Release To Production Checklist

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,392
  • Pages: 6
Release to Production Checklist Project / Service Name

Brief Service Description Programme / Project Manager(s) Service History


Appendix A Hardware Network Appendix B Operating System < i.e. Linux Redhat; Solaris; Windows 2003. If not one of these, explain support arrangements below.> O/S <Who has been assigned the support contact for the project to signMaintenance/Support off design decisions> Middleware Middleware <Who has been assigned the support contact for the project to signMaintenance/Support off design decisions> Database

<detail the type, flavour and version of database or the file structure. Include information across all environments>

Database Maintenance/Support Application <detail the type, flavour and version of application(s), plus software company if applicable> Application Maintenance/Support Technical Diagram attached – Appendix C 1.1. ARCHITECTURE SIGN-OFF Title / Position Name


Data Centre Mgr / Rep(Hardware) Platforms Mgr / Rep (O/S) TBA (Middleware, if


N/A Page 1 of 6

Release to Production Checklist applicable) Technical Services Mgr / Rep (Database) Application Support Mgr / Rep (Application) Network Mgr / Rep

2. SERVICE Service Owner(s)

<Business Owner who sponsors the service>

Service Champion(s) [Super-user(s)] Service Technical Owner

<Business Users who manage the use of the system, understanding all major functionality> Application: Infrastructure: Security: Data warehouse:

Availability Requirement Critical Service Period(s)

Maintenance window and frequency (scheduled downtime) Downtime approval process and communications User community and reps User Training User Access Service SLA Services this service is dependent upon

< Number of users and their distribution. Provide department names and specific user groups and/or names within each department, as well as names of user representatives for each group.> <Who will provide user access? What is the process?>
Release to Production Checklist Services dependent on this service

2.1. SERVICE SIGN-OFF Title / Position


Link Manager

Arthur Spirling


3. SUPPORT Service Centre/Desk Service Centre/Desk Support Docum. Service Centre/Desk Support Staff Train. Application Support Application Support Documentation Application Support Staff Training Faculty / Desktop Support Faculty / Desktop Support Documentation Faculty / Desktop Support Staff Training

If an existing system - list of all known errors No Description of Known Error

3.1. SUPPORT SIGN-OFF Title / Position




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Release to Production Checklist Application Support Manager Service Centre Manager Desktop Support Manager

4. CONTINUITY / DR Potential Impact of Service Disruption <Enter the max acceptable period of outage before the service is significantly impacted> Duration of Outage Impact < 1 day 1-2 days 2-5 days 5-10 days > 10 days Degradation of Customer Service Degradation of Internal Service Levels Increased Operating Expenses Lost Revenue Exposure to Contractual Fines / Penalties Loss of Staff Productivity History of Unplanned Downtime Manual Continuity Arrangements Continuity Arrangements Disaster Recovery Arrangements / Plan



Security Mgr / Rep Head of IT Services

5. SECURITY Security Testing

Privileged Access

<Who has admin rights> Page 4 of 6

Release to Production Checklist Policy Remote Access Policy

5.1. SECURITY SIGN-OFF Title / Position Name


Security Mgr / Rep

6. OPERATIONS Operational runs (EndofDay run, etc.) BACKUPS Backup details

Restore Capability

< i.e. Would like to be able to restore to any transaction within the last 24 hours> DATABASE MANAGEMENT DB Procedures CAPACITY RECOMMENDATIONS Processor Capacity Memory <What is the recommended memory usage?> Initial disk capacity Disk capacity growth

Stress Testing

MONITORING RECOMMENDATIONS Hardware monitoring <Which servers should be monitored> Transactions to be monitored PERFORMANCE End-to-end Performance

6.1. OPERATIONS SIGN-OFF Title / Position Name


Operations Manager Head of Technical Services Capacity Manager

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Release to Production Checklist 7. ACTIVITIES ON THE PLAN BUILD Build start Build end (inc Unit Testing) TESTING Technical Acceptance Test Security Acceptance Test User Acceptance Test TRAINING Support Training (all 3 sections) User Training CUTOVER Cutover plan




Backout plan Proposed Go-live Date PROJECT DESIGN SIGN-OFF Title / Position Name


Project Manager Platform Manager / Rep Security Manager / Rep Networks Manager / Rep Support Manager / Rep Development Technical Lead

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