Records 2

  • Uploaded by: bluetub debate
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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 616
  • Pages: 4
Bellarmine DR Bishop Guertin CP Bronx BM Bronx BG Brophy MM Calhoun HJ Carrollton HS Cathedral CH Centerville CY Chattahoochee BP Chattahoochee CZ Chattahoochee FL Chattahoochee KM Chattahoochee LR Chattahoochee PS College Prep CH College Prep KV Colleyville DH Colleyville MN Coppell BK Dallas Jesuit GO Dallas Jesuit HN Damien CG Damien EN Damien HR Ft. Lauderdale BM Fullerton GS GBN OZ GBS LP GBS QZ Grapevine BP Greenhill BL Greenhill HS Greenhill RR Groves BG Head Royce BZ Head Royce SZ Highland Park GO Highland Park PY Jenks KS Kinkaid BS Kinkaid KS Lakeland RW Lexington LS Lexington TZ Little Rock LS MBA AM Meadows BS Meadows KS Mercer CK Milton BL

W 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 2 2 1 1 0

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Rd 1 Opp Rd 2 Opp Sheboygan KM Westminster AS MBA AM Hooch KM Head Royce SZ Greenhill BL Damien EN Hooch BP SFA BR Pace AL Cathedral CH Meadows BS Kinkaid KS College Prep CH Calhoun HJ Coppell BK Hooch CZ Dallas Jesuit GO St. Stephens VP Bronx BG Centerville CY Rowland Hall BL Greenhill BL Head Royce SZ Grapevine BP Bishop Guertin CP Jenks KS GBS LP Dallas Jesuit HN Fullerton GS Notre Dame BP Carrollton HS Stratford CK Greenhill HS Mercer CK GBS QZ NFA BP Damien HR Meadows BS Cathedral CH Rowland Hall BL Centerville CY Hooch PS New Trier BR Woodward MN Lexington TZ Bronx GB St. Stephens VP Little Rock LS Colleyville MN New Trier GH Meadows KS New Trier BR Hooch PS Pace AL SFA BR Head Royce BZ Hooch LR Lexington LS Colleyville DH Hooch KM MBA AM Hooch FL Bronx BM Lakeland RW College Prep KV Walter Payton RT Highland Park GO Westminster AS Sheboygan KM GBS LP Jenks KS Bronx BM Hooch FL Milton BL Greenhill RR Lexington TZ Woodward MN Hooch LR Head Royce BZ Meadows KS New Trier GH Carrollton HS Notre Dame BP Greenhill HS Stratford CK GBS QZ Mercer CK Highland Park PY Damien CG Damien HR NFA BP Bishop Guertin CP Grapevine BP Coppell BK Calhoun HJ Kinkaid BS Ft. Lauderdale BM Colleyville DH Lexington LS Highland Park GO Walter Payton CP

New Trier BR New Trier GH NFA BP Notre Dame AD Notre Dame BP Pace AL Rowland Hall BL SFA BR Sheboygan KM St. Marks BK St. Stephens VP Stratford CK Valley HR Walter Payton CP Westminster AJ Westminster AS Woodward MN

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Fullerton GS Ft Lauderdale BM Colleyville MN St. Marks BK College Prep CH GBN OZ Dallas Jesuit GO Brophy MM Bellarmine DR Notre Dame AD Hooch BP College Prep KV Westminster AJ Greenhill RR Valley HR Groves BG Damien CG

Dallas Jesuit HN Kinkaid BS Little Rock LS Valley HR Kinkaid KS Brophy MM Hooch CZ GBN OZ Groves BG Westminster AJ Damien EN Lakeland RW Notre Dame AD Milton BL St. Marks BK Bellarmine DR Highland Park PY

New Affs - Rd 2 GBS QZ

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