Religion Is A Drag

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 992
  • Pages: 2
RELIGION IS A DRAG Written by Uncle Abita Okutinyang I’m sitting in church and my mind is wandering everywhere but here. All this doesn’t interest me and worse still I’m feeling very sleepy. Then I ask myself how did I get myself to this state? I was jolted back to reality by a nudge from my Mum. She knew I was absent minded. Why wouldn’t I be? She woke me up as early as 5 a.m. With sleepy eyes I rushed into the bathroom but could not get my act together. Sleep was something I could never get enough of. Sometimes I felt it was a hidden talent of mine. Mum comes in there again and screams “You are still sleeping here, do you want us to be late for the first service? You know that is the shortest service of the day and I have so much to do and can’t afford any more time”. The aggression in her voice spoke volumes. Immediately I got myself and took a “micro wave” bath. I pride myself with the fact that I can have the fastest bath anywhere in the world. After all, it’s all about pouring water on your body. Within minutes I was all dressed up in my “Sunday best” and groggy. She took a last look at me and with all the venom in the world combed my kinky hair. This had become a Sunday ritual and ordeal. Why hadn’t I gotten used to it after all these years? Sunday had become a day I dreaded and the most boring of all days. When we got to the service, we had to act very “sanctimoniously holy” kneeling down at various points, with hands clasped together, walking as slowly as possible. I got a “talking-to” every time we got near to the church. “Make sure you behave yourself and follow the Service attentively. The Lord is in His Holy temple, keep silent before Him”. We moved like rats looking for a hole to hide, after which we got to our seats and started what was a weekly ritual; Silent prayers along with many other repetitions. I had no clue or understanding of what all these was all about and a very disturbing question that had “puzzled” my mind for so long. After all these years, I needed some explanation. This was my opportunity to ask. I plugged up courage and made up my mind I would ask today. Looking bewildered I asked “Mum who are we hiding from”? She was shocked at my question and didn’t have any answer. Does this scenario paint the picture you have of God? Many of us grow up believing that rituals excite God. That He is more interested in us attending services and acting holy in His “vineyard” after which we can act like the “devil on a holiday.” Our emphasis is on having a “fast food” service every Sunday. We must keep the Sabbath holy unto Him. That is His due! Did I hear you add “I don’t like long services…? I like it when we go to church and in one hour it’s all over”. Others will say “I was born a Christian and my family has been Christians for decade’s un-end”. Your only claim to Christianity is because you attend a church every Sunday and the seeming activity you do there. If going to church makes you a Christian, then going to a zoo should make you an animal…

Religion is man searching for God, but Christianity is about God reaching out to man. He says I have come so that you have life and have it more abundantly [John 10:10]. He also has enlightened us that He does not live in temples made with hands [Acts 17:24] and He will live big in the inside of us [1 John 4:4], if we only accept Him. So why do we keep pretending to ourselves? Living a two-faced life has become the norm. Pretence is the in-thing. Only Christ can save us from being part of this crowd. This is the good news for the here and now. The good news is relevant to every situation. To the weary it is that strength has been made available. To the confused it is that you can have soundness of mind. To me, it is that God has made the best available to me and my desires would not dent his provision. So why settle for less? Today I know better. I know God wants me to live for Him and like Him. My refrain is “what would Jesus do in any situation I am faced with”. I am a Love child of a Love God born of Love into the Love family. Love, Mercy and Compassion, flows from me to others. Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world. I am a success going places to happen. All this cool stuff for me? He has shown me that I am cool because I am His and He is mine, not because I wear designer labels or hooked on any thing from babes to drugs. My life is a shining light on a daily basis. Most importantly I am not hiding from God! Why should I? He is in me and around me. God is everywhere. He is not just interested in what I do but who I am. He sees all I do but because He lives big inside me, He directs my path. I can talk with Him every time and everywhere and He will respond. So why would I exchange this for “half a morsel or no bread at all”? Being cool has been clearly redefined. I refuse to be two-faced in anyway. That would be unfair to me. Can’t you see that Religion is a drag? Yo! Christianity is cool stuff on the right track. Just look at me and you’ll see what I mean!

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