Red Beans

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  • Pages: 126

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4100 Bohannon Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA Phone: (650) 926-6300 Fax: (650) 926-6593 World Wide Web: Principal Technical Provider eTeam Software Contributors and Technical Reviewers Mario Delas, Nik Kesic, Jürgen Joarder, Ben Wedewer and Nghia La. Infomix Software is a trademark of Infomix Software Corp. RedBack, uniVerse, UniData, SB+, SBOPEN, SBClient, DATA/C++, TERMULATOR, SBDesktop, ObjectCall, EasyX, DataStage, ESL, UniVerse Call Interface, UniVerse Objects, uV/Net, RetrieVe, PI/open and Prime INFORMATION are trademarks of Infomix Software, Corp. TERMiTE is a trademark of Pixel Innovations, Ltd. Pick is a registered trademark of Pick Systems. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT and Visual Basic are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and or other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed through X/Open Company. Java, and JavaBeans are a trademark of Sun MicroSystems. Delphi is a trademark of the Inprise Corporation. All other products, standards, or company names mentioned may be


Chapter 1 - Installation ....................................................................9 Installation Details ....................................................................................10 Development Platforms ......................................................................11 Web Server .........................................................................................11 Important Notes ..................................................................................11

Chapter 2 - Introduction ................................................................15 RedBeans Architecture .............................................................................17 What are RedBack Business Objects? ................................................17 RBO Class Hierarchy ................................................................................19 RBO ....................................................................................................19 emailObject .........................................................................................19 SysInfo ................................................................................................19 uObject ................................................................................................20 uQuery ................................................................................................20 sbObject ..............................................................................................20




Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans.........................................................21 Introduction ...............................................................................................22 Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedObject .......................................23 Create Connection object ....................................................................23 Create instance of RedObject .............................................................24 Attach a RBO Class to this object ......................................................24 Get/set property values of the RBO and call Methods .......................25 Set Property Value: .............................................................................26 Call RBO method ................................................................................26 RedObject Code Example .........................................................................28 Read Example .....................................................................................28 Write Example ....................................................................................29 RecordSet Code Example ...................................................................30 Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedSet .............................................32 Create an instance of a RedSet object. ................................................32 Call the open Method ..........................................................................32 Add New Records to the Object .........................................................33 Select the Current Record ...................................................................33 Get/Set Property Values ......................................................................34 Clear the object (optional) ..................................................................34 RedSet Code Example ..............................................................................35 RedField Object ........................................................................................37 RedField Methods ...............................................................................38 Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedField ..........................................46 Create an Instance of a RedField Object ............................................46




Assign the RedField a String Value ....................................................46 Manipulate the Field ...........................................................................46 Extract the Modified String ................................................................47 Destroy the Object ..............................................................................47 RedField Code Example ...........................................................................48 RbEvent ....................................................................................................50 Methods ..............................................................................................50 RbEventListener .......................................................................................51 Methods ..............................................................................................51 Debug Logging .........................................................................................52 Error and Alert Handling ..........................................................................53 Alerts ...................................................................................................53 RbException ..............................................................................................54 Methods ..............................................................................................54 Session Ids ................................................................................................55

Chapter 4 - Using RedBeansSvr ...................................................57 Introduction ...............................................................................................58 Step-by-Step Instructions for Using a Stateless Beans .......................58 Step-by-Step Instructions for Using a Stateful Beans ........................61

Appendix A - RedBeans Configuration........................................65 rgw.ini .......................................................................................................66 Example rgw.ini File Settings .............................................................66

Appendix B - EmpMaint Code.......................................................69 Applet Code Listing, EmpMaint.Java .......................................................70 JSP Code Listing, EmpMaint.JSP .............................................................82




Appendix C - Stateless Employee Enterprise Bean....................87 The Home Interface ............................................................................88

Appendix D - Stateful Employee Enterprise Bean ....................103 The Home Interface ..........................................................................104 The Remote Interface ........................................................................105 The Bean ...........................................................................................106

Appendix E - JSP & Stateful Enterprise Bean Example ...........113 The Client Bean ................................................................................114 A simple JSP example ......................................................................118



Chapter 1 - Installation

This chapter describes how to install RedBack RedBeans.



Chapter 1 - Installation

Installation Details The files shipped with RedBeans are: RedBeans.jar -RedBeans class files for development RedBeansSvr.jar – RedBeans J2EE Server class files RBExamples.jar – RedBeans examples RBExamplesSrc.jar – RedBeans examples source RBJ2EEDemo.jar – J2EE examples and test classes RBJ2EEDemoSrc.jar – Source for J2EE examples Windows batch (*.BAT) setup files

Note The batch files need to be edited to ensure the correct location of your Java and J2SDKEE installation directories. All examples are compatible on other Java platforms such as Microsoft or Sun.

rbtools.jar - used by JSP RBOScope - JavaDoc output for redbeans package Readme.txt There is also a J2EE directory which contains J2EE Beans that are used by the examples and tests. There are also ear files used by Sun’s Deploytool to deploy these beans to a J2EE server. All these files and directories can be found on your RedBack installation CD under the RedBeans directory.



Installation Details

Development Platforms To install RedBeans, copy RedBeans.jar anywhere you wish as long as your preferred Java IDE or editor can access RedBeans, via either CLASSPATH or library specification. The RedBeans.jar file contains the RedBeans package and rbtools.jar file contains classes which are only required in the RBOScope. If you are building J2EE components then you will also need to install the RedBeansSvr.jar file and specifiy it in your CLASSPATH

Once you have built your application, you need to ensure that the relevant classes (including RedBeans and if using J2EE the RedBeansSvr packages) are installed in the appropriate places for your application.

Web Server The RBODemo examples (applets and JSP) are installed as part of your RedBack Gateway install. If you want to run JSP examples then you must add RedBeans to your JSP plugin CLASSPATH. If you are going to run the JSP RBOScope then you will also have to add rbtools.jar to the JSP plugin CLASSPATH.

Important Notes To run the demos: JSP http://host/cgi-bin/rgw/rbodemo/welcome.jsp or http://host/scripts/rgw.dll/rbodemo/welcome.jsp



Chapter 1 - Installation

JSP RBOScope http://host/cgi-bin/rgw/rboscope/scopelogin.jsp or http://host/scripts/rgw.dll/rboscope/scopelogin.jsp

RedBeans Examples Some very simple examples that utilise RedBeans have been included. All examples whether JSP or J2EE will use RedBeans, but these are specific examples thay may be useful as a guide to how RedBeans can be used. These examples can be run from Windows platforms using these bat files: rbexempform.bat – create a very simple Java form that calls methods on the Employee RBO. Note that this example uses a connection of rbodemo so if your platform does not support JNI JRGW, then you will need to amend the source code and specify your required URL rbexsel.bat – create a RBO uQuery and shows how to parse through a RecordSet rbexrpc.bat – shows how to make a call to a RedBack account that uses RPC rather than RBO. You will need to make sure you have an RPC enabled account. See Developing RBO Manual for details on how to do this.

J2EE Examples Deploy the required components to your J2EE Server (see your J2EE server’s documentation for details). The 4 jar files shipped in the J2EE directory are: RBSLEmployeeClient.jar – Stateless Employee Bean RBSFEmployeeClient.jar – Stateful Employee Bean RBSLCustomerClient.jar – Stateless Customer Bean rbempjsp.jar – stateful Employee JSP example We also ship .ear files for each bean which can be used to deploy with Sun’s J2EE Server.



Installation Details

The tests in the RedBeans directory are: rbj2eetester.bat – will create stateless beans for Employee and Customer and a stateful bean for Employee, then run reads and writes to test. rbslemptest.bat – will create a stateless bean for Employee RBO and run some tests. rbemptest.bat will run tests on stateless and stateful Employee

Make sure you edit all these bat files to reflect your Java and J2EE locations.

Note These examples connect to RBODemo using JNI (see admin guide for details). This may need permissions set in your J2EE server.

The RedBeansSvr package also creates a log file (redbeans.log) and you may need to allow read/write permissions on this file within your J2EE server.



Chapter 1 - Installation



Chapter 2 - Introduction

This chapter provides an overview of RedBack Redbeans.



Chapter 2 - Introduction

What are RedBeans? RedBeans is a set of JavaBeans which give access to RedBack Business Objects (RBO's) that reside in a uniVerse/Unidata database via an HTTP interface. This allows for easy building of Java applications against a universe/Unidata database. Any Java authoring tools, such as JBuilder3 or Symantec Visual Café may be used to design the applications for your web pages or Java Server Pages (JSP) or servlets etc. The web pages themselves can of course be built using any HTML editor. The RedBeans communicate either to a Web Server running the RedBack Gateway Requester, which in turn communicates to the RBO Server or direct to the RBO Server using the JNI Gateway component.



RedBeans Architecture

RedBeans Architecture RedBeans functionality is provided by the redbeans package, which provides the classes required to connect with and interact with RedBack Business Objects (RBOs) on the RBO Server. In development mode, the RedBeans classes are installed wherever your Java IDE or editor are installed. During development you do not make connections to the RBO Server and you can therefore install on any machine whether it has access to the Internet/Web Server or not.

For runtime, the RedBeans package needs to be installed where the required environment can access them. For example, if using JSP then the JSP plug-in needs to know where the package is.

Note On some platforms (Linux, Solaris, NT and AIX) a JNI Gateway Requester is installed. This provides a faster, more direct connection.

What are RedBack Business Objects? RedBack enables you to design your business rules and logic using objects known as RBOs (RedBack Business Objects) based on classes that support inheritance. RBOs reside on the host tier and are independent of the user interface. This provides flexibility to change the user interface without having to modify the RBOs. For more details on RBOs refer to the "Developing With RBOs" manual. A visual tool called RedBack Designer is supplied as part of the RedBack product which is used to design and maintain RBOs. The RedBack Business Object model provides the following major benefits: •


Freedom to design HTML pages and graphics using third party web design tools such as Visual Interdev, FrontPage, HomeSite and other HTML/ASP development tools. Accordingly RedBack enables developers can use for example, Active Server Pages, using RedPages or Java Server Pages (JSP), Java Servlets or J2EE Server, using RedBeans.


Chapter 2 - Introduction

Ability to define business objects that contain the business logic (fields, calculations etc) using the RedBack Designer, thus removing the business rules of the application from the presentation layer. RedBack Designer has been designed to be quick and intuitive to use. It requires almost no knowledge of the uniVerse/UniData development environment.

Note For more information about RBOs refer to the "Developing With RBOs" manual.



RBO Class Hierarchy

RBO Class Hierarchy The RedBack Business Object hierarchy comprises the following objects (see the "Developing RBO Applications" manual for more information):

RBO emailObject SysInfo uObject uQuery sbObject

RBO The RBO class is the superclass for all the RedBack Business Object classes.

emailObject The emailObject class is a subclass of RBO. This class provides properties and methods to allow email messages to be sent from the Application Server.

SysInfo The SysInfo class is a subclass of RBO. This class provides properties and methods to obtain information about the operating system, database platform and RedBack installation.



Chapter 2 - Introduction

uObject The uObject class is a subclass of RBO. This class provides properties and methods to facilitate access to uniVerse and UniData databases. Typically, any classes that need to read/write data will inherit from this class.

uQuery The uQuery class is a subclass of uObject. This class provides properties and methods to enable queries to be run against uniVerse and UniData databases.

sbObject The sbObject class is a subclass of RBO. This class is used to interact with SB+ applications.

RBOs are stored on the uniVerse/UniData backend and RedBack is the interface used to store, retrieve, and update data associated with RBOs. For example, you may want to create an RBO called "Employee". The Employee RBO might contain the employee's name, street address, starting date etc. as well as methods to perform server side validations etc.

Note See the "Developing With RBOs" manual for information about building RBOs.



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

This chapter provides an overview of using RedBack RedBeans.



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

Introduction RedBeans are a collection of non-visual Java Beans that are RedBack aware and can communicate with RBOs on the RedBack Application Server. RedBeans can be used within many Java environments in a variety of tiers to connect to an RBO Server. The way in which RedBeans makes its connection to the RBO Server will be made more efficient when using a JNI Gateway (currently NT, Linux, Solaris and AIX). Please see the RedBack pages at the Internet web site for more details. A RedBeans communicates with an RBO through its RedObject class. The RedObject class provides methods that allow you to set and get values from the properties of its RBO and also to RBO server methods. Where the data has come from a query, then a RecordSet will be created. The RecordSet allows the code to move through the rows of data returned from the server, and get/set properties for the current row. Pages of data can be retrieved and then scrolled through and the result can is typically displayed in a report or lookup. In addition to RedObject and RecordSet, RedBeans provides two other classes called RedSet and RedField. RedField objects allow for easy manipulation of dynamic multi-valued strings within your Java code. RedField also provides other useful string functions that the uniVerse/UniData Basic programmer is familiar with. For details on the properties and methods of RedObject see “Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedObject” on page 23, for details on the properties and methods of RedSet see “Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedSet” on page 32.



Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedObject

Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedObject These are the typical steps you use to access RedBack Business Objects on the host computer via RedObjects. For full examples of Java code which demonstrate how to maintain a data file, and display queries, see the EmpMaint Appendix B. 1. Create a Connection object 2. Create an instance of a RedObject 3. Attach a RBO Class to this object 4. Get/set property values of the RBO and call methods

Create Connection object RedObjects use HTTP as the connection mechanism to the host provider where the RBO's reside. The HTTP request will be passed to the RedBack requester which will then access the uniVerse/UniData backend. This is done in the following manner.

Syntax Connection myConn = new Connection(accounturl);

where: accounturl Denotes the full URL as used by RedBack to represent a U2 (i.e. uniVerse or UniData) account. e.g. http://servername/scripts/rgw.dll/accountname The accountname corresponds to an entry in the rgw.ini file which maps the name to an IP address and port number (see “rgw.ini” on page 66 for more information about this ini file).

Program Example Connection myConn = new Connection("http://localhost/scripts/rgw.dll/rbodemo");

or with JSP and JNI Gateway



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

Connection myConn = new Connection("rbodemo")

Note If you are using a JNI Gateway (NT, Linux, Solaris, AIX) you should be able to just specify the accountname if want to use JSP. This will provide a faster more direct communication link. Forexample: Connection myConn = new Connection("rbodemo");

Create instance of RedObject Syntax RedObject currObj = new RedObject();

Or RedObject currObj = new RedObject(Connection activeConnection, String rboClass)

where: activeConnection Denotes a handle to a connection class rboClass Denotes an RBO class in the format module:rboclass

Attach a RBO Class to this object Use the open method to attach this object to a RBO. The open will instantiate the RBO on the host and make available the getting and setting of its properties via the RedObject. If the active connection and RBOClass name have not been passed to the instance of the RedObject when it was created then they need to be passed in the open method call



Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedObject

Syntax; or activeConnection, String RBOClass); where: activeConnection Denotes a handle to a connection class

Note open() throws RbException if an error occurs in the open. rboClass Denotes an RBO class in the format module:rboclass

Program Example RedObject currObj = new RedObject(activeConnection, "OFFICE:Employee"); try {; } catch(RbException rbe) .... }

Get/set property values of the RBO and call Methods Get Property Value variable = handle.getProperty(String propname)



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

where: propname Denotes a property name from the current RBO

Program Example String lastName = currObj.getProperty("LastName");

Set Property Value: handle.setProperty(String propname, String value);

where: propname Denotes a property name from the current RBO

Program Example currObj.setProperty("LastName", "Gubbins");


Program Example currObj.setProperty("LastName", lastName.getText());

Call RBO method handle.callMethod(String methodName);



Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedObject

If the method is a "Select" on a RBO query object, then it returns a RecordSet object else a null object pointer is returned.

Program Example RecordSet rs = currObj.callMethod("Select"); try { currObj.callMethod(“ReadData”); } catch(RbException rbe){ ...

Note The calMethod throws RbException on error when calling a method.



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

RedObject Code Example Read Example Program Example //1. Create the connection object Connection activeConnection = new Connection("http://localhost/scripts/rgw.dll/rbodemo"); //activeConnection is now handle to current connection //2. Now we will create a RedObject that will be used to communicate //with the RBO Server RedObject empObj = new RedObject(activeConnection, "OFFICE:Employee"); //3. Now create instance on the RBO on the RBO Server. try {; } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.printIn(rbe.getTypeDesc()+ rbe.getMessage(); return; } /*4. Now we can specify the read. First we set the EmpId value in the RedObject, this is because with RedObjects, all current data will be sent to the server, and the application code is responsible to ensuring that the RedObject data // upto date */ empObj.setProperty("EmpId", empId.getText()); try { empObj.callMethod(“ReadData”); //this will result in updated properties being returned to the Red Object. } catch(RbException rbe){ System.out.printIn(“callMethod ReadData Error” + rbe.getTypeDesc() + rbe.getMessage(); return; } //5. Now in order to get the property values you would do the following, either //get values into instance variables:



RedObject Code Example

String empFirstName = empObj.getProperty("FirstName"); String empLastName = empObj.getProperty("LastName"); //or set controls with current values firstName.setText(empObj.getProperty("FirstName")); lastName.setText(empObj.getProperty("LastName"));

Write Example The following code is a typical example of a RedBack RedBeans applet which performs a write action.

Program Example //1. We already have the RedObject handle and need to set the current property //values empObj.setProperty("EmpId", empId.getText()); empObj.setProperty("LastName", lastName.getText()); empObj.setProperty("FirstName", firstName.getText()); …

//2. Call the WriteData method to save the Employee details try { empObj.callMethod(“WriteData”); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.printIn(“callMethod WriteData error + rbe.getTypeDesc() + rbe.getMessage()); return; } //3. Now reset the forms controls with current RBO data (should do this after every //RBO method call empId.setText(empObj.getProperty("EmpId"); lastName.setText(empObj.getProperty("LastName"); firstName.setText(empObj.getProperty("FirstName");



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

RecordSet Code Example Program Example /*The RecordSet is used to scroll through the result of a uQuery, where normally, more than one row of data is returned. First we need a connection object */ Connection activeConnection = new Connection("http://localhost/scripts/rgw.dll/rbodemo"); //Then we need to create the RedObject RedObject empQuery = new RedObject(activeConnection, "OFFICE:EMPLOOKUP"); //Then we create the instance on the RBO server try {; } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.printIn(rbe.getTypeDesc()+ rbe.getMessage(); return; }

/*Now we can do the actual selection. A RecordSet is returned from a Select. This will return the first page*/ try { empObj.callMethod(“WriteData”); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.printIn(“callMethod WriteData error + rbe.getTypeDesc() + rbe.getMessage()); return; } /*Now that we have the first page we can get and set values for that page, that tell us how many items were selected and what the page size is (determined by the RBO from the class definition).*/ int pageSize = rs.getPageSize();



RedObject Code Example

int maxRows = empQuery.getProperty("MaxRows"); int maxPages = rs.getMaxPages();

/*This section of code, will loop through each item on a page, displaying the details in a textarea. The movement through each row is done with rs.MoveNext(). When a page is at the end then rs.isEOF() will be set to true. In the following exmple, each row details are displayed in a textArea class called display */ for(int z = 1; z <= itemsPerPage; z++) { if(rs.isEOF()) return; String s = ""; if(rs.isEOF()) s = ""; else { s = rs.getProperty("EMP.ID") + " "+ rs.getProperty("FIRST.NAME") + " " + rs.getProperty("LAST.NAME"); display.append(s); } rs.moveNext(); }



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedSet These are the typical steps you use to create a RedSet object: 1. Create an instance of a RedSet object 2. Call the Open method 3. Add new records to the object 4. Select the current record. 5. Get/Set property values of the RedSet Object 6. Clear the RedSet (optional)

Create an instance of a RedSet object. This creates an empty shell for a new RedSet object. Before anything can be done with the object it must first be opened and the properties it supports defined. This is done with the open method

Syntax handle = new RedSet();

Program Example RedSet redSet = new RedSet();

Call the open Method Call the open method, passing the list of property names the object should contain. Opening a RedSet object defines the fields that will be supported in its internal arrays.




Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedSet

Where: fieldlist Denotes a comma separated list of names of properties the object should support.

Add New Records to the Object To save data in the RedSet object you must first add a new record. This is done by calling the addNew method. After you call the addNew method, the new record becomes the current record.

Syntax handle.addNew();

or handle.addNew(String[] fieldNames, String[] values);

where: fieldNames Denotes an array of fieldnames. Each field name must exist in the initial list passed in the open method call. values Denotes an array of corresponding values

Select the Current Record Moves to the first, last, next, or previous record in a specified RedSet object and makes that record the current record.

Syntax handle.{MoveFirst() | MoveLast() | MoveNext() | MovePrevious()}



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

Get/Set Property Values Syntax for Get Property Value variable = handle.getProperty(String propname);

where: propname Denotes a fieldname that must exist in the initial list passed in the open method call.

Syntax for Set Property Value handle.setProperty(String propname, String value);

where: propname Denotes a fieldname that must exist in the initial list passed in the open method call.

Clear the object (optional) Syntax handle.close();

This will initialise all arrays within the RedSet



RedSet Code Example

RedSet Code Example Program Example <%@ page import = "RedBeans.*" %> <TITLE>RedBeans JSP RedSet Example <% //1. create a RedSet object instance that will be used to manipulate our strings RedBeans.RedSet oRedSet = new RedBeans.RedSet(); //2. define "field name""firstName,lastName,dept"); //3. assign the rows of data String fields[] = { "firstName" , "lastName" , "dept"}; String values[] = { "Mike", "Kontorovich", "Eng" }; oRedSet.addNew(fields, values); values[0] = "Jurgen"; values[1] = "Joarder"; values[2] = "Eng"; oRedSet.addNew(fields, values); values[0] = "Simon"; values[1] = "Caddick"; values[2] = "Support"; oRedSet.addNew(fields, values); values[0] = "Nghia"; values[1] = "La"; values[2] = "Eng"; oRedSet.addNew(fields, values);



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

//4. now scroll through the RedSet getting values oRedSet.moveFirst(); out.println(""); while(!oRedSet.isEOF()) { out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); oRedSet.moveNext(); } out.println("
"); //5. finished to can get rid of all data - this leaves object available for reuse oRedSet.close();




RedField Object

RedField Object RedField is a nested data structure, that can represent uniVerse/UniData nested data-base fields. It is limited to two levels of nesting.

Note chr(253) and chr(252) are the default values for ValueMarker and SubValueMarker. It is possible to change these values using the SetVM() and SetSVM() methods. Access to each of the two levels uses a syntax similar to that found in the uniVerse/UniData BASIC language, using the getValue() method.

Program Example

//create RedField object RedBeans.RedField rf = new RedPages.RedField(); //assign contents rf.setStringValue("THIS"); //access this value System.out.printIn(rf.getValue()); //set value in second multivalue rf.ins(z,"GREAT"); //rf now contains "THISGREAT" //now insert subvalue marker rf.ins(1,2,"IS"); //rf now contains “THIS”<SubValueMarker>ISGREAT”



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

RedField Methods Methods count getLength setStringValue setVM() setSVM() del ins replace swap getValue RedField Object Methods

count Method Description Returns the number of values, or subvalues contained in the specified portion of the object. Syntax Int rf.Count(); //returns number of multivalues in the string Int rf.Count(mvpos); //returns number of subvalues in multivalue determined by mvpos

getLength Method Description Returns the string length contained in the specified portion of the object.



RedField Object

Syntax int rf.getLength(); int rf.getLength(int mvpos);



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

setStringValue Method Description This sets, in string format, the contents of the RedField object. If the portion already contains a string it is replaced. Syntax rf.setStringValue(StringValue);

setVM() Method Description This method sets the current char value that is used to delimit values within a dynamic string by the RedField object. Syntax setVM(char VM);

setSVM() Method Description This method sets the current char subvalue that is used to delimit values within a dynamic string by the RedField object. Syntax setSVM(char SVM);

del Method Description This deletes an element (Value or SubValue) from the specified portion of the RedField object. Syntax rf.del(int mvpos)



RedField Object

rf.del(int mvpos,int svmpos)



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

ins Method Description This inserts an element (Value or SubValue) into the specified portion of the RedField object. Syntax rf.ins(int mvpos); rf.ins(int mvpos,int svmpos)



RedField Object

replace Method Description This replaces an element (Value or SubValue) from the specified portion of the RedField object. Syntax replace(int mvpos); replace(int mvpos,int svmpos);



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

swap method Description This method is used on an initial string to replace all occurrences of one substring with another substring. Syntax Static String RedField.swap(String Value,String OldStr,String NewStr);

This syntax has the following parts: Part



The string that is to have its substrings swopped.


The sequence of characters to be replaced.


The sequence of characters to replace the OldStr with. Parts of the Syntax

Remarks OldStr and NewStr are strings so if you wish to replace a single character they should still be passed as a string i.e. to replace all character ‘A’ with the character ‘B’ you would do a RedField.swap(mystring,"A","B").



RedField Object

getValue Method Description This is a nesting operator to access a specific value or subvalue. Syntax String rf.getValue(); String rf.getValue(int mvpos);



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedField These are the typical steps involved when using a RedField object. 1. Create an instance of a RedField object 2. Assign the RedField a string value 3. Manipulate the field 4. Extract the modified string 5. Destroy the object

Create an Instance of a RedField Object This creates an empty RedField object.

Syntax RedBeans.RedField rf = new RedBeans.RedField();

Assign the RedField a String Value This can be done in a variety of different was Using the Ins, Replace and Append methods.

Syntax rf.setStringValue(dynastring);

Manipulate the Field The RedField allows individual elements to be added, deleted or replaced from the string value.

Syntax To insert element at Value position 2: rf.ins(2,stringValue);



Step-by-Step Instructions for Using RedField

To delete SubValue 3 of Value 1: rf.del(1,3);

To add a new SubValue to the end of Value 2 rf.ins(2,rf.count(2)+1);

Extract the Modified String Once the string has been manipulated using the RedField it can then be extracted again as a dynamic string.

Syntax rf.getValue();

Destroy the Object When you have finished with any object it is important to close or reset the object to release any resources it may be consuming.

Syntax rf = null;



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

RedField Code Example Program Example <%@ page import = "RedBeans.*" %> <TITLE>RedBeans JSP RedField Example <% //1. create a RedField object instance that will be used to manipulate our string RedBeans.RedField oFld = new RedBeans.RedField(); //2. create initial string - a list of names and item counts and convert // the ":" and "," separators into subvalue and value marks String myString = "Colin:100,Jurgen:205,Tony:400,Mike:400"; myString = oFld.swap(myString, ":", ""+oFld.SVM); myString = oFld.swap(myString, ",", ""+oFld.VM); //3. assign the string to the RedField oFld.setStringValue(myString); //4. display current contents out.println("RedField contains "+oFld.getValue()); //5 now display each multi value out.println("

"); for(int mvpos = 1; mvpos <= oFld.count(); mvpos++) { out.println("value at "+mvpos+" = "+oFld.getValue(mvpos)+"
"); } //6 now display each multi value, subvalue 1 out.println("

"); for(int mvpos = 1; mvpos <= oFld.count(); mvpos++) { out.println("value at "+mvpos+",1 = "+oFld.getValue(mvpos,1)+"



RedField Code Example

} //7. now insert nghia at multivalue position 3 oFld.ins(3, "Nghia"); oFld.ins(3,2, "800"); //8. now redisplay current values out.println("

RedField contains "+oFld.getValue()); out.println("

"); for(int mvpos = 1; mvpos <= oFld.count(); mvpos++) { out.println("value at "+mvpos+" = "+oFld.getValue(mvpos)+"
"); } //9. delete Mike from the list oFld.del(5); out.println("

RedField contains "+oFld.getValue()); //10 now convert it back into the original format myString = oFld.swap(oFld.getValue(), ""+oFld.VM, ","); myString = oFld.swap(oFld.getValue(), ""+oFld.SVM, ":"); out.println("

myString = "+myString); //11. remove the RedField oFld = null; %>



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

RbEvent This is a RedBeans class that extends EventObject, it is used to let interested classes know about RedBeans debugs. More types will be added in the future.

Methods The methods available from an instance of RbEvent are:

public int getType() This will return the type of RbEvent: RbEvent.DEBUG

public String getText() This will return the string value associated with the type.




RbEventListener To make your class(es) listeners for RbEvents, you need to implement RbEventListener.

Methods The RbEventListener Interface has one method:

public void receiveRbEvent(RbEvent e) You then need to add the class as a listener

Program Example thisObj = new RedObject(currConn, "OFFICE:Employee"); // add ourselves as a listener for debugs thisObj.addDebugListener(this);



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

Debug Logging You can switch on debug for an instance of RedObject. This will result in the RedObject firing an RbEvent which your code can listen for.

Syntax currObj.setDebug(boolean flag);

where: flag If set to true will switch on logging, false will switch it off. To listen for debugs, your class needs to implement RbEventListener.

Program Example // receive an rbevent and display information public void receiveRbEvent(RbEvent e) { // get type and display information if(e.getType() == RbEvent.DEBUG) { // if we do not have debug display created then create it and show it now if(debugDisplay == null) { debugDisplay = new RedDebug(getFrame(this));; } debugDisplay.displayDebugString(e.getText()); } }

Note This example displays a dialog to display debug information and is taken from an applet example.



Error and Alert Handling

Error and Alert Handling The RBO Server and RedBeans themselves, can generate errors. The RBO Server can also generate alerts. Errors are thrown as RbException when RedObject methods open() and callMethod() are called.

Program Example try {; } catch(RbException rbe) { //deal with error. System.out.printIn(rbe.getType() + rbe.getMessage()); return; }

Alerts If you want to look for alerts generated by the RBO server callMethod() method call then use: getServerAlert();

Program Example If(thisempObj.getServerAlert().length()>0) System.out.printIn(empObj.getServerAlert());



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans

RbException This is a RedBeans class that traps errors when the RedObject methods open() and callMethod() are called.

Methods The methods available are:

public int getType() This will return the type of RbException: CONNECTIONERROR SERVERERROR REDBEANSERROR



Session Ids

Session Ids The RBO Server uses a unique session id to identify each request from a client. If your RedBeans code is going to reference more than one RBO object, then you should pass the session id to each instance of RedObject. By doing this you will maintain the association between all RBO server objects created for a user and session. If you use applets on different HTML pages then you will need to store the session id somewhere (e.g. cookies) and retrieve it on the subsequent pages.

Program Example String sessionId = currObj.getSessionId(); currObj.SetSessionId(sessionId);



Chapter 3 - Using RedBeans



Chapter 4 - Using RedBeansSvr

This chapter provides an overview of using the RedBeansSvr package which contains classes that provide support for J2EE and RedBeans



Chapter 4 - Using RedBeansSvr

Introduction RedBeansSvr provides support for J2EE Session beans, both stateless and stateful. Your J2EE client/application can therefore communicate to RedBack RBOs via these session beans. If you use the stateless session beans then your client/application will need to store the session state for each client as the stateless beans by definition do not store state and can be used by many clients. You will pass the session state to each stateless bean request and updated session state will be returned to you. When using the stateful session beans, then each instance of the bean will maintain its own session state on behalf of the client.

The RedBeansSvr package contains: RedBeansEJB – this is the main Session class that contains methods that will communicate to the RedBeans RedObjects for you. This class has stateless behaviour. RedBeansSFEJB – inherits from RedBeansEJB but stores session state on your behalf. RBLog – write logging information.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Using a Stateless Beans Note An understanding of J2EE and creating enterprise beans is assumed. Appendix C contains examples of a stateless enterprise bean that connects to the Employee RBO from RBODemo account. It shows the Bean, Remote and Home classes that make up the enterprise bean.




This section will look at how a client uses this stateless employee example. The example uses the bean RBSLEmployeeClient.jar that is shipped with RedBeans.

This stateless bean is deployed with a JNDI name of SLEmployee The first thing the client needs to do is to find the bean

Program Example

Context initial = new InitialContext(); Object objref1 = initial.lookup("SLEmployee");

Now create the Home interface

Program Example

EmployeeHome home = (EmployeeHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref1, EmployeeHome.class);

Now create the Remote interface which provides our link to the bean

Program Example

Employee empTest = home.create();



Chapter 4 - Using RedBeansSvr

We now specify the RBO and connection details, which will result in the RBO being opened. This will return a Vector array that contains the session state for the client. The client needs to preserve this state.

Program Example

Vector[] ourSession = empTest.createObj("OFFICE:Employee", URL);

The client can now make calls to the bean and communicate with the RBO.

Program Example

ourSession = empTest.doRead(ourSession1, empId); String lastName = empTest.getLastName(ourSession); String salary = empTest.getProperty(ourSession, “Salary”); ourSession = empTest.callMethod(ourSession, “WriteData”);




Step-by-Step Instructions for Using a Stateful Beans Note An understanding of J2EE and creating enterprise beans is assumed.

Appendix D contains examples of a stateful enterprise bean that connects to the Employee RBO from RBODemo account. It shows the Bean, Remote and Home classes that make up the enterprise bean.

This section will look at how a client uses this stateful employee example. The example uses the bean RBSFEmployeeClient.jar that is shipped with RedBeans.

This stateful bean is deployed with a JNDI name of SFEmployee The first thing the client needs to do is to find the bean

Program Example

Context initial = new InitialContext(); Object objref1 = initial.lookup("SFEmployee");

Now create the Home interface



Chapter 4 - Using RedBeansSvr

Program Example

EmployeeSFHome home = (EmployeeSFHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref1, EmployeeSFHome.class);

Now create the Remote interface which provides our link to the bean

Program Example

EmployeeSF empTest = home.create(“rbodemo”, “OFFICE:Employee”);

We now request that the RBO is created, which will result in the RBO being opened. The bean will store the session state.

Program Example





The client can now make calls to the bean and communicate with the RBO. Note that the client does not store the session state as it did in the stateless example. Each bean has a one to one relationship with its client.

Program Example

empTest.doRead(empId); String lastName = empTest.getLastName(); String salary = empTest.getProperty(“Salary”); ourSession = empTest.callMethod(“WriteData”);



Chapter 4 - Using RedBeansSvr



Appendix A - RedBeans Configuration

This chapter information about RedBeans configuration.



Appendix A - RedBeans Configuration

rgw.ini Configuration of RedBeans is controlled via the file rgw.ini file which is located in the Web Server's 'document root' directory. If a Web Server is not present on the machine where RedBeans is installed then rgw.ini is placed in the Windows directory instead.

Note An example rgw.ini is automatically generated by the install procedure. You may use this file as is or edit it to suit your requirements.

Example rgw.ini File Settings # example rgw.ini file. this is a comment line. uvtest fred:8300 udttest fred:8301

uvtest/udttest are the account names (a unique key used throughout RGW), fred is the host name of the RedBack Server Machine, and 8300/8301 are the ports used to connect to the Responder. If the Web Server Machine and the RedBack Server Machine are the same machine, use 'localhost' instead of 'fred' above. You can use the raw ip address instead of the hostname if you prefer. For example, for the account uvtest quoted in the above example, you could use: uvtest

instead of uvtest fred:8300

You can further control RedBeans behavior for rgw.dll only by setting the RGWLOADINI system environment variable as follows: 0 This is the default setting




Load rgw.ini contents at dll attach and use that cache thereafter unless rgw.ini changes - in which case reload rgw.ini for all subsequent requests. 1 This setting provides the fastest option. Load at dll attach and never check on rgw.ini thereafter. It will be necessary to restart IIS or other application using RedPages to pick up changes to rgw.ini. 2 This gets the location of rgw.ini at dll attach but unconditionally reload rgw.ini for every request but is not particularly useful. 3 Do not do anything at dll attach. This gets the location of rgw.ini for each request and unconditio nally reloads rgw.ini for every request.



Appendix A - RedBeans Configuration



Appendix B - EmpMaint Code

This chapter contains the code listing for EmpMaint.Java which is an Applet example of using RedBeans, RedObject and so on. A JSP example is also provided.



Appendix B - EmpMaint Code

Applet Code Listing, EmpMaint.Java Program Example package RBODemo; import import import import

java.awt.*; java.awt.event.*; java.applet.*; RedBeans.*;

// extends RBDApplet! public class EmpMaint extends RBDApplet implements RbEventListener { boolean isStandalone = false; Label label1 = new Label(); Label label2 = new Label(); Label label3 = new Label(); Label label4 = new Label(); Label label5 = new Label(); Label label6 = new Label(); Label label7 = new Label(); TextField empId = new TextField(); TextField firstName = new TextField(); RedDebug debugDisplay = null; String origEmpValue = "", origSalaryValue = "";; boolean selectRunning = false; RedObject thisObj = null; // handle to RedObject for this applet Connection currConn = null; // connection details for this applet TextField lastName = new TextField(); TextField hireDate = new TextField(); TextField salary = new TextField(); Choice dept = new Choice(); TextArea interest = new TextArea(5,40); RedField deptCodes = null; // used to store the department //codes (description gets displayed in combo) RBDImage image = new RBDImage(this);



Applet Code Listing, EmpMaint.Java

String ourURL = ""; Button saveButton = new Button(); Button clearButton = new Button(); Label Status = new Label(); Button button1 = new Button(); Button button2 = new Button(); GridBagLayout gridBagLayout1 = new GridBagLayout(); //Construct the applet public EmpMaint() { } //Initialize the applet public void init() { super.init(); try { jbInit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // now create the redback objects if(isApplet) { ourURL = "http://"+getHost()+":"+getPort()+"/"+parentURL; } currConn = new Connection(ourURL); thisObj = new RedObject(currConn, "OFFICE:Employee"); // add ourselves as a listener for errors and debugs thisObj.addDebugListener(this); // thisObj.setDebugOn(true); // this will switch on debug

// now open the object - will do a create try {; } catch(RbException rbe) { RBDMessage message = new RBDMessage(getFrame(this), "Object Open Error"); message.setMessage(rbe.getTypeDesc() + rbe.getMessage()); message.pack();



Appendix B - EmpMaint Code; return; } // now look for an alert if(thisObj.getServerAlert().length() > 0) { RBDMessage message = new RBDMessage(getFrame(this), "Server Alert"); message.setMessage(thisObj.getServerAlert()); message.pack();; } // get department codes and descriptions deptCodes = new RedField(thisObj.getProperty("DeptCodes")); // now update the combo box RedField temprf = new RedField(thisObj.getProperty("DeptDescs")); for(int z = 1; z <= temprf.count(); z++) dept.addItem(temprf.getValue(z)); } private void jbInit() throws Exception { this.setBackground(Color.white); label1.setText("Emp ID"); label2.setText("First Name"); label3.setText("Last Name"); label4.setText("Hire Date"); label5.setText("Salary"); label6.setText("Department"); label7.setText("Interests"); salary.addFocusListener(new java.awt.event.FocusAdapter() { public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { salary_focusGained(e); } public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { salary_focusLost(e); } }); hireDate.addFocusListener(new java.awt.event.FocusAdapter() { public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { hireDate_focusLost(e); }



Applet Code Listing, EmpMaint.Java

}); image.setBackground(Color.white); image.setScaleImage(false); saveButton.setLabel("Save"); clearButton.setLabel("Clear"); Status.setForeground(new Color(255, 0, 77)); Status.setFont(new Font("Serif", 1, 12)); button1.setLabel("..."); button2.setLabel("..."); button2.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { button2_actionPerformed(e); } }); button1.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { button1_actionPerformed(e); } }); saveButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { saveButton_actionPerformed(e); } }); clearButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { clearButton_actionPerformed(e); } }); empId.addFocusListener(new java.awt.event.FocusAdapter() { public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { empId_focusGained(e); } public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { empId_focusLost(e); } }); this.setLayout(gridBagLayout1); drawForm(); } private void drawForm() {



Appendix B - EmpMaint Code

GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout(); setLayout(gbl); c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 0;c.gridwidth = 1; c.gridheight = 1; gbl.setConstraints(label1, c); add(label1); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; c.gridx = 0;c.gridy = 1;c.gridwidth = 1;c.gridheight = 1; gbl.setConstraints(label2, c); add(label2); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 2; c.gridwidth = 1; c.gridheight = 1; gbl.setConstraints(label3, c); add(label3); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 3; c.gridwidth = 1; c.gridheight = 1; gbl.setConstraints(label4, c); add(label4); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; c.gridx = 0;c.gridy = 4;c.gridwidth = 1;c.gridheight = 1; gbl.setConstraints(label5, c);add(label5); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; c.gridx = 0;c.gridy = 4;c.gridwidth = 1;c.gridheight = 1; gbl.setConstraints(label5, c);add(label5); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; c.gridx = 0;c.gridy = 5;c.gridwidth = 1;c.gridheight = 1; gbl.setConstraints(label6, c);add(label6); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; c.gridx = 0;c.gridy = 6;c.gridwidth = 1;c.gridheight = 1; gbl.setConstraints(label7, c);add(label7);



Applet Code Listing, EmpMaint.Java

c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 1;c.gridy = 0;c.gridwidth = 1;c.gridheight = 1; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;c.ipadx = 20; gbl.setConstraints(empId, c);add(empId); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 2;c.gridy = 0;c.gridwidth = 1;c.gridheight = 1; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbl.setConstraints(button2, c);add(button2); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 3;c.gridy = 0;c.gridheight = 6;c.weightx = 1.0; //c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; c.insets = new Insets(0, 10, 0, 10); gbl.setConstraints(image, c);add(image);

c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 1;c.gridy = 1;c.gridwidth = 2;c.gridheight = 1; //c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;c.ipadx = 70; gbl.setConstraints(firstName, c);add(firstName); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 1;c.gridy = 2;c.gridwidth = 2;c.gridheight = 1; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; c.ipadx = 70;gbl.setConstraints(lastName, c);add(lastName); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 1;c.gridy = 3;c.gridwidth = 1;c.gridheight = 1; c.ipadx = 70;c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbl.setConstraints(hireDate, c);add(hireDate); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 2;c.gridy = 3;c.gridwidth = 1;c.gridheight = 1; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbl.setConstraints(button1, c);add(button1); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 1;c.gridy = 4;c.gridwidth = 1;c.gridheight = 1; c.ipadx = 40;c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbl.setConstraints(salary, c);add(salary);



Appendix B - EmpMaint Code

c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 1;c.gridy = 5;c.gridwidth = 1;c.gridheight = 1; c.ipadx = 40;c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbl.setConstraints(dept, c);add(dept); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 0;c.gridy = 7;c.gridwidth = 3;c.gridheight = 1; gbl.setConstraints(interest, c);add(interest);

c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 0;c.gridy = 8;c.gridwidth = 1;c.gridheight = 1; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;c.insets = new Insets(10,0,0,0); gbl.setConstraints(saveButton, c);add(saveButton); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 1;c.gridy = 8;c.gridwidth = 1;c.gridheight = 1; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;c.insets = new Insets(10,0,0,0); gbl.setConstraints(clearButton, c);add(clearButton); c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 0;c.gridy = 9;c.gridwidth = 3;c.gridheight = 1; c.ipadx = 80;c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbl.setConstraints(Status, c);add(Status); } //Get Applet information public String getAppletInfo() { return "RBODemo Employee Maintenance"; }

void empId_focusGained(FocusEvent e) { // store emp id so that we can check if value changes origEmpValue = empId.getText(); } void empId_focusLost(FocusEvent e) { // if emp id has changed then do a read if(empId.getText().equals(origEmpValue)) return; // nothing to do



Applet Code Listing, EmpMaint.Java

// set current employee id thisObj.setProperty("EmpId", empId.getText()); // now do the read try { thisObj.callMethod("ReadData"); // now set the form values setFormValues(); } catch(RbException rbe) { Status.setText("Error - "+rbe.getType()+" - "+rbe.getMessage()); return; } } private void setFormValues() { empId.setText(thisObj.getProperty("EmpId")); lastName.setText(thisObj.getProperty("LastName")); firstName.setText(thisObj.getProperty("FirstName")); hireDate.setText(thisObj.getProperty("HireDate")); salary.setText(thisObj.getProperty("Salary")); Status.setText(""); // look for postition of dept String deptcode = thisObj.getProperty("Dept"); for(int z = 1; z <= deptCodes.count(); z++) { if(deptCodes.getValue(z).equals(deptcode)) {; break; } } // interests needs to have value mark swapped with line feed RedField rf = new RedField(thisObj.getProperty("Interests")); rf.swap(String.valueOf(String.valueOf(rf.getVM())), "\n"); interest.setText(rf.getValue()); image.setImageId("http://"+getHost()+":"+getPort()+"/"+ imageDir+"/"+ thisObj.getProperty("ImageFile")); }



Appendix B - EmpMaint Code

void saveButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // first update all the properties in current object getFormValues(); // now do the write try { thisObj.callMethod("WriteData"); // now set the form values setFormValues(); } catch(RbException rbe) { Status.setText("Error " + rbe.getType() + " "+rbe.getMessage()); return; } } void clearButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // do the clear try { thisObj.callMethod("Clear"); // now set the form values setFormValues(); } catch(RbException rbe) { Status.setText("Error " + rbe.getType() + " "+rbe.getMessage()); return; } } private void getFormValues() { thisObj.setProperty("FirstName", firstName.getText()); thisObj.setProperty("LastName", lastName.getText()); thisObj.setProperty("Salary", salary.getText()); thisObj.setProperty("HireDate", hireDate.getText()); thisObj.setProperty("Dept", deptCodes.getValue(dept.getSelectedIndex()+1)); System.out.println(deptCodes.getValue(dept.getSelectedIndex()+1)); RedField temprf = new RedField(interest.getText()); // now convert line feeds into value marks temprf.swap("\n", String.valueOf(RedField.VM)); thisObj.setProperty("Interests", temprf.getValue()); }



Applet Code Listing, EmpMaint.Java

void hireDate_focusLost(FocusEvent e) { // validate this date. To this use validate date method from parent applet if(hireDate.getText().equals("")) return; String dateValue = validateDate(hireDate.getText(), RBDApplet.INTLDATE); if(dateValue == null) { Status.setText("INVALID DATE INPUT, PLEASE RE-ENTER USING DD/MM/YYYY"); hireDate.requestFocus(); } else { Status.setText(""); hireDate.setText(dateValue); } } void salary_focusGained(FocusEvent e) { // store orig value so that we can check salary if value changed origSalaryValue = salary.getText(); } void salary_focusLost(FocusEvent e) { // now look to see if we need to validate salary on the server if(origSalaryValue.equals(salary.getText()) || salary.getText().equals("")) return; // now change thisObj.setProperty("Salary", salary.getText()); try { thisObj.callMethod("ValidateSalary"); // look for server status to be set - this indicates // application error if(thisObj.getProperty("ServerStatus").equals("1")) { Status.setText(thisObj.getProperty("ServerMessage")); salary.requestFocus(); } else Status.setText(""); } catch(RbException rbe) {



Appendix B - EmpMaint Code

Status.setText("Error - "+rbe.getType()+" - "+rbe.getMessage()); return; } } void button1_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { RBDDateFrame rdf = new RBDDateFrame(getFrame(this), "Employee Hire Date"); rdf.setWeekendBackground(; rdf.setWeekendForeground(Color.white); rdf.setDateBackground(new Color(200, 200, 150)); rdf.setDateForeground(; rdf.setBackground(Color.white); rdf.DispFrame(); String selDate = rdf.getSelDate(); if(selDate.length() > 0) hireDate.setText(selDate); } // call emp select display void button2_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(selectRunning) return; // already running - they clicked twice on // the button! selectRunning = true; EmpSelect es = new EmpSelect(getFrame(this), "Employee Select", ourURL); es.pack();; if(es.hasSelected()) { String s = es.getSelectedItem(); if(s != null) { // set current employee id empId.setText(s); thisObj.setProperty("EmpId", empId.getText()); // now do the read try { thisObj.callMethod("ReadData"); // now set the form values setFormValues(); } catch(RbException rbe) { Status.setText("Error - "+rbe.getType()+" "+rbe.getMessage());



Applet Code Listing, EmpMaint.Java

return; } } } selectRunning = false; } // receive an rbevent and display information public void receiveRbEvent(RbEvent e) { // get type and display information if(e.getType() == RbEvent.DEBUG) { // if we do not have debug display created then // create it and show it now if(debugDisplay == null) { debugDisplay = new RedDebug(getFrame(this));; } debugDisplay.displayDebugString(e.getText()); } } }



Appendix B - EmpMaint Code

JSP Code Listing, EmpMaint.JSP Program Example <%@ include file=""%> <%@ include file=""%> <%@include file=""%> <% RedBeans.RedObject obj = null; // handle to this page's redobject RedBeans.RedField oDescs = null, oFld = null, oCodes = null; session.putValue("pageDesc", "Employee Maintenance"); // used in error page session.putValue("pageId", "EmpMaint.jsp"); // this page - used in error page // serverMessage and serverStatus are set by server methods. errorMsg is used to display messages String serverMessage = "", serverStatus = "", errorMsg = "", warning = ""; String origSalary = ""; // stored in case of too high a salary // if first time here then create the instance if(session.getValue("empMaint") == null) { // set the connection, class name and then open // create redfields oCodes = new RedBeans.RedField(); oDescs = new RedBeans.RedField(); oFld = new RedBeans.RedField(); obj = new RedBeans.RedObject(); session.putValue("empMaint", obj); obj.setActiveConnection(connection); obj.setRBOClass("OFFICE:Employee");; oCodes.setStringValue(obj.getProperty("DeptCodes")); oDescs.setStringValue(obj.getProperty("DeptDescs")); session.putValue("codes", oCodes); session.putValue("descs", oDescs); session.putValue("ofld", oFld); // check for warning from server warning = obj.getServerAlert(); } else { obj = (RedBeans.RedObject)session.getValue("empMaint"); oCodes = (RedBeans.RedField)session.getValue("codes"); oDescs = (RedBeans.RedField)session.getValue("descs");



JSP Code Listing, EmpMaint.JSP

oFld = (RedBeans.RedField)session.getValue("ofld"); }

// get action String action = request.getParameter("action"); if(action == null) action = ""; if(action.equals("ReadData")) { obj.setProperty("EmpId", request.getParameter("EmpId")); obj.callMethod(action); } else if(action.equals("WriteData")) { // update properties before sending back to server obj.setProperty("EmpId", request.getParameter("EmpId")); obj.setProperty("FirstName", request.getParameter("FirstName")); obj.setProperty("LastName", request.getParameter("LastName")); obj.setProperty("HireDate", request.getParameter("HireDate")); obj.setProperty("Salary", request.getParameter("Salary")); oFld.setStringValue(request.getParameter("Interests")); oFld.swap("\n", String.valueOf(oFld.getVM())); obj.setProperty("Interests", oFld.getValue()); obj.callMethod(action); } else if(action.equals("ValidateSalary")) { origSalary = obj.getProperty("Salary"); // get current salary in case new one is too high obj.setProperty("Salary", request.getParameter("Salary")); obj.callMethod(action); serverMessage = obj.getProperty("ServerMessage"); serverStatus = obj.getProperty("ServerStatus"); if(serverStatus.equals("1")) // reset salary obj.setProperty("Salary", origSalary); obj.setProperty("ServerMessage", ""); obj.setProperty("ServerStatus", "0"); } else if(action.equals("ClearForm")) { obj.callMethod("Clear"); } // check for server status and message if no current error message from server if(serverStatus.equals("1") && errorMsg.length() == 0)



Appendix B - EmpMaint Code

errorMsg = serverMessage; %> <TITLE>RedBeans JSP Employee Maintenence <SCRIPT> var VM = unescape("%FD")

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function SendToWebServer(action) { document.Form1.action = "EmpMaint.jsp?action=" + action; document.Form1.submit(); } <% if(errorMsg.length() > 0) { %>
<%= errorMsg%>
<% }%> <% if(warning.length() > 0) { %>
<% }%>

Employee Maintenance

Employee ID " onChange= SendToWebServer("ReadData")>



JSP Code Listing, EmpMaint.JSP

<% String imageFile = obj.getProperty("ImageFile"); if(imageFile.equals("")) imageFile = "onepixel.gif"; %>
First Name ">
Last Name ">
Hire Date ">
Salary " onChange=SendToWebServer("ValidateSalary")>



Appendix B - EmpMaint Code

Department <SELECT name="Dept"> <% String sel = ""; for(int i = 1;i <= oCodes.count(); i++) { if(obj.getProperty("Dept").equals(oCodes.getValue(i))) sel = "SELECTED"; else sel = ""; %>
Interests <% oFld.setStringValue(obj.getProperty("Interests")); oFld.swap(String.valueOf(oFld.getVM()), "\n"); %>



Appendix C - Stateless Employee Enterprise Bean

This chapter describes the setup and configuration of a Java stateless Enterprise Bean.



Appendix C - Stateless Employee Enterprise Bean

The Enterprise Beans is made up of three classes, the Bean itself, the Remote Interface and the Home Interface

The Home Interface

Program Example

package RBJ2EEDemo; /* * * Employee Home Interface * Example code for RedBack RBODemo * */

import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import javax.ejb.RemoveException; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.EJBHome;

/** * Home Interface for stateless EJB that connects to RBO Employee, in RBODemo */



public interface EmployeeHome extends EJBHome { /** * required signature for create method, no arguments and therefore stateless * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception CreateException by container */ Employee create() throws RemoteException, CreateException; }

The Remote Interface Program Example

package RBJ2EEDemo; /* * * Employee Remote Interface * * Example code for RedBack RBODemo * */

import javax.ejb.EJBObject; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Hashtable; import RedBeans.*;



Appendix C - Stateless Employee Enterprise Bean

import RedBeansSvr.*; import java.util.*;

/** * This is the remote interface for a stateless EJB that communicates with * the Employee RBO in RBODemo */ public interface Employee extends EJBObject {

/** * Creates the RBO and triggers the Open() * @param the object name in format Module:Classname * @param url for RBODemo, can either be full http reference or * JNI reference if jrgw being used. * @returned session details to be retained and passed with further * method calls by client * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if cannot connect to URL or open objname */ public Vector[] createObj(String objname, String url) throws RemoteException, RbException; /** * Sets debug flag on * @param flag, true will switch debug on, false will * switch it off * @exception RemoteException by container */ public void setDebugOn(boolean flag) throws RemoteException; /** * Method used to call RBO methods on RBO Server * @param ourRbSession, current session details



* @param methodName, the name of the RBO method to call * @returns updated state after the RBO method call * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if method cannot be called */ public Vector[] callMethod(Vector[] ourRbSession, String methodName) throws RemoteException, RbException; /** * Gets current value of property from current state * @param ourRbSession, current state * @param name, the name of the property * @returns the current value of the property * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if property cannot be found */ public String getProperty(Vector[] ourRbSession, String name) throws RemoteException, RbException; /** * Sets current value of property from current state * @param ourRbSession, current state * @param name, the name of the property * @param value, the value for the property * @returns updated state after the property value has been set * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if property cannot be found */ public Vector[] setProperty(Vector[] ourRbSession, String name, String value) throws RemoteException, RbException; /** * Does a read by calling ReadData * @param ourRbSession, current state



Appendix C - Stateless Employee Enterprise Bean

* @param id, the employee id to be read * @returns updated state after the read on the RBO server * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if employee id property cannot be found or the ReadData could be called */ public Vector[] doRead(Vector[] ourRbSession, String id) throws RemoteException; /** * Gets the current value for the LastName property * @param ourRbSession, current state * @returns the current value for the LastName property * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if LastName property cannot be found */ public String getLastName(Vector[] ourRbSession) throws RemoteException; /** * Does a write by calling WriteData * @param ourRbSession, current state * @param id, the employee id of the item to be written * @returns updated state after the write on the RBO server * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if the write could not take place */ public Vector[] doWrite(Vector[] ourRbSession, String id) throws RemoteException; /** * Gets the current value for the FirstName property * @param ourRbSession, current state * @returns the current value for the FirstName property * @exception RemoteException by container



* @exception RbException by RedBeans if FirstName property cannot be found */ public String getFirstName(Vector[] ourRbSession) throws RemoteException; /** * Sets the current value for the LastName property within the current state. This will not trigger * a call to the RBO server * @param ourRbSession, current state * @param lastName, the value to be set * @returns updated state after the last name has been set * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if LastName property cannot be found */ public Vector[] setLastName(Vector[] ourRbSession, String lastName) throws RemoteException; /** * Sets the current value for the Dept property within the current state. This will not trigger * a call to the RBO server * @param ourRbSession, current state * @param dept, the value to be set * @returns updated state after the dept has been set * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if dept property cannot be found */ public Vector[] setDept(Vector[] ourRbSession, String dept) throws RemoteException; /** * Sets the current value for the Employee Id property within the current state. This will not trigger * a call to the RBO server * @param ourRbSession, current state



Appendix C - Stateless Employee Enterprise Bean

* @param empid, the value to be set * @returns updated state after the employee id has been set * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if employee id property cannot be found */ public Vector[] setEmpId(Vector[] ourRbSession, String empid) throws RemoteException; /** * Gets the current value for the Dept property * @param ourRbSession, current state * @returns the current value for the Dept property * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if Dept property cannot be found */ public String getDept(Vector[] ourRbSession) throws RemoteException; }

The Bean Program Example

package RBJ2EEDemo; /* *



* Employee EJB for use with RBO Employee in RBODemo Account * * Example code * */ import java.rmi.RemoteException; import javax.ejb.SessionBean; import javax.ejb.SessionContext; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import java.util.*; import RedBeans.*; import RedBeansSvr.*;

/** * Stateless EJB for Employee RBO in RBODemo */ public class EmployeeEJB extends RedBeansEJB implements SessionBean {

public EmployeeEJB() {}

/** * Gets the current value for the LastName property * @param ourRbSession, current state * @returns the current value for the LastName property * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if LastName property cannot be found */ public String getLastName(Vector[] ourRbSession) { String name = ""; try {



Appendix C - Stateless Employee Enterprise Bean

name = getProperty(ourRbSession, "LastName"); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.println("RbException on getLastName - " + rbe); } return name; }

/** * Gets the current value for the FirstName property * @param ourRbSession, current state * @returns the current value for the FirstName property * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if FirstName property cannot be found */ public String getFirstName(Vector[] ourRbSession) { String name = ""; try { name = getProperty(ourRbSession, "FirstName"); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.println("RbException on getFirstName - " + rbe); } return name; }

/** * Sets the current value for the Employee Id property within the current state. This will not trigger * a call to the RBO server * @param ourRbSession, current state



* @param empid, the value to be set * @returns updated state after the employee id has been set * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if employee id property cannot be found */ public Vector[] setEmpId(Vector[] ourRbSession, String empId) { try { ourRbSession = setProperty(ourRbSession, "EmpId", empId); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.println("RbException on setempid " + rbe); } return ourRbSession; }

/** * Gets the current value for the Dept property * @param ourRbSession, current state * @returns the current value for the Dept property * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if Dept property cannot be found */ public String getDept(Vector[] ourRbSession) { String dept = ""; try { dept = getProperty(ourRbSession, "Dept"); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.println("RbException on getDept - " + rbe); }



Appendix C - Stateless Employee Enterprise Bean

return dept; }

/** * Sets the current value for the LastName property within the current state. This will not trigger * a call to the RBO server * @param ourRbSession, current state * @param lastName, the value to be set * @returns updated state after the last name has been set * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if LastName property cannot be found */ public Vector[] setLastName(Vector[] ourRbSession, String lastName) { try { ourRbSession = setProperty(ourRbSession, "LastName", lastName); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.println("RbException on setlastname " + rbe); } return ourRbSession; }

/** * Sets the current value for the Dept property within the current state. This will not trigger * a call to the RBO server * @param ourRbSession, current state * @param dept, the value to be set * @returns updated state after the dept has been set * @exception RemoteException by container



* @exception RbException by RedBeans if dept property cannot be found */ public Vector[] setDept(Vector[] ourRbSession, String dept) { try { ourRbSession = setProperty(ourRbSession, "Dept", dept); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.println("RbException on setDept " + rbe); } return ourRbSession; }

/** * Does a read by calling ReadData * @param ourRbSession, current state * @param id, the employee id to be read * @returns updated state after the read on the RBO server * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if employee id property cannot be found or the ReadData could be called */ public Vector[] doRead(Vector[] ourRbSession, String id) { try { ourRbSession = setProperty(ourRbSession, "EmpId", id); ourRbSession = callMethod(ourRbSession, "ReadData"); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.println("could not do the read " + rbe); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception on read "+ e);



Appendix C - Stateless Employee Enterprise Bean

} return ourRbSession; }

/** * Does a write by calling WriteData * @param ourRbSession, current state * @param id, the employee id of the item to be written * @returns updated state after the write on the RBO server * @exception RemoteException by container * @exception RbException by RedBeans if the write could not take place */ public Vector[] doWrite(Vector[] ourRbSession, String id) { try { ourRbSession = setProperty(ourRbSession, "EmpId", id); ourRbSession = callMethod(ourRbSession, "WriteData");

} catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.println("could not do the write " + rbe); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception on write "+ e); } return ourRbSession; }






Appendix C - Stateless Employee Enterprise Bean



Appendix D - Stateful Employee Enterprise Bean

This chapter describes the setup and configuration of a Java stateful Enterprise Bean



Appendix D - Stateful Employee Enterprise Bean

The Enterprise Beans is made up of three classes, the Bean itself, the Remote Interface and the Home Interface.

The Home Interface

Program Example

package RBJ2EEDemo; /* * * Copyright 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Use is subject to license terms. * */

import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import javax.ejb.RemoveException; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.EJBHome;

public interface EmployeeSFHome extends EJBHome {



EmployeeSF create(String objName, String URL) throws RemoteException, CreateException; }

The Remote Interface Program Example

package RBJ2EEDemo; /* * * Copyright 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Use is subject to license terms. * */

import javax.ejb.EJBObject; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Hashtable; import RedBeans.*; import RedBeansSvr.*; import java.util.*;



Appendix D - Stateful Employee Enterprise Bean

public interface EmployeeSF extends EJBObject { public void createObj() throws RemoteException, RbException; public void setDebugOn(boolean flag) throws RemoteException; public void callMethod(String methodName) throws RemoteException, RbException; public String getProperty(String name) throws RemoteException, RbException; public void setProperty(String name, String value) throws RemoteException, RbException; public void doRead(String id) throws RemoteException; public String getLastName() throws RemoteException; public void doWrite(String id) throws RemoteException; public String getFirstName() throws RemoteException; public void setLastName(String lastName) throws RemoteException; public void setDept(String dept) throws RemoteException; public void setEmpId(String empid) throws RemoteException; public String getDept() throws RemoteException; }

The Bean Program Example

package RBJ2EEDemo; /*



* * Copyright 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ import java.rmi.RemoteException; import javax.ejb.SessionBean; import javax.ejb.SessionContext; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import java.util.*; import RedBeans.*; import RedBeansSvr.*;

public class EmployeeSFEJB extends RedBeansSFEJB implements SessionBean {

public String getLastName() { //System.out.println("in getprop"); String name = ""; try { name = getProperty("LastName"); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.println("RbException on getLastName - " + rbe); } catch(Exception e) { name = "???"; } return name;



Appendix D - Stateful Employee Enterprise Bean


public String getFirstName() { //System.out.println("in getprop"); String name = ""; try { name = getProperty("FirstName"); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.println("RbException on getFirstName - " + rbe); } return name; }

public void setEmpId(String empId) { try { setProperty("EmpId", empId); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.println("RbException on setempid " + rbe); } }

public String getDept() { String dept = ""; try { dept = getProperty("Dept"); } catch(RbException rbe) {



System.out.println("RbException on getDept - " + rbe); } return dept; }

public void setLastName(String lastName) { try { setProperty("LastName", lastName); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.println("RbException on setlastname " + rbe); } }

public void setDept(String dept) { try { setProperty("Dept", dept); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.println("RbException on setDept " + rbe); } }

public EmployeeSFEJB() {}

public void doRead(String id) { try { setProperty("EmpId", id); callMethod("ReadData");



Appendix D - Stateful Employee Enterprise Bean

} catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.println("could not do the read " + rbe); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("doaread e="+e); } }

public void doWrite(String id) { try { setProperty("EmpId", id); callMethod("WriteData"); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.out.println("could not do the write " + rbe); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception found "+e); } }

public void ejbCreate() { }






Appendix D - Stateful Employee Enterprise Bean



Appendix E - JSP & Stateful Enterprise Bean Example

This chapter describes a Client Bean used by JSP to reference a Stateful Employee Enterprise Bean



Appendix E - JSP & Stateful Enterprise Bean Example

The Client Bean Program Example

package RBJ2EEDemo; /* * * */

import java.util.*; import*; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import RedBeans.*;

public class EmployeeBean {

private String action; private String id = ""; private String firstName = ""; private String lastName = ""; private String imageFile = ""; private EmployeeSFHome employeeHome; private EmployeeSF employee;



private EmployeeSF emp; private String URL = "http://localhost/scripts/rgw.dll/rbodemo";

public EmployeeBean() { try { Context ic = new InitialContext(); java.lang.Object objref = ic.lookup("SFEmployee"); employeeHome = (EmployeeSFHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref, EmployeeSFHome.class);

emp = employeeHome.create("OFFICE:Employee", URL); emp.createObj();

} catch (Exception re) { System.err.println ("Couldn't locate Employee Home!"); }


public void setId(String id) { = id; }

public String getId() { return id; }



Appendix E - JSP & Stateful Enterprise Bean Example

public void setImageFile(String imageFile) { System.out.print("i=" + imageFile); this.imageFile = imageFile; }

public String getImageFile() { if(imageFile.equals("")) imageFile = "onepixel.gif";

return imageFile; }

public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; }

public String getFirstName() { return firstName; }

public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; }

public String getLastName() { return lastName; }

public void processRequest() {



if(action == null) { return; } else if(action.equals("ReadData")) { try { emp.doRead(id); setLastName(emp.getLastName()); setFirstName(emp.getFirstName()); setImageFile(emp.getProperty("ImageFile")); } catch(RemoteException re) { System.err.println("Remote Exception in read " + re); } catch(RbException rbe) { System.err.println("RbException " + rbe); } } return; } }



Appendix E - JSP & Stateful Enterprise Bean Example

A simple JSP example

Program Example

<jsp:useBean id="employeeBean" scope="session" class="RBJ2EEDemo.EmployeeBean" />

<jsp:setProperty name="employeeBean" property="*" />

<%! String status = "init"; %>

<% employeeBean.processRequest(); %>

Employee JSP

Employee JSP Example

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function SendToWebServer(action) { document.Form1.action = "RBEmp.jsp?action="+action; document.Form1.submit();




Employee Maintenance

Emp Id > width=102>
First Name >
Last Name >



Appendix E - JSP & Stateful Enterprise Bean Example



A accounturl, 23 activeconnection, 24, 25 Applet, 55

C CallMethod, 53 callMethod, 53 Code example Recordset example, 30 RedObject, 28 Write example, 29

D Debug logging RedObject, 52

E Errors RbException, 53

G Gateway Requestor, 16 getServerAlert, 53

H HTML, 55

J JSP, 11

M Method addNew, 33

callMethod, 26, 53 close, 34 count, 38 del, 40 getLength, 38 getProperty, 25, 34 getValue, 45 ins, 42 open, 32, 53 receiveRbEvent, 51 replace, 43 setProperty, 26, 34 setStringValue, 40 setSVM(), 40 setVM(), 40 swap, 44

O open, 53

R RbEvent, 50 Method, getText, 50 Method, getType, 50 RbEventListener, 51 Method, receiveRbEvent(RbEvent), 51 RbException, 54 Method, getType, 54 RBO, 17, 55 Class hierachy, 19 rboClass, 25 rboclass, 24 RBOScope JSP, 12 RedBack Business Object, 17 RedBack Gateway Requestor, 16 RedField Method, count, 38 Method, del, 40 Method, getLength, 38 Method, getValue, 45 Method, ins, 42

Method, replace, 43 Method, setStringValue, 40 Method, setSVM(), 40 Method, setVM(), 40 Method, swap, 44 object, 37 RedObject, 23 accounturl, 23 activeConnection, 24, 25 Method, callMethod, 26 Method, getProperty, 25 Method, open, 25 Method, setProperty, 26 rboClass, 24, 25 RedSet fieldNames, 33 Method, AddNew, 33 Method, addNew, 33 Method, close, 34 Method, getProperty, 34 Method, MoveFirst, 33 Method, MoveLast, 33 Method, MoveNext, 33 Method, MovePrevious, 33 Method, open, 32 Method, setProperty, 34 Using, 32 values, 33

S sbObject, 20 Session Ids, 55 Symantec Visual Café, 16

U uObject, 20 uQuery, 20

V Visual Café, 16

W Web server, 11



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