transmitted in air through the transmitter antenna. The same type of receiver CKT (cordless receiver) Section are make to catch this radio signal which is transmitted through transmitter section. This total communication occurs by the medium or AIR. Due to this result it is very popular and interesting CKT. So it is widely used in Domestic , Industries and house hold application.

COSTING OF INFRA RED REMOTE TRANSMITTER Sr. No. Component 1. IC NE 555 2. Resistance * 10Kohm ¼ w *47K Ohm ¼ w Govt. Poly. Washim.

Cost per Component 9 0.25 0.25

Qty. Total 1 09.00 1 1

0.25 0.25  20

Remote Control System * 2.2 K Ohm ¼ w * 1 K Ohm ¼ w Ceramic Capacitor * 0.02u * 0.1 u Micro push to ON switch IC Socket 8 pin Transistor BC 158 Infrared LED

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

0.25 0.25

1 1

0.25 0.25

1.50 1.50 4.00 4.00 2.00 20.00

1 1 3 1 1 2

1.50 1.50 12.00 4.00 2.00 40.00 75.00


8. 9. 10.

Component IC NE 555 IC CD 4027 16 pin IC Socket 8 pin IC Socket Sensor SBS Transistor BC 148 Resistance * 1 M Ohm ¼ w * 220 K Ohm ¼ w * 200 Ohm ¼ w * 1.5 K Ohm ¼ w Capacitor 1 UF /63 V Relay 9 V 200 Ohm LED Red

Cost per Component 09 12 4 4 48 2

Qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1

Total 9.00 12.00 4.00 4.00 48.00 2.00

0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 2.00 25 02

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 2.00 25.00 02.00


Govt. Poly. Washim.


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