Registrations Form

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 213
  • Pages: 2
REGISTRATIONS FORM (One Registrations Form Valid only for one Customer) Product Information/ Informasi Produk Product Name Nama Produk


Card Membership EC

Rp 200.000

Card Membership Reguler Frinchise Hak Frinchise


Product Serial Number* No. Seri Produk*

Rp 150.000

1 Hak Usaha

Rp 200.000

3 Hak Usaha

Rp 500.000

7 Hak Usaha

Rp 1.100.000


*Cek No. Serial Kartu Anda di untuk memastikan kartu Anda Valid. Agent Information/ Informasi Card Agency Date of Purchase 6550149921 Tanggal Pembelian


Account Number.


No. Rekening

Agent Name 3275082812700009 Nama Agen


Edi Supriyatno

ID Card No.


Agent Adress Alamat Agent Pembelian

: Jl. Vanda No 15, Perum. Jatibening I Postal Code : 17412 Pondok Gede, Bekasi- Indonesia Kode Pos

Agent Phone Number 08129462845 Nomor Telephone


No. KTP/SIM/Paspor


Mobile Phone


Customer Information/ Informasi Pelanggan Full Name : Nama Lengkap


Account Number No. Rekening

ID Card No No. KTP/SIM/Paspor


Mobile Phone : Handphone

Home Address Alamat Rumah


Nama Gadis Ibu


Home Phone Telephone Rumah


Ahli waris


Postal Code Kode Pos


....................................., .............,.................. City , dd-mm-yy








) Signature & Name Signature & Name

Mohon Formulir Registration dan Bukti Transfer kirim ke Fax (021) 3512065 atau ke email: [email protected]

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