1. md tmp 1. Create a backup copy of the original Windows 2000 registry files. To do this, type the following commands at the command prompt. Press the <Enter> key after typing each command: copy copy copy copy copy
c:\winnt\system32\config\system c:\tmp\system.bak c:\winnt\system32\config\software c:\tmp\software.bak c:\winnt\system32\config\sam c:\tmp\sam.bak c:\winnt\system32\config\security c:\tmp\security.bak c:\winnt\system32\config\default c:\tmp\default.bak
==================================================== 3. Remove the original Windows 2000 registry files. To do this, type the following commands at the command prompt. Press the <Enter> key after typing each command. delete delete delete delete delete
c:\winnt\system32\config\system c:\winnt\system32\config\software c:\winnt\system32\config\sam c:\winnt\system32\config\security c:\winnt\system32\config\default
==================================================== 4. Copy the Windows registry files from the Repair folder. To do this, type the following commands. Press the <Enter> key after typing each command. copy copy copy copy copy
c:\winnt\repair\system.bak c:\winnt\system32\config\system c:\winnt\repair\software.bak c:\winnt\system32\config\software c:\winnt\repair\sam.bak c:\winnt\system32\sam c:\winnt\repair\security.bak c:\winnt\system32\security c:\winnt\repair\default.bak c:\winnt\system32\default
==================================================== 5. exit (reboot to windows?)