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The following information supplements the information in the Dell Wireless WLAN Card User Guide. October 28, 2005

Manual Addenda Setting Advanced Properties VLAN Priority Mode The VLAN Priority Mode property controls the introduction of VLAN-tagged packets to send priority information when your network connection is associated to nonQoS infrastructure devices. When this property is set to Auto or On, the NDIS driver always advertises QoS regardless of whether the WMM property is enabled or disabled. On transmit, when this property is set to On, and the Afterburner property is disabled, and the packet does not already contain a VLAN tag, and the priority is nonzero, and the association is non-WMM, a Priority tag is added to the 802.11 packet. On reception, when this property is set to On, and the Afterburner property is disabled, and the packet has a VLAN tag, and the VLAN ID is zero, the VLAN tag is stripped, and the priority from the tag is assigned to the packet. This stripping is done whether or not the association is WMM because WMM appendix A.6 indicates that WMM STAs must be able to accept VLAN-tagged packets. Auto (default) On Off

Troubleshooting: Problem or Symptom: I cannot connect to the newly-created IBSS network that was created using the wizard. Possible Solution: Open the Dell Wireless WLAN Card Utility. From the Wireless Networks tab, right-click the name of the IBSS network, and then click Connect Problem or Symptom: The advanced property settings of my Dell Wireless WLAN Card Adapter are not being imported. Possible Solution: You must have system or administrator rights to be able to import the advanced property settings. Contact your network administrator. Problem or Symptom: All of the non-broadcasting networks in the area are displayed in the Advanced Site Monitor after double clicking an network in the basic Site Monitor. Possible Solution: In Advanced Site Monitor, click Clear, type the name of the network (SSID) in the Look for box, and then click Find. Problem or Symptom: The order of my preferred networks does not match the list which was imported.

Possible Solution: A preferred network connection profile is overwritten if a network connection profile being imported has the same name but not reorder it within the list. Use the “Replace all configured networks” setting on export to reorder the Preferred Network list. Problem or Symptom: I am unable to connect to a network that uses a certificate. Possible Solution: The purpose of the Logon or identity box on the Client Identity tab in Wireless Network Connection Settings (see “Creating Network Connection Profiles”) is to override the default behavior when users opt to use their user name and password to log on. This capability can be important with tunneling protocols such as TTLS and PEAP. Some AAA servers can be configured to require that the outer tunnel have a different identity then the inner tunnel. If this is the case, users must supply the information in the Logon or identity box. For TLS profiles that use machine certificates, Microsoft Internet Authentication Service (IAS) requires the client identity to be changed to the following: \COMPUTER\ Problem or Symptom: I used the Wireless Network Wizard to successfully create a network connection profile for an Open WEP based network, but when I attempt to connect to the network, I am unable to authenticate. Possible Solution: The Wireless Network Wizard (see “Connecting to a Basic Network or Creating an Ad Hoc Network Using the Wireless Network Wizard”) is designed to work only with Open WEP (basic) networks. An 802.1X network is not an Open WEP network, but it is recognized as such by the wireless drivers. Therefore, although it is possible to use the wizard to create a network connection profile for an 802.1X network, any attempt to connect to the network will fail because of failure to authenticate. Normally, 802.1X networks are found in enterprise environments. If you experience difficulty connecting to a network using the network connection profile you created with the wizard, contact your technical support staff to see if the Access Point is an Open WEP network, or if it uses 802.1X protocol for authentication. If it uses 802.1X, you must create a connection profile using the utility (see “Connecting to an Advanced Network Using the Dell Wireless WLAN Card Utility” and “Creating Network Connection Profiles”). Problem or Symptom: I do not always connect to the first network in my Preferred network connections list. Possible Solution: This issue can occur if you switch off the WLAN radio and restart your computer without having first switched the WLAN radio back on. Change the default inactivity timeout value of the access point (AP) to between five and eight seconds to allow the AP to remove the client from its association table while the machine powers up. Consult your AP documentation to perform this operation or contact your system administrator.

InstallShield Documentation InstallShield has a number of command line options. None of the options listed below is case sensitive, and each may be used with a hyphen (-) or a forward slash (/). Separate multiple command-line switches with a space, but do not put a space inside a command-line switch (for example, /r /f1Install.iss is valid, but /r/f1 Install.iss is not). When you use long path and file name expressions with switches, enclose the expressions in double quotation marks. The

double quotation marks indicate to the operating system that spaces within the quotation marks are not to be treated as command-line delimiters. -app Installs the Broadcom tray utility only, but not the driver. -on

Turns Windows Wireless Zero Configuration Service off and configures the Broadcom tray utility to manage the network.

/wlconfig:[file to import] Imports preferred network profiles at the end of installation. This option does not support the hyphen (-) prefix. -f1[path\ResponseFile] Specifies an alternate location and name of the response file (.iss file). If this option is used when running InstallShield Silent, the response file is read from the folder/file specified by [path\ResponseFile]. If this option is used along with the -r option, the response file is written to the folder/file specified by[path\ResponseFile]. -f2[path\LogFile] Specifies an alternate location and name of the log file created by InstallShield Silent. By default, the Setup.log file is created and stored in the same directory as that of the Setup.inx file. -l[language ID] Specifies the language in which the setup runs. [language ID] is a numeric language ID of the form 0xnnnn or simply nnnn. The setup runs in this language regardless of the default setup language specified in the IDE or the default language of the target system. This switch has no effect when the setup is running silently and a Lang key is set in th e [Application] section of Setup.iss. Recording a response file (by running Setup.exe with the -r switch) sets the Lang key automatically; for the -l switch to affect a silent setup, this key must be deleted from the Setup.iss file. -m[filename] Causes Setup.exe to automatically generate a Management Information Format (.mif) file at the end of the setup. Do not include a path or a file name extension. The .mif file is always placed in the temp folder. [filename] is optional. If you do not specify a file name, the resulting file is named Status.mif. -m1[serial number] Tells setup to place the indicated serial number in the .mif file that is generated by the -m switch. -m2[locale string] Tells setup to place the indicated locale in the .mif file that is generated by the -m switch. English (ENU) is the default; refer to Microsoft documentation for a complete listing of locale strings. -r

Causes Setup.exe automatically to generate a silent setup file (.iss file), which is a record of the setup input, in the Windows folder.

-s Runs InstallShield Silent to execute a silent setup. -verbose Provides more detailed information when a Setup.exe error occurs. -infdir: Specifies a subdirectory containing the .inf files.

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