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  • Words: 77,321
  • Pages: 208

Basics of database systems, Traditional file approach, Motivation for database approach, The evolution of database systems, Database basics, Three views of data, The three level architecture of DBMS, Relational database systems, Data models, Database languages, Client-server and multi-tier architectures, Multimedia data, Information integration, Data-definition language commands, Overview of query processing, Storage and buffer management, Transaction processing, The query processor. The Entity-Relationship Data Model, Introduction of entity Relationship model, Elements of the E/R Model, Requirement, Relationship, Entity-Relationship Diagrams, Multiplicity of Binary E/R Relationships, Design Principles, Avoiding Redundancy, Simplicity Counts, Extended ER Models Representing Data Elements: Data Elements and Fields, Representing Relational Database Elements, Records, Representing Block and Record Addresses, Client-Server Systems, Logical and Structured Addresses, Record Modifications, Index Structures, Indexes on Sequential Files, Secondary Indexes, B-Trees, Hash Tables. The Relational Data Model: Basics of the Relational Model, Relation Instances, Functional Dependencies, Rules About Functional Dependencies, Design of Relational Database Schemas, Normalization, First Normal form, Second Normal Form, Third Normal Form, Boyce-Codd Normal Form, Multi-valued dependency, Fifth Normal Form. Relational Algebra: Basics of Relational Algebra , Set Operations on Relations , Extended Operators of Relational Algebra, Constraints on Relations , Modification of the Database, Views, Relational Calculus, Tuple Relational Calculus, Domain Relational Calculus. SQL: Use Of SQL, DDL Statements, DML Statements, View Definitions, Constraints and Triggers Keys and Foreign Keys, Constraints on Attributes and Tuples, Modification of Constraints, Cursors, Dynamic SQL. Normal Forms: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, Difference between third normal form and BCNF, Multivalued Dependencies And Join Dependencies, 4NF, 5NF, Difference between 4NF and 5NF. Query Execution: Introduction to Physical-Query-Plan Operators, One-Pass Algorithms for Database Operations, Nested-Loop Joins, Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Sorting, Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Hashing, Index-Based Algorithms, Buffer Management, Parallel Algorithms for Relational Operations, Using Heuristics in Query Optimization, Basic Algorithms for Executing Query Operations. The Query Compiler: Parsing, Algebraic Laws for Improving Query Plans, From Parse Trees to Logical Query Plans, Estimating the Cost of Operations, Introduction to Cost-Based Plan Selection, Completing the Physical-Query-Plan, Coping With System Failures, Issues and Models for Resilient Operation, Redo Logging, Undo/Redo Logging, Protecting Against Media Failures Concurrency Control: Serializability, Conflict-Serializability, Enforcing Serializability by Locks, Locking Systems With Several Lock Modes, Architecture for a Locking Scheduler Managing Hierarchies of Database Elements, Concurrency Control by Timestamps, Concurrency Control by Validation.

More About Transaction Management: Introduction of Transaction management, Serializability and Recoverability, View Serializability, Resolving Deadlocks, Distributed Databases, Distributed Commit, Distributed Locking.

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RDBMS Database System Architectures: Centralized And Client-Server Architectures, Server System Architectures, Parallel Systems, Distributed Systems, Network Types. Distributed Database: Homogeneous And Heterogeneous Database, Distributed Data Storage, Distributed Transaction, Commit Protocols and Concurrency Control In Distributed Databases, Availability and Heterogeneous.

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UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION OF DATABASE SYSTEMS 1.1 Basics of database systems 1.2 Traditional file oriented approach 1.3 Motivation for database approach 1.4 The evolution of database systems 1.5 Database basics 1.6 Three views of data 1.7 The three level architecture of DBMS 1.8 Relational database systems 1.9 Data models 1.10Database languages 1.11Client-server and multi-tier architectures 1.12Multimedia data 1.13Information integration 1.14Data-definition language commands 1.15Overview of query processing 1.16Storage and buffer management 1.17Transaction processing 1.18The query processor UNIT 2 THE ENTITY-RELATIONSHIP DATA MODEL 2.1 Introduction of entity Relationship model 2.2 Elements of the E/R Model 2.3 Relationship 2.4 Requirements 2.5 Entity-Relationship Diagrams 2.6 Multiplicity of Binary E/R Relationships 2.7 Design Principles 2.8 Avoiding Redundancy 2.9 Simplicity Counts 2.10Extended ER Models UNIT 3 REPRESENTING DATA ELEMENTS 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12

Data Elements and Fields Representing Relational Database Elements Records Representing Block and Record Addresses Client-Server Systems Logical and Structured Addresses Record Modifications Index Structures Indexes on Sequential Files Secondary Indexes B-Trees Hash Tables

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UNIT 4 THE RELATIONAL DATA MODEL 4.1 Basics of the Relational Model 4.2 Relation Instances 4.3 Functional Dependencies 4.4 Rules About Functional Dependencies 4.5 Design of Relational Database Schemas 4.6 Normalization 4.6.1First Normal form 4.6.2Second Normal Form 4.6.3Third Normal Form 4.6.4Boyce-Codd Normal Form 4.6.5Multi-valued dependency 4.6.6Fifth Normal Form UNIT 5 RELATIONAL ALGEBRA 5.1 Basics of Relational Algebra 5.2 Set Operations on Relations 5.3 Extended Operators of Relational Algebra 5.4 Constraints on Relations 5.5 Modification of the Database 5.6 Views 5.7 Relational Calculus 5.7.1Tuple Relational Calculus 5.7.2Domain Relational Calculus UNIT 6 SQL 6.1 Introduction and Usage Of SQL 6.2 DDL Statements 6.3 DML Statements 6.4 View Definitions 6.5 Constraints and Triggers 6.6 Keys and Foreign Keys 6.7 Constraints on Attributes and Tuples 6.8 Modification of Constraints 6.9 Cursors 6.10Dynamic SQL UNIT 7 NORMAL FORMS 7.1 First Normal Form 7.2 Second Normal Form 7.3 Third Normal Form 7.4 BCNF 7.5 Fourth Normal Form 7.6 Fifth Normal Form 7.7 Difference between 4NF and 5NF

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RDBMS UNIT 8 QUERY EXECUTION 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9 1.1.10

Introduction to Physical-Query-Plan Operators One-Pass Algorithms for Database Operations Nested-Loop Joins Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Sorting Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Hashing Index-Based Algorithms Buffer Management Parallel Algorithms for Relational Operations Using Heuristics in Query Optimization Basic Algorithms for Executing Query Operations

UNIT 9 THE QUERY COMPILER 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11

Parsing Algebraic Laws for Improving Query Plans From Parse Trees to Logical Query Plans Estimating the Cost of Operations Introduction to Cost-Based Plan Selection Completing the Physical-Query-Plan Coping With System Failures Issues and Models for Resilient Operation Redo Logging Undo/Redo Logging Protecting Against Media Failures

UNIT 10 CONCURRENCY CONTROL 10.1Serial and Serializable Schedules 10.2Conflict-Serializability 10.3Enforcing Serializability by Locks 10.4Locking Systems With Several Lock Modes 10.5Architecture for a Locking Scheduler 10.6Managing Hierarchies of Database Elements 10.7Concurrency Control by Timestamps 10.8Concurrency Control by Validation UNIT 11 MORE ABOUT TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT 11.1Introduction of Transaction management 11.2Serializability and Recoverability 11.3View Serializability 11.4Resolving Deadlocks 11.5Distributed Databases 11.6Distributed Commit 11.7Distributed Locking UNIT 12 DATABASE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURES 12.1Centralized And Client-Server Architectures 12.2Server System Architectures 12.3Parallel Systems

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RDBMS 12.4Distributed Systems 12.5Network Types UNIT 13 DISTRIBUTED DATABASE 13.1Homogeneous And Heterogeneous Database 13.2Distributed Data Storage 13.3Distributed Transaction 13.4Commit Protocols 13.5Concurrency Control In Distributed Databases 13.6Availability

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1.1 Basics of database systems 1.2 Traditional file oriented approach 1.3 Motivation for database approach 1.4 The evolution of database systems 1.5 Database basics 1.6 Three views of data 1.7 The three level architecture of DBMS 1.8 Relational database systems 1.9 Data models 1.10Database languages 1.11Client-server and multi-tier architectures 1.12Multimedia data 1.13Information integration 1.14Data-definition language commands 1.15Overview of query processing 1.16Storage and buffer management 1.17Transaction processing 1.18The query processor

1.1 Introduction of Database management System Data manipulation and information processing have become the major tasks of any organization, small or big, whether it is an educational institution, government concern, scientific, commercial or any other. It is the plural of a Greek word datum, which means any raw facts, or figure like numbers, events, letters, transactions, etc, based on which we cannot reach any conclusion. It can be useful after processing, e.g. 78, it is simply a number (data) but if we say physics (78) then it will becomes information. It means somebody got distinctional marks in physics. Information is processed data. The user can take decision based on information.




An organization is only a mechanism for processing information and considers that the traditional management of information can be viewed in the context of information and process. The manager may be considered as a planning and decision center. Established routes of information flow are used to determine the effectiveness of the organization in achieving its objectives. Thus, information is often described as the key to success in business. In essence a database is nothing more than a collection of information that exists over a long period of time, often many years. In common parlance, the term database refers to a collection of data that is managed by a DBMS. The DBMS is expected to: 1. Allow users to create new databases and specify their schema (logical structure of the data), using a specialized language called a data-definition language.

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RDBMS 2. Give users the ability to query the data (a \query" is database lingo for a question about the data) and modify the data, using an appropriate language, often called a query language or datamanipulation language. 3. Support the storage of very large amounts of data many gigabytes or more | over a long period of time, keeping it secure from accident or unauthorized use and allowing efficient access to the data for queries and database modifications. 4. Control access to data from many users at once, without allowing the actions of one user to accept other users and without allowing simultaneous . A database is a collection of related data or operational data extracted from any firm or organization. For example, consider the names, telephone number, and address of people you know. You may have recorded this data in an indexed address book, or you may have stored it on a diskette, using a personal computer and software such as Microsoft Access of MS Office or ORACLE, SQL SERVER etc. A Database Management System (DBMS) is a computer program you can use to store, organize and access a collection of interrelated data. The collection of data is usually referred to as the database. The primary goal of a DBMS is to provide a convenient and effective way to store and retrieve data from the database. There are several types of data models (a data model is used to describe the structure of a database) and Empress is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) with Object Oriented extensions. Empress is capable of managing data in multiple databases. The data stored in each database is organized as tables with rows and columns. In relational database terminology, these tables are referred to as relations, rows are referred to as records, and columns are referred to as attributes. A database management system, therefore, is a combination of hardware and software that can be used to set up and monitor a database, and can manage the updating and retrieval of database, and can manage that can be used to set up and monitor a database, and can manage the updating and retrieval of database that has been stored in it. Most database management systems have the following facilities: a) Creating of a file, addition to data, modification of data; creation, addition and deletion of entire files. b) Retrieving data collectively or selection. c) The Data stored or indexed at the user’s discretion and direction. d) Various reports can be produced from the system. e) Mathematically function can be performed and the data will be stored in the database can be manipulated with these functions. f) To maintain data integrity and database use.

Queries DBMS



Data Base

The DBMS response to a query by involving the appropriate subgroups, each of which performs its special functions to interpret the query, or to locate the desired data in the database and present it in the desired order. As already mentioned, a database consists of a group of related files of different record types, and the database allows users to access data anywhere in the database without the knowledge of how data are actually organized on the storage device. 1.2 TRADITIONAL FILE ORIENTED APPROACH

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RDBMS The traditional file-oriented approach to information processing has for each application a separate master file and its own set of personal files. An organization needs flow of information across these applications also and this requires sharing of data, which is significantly lacking in the traditional approach. One major limitations of such a file-based approach is that the programs become dependent on the files and the files become dependent upon the programs. Disadvantages • Data Redundancy: The same piece of information may be stored in two or more files. For example, the particulars of an individual who may be a customer or client may be stored in two or more files. Some of this information may be changing, such as the address, the payment maid, etc. It is therefore quite possible that while the address in the master file for one application has been updated the address in the master file for another application may have not been. It may be not easy to even find out as to in how many files the repeating items such as the name occur.

• •

Program/Data Dependency: In the traditional approach if a data field is to be added to a master file, all such programs that access the master file would have to be changed to allow for this new field which would have been added to the master record. Lack of Flexibility: In view of the strong coupling between the program and the data, most information retrieval possibilities would be limited to well-anticipated and predetermined requests for data, the system would normally be capable of producing scheduled records and queries which it has been programmed to create.

1.3 MOTIVATION FOR DATABASE APPROACH Having pointed out some difficulties that arise in a straightforward file-oriented approach towards information system development. The work in the organization may not require significant sharing of data or complex access. In other words the data and the way it is used in the functioning of the organization are not appropriate to database processing. Apart from needing a more powerful hardware platform, the software for database management systems is also quite expensive. This means that a significant extra cost has to be incurred by an organization if it wants to adopt this approach. Advantages gained by the possibility of sharing of the data with others, also carries with it the risk of unauthorized access of data. This may range from violation of office procedures to violation of privacy rights of information to down right thefts. The organizations, therefore, have to be ready to cope with additional managerial problems. A database management processing system is complex and it could lead to a more inefficient system than the equivalent file-based one. The use of the database and its possibility of being shared will, therefore affect many departments within the organization. If die integrity of the data is not maintained, it is possible that one relevant piece of data could have been used by many programs in different applications by different users without they are being aware of it. The impact of this therefore may be very widespread. Since data can be input from a variety sources, the control over the quality of data become very difficult to implement. However, for most large organization, the difficulties in moving over to a database approach are still worth getting over in view of the advantages that are gained, namely, avoidance of data duplication, sharing of data by different programs, greater flexibility and data independence. 1.4 The Evolution of Database Systems Early days: database applications built on top of file systems. Drawbacks of using file systems to store data: • Data redundancy and inconsistency • Difficulty in accessing data • Atomicity of updates

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RDBMS • • • •

Concurrency control Security Data isolation — multiple files and formats Integrity problems

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1.5 DATABASE BASICS Since the DBMS of an organization will in some sense reflect the nature of activities in the organization, some familiarity with the basic concepts, principles and terms used in the field are important. • Data-items: The term data item is the word for what has traditionally been called the field in data processing and is the smallest unit of data that has meaning to its users. The phrase data element or elementary item is also sometimes used. Although the data item may be treated as a molecule of the database, data items are grouped together to form aggregates described by various names. For example, the data record is used to refer to a group of data items and a program usually reads or writes the whole records. The data items could occasionally be further broken down into what may be called an automatic level for processing purposes. • Entities and Attributes: The real world would consist of occasionally a tangible object such as an employee; a component in an inventory or a space or it may be intangible such as an event, a job description, identification numbers, or an abstract construct. All such items about which relevant information is stored in the database are called Entities. The qualities of the entity that we store as information are called the attributes. An attribute may be expressed as a number or as a text. It may even be a scanned picture, a sound sequence, and a moving picture that is now possible in some visual and multi-media databases. Data processing normally concerns itself with a collection of similar entities and records information about the same attributes of each of them. In the traditional approach, a programmer usually maintains a record about each entity and a data item in each record relates to each attribute. Similar records are grouped into files and such a 2-dimensional array is sometimes referred to as a flat file.

Logical and Physical Data: One of the key features of the database approach is to bring about a distinction between the logical and the physical structures of the data. The term logical structure refers to the way the programmers see it and the physical structure refers to the way data are actually recorded on the storage medium. Even in the early stages of records stored on tape, the length of the inter-record tape requires that many logical records be grouped into one physical record to several storage places on tape. It was the software, which separated them when used in an application program, and combined them again before writing back on tape. In today's system the complexities are even greater and as will be seen when one is referring to distributed databases that some records may physically be located at significantly remote places. Schema and Subschema: Having seen that the database does not focus on the logical organization and decouples it from the physical representation of data, it is useful to have a term to describe the logical database description. A schema is a logical database description and is drawn as a chart of the types of data that are used. It gives the names of the entities and attributes, and specifies the relationships between them. It is a framework into which the values of the data item can be fitted. Like an information display system such as that giving arrival and departure time at airports and railway stations, the schema will remain the same though the values displayed in the system will change from time to time. The relationships that has specified between the different entities occurring in the schema may be a one to one, one to many, many to many, or conditional. The term schema is used to mean an overall chart of all the data item types and recordtypes stored in a database. The term sub schema refers to the same view but for the dataitem types and record types which a particular user uses in a particular application or. Therefore, many different sub schemas can be derived from one schema. Data Dictionary: It holds detailed information about the different structures and data types: the details of the logical structure that are mapped into the different structure, details of relationship between data items, details of all users privileges and access rights, performance of resource with

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1.6 THREE VIEWS OF DATA DBMS is a collection of interrelated files and a set of programs that allow several users to access and modify these files. A major purpose of a database system is to provide users with an abstract view of the data. However, in order for the system to be usable, data must be retrieved efficiently. The concern for efficiently leads to the design of complex data structure for the representation of data in the database. By defining levels of abstract as which the database may be viewed, there are logical view or external, conceptual view and internal view or physical view. • External view: This is the highest level of abstraction as seen by a user. This level of abstraction describes only the part of entire database. • Conceptual view: This is the next higher level of abstraction which is the sum total of Data Base Management System user's views. In this we consider; what data are actually stored in the database. Conceptual level contains information about entire database in terms of a small number of relatively simple structures. • Internal level: The lowest level of abstraction at which one describes how the data are physically stored. The interrelationship of any three levels of abstraction is illustrated in figure 2.

Fig: The three views of data To illustrate the distinction among different views of data, it can be compared with the concept of data types in programming languages. Most high level programming language such as C, VC++, etc. support the notion of a record or structure type. For example in the ‘C’ language we declare structure (record) as follows: struct Emp{ char name [30];

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RDBMS char address [100]; } This defines a new record called Emp with two fields. Each field has a name and data type associated with it. In an Insurance organization, we may have several such record types, including among others: -Customer with fields name and Salary -Premium paid and Due amount at what date -Insurance agent name and salary + Commission At the internal level, a customer, Premium account, or employee (insurance agent) can be described as a sequence of consecutive bytes. At the conceptual level each such record is described by a type definition, illustrated above and also die interrelation among these record types is defined and describing the rights or privileges assign to individual customer or end-users. Finally at the external level, we define several views of the database. For example, for preparing the Insurance checks of Customer_details’, only information about them is required; one does not need to access information about customer accounts. Similarly, tellers can access only account information. They cannot access information concerning about the premium paid or amount received. 1.7 The Three Level Architecture Of DBMS A database management system that provides these three levels of data is said to follow threelevel architecture as shown in fig. . These three levels are the external level, the conceptual level, and the internal level.

Fig : The three level architecture for a DBM A schema describes the view at each of these levels. A schema as mentioned earlier is an outline or a plan that describes the records and relationships existing in the view. The schema also describes the way in which entities at one level of abstraction can be mapped to the next level. The overall design of the database is called the database schema. A database schema includes such information as: · Characteristics of data items such as entities and attributes · Format for storage representation · Integrity parameters such as physically authorization and backup politics. · Logical structure and relationship among those data items The concept of a database schema corresponds to programming language notion of type definition. A variable of a given type has a particular value at a given instant in time. The concept of the value of a variable in programming languages corresponds to the concept of an instance of a database schema.

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RDBMS Since each view is defined by a schema, there exists several schema in the database and these exists several schema in the database and these schema are partitioned following three levels of data abstraction or views. At the lower level we have the physical schema; at the intermediate level we have the conceptual schema, while at the higher level we have a subschema. In general, database system supports one physical schema, one conceptual schema, and several subschemas. 1.7.1 External Level or Subschema The external level is at the highest level of database abstraction where only those portions of the database of concern to a user or application program are included. Any number of user views may exist for a given global or conceptual view. Each external view is described by means of a schema called an external schema or subschema. The external schema consists of the, definition of the logical records and the relationships in the external view. The external schema also contains the method of deriving the objects in the external view from the objects in the conceptual view. The objects include entities, attributes, and relationships. 1.7.2 Conceptual Level or Conceptual Schema One conceptual view represents the entire database. The conceptual schema defines this conceptual view. It describes all the records and relationships included in the conceptual view and, therefore, in the database. There is only one conceptual schema per database. This schema also contains the method of deriving the objects in the conceptual view from the objects in the internal view. The description of data at this level is in a format independent of its physical representation. It also includes features that specify the checks to retain data consistency and integrity. 1.7.3 Internal Level or Physical Schema It indicates how the data will be stored and describes the data structures and access methods to be used by the database. The internal schema, which contains the definition of the stored record, the method of representing the data fields, expresses the internal view and the access aids used. 1.7.4 Mapping between different Levels Two mappings are required in a database system with three different views. A mapping between the external and conceptual level gives the correspondence among the records and the relationships of the external and conceptual levels. a) EXTERNAL to CONCEPTUAL: Determine how the conceptual record is viewed by the user b) INTERNAL to CONCEPTUAL: Enable correspondence between conceptual and internal levels. It represents how the conceptual record is represented in storage. An internal record is a record at the internal level, not necessarily a stored record on a physical storage device. The internal record of figure 3 may be split up into two or more physical records. The physical database is the data that is stored on secondary storage devices. It is made up of records with certain data structures and organized in files. Consequently, there is an additional mapping from the internal record to one or more stored records on secondary storage devices. 1.8 Relational Database Systems The relational model, invented by IBM researcher Ted CODD in 1970, wasn't turned into a commercial product until almost 1980. Since then database systems based on the relational model, called relational database management systems or RDBMS, have come to dominate the database software market. Today few people know about any other kind of database management system. Few RDBMS implement the relational model completely. Although commercial RDBMS have a lot in common, each system has quirks and non-standard extensions. You must understand relational theory to correctly design a database -just learning a particular RDBMS won't get you all the way there. A good RDBMS and a well-designed relational database give you some important benefits:

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RDBMS • • • • • •

Data integrity and consistency maintained and/or enforced by the RDBMS. Redundant data eliminated or kept to a practical minimum. Data retrieved by unique keys. Relationships expressed through matching keys. Physical organization of data managed by RDBMS. Optimization of storage and database operation execution times.

1.9 Data Models Collections of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships, data semantics and consistency constraints. The various data models that have been proposed fall into three different groups. Object based logical models, record-based logical models and physical models. Object-Based Logical Models: They are used in describing data at the logical and view levels. They are characterized by the fact that they provide fairly flexible structuring capabilities and allow data constraints to be specified explicitly. There are many different models and more are likely to come. Several of the more widely known ones are: •

The E-R model

The object-oriented model

The semantic data model

The functional data model

Data Modeling Using E-R Model The (E-R) data model is based on a perception of a real worker that consists of a collection of basic objects, called entities, and of relationships among these objects. The overall logical structure of a database can be expressed graphically by an E-R diagram. Which is built up by the following components: •

Rectangles, which represent entity sets

Ellipses, which represent attributes

Diamonds, which represent relationships among entity sets

Lines, which link attributes to entity sets and entity sets to relationships. E.g. suppose we have two entities like customer and account, then these two entities can be modeled as follow: r nam Custome


Account number

Customer city


Depos it




A sample E-R diagram The Object-Oriented Model Like the E-R model the object-oriented model is based on a collection of objects. An object contains values stored in instance variables within the object. An object also contains bodies of code that operate on the object. These bodies of code are called methods.

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RDBMS Classes- It is the collection of objects which consist of the same types of values and the same methods. E.g. account number & balance are instance variables; pay-interest is a method that uses the above two variables and adds interest to the balance. Semantic Models These include the extended relational, the semantic network and the functional models. They are characterized by their provision of richer facilities for capturing the meaning of data objects and hence of maintaining database integrity. Systems based on these models exist in monotype for at the time of writing and will begin to filter through the next decade. Record-Based Logical Models Record based logical models are used in describing data at the logical and view levels. In contrast to object-based data models, they are used both to specify the overall logical structures of the database, and to provide a higher-level description of the implementation. Record-based models are so named because the database is structured in fixed-format records of several types. Each record type defines a fixed number of fields, or attributes, and each field is usually of a fixed length. The three most widely accepted record-based data models are the relational, network, and hierarchical models. Relational Model The relational model uses a collection of tables to represent both data and the relationships among those data. Each table has multiple columns, and each column has a unique name as follows: CUSTOMER (Table name) Customer–name






Pala Alto






























A sample relational database Network Model Data in the network model are represented by collections of records, and relationship among data is represented by links, which can be viewed as pointers. The records in the database are organised as collections of arbitrary graphs. Such type of database is shown in the figure given bellow.



Pala Alto







A-101 500 A-215 700 A-102 400

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A-222 700

RDBMS Turner





A-305 350




A-201 900


A-217 750

A sample network database

Hierarchical Model The hierarchical model is similar to the network model in the sense that data and relationships among data one represented by records and links, respectively. It differs from the network model in that records are organised as collections of trees rather than arbitrary graphs. CUSTOMER

Johnson street Smith A-101

customer ------North Hayes

500 A-201







Jones A-215



700 Lindsay Park



900 A-102

A sample Hierachical database

400 A-305


350 A-222



Physical Data Models Physical data models are used to describe data at the lowest level. In contrast to logical data models, there are few physical data models in use. Two of the widely known ones are the unifying model and the frame-memory model. 10. Database Languages

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RDBMS A database system provides two different types of languages: one to specify the database schema, and the other to express database queries and updates. 1.10 Database Languages Data Definition Language (DDL) A database schema is specified by a set of definition expressed by a special language called a data-definition language (DDL). The result of compilation of DDL statement is a set of tables that is stored in a special file called data dictionary, or data directory. A data dictionary is a file that contain metadata-that is about data. This file is consulted before actual data are read or modified in the database system. The storage structure and access methods used by the database system are specified by as set of definitions in a special type of DDL called a data storage and definition language. The result of compilation of these definitions is a set of instructions to specify the implementation details of the database schema - details are usually hidden from the users. Data Manipulation Language By data manipulation, we mean •

The retrieval of information stored in the database.

The insertion of new information into the database.

The deletion of information stored in the database.

A data-manipulation language (DML) is a language that enables user to access or manipulate data as organised by the appropriate data model. There are basically two types: Procedural DML It requires a user to specify what data are needed and how to get those data. Nonprocedural DML It requires a user to specify what data are needed without specifying how to get those data. Normalization About relational databases, you probably know about normalization. The process of normalization transforms data into forms that conform to the relational model. Normalized data enables the RDBMS to enforce integrity rules, guarantee consistency, and optimize database access. Learning how to normalize data takes significant time and practice. Data modelers spend a lot of time understanding the meaning of data so they can properly normalize it, but programmers frequently downplay normalization, or dismiss it outright as an academic problem. Most databases come from power users and programmers, not data modelers, and most databases suffer from unnormalized data, redundancy, integrity and performance problems. Un-normalized databases usually need a lot of application code to protect the database from corruption. 1.11 Client-Server and Multi-Tier Architectures Client/Server Technology Client/server technology is the computer architecture used in almost all automated library systems now being offered to libraries. The simple definition is: Client/server is a computer architecture that divides functions into client (requestor) and server (provider) subsystems, with standard communication methods (such as TCP/IP and z39.50) to facilitate the sharing of information between them. Among the characteristics of a client/server architecture are the following:

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RDBMS • • • •

The client and server can be distinguished from one another by the differences in tasks they perform The client and server usually operate on different computer platforms Either the client or server may be upgraded without affecting the other. Clients may connect to one or more servers; servers may connect to multiple clients concurrently. Clients always initiate the dialogue by requesting a service.

Client/server is most easily differentiated from hierarchical processing, which uses a host and slave, by the way a PC functions within a system. In client/server the PC-based client communicates with the server as a computer; in hierarchical processing the PC emulates a "dumb" terminal to communicate with the host. In client/server the client controls part of the activity, but in hierarchical processing the host controls all activity. A client PC almost always does the following in a client/server environment: screen handling, menu or command interpretation, data entry, help processing, and error recovery. The dividing line between the client and a server can be anywhere along a broad continuum: at one end only the user interface has been moved onto the client; at the other, almost all applications have been moved onto the client and the database may be distributed. There are at least five points along the continuum: Distributed presentation: The presentation is handled partly by the server and partly by the client. Remote presentation: The presentation is controlled and handled entirely by the client. Distributed logic: The application logic is handled partly by the server and partly by the client. Remote data management: Database management is controlled and handled entirely by the server. Distributed database: Database management is handled partly by the server and partly by the client. There are, therefore, two major applications for client/server in a library environment: 1) as the architecture for an automated library system, and 2) as an approach to linking heterogeneous systems. In the first application, a vendor designs a system using client/server architecture to facilitate use of that system to access multiple servers, to facilitate bringing together multiple product lines, and/or to improve productivity. In the second application, a vendor designs a client to facilitate

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RDBMS transparent access to systems of other vendors, and a server to facilitate transparent access to its system from others. While the underlying principles are the same, the vendor has considerable latitude in the design of its own client/server system, but must strictly conform to standards when using client/server to link its system with those of other libraries. While it has been possible to access a wide variety of electronic resources through an automated library system for a number of years, client/server technology has made it possible to tailor the user interface to provide a personalized interface which meets the needs of any particular user based on an analysis of tasks performed or on an individual's expressed preferences. An example of this tailoring is the recent introduction of portals, common user interfaces to a wide variety of electronic resources with the portal. [See the Tech Note on Portal Technology]. The portal can be tailored to groups of staff or patrons, or to each individual. Vendors with multiple product lines can build a single client to work with any of their server products. This substantially reduces development costs. Client/server can also improve productivity. Many vendors are now offering different clients for technical services, circulation, and patron access catalog applications. A GUI (graphical user interface) -- a presentation of information to the user using icons and other graphics -- is sometimes called client/server, but unless information moves from the server to the client in machine-readable (raw) form, and the client does the formatting to make it humanreadable, it is not true client/server. Further, there is nothing in the client/server architecture that requires a GUI. Nevertheless, most vendors of automated library systems use GUI for staff applications. The GUIs are proprietary to each vendor. Web browsers are preferred for patron applications because they are more likely to be familiar to them than a proprietary GUI. An important computer industry development which has facilitated client/server architecture is referred to as "open systems" C a concept which features standardized connectivity so that components from several vendors may be combined. The trend to open systems began in the 1970s as a reaction against proprietary systems that required that all hardware and system software come from a single source, and gained momentum in the 1980s, as networking became common. While various parts of an organization might not hesitate to purchase proprietary systems to meet their own needs, the desire to provide access from other parts of the organization, or to exchange information, would be an incentive to select an open system. For client/server, open systems are essential. Most client/server systems offered by automated library system vendors use an open operating system such as UNIX or one of its variations, or Windows NT or 2000 server. UNIX is the most popular operating system for servers because of the large range of platform sizes available, but Windows NT or 2000 server has been growing in popularity, especially for systems supporting fewer than 100 concurrent users. The most popular client operating systems are Windows 95/98/Me/2000 and Linux. By supporting multiple client operating systems, a vendor of an automated library system makes it possible for the client to conform to a staff member’s or patron's accustomed operating system environment. Almost all client/server systems use a relational database management system (RDBMS) for handling the storage and retrieval of records in the database using a series of tables of values. There is a common misconception that client/server is synonymous with networked SQL (Structured Query Language) databases. SQL, a popular industry-standard data definition and access language for relational databases, is only one approach -- albeit the one selected by almost all automated library system vendors. While one can reasonably expect the use of an RDBMS and SQL, the absence of either does not mean that a system is not client server. A network computer is a PC without a hard disk drive. They have been little used in libraries because most libraries use their PCs for a variety of applications in addition to accessing the automated library system. Even when there are applications that lend themselves for use on thin clients, most libraries have preferred to use older PCs that are no longer suitable for applications that require robust machines. They use a two-tier PC strategy that involves the purchase and deployment of new PCs for applications that require robust machines and redeployment of the replaced machines for applications that they can support. For example, new PCs are used for most staff applications and patron access to the Internet: older PCs are used as “express catalogs,” devices that have a Web browser, but are limited to accessing the library’s patron access catalog. The two-tier PC strategy can extend the life of a PC by as much as three years.

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RDBMS Network computers are most widely used in large organizations that have to support thousands of users. Almost all applications, including word processing, spreadsheets, and other office applications, are loaded on a server. It is then not necessary to load new product releases on each machine; only the applications on the server have to be updated. Most libraries do not have enough users to realize significant savings by taking this approach. For libraries that have hundreds of PCs, remote PC management is an alternative to thin clients; for libraries that have fewer than 100 PCs, it is possible to support each individually. A PDA is a handheld device that combines computing, telephone, fax, and networking features. While originally pen-based (i.e., using a stylus), many models now come with a small keyboard. The Palm Pilot is an example of a PDA. A number of libraries now encourage their users to access the patron access catalog with a PDA. It is this application which holds the most promise for the use of thin clients in libraries. As the bandwidth available for wireless applications increases and the costs of PDAs drops, the use of PDAs for access to databases is expected to increase dramatically. The key to thin client technology is Java, a general purpose programming language with a number of features that make it well suited for use on the Web. Small Java applications are called Java applets and can be downloaded from a Web server and run on a device which includes a Javacompatible Web browser such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. This means that the thin client does not need to be loaded with applications software. A thin client can also be GUI-based. In that case, the client handles only data presentation and deals with the user interaction; all applications and database management is found on the server. Vendors of automated library systems favor proprietary GUI-based clients for staff because that makes it possible to exploit the features of their systems. 1.12 Multimedia Data The weblicon PIM has been built on a multi-tier architecture to support high scalability through load-balancing and high availability through redundancy. The HTTP Client tier communicates with the HTTP Server tier which routes incoming requests to the Application Server tier. The Application Server tier connects to the Database Server tier consisting of RDBMS, LDAP and IMAP Servers. All tiers can be scaled individually by building clusters of servers for load-balancing and high redundancy embedding information into multimedia data that should be imperceptible but unmemorable. For model-based compression and animation of face models as defined in MPEG-4, a watermark can be embedded into the transmitted facial animation parameters. The watermark can be retrieved from the animation parameters or from video sequences rendered with the watermarked animation parameters, even after subsequent low-quality video compression of the rendered sequence. Entering the derived or generated data into the database and associating it with the original information gives other users automatic access to the conclusions, thoughts, and annotations of previous users of the information. This ability to modify, adjust, enhance, or add to the global set of information and then share that information with others is a powerful and important service. This type of service requires cooperation between the multimedia data manipulation tools described above and the information repositories scattered across the network. Generated or extracted information must be deposited and linked with existing information so that future users will not only benefit from the original information but also from the careful analysis and insight of previous users.

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1.13 Information Integration Information integration is an important feature of Oracle9i Database. Oracle provides many features that allow customers to synchronously and asynchronously integrate their their data including Oracle Streams, Oracle Advanced Queuing, replication, and distributed SQL. Oracle also provides gateways to non-Oracle database servers, providing seamless interoperation in heterogeneous environments. Asynchronous Integration with Oracle Streams Oracle Streams enables the propagation and management of data, transactions and events in a data stream either within a database, or from one database to another. The stream routes published information to subscribed destinations. The result is a new feature that provides greater functionality and flexibility than traditional solutions for capturing and managing events, and sharing the events with other databases and applications. Oracle Streams provides both message queuing and replication functionality within the Oracle database. To simplify deployment of these specialized information integration solutions, Oracle provides customized APIs and tools for message queuing, replication, and data protection solutions. These include: • Advanced Queuing for message queuing • Replication with Oracle Streams Asynchronous Integration with Oracle Advanced Replication Oracle9i also includes Advanced Replication. This is a powerful replication feature first introduced in Oracle7. Advanced Replication is useful for replicating object between Oracle9i Database and older versions of the Oracle Server (that do not support Oracle Streams-based Replication). Advanced Replication also provides Oracle Materialized Views; a replication solution targeted for mass deployments and disconnected replicas. Synchronous Integration with Distributed SQL Oracle Distributed SQL enables synchronous access from one Oracle database, to other Oracle or non-Oracle databases. Distributed SQL supports location independence, making remote objects appear local, facilitating movement of objects between databases without application code

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RDBMS changes. Distributed SQL supports both queries and DML operations, and can intelligently optimize execution plans to access data in the most efficient manner. 1.14 Data-Definition Language Commands Empress provides a set of Structured Query Language (SQL) commands that allows users to request information from the database. The Empress SQL language has three levels of operations: 1. A basic level at which data management commands are typed in without any prompting. The full range of data management commands is available at this level. 2. Data Definition Language commands are concerned with the structure of the database and its tables. 3. Data Manipulation Language commands are concerned with the maintenance and retrieval of the data stored in the database tables. 4. Data Control Language commands provide facilities for assuring the integrity and security of the data. Data Definition Language Command The overall structure of the database is defined by the Data Definition Language (DDL) commands. The result of compiling DDL commands is a set of tables called the data dictionary which contains information about the data in the database. Detailed descriptions of the Empress DDL commands are provided in the Empress SQL: Reference manual. A summary of the available DDL commands follows: Command



Changes the structure of an existing table without having to dump and reload its records. This also includes enable/disable trigger, define table type for replication, enabling and disabling replication relations, and setting checksum for a table.

CREATE COMMENT Attaches a comment to a table or attribute. CREATE INDEX

Sets up a search-aiding mechanism for an attribute.


Creates the definition of a persistent stored module into the data dictionary.


Sets up data validation checks on an attribute.



Sets up data referential constraints on attributes.


Assings replication master entries to a replication table.


Assings replication replicate entries to a replication table.

CREATE REPLICATE Creates replicate table from a replication master table. TABLE CREATE TABLE

Creates a new table or replicate table including its name and the name and data type of each of its attributes.


Sets up trigger events into data dictionary.


Creates a logical table from parts of one or more tables.

DISPLAY DATABASE Shows the tables in the database. DISPLAY PRIVILEGE



Shows privilege grant options for a table. Shows the persistent stored module definition.

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RDBMS DISPLAY PRIVILEGE Shows access privileges for a table. DISPLAY TABLE

Shows the structure of a table.


Removes a comment on a table or attribute.


Removes an index on an attribute.


Removes a persistent stored module definition from the data dictionary.


Removes data validation checks on an attribute.



Removes a data referential constraints from attributes.

DROP REPLICATION Removes replication master entry from a replication table. MASTER DROP REPLICATION Removes replication replicate entry from a replication table. REPLICATE DROP TABLE

Removes an existing table.


Removes a trigger event from the data dictionary.


Removes a logical table.


Changes access privileges for tables or attributes.


Sets the level of locking on a table.


Changes the name of a table or attribute.

REVOKE PRIVILEGE Removes table or attribute access privileges. UPDATE MODULE

Links a persistent stored module definition with the module shared library.

1.15 Overview of Query Processing The techniques used by a DBMS to process, optimize, and execute high-level queries. A query expressed in a high-level query language such as SQL must first be scanned, parsed, and validated. The scanner identifies the language tokens—such as SQL keywords, attributes names and relation names—in the text of the query, whereas the parser checks the query syntax to determine whether it is formulated according to the syntax rules (rules of grammar) of the query language. The query must also be validated, by checking that all attribute and relation names are valid and semantically meaningful names in the schema of the particular database being queried. An internal representation of the query is then created, usually as a tree data structure called query tree. It is also possible to represent the query using a graph data structure called a query graph. The DBMS must then devise an execution strategy for retrieving the result of the query from the database files. A query typically has many possible execution strategies, and the process of choosing a suitable one for processing a query is known as query optimization. Query Processing Strategies The steps involved in processing a query are illustrated in Figure 5.2. The basic steps are: 1. Parsing and translation 2. Optimization 3. Evaluation Before query processing can begin, the system must translate the query into a usable form. A language such as SQL is suitable for human use, but is ill suited to be the system’s internal representation of a query. A more useful internal representation is one based on the extended relational algebra.

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Steps in Query Processing Thus, the first action the system must take in query processing is to translate a given query into its internal form. This translation process is similar to the work performed by the parser of a compiler. In generating the internal form of the query, the parser checks the syntax of the user's query, verifies that the relation names appearing in the query are names of relations in the database, and so on. Query optimization is left, for the most part, to the application programmer. That choice is made because the data-manipulation-language statements of these two models are usually embedded in a host programming language, and it is not easy to transform a network or hierarchical query into an equivalent one without knowledge of the entire application program. In contrast, relationalquery languages are either declarative or algebraic. Declarative languages permit users to specify what a query should generate without saying how the system should do the generating. Algebraic languages allow for algebraic transformation of users' queries. Based on the query specification, it is relatively easy for an optimizer to generate a variety of equivalent plans for a query, and to choose the least expensive one.

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RDBMS 1.16 Storage and Buffer Management Despite its many virtues, the relational data model is a poor fit for many types of data now common across the enterprise. In fact, object databases owe much of their existence to the inherent limitations of the relational model as reflected in the SQL2 standard. In recent years, a growing chorus of demands has arisen from application developers seeking more flexibility and functionality in the data model, as well as from system administrators asking for a common database technology managed by a common set of administrative tools. As a result, vendors and the SQL3 standard committees to include object capabilities are now extending the relational model. Object/relational (O/R) database products are still quite new, and the production databases to which they have been applied are usually modest in size--50GB or less. As O/R technology becomes more pervasive and memory and storage costs continue to fall, however, databases incorporating this new technology should grow to a size comparable to that of pure relational databases. Indeed, growth in the new technology is likely if for no other reason than that much of this new data is inherently larger than the record/field type data of traditional relational applications. However, while limits to the growth of individual pure relational databases have been imposed as much by hardware evolution as by software, the limits for O/R databases will arise primarily from software. In this article, I'll explore the implications of the architecture approaches chosen by the principal O/R database product designers--IBM, Informix, NCR, Oracle, Sybase, and Computer Associates--for scalability of complex queries against very large collections of O/R data. The powerful new data type extension mechanisms in these products limit the ability of vendors to assume as much of the burden of VLDB complexity as they did for pure relational systems. Instead, these mechanisms impose important additional responsibilities on the designers of new types and methods, as well as on application designers and DBAs; these responsibilities become more crucial and complex as the size of the databases and the complexity of the queries grow. Finally, I'll explain how parallel execution is the key to the cost effectiveness--or even in some cases to the feasibility--of applications that exploit the new types and methods, just as with pure relational data. In contrast to the pure relational approach, however, achieving O/R parallelism is much more difficult. The term "VLDB" is overused; size is but one descriptive parameter of a database, and generally not the most important one for the issues I'll raise here. Most very large OLTP relational databases, for example, involve virtually none of these issues because high-volume OLTP queries are almost always short and touch few data and metadata items. In addition, these OLTP databases are frequently created and administered as collections of semi-independent smaller databases, partitioned by key value. In contrast, the VLDB issues discussed here arise in very large databases accessed by queries that individually touch large amounts of data and metadata and involve join operations, aggregations, and other operations touching large amounts of data and metadata. Such databases and applications today are usually found in data warehousing and data mining applications, among other places. The VLDB environments with these attributes are characterized by many I/O operations within a single query involving multiple complex SQL operators and frequently generating large intermediate result sets. Individual queries regularly cross any possible key partition boundary and involve data items widely dispersed throughout the database. For these reasons, such a database must normally be administered globally as a single entity. As a "stake in the ground," I'll focus on databases that are at least 250GB in size, are commonly accessed by complex queries, require online administration for reorganization, backup and recovery, and are regularly subject to bulk operations (such as insert, delete, and update) in single work-unit volumes of 25GB or more. For these databases, an MPP system, or possibly a very large SMP cluster, is required. However, many of the issues we raise will apply to smaller databases as well. Parallel Execution of Individual Queries In a pure relational database, success in such an environment of 250GB or more may require the highest degree of parallelism possible in execution of each individual query. The first key to parallel success is the structure of the SQL query language itself. In most queries, SQL acts as a set operator language that imposes few constraints on the order of execution; that is why

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RDBMS relational database optimizers have so much flexibility in choosing parallel execution plans. Thus, SQL as an application language is extremely hospitable to parallel execution. Given this characterization, one must devise execution strategies that are optimized for parallel execution of an individual query, rather than merely providing for parallel execution of strategies optimized for serial execution. Note that individual DDL and DML operations--as well as other utilities such as backup and recovery--must execute in parallel. As indicated earlier, within the context of SQL2, RDBMS vendors did most of the work necessary to provide the necessary parallelism. Furthermore, it was possible to do so in ways that were largely transparent to the application developer and the DBA. They were greatly aided not only by the structure of SQL, but also by the fact that the core language and data types were mostly fixed during the '80s and early '90s, at least as insofar as they affect parallel execution. Even so, it takes a vendor at least two or three years to evolve a mature relational product that fully supports parallelism within a query for VLDBs. It’s worth noting that the complexity of adding parallelism for VLDB has two sources. The first is replacing serial algorithms with parallel ones. The second source is subtler: There is a qualitative change of mindset that must take place if one is to design competitive software for these very large collections of data. For example, the first reaction of a designer building a database load program is to make it use the INSERT function. This technique works for small- and medium-sized databases but not for giant ones; it is simply too slow. Instead, one must design for multiple streams of data to be loaded in parallel, capitalizing on the fact that multiple CPUs will be available on the MPP or SMP cluster. If the data is coming from a single serial source, such as a tape drive, the initial load task should focus only on getting each data item into memory as quickly as possible. The power of the other CPUs should then be invoked in parallel through tasks to get each datum to the right place, to index it properly, and so on. These problems become more complex as O/R databases enter the mainstream; new and potentially exotic data types must be accommodated, and new methods must be written and optimized for parallel execution. Complex relationships far beyond the simple row and column structure of the relational model can and will exist among instances of the new data types and even among instances of current SQL data types--in a parts-explosion database, for example, or when a "purchase order" object view is superimposed on an existing on-order database. New data access methods to support the new operations and data types will also be required and must also be optimized for parallel execution. Finally, expect giant ratios of column sizes in O/R tables with the largest column entries being hundreds to thousands of times larger than the smallest columns within a table. This change will create a need for new approaches to storage and buffer management in servers as well as clients. 1.17 Transaction Processing Is the following schedule serial? serialisable? Why or why not? T1 T2 T3 ------------------------------------------------1 start 2 read Z 3 start 4 read Y 5 Y=Y+1 6 write Y 7 start 8 read Y 9 read X 10 Z = Z + 1 11 X = X + 1 12 checkpoint 13 write X 14 write Z 15 Y=Y+1 16 write Y 17 read X

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read Y Y=Y+1 write Y commit X=X+1 write X commit read W W=W+1 write W commit

For the above sequence of transactions, show the log file entries, assuming initially Z = 1, Y = 2, X = 1, and W = 3. What happens to the transactions at the checkpoint? 1) The following transaction increases the total sales (A) and number of sales (B) in a store inventory database. Write the values of A and B for each statement, assuming A is initially 100 and B is initially 2. The correctness criteria is that the average sale is $50. For each statement determine if the transaction dies during the statement whether the database is in a correct state. What should be done to repair the damage if the database is left in an incorrect state? Transaction Start 1) Read A 2) A  A + 50 3) Read B 4) B  B + 1 5) Write B 6) Write A 7) Transaction ends 2) Which protocols potentially cause cascading rollbacks and why? 1.18 The Query Processor The query optimizer module has the task of producing an execution plan, and the code generator generates the code to execute the plan. The runtime database processor has the task of running the query code, whether in compiled or interpreted mode, to produce the query result. If a runtime error results, an error message is generated by the runtime database processor.

Figure: Typical Steps of a Query processor The term optimization is actually a misnomer because in some cases the chosen execution plan is not the optimal (best) strategy—it is just a reasonably efficient strategy for executing the query. Finding the optimal strategy is usually too time-consuming except for the simplest of queries and

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RDBMS may require information on how the files are implemented and even on the contents of theseinformation that may not be fully available in the DBMS catalog. Hence, planning of an execution strategy may be a more accurate description than query optimization. For lower-level navigational database languages in legacy systems–such as the network DML or the hierarchical HDML- the programmer must choose the query execution strategy while writing a database program. If a DBMS provides only a navigational language, there is limited need or opportunity for extensive query optimization by the DBMS; instead, the programmer is given the capability to choose the "optimal" execution strategy. On the other hand, a high-level query language—such as SQL for relational DBMSs (RDBMSs) or OQL for object DBMSs (ODBMSs)—is more declarative in nature because it specifies what the intended results of the query are, rather than the details of how the result should be obtained. Query optimization's thus necessary for queries that are specified in a high-level query language.

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2.1 Introduction of entity Relationship model 2.2 Elements of the E/R Model 2.3 Requirement 2.4 Relationship 2.5 Entity-Relationship Diagrams 2.6 Multiplicity of Binary E/R Relationships 2.7 Design Principles 2.8 Avoiding Redundancy 2.9 Simplicity Counts 2.10Extended ER Models

2.1 Introduction of entity Relationship model Object-based logical models are used in describing data at conceptual and external schemas. They provide fairly flexible structuring capabilities and allow data constraints to be specified explicitly. Some of object based models are: 1) The entity-relationship model 2) The object-oriented model 3) The semantic model 4) The functional data model Entity-relational model and the object-oriented model act as representatives of the class of the object-based logical models. The Entity-Relationship (ER) model was originally proposed by Peter in 1976 [Chen76] as a way to unify the network and relational database views. Simply stated the ER model is a conceptual data model that views the real world as entities and relationships. A basic component of the model is the Entity-Relationship diagram which is used to visually represents data objects. Since Chen wrote his paper the model has been extended and today it is commonly used for database design For the database designer, the utility of the ER model is: (A) It maps well to the relational model. The constructs used in the ER model can easily be transformed into relational tables. (B) It is simple and easy to understand with a minimum of training. Therefore, the model can be used by the database designer to communicate the design to the end user. (C) In addition, the model can be used as a design plan by the database developer to implement a data model in a specific database management software.

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RDBMS 2.2 Elements of the E/R Model The purpose of logical data modeling is to discover, analyze, carefully define, standardize, and normalize the data elements required by the business into the entities established in the conceptual data model. Data elements are the logical facts the business must store in order to know and remember what it must in order to conduct its business. The logical data modeler must not only be concerned with correctly interpreting the business’ information requirements, forming data elements which will satisfy those information requirements, but also with making data elements which are sharable across organizational/process boundaries in the business, and eliminating overlaps and conflicts in those data elements.

The techniques used to discover, analyze, standardize, and normalize data elements into an E/R model in a rigorous, methodical manner. It also presents practical assists in this pursuit such as data element formation and normalization rules, data element naming standards, a standard data element definitional pro-forma (template), and metadata structures which will allow the dictionary/repository independent. An extensive workshop (a continuation of the one used in the Conceptual Data Modeling seminar) exercises the skills of data element discovery, formation, standardization, definition, and normalization into the E/R model. The ER model views the real world as a construct of entities and association between entities. Entities Entities are the principal data object about which information is to be collected. Entities are usually recognizable concepts, either concrete or abstract, such as person, places, things, or events which have relevance to the database. Some specific examples of entities are EMPLOYEES, PROJECTS, INVOICES. An entity is analogous to a table in the relational model. Entities are classified as independent or dependent (in some methodologies, the terms used are strong and weak, respectively). An independent entity is one that does not rely on another for identification. A dependent entity is one that relies on another for identification. An entity occurrence (also called an instance) is an individual occurrence of an entity. An occurrence is analogous to a row in the relational table. Special Entity Types Associative entities (also known as intersection entities) are entities used to associate two or more entities in order to reconcile a many-to-many relationship. Subtypes entities are used in generalization hierarchies to represent a subset of instances of their parent entity, called the supertype, but which have attributes or relationships that apply only to the subset.Associative entities and generalization hierarchies are discussed in more detail below.

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RDBMS 2.3 Relationships A Relationship represents an association between two or more entities. An example of a relationship would be: employees are assigned to projects projects have subtasks departments manage one or more projects Relationships are classified in terms of degree, connectivity, cardinality, and existence. These concepts will be discussed below. Attributes Attributes describe the entity of which they are associated. A particular instance of an attribute is a value. For example, "Jane R. Hathaway" is one value of the attribute Name. The domainof an attribute is the collection of all possible values an attribute can have. The domain of Name is a character string. Attributes can be classified as identifiers or descriptors. Identifiers, more commonly called keys, uniquely identify an instance of an entity. A descriptor describes a non-unique characteristic of an entity instance. Classifying Relationships Relationships are classified by their degree, connectivity, cardinality, direction, type, and existence. Not all modeling methodologies use all these classifications. Degree of a Relationship The degree of a relationship is the number of entities associated with the relationship. The n-ary relationship is the general form for degree n. Special cases are the binary, and ternary ,where the degree is 2, and 3, respectively. Binary relationships, the association between two entities is the most common type in the real world. A recursive binary relationship occurs when an entity is related to itself. An example might be "some employees are married to other employees". A ternary relationship involves three entities and is used when a binary relationship is inadequate. Many modeling approaches recognize only binary relationships. Ternary or n-ary relationships are decomposed into two or more binary relationships. Connectivity and Cardinality The connectivity of a relationship describes the mapping of associated entity instances in the relationship. The values of connectivity are "one" or "many". The cardinality of a relationship is the actual number of related occurences for each of the two entities. The basic types of connectivity for relations are: one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many. A one-to-one (1:1) relationship is when at most one instance of a entity A is associated with one instance of entity B. For example, "employees in the company are each assigned their own office. For each employee there exists a unique office and for each office there exists a unique employee. A one-to-many (1:N) relationships is when for one instance of entity A, there are zero, one, or many instances of entity B, but for one instance of entity B, there is only one instance of entity A. An example of a 1:N relationships is a department has many employees each employee is assigned to one department A many-to-many (M:N) relationship, sometimes called non-specific, is when for one instance of entity A, there are zero, one, or many instances of entity B and for one instance of entity B there are zero, one, or many instances of entity A. An example is: employees can be assigned to no more than two projects at the same time; projects must have assigned at least three employees A single employee can be assigned to many projects; conversely, a single project can have assigned to it many employee. Here the cardinality for the relationship between employees and projects is two and the cardinality between project and employee is three. Many-to-many relationships cannot be directly translated to relational tables but instead must be transformed into two or more one-to-many relationships using associative entities.


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RDBMS The direction of a relationship indicates the originating entity of a binary relationship. The entity from which a relationship originates is the parent entity; the entity where the relationship terminates is the child entity. The direction of a relationship is determined by its connectivity. In a one-to-one relationship the direction is from the independent entity to a dependent entity. If both entities are independent, the direction is arbitrary. With one-to-many relationships, the entity occurring once is the parent. The direction of many-to-many relationships is arbitrary. Type An identifying relationship is one in which one of the child entities is also a dependent entity. A non-identifying relationship is one in which both entities are independent. Existence Existence denotes whether the existence of an entity instance is dependent upon the existence of another, related, entity instance. The existence of an entity in a relationship is defined as either mandatory or optional. If an instance of an entity must always occur for an entity to be included in a relationship, then it is mandatory. An example of mandatory existence is the statement "every project must be managed by a single department". If the instance of the entity is not required, it is optional. An example of optional existence is the statement, "employees may be assigned to work on projects". Generalization Hierarchies A generalization hierarchy is a form of abstraction that specifies that two or more entities that share common attributes can be generalized into a higher level entity type called a supertype or generic entity. The lower-level of entities become the subtype, or categories, to the supertype. Subtypes are dependent entities. Generalization occurs when two or more entities represent categories of the same real-world object. For example, Wages_Employees and Classified_Employees represent categories of the same entity, Employees. In this example, Employees would be the supertype; Wages_Employees and Classified_Employees would be the subtypes. Subtypes can be either mutually exclusive (disjoint) or overlapping (inclusive). A mutually exclusive category is when an entity instance can be in only one category. The above example is a mutually exclusive category. An employee can either be wages or classified but not both. An overlapping category is when an entity instance may be in two or more subtypes. An example would be a person who works for a university could also be a student at that same university. The completeness constraint requires that all instances of the subtype be represented in the supertype. Generalization hierarchies can be nested. That is, a subtype of one hierarchy can be a supertype of another. The level of nesting is limited only by the constraint of simplicity. Subtype entities may be the parent entity in a relationship but not the child. E - R Notation There is no standard for representing data objects in ER diagrams. Each modeling methodology uses its own notation. The original notation used by Chen is widely used in academics texts and journals but rarely seen in either CASE tools or publications by non-academics. Today, there are a number of notations used, among the more common are Bachman, crow's foot, and IDEFIX. All notational styles represent entities as rectangular boxes and relationships as lines connecting boxes. Each style uses a special set of symbols to represent the cardinality of a connection. The notation used in this document is from Martin. The symbols used for the basic ER constructs are: (a) Entities are represented by labeled rectangles. The label is the name of the entity. Entity names should be singular nouns. (b) Relationships are represented by a solid line connecting two entities. The name of the relationship is written above the line. Relationship names should be verbs. (c ) Attributes, when included, are listed inside the entity rectangle. Attributes which are identifiers are underlined. Attribute names should be singular nouns. (d) Cardinality of many is represented by a line ending in a crow's foot. If the crow's foot is omitted, the cardinality is one. (e) Existence is represented by placing a circle or a perpendicular bar on the line. Mandatory existence is shown by the bar (looks like a 1) next to the entity for an instance is required.

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RDBMS (f) Optional existence is shown by placing a circle next to the entity that is optional. Examples of these symbols are shown in Figure 1 below: E R Notation

2.4 Requirements The goals of the requirements analysis are: • to determine the data requirements of the database in terms of primitive objects • to classify and describe the information about these objects • to identify and classify the relationships among the objects • to determine the types of transactions that will be executed on the database and the interactions between the data and the transactions • to identify rules governing the integrity of the data • The modeler, or modelers, works with the end users of an organization to determine the data requirements of the database. Information needed for the requirements analysis can be gathered in several ways: o Review of existing documents - such documents include existing forms and reports, written guidelines, job descriptions, personal narratives, and memoranda. Paper documentation is a good way to become familiar with the organization or activity you need to model. • Intervie1ws with end users - these can be a combination of individual or group meetings. Try to keep group sessions to under five or six people. If possible, try to have everyone with the same function in one meeting. Use a blackboard, flip charts, or overhead transparencies to record information gathered from the interviews. • review of existing automated systems - if the organization already has an automated system, review the system design specifications and documentation The requirements analysis is usually done at the same time as the data modeling. As information is collected, data objects are identified and classified as entities, attributes, or relationship; assigned names; and, defined using terms familiar to the end-users. The objects are then modeled and analyzed using an ER diagram. The diagram can be reviewed by the modeler and the endusers to determine its completeness and accuracy. If the model is not correct, it is modified, which sometimes requires additional information to be collected. The review and edit cycle continues until the model is certified as correct. Three points to keep in mind during the requirements analysis are: 1. Talk to the end users about their data in "real-world" terms. Users do not think in terms of entities, attributes, and relationships but about the actual people, things, and activities they deal with daily.

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RDBMS 2. Take the time to learn the basics about the organization and its activities that you want to model. Having an understanding about the processes will make it easier to build the model. 3. End-users typically think about and view data in different ways according to their function within an organization. Therefore, it is important to interview the largest number of people that time permits.

4. Relationship Once entities and relationships have been identified and defined, the first draft of the entity relationship diagram can be created. This section introduces the ER diagram by demonstrating how to diagram binary relationships. Recursive relationships are also shown. Developing the Basic Schema Once entities and relationships have been identified and defined, the first draft of the entity relationship diagram can be created. This section introduces the ER diagram by demonstrating how to diagram binary relationships. Recursive relationships are also shown. Binary Relationships shows examples of how to diagram one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. Example




One-To-One Shows an example of a one-to-one diagram. Reading the diagram from left to right represents the relationship every employee is assigned a workstation. Because every employee must have a workstation, the symbol for mandatory existence—in this case the crossbar—is placed next to the WORKSTATION entity. Reading from right to left, the diagram shows that not all workstation are

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RDBMS assigned to employees. This condition may reflect that some workstations are kept for spares or for loans. Therefore, we use the symbol for optional existence, the circle, next to EMPLOYEE. The cardinality and existence of a relationship must be derived from the "business rules" of the organization. For example, if all workstations owned by an organization were assigned to employees, then the circle would be replaced by a crossbar to indicate mandatory existence. Oneto-one relationships are rarely seen in "real-world" data models. Some practioners advise that most one-to-one relationships should be collapsed into a single entity or converted to a generalization hierarchy. One-To-Many shows an example of a one-to-many relationship between DEPARTMENT and PROJECT. In this diagram, DEPARTMENT is considered the parent entity while PROJECT is the child. Reading from left to right, the diagram represents departments may be responsible for many projects. The optional of the relationship reflects the "business rule" that not all departments in the organization will be responsible for managing projects. Reading from right to left, the diagram tells us that every project must be the responsibility of exactly one department. Many-To-Many shows a many-to-many relationship between EMPLOYEE and PROJECT. An employee may be assigned to many projects; each project must have many employee Note that the association between EMPLOYEE and PROJECT is optional because, at a given time, an employee may not be assigned to a project. However, the relationship between PROJECT and EMPLOYEE is mandatory because a project must have at least two employees assigned. Many-To-Many relationships can be used in the initial drafting of the model but eventually must be transformed into two one-to-many relationships. The transformation is required because many-to-many relationships cannot be represented by the relational model. The process for resolving many-to-many relationships is discussed in the next section. Recursive relationships A recursive relationship is an entity is associated with itself. Figure 2 shows an example of the recursive relationship. An employee may manage many employees and each employee is managed by one employee.

2.5 Entity-Relationship Diagrams Entities cannot be modeled unrelated to any other entity. Otherwise, when the model was transformed to the relational model, there would be no way to navigate to that table. The exception to this rule is a database with a single table. Resolve Many-To-Many Relationships Many-to-many relationships cannot be used in the data model because they cannot be represented by the relational model. Therefore, many-to-many relationships must be resolved early in the modeling process. The strategy for resolving many-to-many relationship is to replace the relationship with an association entity and then relate the two original entities to the association entity. This strategy is demonstrated below Figure (a) shows the many-to-many relationship: Employees may be assigned to many projects. Each project must have assigned to it more than one employee.

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RDBMS In addition to the implementation problem, this relationship presents other problems. Suppose we wanted to record information about employee assignments such as who assigned them, the start date of the assignment, and the finish date for the assignment. Given the present relationship, these attributes could not be represented in either EMPLOYEE or PROJECT without repeating information. The first step is to convert the relationship assigned to to a new entity we will call ASSIGNMENT. Then the original entities, EMPLOYEE and PROJECT, are related to this new entity preserving the cardinality and optionality of the original relationships. Resolution of a Many-To-Many Relationship Notice that the schema changes the semantics of the original relation to employees may be given assignments to projects and projects must be done by more than one employee assignment. A many to many recursive relationship is resolved in similar fashion. Transform Complex Relationships into Binary Relationships Complex relationships are classified as ternary, an association among three entities, or n-ary, an association among more than three, where n is the number of entities involved. For example, Figure shows the relationship Employees can use different skills on any one or more projects. Each project uses many employees with various skills. Complex relationships cannot be directly implemented in the relational model so they should be resolved early in the modeling process. The strategy for resolving complex relationships is similar to resolving many-to-many relationships. The complex relationship replaced by an association entity and the original entities are related to this new entity. entity related through binary relationships to each of the original entities. Transforming a Complex Relationship

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Eliminate redundant relationships A redundant relationship is a relationship between two entities that is equivalent in meaning to another relationship between those same two entities that may pass through an intermediate entity. For example, Figure A shows a redundant relationship between DEPARTMENT and WORKSTATION. This relationship provides the same information as the relationships DEPARTMENT has EMPLOYEES and EMPLOYEEs assigned WORKSTATION. Figure B shows the solution which is to remove the redundant relationship DEPARTMENT assigned WORKSTATIONS. Removing A Redundant Relationship

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RDBMS 2.6 Multiplicity of Binary E/R Relationships There are some data models that limit relationships to be binary. E/R model does not require binary Relationships. To convert the multi-way relationship by A Introducing a connecting entity set whose entities are tuples of the relationship set for the multi-way relationship. B introduce may-to-one relationships from the connecting entity set to each of the entity sets that provide components of tuples in the original, multiway relationship. C If an entity set plays more than one role, then it is the target of one relationship for each role. 2.7 Design Principles Data integrity is one of the cornerstones of the relational model. Simply stated data integrity means that the data values in the database are correct and consistent. Data integrity is enforced in the relational model by entity and referential integrity rules. Although not part of the relational model, most database software enforce attribute integrity through the use of domain information. Entity Integrity The entity integrity rule states that for every instance of an entity, the value of the primary key must exist, be unique, and cannot be null. Without entity integrity, the primary key could not fulfill its role of uniquely identifying each instance of an entity. Referential Integrity The referential integrity rule states that every foreign key value must match a primary key value in an associated table. Referential integrity ensures that we can correctly navigate between related entities. Insert and Delete Rules A foreign key creates a hierarchical relationship between two associated entities. The entity containing the foreign key is the child, or dependent, and the table containing the primary key from which the foreign key values are obtained is the parent. In order to maintain referential integrity between the parent and child as data is inserted or deleted from the database certain insert and delete rules must be considered. Insert Rules Insert rules commonly implemented are: (A)Dependent. The dependent insert rule permits insertion of child entity instance only if matching parent entity already exists. (B)Automatic. The automatic insert rule always permits insertion of child entity instance. If matching parent entity instance does not exist, it is created. ( c)Nullify. The nullify insert rule always permits the insertion of child entity instance. If a matching parent entity instance does not exist, the foreign key in child is set to null. (D )Default. The default insert rule always permits insertion of child entity instance. If a matching parent entity instance does not exist, the foreign key in the child is set to previously defined value. (E)Customized. The customized insert rule permits the insertion of child entity instance only if certain customized validity constraints are met. (F)No Effect. This rule states that the insertion of child entity instance is always permitted. No matching parent entity instance need exist, and thus no validity checking is done. Delete Rules (a ) Restrict. The restrict delete rule permits deletion of parent entity instance only if there are no matching child entity instances. (b ) Cascade. The cascade delete rule always permits deletion of a parent entity instance and deletes all matching instances in the child entity.

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RDBMS (C ) Nullify. The nullify delete rules always permits deletion of a parent entity instance. If any matching child entity instances exist, the values of the foreign keys in those instances are set to null. (D ) Default. The default rule always permits deletion of a parent entity instance. If any matching child entity instances exist, the value of the foreign keys are set to a predefined default value. (E ) Customized. The customized delete rule permits deletion of a parent entity instance only if certain validity constraints are met. (F) No Effect. The no effect delete rule always permits deletion of a parent entity instance. No validity checking is done. Delete and Insert Guide The choice of which rule to use is determined by Some basic guidelines for insert and delete rules are given below. a. Avoid use of nullify insert or delete rules. Generally, the parent entity in a parent-child relationship has mandatory existence. Use of the null insert or delete rule would violate this rule. b. Use either automatic or dependent insert rule for generalization hierarchies. Only these rules will keep the rule that all instances in the subtypes must also be in the supertype. c. Use the cascade delete rule for generalization hierarchies. This rule will enforce the rule that only instances in the supertype can appear in the subtypes. Domains A domain is a valid set of values for an attribute which enforce that values from an insert or update make sense. Each attribute in the model should be assigned domain information which includes: (a) Data Type - Basic data types are integer, decimal, or character. Most data bases support variants of these plus special data types for date and time. (b) Length - This is the number of digits or characters in the value. For example, a value of 5 digits or 40 characters. (c) Date Format - The format for date values such as dd/mm/yy or yy/mm/dd ( d) Range - The range specifies the lower and upper boundaries of the values the attribute may legally have. ( e) Constraints - Are special restrictions on allowable values. For example, the Beginning_Pay_Date for a new employee must always be the first work day of the month of hire. ( F ) Null support - Indicates whether the attribute can have null values (G )Default value (if any)—The value an attribute instance will have if a value is not entered. Primary Key Domains The values of primary keys must be unique and nulls are not allowed. Foreign Key Domains The data type, length, and format of primary keys must be the same as the corresponding primary key. The uniqueness property must be consistent with relationship type. A one-to-one relationship implies a unique foreign key; a one-to-many relationship implies a non-unique foreign key. 2.8 Avoiding Redundancy If you dismissed because of redundancy, this usually means that your employer has needed to reduce his or her workforce. This may either be because the place where you work is closing down, or because there is longer the need (or no longer expected to be the need) to carry out the particular kind of work that you do. Normally your job must have disappeared. It is not a plausible redundancy if your employer immediately takes on a direct replacement for you. It does not matter, however, if your employer is recruiting more workers for work of a different kind, or in another location (unless you were required by contract to move to the new location). The definition of redundancy therefore covers 3 basic situations: • Where the employer ceases to carrying on business (other than involving a transfer of an undertaking) on a permanent or temporary basis; • Where the employer ceases business in the place where the employee is employed;

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Where the employer's business no longer requires any employees or as many employees to do a particular kind of work (whether generally or in the place where the employee was employed). If you are dismissed because of a need to reduce the work force, and one of the remaining employees moves into your job, you will still qualify for a redundancy payment so long as no vacancy exists in the area (type of work and location) where you worked. 2.9 Simplicity Counts Simplicity and speed make Naïve-Bayes an ideal exploratory tool. The technique is based on a simple concept: conditional probabilities derived from observed frequencies in the training data. For example, consider trying to predict customer turnover where it is known that 75 percent of the customers with monthly billings between $400 and $500 have left, and 68 percent of the customers who have made more than four calls to customer service have left. Presented with a customer who has $480 in average monthly billings, and who has made five calls to customer service, a Naïve-Bayes model will predict that this customer has a high likelihood of leaving. For simplicity, assume the online component consists of several online transactions and several adhoc queries. Assume the batch component has and update and a report job.Assume that the application system being benchmarked will be a complete re-write and re-design of an existing system. 2.10 Extended ER Models The Entity-Relationship (ER) Model, is enjoying a remarkable popularity in industry. It has been widely recognized that while the temporal aspects of data play a prominent role of database applications, these aspects are difficult to capture using the ER model. Some industrial users have responded to this deficiency by ignoring all temporal aspects in their ER diagrams and simply supplement the diagrams with phrases akin to ``full temporal support.'' The research community has responded by developing about a dozen proposals for temporally extended ER models. These existing temporally extended ER models were accompanied by only few or no specific criteria for designing them, making it is difficult to appreciate their properties and to conduct an insightful comparison of the models. This paper defines a set of design criteria for evaluating temporally extended ER models. These may be used for evaluating and comparing the existing temporally extended ER models.

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3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12

Data Elements and Fields Representing Relational Database Elements Records Representing Block and Record Addresses Client-Server Systems Logical and Structured Addresses Record Modifications Index Structures Indexes on Sequential Files Secondary Indexes B-Trees Hash Tables

3.1 Data Elements and Fields In order to begin constructing the basic model, the modeler must analyze the information gathered during the requirements analysis for the purpose of: • classifying data objects as either entities or attributes • identifying and defining relationships between entities • naming and defining identified entities, attributes, and relationships • documenting this information in the data document To accomplish these goals the modeler must analyze narratives from users, notes from meeting, policy and procedure documents, and, if lucky, design documents from the current information system. Although it is easy to define the basic constructs of the ER model, it is not an easy task to distinguish their roles in building the data model. What makes an object an entity or attribute? For example, given the statement "employees work on projects". Should employees be classified as an entity or attribute? Very often, the correct answer depends upon the requirements of the database. In some cases, employee would be an entity, in some it would be an attribute. While the definitions of the constructs in the ER Model are simple, the model does not address the fundamental issue of how to identify them. Some commonly given guidelines are: • entities contain descriptive information • attributes either identify or describe entities • relationships are associations between entities These guidelines are discussed in more detail below. • Entities • Attributes • Validating Attributes • Derived Attributes and Code Values • Relationships • Naming Data Objects • Object Definition • Recording Information in Design Document Entities There are various definitions of an entity: "Any distinguishable person, place, thing, event, or concept, about which information is kept" "A thing which can be distinctly identified" "Any distinguishable object that is to be represented in a database"

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RDBMS "...anything about which we store information (e.g. supplier, machine tool, employee, utility pole, airline seat, etc.). For each entity type, certain attributes are stored". These definitions contain common themes about entities: Entities should not be used to distinguish between time periods. For example, the entities 1st Quarter Profits, 2nd Quarter Profits, etc. should be collapsed into a single entity called Profits. An attribute specifying the time period would be used to categorize by time not every thing the users want to collect information about will be an entity. A complex concept may require more than one entity to represent it. Others "things" users think important may not be entities. Attributes Attributes are data objects that either identify or describe entities. Attributes that identify entities are called key attributes. Attributes that describe an entity are called non-key attributes. Key attributes will be discussed in detail in a latter section. The process for identifying attributes is similar except now you want to look for and extract those names that appear to be descriptive noun phrases. Validating Attributes Attribute values should be atomic, that is, present a single fact. Having disaggregated data allows simpler programming, greater reusability of data, and easier implementation of changes. Normalization also depends upon the "single fact" rule being followed. Common types of violations include: simple aggregation - a common example is Person Name which concatenates first name, middle initial, and last name. Another is Address which concatenates, street address, city, and zip code. When dealing with such attributes, you need to find out if there are good reasons for decomposing them. For example, do the end-users want to use the person's first name in a form letter? Do they want to sort by zip code? complex codes - these are attributes whose values are codes composed of concatenated pieces of information. An example is the code attached to automobiles and trucks. The code represents over 10 different pieces of information about the vehicle. Unless part of an industry standard, these codes have no meaning to the end user. They are very difficult to process and update. Derived Attributes and Code Values Two areas where data modeling experts disagree is whether derived attributes and attributes whose values are codes should be permitted in the data model. Derived attributes are those created by a formula or by a summary operation on other attributes. Arguments against including derived data are based on the premise that derived data should not be stored in a database and therefore should not be included in the data model. The arguments in favor are: derived data is often important to both managers and users and therefore should be included in the data model it is just as important, perhaps more so, to document derived attributes just as you would other attributes including derived attributes in the data model does not imply how they will be implemented. A coded value uses one or more letters or numbers to represent a fact. For example, the value Gender might use the letters "M" and "F" as values rather than "Male" and "Female". Those who are against this practice cite that codes have no intuitive meaning to the end-users and add complexity to processing data. Those in favor argue that many organizations have a long history of using coded attributes, that codes save space, and improve flexibility in that values can be easily added or modified by means of look-up tables. Relationships Relationships are associations between entities. Typically, a relationship is indicated by a verb connecting two or more entities. For example: employees are assigned to projects. As relationships are identified they should be classified in terms of cardinality, optionality, direction, and dependence. As a result of defining the relationships, some relationships may be dropped and new relationships added. Cardinality quantifies the relationships between entities by measuring how many instances of one entity are related to a single instance of another. To determine the cardinality, assume the existence of an

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RDBMS instance of one of the entities. Then determine how many specific instances of the second entity could be related to the first. Repeat this analysis reversing the entities. For example: employees may be assigned to no more than three projects at a time; every project has at least two employees assigned to it. If a relationship can have a cardinality of zero, it is an optional relationship. If it must have a cardinality of at least one, the relationship is mandatory. Optional relationships are typically indicated by the conditional tense. For example: an employee may be assigned to a project Mandatory relationships, on the other hand, are indicated by words such as must have. For example: a student must register for at least three course each semester In the case of the specific relationship form (1:1 and 1:M), there is always a parent entity and a child entity. In one-to-many relationships, the parent is always the entity with the cardinality of one. In one-to-one relationships, the choice of the parent entity must be made in the context of the business being modeled. If a decision cannot be made, the choice is arbitrary. Naming Data Objects The names should have the following properties: • unique • have meaning to the end-user • contain the minimum number of words needed to uniquely and accurately describe the object Some authors advise against using abbreviations or acronyms because they might lead to confusion about what they mean. Other believe using abbreviations or acronyms are acceptable provided that they are universally used and understood within the organization. You should also take care to identify and resolve synonyms for entities and attributes. This can happen in large projects where different departments use different terms for the same thing. Recording Information in Design Document The design document records detailed information about each object used in the model. As you name, define, and describe objects, this information should be placed in this document. If you are not using an automated design tool, the document can be done on paper or with a word processor. There is no standard for the organization of this document but the document should include information about names, definitions, and, for attributes, domains. Two documents used in the IDEF1X method of modeling are useful for keeping track of objects. These are the ENTITY-ENTITY matrix and the ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE matrix. The ENTITY-ENTITY matrix is a two-dimensional array for indicating relationships between entities. The names of all identified entities are listed along both axes. As relationships are first identified, an "X" is placed in the intersecting points where any of the two axes meet to indicate a possible relationship between the entities involved. As the relationship is further classified, the "X" is replaced with the notation indicating cardinality.

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RDBMS The ENTITY-ATTRIBUTE matrix is used to indicate the assignment of attributes to entities. It is similar in form to the ENTITY-ENTITY matrix except attribute names are listed on the rows.

3.2 Representing Relational Database Elements The relational model was formally introduced by 1970 and has evolved since then, through a series of writings. The model provides a simple, yet rigorously defined, concept of how users perceive data. The relational model represents data in the form of two-dimension tables. Each table represents some real-world person, place, thing, or event about which information is collected. A relational database is a collection of two-dimensional tables. The organization of data into relational tables is known as the logical view of the database. That is, the form in which a relational database presents data to the user and the programmer. The way the database software physically stores the data on a computer disk system is called the internal view. The internal view differs from product to product and does not concern us here. A basic understanding of the relational model is necessary to effectively use relational database software such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, or even personal database systems such as Access or Fox, which are based on the relational model. This document is an informal introduction to relational concepts, especially as they relate to relational database design issues. It is not a complete description of relational theory. 3.3 Records Data is usually stored in the form of records. Each record consists of a collection of related data values or items where each value is formed of one or more bytes and corresponds to a particular field of the record. Records usually describe entities and their attributes. For example, an EMPLOYEE and record represents an employee entity, and each field value in the record specifies some attribute of that employee, such as NAME, BIRTHDATE, SALARY, or SUPERVISOR. A collection of field names and their corresponding data types constitutes a record type or record format definition. A data type, associated with each field, specifies the type of values a field can take. The data type of a field is usually one of the standard data types used in programming. These include numeric (integer, long integer, or floating point), string of characters (fixed-length or varying), Boolean (having 0 and 1 or TRUE and FALSE values only), and sometimes specially

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RDBMS coded data and time data types. The number of bytes required for each data type is fixed for a given computer system. An integer may require 4 bytes, a long integer 8 bytes, a real number 4 bytes, a Boolean 1 byte, a Boolean 1 byte, a date 10 bytes (assuming a format of YYYY-MM-DD), and a fixed-length string of k characters k bytes. Variable-length strings may require, as many bytes as there are characters in each field value. For example, an EMPLOYEE record type may be defined–using the C programming language notation–as the following structure: Struct employee{ char name [30]; char ssn[9]; int salary; int jobcode; char department[20]; }; In recent database applications, the need may arise for storing data items that consist of large unstructured objects, which represent images, digitized video or audio streams, or free text. These are referred to as BLOBs (Binary Large Objects). A BLOB data item is typically stored separately from its record in a pool in a pool of disk blocks, and a pointer to the BLOB is included in the record. 3.4 Representing Block and Record Addresses Fields (attributes) need to be represented by fixed- or variable-length sequences of bytes, Fields are put together in fixed- or variable-length collections called “records” (tuples, or objects). A collection of records that forms a relation or the extent of a class is stored as a collection of blocks, called a file. A tuple is stored in a record. The size is the sum of sizes of the fields in the record.The schema is stored together with records (or a pointer to it). It contains: _ Types of fields _ the fields within the record _ Size of the record _ Timestamps (last read, last updated) The schema is used to access specific fields in the record. Records are stored in blocks. Typically a block only contains one kind of records. 3.5 Client-Server Systems The principle is that the user has a client program. He asks information (or data) from the server program. The server searches the data and sends it back to the client.[1] Putting in another way,we can say that the user is the client, he uses a client program to start a client process, sends message to server which is a server program, to perform a task or service. As a matter of fact a client server system is a special case of a co-operative computer system. All such systems are characterised by the use of multiple processes that work together to form the system solution. (There are two types of co-operative systems client-server systems and peer-to-peer systems.), The client and server systems consist of three major components : a server with relational database, a client with user interface and a network hardware connection in between. Client and server is an open system with number of advantages such as interoperability, scalability, adaptability, affordability, data integrity, accessibility, performance and security. WHAT DO THE CLIENT PROGRAMS DO?

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RDBMS They usually deal with;  managing the application's user-interface part  confirming the data given by the user  sending out the requests to server programs  managing local resources, like monitor, keyboard and peripherals. The client-based process is the application that the user interacts with. It contains solutionspecific logic and provides the interface between the user and the rest of the application system. In this sense the graphical user interface (GUI) is one characteristic of client system. It uses tools some are as:  Administration Tool: for specifying the relevant server information, creation of users, roles and privileges, definition of file formats, document type definitions (DTD) and document status information.  Template Editor: for creating and modifying templates of documents  Document Editor: for editing instances of documents and for accessing component information.  Document Browser: for retrieval of documents from a Document Server  Access Tool: provides the basic methods for information access. WHAT DO THE SERVER DO? Its purpose is fulfilling client's requests. What they do in general is;  receive request  execute database retrival and updates  manage data integrity  sent the results to client back  act as a software engine that manage shared resources like databases, printers, communication links..etc. When the server do these, it can use common or complex logic. It can supply the information only using its own resources or it can employ some other machine on the network, in master and slave attitude. .[2] In other words, there can be,  single client, single server  multiple clients, single server  single client, multiple servers  multiple clients, multiple servers [6] In a client server system, we can talk about specialization of some components for particular tasks. The specialization can provide very fast computation servers or high throughput database servers, resilient transaction servers or for some other purpose, nevertheless what is important is that they are optimised for that task. It is not optimal to try to perform all of the tasks together.Actually it is this specialization, therefore optimization that gives power to client and server systems. [10] These different server types for different tasks can be collected in two categories: 1.Simpler ones are;  disk server  file server: client can only request for files, but the files are sent as they are, but this needs large bandwidth and it slows down the network. 2.Advanced ones;  database server  transaction server  application server What Makes a Design a Client/Server Design? There are many answers about what differentiates client/server architecture from some other design. There is no single correct answer, but generally, an accepted definition describes a client

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RDBMS application as the user interface to an intelligent database engine—the server. Well-designed client applications do not hard code details of how or where date is physically stored, fetched, and managed, nor do they perform low-level data manipulation. Instead, they communicate their data needs at a more abstract level, the server performs the bulk of the processing, and the result set isn't raw data but rather an intelligent answer. Generally, a client/server application has these characteristics: •

Centralized Intelligent Servers That is, the server in a client/server system is more than just a file repository where multiple users share file sectors over a network. Client/server servers are intelligent, because they carry out commands in the form of Structured Query Language (SQL) questions and return answers in the form of result sets.

Network Connectivity Generally, a server is connected to a clients by way of a network. This could be a LAN, WAN, or the Internet. However, most correctly designed client/server designs do not consume significant resources on a wire. In general, short SQL queries are sent from a client and a server returns brief sets of specifically focused data.

Operationally Challenged Workstations A client computer in a client/server system need not run a particularly complex application. It must simply be able to display results from a query and capture criteria from a user for subsequent requests. While a client computer is often more capable than a dumb terminal, it need not house a particularly powerful processor—unless it must support other, more hardware-hungry applications.

Applications Leverage Server Intelligence Client/server applications are designed with server intelligence in mind. They assume that the server will perform the heavy lifting when it comes to physical data manipulation. Then, all that is required of the client application is to ask an intelligent question—expecting an intelligent answer from the server. The client application's job is to display the results intelligently.

Shared Data, Procedures, Support, Hardware A client/server system depends on the behavior of the clients—all of them—to properly share the server's—and the clients'— resources. This includes data pages, stored procedures, and RAM as well as network capacity.

System Resource Use Minimized All client/server systems are designed to minimize the load on the overall system. This permits an application to be scaled more easily—or at all.

Maximize Design Tradeoffs A well-designed client/server application should be designed to minimize overall systems load, or designed for maximum throughput, or designed to avoid really bad response times—or maybe a good design can balance all of these.

3.6 Logical and Structured Addresses At the logical level, a structured document is made up of a number of different parts. Some parts are optional, others are compulsory. Many of these document structures have a required order-they cannot be inserted at arbitrary points in the document. For example, a document must have a title and it must be the first element in the document. The programming example is very good because it is very simple. At the logical level, sections are used to break up the document into parts and sub-parts that help to assist the reader to follow the structure of the document and to navigate their way through it.

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RDBMS Sections are made up of a section title, followed by one or more text blocks and then, optionally, one or more sub-sections. Sections are allowed in either a Chapter document (within chapters) or a Simple document, and in Appendices. Sections can contain other sections i.e. they may be nested. Only 4 levels of section nesting are recommended. Note that once you start entering nested (sub-)sections, you cannot enter any textblocks after the sub-sections i.e.. all of the sections text blocks must come before any subsections. Sections are automatically numbered. A level 1 section has one number, a level two section is numbered N.n, a level 3 section N.n.n and so on. If the section is contained within a chapter or appendix, the section number is prefixed with the chapter number or appendix number. 3.7 Record Modifications The domain record modification/transfer process is the complete responsibility of the domain owner. If you need assistance modifying your domain record, please contact your domain registrar for technical support. ColossalHost.com will not provide excessive support resources assisting customers in the domain record modification process. It is important to understand that ColossalHost.com has no more power to make modifications to a Subscriber's domain record than a complete stranger would. The domain name owner is completely responsible for the information (including the name servers) that is contained within the domain record. 3.8 Index Structures Index structures in object-oriented database management systems should support selections not only with respect to physical object attributes, but also with respect to derived attributes. A simple example arises, if we assume the object types Company , Division, and Employee, with the relationships has division from Company to Division, and employs from Division to Employee. Index structures in object-oriented database management systems should support selections not only with respect to physical object attributes, but also with respect to derived attributes. A simple example arises, if we assume the object types Company , Division, and Employee, with the relationships has division from Company to Division, and employs from Division to Employee. In this case the index structure Should allow support queries for companies specifying the number of employees of the company. 3.9 Indexes on Sequential Files Data structure for locating records with given search key efficiently. Also facilitates a full scan of a relation.

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3.10 Secondary Indexes Secondary indexes to provide access to subsets of records. Both databases and tables provide automatic secondary indexes. All secondary indexes are held on a separate database file (.sr6). This is created when the first index is created and deleted if the last index is deleted. Each secondary index is physically very similar to a standard database. It contains index blocks and data blocks. The sizes of these blocks are calculated in a similar way to the block size calculations for standard database blocks to ensure reasonably efficient processing given the size of the secondary index key and the maximum number of records of that type. Each index potentially has different block sizes. Each record in the data block in a secondary index has the secondary key as the key and contains the standard database key as the data. Thus the size of these data blocks is affected by the size of both keys

All these index files (i.e., primary, secondary, and clustering indexes) are ordered files, and have two fields of fixed length. One field contains data (in which its value is the same as a field from data file) and the other field is a pointer to the data file, but • • •

In primary indexes, the data item of the index has the value of the primary key of the first record (the anchor record) of the block in which the pointer points to. In secondary indexes, the data item of the index has a value of a secondary key and the pointer points to a block, in which a record with such secondary keys is stored in. In clustering indexes, the data item on the index has a value of a non-key field, and the pointer points to the block in which the first record with such non-key fields is stored in.

In primary index files, for every block in a data file, one record exists in the primary index file. The number of records in the index file is, equal to the number of blocks in the data file. Hence, the primary indexes are non-dense. In secondary index files, for every record in the data file, one record exists in the secondary index file. The number of records in the secondary file is equal to the number of records in the data file. Hence, the secondary indexes are dense. In clustering index files, for every distinct clustering field, one record exists in the clustering index file. The number of records in the clustering index is equal to the distinct numbers for the clustering field in the data file. Hence, the clustering indexes are nondense.

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RDBMS The Customers Table holds information on customers, such as their customer number, name and address. Run the Database Desktop program from the Start Menu or select Tools-> Database Desktop in Delphi. Open the Customers table copied in the previous step. By default the data in the table is displayed as read only. Familiarise yourself with the data. Change to edit mode (Table>Edit Data) and add a new record. View the structure of the table (Table->Info Structure). Select Table->Restructure to restructure the table. Add a secondary index to the table, by selecting Secondary Indexes from the Table properties combo box. The secondary index is composed of LastName and FirstName, in that order. Call the index CustomersNameIndex. The index will be used to access the Customers table on customer name. 3.11 B-Trees A B-tree is a specialized multiway tree designed especially for use on disk. In a B-tree each node may contain a large number of keys. The number of sub trees of each node, then, may also be large. A B-tree is designed to branch out in this large number of directions and to contain a lot of keys in each node so that the height of the tree is relatively small. This means that only a small number of nodes must be read from disk to retrieve an item. The goal is to get fast access to the data, and with disk drives this means reading a very small number of records. Note that a large node size (with lots of keys in the node) also fits with the fact that with a disk drive one can usually read a fair amount of data at once. A multiway tree of order m is an ordered tree where each node has at most m children. For each node, if k is the actual number of children in the node, then k - 1 is the number of keys in the node. If the keys and subtrees are arranged in the fashion of a search tree, then this is called a multiway search tree of order m. For example, the following is a multiway search tree of order 4. Note that the first row in each node shows the keys, while the second row shows the pointers to the child nodes. Of course, in any useful application there would be a record of data associated with each key, so that the first row in each node might be an array of records where each record contains a key and its associated data. Another approach would be to have the first row of each node contain an array of records where each record contains a key and a record number for the associated data record, which is found in another file. This last method is often used when the data records are large. The example software will use the first method.

What does it mean to say that the keys and subtrees are "arranged in the fashion of a search tree"? Suppose that we define our nodes as follows: typedef struct { int Count;

// number of keys stored in the current node

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RDBMS ItemType Key[3]; // array to hold the 3 keys long Branch[4]; // array of fake pointers (record numbers) } NodeType; Then a multiway search tree of order 4 has to fulfill the following conditions related to the ordering of the keys: • •

The keys in each node are in ascending order. At every given node (call it Node) the following is true: o The subtree starting at record Node.Branch[0] has only keys that are less than Node.Key[0]. o The subtree starting at record Node.Branch[1] has only keys that are greater than Node.Key[0] and at the same time less than Node.Key[1]. o The subtree starting at record Node.Branch[2] has only keys that are greater than Node.Key[1] and at the same time less than Node.Key[2]. o The subtree starting at record Node.Branch[3] has only keys that are greater than Node.Key[2]. Note that if less than the full number of keys are in the Node, these 4 conditions are truncated so that they speak of the appropriate number of keys and branches.

This generalizes in the obvious way to multiway search trees with other orders. A B-tree of order m is a multiway search tree of order m such that: • • • •

All leaves are on the bottom level. All internal nodes (except the root node) have at least ceil(m / 2) (nonempty) children. The root node can have as few as 2 children if it is an internal node, and can obviously have no children if the root node is a leaf (that is, the whole tree consists only of the root node). Each leaf node must contain at least ceil(m / 2) - 1 keys.

Note that ceil(x) is the so-called ceiling function. It's value is the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to x. Thus ceil(3) = 3, ceil(3.35) = 4, ceil(1.98) = 2, ceil(5.01) = 6, ceil(7) = 7, etc. A B-tree is a fairly well-balanced tree by virtue of the fact that all leaf nodes must be at the bottom. Condition (2) tries to keep the tree fairly bushy by insisting that each node have at least half the maximum number of children. This causes the tree to "fan out" so that the path from root to leaf is very short even in a tree that contains a lot of data. Example B-Tree The following is an example of a B-tree of order 5. This means that (other that the root node) all internal nodes have at least ceil(5 / 2) = ceil(2.5) = 3 children (and hence at least 2 keys). Of course, the maximum number of children that a node can have is 5 (so that 4 is the maximum number of keys). According to condition 4, each leaf node must contain at least 2 keys. In practice B-trees usually have orders a lot bigger than 5.

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3.12 Hash Tables Linked lists are handy ways of tying data structures together but navigating linked lists can be inefficient. If you were searching for a particular element, you might easily have to look at the whole list before you find the one that you need. Linux uses another technique, hashing to get around this restriction. A hash table is an array or vector of pointers. An array, or vector, is simply a set of things coming one after another in memory. A bookshelf could be said to be an array of books. Arrays are accessed by an index, the index is an offset into the array. Taking the bookshelf analogy a little further, you could describe each book by its position on the shelf; you might ask for the 5th book. A hash table is an array of pointers to data structures and its index is derived from information in those data structures. If you had data structures describing the population of a village then you could use a person's age as an index. To find a particular person's data you could use their age as an index into the population hash table and then follow the pointer to the data structure containing the person's details. Unfortunately many people in the village are likely to have the same age and so the hash table pointer becomes a pointer to a chain or list of data structures each describing people of the same age. However, searching these shorter chains is still faster than searching all of the data structures. As a hash table speeds up access to commonly used data structures, Linux often uses hash tables to implement caches. Caches are handy information that needs to be accessed quickly and are usually a subset of the full set of information available. Data structures are put into a cache and kept there because the kernel often accesses them. There is a drawback to caches in that they are more complex to use and maintain than simple linked lists or hash tables. If the data structure can be found in the cache (this is known as a cache hit, then all well and good. If it cannot then all of the relevant data structures must be searched and, if the data structure exists at all, it must be added into the cache.

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4.1 Basics of the Relational Model 4.2 Relation Instances 4.3 Functional Dependencies 4.4 Rules About Functional Dependencies 4.5 Design of Relational Database Schemas 4.6 Normalization 4.6.1First Normal form 4.6.2Second Normal Form 4.6.3Third Normal Form 4.6.4Boyce-Codd Normal Form 4.6.5Multi-valued dependency 4.6.6Fifth Normal Form 4.1 Basics of the Relational Model Relation In the relational model, data is represented as a two-dimensional table called a relation. Relations have names and the columns have names called attributes. The elements in a column must be atomic - an elementary type such as a number, string. date, or timestamp and from a single domain. A relation r(R) is a mathematical relation of degree n on the domains dom(A1), dom(A2), ..., dom(An) which is a subset of the Cartesian product of the domains that define R: r(R)⊆ (dom(A1)×dom(A2)×... ×dom(An) ) Example: An employee relation is a table of names, birth dates, social security numbers, ... Figure 1: Relation: Employee The attributes => Name The data ...

BirthDate SS No


John Brown 10151934 123453434

The contents of a relation are rarely static thus the addition or deletion of a row must be efficient. Relational Database : A relational database is a finite set of relation schemas (called a database schema) and a corresponding set of relation instances (called a database instance). The relational database model represents data as a two-dimensional tables called a relations and consists of three basic components: 1. a set of domains and a set of relations 2. operations on relations 3. integrity rules Database schema : A database schema is a set of relation schemas for the relations in a design. Changes to a schema or database schema are expensive thus careful thought must go into the design of a database schema.

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1. Figure shows the deposit and customer tables for our banking example.

Figure : The deposit and customer relations. o o o

It has four attributes. For each attribute there is a permitted set of values, called the domain of that attribute. E.g. the domain of bname is the set of all branch names.

Let denote the domain of bname, and respectively.



Then, any row of deposit consists of a four-tuple

the remaining attributes' domains


In general, deposit contains a subset of the set of all possible rows. That is, deposit is a subset of In general, a table of n columns must be a subset of

2. Mathematicians define a relation to be a subset of a Cartesian product of a list of domains. You can see the correspondence with our tables. We will use the terms relation and tuple in place of table and row from now on.

3. Some o o o o o

more formalities: let the tuple variable refer to a tuple of the relation . We say to denote that the tuple is in relation . Then [bname] = [1] = the value of on the bname attribute. So [bname] = [1] = ``Downtown'', and [cname] = [3] = ``Johnson''.

4. We'll also require that the domains of all attributes be indivisible units. o o o o o

A domain is atomic if its elements are indivisible units. For example, the set of integers is an atomic domain. The set of all sets of integers is not. Why? Integers do not have subparts, but sets do - the integers comprising them. We could consider integers non-atomic if we thought of them as ordered lists of digits.

4.2 Relation Instances

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RDBMS A relation instance is a table with rows and named columns. The rows in a relation instance (or just relation) are called tuples. The cardinality of the relation is the number of tuples in it. The names of the columns are called attributes of the relation. The number of columns in a relation is called the arity of the relation. The type constraint that the relation instance must satisfy is 1. the attribute names must correspond to the attribute names of the corresponding schema and 2. the tuple values must correspond to the domain values specified in the corresponding schema.

4.3 Functional Dependencies Consider a relation R that has two attributes A and B. The attribute B of the relation is functionally dependent on the attribute A if and only if for each value of A no more than one value of B is associated. In other words, the value of attribute A uniquely determines the value of B and if there were several tuples that had the same value of A then all these tuples will have an identical value of attribute B. That is, if t1 and t2 are two tuples in the relation R and t1(A) = t2(A) then we must have t1(B) = t2(B). A and B need not be single attributes. They could be any subsets of the attributes of a relation R (possibly single attributes). We may then write R.A -> R.B if B is functionally dependent on A (or A functionally determines B). Note that functional dependency does not imply a one-to-one relationship between A and B although a one-to-one relationship may exist between A and B. A simple example of the above functional dependency is when A is a primary key of an entity (e.g. student number) and A is some single-valued property or attribute of the entity (e.g. date of birth). A -> B then must always hold. (why?) Functional dependencies also arise in relationships. Let C be the primary key of an entity and D be the primary key of another entity. Let the two entities have a relationship. If the relationship is one-to-one, we must have C -> D and D -> C. If the relationship is many-to-one, we would have C -> D but not D -> C. For many-to-many relationships, no functional dependencies hold. For example, if C is student number and D is subject number, there is no functional dependency between them. If however, we were storing marks and grades in the database as well, we would have (student_number, subject_number) -> marks and we might have marks -> grades The second functional dependency above assumes that the grades are dependent only on the marks. This may sometime not be true since the instructor may decide to take other considerations into account in assigning grades, for example, the class average mark. For example, in the student database that we have discussed earlier, we have the following functional dependencies: sno -> sname sno -> address cno -> cname

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RDBMS cno -> instructor instructor -> office These functional dependencies imply that there can be only one name for each sno, only one address for each student and only one subject name for each cno. It is of course possible that several students may have the same name and several students may live at the same address. If we consider cno -> instructor, the dependency implies that no subject can have more than one instructor (perhaps this is not a very realistic assumption). Functional dependencies therefore place constraints on what information the database may store. In the above example, one may be wondering if the following FDs hold sname -> sno cname -> cno Certainly there is nothing in the instance of the example database presented above that contradicts the above functional dependencies. However, whether above FDs hold or not would depend on whether the university or college whose database we are considering allows duplicate student names and subject names. If it was the enterprise policy to have unique subject names than cname -> cno holds. If duplicate student names are possible, and one would think there always is the possibility of two students having exactly the same name, then sname -> sno does not hold. Functional dependencies arise from the nature of the real world that the database models. Often A and B are facts about an entity where A might be some identifier for the entity and B some characteristic. Functional dependencies cannot be automatically determined by studying one or more instances of a database. They can be determined only by a careful study of the real world and a clear understanding of what each attribute means. We have noted above that the definition of functional dependency does not require that A and B be single attributes. In fact, A and B may be collections of attributes. For example (sno, cno) -> (mark, date) When dealing with a collection of attributes, the concept of full functional dependence is an important one. Let A and B be distinct collections of attributes from a relation R end let R.A -> R.B. B is then fully functionally dependent on A if B is not functionally dependent on any subset of A. The above example of students and subjects would show full functional dependence if mark and date are not functionally dependent on either student number ( sno) or subject number ( cno) alone. The implies that we are assuming that a student may have more than one subjects and a subject would be taken by many different students. Furthermore, it has been assumed that there is at most one enrolment of each student in the same subject. The above example illustrates full functional dependence. However the following dependence (sno, cno) -> instructor is not full functional dependence because cno -> instructor holds. As noted earlier, the concept of functional dependency is related to the concept of candidate key of a relation since a candidate key of a relation is an identifier which uniquely identifies a tuple and therefore determines the values of all other attributes in the relation. Therefore any subset X of the attributes of a relation R that satisfies the property that all remaining attributes of the relation are functionally dependent on it (that is, on X), then X is candidate key as long as no attribute can be removed from X and still satisfy the property of functional dependence. In the example above,

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RDBMS the attributes (sno, cno) form a candidate key (and the only one) since they functionally determine all the remaining attributes. Functional dependence is an important concept and a large body of formal theory has been developed about it. We discuss the concept of closure that helps us derive all functional dependencies that are implied by a given set of dependencies. Once a complete set of functional dependencies has been obtained, we will study how these may be used to build normalised relations. 4.4 Rules About Functional Dependencies • Let F be set of FDs specified on R • Must be able to reason about FD’s in F o Schema designer usually explicitly states only FD’s which are obvious o Without knowing exactly what all tuples are, must be able to deduce other/all FD’s that hold on R o Essential when we discuss design of “good” relational schemas 4.5 Design of Relational Database Schemas Database Scheme:

1. We distinguish between a database scheme (logical design) and a database instance (data in the database at a point in time). 2. A relation scheme is a list of attributes and their corresponding domains. 3. The text uses the following conventions: o italics for all names o lowercase names for relations and attributes o names beginning with an uppercase for relation schemes These notes will do the same. For example, the relation scheme for the deposit relation: o

Deposit-scheme = (bname, account#, cname, balance)

We may state that deposit is a relation on scheme Deposit-scheme by writing deposit(Deposit-scheme). If we wish to specify domains, we can write: o

(bname: string, account#: integer, cname: string, balance: integer).

Note that customers are identified by name. In the real world, this would not be allowed, as two or more customers might share the same name. Figure: Shows the E-R diagram for a banking enterprise.

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Figure: E-R diagram for the banking enterprise 4. The relation schemes for the banking example used throughout the text are: o Branch-scheme = (bname, assets, bcity) o Customer-scheme = (cname, street, ccity) o Deposit-scheme = (bname, account#, cname, balance) o Borrow-scheme = (bname, loan#, cname, amount) Note: some attributes appear in several relation schemes (e.g. bname, cname). This is legal, and provides a way of relating tuples of distinct relations.

5. Why not put all attributes in one relation? Suppose we use one large relation instead of customer and deposit: o o o o o o

Account-scheme = (bname, account#, cname, balance, street, ccity) If a customer has several accounts, we must duplicate her or his address for each account. If a customer has an account but no current address, we cannot build a tuple, as we have no values for the address. We would have to use null values for these fields. Null values cause difficulties in the database. By using two separate relations, we can do this without using null values


1. The notions of superkey, candidate key and primary key all apply to the relational model.

2. For example, in Branch-scheme,

3. 4.

o {bname} is a superkey. o {bname, bcity} is a superkey. o {bname, bcity} is not a candidate key, as the superkey {bname} is contained in it. o {bname} is a candidate key. o {bcity} is not a superkey, as branches may be in the same city. o We will use {bname} as our primary key. The primary key for Customer-scheme is {cname}. More formally, if we say that a subset of is a superkey for , we are restricting consideration to relations in which no two distinct tuples have the same values on all attributes in . In other words, o If and are in , and

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o o



Anomalies: Problems such as redundancy that occur when we try to cram too much into a single relation are called anomalies. The principal kinds of anomalies that we encounter are: _ Redundancy. Information may be repeated unnecessarily in several tuples. _ Update Anomalies. We may change information in one tuples but leave the same information unchanged in another. _ Deletion Anomalies. If a set of values becomes empty, we may lose other information as side effect. 4.6 Normalization designing a database, usually a data model is translated into relational schema. The important question is whether there is a design methodology or is the process arbitrary. A simple answer to this question is affirmative. There are certain properties that a good database design must possess as dictated by Codd’s rules. There are many different ways of designing good database. One of such methodologies is the method involving ‘Normalization’. Normalization theory is built around the concept of normal forms. Normalization reduces redundancy. Redundancy is unnecessary repetition of data. It can cause problems with storage and retrieval of data. During the process of normalization, dependencies can be identified, which can cause problems during deletion and updation. Normalization theory is based on the fundamental notion of Dependency. Normalization helps in simplifying the structure of schema and tables. For example the normal forms, we will take an example of a database of the following logical design: Relation S { S#, SUPPLIERNAME, SUPPLYTATUS, SUPPLYCITY}, Primary Key{S#} Relation P { P#, PARTNAME, PARTCOLOR, PARTWEIGHT, SUPPLYCITY}, Primary Key{P#} Relation SP { S#, SUPPLYCITY, P#, PARTQTY}, Primary Key{S#, P#} Foreign Key{S#} Reference S Foreign Key{P#} Reference P SP S# SUPPLYCITY P# PARTQTY S1 Bombay P1 3000 S1 Bombay P2 2000 S1 Bombay P3 4000 S1 Bombay P4 2000 S1 Bombay P5 1000 S1 Bombay P6 1000 S2 Mumbai P1 3000 S2 Mumbai P2 4000 S3 Mumbai P2 2000 S4 Madras P2 2000 S4 Madras P4 3000 S4 Madras P5 4000 Let us examine the table above to find any design discrepancy. A quick glance reveals that some of the data are being repeated. That is data redundancy, which is of course an undesirable. The fact that a particular supplier is located in a city has been repeated many times. This redundancy causes many other related problems. For instance, after an update a supplier may be displayed to be from Madras in one entry while from Mumbai in another. This further gives rise to many other problems.

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RDBMS Therefore, for the above reasons, the tables need to be refined. This process of refinement of a given schema into another schema or a set of schema possessing qualities of a good database is known as Normalization. Database experts have defined a series of Normal forms each conforming to some specified design quality condition(s). We shall restrict ourselves to the first five normal forms for the simple reason of simplicity. Each next level of normal form adds another condition. It is interesting to note that the process of normalization is reversible. The following diagram depicts the relation between various normal forms. 1NF 2NF 3NF 4NF





The diagram implies that 5 Normal form is also in 4 Normal form, which itself in 3 Normal th th th form and so on. These normal forms are not the only ones. There may be 6 , 7 and n normal forms, but this is not of our concern at this stage. Before we embark on normalization, however, there are a few more concepts that should be understood. Decomposition. Decomposition is the process of splitting a relation into two or more relations. This is nothing but projection process. Decompositions may or may not loose information. As you would learn shortly, that normalization process involves breaking a given relation into one or more relations and also that these decompositions should be reversible as well, so that no information is lost in the process. Thus, we will be interested more with the decompositions that incur no loss of information rather than the ones in which information is lost. Lossless decomposition: The decomposition, which results into relations without loosing any information, is known as lossless decomposition or nonloss decomposition. The decomposition that results in loss of information is known as lossy decomposition. Consider the relation S{S#, SUPPLYSTATUS, SUPPLYCITY} with some instances of the entries as shown below. S S# SUPPLYSTATUS SUPPLYCITY S3 100 Madras S5 100 Mumbai Let us decompose this table into two as shown below: (1) SX S# SUPPLYSTATUS SY S# SUPPLYCITY S3 100 S3 Madras S5 100 S5 Mumbai (2) SX S# SUPPLYSTATUS SY SUPPLYSTATUS SUPPLYCITY S3 100 100 Madras S5 100 100 Mumbai Let us examine these decompositions. In decomposition (1) no information is lost. We can still say that S3’s status is 100 and location is Madras and also that supplier S5 has 100 as its status and location Mumbai. This decomposition is therefore lossless. In decomposition (2), however, we can still say that status of both S3 and S5 is 100. But the location of suppliers cannot be determined by these two tables. The information regarding the location of the suppliers has been lost in this case. This is a lossy decomposition.

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RDBMS Certainly, lossless decomposition is more desirable because otherwise the decomposition will be irreversible. The decomposition process is in fact projection, where some attributes are selected from a table. A natural question arises here as to why the first decomposition is lossless while the second one is lossy? How should a given relation must be decomposed so that the resulting projections are nonlossy? Answer to these questions lies in functional dependencies and may be given by the following theorem. Heath’s theorem: Let R{A, B, C} be a relation, where A, B and C are sets of attributes. If R satisfies the FD A→B, then R is equal to the join of its projections on {A, B} and {A, C}. Let us apply this theorem on the decompositions described above. We observe that relation S satisfies two irreducible sets of FD’s S# → SUPPLYSTATUS S# → SUPPLYCITY Now taking A as S#, B as SUPPLYSTATUS, and C as SUPPLYCITY, this theorem confirms that relation S can be nonloss decomposition into its projections on {S#, SUPPLYSTATUS} and {S#, SUPPLYCITY} . Note, however, that the theorem does not say why projections {S#, SUPPLYSTATUS} and {SUPPLYSTATUS, SUPPLYCITY} should be lossy. Yet we can see that one of the FD’s is lost in this decomposition. While the FD S#→SUPPLYSTATUS is still represented by projection on {S#, SUPPLYSTATUS}, but the FD S#→SUPPLYCITY has been lost. An alternative criteria for lossless decomposition is as follows. Let R be a relation schema, and let F be a set of functional dependencies on R. let R1 and R2 form a decomposition of R. this decomposition is a lossless-join decomposition of R if at least one of the following functional + dependencies are in F : R1 ∩ R2 → R1 R1 ∩ R2 → R2 Functional Dependency Diagrams: This is a handy tool for representing function dependencies existing in a relation. The diagram is very useful for its eloquence and in visualizing the FD’s in a relation. Later in the PARTNAME SUPPLIERNAME S# S#





Unit you will learn how to use this diagram for normalization purposes.

4.6.1 First Normal Form: st

A relation is in 1 Normal form (1NF) if and only if, in every legal value of that relation, every tuple contains exactly one value for each attribute. Although, simplest, 1NF relations have a number of discrepancies and therefore it not the most desirable form of a relation. Let us take a relation (modified to illustrate the point in discussion) as Rel1{S#, SUPPLYSTATUS, SUPPLYCITY, P#, PARTQTY} Primary Key{S#, P#} FD{SUPPLYCITY → SUPPLYSTATUS} Note that SUPPLYSTATUS is functionally dependent on SUPPLYCITY; meaning that a supplier’s status is determined by the location of that supplier – e.g. all suppliers from Madras must have status of 100. The primary key of the relation Rel1 is {S#, P#}. The FD diagram is shown below:

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For a good design the diagram should have arrows out of candidate keys only. The additional arrows cause trouble. Let us discuss some of the problems with this 1NF relation. For the purpose of illustration, let us insert some sample tuples into this relation. REL1 S# SUPPLYSTATUS SUPPLYCITY P# PARTQTY S1 200 Madras P1 3000 S1 200 Madras P2 2000 S1 200 Madras P3 4000 S1 200 Madras P4 2000 S1 200 Madras P5 1000 S1 200 Madras P6 1000 S2 100 Mumbai P1 3000 S2 100 Mumbai P2 4000 S3 100 Mumbai P2 2000 S4 200 Madras P2 2000 S4 200 Madras P4 3000 S4 200 Madras P5 4000 The redundancies in the above relation causes many problems – usually known as update anamolies, that is in INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE operations. Let us see these problems due to supplier-city redundancy corresponding to FD S#→SUPPLYCITY. INSERT: In this relation, unless a supplier supplies at least one part, we cannot insert the information regarding a supplier. Thus, a supplier located in Kolkata is missing from the relation because he has not supplied any part so far. DELETE: Let us see what problem we may face during deletion of a tuple. If we delete the tuple of a supplier (if there is a single entry for that supplier), we not only delte the fact that the supplier supplied a particular part but also the fact that the supplier is located in a particular city. In our case, if we delete entries corresponding to S#=S2, we loose the information that the supplier is located at Mumbai. This is definitely undesirable. The problem here is there are too many informations attached to each tuple, therefore deletion forces loosing too many informations. UPDATE: If we modify the city of a supplier S1 to Mumbai from Madras, we have to make sure that all the entries corresponding to S#=S1 are updated otherwise inconsistency will be introduced. As a result some entries will suggest that the supplier is located at Madras while others will contradict this fact. 4.6.2 Second Normal Form: A relation is in 2NF if and only if it is in 1NF and every nonkey attribute is fully functionally dependent on the primary key. Here it has been assumed that there is only one candidate key, which is of course primary key. A relation in 1NF can always decomposed into an equivalent set of 2NF relations. The reduction process consists of replacing the 1NF relation by suitable projections. We have seen the problems arising due to the less-normalization (1NF) of the relation. The remedy is to break the relation into two simpler relations. REL2{S#, SUPPLYSTATUS, SUPPLYCITY} and REL3{S#, P#, PARTQTY} The FD diagram and sample relation, are shown below.

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REL2 S# SUPPLYSTATUS S1 200 S2 100 S3 100 S4 200 S5 300


REL3 SUPPLYCITY Madras Mumbai Mumbai Madras Kolkata

S# P# PARTQTY S1 P1 3000 S1 P2 2000 S1 P3 4000 S1 P4 2000 S1 P5 1000 S1 P6 1000 S2 P1 3000 S2 P2 4000 S3 P2 2000 S4 P2 2000 S4 P4 3000 S4 P5 4000 REL2 and REL3 are in 2NF with their {S#} and {S#, P#} respectively. This is because all nonkeys of REL1{ SUPPLYSTATUS, SUPPLYCITY}, each is functionally dependent on the primary key that is S#. By similar argument, REL3 is also in 2NF. Evidently, these two relations have overcome all the update anomalies stated earlier. Now it is possible to insert the facts regarding supplier S5 even when he is not supplied any part, which was earlier not possible. This solves insert problem. Similarly, delete and update problems are also over now. These relations in 2NF are still not free from all the anomalies. REL3 is free from most of the problems we are going to discuss here, however, REL2 still carries some problems. The reason is that the dependency of SUPPLYSTATUS on S# is though functional, it is transitive via SUPPLYCITY. Thus we see that there are two dependencies S#→SUPPLYCITY and SUPPLYCITY→ SUPPLYSTATUS. This implies S#→SUPPLYSTATUS. This relation has a transitive dependency. We will see that this transitive dependency gives rise to another set of anomalies. INSERT: We are unable to insert the fact that a particular city has a particular status until we have some supplier actually located in that city. DELETE: If we delete sole REL2 tuple for a particular city, we delete the information that that city has that particular status. UPDATE: The status for a given city still has redundancy. This causes usual redundancy problem related to updataion. 4.6.3 Third Normal Form: A relation is in 3NF if only if it is in 2NF and every non-key attribute is non-transitively dependent on the primary key. To convert the 2NF relation into 3NF, once again, the REL2 is split into two simpler relations – REL4 and REL5 as shown below. REL4{S#, SUPPLYCITY} and REL5{SUPPLYCITY, SUPLLYSTATUS} The FD diagram and sample relation, is shown below.

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REL5 S# SUPPLYCITY SUPPLYCITY SUPPLYSTATUS S1 Madras Madras 200 S2 Mumbai Mumbai 100 S3 Mumbai Kolakata 300 S4 Madras S5 Kolkata Evidently, the above relations REL4 and REL5 are in 3NF, because there is no transitive dependencies. Every 2NF can be reduced into 3NF by decomposing it further and removing any transitive dependency. Dependency Preservation The reduction process may suggest a variety of ways in which a relation may be decomposed in lossless decomposition. Thus, REL2 can be in which there was a transitive dependency and therefore, we split it into two 3NF projections, i.e. REL4{S#, SUPPLYCITY} and REL5{SUPPLYCITY, SUPLLYSTATUS} Let us call this decomposition as decompositio-1. An alternative decomposition may be: REL4{S#, SUPPLYCITY} and REL5{S#, SUPPLYSTATUS} Which we will call decomposition-2. Both the decompositions decomposition-1 and decomposition-2 are 3NF and lossless. However, decomposition-2 is less satisfactory than decomposition-1. For example, it is still not possible to insert the information that a particular city has a particular status unless some supplier is located in the city. In the decomposition-1, the two projections are independent of each other but the same is not true in the second decomposition. Here independence is in the sense that updates are made into the relations without regard of the other provided the insertion is legal. Also independent decompositions preserve the dependencies of the database and no dependence is lost in the decomposition process. The concept of independent projections provides for choosing a particular decomposition when there is more than one choice. 4.6.4 Boyce-Codd Normal Form: The previous normal forms assumed that there was just one candidate key in the relation and that key was also the primary key. Another class of problems arises when this is not the case. Very often there will be more candidate keys than one in practical database designing situation. To be precise the 1NF, 2NF and 3NF did not deal adequately with the case of relations that Had two or more candidate keys, and that The candidate keys were composite, and They overlapped (i.e. had at least one attribute common). A relation is in BCNF (Boyce-Codd Normal Form) if and only if every nontrivial, left-irreducible FD has a candiadte key as its determinant. Or A relation is in BCNF if and only if all the determinants are candidate keys. In other words, the only arrows in the FD diagram are arrows out of candidate keys. It has already been explained that there will always be arrows out of candidate keys; the BCNF definition says there are no others, meaning there are no arrows that can be eliminated by the normalization procedure. These two definitions are apparently different from each other. The difference between the two BCNF definitions is that we tacitly assume in the former case determinants are "not too big" and that all FDs are nontrivial.

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RDBMS It should be noted that the BCNF definition is conceptually simpler than the old 3NF definition, in that it makes no explicit reference to first and second normal forms as such, nor to the concept of transitive dependence. Furthermore, although BCNF is strictly stronger than 3NF, it is still the case that any given relation can be nonloss decomposed into an equivalent collection of BCNF relations. Thus, relations REL1 and REL2 which were not in 3NF, are not in BCNF either; also that relations REL3, REL4, and REL5, which were in 3NF, are also in BCNF. Relation REL1 contains three determinants, namely {S#}, {SUPPLYCITY}, and {S#, P#}; of these, only {S#, P#} is a candidate key, so REL1 is not in BCNF. Similarly, REL2 is not in BCNF either, because the determinant {SUPPLYCITY} is not a candidate key. Relations REL3, REL4, and REL5, on the other hand, are each in BCNF, because in each case the sole candidate key is the only determinant in the respective relations. We now consider an example involving two disjoint - i.e., nonoverlapping - candidate keys. Suppose that in the usual suppliers relation REL1{S#, SUPPLIERNAME, SUPPLYSTATUS, SUPPLYCITY}, {S#} and {SUPPLIERNAME} are both candidate keys (i.e., for all time, it is the case that every supplier has a unique supplier number and also a unique supplier name). Assume, however, that attributes SUPPLYSTATUS and SUPPLYCITY are mutually independent - i.e., the FD SUPPLYCITY→SUPPLYSTATUS no longer holds. Then the FD diagram is as shown below.



Relation REL1 is in BCNF. Although SUPPLIERNAME SUPPLYCITY the FD diagram does look "more complex" than a 3NF diagram, it is nevertheless still the case that the only determinants are candidate keys; i.e., the only arrows are arrows out of candidate keys. So the message of this example is just that having more than one candidate key is not necessarily bad. For illustration we will assume that in our relations supplier names are unique. Consider REL6. REL6{ S#, SUPPLIERNAME, P#, PARTQTY }. Since it contains two determinants, S# and SUPPLIERNAME that are not candidate keys for the relation, this relation is not in BCNF. A sample snapshot of this relation is shown below: REL6 S# SUPPLIERNAME P# PARTQTY S1 Pooran P1 3000 S1 Anupam P2 2000 S1 Vishal P3 4000 S1 Vinod P4 2000 As is evident from the figure above, relation REL6 involves the same kind of redundancies as did relations REL1 and REL2, and hence is subject to the same kind of update anomalies. For example, changing the name of suppliers from Vinod to Rahul leads, once again, either to search problems or to possibly inconsistent results. Yet REL6 is in 3NF by the old definition, because that definition did not require an attribute to be irreducibly dependent on each candidate key if it was itself a component of some candidate key of the relation, and so the fact that SUPPLIERNAME is not irreducibly dependent on {S#, P#} was ignored. The solution to the REL6 problems is, of course, to break the relation down into two projections, in this case the projections are: REL7{S#, SUPPLIERNAME} and REL8{S#, P#, PARTQTY} Or REL7{S#, SUPPLIERNAME} and REL8{SUPPLIERNAME, P#, PARTQTY} Both of these projections are in BCNF. The original design, consisting of the single relation REL1, is clearly bad; the problems with it are intuitively obvious, and it is unlikely that any competent database designer would ever seriously propose it, even if he or she had no exposure to the ideas of BCNF etc. at all.

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RDBMS Comparison of BCNF and 3NF We have seen two normal forms for relational-database schemas: 3NF and BCNF. There is an advantage to 3NF in that we know that it is always possible to obtain a 3NF design without sacrificing a lossless join or dependency preservation. Nevertheless, there is a disadvantage to 3NF. If we do not eliminate all transitive dependencies, we may have to use null values to represent some of the possible meaningful relationship among data items, and there is the problem of repetition of information. The other difficulty is the repetition of information. If we are forced to choose between BCNF and dependency preservation with 3NF, it is generally preferable to opt for 3NF. If we cannot test for dependency preservation efficiently, we either pay a high penalty in system performance or risk the integrity of the data in our database. Neither of these alternatives is attractive. With such alternatives, the limited amount of redundancy imposed by transitive dependencies allowed under 3NF is the lesser evil. Thus, we normally choose to retain dependency preservation and to sacrifice BCNF. 4.6.5 Multi-valued dependency: Multi-valued dependency may be formally defined as: Let R be a relation, and let A, B, and C be subsets of the attributes of R. Then we say that B is multi-dependent on A - in symbols, A →→B (read "A multi-determines B," or simply "A double arrow B") - if and only if, in every possible legal value of R, the set of B values matching a given A value, C value pair depends only on the A value and is independent of the C value. To elucidate the meaningof the above statement, let us take one example relation REL8 as shown beolw: REL8

COURSE Computer


TEACHERS TEACHER Dr. Wadhwa Prof. Mittal TEACHER Prof. Saxena Prof. Karmeshu

BOOKS BOOK Graphics UNIX BOOK Relational Algebra Discrete Maths

Assume that for a given course there can exist any number of corresponding teachers and any number of corresponding books. Moreover, let us also assume that teachers and books are quite independent of one another; that is, no matter who actually teaches any particular course, the same books are used. Finally, also assume that a given teacher or a given book can be associated with any number of courses. Let us try to eliminate the relation-valued attributes. One way to do this is simply to replace relation REL8 by a relation REL9 with three scalar attributes COURSE, TEACHER, and BOOK as indicated below.


COURSE Computer Computer Computer Computer Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics

TEACHER Dr. Wadhwa Dr. Wadhwa Prof. Mittal Prof. Mittal Prof. Saxena Prof. Karmeshu Prof. Karmeshu

BOOK Graphics UNIX Graphics UNIX Relational Algebra Disrete Maths Relational Algebra

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RDBMS As you can see from the relation, each tuple of REL8 gives rise to m * n tuples in REL9, where m and n are the cardinalities of the TEACHERS and BOOKS relations in that REL8 tuple. Note that the resulting relation REL9 is "all key". The meaning of relation REL9 is basically as follows: A tuple {COURSE:c, TEACHER:t, BOOK:x} appears in REL9 if and only if course c can be taught by teacher t and uses book x as a reference. Observe that, for a given course, all possible combinations of teacher and book appear: that is, REL9 satisfies the (relation) constraint if tuples (c, t1, x1), (c, t2, x2) both appear then tuples (c, t1, x2), (c, t2, x1) both appear also Now, it should be apparent that relation REL9 involves a good deal of redundancy, leading as usual to certain update anomalies. For example, to add the information that the Computer course can be taught by a new teacher, it is necessary to insert two new tuples, one for each of the two books. Can we avoid such problems? Well, it is easy to see that: 1. The problems in question are caused by the fact that teachers and books are completely independent of one another; 2. Matters would be much improved if REL9 were decomposed into its two projections call them REL10 and REL11 - on {COURSE, TEACHER} and {COURSE, BOOK}, respectively. To add the information that the Computer course can be taught by a new teacher, all we have to do now is insert a single tuple into relation REL10. Thus, it does seem reasonable to suggest that there should be a way of "further normalizing" a relation like REL9. It is obvious that the design of REL9 is bad and the decomposition into REL10 and REL11 is better. The trouble is, however, these facts are not formally obvious. Note in particular that REL9 satisfies no functional dependencies at all (apart from trivial ones such as COURSE → COURSE); in fact, REL9 is in BCNF, since as already noted it is all key-any "all key" relation must necessarily be in BCNF. (Note that the two projections REL10 and REL11 are also all key and hence in BCNF.) The ideas of the previous normalization are therefore of no help with the problem at hand. The existence of "problem" BCNF relation like REL9 was recognized very early on, and the way to deal with them was also soon understood, at least intuitively. However, it was not until 1977 that these intuitive ideas were put on a sound theoretical footing by Fagin's introduction of the notion of multi-valued dependencies, MVDs. Multi-valued dependencies are a generalization of functional dependencies, in the sense that every FD is an MVD, but the converse is not true (i.e., there exist MVDs that are not FDs). In the case of relation REL9 there are two MVDs that hold: COURSE →→ TEACHER COURSE →→ BOOK Note the double arrows; the MVD A→→B is read as "B is multi-dependent on A" or, equivalently, "A multi-determines B." Let us concentrate on the first MVD, COURSE→→TEACHER. Intuitively, what this MVD means is that, although a course does not have a single corresponding teacher i.e., the functional dependence COURSE→TEACHER does not hold-nevertheless, each course does have a well-defined set of corresponding teachers. By "well-defined" here we mean, more precisely, that for a given course c and a given book x, the set of teachers t matching the pair (c, x) in REL9 depends on the value c alone - it makes no difference which particular value of x we choose. The second MVD, COURSE→→BOOK, is interpreted analogously. It is easy to show that, given the relation R{A, B, C), the MVD A→→B holds if and only if the MVD A→→C also holds. MVDs always go together in pairs in this way. For this reason it is common to represent them both in one statement, thus: COURSE→→TEACHER | TEXT Now, we stated above that multi-valued dependencies are a generalization of functional dependencies, in the sense that every FD is an MVD. More precisely, an FD is an MVD in which the set of dependent (right-hand side) values matching a given determinant (left-hand side) value is always a singleton set. Thus, if A→B. then certainly A→→B. Returning to our original REL9 problem, we can now see that the trouble with relation such as REL9 is that they involve MVDs that are not also FDs. (In case it is not obvious, we point out that it is precisely the existence of those MVDs that leads to the necessity of – for example - inserting two tuples to add another Computer teacher. Those two tuples are needed in order to maintain the integrity constraint that is represented by the MVD.) The two projections REL10 and REL11 do not involve any such MVDs, which is why they represent an improvement over the original

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RDBMS design. We would therefore like to replace REL9 by those two projections, and an important theorem proved by Fagin in reference allows us to make exactly that replacement: Theorem (Fagin): Let R{A, B, C} be a relation, where A, B, and C are sets of attributes. Then R is equal to the join of its projections on {A, B} and {A, C} if and only if R satisfies the MVDs A→→B | C. At this stage we are equipped to define fourth normal form: Fourth normal form: Relation R is in 4NF if and only if, whenever there exist subsets A and B of the attributes of R such that the nontrivial (An MVD A→→B is trivial if either A is a superset of B or the union of R and B is the entire heading) MVD A→→B is satisfied, then all attributes of R are also functionally dependent on A. In other words, the only nontrivial dependencies (FDs or MVDs) in R are of the form Y→X (i.e., functional dependency from a superkey Y to some other attribute X). Equivalently: R is in 4NF if it is in BCNF and all MVDs in R are in fact "FDs out of keys." Therefore, that 4NF implies BCNF. Relation REL9 is not in 4NF, since it involves an MVD that is not an FD at all, let alone an FD "out of a key." The two projections REL10 and REL11 are both in 4NF, however. Thus 4NF is an improvement over BCNF, in that it eliminates another form of undesirable dependency. What is more, 4NF is always achievable; that is, any relation can be nonloss decomposed into an equivalent collection of 4NF relations. You may recall that a relation R{A, B, C} satisfying the FDs A→B and B→C is better decomposed into its projections on (A, B) and {B, C} rather than into those on {A, B] and {A, C). The same holds true if we replace the FDs by the MVDs A→→B and B→→C. 4.6.6 Fifth Normal Form: It seems from our discussion so far in that the sole operation necessary or available in the further normalization process is the replacement of a relation in a nonloss way by exactly two of its projections. This assumption has successfully carried us as far as 4NF. It comes perhaps as a surprise, therefore, to discover that there exist relations that cannot be nonloss-decomposed into two projections but can be nonloss-decomposed into three (or more). An unpleasant but convenient term, we will describe such a relation as "n-decomposable" (for some n > 2) - meaning that the relation in question can be nonloss-decomposed into n projections but not into m for any m < n. A relation that can be nonloss-decomposed into two projections we will call "2-decomposable" and similarly term “n-decomposable” may be defined. The phenomenon of n-decomposability for n > 2 was first noted by Aho, Been, and Ullman. The particular case n = 3 was also studied by Nicolas. Consider relation REL12 from the suppliers-parts-projects database ignoring attribute QTY for simplicity for the moment. A sample snapshot of the same is shown below. It may be pointed out that relation REL12 is all key and involves no nontrivial FDs or MVDs at all, and is therefore in 4NF. The snapshot of the relations also shows: a. The three binary projections REL13, REL14, and REL15 corresponding to the REL12 relation value displayed on the section of the adjoining diagram; b. The effect of joining the REL13 and REL14 projections (over P#); c. The effect of joining that result and the REL15 projection (over J# and S#). REL12 S# P# J# S1 P1 J2 S1 P2 J1 S2 P1 J1 S1 P1 J1 REL13 S# P# REL14 P# J# REL15 J# S# S1 P1 P1 J2 J2 S1 S1 P2 P1 J1 J1 S1 S2 P1 P1 J1 J1 S2 Join Dependency: Let R be a relation, and let A, B, ..., Z be subsets of the attributes of R. Then we say that R satisfies the Join Dependency (JD) *{ A, B, ..., Z}

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RDBMS (read "star A, K ..., Z") if and only if every possible legal value of R is equal to the join of its projections on A, B,..., Z. For example, if we agree to use SP to mean the subset (S#, P#} of the set of attributes of REL12, and similarly for FJ and JS, then relation REL12 satisfies the JD * {SP, PJ, JS}. We have seen, then, that relation REL12, with its JD * {REL13, REL14, REL15}, can be 3decomposed. The question is, should it be? And the answer is "Probably yes." Relation REL12 (with its JD) suffers from a number of problems over update operations, problems that are removed when it is 3-decomposed. Fagin's theorem, to the effect that R{A, B, C} can be non-loss-decomposed into its projections on {A, B} and {A, C] if and only if the MVDs A→→B and A→→C hold in R, can now be restated as follows: R{A, B, C} satisfies the JD*{AB, AC} if and only if it satisfies the MVDs A→→B | C. Since this theorem can be taken as a definition of multi-valued dependency, it follows that an MVD is just a special case of a JD, or (equivalently) that JDs are a generalization of MVDs. Thus, to put it formally, we have A→→B | C ≡ * {AB, AC} Note that joint dependencies are the most general form of dependency possible (using, of course, the term "dependency" in a very special sense). That is, there does not exist a still higher form of dependency such that JDs are merely a special case of that higher form - so long as we restrict our attention to dependencies that deal with a relation being decomposed via projection and recomposed via join. Coming back to the running example, we can see that the problem with relation REL12 is that it involves a JD that is not an MVD, and hence not an FD either. We have also seen that it is possible, and probably desirable, to decompose such a relation into smaller components - namely, into the projections specified by the join dependency. That decomposition process can be repeated until all resulting relations are in fifth normal form, which we now define: Fifth normal form: A relation R is in 5NF - also called projection-join normal torn (PJ/NF) - if and only if every nontrivial* join dependency that holds for R is implied by the candidate keys of R. Let us understand what it means for a JD to be "implied by candidate keys." Relation REL12 is not in 5NF, it satisfies a certain join dependency, namely Constraint 3D, that is certainly not implied by its sole candidate key (that key being the combination of all of its attributes). Stated differently, relation REL12 is not in 5NF, because (a) it can be 3-decomposed and (b) that 3-decomposability is not implied by the fact that the combination {S#, P#, J#} is a candidate key. By contrast, after 3-decomposition, the three projections SP, PJ, and JS are each in 5NF, since they do not involve any (nontrivial) JDs at all. Now let us understand through an example, what it means for a JD to be implied by candidate keys. Suppose that the familiar suppliers relation REL1 has two candidate keys, {S#} and {SUPPLIERNAME}. Then that relation satisfies several join dependencies - for example, it satisfies the JD *{ { S#, SUPPLIERNAME, SUPPLYSTATUS }, { S#, SUPPLYCITY } } That is, relation REL1 is equal to the join of its projections on {S#, SUPPLIERNAME, SUPPLYSTATUS} and {S#, SUPPLYCITY), and hence can be nonloss-decomposed into those projections. (This fact does not mean that it should be so decomposed, of course, only that it could be.) This JD is implied by the fact that {S#} is a candidate key (in fact it is implied by Heath's theorem) Likewise, relation REL1 also satisfies the JD * {{S#, SUPPLIERNAME}, {S#, SUPPLYSTATUS}, {SUPPLIERNAME, SUPPLYCITY}} This JD is implied by the fact that {S#} and { SUPPLYNAME} are both candidate keys. To conclude, we note that it follows from the definition that 5NF is the ultimate normal form with respect to projection and join (which accounts for its alternative name, projection-join normal form). That is, a relation in 5NF is guaranteed to be free of anomalies that can be eliminated by taking projections. For a relation is in 5NF the only join dependencies are those that are implied by candidate keys, and so the only valid decompositions are ones that are based on those candidate keys. (Each projection in such a decomposition will consist of one or more of those candidate keys, plus zero or more additional attributes.) For example, the suppliers relation REL15 is in 5NF. It can be further decomposed in several nonloss ways, as we saw earlier, but every projection in any such decomposition will still include one of the original candidate keys, and hence there does not seem to be any particular advantage in that further reduction.

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RDBMS Unit 5 Relational Algebra

5.1 Basics of Relational Algebra 5.2 Set Operations on Relations 5.3 Extended Operators of Relational Algebra 5.4 Constraints on Relations 5.5 Modification of the Database 5.6 Views 5.7 Relational Calculus 5.7.1Tuple Relational Calculus 5.7.2Domain Relational Calculus

5.1 Basics of Relational Algebra Relational algebra is a procedural query language, which consists of a set of operations that take one or two relations as input and produce a new relation as their result. The fundamental operations that will be discussed in this tutorial are: select, project, union, and set difference. Each operation will be applied to tables of a sample database. Each table is otherwise known as a relation and each row within the table is refered to as a tuple. The sample database consists of tables in which one might see in a bank. The sample database consists of the following 6 relations: The account relation

branch-name Downtown Mianus Perryridge Round Brighton Redwood Brighton

account-number A-101 A-215 A-102 HillA-305 A-201 A-222 A-217

balance 500 700 400 350 900 700 750

In addition to defining the database structure and constraints, a data model must include a set of operations to manipulate the data. Basic sets of relational model operations constitute the relational algebra. These operations enable the user to specify basic retrieval requests. The result of retrieval is a new relation, which may have been formed from one or more relations. The algebra operations thus produce new relations, which can be further manipulated using operations of the same algebra. A sequence of relational algebra operations forms a relational algebra expression, whose result will also be a relation. The relational algebra operations are usually divided into two groups. One group includes set operations from mathematical set theory; these are applicable because each relation is defined to be a set of tuples. Set operations include UNION, INTERSECTION, SET DIFFERENCE, and CARTESIAN PRODUCT. The other group consists of operations developed specifically for relational databases; these include SELECT, PROJECT, and JOIN, among others. The SELECT and PROJECT operations are discussed first, because they are the simplest. Then we discuss set

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RDBMS operations. Finally, we discuss JOIN and other complex operations. shown in Figure 2.2 is used for our examples.

The relational database

Some common database requests cannot be performed with the basic relational algebra operations, so additional operations are needed to, express the requests. EMPLOYEE FNAME MINT DNO






















Figure : Schema diagram for the COMPANY relational database schema; the primary keys are underlined. 5.2 Set Operations on Relations a) Select Operation The select operation is a unary operation, which means it operates on one relation. Its function is to select tuples that satisfy a given predicate. To denote selection, the lowercase Greek letter sigma ( ) is used. The predicate appears as a subscript to . The argument relation is given in parentheses following the . For example, to select those tuples of the loan relation where the branch is "Perryridge," we write: branch-home = "Perryridge" (loan) The results of the query are the following: Branch-name Perryridge Perryridge

loan-number L-15 L-16

amount 1500 1300

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RDBMS Comparisons like =, , <, >, can also be used in the selection predicate. An example query using a comparison is to find all tuples in which the amount lent is more than $1200 would be written: amount > 1200 (loan) Let Figure be the borrow and branch relations in the banking example.

Figure : The borrow and branch relations. The new relation created as the result of this operation consists of one tuple: . We allow comparisons using =,

, <,

We also allow the logical connectives

, > and

in the selection predicate.

(or) and (and). For example:

Figure : The client relation. Suppose there is one more relation, client, shown in Figure 3.4, with the scheme

we might write

to find clients who have the same name as their banker.

b) Project Operation The project operation is a unary operation that returns its argument relation with certain attributes left out. Since a relation is a set, any duplicate rows are eliminated. Projection is denoted by the Greek letter pi ( ). The attributes that wish to be appear in the result are listed as a subscript to . The argument relation follows in parentheses. For example, the query to list all loan numbers and the amount of the loan is written as: loan-number, amount (loan)

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The result of the query is the following: loan-number L-17 L-23 L-15 L-14 L-93 L-11 L-16

amount 1000 2000 1500 1500 500 900 1300

Another more complicated example query is to find those customers who live in Harrison is written as: customer-name ( customer-city = "Harrison" (customer)) For example, to obtain a relation showing customers and branches, but ignoring amount and loan#, we write

We can perform these operations on the relations resulting from other operations. To get the names of customers having the same name as their bankers,

Think of select as taking rows of a relation, and project as taking columns of a relation. c) Union The union operation yields the results that appear in either or both of two relations. It is a binary operation denoted by the symbol . An example query would be to find the name of all bank customers who have either an account or a loan or both. To find this result we will need the information in the depositor relation and in the borrower relation. To find the names of all customers with a loan in the bank we would write: customer-name (borrower) and to find the names of all customers with an account in the bank, we would write: customer-name (depositor) Then by using the union operation on these two queries we have the query we need to obtain the wanted results. The final query is written as:

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RDBMS customer-name (borrower)

customer-name (depositor)

The result of the query is the following: Customer-name Johnson Smith Hayes Turner Jones Lindsay Jackson Curry Williams Adams The union operation is denoted compatible relations. For a union operation o o

as in set theory. It returns the union (set union) of two

to be legal, we require that

and must have the same number of attributes. The domains of the corresponding attributes must be the same.

To find all customers of the SFU branch, we must find everyone who has a loan or an account or both at the branch. We need both borrow and deposit relations for this: As in all set operations, duplicates are eliminated, giving the relation of Figure (a).

Figure : The union and set-difference operations. d) Set Difference The set-difference operation, denoted by the -, results in finding tuples taht are in one relation but are not in another. The expression r - s results in a relation containing those tuples in r abut not in s. For example, a) the query to find all customers of the bank who have an account but not a loan, is written as: customer-name (depositor) - customer-name (borrower) The result of the query is the following: Customer-name Johnson Turner Lindsay For a set difference to be valid, it must be taken between compatible operations just as in the union operation.

b) To find customers of the SFU branch who have an account there but no loan, we write

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RDBMS The result is shown in Figure (b). We can do more with this operation. Suppose we want to find the largest account balance in the bank. Strategy: o o

Find a relation containing the balances not the largest. Compute the set difference of and the deposit relation.

To find , we write This resulting relation contains all balances except the largest one. (See Figure (a)). Now we can finish our query by taking the set difference: Figure (b) shows the result.

Figure : Find the largest account balance in the bank.

e) Cartesian Product Operation The cartesian product of two relations is denoted by a cross ( ), written

The result of and .

is a new relation with a tuple for each possible pairing of tuples from

In order to avoid ambiguity, the attribute names have attached to them the name of the relation from which they came. If no ambiguity will result, we drop the relation name. The result then

will have

is a very large relation. If tuples.


The resulting scheme is the concatenation of the schemes of added as mentioned.

tuples, and




, with relation names

To find the clients of banker Johnson and the city in which they live, we need information in both client and customer relations. We can get this by writing

However, the customer.cname column contains customers of bankers other than Johnson. (Why?) We want rows where client.cname = customer.cname. So we can write

to get just these tuples.

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RDBMS Finally, to get just the customer's name and city, we need a projection:

f) The Rename Operation The rename operation solves the problems that occurs with naming when performing the cartesian product of a relation with itself. Suppose we want to find the names of all the customers who live on the same street and in the same city as Smith. We can get the street and city of Smith by writing

To find other customers with the same information, we need to reference the customer relation again:


is a selection predicate requiring street and ccity values to be equal.

Problem: how do we distinguish between the two street values appearing in the Cartesian product, as both come from a customer relation? Solution: use the rename operator, denoted by the Greek letter rho ( ). We write

to get the relation under the name of . If we use this to rename one of the two customer relations we are using, the ambiguities will disappear.

5.3 Extended Operators of Relational Algebra

General expressions are formed out of smaller subexpressions using o

select (p a predicate)


project (s a list of attributes)

o o

rename (x a relation name) union

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RDBMS set difference cartesian product

o o

1. The Set Intersection Operation Set intersection is denoted by both of its argument relations.

, and returns a relation that contains tuples that are in

It does not add any power as

To find all customers having both a loan and an account at the SFU branch, we write

2. The Natural Join Operation Often we want to simplify queries on a cartesian product. For example, to find all customers having a loan at the bank and the cities in which they live, we need borrow and customer relations:

Our selection predicate obtains only those tuples pertaining to only one cname. This type of operation is very common, so we have the natural join, denoted by a sign. Natural join combines a cartesian product and a selection into one operation. It performs a selection forcing equality on those attributes that appear in both relation schemes. Duplicates are removed as in all relation operations. To illustrate, we can rewrite the previous query as

The resulting relation is shown in Figure 3.7.


Joining borrow and customer relations.

We can now make a more formal definition of natural join. o o o

Consider and to be sets of attributes. We denote attributes appearing in both relations by We denote attributes in either or both relations by

o o

Consider two relations and . The natural join of and , denoted by

. .

is a relation on scheme


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It is a projection onto for each attribute

of a selection on in .

where the predicate requires

Formally, where . To find the assets and names of all branches which have depositors living in Stamford, we need customer, deposit and branch relations: Note that is associative. To find all customers who have both an account and a loan at the SFU branch: This is equivalent to the set intersection version we wrote earlier. We see now that there can be several ways to write a query in the relational algebra. If two relations .


have no attributes in common, then

, and

3. The Division Operation Division, denoted

, is suited to queries that include the phrase ``for all''.

Suppose we want to find all the customers who have an account at all branches located in Brooklyn. Strategy: think of it as three steps. We can obtain the names of all branches located in Brooklyn by

We can also find all cname, bname pairs for which the customer has an account by

Now we need to find all customers who appear in

with every branch name in


The divide operation provides exactly those customers:

which is simply


Formally, o o o o

Let and Let . The relation A tuple is in following:

be relations. is a relation on scheme . if for every tuple in there is a tuple

in satisfying both of the

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These conditions say that the portion of a tuple is in if and only if there are tuples with the portion and the portion in for every value of the portion in relation .

We will look at this explanation in class more closely. The division operation can be defined in terms of the fundamental operations. Read the text for a more detailed explanation.

4. The Assignment Operation Sometimes it is useful to be able to write a relational algebra expression in parts using a temporary relation variable (as we did with and in the division example). The assignment operation, denoted

, works like assignment in a programming language.

We could rewrite our division definition as

No extra relation is added to the database, but the relation variable created can be used in subsequent expressions. Assignment to a permanent relation would constitute a modification to the database

The set intersection operation is denoted by the symbol . It is not a fundamental operation, however it is a more convenient way to write r - (r - s). An example query of the operation to find all customers who have both a loan and and account can be written as: customer-name (borrower) customer-name (depositor) The results of the query are the following: Customer-name Hayes Jones Smith It has been shown that the set of relational algebra operations {σ, π, U, –, x} is a complete set; that is, any of the other relational algebra operations can be expressed as a sequence of operations from this set. For example, the INTERSECTION operation can be expressed by using UNION and DIFFERENCE as follows: ∩ S ≡ ( R ∪ S ) – ((R – S ) ∪ ( S – R )) lthough, strictly speaking, INTERSECTION is not required, it is inconvenient to specify this complex expression every time we wish to specify an intersection. As another example, a JOIN operation can be specified as a CARTESIAN PRODUCT followed by a SELECT operation, as we discussed: S ≡ σ (R x S ) Similarly, a NATURAL JOIN can be specified as a CARTESIAN PRODUCT proceeded by RENAME and followed by SELECT and PROJECT operations. Hence, the various JOIN operations are also not strictly necessary for the expressive power of the relational algebra; however, they are very important because they are convenient to use and are very commonly applied in database applications

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RDBMS Assignment

- the operation denoted by temporary relation variable.

Cartesian product

- the operation denoted by a cross (X) allows for combination of information from any two relations.


- the operation denoted by and used in queries wanting to find results including the phrase "for all".

natural join

- the operation that pertains to a query that involves a Cartestian product includes a selection operation on the result of the Cartesian product.


- the operation denoted by the Greek letter pi ( ), which is used to return an argument with certain attributes left out.


- the operation denoted by the Greek letter rho ( ), which allows the results of a relational-algebra expression to be assigned a name, which can later be used to refer to them. - the operation denoted by the Greek letter sigma (), which enables a selection of tuples that satisfy a given predicate.


which is used to assign expressions to a

Set difference

- the operation denoted by - allows for finding tuples that are in one relation but are not in another.


- the operation denoted by which results in the tuples that are in both relations the operation is applying to. - an operation on relations that yields the relation of all tuples shared by two or more relations. Denoted by the symbol:


5.4 Constraints on Relations Representation of Relations We can regard a relation in two ways: as a set of values and as a set of maps from attributes from values. Let

be the schema of a relation R, and let

the relation. Then R is a subset of drawn from each of the domains

be the domain of

and each tuple of the relation contains a set of values, one , each of which contains a unique null element, denoted

We can also regard each element of the relation as a map from R to an element of an instance r of R, we can write Integrity Constraints on Relations

, so that if


and get the expected result.

We define a (candidate) key on a relation schema R to be a subset attributes of R such that for any instance


for all

. A primary key is a candidate key in which none of the

we have

of the for

. We designate one candidate

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RDBMS key to be the primary key of R,

to signify the projection of t onto the primary

. We write

key . Where there is no chance of confusion we will write for . We require every relation to satisfy its primary key, and all its candidates keys. Let C be the set of all candidate keys of R and let

be the primary key of R: we require

to satisfy

and Operations on Relations: Taking the view of a relation as a set we can apply the normal set operations to relations over the same domain. If the domain differ this is not possible. We have, of course, the normal algebraic structure to the operations: the null relation over a domain is well defined, and the null tuple is the sole element of the null relation. We also have three relational operators we wish to consider: select, join and project. First we define for each relation R the domain an element of an instance

of conditional expressions on relations, which map

to true or false.

Select: Now we define


is a relation over the same domain as R and is a subset of R. We notice that we can use the same primary key for both R and exist

and that

then R does not satisfy

must satisfy this key, since if there .

Join: The join operation

is defined by

where we have

What is the schema for this? The key? Does it satisfy it? Project: We define and by requiring that if

by the post-condition is the domain of

R then the domain of

is . If we view R as a set of map we can view the projection operator as restricting each of these maps to a smaller domain.

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RDBMS The schema of is A. If then forms a key for A. Otherwise, if there are no nulls in any tuple of the projection of R we can use A as a primary key. Otherwise we can not in general identify a primary key. Insertion: For each relation R we define an insertion operation:

The insertion operation satisfies the invariant, since it will refuse to break it. Update: For each








Update also preserves the invariant. Deletion: We define the deletion of a tuple by:

5.5 Modification of the Database

The operations of the relational model can be categorised into retrievals and updates. But we will discuss update operation here. There are three basic update operations on relations (1) Insert, (2) delete, and (3) modify.

A) The Insert Operation : It is used to insert a new tuple (row) or tuples in a relation. It can violate any types of constraint (Primary, referential). Domain constraints can also be violated if an attribute value is given that does not appear in the corresponding attribute domain. Key constraint can be violated if entering a key value in the new tuple ahead, exists in another tuple in the relation r(k). Referential constraint can be violated if the value of any foreign key it refers to, does not exist in the referenced relation. Suppose we have a table student(std_id number(4), std_name varchar2(10), 1std_course varchar2(5), std_fee number (7,2)). Then, to insert values in this table, we will use Insert operation as: Insert into student values( 1, ‘John’, ‘Msc’, 5000.50) The relational algebra expresses an insertion by r r U E where r is relation and E is relational algebra expression. We express the insertion of a single tuple by letting E be a constant relation containing one tuple. Suppose that we wish to insert the fact that Smith has $1200 in account A-973 at Perryridge branch we write account  account U {(A-973,”Perryridge”,1200)}

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RDBMS depositor depositor U {(“Smith”, A-973)} 1. To insert a tuple for Smith who has $1200 in account 9372 at the SFU branc.

2. To provide all loan customers in the SFU branch with a $200 savings account.

B) The Delete Operation The Delete operation is used to delete tuples. The Delete operation can violate only referential integrity, if the tuple being deleted is referenced by the foreign keys from other tuple in the database. To specify deletion, conditions on the attributes of the relation select the tuple (or tuples) to be deleted. Delete the student tuple with std_no = 2; Delete from student where std_id = 2; We can delete only whole tuples; we cannot delete values on only particular attributes. In relational algebra a deletion is expressed by r r – E where r is a relation and E is a relational algebra query. Some examples: 1. Delete all of Smith's account records.

2. Delete all loans with loan numbers between 1300 and 1500.

3. Delete all accounts at Branches located in Needham.

c) The Update Operation Update (or Modify) is used to change the values of some attributes in existing tuples. Whenever update operation is applied, the integrity constraints specified on the relational datbase scheme should not be violated. It is necessary to specify a condition on the attributes of the relation to select the tuple (or tuples) to be modified. Update the std_fee of the student tuple with std_no. = 1 to 3000.50.

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RDBMS In SQL Update student set std_fee = 3000.50 where std_id = 1 Updating allows us to change some values in a tuple without necessarily changing all. We use the update operator, , with the form

where is a relation with attribute The expression relation .

, which is assigned the value of expression


is any arithmetic expression involving constants and attributes in

Some examples: 1. To increase all balances by 5 percent.

This statement is applied to every tuple in deposit. 2. To make two different rates of interest payment, depending on balance amount:

Domain Constraint: Data types help determine what values are valid for a particular column. Referential constraint: It refers to the maintenance of relationships of data rows in multiple tables. Entity Constraint: It means that we can uniquely identify every row in a table. 5.6 Views 1. We have assumed up to now that the relations we are given are the actual relations stored in the database. 2. For security and convenience reasons, we may wish to create a personalized collection of relations for a user. 3. We use the term view to refer to any relation, not part of the conceptual model, that is made visible to the user as a ``virtual relation''. 4. As relations may be modified by deletions, insertions and updates, it is generally not possible to store views. (Why?) Views must then be recomputed for each query referring to them. View Definition

1. A view is defined using the create view command:

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RDBMS where is any legal query expression. The view created is given the name .

2. To create a view all-customer of all branches and their customers:

3. Having defined a view, we can now use it to refer to the virtual relation it creates. View names can appear anywhere a relation name can. 4. We can now find all customers of the SFU branch by writing

Updates Through Views and Null Values 1. Updates, insertions and deletions using views can cause problems. The modifications on a view must be transformed to modifications of the actual relations in the conceptual model of the database. 2. An example will illustrate: consider a clerk who needs to see all information in the borrow relation except amount. Let the view loan-info be given to the clerk:

3. Since SQL allows a view name to appear anywhere a relation name may appear, the clerk can write:

This insertion is represented by an insertion into the actual relation borrow, from which the view is constructed. However, we have no value for amount. A suitable response would be o o

Reject the insertion and inform the user. Insert (``SFU'',3,``Ruth'',null) into the relation.

The symbol null represents a null or place-holder value. It says the value is unknown or does not exist. 4. Another problem with modification through views: consider the view

This view lists the cities in which the borrowers of each branch live. Now consider the insertion

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Using nulls is the only possible way to do this (see Figure 3.22 in the textbook). If we do this insertion with nulls, now consider the expression the view actually corresponds to:

As comparisons involving nulls are always false, this query misses the inserted tuple. To understand why, think about the tuples that got inserted into borrow and customer. Then think about how the view is recomputed for the above query.

5.7 Relational Calculus Relational calculus is an alternative to relational algebra. In contrast to the algebra, which is procedural, the calculus is nonprocedural, or declarative, in that it allows us to describe the set of answers without being explicit about how they should be computed. Relational calculus has had a bid influence on the design of commercial query languages such as SQL and, especially, Queryby-Example (QBE). The Variant of the calculus that we present in detail is called the tuple relational calculus (TRC), variables in TRC take on tuples as values. In another variant, called the domain relational calculus (DRC), the variables range over field values. TRC has had more of an influence on SQL, while DRC has strongly influenced QBE.

5.7.1 Tuple Relational Calculus A tuple variable is a variable that takes on tuples of a particular relation schema as values. That is, every value assigned to a given tuple variable has the same number and type of fields. A tuple relational calculus query has the form (T p(T) ), where T is a tuple variable and p(T) denotes a formula that describes T; we will shortly define formulas and queries rigorously. The result of this query is the set of all tuples t for which the formula p(T) is thus at the heart of TRC and is essentially a simple subset of first-order logic. As a simple example, consider the following query. (Q1) Find all sailors with a rating above 7. (S ! S ε Sailors ^ S. rating >7) Sid
















Instance S3 of Sailors When this query is evaluated on instance of the Sailors relation, the tuple variable S is instantiated successively with each tuple, and the test S.rating>7 is applied. The answer contains those instances of S that pass this test. On instance S3 of Sailors, the answer contains Sailors tuples with sid 31. Syntax of TRC Queries

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RDBMS We now define these concepts formally, beginning with the notion of a formula. Let Rel be a relation name, R and S be tuple variable, a an attribute of R, and b an attribute of S. Let op denote an operator in the set (<,>, =, ≤,≥ , ≠). An atomic formula, is one of the following: 

R ε Rel

R.a op S.b

R.a op constant, or constant op R.a

A formula is recursively defined to be one of the following, where p and q are themselves formulas, and p(R) denotes a formula in which the variable R appears: •

Any atomic formula

¬p, p ∧ q, p v q, or p ⇒ q

∃R (p(R)), where R is a tuple variable

∀ R (pR), where R is a tuple variable

In the last two clauses above, the quantifiers ∃ and ∀ are said to blind the variable R. A variable is said to be free in a formula or sub formula (a formula contained in a larger formula) if the (sub) formula does not contain an occurrence of a quantifier that binds it. We observe that every variable in a TRC formula appears in a sub formula that is atomic, and every relation schema specifies a domain for each field; this observation ensures that each variable in a TRC formula has a well-defined domain from which values for the variable are drawn. That is, each variable has a well-defined type, in the programming language sense. Informally, an atomic formula R є Rel gives R the type of tuples in Rel, and comparisons such as R.a op S.b and R.a op constant induce type restrictions on the field R.a. If a variable R does not appear in an atomic formula of the form R є Rel (i.e., it appears only in atomic formulas that are comparisons), we will follow the convention that the type of R is a type whose fields include all (and only) fields of R that appear in the formula. We will not define types of variables formally, but the type of a variable should be clear in most cases, and the important point to note is that comparisons of values having different types should always fail. (In discussions of relational calculus, the simplifying assumption is often made that there is a single domain or constants and that this is the domain associated with each field of each relation.) A TRC query is defined to be expression of the form (T! p (T)), where T is the only free variable in the formula p. Semantics of TRC Queries What does a TRC query mean? More precisely, what is the set of answer tuples for a given TRC query the answer to a TRC (T!p(T)), as we noted earlier, is the set of all tuples t for which the formula p(T) evaluates to true with assignments of tuple values to the free variables in formula make the formula evaluate to true. A query is evaluated on a given instance of the database. Let each free variable in a formula F be bound to a tuple value. For the given assignment of tuples to variables, with respect to the given database instance, F evaluates to (or simply ‘is’) true if one of the following holds:

F is an atomic formula R є Rel, and R is assigned a tuple in the instance of relation Rel.

F is a comparison R.a op S.b, R.a op constant, or constant op R.a, and the tuples assigned to R and S have field values R.a and S.b that make the comparison true.

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F is of the form ¬p, and p is not true; or of the form p ∧q, and both p and q are true; or of the form p v q, and one of them is true, or of the form p ⇒ q and q is true whenever p is true.

F is of the form ∃R(p(R)), and there is some assignment of tuples to the free variables in p(R), including the variable R, that makes the formula p(R) true.

F is of the form ∀ R (p(R)), and there is some assignment of tuples to the free variables in p(R) that makes the formula p (R) true no matter what tuple is assigned to R.

Examples of TRC Queries We now illustrate the calculus through several examples, using the instances B1 of Boats, R2 of Reserves, and S3 of Sailors as shown below: Sid
















Instance S3 of Sailors

Bid Bname 101 Titanic 102 Ganga 103 Love 104 Manoj Instance B1 of Boats

Btype Carrier Passenger Racing Racing


































Instance R2 of Reserves We will use parentheses as needed to make our formulas unambiguous. Often, a formula p (R) includes a condition R ∈ Rel, and the meaning of the phrases some tuple R and for all tuples R is intuitive. We will use the notation ∃ R ∈ Rel (p(R) for ∃R(R ∈Rel ∧ p(R)).

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RDBMS Similarly, we use the notation ∀R ∈ Rel (p(R)) for ∀ R (R∈Rel ⇒p(R)). (Q2) find the names and ages of sailors with a rating above 7. (P ! ∃ S ∈ Sailors (S.rating > 7 ∧ fP. Name = S. sname ∧ P.age = S. age)) This query illustrates a useful convention: P is considered to be a tuple variable with exactly two fields, which are called name and age, because these are the only fields of FP that are mentioned and P does not range over any of the relations in the query; that is, there is no subformula of the form P ∈ Relname. The result of this query is a relation with two fields, name and age. The atomic formula P. name = S.sname and P.age = S. age give values to the fields of answer tuple P. On instances B1, R2, and S3, the answer is the set of tuples (Lubber, 55.5), (Andy, 25.5), (Rusty, 35.0), (Zorba, 16.0), and (Horatio,35.0). (Q3) Find the sailor name, boat id, and reservation date for each reservation. {P  ∃ R ∈ Reserves ∃ S ∈ Sailors (R.sid = S.sid ∧ P.bid = R.bid ∧ P.day = R.day ∧ P.sname = S.sname) For each Reserves tuple, we look for a tuple in Sailors with the same sid. Given a pair of such tuples, we construct an answer tuple P with fields sname, bid, and day by copying the corresponding fields from these two tuples. This query illustrates how we can combine values from different relations in each answer tuple. The answer to this query on instances B1, R2, and S3 is shown in figure given below: Sname

































(Q4) find the names of sailors who have reserved boat 103. {p ∃ S ∈ Sailors ∃ R ∈ Reserves (R.sid = S.sid ∧R.bid= 103 ∧P.sname = S.sname)} This query can be read as follows: “Retrieve all sailor tuples for which there exists a tuple in Reserves, having the same value in the sid field, and with bid = 103”. That is, for each sailor tuple, we look for a tuple in Reserves that shows that this sailor has reserved boat 103. The answer tuple P contains just one field, sname. (Q5)

Find the names of sailors who have reserved a red boat. {(P  ∃S ∈ Sailors ∃ R ∈Reserves (R.sid = S. sid ∆∧ FP. Sname = S. sname ∧ ∃ B ∈Boads (B.bid = R.bid ∧ B.color = ‘red’))}

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RDBMS This query can be read as follows: “Retrieve all sailor tuples S for which there exist tuples R in Reserves and B in Boats such that S.sid = R.sid, R.bid = B.bid, and B.color =’red’.” Another way to write this query, which corresponds more closely to this reading, is as follows: {(P | ∃ S x2 Sailors ∃ R ∈Reserves ∃ B ∈ Boats (R.sid = S.sid ∧ B.bid = R.bid ∧ B.color = ‘red’ ∧ P.sname = S.sname)} (Q6) Find the names of sailors who have reserved at least two boats. {P | ∃ S ∈Sailors ∃ R1 ∈ Reserves ∃ R2 ∈ Reserves (S.sid = R1.sid ∧ R1.sid = R2.sid ∧ R1.bid ≠ R2.bid ∧ P.sname = S.sname) } Contrast this query with the algebra version and see how much simpler the calculus version is. In past, this difference is due to the cumbersome renaming of fields in the algebra version, but the calculus version really is simple. (Q7) Find the names of sailors who have reserved all boats. {P | ∃ S ∈ Sailors ∀B ∈ Boats (∃R ∈ Reserves (S.sid = R.sid ∧R.bid = B.bid ∧ P.sname = S.sname)) } This query was expressed using the division operator in relational algebra. Notice how easily it is expressed in the calculus. The calculus query directly reflects how we might express the query in English: “Find sailors S such that for all boats B there is a Reserves tuple showing that sailor S has reserved boat B.” (Q 8 ) Find sailors who have reserved all red boats. { S | S ∈ Sailors ∧ ∀ B ∈ Boats (B.color =’red’ ⇒ (∃R ∈ Reserves (S.sid = R.sid ∧ R.bid = B.bid))} This query can be read as follows: For each candidate (sailor), if a boat is red, the sailor must have reserved it. That is, for a candidate sailor, a boat being red must imply the sailor having reserved it. Observe that since we can return an entire sailor tuple as the answer instead of just the sailor’s name, we have avoided introducing a new free variable (e.g., the variable P in the previous example) to hold the answer values. On instances B1, R2, and S3, the answer contains the Sailors tuples with sid 22 and 31. We can write this query without using implication, by observing that an expression of the form p ⇒q is logically equivalent to y3 p v q: { S | S ∈ Sailors ∧∀ B ∈Boats (B.color ≠ ‘red’ v (∃ R ∈ Reserves (S.sid = R.sid ∧R.bid = B.bid)))} This query should be read as follows: “Find sailors S such that for all boats B, either the boat is not red or a Reserves tuple shows that sailor S has reserved boat B.”

5.7.2 Domain Relational Calculus A domain variable is a variable that ranges over the values in the domain of some attribute (e.g., the variable can be assigned an integer if it appears in an attribute whose domain is the set of integers). A DRC query has the form { (∃, x2,……,xn) |p ((∃, x2,…..,xn)) }, where each xi is either a domain variable or a constant and p ((∃, x2,…..,xn)) denotes a DRC formula whose only free variables are the variables among the xi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. The result of this query is the set of all tuples (∃,x2,…,xn) for which the formula evaluates to true.

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RDBMS A DRC formula is defined in a manner that is very similar to the definition of a TRC formula. The main difference is that the variables are now domain variables. Let op denote an operator in the set { <,>, = ≤, ≠} and let X and Y be domain variables. An atomic formula in DRC is one of the following:

(∃, x2,…,xn) ∈Rel, where Rel is a relation with n attributes; each xi, 1 ≤ i n is either a variable or a constant.

X op Y

X op constant, or constant op X

A formula is recursively defined to be one of the following, where p and q are themselves formulas, and p(X) denotes a formula in which the variable X appears: •

Any atomic formula

p, p ∧ q, p V q, or p⇒ q

∃ X (p(X)), where X is a domain variable

∀ X (p(X), where X is a domain variable

the reader is invited to compare this definition with the definition of TRC formulas and see how closely these two definitions correspond. We will not define the semantics of DRC formulas formally; this is left as an exercise for the reader. Examples of DRC Queries We now illustrate DRC through several examples. The reader is invited to compare these with the TRC versions. (Q2) Find all sailors with a rating above 7. { (I,N,T,A) | (I, N, T, A) ∈ Sailors ∧ T > 7 } This differs from the TRC version in giving each attribute a (variable) name. The condition (I, N, T, A) ∈ Sailors ensures that the domain variables I, N, T, and A are restricted to be fields of the same tuple. In comparison with the TRC query, we can say T>7 instead of S.rating > 7, but we must specify the tuple (I, N,T, A) in the result, rather than just S. (Q4) Find the names of sailors who have reserved boat 103. { (N) | ∃ I, T, A ((I,N,T,A) ∈ Sailors ∧∃ Ir, Br, D((Ir, Br, D ) ∈ Reserves ∧ Ir = I ∧ Br = 103)) } Notice that only the sname field is retained in the answer and that only N is a free variable. We use the notation ∃ Ir, Br, D(..) as a shorthand for x1 Ir (∃Br (∃D(..)))). Very often, all the quantified variables appear in a single relation, as in this example. an even more compact notation in this case is ∃ (Ir, Br, D) ∈ Reserves. With this notation, which we will use henceforth, the above query would be as follows: { (N) || ∃ I, T, A((I,N,T, A ) ∈ Sailors ∧ ∃(Ir, Br, D) ∈ Reserves (Ir = I ∧ Br = 103 )) } The comparison with the corresponding TRC formula should now be straightforward. This query can also be written as follows; notice the repetition of variable I and the use of the constant 103: { (N) | ∃ I, T, A((I,N,T,A) ∈Sailors ∧ ∃D ((I, 103, D ) ∈Reserves))}

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RDBMS (Q5) Find the names of sailors who have reserved a red boat. { (N) | ∃ I,T, A((I, N, T, A) ∈ Sailors ∧ ∃ (I, Br, D) ∈ Reserves ∧ ∃ (Br, BN, ‘red) ∈Boats) } (Q6) Find the names of sailors who have reserved at least two boats. {(N) | ∃I, T, A((I, N, T, A) ∈ Sailors ∧ ∃ Brl, Br2 , D1, D2 ((I, Brl, D1) ∈Reserves ∧ (I,Br2, D2) ∈ Reserves ∧ Brl ≠ Br2))} Notice how the repeated use of variable I insures that the same sailor has reserved both the boats in question. (Q7) Find the names of sailors who have reserved all boats. { (N) | ∃I, T, A((I,N, T, A) ∈ Sailors ∧ ∀B, BN, C(¬((B, BN, C) ∈ Boats) V (∃(Ir, Br, D) ∈Reserves (I= Ir ∧ Br = B))))} This query can be read as follows: “Find all values of N such that there is some tuple (I,N,T,A) in Sailors satisfying the following condition: for every (B,BN,C), either this is not a tuple in Boats or there is some tuple (Ir, Br, D ) in Reserves that proves that Sailor I has reserved boat B.” The ∀ quantifier allows the domain variables B, BN, and C to range over all values in their respective attribute domains, and the pattern ‘ ¬((B, BN, C) ∈ Boats) V’ is necessary to restrict attention to those values that appear in tuples of boats. This pattern is common in DRC formulas, and the notation ∀ (B, BN, C) ∈ Boats can be used shorthand instead. This is similar to the notation introduced earlier for ∃. With this notation the query would be written as follows: { (N) | ∃ I, T, A((I,N,T,A) ∈ Sailors ∧ ∀ (B,BN,C ) ∈ Boats (∃( Ir, Br, D) ∈ Reserves ( I = Ir ∧ Br = B)))} (Q8) Find sailors who have reserved all red boats. { (I, N, T, A) | (I,N,T,A) ∈Sailors ∧∀( B, BN, C) ∈Boats (C =’red’ ⇒ ∃( Ir, Br, D) ∈ Reserves (I = Ir ∧ Br = B))} Here, we find all sailors such that for every red boat there is a tuple in Reserves that shows the sailor has reserved it. SQL language is a " Query language", it contains many other capabilities besides querying a data base. It includes features for defining the structure of the data, for modifying the data in data base, and for specifying security constrains. SQL has clearly established itself as the standard relational-data base language.

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6.1 Use Of SQL 6.2 DDL Statements 6.3 DML Statements 6.4 View Definitions 6.5 Constraints and Triggers 6.6 Keys and Foreign Keys 6.7 Constraints on Attributes and Tuples 6.8 Modification of Constraints 6.9 Cursors 6.10Dynamic SQL 6.1 Introduction Of SQL At the heart of every DBMS is a language that is similar to a programming language, but different in that it is designed specifically for communicating with a database. One powerful language is SQL. IBM developed SQL in the late 1970s and early 1980s as a way to standardize query language across the many mainframe and microcomputer platforms that company produced. SQL differs significantly from programming languages. Most programming languages are still procedural. Procedural language consists of commands that tell the computer what to do -instruction by instruction, step by step. SQL is not a programming language itself, it is a data access language. SQL may be embedded in traditional procedural programming languages (like COBOL). SQL statement is not really command to the computer. Rather, it is a description of some of the data contained in a database. SQL is nonprocedural because it does not give step-bystep commands to the computer or database. SQL describes data, and instructs the database to do something with the data. For example: SELECT [Name], [Company_Name] FROM Contacts WHERE ((City = "Kansas City", and ([Name] ="R..")) 6.2 DDL Statements Data Definition Language is a set of SQL commands used to create, modify and delete database structures (not data). These commands wouldn't normally be used by a general user, who should be accessing the database via an application. They are normally used by the DBA (to a limited extent), a database designer or application developer. These statements are immediate, they are not susceptible to ROLLBACK commands. You should also note that if you have executed several DML updates then issuing any DDL command will COMMIT all the updates as every DDL command implicitly issues a COMMIT command to the database. Anybody using DDL must have the CREATE object privilege and a Table space area in which to create objects. In an Oracle database objects can be created at any time, whether users are on-line or not. Table space need not be specified as Oracle will pick up the user defaults (defined by the DBA) or the system defaults. Tables will expand automatically to fill disk partitions (provided this has been set up in advance by the DBA). Table structures may be modified on-line although this can have dire effects on an application so be careful. These examples use example data from here, you may want to print this data for convenience.

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RDBMS Creating our two example tables CREATE TABLE BOOK ( ISBN NUMBER(10), TITLE VARCHAR2(200), AUTHOR VARCHAR2(50), COST NUMBER(8,2), LENT_DATE DATE, RETURNED_DATE DATE, TIMES_LENT NUMBER(6), SECTION_ID NUMBER(3) ) CREATE TABLE SECTION ( SECTION_ID NUMBER(3), SECTION_NAME CHAR(30), BOOK_COUNT NUMBER(6) ) The two commands above create our two sample tables and demonstrate the basic table creation command. The CREATE keyword is followed by the type of object that we want created (TABLE, VIEW, INDEX etc.), and that is followed by the name we want the object to be known by. Between the outer brackets lie the parameters for the creation, in this case the names, data-types and sizes of each field. A NUMBER is a numeric field, the size is not the maximum externally displayed number but the size of the internal binary field set aside for the field (10 can hold a very large number). A number size split with a comma denotes the field size followed by the number of digits following the decimal point (in this case a currency field has two significant digits) A VARCHAR2 is a variable length string field from 0-n where n is the specified size. Oracle only takes up the space required to hold any value in the field, it doesn't allocate the entire storage space unless required to by a maximum sized field value (Max size 2000). A CHAR is a fixed length string field (Max size 255). A DATE is an internal date/time field (normally 7 bytes long). A LONG or LONG RAW field (not shown) is used to hold large binary objects (Word documents, AVI files etc.). No size is specified for these field types. (Max size 2Gb). Creating our two example tables with constraints Constraints are used to enforce table rules and prevent data dependent deletion (enforce database integrity). You may also use them to enforce business rules (with some imagination). Our two example tables do have some rules which need enforcing, specifically both tables need to have a prime key (so that the database doesn't allow replication of data). And the Section ID needs to be linked to each book to identify which library section it belongs to (the foreign key). We also want to specify which columns must be filled in and possibly some default values for other columns. Constraints can be at the column or table level. Constraint


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NOT NULL specifies that a column must have some value. NULL (default) allows NULL values in the column.


Specifies some default value if no value entered by user.


Specifies that column(s) must have unique values


Specifies that column(s) are the table prime key and must have unique values. Index is automatically generated for column.


Specifies that column(s) are a table foreign key and will use referential uniqueness of parent table. Index is automatically generated for column. Foreign keys allow deletion cascades and table / business rule validation.


Applies a condition to an input column value.


You may suffix DISABLE to any other constraint to make Oracle ignore the constraint, the constraint will still be available to applications / tools and you can enable the constraint later if required.

CREATE TABLE SECTION ( SECTION_ID NUMBER(3) CONSTRAINT S_ID CHECK (SECTION_ID > 0), SECTION_NAME CHAR(30) CONSTRAINT S_NAME NOT NULL, BOOK_COUNT NUMBER(6), CONSTRAINT SECT_PRIME PRIMARY KEY (SECTION_ID)) CREATE TABLE BOOK ( ISBN NUMBER(10) CONSTRAINT B_ISBN CHECK (ISBN BETWEEN 1 AND 2000), TITLE VARCHAR2(200) CONSTRAINT B_TITLE NOT NULL, AUTHOR VARCHAR2(50) CONSTRAINT B_AUTH NOT NULL, COST NUMBER(8,2) DEFAULT 0.00 DISABLE, LENT_DATE DATE, RETURNED_DATE DATE, TIMES_LENT NUMBER(6), SECTION_ID NUMBER(3), CONSTRAINT BOOK_PRIME PRIMARY KEY (ISBN), CONSTRAINT BOOK_SECT FOREIGN KEY (SECTION_ID) REFERENCES SECTION(SECTION_ID)) We have now created our tables with constraints. Column level constraints go directly after the column definition to which they refer, table level constraints go after the last column definition. Table level constraints are normally used (and must be used) for compound (multi column) foreign and prime key definitions, the example table level constraints could have been placed as column definitions if that was your preference (there would have been no difference to their function). The CONSTRAINT keyword is followed by a unique constraint name and then the constraint definition. The constraint name is used to manipulate the constraint once the table has been created, you may omit the CONSTRAINT keyword and constraint name if you wish but you will then have no easy way of enabling / disabling the constraint without deleting the table and rebuilding it, Oracle does give default names to constraints not explicitly name - you can check these by selecting from the USER_CONSTRAINTS data dictionary view. Note that the CHECK constraint implements any clause that would be valid in a SELECT WHERE clause (enclosed in brackets), any value inbound to this column would be validated before the table is updated and accepted / rejected via the CHECK clause. Note that the order that the tables are created in has changed, this is because we now reference the SECTION table from the BOOK table. The SECTION table must exist before we create the BOOK table else we will receive an error when we try to create the BOOK table. The foreign key constraint cross references the field SECTION_ID in the BOOK table to the field (and primary key) SECTION_ID in the SECTION table (REFERENCES keyword).

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RDBMS If we wish we can introduce cascading validation and some constraint violation logging to our tables. CREATE TABLE AUDIT ( ROWID ROWID, OWNER VARCHAR2, TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2, CONSTRAINT VARCHAR2) CREATE TABLE SECTION ( SECTION_ID NUMBER(3) CONSTRAINT S_ID CHECK (SECTION_ID > 0), SECTION_NAME CHAR(30) CONSTRAINT S_NAME NOT NULL, BOOK_COUNT NUMBER(6), CONSTRAINT SECT_PRIME PRIMARY KEY (SECTION_ID), EXCEPTIONS INTO AUDIT) CREATE TABLE BOOK ( ISBN NUMBER(10) CONSTRAINT B_ISBN CHECK (ISBN BETWEEN 1 AND 2000), TITLE VARCHAR2(200) CONSTRAINT B_TITLE NOT NULL, AUTHOR VARCHAR2(50) CONSTRAINT B_AUTH NOT NULL, COST NUMBER(8,2) DEFAULT 0.00 DISABLE, LENT_DATE DATE, RETURNED_DATE DATE, TIMES_LENT NUMBER(6), SECTION_ID NUMBER(3), CONSTRAINT BOOK_PRIME PRIMARY KEY (ISBN), CONSTRAINT BOOK_SECT FOREIGN KEY (SECTION_ID) REFERENCES SECTION(SECTION_ID) ON DELETE CASCADE) Oracle (and any other decent RDBMS) would not allow us to delete a section which had books assigned to it as this breaks integrity rules. If we wanted to get rid of all the book records assigned to a particular section when that section was deleted we could implement a DELETE CASCADE. The delete cascade operates across a foreign key link and removes all child records associated with a parent record (we would probably want to reassign the books rather than delete them in the real world). To log constraint violations I have created a new table (AUDIT) and stated that all exceptions on the SECTION table should be logged in this table, you can then view the contents of this table with standard SELECT statements. The AUDIT table must have the shown structure but can be called anything. It is possible to record a description or comment against a newly created or existing table or individual column by using the COMMENT command. The comment command writes your table / column description into the data dictionary. You can query column comments by selecting against dictionary views ALL_COL_COMMENTS and USER_COL_COMMENTS. You can query table comments by selecting against dictionary views ALL_TAB_COMMENTS and USER_TAB_COMMENTS. Comments can be up to 255 characters long. Altering tables and constraints Modification of database object structure is executed with the ALTER statement. You can modify a constraint as follows :Add new constraint to column or table.

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RDBMS Remove constraint. Enable / disable constraint. You cannot change a constraint definition. You can modify a table as follows :Add new columns. Modify existing columns. You cannot delete an existing column. An example of adding a column to a table is given below :ALTER TABLE JD11.BOOK ADD (REVIEW VARCHAR2(200)) This statement adds a new column (REVIEW) to our book table, to enable library members to browse the database and read short reviews of the books. If we want to add a constraint to our new column we can use the following ALTER statement :ALTER TABLE JD11.BOOK MODIFY(REVIEW NOT NULL) Note that we can't specify a constraint name with the above statement. If we wanted to further modify a constraint (other than enable / disable) we would have to drop the constraint and then re apply it specifying any changes. Assuming that we decide that 200 bytes is insufficient for our review field we might then want to increase its size. The statement below demonstrates this :ALTER TABLE JD11.BOOK MODIFY (REVIEW VARCHAR2(400)) We could not decrease the size of the column if the REVIEW column contained any data. ALTER TABLE JD11.BOOK DISABLE CONSTRAINT B_AUTH ALTER TABLE JD11.BOOK ENABLE CONSTRAINT B_AUTH The above statements demonstrate disabling and enabling a constraint, note that if, between disabling a constraint and re enabling it, data was entered to the table that included NULL values in the AUTHOR column, then you wouldn't be able to re enable the constraint. This is because the existing data would break the constraint integrity. You could update the column to replace NULL values with some default and then re enable the constraint. Dropping (deleting) tables and constraints To drop a constraint from a table we use the ALTER statement with a DROP clause. Some examples follow :ALTER TABLE JD11.BOOK DROP CONSTRAINT B_AUTH The above statement will remove the not null constraint (defined at table creation) from the AUTHOR column. The value following the CONSTRAINT keyword is the name of constraint.

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RDBMS ALTER TABLE JD11.BOOK DROP PRIMARY KEY The above statement drops the primary key constraint on the BOOK table. ALTER TABLE JD11.SECTION DROP PRIMARY KEY CASCADE The above statement drops the primary key on the SECTION table. The CASCADE option drops the foreign key constraint on the BOOK table at the same time. Use the DROP command to delete database structures like tables. Dropping a table removes the structure, data, privileges, views and synonyms associated with the table (you cannot rollback the DROP so be careful). You can specify a CASCADE option to ensure that constraints refering to the dropped table within other tables (foreign keys) are also removed by the DROP. DROP TABLE SECTION The above statement drops the table SECTION but leaves the foreign key reference within the BOOK table. DROP TABLE SECTION CASCADE CONSTRAINTS 6.3 DML Statements Data manipulation language is the area of SQL that allows you to change data within the database. It consists of only three command statement groups, they are INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. Inserting new rows into a table We insert new rows into a table with the INSERT INTO command. A simple example is given below. INSERT INTO JD11.SECTION VALUES (SECIDNUM.NEXTVAL, 'Computing', 0) The INSERT INTO command is followed by the name of the table (and owning schema if required), this in turn is followed by the VALUES keyword which denotes the start of the value list. The value list comprises all the values to insert into the specified columns. We have not specified the columns we want to insert into in this example so we must provide a value for each and every column in the correct order. The correct order of values can be determined by doing a SELECT * or DESCRIBE against the required table, the order that the columns are displayed is the order of the values that you specify in the value list. If we want to specify columns individually (when not filling all values in a new row) we can do this with a column list specified before the VALUES keyword. Our example is reworked below, note that we can specify the columns in any order - our values are now in the order that we specified for the column list. INSERT INTO JD11.SECTION SECIDNUM.NEXTVAL)





In the above example we haven't specified the BOOK_COUNT column so we don't provide a value for it, this column will be set to NULL which is acceptable since we don't have any constraint on the column that would prevent our new row from being inserted. The SQL required to generate the data in the two test tables is given below.

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RDBMS (ISBN, TITLE, AUTHOR, COST, LENT_DATE, RETURNED_DATE, TIMES_LENT, SECTION_ID) VALUES (101, 'The story of trent', 'T.Wilbury', 17.89, '10-JAN-98', '16-JAN-98', 12, 6); INSERT INTO JD11.BOOK (ISBN, TITLE, AUTHOR, COST, LENT_DATE, RETURNED_DATE, TIMES_LENT, SECTION_ID) VALUES (8, 'Over the past again', 'K.Jenkins', 19.87, NULL, NULL, NULL, 10); INSERT INTO JD11.BOOK (ISBN, TITLE, AUTHOR, COST, LENT_DATE, RETURNED_DATE, TIMES_LENT, SECTION_ID) VALUES (79, 'Courses for horses', 'H.Harriot', 10.34, '17-JAN-98', NULL, 12, 9); INSERT INTO JD11.BOOK (ISBN, TITLE, AUTHOR, COST, LENT_DATE, RETURNED_DATE, TIMES_LENT, SECTION_ID) VALUES (989, 'Leaning on a tree', 'M.Kilner', 19.41, '12-NOV-97', '22-NOV-97', 56, 11); Changing row values with UPDATE The UPDATE command allows you to change the values of rows in a table, you can include a WHERE clause in the same fashion as the SELECT statement to indicate which row(s) you want values changed in. In much the same way as the INSERT statement you specify the columns you want to update and the new values for those specified columns. The combination of WHERE clause (row selection) and column specification (column selection) allows you to pinpoint exactly the value(s) you want changed. Unlike the INSERT command the UPDATE command can change multiple rows so you should take care that you are updating only the values you want changed (see the transactions discussion for methods of limiting damage from accidental updates). An example is given below, this example will update a single row in our BOOK table :UPDATE JD11.BOOK SET TITLE = 'Leaning on a wall', AUTHOR = 'J.Killner', TIMES_LENT = 0, LENT_DATE = NULL, RETURNED_DATE = NULL WHERE ISBN = 989 We specify the table to be updated after the UPDATE keyword. Following the SET keyword we specify a comma delimited list of column names / new values, each column to be updated must be specified here (note that you can set columns to NULL by using the NULL keyword instead of a new value). The WHERE clause follows the last column / new value specification and is constructed in the same way as for the SELECT statement, use the WHERE clause to pinpoint which rows to be updated. If you don't specify a WHERE clause on an UPDATE command all rows will be updated (this may or may not be the desired result). Deleting rows with DELETE The DELETE command allows you to remove rows from a table, you can include a WHERE clause in the same fashion as the SELECT statement to indicate which row(s) you want deleted - in nearly all cases you should specify a WHERE clause, running a DELETE without a WHERE clause deletes ALL rows from the table. Unlike the INSERT command the DELETE command can change multiple rows so you should take great care that you are deleting only the rows you want removed (see the transactions discussion for methods of limiting damage from accidental deletions). An example is given below, this example will delete a single row in our BOOK table :DELETE FROM JD11.BOOK WHERE ISBN = 989

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RDBMS The DELETE FROM command is followed by the name of the table from which a row will be deleted, followed by a WHERE clause specifying the column / condition values for the deletion. DELETE FROM JD11.BOOK WHERE ISBN <> 989 This delete removes all records from the BOOK table except the one specified. Remember that if you omit the WHERE clause all rows will be deleted.

6.4 View Definitions DBMaker provides several convenient methods of customizing and speeding up access to your data. Views and synonyms are supported to allow user-defined views and names for database objects. Indexes provide a much faster method of retrieving data from a table when you use a column with an index in a query. Managing Views: DBMaker provides the ability to define a virtual table, called a view, which is based on existing tables and is stored in the database as a definition and a user-defined view name. The view definition is stored persistently in the database, but the actual data that you will see in the view is not physically stored anywhere. Rather, the data is stored in the base tables from which the view's rows are derived. A view is defined by a query which references one or more tables (or other views). Views are a very helpful mechanism for using a database. For example, you can define complex queries once and use them repeatedly without having to re-invent them over and over. Furthermore, views can be used to enhance the security of your database by restricting access to a predetermined set of rows and/or columns of a table. Since views are derived from querying tables, you can not determine the rows of the tables to update. Due to this limitation views can only be queried. Users can not update, insert into, or delete from views. Creating Views : Each view is defined by a name together with a query that references tables or other views. You can specify a list of column names for the view different from those in the original table when creating a view. If you do not specify any new column names, the view will use the column names from the underlying tables. For example, if you want users to see only three columns of the table Employees, you can create a view with the SQL command shown below. Users can then view only the FirstName, LastName and Telephone columns of the table Employees through the view empView. dmSQL> create view empView (FirstName, LastName, Telephone) as select FirstName, LastName, Phone from Employees; The query that defines a view cannot contain the ORDER BY clause or UNION operator. Dropping Views : You can drop a view when it is no longer required. When you drop a view, only the definition stored in system catalog is removed. There is no effect on the base tables that the view was derived from. To drop a view, execute the following command: dmSQL> DROP VIEW empView; Managing Synonyms

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RDBMS A synonym is an alias, or alternate name, for any table or view. Since a synonym is simply an alias, it requires no storage other than its definition in the system catalog. Synonyms are useful for simplifying a fully qualified table or view name. DBMaker normally identifies tables and views with fully qualified names that are composites of the owner and object names. By using a synonym anyone can access a table or view through the corresponding synonym without having to use the fully qualified name. Because a synonym has no owner name, all synonyms in the database must be unique so DBMaker can identify them. Creating Synonyms You can create a synonym with the following SQL command: dmSQL> create synonym Employees for Employees; If the owner of the table Employees is the SYSADM, this command creates an alias named Employees for the table SYSADM.Employees. All database users can directly reference the table SYSADM.Employees through the synonym Employees. Dropping Synonyms You can drop a synonym that is no longer required. When you drop a synonym, only its definition is removed from the system catalog. The following SQL command drops the synonym Employees: dmSQL> drop synonym Employees; Managing Indexes An index provides support for fast random access to a row. You can build indexes on a table to speed up searching. For example, when you execute the query SELECT NAME FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE NUMBER = 10005, it is possible to retrieve the data in a much shorter time if there is an index created on the NUMBER column. An index can be composed of more than one column, up to a maximum of 16 columns. Although a table can have up to 252 columns, only the first 127 columns can be used in an index. An index can be unique or non-unique. In a unique index, no more than one row can have the same key value, with the exception that any number of rows may have NULL values. If you create a unique index on a non-empty table, DBMaker will check whether all existing keys are distinct or not. If there are duplicate keys, DBMaker will return an error message. After creating a unique index on a table, you can insert a row in this table and DBMaker will certify that there is no existing row that already has the same key as the new row. When creating an index, you can specify the sort order of each index column as ascending or descending. For example, suppose there are five keys in a table with the values 1, 3, 9, 2, and 6. In ascending order the sequence of keys in the index is 1, 2, 3, 6, and 9, and in descending order the sequence of keys in the index is 9, 6, 3, 2, and 1. When you implement a query, the index order will occasionally affect the order of the data output. For example, if you have a table name friends with NAME and AGE columns, the output will appear as below when you execute the query SELECT NAME, AGE FROM FRIEND_TABLE WHERE AGE > 20 using a descending index on the AGE column. name age ---------------- ---------------Jeff 49 Kevin 40 Jerry 38 Hughes 30 Cathy 22 As for tables, when you create an index you can specify the fillfactor for it. The fill factor denotes how dense the keys will be in the index pages. The legal fill factor values are in the range from 1% to 100%, and the default is 100%. If you often update data after creating the index, you can set a

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RDBMS loose fill factor in the index, for example 60%. If you never update the data in this table, you can leave the fill factor at the default value of 100%. Before creating indexes on a table, it is recommended that you load all your data first, especially if you have a large amount of data for that table. If you create an index before loading the data into a table, the indexes will be updated each time you load a new row. As you can see, it is far more efficient to create an index after loading a large amount of data than to create an index before loading the data. Creating Indexes : To create an index on a table, you must specify the index name and index columns. You can specify the sort order of each column as ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). The default sort order is ascending. For example, the following SQL command creates an index IDX1 on the column NUMBER of table EMPLOYEES in descending order. dmSQL> create index idx1 on Employees (Number desc); Also, if you want to create a unique index you have to explicitly specify it. Otherwise DBMaker implicitly creates non-unique indexes. The following example shows you how to create a unique index idx1 on the column Number of the table Employees: dmSQL> create unique index idx1 on Employees (Number); The next example shows you how to create an index with a specified fill factor: dmSQL> create index idx2 on Employees(Number, LastName DESC) fillfactor 60; Dropping Indexes: You can drop indexes using the DROP INDEX statement. In general, you might need to drop an index if it becomes fragmented, which reduces its efficiency. Rebuilding the index will create a denser, unfragmented index. If the index is a primary key and is referred to by other tables, it cannot be dropped. The following SQL command drops the index idx1 from the table Employees. dmSQL> drop index idx1 from Employees; 6.5 Constraints and Triggers Constraints are declaractions of conditions about the database that must remain true. These include attributed-based, tuple-based, key, and referential integrity constraints. The system checks for the violation of the constraints on actions that may cause a violation, and aborts the action accordingly. Information on SQL constraints can be found in the textbook. The Oracle implementation of constraints differs from the SQL standard, as documented in Oracle 9i SQL versus Standard SQL. Triggers are a special PL/SQL construct similar to procedures. However, a procedure is executed explicitly from another block via a procedure call, while a trigger is executed implicitly whenever the triggering event happens. The triggering event is either INSERT or DELETE, or UPDATE command. The timing can be either BEFORE or AFTER. The trigger can be either row-level or statement-level, where the former fires once for each row affected by the triggering statement and the latter fires once for the whole statement Constraints are declarations of conditions about the database that must remain true. These include attributed-based, tuple-based, key, and referential integrity constraints. The system checks for the violation of the constraints on actions that may cause a violation, and aborts the action accordingly. Information on SQL constraints can be found in the textbook. The Oracle

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RDBMS implementation of constraints differs from the SQL standard, as documented in Oracle 9i SQL versus Standard SQL. Triggers are a special PL/SQL construct similar to procedures. However, a procedure is executed explicitly from another block via a procedure call, while a trigger is executed implicitly whenever the triggering event happens. The triggering event is either a INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE command. The timing can be either BEFORE or AFTER. The trigger can be either row-level or statement-level, where the former fires once for each row affected by the triggering statement and the latter fires once for the whole statement. Deferring Constraint Checking Sometimes it is necessary to defer the checking of certain constraints, most commonly in the "chicken-and-egg" problem. Suppose we want to say: CREATE TABLE chicken (cID INT PRIMARY KEY, eID INT REFERENCES egg(eID)); CREATE TABLE egg(eID INT PRIMARY KEY, cID INT REFERENCES chicken(cID)); But if we simply type the above statements into Oracle, we'll get an error. The reason is that the CREATE TABLE statement for chicken refers to table egg, which hasn't been created yet! Creating egg won't help either, because egg refers to chicken. To work around this problem, we need SQL schema modification commands. First, create chicken and egg without foreign key declarations: CREATE TABLE chicken(cID INT PRIMARY KEY, eID INT); CREATE TABLE egg(eID INT PRIMARY KEY, cID INT); Then, we add foreign key constraints: ALTER TABLE chicken ADD CONSTRAINT chickenREFegg FOREIGN KEY (eID) REFERENCES egg(eID) INITIALLY DEFERRED DEFERRABLE; ALTER TABLE egg ADD CONSTRAINT eggREFchicken FOREIGN KEY (cID) REFERENCES chicken(cID) INITIALLY DEFERRED DEFERRABLE; INITIALLY DEFERRED DEFERRABLE tells Oracle to do deferred constraint checking. For example, to insert (1, 2) into chicken and (2, 1) into egg, we use: INSERT INTO chicken VALUES(1, 2); INSERT INTO egg VALUES(2, 1); COMMIT; Because we've declared the foreign key constraints as "deferred", they are only checked at the commit point. (Without deferred constraint checking, we cannot insert anything into chicken and egg, because the first INSERT would always be a constraint violation.) Finally, to get rid of the tables, we have to drop the constraints first, because Oracle won't allow us to drop a table that's referenced by another table.

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RDBMS ALTER TABLE egg DROP CONSTRAINT eggREFchicken; ALTER TABLE chicken DROP CONSTRAINT chickenREFegg; DROP TABLE egg; DROP TABLE chicken; Basic Trigger Syntax: Below is the syntax for creating a trigger in Oracle (which differs slightly from standard SQL syntax): CREATE [OR REPLACE] TRIGGER {BEFORE|AFTER} {INSERT|DELETE|UPDATE} ON [REFERENCING [NEW AS ] [OLD AS ]] [FOR EACH ROW [WHEN ()]] Some important points to note: •

You can create only BEFORE and AFTER triggers for tables. (INSTEAD OF triggers are only available for views; typically they are used to implement view updates.)

You may specify up to three triggering events using the keyword OR. Furthermore, UPDATE can be optionally followed by the keyword OF and a list of attribute(s) in . If present, the OF clause defines the event to be only an update of the attribute(s) listed after OF. Here are some examples: ... INSERT ON R ...

• • • •


If FOR EACH ROW option is specified, the trigger is row-level; otherwise, the trigger is statement-level.

Only for row-level triggers: o The special variables NEW and OLD are available to refer to new and old tuples respectively. Note: In the trigger body, NEW and OLD must be preceded by a colon (":"), but in the WHEN clause, they do not have a preceding colon! See example below. o The REFERENCING clause can be used to assign aliases to the variables NEW and OLD. o A trigger restriction can be specified in the WHEN clause, enclosed by parentheses. The trigger restriction is a SQL condition that must be satisfied in order for Oracle to fire the trigger. This condition cannot contain subqueries. Without the WHEN clause, the trigger is fired for each row.

is a PL/SQL block, rather than sequence of SQL statements. Oracle has placed certain restrictions on what you can do in , in order to avoid situations where one trigger performs an action that triggers a second trigger, which then triggers a third, and so on, which could potentially create an infinite loop. The restrictions on include:

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You cannot modify the same relation whose modification is the event triggering the trigger. You cannot modify a relation connected to the triggering relation by another constraint such as a foreign-key constraint.

Trigger Example We illustrate Oracle's syntax for creating a trigger through an example based on the following two tables: CREATE TABLE T4 (a INTEGER, b CHAR(10)); CREATE TABLE T5 (c CHAR(10), d INTEGER); We create a trigger that may insert a tuple into T5 when a tuple is inserted into T4. Specifically, the trigger checks whether the new tuple has a first component 10 or less, and if so inserts the reverse tuple into T5: CREATE TRIGGER trig1 AFTER INSERT ON T4 REFERENCING NEW AS newRow FOR EACH ROW WHEN (newRow.a <= 10) BEGIN INSERT INTO T5 VALUES(:newRow.b, :newRow.a); END trig1; . run; Notice that we end the CREATE TRIGGER statement with a dot and run, as for all PL/SQL statements in general. Running the CREATE TRIGGER statement only creates the trigger; it does not execute the trigger. Only a triggering event, such as an insertion into T4 in this example, causes the trigger to execute. Displaying Trigger Definition Errors As for PL/SQL procedures, if you get a message Warning: Trigger created with compilation errors. you can see the error messages by typing show errors trigger ; Alternatively, you can type, SHO ERR (short for SHOW ERRORS) to see the most recent compilation error. Note that the reported line numbers where the errors occur are not accurate. Viewing Defined Triggers To view a list of all defined triggers, use: select trigger_name from user_triggers; For more details on a particular trigger: select trigger_type, triggering_event, table_name, referencing_names, trigger_body from user_triggers where trigger_name = ''; Dropping Triggers To drop a trigger: drop trigger ;

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RDBMS Disabling Triggers To disable or enable a trigger: alter trigger {disable|enable}; Aborting Triggers with Error Triggers can often be used to enforce contraints. The WHEN clause or body of the trigger can check for the violation of certain conditions and signal an error accordingly using the Oracle builtin function RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR. The action that activated the trigger (insert, update, or delete) would be aborted. For example, the following trigger enforces the constraint Person.age >= 0: create table Person (age int); CREATE TRIGGER PersonCheckAge AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OF age ON Person FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF (:new.age < 0) THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'no negative age allowed'); END IF;


If we attempted to execute the insertion: insert into Person values (-3); we would get the error message: ERROR at line 1: ORA-20000: no negative age allowed ORA-06512: at "MYNAME.PERSONCHECKAGE", line 3 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'MYNAME.PERSONCHECKAGE' and nothing would be inserted. In general, the effects of both the trigger and the triggering statement are rolled back.

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RDBMS 6.6 Keys and Foreign Keys The word "key" is much used and abused in the context of relational database design. In prerelational databases (hierarchtical, networked) and file systems (ISAM, VSAM, et al) "key" often referred to the specific structure and components of a linked list, chain of pointers, or other physical locator outside of the data. It is thus natural, but unfortunate, that today people often associate "key" with a RDBMS "index". We will explain what a key is and how it differs from an index. According to Codd, Date, and all other experts, a key has only one meaning in relational theory: it is a set of one or more columns whose combined values are unique among all occurrences in a given table. A key is the relational means of specifying uniqueness.

Why Keys Are Important? Keys are crucial to a table structure for the following reasons: They ensure that each record in a table is precisely identified. As you already know, a table represents a singular collection of similar objects or events. (For example, a CLASSES table represents a collection of classes, not just a single class.) The complete set of records within the table constitutes the collection, and each record represents a unique instance of the table's subject within that collection. You must have some means of accurately identifying each instance, and a key is the device that allows you to do so. They help establish and enforce various types of integrity. Keys are a major component of tablelevel integrity and relationship-level integrity. For instance, they enable you to ensure that a table has unique records and that the fields you use to establish a relationship between a pair of tables always contain matching values. They serve to establish table relationships. As you'll learn in Chapter 10, you'll use keys to establish a relationship between a pair of tables. There are only three types of relational keys (foreign keys are another issue and discussed separately): Candidate Key As stated above, a candidate key is any set of one or more columns whose combined values are unique among all occurrences (i.e., tuples or rows). Since a null value is not guaranteed to be unique, no component of a candidate key is allowed to be null. There can be any number of candidate keys in a table (as demonstrated elsewhere). Relational pundits are not in agreement whether zero candidate keys is acceptable, since that would contradict the (debatable) requirement that there must be a primary key. Primary Key The primary key of any table is any candidate key of that table which the database designer arbitrarily designates as "primary". The primary key may be selected for convenience, comprehension, performance, or any other reasons. It is entirely proper (albeit often inconvenient) to change the selection of primary key to another candidate key. Alternate Key The alternate keys of any table are simply those candidate keys which are not currently selected as the primary key. According to {Date95} (page 115), "... exactly one of those candidate keys [is] chosen as the primary key [and] the remainder, if any, are then called alternate keys." An alternate key is a function of all candidate keys minus the primary key. 6.7 Constraints on Attributes and Tuples

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RDBMS Not Null Constraints presC# INT REFERENCES MovieExec(cert#) NOT NULL Attribute-Based CHECK Constraints presC# INT REFERENCES MovieExec(cert#) CHECK (presC# >= 100000) gender CHAR(1) CHECK (gender IN (‘F’, ‘M’)), presC# INT CHECK (presC# IN (SELECT cert# FROM MovieExec)) Tuple-Based CHECK Constraints CREATE TABLE MovieStar(name CHr(30) PRIMARY KEY,address VARCHAR(255), gender CHAR(1),birthdate DATE,CHECK(gender = ‘F’ OR name NOT ‘Ms.%’)); 6.8 Modification of Constraints Constraints can be considered as part of the corresponding ER models; constraint definitions are stored in meta data tables and separated from stored procedures (in fact, the SQL Server stores the Transact-SQL creation script in the syscomments table for each view, rule, default, trigger, CHECK constraint, DEFAULT constraint, and stored procedure); for instance, the CHECK column constraint on column f1 will be stored in syscomments.text field as a SQL statement: ([f1] > 1) ; constraints implementation can be modified independently from stored procedures implementation and, by providing a proper design, modification of constraints does not affect implementation of stored procedures (or related Transact-SQL scripts). Moreover, our ER model and corresponding constraints can be mapped to any other RDBMS that supports a similar metadata format (which is, basically, true for most of the database

6.9 Cursors cursor is a bit image on the screen that indicates either the movement of a pointing device or the place where text will next appear. Xlib enables clients to associate a cursor with each window they create. After making the association between cursor and window, the cursor is visible whenever it is in the window. If the cursor indicates movement of a pointing device, the movement of the cursor in the window automatically reflects the movement of the device. Xlib and VMS DECwindows provide fonts of predefined cursors. Clients that want to create their own cursors can either define a font of shapes and masks or create cursors using pixmaps. This section describes the following: • • • •

Creating cursors using the Xlib cursor font, a font of shapes and masks, and pixmaps Associating cursors with windows Managing cursors Freeing memory allocated to cursors when clients no longer need them

Create CURSOR Xlib enables clients to use predefined cursors or to create their own cursors. To create a predefined Xlib cursor, use the CREATE FONT CURSOR routine. Xlib cursors are predefined in ECW$INCLUDE:CURSORFONT.H. See the X and Motif Quick Reference Guide for a list of the constants that refer to the predefined Xlib cursors. The following example creates a sailboat cursor, one of the predefined Xlib cursors, and associates the cursor with a window:

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RDBMS Cursor fontcursor; . . . fontcursor = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_sailboat); XDefineCursor(dpy, win, fontcursor); The DEFINE CURSOR routine makes the sailboat cursor automatically visible when the pointer is in window win. To create client-defined cursors, either create a font of cursor shapes or define cursors using pixmaps. In each case, the cursor consists of the following components: • • • • •

Shape---Defines the cursor as it appears without modification in a window Mask---Acts as a clip mask to define how the cursor actually appears in a window Background color---Specifies RGB values used for the cursor background Foreground color---Specifies RGB values used for the cursor foreground Hotspot---Defines the position on the cursor that reflects movements of the pointing device

6.10 Dynamic SQL Dynamic SQL is an enhanced form of Structured Query Language (SQL) that, unlike standard (or static) SQL, facilitates the automatic generation and execution of program statements. This can be helpful when it is necessary to write code that can adjust to varying databases, conditions, or servers. It also makes it easier to automate tasks that are repeated many times. Dynamic SQL statements are stored as strings of characters that are entered when the program runs. They can be entered by the programmer or generated by the program itself, but unlike static SQL statements, they are not embedded in the source program. Also in contrast to static SQL statements, dynamic SQL statements can change from one execution to the next. Let's go back and review the reasons we use stored procedure and what happens when we use dynamic SQL. As a starting point we will use this procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE general_select @tblname nvarchar(127), @key key_type AS -- key_type is char(3) EXEC('SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM ' + @tblname + ' WHERE keycol = ''' + @key + '''') The SELECT statement in client code and send this directly to SQL Server. 1. Permissions If you cannot give users direct access to the tables, you cannot use dynamic SQL, it is as simple as that. In some environments, you may assume that users can be given SELECT access. But unless you know for a fact that permissions is not an issue, don't use dynamic SQL for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements. I should hasten to add this applies to permanent tables. If you are only accessing temp tables, there are never any permission issues. 2. Caching Query Plans As we have seen, SQL Server caches the query plans for both bare SQL statements and stored procedures, but is somewhat more accurate in reusing query plans for stored procedures. In SQL 6.5 you could clearly say that dynamic SQL was slower, because there was a recompile each time. In later versions of SQL Server, the waters are more muddy.

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RDBMS 3. Minimizing Network Traffic In the two previous sections we have seen that dynamic SQL in a stored procedure is not any better than bare SQL statements from the client. With network traffic it is a different matter. There is never any network cost for dynamic SQL in a stored procedure. If we look at our example procedure general_select, neither is there much to gain. The bare SQL code takes about as many bytes as the procedure call. But say that you have a complex query which joins six tables with complex conditions, and one of the table is one of sales0101, sales0102 etc depending on which period the user wants data about. This is a bad table design, that we will return to, but assume for the moment that you are stuck with this. If you solve this with a stored procedure with dynamic SQL, you only need to pass the period as a parameter and don't have to pass the query each time. If the query is only passed once an hour the gain is negligible. But if the query is passed every fifth second and the network is so-so, you are likely to notice a difference. 4. Using Output Parameters If you write a stored procedure only to gain the benefit of an output parameter, you do not in any way affect this by using dynamic SQL. Then again, you can get OUTPUT parameters without writing your own stored procedures, since you can call sp_executesql directly from the client. 5. Encapsulating Logic There is not much to add to what we said in our first round on stored procedures. I like to point out, however, that once you have decided to use stored procedure, you should have all secrets about SQL in stored procedures, so passing table names as in general select is not a good idea. (The exception here being sysadmin utilities.) 6. Keeping Track of what Is Used Dynamic SQL is contradictory to this aim. Any use of dynamic SQL will hide a reference, so that it will not show up in sysdepends. Neither will the reference reveal itself when you build the database without the referenced object. Still, if you refrain from passing table or column names as parameters, you at least only have to search the SQL code to find out whether a table is used. Thus, if you use dynamic SQL, confine table and column names to the procedure code.

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RDBMS UNIT 7 NORMAL FORMS 7.1 First Normal Form 7.2 Second Normal Form 7.3 Third Normal Form 7.4 BCNF 7.5 Fourth Normal Form 7.6 Fifth Normal Form 7.7 Difference between 4NF and 5NF

Normalize to Reduce Data Redundancy: Data normalization is a process in which data attributes within a data model are organized to increase the cohesion of entity types. In other words, the goal of data normalization is to reduce and even eliminate data redundancy, an important consideration for application developers because it is incredibly difficult to stores objects in a relational database that maintains the same information in several places. Summarizes the three most common normalization rules describing how to put entity types into a series of increasing levels of normalization. Higher levels of data normalization (Date 2000) are beyond the scope of this book. With respect to terminology, a data schema is considered to be at the level of normalization of its least normalized entity type. For example, if all of your entity types are at second normal form (2NF) or higher then we say that your data schema is at 2NF. Data Normalization Rules. Level First normal form (1NF) Second normal form (2NF) Third normal form (3NF)

Rule An entity type is in 1NF when it contains no repeating groups of data. An entity type is in 2NF when it is in 1NF and when all of its non-key attributes are fully dependent on its primary key. An entity type is in 3NF when it is in 2NF and when all of its attributes are directly dependent on the primary key.

7.1 First Normal Form (1NF) Let’s consider an example. An entity type is in first normal form (1NF) when it contains no repeating groups of data. For example, you see that there are several repeating attributes in the data Order0NF table – the ordered item information repeats nine times and the contact information is repeated twice, once for shipping information and once for billing information. Although this initial version of orders could work, what happens when an order has more than nine order items? Do you create additional order records for them? What about the vast majority of orders that only have one or two items? Do we really want to waste all that storage space in the database for the empty fields? Likely not. Furthermore, do you want to write the code required to process the nine copies of item information, even if it is only to marshal it back and forth between the appropriate number of objects. Once again, likely not.

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RDBMS 7.2 Second Normal Form (2NF) It can be normalized further. presents the data schema of 8 in second normal form (2NF). an entity type is in second normal form (2NF) when it is in 1NF and when every non-key attribute, any attribute that is not part of the primary key, is fully dependent on the primary key. This was definitely not the case with the OrderItem1NF table, therefore we need to introduce the new table Item2NF. The problem with OrderItem1NF is that item information, such as the name and price of an item, do not depend upon an order for that item. For example, if Hal Jordan orders three widgets and Oliver Queen orders five widgets, the facts that the item is called a “widget” and that the unit price is $19.95 is constant. This information depends on the concept of an item, not the concept of an order for an item, and therefore should not be stored in the order items table – therefore the Item2NF table was introduced. OrderItem2NF retained the TotalPriceExtended column, a calculated value that is the number of items ordered multiplied by the price of the item. The value of the SubtotalBeforeTax column within the Order2NF table is the total of the values of the total price extended for each of its order items. 7.3 Third Normal Form (3NF) An entity type is in third normal form (3NF) when it is in 2NF and when all of its attributes are directly dependent on the primary key. A better way to word this rule might be that the attributes of an entity type must depend on all portions of the primary key, therefore 3NF is only an issue only for tables with composite keys. In this case there is a problem with the OrderPayment2NF table, the payment type description (such as “Mastercard” or “Check”) depends only on the payment type, not on the combination of the order id and the payment type.

Beyond 3NF The data schema of 10 can still be improved upon, at least from the point of view of data redundancy, by removing attributes that can be calculated/derived from other ones. In this case we could remove the SubtotalBeforeTax column within the Order3NF table and the TotalPriceExtended column of OrderItem3NF, as you see in 11.

Why data normalization? The advantage of having a highly normalized data schema is that information is stored in one place and one place only, reducing the possibility of inconsistent data. Furthermore, highly-normalized data schemas in general are closer conceptually to objectoriented schemas because the object-oriented goals of promoting high cohesion and loose coupling between classes results in similar solutions (at least from a data point of view). This generally makes it easier to map your objects to your data schema. Unfortunately, normalization usually comes at a performance cost. With the data schema of 7 all the data for a single order is stored in one row (assuming orders of up to nine order items), making it very easy to access. With the data schema of 7 you could quickly determine the total amount of an order by reading the single row from the Order0NF table. To do so with the data schema of 11 you would need to read data from a row in the Order table, data from all the rows from the OrderItem table for that order and data from the corresponding rows in the Item table for each order item. For this query, the data schema of 7 very likely provides better performance. Denormalize to Improve Performance Normalized data schemas, when put into production, often suffer from performance problems. This makes sense – the rules of data normalization focus on reducing data redundancy, not on improving performance of data access. An important part of data modeling is to denormalize portions of your data schema to improve database access times. For example, the data model of

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RDBMS 12 looks nothing like the normalized schema of 11. To understand why the differences between the schemas exist you must consider the performance needs of the application. The primary goal of this system is to process new orders from online customers as quickly as possible. To do this customers need to be able to search for items and add them to their order quickly, remove items from their order if need be, then have their final order totaled and recorded quickly. The secondary goal of the system is to the process, ship, and bill the orders afterwards.

A Denormalized Order Data Schema (UML notation). To denormalize the data schema the following decisions were made:

1. To support quick searching of item information the Item table was left alone. 2. To support the addition and removal of order items to an order the concept of an



OrderItem table was kept, albeit split in two to support outstanding orders and fulfilled orders. New order items can easily be inserted into the OutstandingOrderItem table, or removed from it, as needed. To support order processing the Order and OrderItem tables were reworked into pairs to handle outstanding and fulfilled orders respectively. Basic order information is first stored in the OutstandingOrder and OutstandingOrderItem tables and then when the order has been shipped and paid for the data is then removed from those tables and copied into the FulfilledOrder and FulfilledOrderItem tables respectively. Data access time to the two tables for outstanding orders is reduced because only the active orders are being stored there. On average an order may be outstanding for a couple of days, whereas for financial reporting reasons may be stored in the fulfilled order tables for several years until archived. There is a performance penalty under this scheme because of the need to delete outstanding orders and then resave them as fulfilled orders, clearly something that would need to be processed as a transaction. The contact information for the person(s) the order is being shipped and billed to was also denormalized back into the Order table, reducing the time it takes to write an order to the database because there is now one write instead of two or three. The retrieval and deletion times for that data would also be similarly improved.

7.4 Boyce-Codd Normal Form The relation student(sno, sname, cno, cname) has all attributes participating in candidate keys since all the attributes are assumed to be unique. We therefore had the following candidate keys: (sno, cno) (sno, cname) (sname, cno) (sname, cname) Since the relation has no non-key attributes, the relation is in 2NF and also in 3NF, in spite of the relation suffering the problems that we discussed at the beginning of this chapter. The difficulty in this relation is being caused by dependence within the candidate keys. The second and third normal forms assume that all attributes not part of the candidate keys depend on the candidate keys but does not deal with dependencies within the keys. BCNF deals with such dependencies. A relation R is said to be in BCNF if whenever X A holds in R, and A is not in X, then X is a candidate key for R. It should be noted that most relations that are in 3NF are also in BCNF. Infrequently, a 3NF relation is not in BCNF and this happens only if

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RDBMS 1. the candidate keys in the relation are composite keys (that is, they are not single attributes), 2. there is more than one candidate key in the relation, and 3. the keys are not disjoint, that is, some attributes in the keys are common. The BCNF differs from the 3NF only when there are more than one candidate keys and the keys are composite and overlapping. Consider for example, the relationship enrol (sno, sname, cno, cname, date-enrolled) Let us assume that the relation has the following candidate keys: (sno, cno) (sno, cname) (sname, cno) (sname, cname) (we have assumed sname and cname are unique identifiers). The relation is in 3NF but not in BCNF because there are dependencies sno -> sname cno -> cname where attributes that are part of a candidate key are dependent on part of another candidate key. Such dependencies indicate that although the relation is about some entity or association that is identified by the candidate keys e.g. (sno, cno), there are attributes that are not about the whole thing that the keys identify. For example, the above relation is about an association (enrolment) between students and subjects and therefore the relation needs to include only one identifier to identify students and one identifier to identify subjects. Providing two identifiers about students (sno, sname) and two keys about subjects (cno, cname) means that some information about students and subjects that is not needed is being provided. This provision of information will result in repetition of information and the anomalies that we discussed at the beginning of this chapter. If we wish to include further information about students and courses in the database, it should not be done by putting the information in the present relation but by creating new relations that represent information about entities student and subject. These difficulties may be overcome by decomposing the above relation in the following three relations: (sno, sname) (cno, cname) (sno, cno, date-of-enrolment) We now have a relation that only has information about students, another only about subjects and the third only about enrolments. All the anomalies and repetition of information have been removed. The formal definition of BCNF appears in the beginning of subsection of the text book. Functional dependencies in a BCNF relation schema may be classified into two categories: 1. the ones whose left side is a candidate key and 2. trivial ones. Following the definition, the textbook gives a database of several relations and determines whether they are in the BCNF. The discussion may help you to gain more concrete understanding of the BCNF. It explains how to decompose a non-BCNF schema into BCNF schemas. It is relatively easy to understand. You should read it carefully. A database design may change over time due to real world demands. The original database design might allow that each loan be taken by only one customer. Then, the functional dependency becomes

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The loan-number now is a superkey and the schema Borrow-schema is BCNF. Suppose now that the database design is changed so that a loan may be taken by several customers, as the example in the textbook. The schema now is not a BCNF. The above discussion shows that when definitions of a database are changed, its normal form may also change. Thus, it is essential that the person who is allowed to change the database definitions, especially the database + administrator, understand database design principles. It is rather difficult to compute F . You may obtain


in the loop first, then test whether it is in the F .

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RDBMS 7.5 Fourth Normal Form We have considered an example of Programmer(Emp name, qualification, languages) and discussed the problems that may arise if the relation is not normalised further. We also saw how the relation could be decomposed into P1(Emp name, qualifications) and P2(Emp name, languages) to overcome these problems. The decomposed relations are in fourth normal form (4NF) which we shall now define. We are now ready to define 4NF. A relation R is in 4NF if, whenever a multivalued dependency X -> Y holds then either the dependency is trivial, or (b)

X is a candidate key for R.

As noted earlier, the dependency X ->> ø or X ->> Y in a relation R (X, Y) is trivial since they must hold for all R (X, Y). Similarly (X, Y) -> Z must hold for all relations R (X, Y, Z) with only three attributes. In fourth normal form, we have a relation that has information about only one entity. If a relation has more than one multivalue attribute, we should decompose it to remove difficulties with multivalued facts. Intuitively R is in 4NF if all dependencies are a result of keys. When multivalued dependencies exist, a relation should not contain two or more independent multivalued attributes. The decomposition of a relation to achieve 4NF would normally result in not only reduction of redundancies but also avoidance of anomalies. We have considered an example of Programmer(Emp name, qualification, languages) and discussed the problems that may arise if the relation is not normalised further. We also saw how the relation could be decomposed into P1(Emp name, qualifications) and P2(Emp name, languages) to overcome these problems. The decomposed relations are in fourth normal form (4NF) which we shall now define. We are now ready to define 4NF. A relation R is in 4NF if, whenever a multivalued dependency X -> Y holds then either (a) the dependency is trivial, or (b) X is a candidate key for R. As noted earlier, the dependency X ->> ø or X ->> Y in a relation R (X, Y) is trivial since they must hold for all R (X, Y). Similarly (X, Y) -> Z must hold for all relations R (X, Y, Z) with only three attributes. In fourth normal form, we have a relation that has information about only one entity. If a relation has more than one multivalue attribute, we should decompose it to remove difficulties with multivalued facts. Intuitively R is in 4NF if all dependencies are a result of keys. When multivalued dependencies exist, a relation should not contain two or more independent multivalued attributes. The decomposition of a relation to achieve 4NF would normally result in not only reduction of redundancies but also avoidance of anomalies.

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RDBMS 1. We saw that BC-schema was in BCNF, but still was not an ideal design as it suffered from 2. 3.

repetition of information. We had the multivalued dependency cname street ccity, but no non-trivial functional dependencies. We can use the given multivalued dependencies to improve the database design by decomposing it into fourth normal form. A relation schema R is in 4NF with respect to a set D of functional and multivalued dependencies if for all multivalued dependencies in and

of the form

, where

, at least one of the following hold:

o is a trivial multivalued dependency. o is a superkey for schema R. 4. A database design is in 4NF if each member of the set of relation schemas is in 4NF. 5. The definition of 4NF differs from the BCNF definition only in the use of multivalued dependencies. o Every 4NF schema is also in BCNF. o To see why, note that if a schema is not in BCNF, there is a non-trivial functional dependency

holding on R, where is not a superkey.

o Since implies , by the replication rule, R cannot be in 4NF. 6. We have an algorithm similar to the BCNF algorithm for decomposing a schema into 4NF: result := ; done := false; compute


while (not done) do if (there is a schema

in result that is not in 4NF) then begin let

be a nontrivial multivalued

dependency that holds on is not in

such that

, and

; result = end else done = true;

7. If we apply this algorithm to BC-schema: cname loan# is a nontrivial multivalued dependency and cname is not a superkey for the schema. We then replace BC-schema by two schemas: Cust-loan-schema=(cname, loan#) Customer-schema=(cname, street, ccity)

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RDBMS These two schemas are in 4NF. 8. We can show that our algorithm generates only lossless-join decompositions. Let R be a relation schema and D a set of functional and multivalued dependencies on R. Let and form a decomposition of R. This decomposition is lossless-join if and only if at least one of the following multivalued dependencies is in :

We saw similar criteria for functional dependencies. This says that for every lossless-join decomposition of R into two schemas and , one of the two above dependencies must hold. You can see, by inspecting the algorithm, that this must be the case for every decomposition. 9. Dependency preservation is not as simple to determine as with functional dependencies. Let R be a relation schema. Let be a decomposition of R. Let D be the set of functional and multivalued dependencies holding on R. The restriction of D to

is the set

All functional dependencies in

consisting of:

that include only attributes of


All multivalued dependencies of the form where and is in . A decomposition of schema R is dependency preserving with respect to a set D of functional and multivalued dependencies if for every set of relations satisfies

such that for all i,

, there exists a relation r(R) that satisfies D and for which

for all i.

10. What does this formal statement say? It says that a decomposition is dependency preserving if for every set of relations on the decomposition schema satisfying only the restrictions on D there exists a relation r on the entire schema R that the decomposed schemas can be derived from, and that r also satisfies the functional and multivalued dependencies. 11. We'll do an example using our decomposition algorithm and check the result for dependency preservation. Let R=(A,B,C,G,H,I). Let D be

R is not in 4NF, as we have decompose using this dependency into

and A is not a superkey.The algorithm causes us to

is now in 4NF, but is not. Applying the multivalued dependency decomposes

(how did we get this?), our algorithm then


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is now in 4NF, but Why? As

is in

is not. (why?) then the restriction of this dependency to

Applying this dependency in our algorithm finally decomposes

The algorithm terminates, and our decomposition is

gives us





12. Let's analyze the result.

Projection of relation r onto a 4NF decomposition of R. This decomposition is not dependency preserving as it fails to preserve . shows four relations that may result from projecting a relation onto the four schemas of our decomposition. The restriction of D to (A,B) is and some trivial dependencies. We can see that satisfies as there are no pairs with the same A value. Also, satisfies all functional and multivalued dependencies since no two tuples have the same value on any attribute. We can say the same for and . So our decomposed version satisfies all the dependencies in the restriction of D. However, there is no relation r on (A,B,C,G,H,I) that satisfies D and decomposes into


. shows

relation s containing r and satisfying However, includes a tuple detect a violation of .

. Relation r does not satisfy must include the tuple that is not in

A relation r(R) that does not satisfy

. Any .

. Thus our decomposition fails to


13. We have seen that if we are given a set of functional and multivalued dependencies, it is best to find a database design that meets the three criteria: o 4NF. o Dependency Preservation. o Lossless-join. 14. If we only have functional dependencies, the first criteria is just BCNF. 15. We cannot always meet all three criteria. When this occurs, we compromise on 4NF, and accept BCNF, or even 3NF if necessary, to ensure dependency preservation

7.6 Fifth Normal Form (5NF) The normal forms discussed so far required that the given relation R if not in the given normal form be decomposed in two relations to meet the requirements of the normal form. In some rare

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RDBMS cases, a relation can have problems like redundant information and update anomalies because of it but cannot be decomposed in two relations to remove the problems. In such cases it may be possible to decompose the relation in three or more relations using the 5NF. The fifth normal form deals with join-dependencies which is a generalisation of the MVD. The aim of fifth normal form is to have relations that cannot be decomposed further. A relation in 5NF cannot be constructed from several smaller relations. A relation R satisfies join dependency (R1, R2, ..., Rn) if and only if R is equal to the join of R1, R2, ..., Rn where Ri are subsets of the set of attributes of R. A relation R is in 5NF (or project-join normal form, PJNF) if for all join dependencies at least one of the following holds. (a) (R1, R2, ..., Rn) is a trivial (b) Every Ri is a candidate key for R.









An example of 5NF can be provided by the example below that deals with departments, subjects and students. Dept


Comp. Sc. CP1000 Mathematics MA1000 Comp. Sc. CP2000 Comp. Sc. CP3000 Physics PH1000 Chemistry CH2000

student John Smith John Smith Arun Kumar Reena Rani Raymond Chew Albert Garcia

The above relation says that Comp. Sc. offers subjects CP1000, CP2000 and CP3000 which are taken by a variety of students. No student takes all the subjects and no subject has all students enrolled in it and therefore all three fields are needed to represent the information. The above relation does not show MVDs since the attributes subject and student are not independent; they are related to each other and the pairings have significant information in them. The relation can therefore not be decomposed in two relations (dept, subject), and (dept, student) without loosing some important information. The relation can however be decomposed in the following three relations (dept, subject), and (dept, (subject, student)


and now it can be shown that this decomposition is lossless. 7.7 Difference between Fourth and fifth normal form The fourth normal form states, no one-to-many relationships should exist between primary key columns and non-key columns. The fifth normal form carries this process to its logical conclusion, breaking table into the smallest possible pieces in order to eliminate all redundant

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RDBMS data in the table. Tables normalized to this extreme consist of little more than a primary key and one or two dependant data keys.

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RDBMS UNIT 8 QUERY EXECUTION 8.1.Introduction to Physical-Query-Plan Operators 8.2.One-Pass Algorithms for Database Operations 8.3.Nested-Loop Joins 8.4.Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Sorting 8.5.Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Hashing 8.6.Index-Based Algorithms 8.7.Buffer Management 8.8.Parallel Algorithms for Relational Operations 8.9.Using Heuristics in Query Optimization 8.10.Basic Algorithms for Executing Query Operations 8.1. Introduction to Physical-Query-Plan Operators Request a tuple at a time from its children, Performs some operation, Returns the result to the parent, The “tuples” are evaluations example : Chain “A.B x, x.C y” Discover (A,”B”,x) Discover (x,”C”,y) NLJ Lindex (x,”C”,y) Name (t,”A”) NLJ Lindex (t,”B”,x) Name (t,”A”) Bindex (t,”B”,x) Scan (x,”C”,y)

Logical query plan Lindex plan 1 Bindex plan 2 Physical Query Plan – Example Pindex (“A.B x, x.C y”,y) NLJ Scan (A,”B”,x) Scan (x,”C”,y) Scan plan Pindex plan Physical plans originated from the Logical plan: Chain Discover (A,”B”,x) Discover (x,”C”,y)

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RDBMS Logical query plan Physcal Query Plan - operators : Project Select NLJ -Nested Loop Join HashJoin Compound Scan -Get child Lindex Pindex Bindex Vindex Name Once CreateTemp Set Deconstruct ForEach Aggregation -exists etc. 8.2. One-Pass Algorithms for Database Operations Read data from disk only once. Usually, at least one operand must fit in memory (exceptions:σ, π). One-pass Duplicate Elimination: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Keep a main-memory temporary data structure T for tuples Read next tuple from input table If a tuple is not in T , add it to output table and to T Otherwise, do nothing Go to Step2

Complexity: O(n2) for primitive data structure T , can speed up to O(n log n) (binary search tree) or O(n) (hash table).Memory requirements: Must have enough main memory space for |δ(R)| tuples. Other Most operators can be implemented as one pass operators, as long as there is enough main memory space. • grouping • set union/intersection/difference • product • natural join Implementing Joins as one pass algorithms: To join R S: 1. Read S into memory, and store in a searchable data structure (e.g., search tree) 2. Read one tuple of R at a time. For each tuple t (a) find the tuples of S that match (join) with t (b) for each match, add the joined tuple to the output table Memory requirement: B(R) + B(S) disk I/Os. B(S) blocks (plus one tuple from R) must fit in main memory. 8.3. Nested-Loop Joins

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RDBMS Join Operation: •

Join operations bring together two relations and combine their attributes and tuples in a specific fashion.

• • •

The generic join operator is: It takes as arguments the attributes from the two relations that are to be joined. For example assume we have the EMP relation as above and a separate DEPART relation with (Dept, MainOffice, Phone) : EMP

• • •

Dept = Dept


The join condition can be When the join condition operator is =, then we call this an Equi-Join Note that the attributes in common are repeated.

Join Examples: Assume we have the EMP relation from above and the following DEPART relation:



















EMP Results:






















































Find all information on every employee including their department info where the employee works in an office numbered less than the department main office: EMP Results:





























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Natural Join: • • • • •

Notice in the generic join operation, any attributes in common (such as dept above) are repeated. The Natural Join operation removes these duplicate attributes. The natural join operator is: * We can also assume using * that the join condition will be = on the two attributes in common. Example: EMP * DEPART Results: Name




































Outer Join: • • •

In the Join operations so far, only those tuples where an attribute value matches are included in the output relation. The Outer join includes other tuples as well according to a few rules. Three types of outer joins:

1. Left Outer Join

includes all tuples in the left hand relation and includes only those matching tuples from the right hand relation.

2. Right Outer Join

includes all tuples in the right hand relation and includes only those matching tuples from the left hand relation.

3. Full Outer Join

includes all tuples in the left hand relation and from the right

hand relation.


Assume we have two relations: PEOPLE and MENU: PEOPLE:


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Outer Union • • •

The Outer Union operation is applied to partially union compatible relations. Operator is: * Example: PEOPLE * MENU Name








































8.4. Two-pass algorithms based on sorting Binary operations: R ∩ S, R U S, R – S Idea: sort R, sort S, then do the right thing A closer look: Step 1: split R into runs of size M, then split S into runs of size M. Cost: 2B(R) + 2B(S) Step 2: merge M/2 runs from R; merge M/2 runs from S; ouput a tuple on a case by cases basis Total cost: 3B(R)+3B(S) Assumption: B(R)+B(S)<= M2 Join RS Start by sorting both R and S on the join attribute: Cost: 4B(R)+4B(S) (because need to write to disk) Read both relations in sorted order, match tuples Cost: B(R)+B(S) Difficulty: many tuples in R may match many in S If at least one set of tuples fits in M, we are OK Otherwise need nested loop, higher cost Total cost: 5B(R)+5B(S) Assumption: B(R) <= M2, B(S) <= M2

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RDBMS Algorithm If the number of tuples in R matching those in S is small (or vice versa) we can compute the join during the merge phase Total cost: 3B(R)+3B(S) Assumption: B(R) + B(S) <= M2 This algorithm is known as sort join, merge join, sort-merge join Recall: (R) duplicate elimination Step 1. Partition R into buckets Step 2. Apply  to each bucket (may read in main memory) Cost: 3B(R) Assumption: B(R) <= M2 8.5. Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Hashing It is easy to store records in files. It is much harder to find what we are looking for. Speaking as someone whose desk is always untidy (!) I closely identify with this problem. As I mark students' assignments, I tend to add my copy of the PT3 document to a growing pile. This is easy. Then when someone phones me, I like to find their latest PT3 so I can remember how they got on. This is not difficult but it is time consuming. I have to work my way through the pile - we say sequentially or serially - until I find it. Now what I could do is buy one of these concertina-type filing folders which has a pocket for each letter of the alphabet. All the PT3s for students starting with the letter A could go in the first pocket, B in the second and so on. What we are doing is storing the records in what we call buckets. We decide which bucket by looking at the data. We say that we generate the bucket number by applying a hashing algorithm to the data. So my 'algorithm' is to take the first letter of the surname and turn that into a number from 0 to 25. The Pascal to do this might be: bucket_number := ord('A') - ord(surname[1]); However I am sure that you can see that this 'hashing algorithm' is not a very good one. It is easy to work out, but it will probably mean that some buckets become very full and others (like Z!) rarely get used. Does this matter? Well, having figured out which bucket to look in - we then need to search through it looking for our record. If a bucket becomes very full, this search could be lengthy and we haven't really gained anything. What we need is an algorithm which distributes the records as evenly as possible. I used to work in a busy hospital. There were hundreds of thousands of patients. Each patient had a bulky paper file which was stored in the records office. Now - how could they store the records? Well, each patient was given a six digit number and the records were filed in what they called 'terminal digit' order. So if my number was 123456 then my notes would be in 'bucket' 56. Can you see that this algorithm ensured a very even distribution of the files? The mathematical term for this technique is called 'modulo' arithmetic. So, 123456 modulo 100 is 56. Effectively we divide the number by 100 and use the remainder. This technique of modulo arithmetic is often used to distribute records as evenly as possible. The bucket that we aim to store the record in is called the 'home' bucket. Example: Lets imagine we have a small file with 5 buckets and we only allow two records per bucket. Each record belongs to a person and we will store records depending on the first letter of the surname as follows - A to E in bucket zero, F to J in bucket one, K to O in bucket two, P to T in bucket three and U to Z in bucket four. If we now store Adam, Minto and Smith it should look like:

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RDBMS If we now store Penny and Steven, then Penny can into bucket 3. When we try to store Steven, the home bucket is 3 but it is full. So Steven will overflow into bucket 4:

Adding Yule and Queen now gives us:

Note how the 'next' bucket to 4 is actually 0. 8.6. Index-Based Algorithms If there is an index it can be used when implementing relational operations. Clustering indexes: All tuples with the same index key appear together (in as few blocks as possible). Example: Index based selection: σ C (R), where the condition C is of the form a i= x. Easy with an index on attribute a I , and very efficient if it is a clustering index. B-trees support efficient selection for range conditions, like 7 ≤ a I ≤ 47. Index based algorithms: Assume we have a sorted clustering index on the join-value, e.g., a B-tree. Join using an index can be implemented similarly to the sorting based join algorithm, but now we have the sorted order to start with. Therefore pass 1is not necessary. Algorithm: Just go through the two sorted lists and join the tuples. Works in one pass as long as there are at most (about) M blocks of tuples with equal join-values. 8.7. Buffer Management A buffer is best described as a temporary file that holds changes you make to a saved file on disk. When you save the file, Emacs overwrites the file with the contents of the buffer. So, when you open a file in Emacs, you are actually opening a buffer that holds the changes. You can revert to a saved version of a buffer by choosing "Revert Buffer" from the "Files" menu. This discards any changes since the last save. As the Instrumented Kernel intercepts events, it stores them in a circular linked list of buffers. As each buffer fills, the Instrumented Kernel sends a signal to the data-capturing program that the buffer is ready to be read. Buffer specifications: Each buffer is of a fixed size and is divided into a fixed number of slots: Event buffer slots per buffer


Event buffer slot size

16 bytes

Buffer size

16 K

Although the size of the buffers is fixed, the maximum number of buffers used by a system is limited only by the amount of memory. (The tracelogger utility uses a default setting of 32 buffers, or about 500 K of memory.) The buffers share kernel memory with the application(s) and the kernel automatically allocates memory at the request of the data-capture utility. The kernel allocates the buffers contiguous physical memory space. If the data-capture program requests a

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RDBMS larger block than is available contiguously, the Instrumented Kernel will return an error message. For all intents and purposes, the number of events the Instrumented Kernel generates is infinite. Except for severe filtering or logging for only a few seconds, the Instrumented Kernel will probably exhaust the circular linked list of buffers, no matter how large it is. To allow the Instrumented Kernel to continue logging indefinitely, the data-capture program must continuously pipe (empty) the buffers. Full buffers and the high-water mark As each buffer becomes full (more on that shortly), the Instrumented Kernel sends a signal to the data-capturing program to save the buffer. Because the buffer size is fixed, the kernel sends only the buffer address; the length is constant. The Instrumented Kernel can't flush a buffer or change buffers within an interrupt. If the interrupt wasn't handled before the buffer became 100% full, some of the events may be lost. To ensure this never happens, the Instrumented Kernel requests a buffer flush at the high-water mark. The high-water mark is set at an efficient, yet conservative, level of about 70%. Most interrupt routines require fewer than 300 event buffer slots (approximately 30% of 1024 event buffer slots), so there's virtually no chance that any events will be lost. (The few routines that use extremely long interrupts should include a manual buffer-flush request in their code.) Therefore, in a normal system, the kernel logs about 715 events of the fixed maximum of 1024 events before notifying the capture program. Buffer overruns The Instrumented Kernel is both the very core of the system and the controller of the event buffers. When the Instrumented Kernel is busy, it logs more events. The buffers fill more quickly and the Instrumented Kernel requests buffer-flushes more often. The data-capture program handles each buffer-flush request; the Instrumented Kernel switches to the next buffer and continues logging events. In an extremely busy system, the data-capture program may not be able to flush the buffers as quickly as the Instrumented Kernel fills them. 8.8. Parallel Algorithms for Relational Operations One of the important issues concerning the implementation of parallel Data Base Management Systems (DBMS) is the issue of query execution parallelization. This paper describes organization of parallel query executor in the prototype of the parallel. The Omega system has a three level hierarchical hardware architecture. This hardware architecture is characterized by reliability and high1data. This model utilizes the producer/consumer paradigm and data drive/data flow mechanism for efficient data exchange between operators. Each operation of the query tree is represented as a single lightweight process (a thread). In the Omega System each process is taken as a root thread (only one process can run on each processor module). Any thread may initialize any number of daughter threads. Thus, the threads form a hierarchy, which is supported by the thread manager. A value of dynamic priority calculated with the help of factor function of a thread is used to pass control over among the threads. In order to implement intra operation parallelism, stream model utilizes a special exchange operator. It encapsulates all the parallelism of the query executor. Query executor of the Omega system Query executor of the Omega system is a virtual machine, which is capable to execute physical queries, that are the queries expressed in terms of physical algebra. On the level of physical algebra, any kind of parallelism in query execution is implemented explicitly. In particular the arguments and results of operation of physical algebra are fragments of relations. Parallel operations based on relations partitioning are implemented on the higher levels of system hierarchy.

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RDBMS 8.9. Using Heuristics in Query Optimization In this lesson, we discuss optimization techniques that apply heuristic rules to modify the internal representation of a query, which is usually in the form of a query tree or a query graph data structure to improve its expected performance. The parser of a high-level query first generates an initial internal representation, which is then optimized according to heuristic rules. Following that, query execution plan is generated to execute groups of operations based on the access paths available on the files involved in the query. One of the main heuristic rules is to apply SELECT and PROJECT operations before applying the JOIN or other binary operations. This is because the size of the file resulting from a binary operation, such as JOIN, is usually a multiplicative function of the sizes of the input files. The SELECT and PROJECT operations reduce the size of a file and hence, should be applied before a join or other binary operation. Notation for Query Trees and Query Graphs A query is a tree data structure that corresponds to a relational algebra expression. It represents the input relations of the query as leaf nodes of the tree, and represents the relational algebra operations as internal nodes. An execution of the query tree consists of execution of an internal node operation whenever its operands are available and then replacing that internal node by the relation that results from executing the operation. The execution terminates when the root node is executed and produces the result relation for the query. Figure shows a query tree for query block Q2(given later). For every project located in ‘Stafford’, retrieve the project number, the controlling department number, and the department manager’s last name, address, and birth date. This query is specified on the relational schema of Figure 4.1(a) and corresponds to the following relational algebraic expression:









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Figure: Two query trees for the query Q2. (a) Query tree corresponding to the relational algebraic expression for Q2. (b) Initial (canonical) query tree for SQL query Q2. [P.NUMEBR,P.DNUM]






P.PLOCATION=’Stafford ’ ‘Staffor Figure( c ) Query graph for Q2. πPNUMBER, DNUMBER, LNAME, ADDRESS, BDATE (((σ PLOCATION= ‘Stafford’ (PROJECT)) DNUM=DNUMBER (DEPARTMENT)) MGRSSN=SSN(EMPLOYEE)) This corresponds to the following SQL query: Q2:


FROM PROJECT AS P, DEPARMENT AS D, EMPLOYEE AS E WHERE P.DNUM=D.DNUMBER AND D.MGRSSN=E.SSN AND P.PLOCATION=’Stafford’ In figure 4.1c, the three relations Project, Department and Employee are represented by leaf nodes P, D and E, while the internal tree nodes represent operations of the expression. When this query tree is executed, the node marked (1) in Figure 4.1 (a) must begin execution before node (2) because some resulting tuples of operation (1) must be available before we can begin execution operation (2). Similarly, node (2) must begin executing and producing results before node (3) can start execution, and so on. As we can see, the query tree represents a specific order of operations for executing a query. A more neutral representation of a query is the query graph notation. Figure(c) shows the query graph for query Q2. Relations in the query are represented by relation nodes, which are displayed as single circles. Constant values, typically from the query selection conditions are represented by the constant nodes, which are displayed as double circles. Selection and join conditions are represented by the graph edges, as shown in Fig.(c). Finally, the attributes to be retrieved from each relation are displayed in square brackets above each relation.

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RDBMS The query graph representation does not indicate an order in which operations perform. There is only a single graph corresponding to each query. Although some optimization techniques were based on query graphs, it is now generally accepted that query trees are preferable because, in practice, the query optimizer needs to show the order of operations for query execution, which is not possible in query graphs. Heuristic Optimization of Query Trees In general, many different relational algebra expressions and hence many different query trees can be equivalent; that is, they can correspond to the same query. The query parser will typically generate a standard initial query tree to correspond to an SQL query, without doing any optimization. In Fig4.1(b) the CARTESIAN PRODUCT of the relations specified in the FROM clause is first applied; then the selection and join conditions of the WHERE clause are applied, followed by the projection on the SELECT clause attributes. Such a canonical query tree represents a relational algebraic expression that is very inefficient if executed directly, because of the CARTESIAN PRODUCT (x) operations. For example, if the PROJECT, DEPARTMENT, and EMPLOYEE relations had record sizes of 100, 50, and 150 bytes and contained 100, 200 and 500 tuples, respectively, the result of the CARTESIAN PRODUCT would contain 10 million tuples of record size 300 bytes each. However, the query tree in Figure 4.1(b) is in a simple standard form that can be easily created. It is now the job of the heuristic query optimizer to transform this initial query tree into a final query tree that is efficient to execute. The optimizer must include rules for equivalence among relational algebra expressions that can be applied to the initial tree. The heuristic query optimization rules then utilize these equivalence expressions to transform the initial tree into the final, optimized query tree. We discuss general transformation rules and show how they may be used in an algebraic heuristic optimizer. Example of Transforming a Query. Consider the following query Q on the database of Figure 2.1(chapter 2). “Find the last names of employees born after 1957 who work on a project named ‘Aquarius’ “. This query can be specified in SQL as follows: Q:






PNAME = ‘Aquarious’ AND PNUMBER = PNO AND ESSN = SSN AND BDATE > ‘1957-12-31’;

The initial query tree for Q is shown in Figure 4.2(a). Executing this tree directly first creates a very large file containing the CARTESIAN PRODUCT of the entire EMPLOYEE, WORKS_ON, and PROJECT files. However, this query needs only one record from the PROJECT relation for the ‘Aquarius’ project and only the EMPLOYEE records for the those whose date of birth is after ‘1957-12-31’. Figure 4.2(b) shows an improved query tree that first applies the SELECT operations to reduce the number of tuples that appear in the CARTESIAN PRODUCT. A further improvement is achieved by switching the positions of the EMPLOYEE and PROJECT relations in the tree, as shown in Figure 4.2( c). This uses the information that PNUMBER is a key attribute of the PROJECT relation, and hence the SELECT operation on the PROJECT relation will retrieve a single record only. We can further improve the query tree by replacing any CARESTIAN PRODUCT operation that is followed πLNAME by a join condition with a JOIN operation, as shown in Figure 4.2(d). Another improvement is to keep only the attributes needed by subsequent operations in the intermediate relation, by including PROJECTION (π) operations as early as possible in the query tree, as shown in Figure 4.2(e). This reduces the attributes (columns) of the intermediate relations, σ whereas the SELECT operations reduce the number of tuples (records). PNAME = ‘Aquarius’ AND PNUMBER=PNO AND ESSN=SSN AND BDATE> ‘1957-12-31

As the preceding example demonstrates, a query tree can be transformed step by step into another query tree that is more efficient to execute. However, we must make sure that the transformation steps always lead to an equivalent query tree. To do this, the query optimizer must know which transformation rules preserve this equivalence. We discuss some of these transformation rules next. PROJE X


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Ff. 4.2 Steps in converting a query tree during heuristic optimisation. (a) Initial Figure 4.2 (a) Simple tree for the query Q (canonical) query tree for SQL query Q. (b) Moving SELECT operations down the


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Fig. 4.2 Steps in converting a query tree during heuristic optimization. (a) Initial (canonical) query tree for SQL query Q. (b) Moving SELECT operations down the query tree.











Figure 4.2 (b) improved query tree for Q




σPNAME=’Aquarius’ WORKS_O


PROJE Figure 4.2 ( c ) Applying the more restrictive SELECT operation first.

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σ σ EESSN=SSN σ S S N= S S N




PN AM E= ’Aquari us’ X





BD ATE= ’1 967-1 231 ’


EM PLO YEE 4.2 (d ) Replacing CARETESIAN PRODUCT and SELECT with JOIN operations
















Figure 4.2(e): Steps in converting a query tree during heuristic optimisation General Transformation Rules for Relational Algebra Operations There are many rules for transforming relational algebra operations into equivalent ones. Here we are interested in the meaning of the operations and the resulting relations. Hence, if two relations have the same set of attributes in a different order but the two relations represent the same

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RDBMS information, we consider the relations equivalent. We now state some transformation rules that are useful in query optimization, without proving them:

1. Cascade of σ: A conjunctive selection condition can be broken up into a cascade (that is, a sequence) of individual σ operations.

σc1 AND σc2 AND…AND σcn (R) = σc1(σc2(…(σcn(R))…))

2. Commutativity of σ: The σ operation is commutative. σc1(σc2(R))=σc2(σc1(R))

3. Cascade of π: In a cascade (sequence) of π operations, all but the last one can be ignored: List (πList2 (…πListn (R))…))= πListn(R)

4. Commuting σ with π: If the selection condition c involves only those attributes A l,…, An in the projection list, the two operations cab be commuted: πA1, A2…An (σc(R))=σc (πA1, A2… An (R)) 5.

Commutatively R

S= S

(and x): The

operation is commutative, as is the x operation:


R x S= S x R Notice that, although the order of attributes may not be the same in the relations resulting from the two joints (or two Cartesian products), the “meaning” is the same because order of attributes is not important in the alternative definition of relation. 6.

Commuting σ with (or x): If all the attributes in the selection condition σc involve only the attributes of one of the relations being joined, say R, the two operations can be commuted as follows: σc (R

S) =(σc (R) )


Alternatively, if the selection condition σc can be written as (c1 AND c2), where condition c1 involves only the attributes of R and condition c 2 involves only the attributes of S, the operations commute as follows: σc (R

S) = (σc1 (R) )

(σc2 (S))

The same rules apply if the 7.

is replaced by a x operation.

Commuting π with (or σc): Suppose that the projection list is L= (A 1,…, An, B1,…,Bm), where A1…, An are attributes of R and B1,…Bm are attributes in L, the two operations can be commuted as follows: πL (R

c S) = (πA1.., An (R))

c (πB1,…Bm(S))

If the join condition c contains additional attributes not in L, these must be added to the projection list, and a final π operation is needed. For example, if attributes An+1,…An+k of R and Bm+1, …. Bm+p of S are involved in the join condition c but are not in the projection list L, the operations commute as follows: π (R

c S)= πL ((π Al, An+1, …,…An+k (R))

c (πB1, …Bm, Bm+1,…Bm+p (S))

For x, there is no condition c, so the first transformation rule always applies by replacing c with x. 8.

Commutatively of set operations: The set operations  and  are commutative.

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Associativity of , x,  , and  : These four operations are individually associative; that is, if θ stands for any one of these four operations (through out the expression), we have: R θ (S θ T) = (R θ S) θ T


Distribution σ with set operations: The σ operation commutes with  ,  and x. If θ stands for any one of these three operations (throughout the expression), we have: σc (R θ S )= (σc (R)) θ (σc (S))


The π operation commutes with  : πL (R  C)= (πL (R))  (πL (S))


Converting a (σ, x) sequence into: If the condition c of a σ that follows a x corresponds to a join condition, convert the (σ, x) sequence into c as follows: (σc (RxS)) = (R

c S)

There are other possible transformations. For example, a selection or join condition c can be converted into an equivalent condition by using the following rules (DeMorgan’s laws): NOT (c1 AND c2)= (NOT c1) OR (NOT c2) NOT (c1 OR c2) = (NOT c1) AND (NOT c2)

Outline of Heuristic Algebraic Optimization Algorithm We can now outline the steps of an algorithm that utilizes some of the above rules to transform an initial query tree into an optimized tree that is more efficient to execute (in most cases). The algorithm will lead to transformations similar to those discussed in our example of Figure 4.2. The steps of the algorithm are as follows: Using Rule 1, break up any SELECT operation with conjunctive conditions into a cascade of SELECT operations. This permits a greater degree of freedom in moving SELECT operations down different branches of the tree. Using Rules 2, 4, 6, and 10 concerning the commutativity of SELECT with other operations, move each SELECT operation as far down the query tree as is permitted by the attributes involved in the select condition. Using Rules 5 and 9 concerning commutativity and associativity of binary operations, rearrange the leaf nodes of the tree using the following criteria. First, position the leaf node relations with most restrictive SELECT operations so they are executed first in the query tree representation. The definition of most restrictive are executed fires in the query tree representation. The definition of most restrictive SELECT can mean either the ones that produce a relation with the fewest tuples or with the smallest absolute size. Another possibility is to define the most restrictive SELECT as the one with the smallest selectivity; this is more practical because estimates of selectivity are often available in the DBMS catalog. Second, make sure that the ordering of leaf nodes does not cause CARTESIAN PRODUCT operations. For example, if the two relations with the most restrictive SELECT do not have a direct join condition between them, it may be desirable to change the order of leaf nodes to avoid Cartesian products. Using Rule 12, combine a CARTESIAN PRODUCT operation with a subsequent SELECT operation in the tree into a JOIN operation, if the condition represents a join condition. Using Rules 3, 4, 7, and 11 concerning the cascading of PROJECT and the commuting of PROJECT with other operations, break down and move lists of projection attributes down the tree as far as possible by creating new PROJECT operations as needed. Only those

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RDBMS attributes needed in the query result and in subsequent operations in the query tree should be kept after each PROJECT operation. Identify sub-trees that represent groups of operations that can be executed by a single algorithm. In our example, Figure (b) shows the tree of Figure (a) after applying steps 1 and 2 of the algorithm; Figure (c) shows the tree after Step 3; Figure (d) after Step 4; and Figure (e) after Step 6 we may group together. The operations in the sub-tree whose root is the operation πESSN into a single algorithm. We may also group the remaining operations into another sub-tree, where the tuples resulting from the first algorithm replace the sub-tree whose root is the operation πESSN because the first grouping means that this sub-tree is executed first. 8.10. Basic Algorithms for Executing Query Operations Converting Query Trees into Query Execution Plans An execution plan for a relational algebraic expression represented as a query tree includes information about the access methods available for each relation as well as the algorithms to be used in computing the relational operators represented in the tree. As a simple example, consider query Q1 whose corresponding relational algebraic expression is: πFNAME, LNAME, ADDRESS (σDNAME= ‘RESEARCH’



The query trees shown in Figure 4.3. To convert this into an execution plan, the optimizer might choose an index search for the SELECT operation (assuming one exists), a table scan as access method for EMPLOYEE, a nested loop join algorithm for the join, and a scan of the JOIN result for the PROJECT operator. In addition, the approach taken for executing the query may specify a materialized or a pipelined evaluation. With materialized evolution, the result of operations is stored as temporary relation (that is, the result is physically materialized). For instance, the join operation can be computed and the entire result stored as a temporary relation, which is then read as input by the algorithm that computes the PROJECT operation, which would produce the query result table. On the other hand, with pipelined evaluation, as the resulting tuples of an operation are produced, they are forwards directly to the next operation in the query sequence. For example, as the selected tuples from DEPARTMENT are produced by the SELECT operation, they are placed in a buffer; the JOIN operation algorithm would ten consume the tuples from the buffer, and those tuples that result from the JOIN operation are pipelined to the projection operation algorithm. The advantages of pipelining is the cost savings in not having to write the intermediate results to disk and not having to read them back for the next operation. πFNAME, LNAME, ADDRESS





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RDBMS Unit 9 The Query Compiler 9.1.Parsing 9.2.Algebraic Laws for Improving Query Plans 9.3.From Parse Trees to Logical Query Plans 9.4.Estimating the Cost of Operations 9.5.Introduction to Cost-Based Plan Selection 9.6.Completing the Physical-Query-Plan 9.7.Coping With System Failures 9.8.Issues and Models for Resilient Operation 9.9.Redo Logging 9.10.Undo/Redo Logging 9.11.Protecting Against Media Failures 9.1. Parsing One of the most powerful features of Rexx is its ability to parse text values. If you are like many others who are learning Rexx you may be unfamiliar with the word parse. Perhaps you recall parsing sentences during your schooling, but you think that was quite some time ago. Webster's New World Dictionary contains the following definition. parse vt., vi. parsed, pars'ing 1. To separate (a sentence) into its parts, explaining the grammatical form, function, and interrelation of each part. 2. To describe the form, part of speech, and function of (a word in a sentence) The above definition has little in common with the Rexx parsing capability. The key phrase is: "to separate into its parts". For the word parse is computer science parlance for the act of separating computer input into meaningful parts for subsequent processing actions. Rexx is one of few languages which provides parsing as a fundamental instruction. Most languages merely provide lower level string separation capabilities, leaving the preparation of parsing capabilities as user developed endeavors. Within Rexx, these capabilities are immediately available, and this is very powerful. Preparing to parse Let us learn about parsing by analyzing the following reduction of Descartes' famous quote: I think I am Here is a program that parses the words in the phrase. When a value consists of words that are separated by only one space, and there are no leading or trailing spaces, the value is easy to parse into a known number of words as follows. parse value 'I think I am' with word1 word2 word3 word4 say "'"word1"'" say "'"word2"'" say "'"word3"'" say "'"word4"'" This shows: 'I' 'think,' 'I' 'am' Here is another program that parses the above phrase. phrase = 'I think I am' do while phrase <> '' parse var phrase word phrase say "'"word"'"

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RDBMS end Let Rexx know what you mean When the value that is being parse contains punctuation that partitions the values into meaningful components, you can easily assign these parts to variables. Consider the following example: parse value 'I think, therefore I am (I think)' with precondition ', ' consequence ' (' qualifier ')' say 'precondition' precondition say 'consequence' consequence say 'qualifier' qualifier This shows: 'precondition' I think 'consequence' therefore I am 'qualifier' I think Suppose the value consists of a sequence of fields separated by tabs. You can easily assign these to variables as follows: tab = '09'x /* this is an Ascii tab character */ parse var request , Company (tab) , Sales (tab) , CostOfGoods (tab) , NetIncome (tab) , Cash (tab) , AccountsReceivable (tab) , AccountsReceivablePrior (tab) , Inventory (tab) , InventoryPrior (tab) , OtherCurrentAssets (tab) , PropertyEquipment (tab) , AccumulatedDepreciation (tab) , OtherAssets (tab) , TotalAssetsPrior (tab) , CurrentLiabilities (tab) , LongTermDebt (tab) , OtherLiabilities (tab) , PreferredStock (tab) , CommonStock (tab) , RetainedEarnings (tab) , StockholdersEquity (tab) , StockValue (tab) , SharesOutstanding (tab) , PreferredDividends (tab) Multiple value assignment You might have seen Rexx programs that have multiple assignment instructions on a single line, especially in books. Your programs will be easier to understand if the assignments are placed on separate lines. Consider the following example. drop a3; a33 = 7; k = 3; fred='K'; list.5 = '?' The parse instruction can perform multiple assignments. The above assignments can be accomplished as follows: drop a3 /* the parse instruction can not drop values */

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RDBMS How does parsing work ? The parse statement divides a source string into constitutent parts and assigns these to variables, as directed by the parsing template. The following picture introduces how parsing is performed, with multiple space dividers between the variables to assign.

While the template is processed from left to right, several current positions in the source string are maintained. The motion of these positions is guided by the division specifiers within the template. In the picture above, the positions are those that would be in effect after the template's verb term is processed. The object term will be processed next. The previous start position locates the 'l' in 'likes'. The current end position locates the space between 'likes' and 'peaches'. The next start position locates the 'p' in 'peaches'. With these positions established the value 'likes' is assigned to variable verb. When the object term is processed, it is the only term remaining. Consequently, the remainder of the source string is assigned to the object variable -- it receives the value: 'peaches and cream'. If a relative position division specifier followed the verb term, the verb variable would receive that many characters after the previous start position and all positions would be advanced to that relative position. Study the following effect: parse value 'Sam likes peaches and cream' with subject verb +2 object say 'subject:' subject say 'verb:' verb say 'object:' object This shows: subject: Sam verb: li object: kes peaches and cream The following is another illustration that shows how parsing is performed, with a literal pattern divider between the variables to assign.

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The literal pattern in this example is a quoted comma -- ',' . The previous start position locates the 't' in 'think'. The current end position locates the ','. The next start position locates the space between the comma and the 't' in 'therefore'. With these positions established the value 'I think' is assigned to variable precondition. When the consequence term is processed, it is the only term remaining. Consequently, the remainder of the source string is assigned to the consequence variable -- it receives the value: ' therefore I am'. This value contains a leading space. 9.2. Algebraic Laws for Improving Query Plans The Oracle database has three different optimizer modes. The default optimizer mode is RULE base and this can be change using the ALTER SESSION command. To obtain a query plan for a specific query, execute the EXPLAIN PLAN command. The result of the EXPLAIN PLAN will be inserted into a plan_table. Therefore, before executing the EXPLAIN PLAN command, the plan_table must be created. To view the result of the EXPLAIN PLAN command, simply query the plan_table (using simple SELECT statement). Following is some important column names: statement_id operation options object_name id parent_id cost TUTORIAL QUESTION Given the following EXPLAIN PLAN statement: EXPLAIN PLAN SET STATEMENT_ID = 'Q' INTO plan_table FOR SELECT s.idno, s.fname, s.lname FROM student s, enrol e, subject su WHERE s.idno=e.idno AND su.subno=e.subno AND su.subno='CSE3000' AND mark >= 80; Below is the result inserted into the plan_table. OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME

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RDBMS ID PARENT_ID PLAN_TABLE CREATE TABLE plan_table (statement_id VARCHAR2(2), timestamp DATE, remarks VARCHAR2(80), operation VARCHAR2(30), options VARCHAR2(30), object_node VARCHAR2(128), object_owner VARCHAR2(30), object_name VARCHAR2(30), object_instance NUMERIC, object_type VARCHAR2(30), optimizer VARCHAR2(255), search_columns NUMERIC, id NUMERIC, parent_id NUMERIC, position NUMERIC, cost NUMERIC, cardinality NUMERIC, bytes NUMERIC, other_tag VARCHAR2(255), other LONG); INDEX CREATE INDEX student_index ON student (lastname); CREATE INDEX enrol_index ON enrol (mark); DROP INDEX student_index; DROP INDEX enrol_index; OPTIMIZATION GOALS The default optimizer mode can be changed by executing one of the following statements. ALTER SESSION SET OPTIMIZER_MODE=ALL_ROWS; ALTER SESSION SET OPTIMIZER_MODE=FIRST_ROWS; ALTER SESSION SET OPTIMIZER_MODE=RULE; EXPLAIN PLAN EXPLAIN PLAN SET STATEMENT_ID = 'Q1' INTO plan_table FOR SELECT * FROM student WHERE id=14506302; The above statement gives and inserts the plan for the query into the plan_table. SPOOL The following script creates a spool file called results.txt which has all the output displayed on the screen from the time it is on until the spool is turned off. Spool On set pause off set echo on spool results.txt Spool Off set echo link bar to this page, you must first save it to a Web server that is running the FrontPage Server Extensions 2002 or SharePoint link bar to this page, you must first save it to a Web server that is running the FrontPage Server Extensions 2002 or SharePoint off

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RDBMS spool off set pause on

9.3. From Parse Trees to Logical Query Plans The parse tree is transformed into an expression tree of relational algebra, which is a logical query plan. The logical query plan must be turned into a physical query plan. Syntax Analysis and Parse Trees Nodes of a parse tree Atoms Lexical elements: keywords, names of attributes or relations, constants, parentheses, operators. It has no children Syntactic categories Names for families of query subparts that all play a similar role in a query Notation: triangular bracket A Grammar for a Simple SQL A real SQL grammar would have a much more complex structure for queries Query Select-From Where ::= ( ) <SFW> ::= SELECT WHERE Simple Subset of SQL Select-Lists From-Lists ::= , ::= <SelList> ::= <SelList> ::=

::= <SelList>




Conditions ::= AND ::= IN ::= = ::= LIKE <Pattern> ::= Base Syntactic Categories , , <Pattern> They are not defined by grammatical rules, but rules about the atoms for which they can stand. For example, one child of can be any string of characters that can be interpreted as the name of an attribute. Example StarsIn(title, MovieStar(name, address, gender, birthdate)



Find the movies with stars born in 1960 SELECT title FROM StarsIn WHERE starName IN (

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RDBMS SELECT name FROM MovieStar WHERE birthdate LIKE ‘%1960’ ); Example : Parse Tree <SFW> SELECT <SelList> FROM WHERE IN title StarsIn ( ) starName <SFW> SELECT <SelList> FROM WHERE LIKE <Pattern> name MovieStar birthDate‘%1960’ Example Find the movies with stars born in 1960 SELECT title FROM WHERE starName = name AND birthdate LIKE ‘%1960’;



Algebraic Laws for Improving query Plans To get an equivalent expression tree (a logical query plan) that may have a more efficient physical query plan Commutative and associative laws Selection Push selections Projection Duplicate elimination Grouping and aggregation Commutative and Associative Laws A commutative law about an operator. It does not matter in which order you present the arguments of the operator. An associative law about an operator. It says that we may group two used of the operator either from the left or the right. Property When an operator is both associative and commutative, then any number of operands connected by this operator can be grouped and ordered as we wish without changing the result. 9.4. Estimating the Cost of Operations Query Optimization: Estimating Cost, Cost Plans, . Cost-Based Query Optimization Cost-based Query Optimization is the process of selecting an optimal or near-optimal query execution plan by computing or estimating the cost of executing each plan and choosing the best one. Problems: too many plans (exponential growth), cost not exactly computable unless the query is executed, statistics on databases often not constant and/or unreliable, network cost cannot be anticipated... Estimating the cost Of Operations

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RDBMS Estimating cost is useful both for improving logical plans and for choosing physical plans. Cost can not be computed exactly must estimate. For most algorithms implementing operators, cost is roughly proportional to (input) relation size. Estimating the Size of Operation Results • Sizes of base relations are known (data dictionary) • Can gather statistics (below) •size of join can be estimated from sizes of underlying, relation and number of duplicates Example Joining R S (natural join). Relation R: 100,000 tuples, Relation S: 200 tuples. Join on common attribute A. Number of distinct tuples in R.A: 100, uniformly distributed. Each value occurs 1,000 times. S.C is a primary key in S. Therefore: Only 100 values in S.C could possibly match with R.C. T (Recommended Books: S) = 1, 000 ∗ 100 = 100, 000 tuples. |R| ≡ T (R) Estimating the Size of a Projection (π) • Computation is trivial if projection is a bag operator. • Only interesting part: can compute the size of relation in bytes (by looking at the size of each tuple). • For set-semantics: computation must be done like for a δ-operator (i.e., statistics must be available). Estimating the Size of a Selection Concept of selectivity: sel σ = number of output tuples number of input tuples Simple case: select-condition is an equality with a constant (A = c) T (σ(R)) ≈ T (R) V (R, A) where V (R, A) is number of distinct values in attribute R.A. Estimating Selectivities More difficult cases: • A < c: add all selectivities for values < c OR just assume some constant ratio (for example 1/3) • A = c: assume no tuples are “selected out” ⇒ T (σ(R)) = T (R) • R.A = S.A: need better statistics... (next slide) • conjunctions (AND) and disjunctions (OR) of conditions : use standard statistical techniques. Estimating the Size of a Join Simple: T (R × S) = T (R) × T (S). Equijoin (Recommended Books: R.Y =S.Y S): under many assumptions, the following holds: T (Recommended Books: S) ≈ T (R) · T (S) max(V (R, Y ), V (S, Y )) Remember: size of tuples might also be an issue. Some Research Results • • • • • •

use sampling to determine join sizes collect histograms (i.e., more sophisticated versions of “V(R,A)”) gather statistics by “listening in” to queries number of distinct values in each attribute domains of values (minimum, maximum, range) update statistics as database gets updated (“incrementally”)

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9.5. Introduction to Cost-Based Plan Selection The number of disk I/O’s is influenced by The particular logical operators chosen to implement the query. The sizes of intermediate relations. The physical operators used to implement logical operators. The ordering of similar operations. The method of passing arguments from one physical operator to the next. Obtaining Estimates (1/2) A modern DBMS generally allows the user or administrator explicitly to request the gathering of statistics, which are used in query optimizations: Statistics T(R) and V(R,a) Scan an entire relation R B(R) Count the actual number of blocks used (if R is clustered) Or, divide T(R) by the (average) length of a tuple Obtaining Estimates (2/2) DBMSs may compute a histogram of the values for a given attribute. If V(R,A) is not too large, the histogram consist of the number (or fraction) of the tuples having each of the values of attribute A Common three types of histograms Equal-width Equal-height Most-frequent-values One advantage of keeping a histogram is that the sizes of joins can be estimated more accurately Example (1/2) Consider the join: R(a,b) S(b,c) Histogram for R.b 1: 200, 0: 150, 5: 100, others: 550 Histogram for S.b 0: 100, 1: 80, 2: 70, others: 250 Assume, V(R,b) = 14 and V(S,b) = 13 550 tuples of R and 250 tuples of S are divided among eleven values and ten values, respectively Example (2/2) The 150 tuples of R with b = 0 join with the 100 tuples of S having b = 0, to yield 15,000 tuples, With b = 1, 200 * 80 = 16,000 tuples With b = 2, 50 * 70 = 3,500 tuples With Other nine b-values, 50 * 25 = 1250 The estimate of the output size 15,000 + 16,000 + 3,500 + 2,500 + 9*1,250 = 48,250 * Note that the simpler estimate from Section 7.4 would be 1000 * 500/14 (=35,714) Example (1/2) Consider two relations Jan(day, temp) July(day, temp) The query is: SELECT Jan.day, July.day FROM Jan, July

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RDBMS WHERE Jan.temp = July.temp; 0 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 July Jan Range “Find pairs of days in January and July that had the same temperature” Query Plan: all grandparents of ann from the available sources. answer(X) :- parent(X,Z), parent(Z,ann) parent(X,Y) :- v1(X,Y) parent(X,Y) :- v2(X,Y) Functional Dependencies Suppose the virtual relations: conference(Paper, Conference), year(Paper, Year), location(Conference, Year, Location) Functional dependencies conference: Paper -> Conference year: Paper -> Year location: Conference, Year -> Location Information sources v1(P,C,Y) :- conference(P,C), year(P,Y) v2(P,L) :- conference(P,C), year(P,Y), location(C,Y,L) Query: q(L):- location(ijcai, 1991, L) Answer: answer(L) :- v1(P, ijcai, 1991), v2(P, L) Definition (inverse rule): Let v be a source description Then for j=1, …, n, is an inverse rule of v. Modifying to obtain as follows: if X is a constant or is a variable in ,then X is unchanged in . Otherwise, X is one of the variables Xi appearing in the body of v but not in , and X is replaced by in purpose is to recover tuples of the virtual relations from the source relations. 9.6. Completing the Physical-Query-Plan Estimating sizes of relations The sizes of intermediate results are important for the choices made when planning query execution. Time for operations grow: linearly with size of (largest) argument. The total size can even be used as a crude estimate on the running time. Statistics for computing estimates The book suggests several statistics on relations that may be used to (heuristically) estimate the size of intermediate results. T(R): # tuples in R S(R): # bytes in each R tuple

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RDBMS B(R): # blocks to hold all R tuples V(R, A): # distinct values in R for attribute A Size estimates for W= R1 R2 T(W) = S(W) = T(R1)  T(R2) S(R1) + S(R2) Question: How good are these estimates? S(W) = S(R) T(W) = ? Size estimate for W = A=a (R) Some possible assumptions Values in select expression A = a (or at least one of them) are uniformly distributed over the possible V(R,A) values. As above, but with uniform distribution over domain with DOM(R,A) values. Zipfian distribution of values. Selection cardinality SC(R,A) = expected # records that satisfy equality condition on R.A T(R) V(R,A) SC(R,A) = T(R) DOM(R,A) Size estimate for W = A ≥a(R) T(W) = ? Suggestion # 1: T(W) = T(R)/2. Suggestion # 2: T(W) = T(R)/3. Suggestion # 3 (not in book): Be consistent with equality estimate. Example: Consistency with 2 nd equality estimate. Recommended Books: A Min=1 W= A ≥15 (R) Max=20 f = 20−14 (fraction of range) 20 T(W) = f T(R) Problem session Consider the natural join operation on two relations R1 and R2 with join attribute A. If values for A are uniformly distributed on DOM(R1,A)=DOM(R2,A) values, what is the expected size of R1, R2? What can you say if values for A are instead uniform on respectively V(R1,A) and V(R2,A) values? What if A is primary key for R1 and/or R2? Crude estimate

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RDBMS Values uniformly distributed over domain R1 A B C R2 A D This tuple matches T(R2)/DOM(R2,A) so T(W) = T(R2) T(R1) = T(R2) T(R1) DOM(R2, A) DOM(R1, A) T(W) = T(R1) T(R2) ... T(Rk) DOM(R1,A) k−1 General crude estimate Let W = R1 R2 R3 ... Rk Symmetric wrt. the relations. A rare property... "Better" size estimate for W = R1 R2 Assumption: Containment of value sets V(R1,A) ≤ V(R2,A) Every A value in R1 is in R2 V(R2,A) ≤ V(R1,A) Every A value in R2 is in R1 R1 A B C R2 A D Computing T(W) when V(R1,A) ≤ V(R2,A) Take 1 tuple Match 1 tuple matches with T(R2) tuples... V(R2,A) so T(W) = T(R2) * T(R1) V(R2, A) T(W) = T(R1) ... T(Rk) min{ V(R1,A),...,V(Rk,A)} V(R1,A) V(R2,A) V(Rk,A) General estimate Let W = R1 R2 R3 ... Rk Underlying assumption: The previous estimates are easily extended to several join attributes A1,...,Aj: New assumption: Values are independent.Under assumption 1, the joint values in attributes are uniformly distributed on V(R,A1) V(R,A2) ... V(R,Aj) values. Under assumption 2, they are uniform on DOM(R,A1) DOM(R,A2) ... DOM(R,Aj) values. Other estimates use similar ideas AB (R) .. Sec. 16.4.2 A=a ∧B=b (R) Union, intersection, duplicate elimination, difference,

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RDBMS Improved estimates through Idea: Maintain more info than just V(R,A). Histogram: Number of values in each of a number of intervals. < 11 11−17 18−22 23−30 31−41 > 42 9.7. Coping With System Failures Integrity or consistency constraints Predicates data must satisfy Examples: - x is key of relation R - x y holds in R - Domain(x) = {Red, Blue, Green} - a is valid index for attribute x of R no employee should make more than twice the average salary SQL uses constraints or triggers to enforce integrity CHECK age > 16 AND age <= 99 Definitions Consistent state: satisfies all constraints Consistent DB: DB in consistent state Ideally: database should reflect real world DB Reality A1 A2 . . 500 . . 500 . . 600 . . 500 . . 600 . . 600 Example: Salary A1 = Salary A2 (constraint) Deposit $100 in A1: A1 A1 + 100 Deposit $100 in A2: A2 A2 + 100 DB may not be always consistent! Transaction: collection of actions that preserve consistency Consistent DB Consistent DB’ T Big assumption: If T starts with consistent state + T executes in isolation T leaves consistent state Correctness (informally)

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RDBMS If we stop running transactions, DB left consistent Each transaction sees a consistent DB How can constraints be violated? Transaction bug DBMS bug Hardware failure e.g., disk crash alters balance of account Data sharing e.g.: T1: give 10% raise to programmers T2: change programmers systems analysts Coping with system failures Question 1: What is our Failure Model? Events Desired Undesired Expected Unexpected CPU Memory Disk Desired events: see product manuals… Undesired expected events: System crash - memory lost - cpu halts, resets Examples: Disk data is lost Memory lost without CPU halt CPU dies… Undesired Unexpected: Everything else! Is this model reasonable? Approach: Add low level checks + redundancy E.g., Replicate disk storage (stable store), Memory parity, CPU checks. Question 2 Storage hierarchy Memory x x


Operations: Input (x): block with x memory Output (x): block with x disk Read (x,t): do input(x) if necessary Write (x,t): do input(x) if necessary Memory Disk x x t

t value of x in block value of x in block t

Key problem: Unfinished transaction Example Constraint: A=B T1: A A 2 B B2 T1: Read (A,t); t t2 

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RDBMS Write (A,t); Read (B,t); t t2  Write (B,t); Output (A); Output (B); A: 8 B: 8 A: 8 B: 8 memory disk 16 16 16 failure! 18 Need atomicity: execute all actions of a transaction or none at all. 9.8. Issues and Models for Resilient Operation Methods, models, etc. to assess both vulnerability and resiliency of social, political, and economic systems across different units of analysis (e.g., individuals, organizations, institutions in both the public and private sector as well as nongovernmental organizations),geographic scales, and phases of the emergency management cycle (e.g., preparedness,response, recovery, and mitigation). Assessment of direct, (psychological, social, economic), indirect, and ripple effects resulting from the September 11 attacks Risk factors affecting both impacts and outcomes. Relationships and Connections Between Human and Physical (engineered) Systems. Research is needed to identify ways in which the built environment and human and organizational behavior interact to either amplify or reduce vulnerability. Topics for study include: • Models, methods, data focusing on the interface between human and physical (engineered) • systems, and in particular ways in which these systems can be better integrated. Examples include building designs and emergency plans to enhance life safety through protecting building occupants and facilitating emergency egress • Risk communication, pre-event planning, and post-event response management to protect • lives and property life safety and encourage appropriate self-protective behavior. Institutional Arrangements Additional research is needed to address institutional, multiorganizational, and organizational dimensions of pre-event mitigation and planning and post-event response and recovery. Research focusing on the following areas is needed: • Capability and adaptability of institutions (e.g., governmental and private-sector entities and entities responsible for infrastructure maintenance) to deal with vulnerability both before and after a disaster. • Interorganizational and intergovernmental relations, including dynamics of multi- agency decision-making and challenges associated with horizontal (among organizations) and vertical (among different governmental levels) integration in major crises. • Communications and information sharing among individuals, groups, and organizations, especially with respect to the various phases of the emergency management cycle (e.g., preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation).

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Social, political, legal, administrative, and other factors that influence institutional behavior and response in large-scale and near-catastrophic events

Decision-making and Risk Additional research is needed to improve decision-making at different units of analysis. Topics for further research include: • Models and approaches to characterize tradeoffs and decision processes employed by individuals, organizations, and institutions across the emergency management cycle. • Decision processes at various levels of analysis across the entire hazards/emergency management cycle and those that provide linkages among the various stages of the cycle. CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES Many research needs span both engineering and social science disciplines. These areas of convergence include the need for: • Improved theories, models, methods, and analytical tools, including tools that are capable of integrating data both spatially and temporally. • Strategies to ensure maximum data availability, access, and sharing. • Research focusing on documenting and analyzing both successes and failures in engineered and human systems (e.g., robust and redundant structures and systems, successful organizational coping and adaptation in crises. • Research to better understand similarities and dissimilarities among varied disaster agents--natural, technological, and terrorism-related disasters. • Studies that address the needs of a wide range of users and target audiences (e.g., organizations charged with responsibility for managing response, recovery and reconstruction activities). Structures and Physical Systems 1. Analytical models / Simulation of performance. This capability has been developed in other areas and can be applied to structures. 1.A. Data from the World Trade Center collapse is needed to validate such models and simulations. The design and operation should be considered under normal and extreme events. Data from other buildings and cases should also be included. 2. Analytical models / Simulation of building systems. This area refers to the electrical, mechanical aspects of buildings. Examples include temperature, air flow, and other aspects. 2.A. Data from the World Trade Center is needed to validate these models and simulations. Design and operation under normal and extreme events should be included. 3. Analytical models / Simulation of emergency management and human response. Such tools can be used in planning and execution. 3.A. Data from the World Trade Center should be used to validate these models and simulations. 4. Analytical models of information flows, including sharing of information. This research topic consists of looking at what was done in terms of data sharing and what could be done better in the future. 4. A. An area of research within this topic is the availability and incentives for sharing information. Being able to demonstrate the consequences of lack of sharing. How access to information can be preserved while respecting security needs.

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RDBMS 5. Debris field and collateral damage. This research area addresses questions related to where the collapsed pieces are likely to go and what the structure of the collapsed material is likely to be. 5. The area of analysis includes both the surface and subsurface, and this also includes infrastructure. 6. Structure of collapsed buildings. This refers to three areas: safety and removal; prediction of void spaces; and strategies for search and rescue. 7. Environmental consequences. This area includes, but is not limited to: airborne/plume model; water borne and land based pollution; evolution of source over time; model validation (WTC and other crises for urban terrains); and NBC applications. 8. Intelligent buildings and bridges. This research addresses the role of advanced technologies on intelligent structures/buildings and their future performance goals. 9. Distributed networks. Given New York City’s unique energy network, an important research question relates to what an event similar to the attack on the World Trade Center would do in a setting with a different energy network configuration. This area also refers to strategies for resilient networks and complex adaptive systems, such as energy, communications, water, and others. 9.A. The World Trade Center and other cases can be used to understand what worked and why. 10. Overarching ‘tools’ for making risk-informed decisions. This includes databases of networks, models and processes. The main research question is how models of structures, networks, and processes can be integrated into risk models and risk management. 11. Fragility curves for organizations collapse. This area of research refers to the application of models from physical systems to organizations. An example could be how organizations perform under different levels of stress. 12. Interdependencies between and among infrastructure systems. 13. Cost/consequence models. Issues related to costs and benefits should be considered for normal and extreme events, as well as for response efforts. 14. Damage/update/reanalyze for real performance deterioration. 9.9. Redo Logging A transaction on the current database transforms it form the current state to a new state. This is the co-called DO operation. The undo and redo operations are functions of the recovery subsystem of the database system used in the recovery process. The undo operation undoes or reversers the actions possibly partially executed) of a transaction and restores the database to the state that existed before the start of the transaction. The redo operation redoes the action of a transaction and redoes the action of a transaction and restores the database to the state it would be in the end of the transaction. The undo operation is also called into plays when a transaction decides to terminate itself. The undo and redo operations for given transaction are required to be idempotent; that is for any transaction of the database as a result of translation, performing one of these operations once is equivalent to performing it any number of times. Thus: Undo(any action)= undo(undo(..undo(any action)..))

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RDBMS redo(any action)= redo(redo(..redo(any action)..)) the reason for that requirement that undo and redo be idempotent is that the recovery process, while in the process of redoing the actions of a transaction, may fail without a trace, and this type of failure can occur any number of times before the recovery is completed successfully. 9.10. Undo/Redo Logging A transaction that discovers an error while it is in progress and consequently needs to abort itself and roll back any changes made by it uses the transaction undo removes all database changes, partial or otherwise, made by the transaction. Redo it involves performing the changes made by a transaction that committed before a system crash. With the write-ahead log strategy, a committed transaction implies that log for the transaction. Since the redo operation is idempotent, redoing the partial or complete modification made by a transaction. Undo Transaction that are partially complete at the time of a system crash with loss of volatile storage need to be undoing any changes made by the transaction. The global undo operation, initiated by the recovery system, involves undoing the partial or otherwise updates made by all uncommitted transactions at the time of a system failure. The Redo-Logging Rule The order in which material associated with one transaction gets written to disk: The log records indicating changed database elements The “COMMIT” log record The changed database elements themselves Example <START T> READ(A,t) t := t*2 WRITE(A,t) READ(B,t) t := t*2 WRITE(B,t) FLUSH LOG OUTPUT(A) OUTPUT(B) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Log D-B D-A

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RDBMS M-B M-A t Action Step 9.11. Protecting Against Media Failures Transaction A sequence of database operations that have ACID properties Syntax in ESQL/C Start: most (but not all) SQL statements Not transaction-initiating statements Connect, Disconnect, Set, Commit, Rollback, Declare, Get Diagnostics, … End: Commit work, Rollback work Commit indicates successful end of a transaction, Rollback indicates abnormal termination of a transaction. ACID Properties Atomicity, Either all actions in a transaction occur successfully or nothing has happened, All-or-nothing property. Consistency, Assumes that any successful transaction commits only legal result, A transaction is a correct transformation of the state, i.e., from one valid state to another valid state. Isolation, Events within a transaction must be hidden from other transactions running concurrently, The actions carried out by a transaction against a shared database cannot become visible to other transactions until the transaction commits. Durability, Once a transaction has completed and has commits, the system must guarantee that these results survive any subsequent failures. Failure Modes Transaction failure, When a transaction aborts, Need transaction rollback System failure, Refers to the loss or corruption of volatile storage (main memory) Power out, OS failure, … Need system restart Media (catastrophic) failure When any part of the stable storage (disk) is destroyed Head crash, disk controller error, … Need roll-forward The Primitive Operations of Transactions How transactions interact with databases The space of disk blocks holding the database elements. The virtual or main memory address space that is managed by the buffer manager. The local address space of the transaction. * Transactions don’t access the disk holding the database elements directly. INPUT(X): Copy the disk block containing database element X to a memory buffer READ(X,t): Copy the database element X to the transaction’s local variable t If the block containing database element X is not in memory buffer, then first execute INPUT(X) WRITE(X,t): Copy the value of local variable t to database element X in a memory buffer OUTPUT(X): Copy the buffer containing X to disk. Recovery Techniques A very complex area. No formal (mathematical) model on recovery Implementation and techniques are completely dependent on other features (concurrency control, disk management, buffer management, index management, etc.) of a particular system. Much of work did not get documented well

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RDBMS Shadowing Approach A logical page is read from a physical page P (shadow version) and after modification is written to another physical page P’ (current version) During checkpoint, shadow versions is discarded and current versions become shadow versions On failure, recovery is performed with log and shadow versions UNDO is very simple (+) Lot of disk space needed (-) Hard to cluster pages in disk (-) Hard to support record-level locking (-) Not adopted in modern commercial systems. Logging Approach In-place update in buffer and disk. All updates are logged in a “linear file” called log. Outperform shadowing in general. Widely used in various systems. Log Concept A history of all changes to the state Log + old state gives new state Log + new state gives old state Log is a sequential file Complete log is the complete history DO-REDO-UNDO Redo proceeds forward in the log (FIFO) while undo backward (LIFO) Old state Log record New state DO Old state Log record New state REDO New state Log record Old state UNDO

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RDBMS Unit 10 Concurrency Control

10.1Serial and Serializable Schedules 10.2Conflict-Serializability 10.3Enforcing Serializability by Locks 10.4Locking Systems With Several Lock Modes 10.5Architecture for a Locking Scheduler 10.6Managing Hierarchies of Database Elements 10.7Concurrency Control by Timestamps 10.8Concurrency Control by Validation 10.1. Serial and Serializable Schedules When two or more transactions are running concurrently, the steps of the transactions would normally be interleaved. The interleaved execution of transactions is decided by the database scheduler, which receives a stream of user requests that arise from the active transactions. A particular sequencing (usually interleaved) of the actions of a set of transactions is called a schedule. A serial schedule is a schedule in which all the operations of one transaction are completed before another transaction can begin (that is, there is no interleaving). Serial execution means no overlap of transaction operations. If T1 and T2 transactions are executed serially: RT1(X) WT1(X) RT1(Y) WT1(Y) RT2(X) WT2(X) or RT2(X) WT2(X) RT1(X) WT1(X) RT1(Y) WT1(Y) The database is left in a consistent state. The basic idea: Each transaction leaves the database in a consistent state if run individually If the transactions are run one after the other, then the database will be consistent For the first schedule: Database T1 T2 --- x=100, y=50 --- read(x) --- x=100 --x:=x*5 --- x=500 ----- x=500, y=50 --- write(X) read(Y) --- y=50 --Y:=Y-5 --- y=45 ----- x=500, y=45 --- write(Y) read(x) --- x=500 --x:=x+8 --- x=508 ----- x=508, y=45 --write(X) For the second schedule: Database T1 --- x=100, y=50 ----- x=108, y=50 ---

T2 read(x) --- x=100 --x:=x+8 --- x=108 --write(x)

read(x) --- x=108 --x:=x*5 --- x=540 ---

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RDBMS --- x=540, y=50 --- write(x) read(y) --- y=50 --y:=y-5 --- y=45 ----- x=540, y=45 --- write(y) Serializable Schedules Let T be a set of n transactions T1, T2, ..., Tn . If the n transactions are executed serially (call this execution S), we assume they terminate properly and leave the database in a consistent state. A concurrent execution of the n transactions in T (call this execution C) is called serializable if the execution is computationally equivalent to a serial execution. There may be more than one such serial execution. That is, the concurrent execution C always produces exactly the same effect on the database as some serial execution S does. (Note that S is some serial execution of T, not necessarily the order T1, T2, ..., Tn ). A serial schedule is always correct since we assume transactions do not depend on each other and furthermore, we assume, that each transaction when run in isolation transforms a consistent database into a new consistent state and therefore a set of transactions executed one at a time (i.e. serially) must also be correct. Example 1. Given the following schedule, draw a serialization (or precedence) graph and find if the schedule is serializable.

Solution: There is a simple technique for testing a given schedule S for serializability. The testing is based on constructing a directed graph in which each of the transactions is represented by one node and an edge between appear in the schedule: executes WRITE( X) before executes READ( X) before executes WRITE( X) before


exists if any of the following conflict operations

executes READ( X), or executes WRITE( X) executes WRITE( X).

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RDBMS If the graph has a cycle, the schedule is not serializable. 10.2. Conflict-Serializability •

Two operations conflict if: o they are issued by different transactions, o they operate on the same data item, and o at least one of them is a write operation

Two executions are conflict-equivalent, if in both executions all conflicting operations have the same order

An execution is conflict-serializable if it is conflict-equivalent to a serial history

Conflict graph Execution is conflict-serializable iff the conflict graph is acyclic T1 T2 T3 W1(a) R2(a) R3(b) W2(c) R3(c) W3(b) R1(b)

Example Schedule Conflict Graph Nodes: transactions Directed edges: conflicts between operations Serializablity (examples) • H1: w1(x,1), w2(x,2), w3(x,3), w2(y,1),r1(y) • H1 is view-serializable, since it is view- equivalent to H2 below: o H2: w2(x,2), w2(y,1), w1(x,1), r1(y), w3(x,3) • However, H1 is not conflict-serializable, since its conflict graph contains a cycle: w1(x,1) occurs before w2(x,2), but w2(x,2), w2(y,1) occurs before r1(y) • No serial schedule that is conflict-equivalent to H1 exists Execution Order vs. Serialization Order • • •

Consider the schedule H3 below: H3: w1(x,1), r2(x), c2, w3(y,1), C3, r1(y), C1 H3 is conflict equivalent to a serial execution in which T3 is followed by T1, followed by T2 This is despite the fact that T2 was executed completely and committed, before T3 even started

Recoverability of a Schedule • • •

A transaction T1 reads from transaction T2, if T1 reads a value of a data item that was written into the database by T2 A schedule H is recoverable, iff no transaction in H is committed, before every transaction it read from is committed The schedule below is serializable, but not recoverable: H4: r1(x), w1(x), r2(x), w2(y) C2, C1

Cascadelessness of a Schedule

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A schedule H is cascadeless (avoids cascading aborts), iff no transaction in H reads a value that was written by an uncommitted transaction The schedule below is recoverable, but not cascadeless: H4: r1(x), w1(x), r2(x), C1, w2(y) C2

Strictness of a Schedule • • •

A schedule H is strict if it is cascadeless and no transaction in H writes a value that was previously written by an uncommitted transaction The schedule below is cascadeless, but not strict: H5: r1(x), w1(x), r2(y), w2(x), C1, C2 Strictness permits the recovery from before images logs

Strong Recoverability of a Schedule • •

A schedule H is strongly recoverable, iff for every pair of transactions in H, their commitment order is the same as the order of their conflicting operations. The schedule below is strict, but not strongly recoverable: H6: r1(x) w2(x) C2 C1

Rigorousness of a Schedule • • •

A schedule H is rigorous, if it is strict and no transaction in H reads a data item untils all transactions that previously read this item either commit or abort The schedule below is strongly recoverable, but not rigorous: H7: r1(x) w2(X) C1 C2 A rigorous schedule is serializable and has all properties defined above

10.3. Enforcing Serializability by Locks Database servers support transactions: sequences of actions that are either all processed or none at all, i.e. atomic. To allow multiple concurrent transactions access to the same data, most database servers use a two-phase locking protocol. Each transaction locks sections of the data that it reads or updates to prevent others from seeing its uncommitted changes. Only when the transaction is committed or rolled back can the locks be released. This was one of the earliest methods of concurrency control, and is used by most database systems. Transactions should be isolated from other transactions. The SQL standard's default isolation level is serialisable. This means that a transaction should appear to run alone and it should not see changes made by others while they are running. Database servers that use two-phase locking typically have to reduce their default isolation level to read committed because running a transaction as serialisable would mean they'd need to lock entire tables to ensure the data remained consistent, and such table-locking would block all other users on the server. So transaction isolation is often traded for concurrency. But losing transaction isolation has implications for the integrity of your data. For example, if we start a transaction to read the amounts in a ledger table without isolation, any totals calculated would include amounts updated, inserted or deleted by other users during our reading of the rows, giving an unstable result. Database research in the early 1980s discovered a better way of allowing concurrent access to data .Storing multiple versions of rows would allow transactions to see a stable snapshot of the data. It had the advantage of allowing isolated transactions without the drawback of locks. While one transaction was reading a row, another could be updating the row by creating a new version. This solution at the time was thought to be impractical: storage space was expensive, memory was small, and storing multiple copies of the data seemed unthinkable. Of course, Moore's Law has meant that disk space is now inexpensive and memory sizes have dramatically increased. This, together with improvements in processor power, has meant that today we can easily store multiple versions and gain the benefits of high concurrency and transaction isolation without locking.

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RDBMS Unfortunately the locking protocols of popular database systems, many of which were designed well over a decade ago, form the core of those systems and replacing them seems to have been impossible, despite recent research again finding that storing multiple versions is better than a single version with locks 10.4. Locking Systems With Several Lock Modes several Object Orientated Databases, which were more recently developed, have incorporated OCC within their designs to gain the performance advantages inherent within this technological approach. Though optimistic methods were originally developed for transaction management the concept is equally applicable for more general problems of sharing resources and data. The methods have been incorporated into several recently developed Operating Systems, and many of the newer hardware architectures provide instructions to support and simplify the implementation of these methods. Optimistic Concurrency Control does not involve any locking of rows as such, and therefore cannot involve any deadlocks. Instead it works by dividing the transaction into phases. •

Build-up commences the start of the transaction. When a transaction is started a consistent view of the database is frozen based on the state after the last committed transaction. This means that the application will see this consistent view of the database during the entire transaction. This is accomplished by the use of an internal Transaction Cache, which contains information about all ongoing transactions in the system. The application "sees" the database through the Transaction Cache. During the Build-up phase the system also builds up a Read Set documenting the accesses to the database, and a Write Set of changes to be made, but does not apply any of these changes to the database. The Build-up phase ends with the calling of the COMMIT command by the application. The Commit involves using the Read Set and the Transaction Cache to detect access conflicts with other transactions. A conflict occurs when another transaction alters data in a way that would alter the contents of the Read Set for the transaction that is checked. Other transactions that were committed during the checked transaction's Build-up phase or during this check phase can cause a conflict. If a transaction conflict is detected, the checked transaction is aborted. No rollback is necessary, as no changes have been made to the database. An error code is returned to the application, which can then take appropriate action. Often this will be to retry the transaction without the user being aware of the conflict. If no conflicts are detected the operations in the Write Set for the transaction are moved to another structure, called the Commit Set that is to be secured on disk. All operations for one transaction are stored on the same page in the Commit Set (if the transaction is not very large). Before the operations in the Commit Set are secured on permanent storage, the system checks if there is any other committed transactions that can be stored on the same page in the Commit Set. After this, all transactions stored on the Commit Set page are written to disk (to the transaction databank TRANSDB) in one single I/O operation. This behavior is called a Group Commit, which means that several transactions are secured simultaneously. When the Commit Set has been secured on disk (in one I/O operation), the application is informed of the success of the COMMIT command and can resume its operations. During the Apply phase the changes are applied to the database, i.e. the databanks and the shadows are updated. The Background threads in the Database Server carry out this phase. Even though the changes are applied in the background, the transaction changes are visible to all applications through the Transaction Cache. Once this phase is finished the transaction

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RDBMS is fully complete. If there is any kind of hardware failure that means that SQL is unable to complete this phase, it is automatically restarted as soon as the cause of the failure is corrected. Most other DBMSs offer pessimistic concurrency control. This type of concurrency control protects a user's reads and updates by acquiring locks on rows (or possibly database pages, depending on the implementation), this leads to applications becoming 'contention bound' with performance limited by other transactions. These locks may force other users to wait if they try to access the locked items. The user that 'owns' the locks will usually complete their work, committing the transaction and thereby freeing the locks so that the waiting users can compete to attempt to acquire the locks. Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC) offers a number of distinct advantages including: • Complicated locking overhead is completely eliminated. Scalability is affected in locking systems as many simultaneous users cause locking graph traversal costs to escalate. • Deadlocks cannot occur, so the performance overheads of deadlock detection are avoided as well as the need for possible system administrator intervention to resolve them. • Programming is simplified as transaction aborts only occur at the Commit command whereas deadlocks can occur at any point during a transaction. Also it is not necessary for the programmer to take any action to avoid the potentially catastrophic effects of deadlocks, such as carrying out database accesses in a particular order. This is particularly important as potential deadlock situations are rarely detected in testing, and are only discovered when systems go live. • Data cannot be left inaccessible to other users as a result of a user taking a break or being excessively slow in responding to prompts. Locking systems leave locks set in these circumstances denying other users access to the data. • Data cannot be left inaccessible as a result of client processes failing or losing their connections to the server. • Delays caused by locking systems being overly cautious are avoided. This can arise as a result of larger than necessary lock granularity, but there are also several other circumstances when locking causes unnecessary delays even when using fine granularity locking. • Removes the problems associated with the use of ad-hoc tools. • Through the Group Commit concept, which is applied in SQL, the number of I/Os needed to secure committed transactions to the disk is reduced to a minimum. The actual updates to the database are performed in the background, allowing the originating application to continue. • The ROLLBACK statement is supported but, because nothing is written to the actual database during the transaction Build-up phase, this involves only a re-initialization of structures used by the transaction control system. • Another significant transaction feature in SQL is the concept of Read-Only transactions, which can be used for transactions that only perform read operations to the database. When performing a Read-Only transaction, the application will always see a consistent view of the database. Since consistency is guaranteed during a Read-Only transaction no transaction check is needed and internal structures used to perform transaction checks (i.e. the Read Set) is not needed, and for this reason no Read Set is established for a ReadOnly transaction. This has significant positive effects on performance for these transactions. This means that a Read-Only transaction always succeeds, unaffected of changes performed by other transactions. A Read-Only transaction also never disturbs any other transactions going on in the system. For example, a complicated long-running query can execute in parallel with OLTP transactions. 10.5. Architecture for a Locking Scheduler Architecture Features • •

Memory Usage Shared Memory

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RDBMS File system • Page Replacement Problems • Page eviction • Simplistic NRU replacement • Clock algorithm can evict accessed pages • Sub-optimal reaction to variable load or load Spikes after inactivity • Improvements: • Finer-grained SMP Locking • Unification of buffer and page caches • Support for larger memory configurations • SYSV shared memory code replaced • Page aging reintroduced • Active & inactive page lists • Optimized page flushing • Controlled background page aging • Aggressive read ahead SMP locking optimizations, Use of global “kernel_lock” was minimized. More subsystem based spinlock are used. More spinlocks embedded in data structures. Semaphores used to serialize address space access. More of a spinlock hierarchy established. Spinlock granularity tradeoffs.

Kernel multi-threading improvements Multiple threads can access address space data structures simultaneously. Single mem->msem semaphore was replaced with multiple reader/single writer semaphore. Reader lock is now acquired for reading per address space data structures. Exclusive write lock is acquired when altering per address space data structures. 32 bit UIDs and GIDs Increase from 16 to 32 bit UIDs allow up to 4.2 billion users. Increase from 16 to 32 bit GIDs allow up to 4.2 billion groups. 64 bit virtual address space, Architectural limit of the virtual address space was expanded to a full 64 bits. IA64 currently implements 51 bits (16 disjoint 47 bit regions) Alpha currently implements 43 bits (2 disjoint 42 bit regions) S/390 currently implements 42 bits Future Alpha is expanded to 48 bits (2 disjoint 47 bit regions) Unified file system cache Single page cache was unified from previous Page cache read write functionality. Reduces memory consumption by eliminating double buffered copies of file system data. Eliminates overhead of searching two levels of data cache.

10.6. Managing Hierarchies of Database Elements

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RDBMS These storage type are sometimes called the storage hierarchy. It contains of the archival storage. It consist of the archival database, physical database, archival log, and current log. Physical database: this is the online copy of the database that is stored in nonvolatile storage and used by all active transactions. Current Database: the current version of the database is made up of physical database plus modifications implied by buffer in the volatile storage. Database users

Program code And buffer in volatile storage

Applicationi Data Buffer

Applicationi Log Buffers

physical database on nonvolatile storage

current log, check point on stable storage

archive copy of database on stable storage

archive log on stable storage

Archival database in stable storage: this is the copy of the database at a given time, stored. it contain the entire database in a quiescent mode and could have been made by simple dump routine to dump the physical database on to stable storage. all transaction that have been executed on the database from the time of archiving have to be redline in a global recovery database is a copy of the database in a quiescent state, and only the committed transaction since the time of archiving are applied to this database. Current log: the log information required for recovery from system failure involving loss of volatile information. Archival log: is used for failure involving if loss of nonvolatile information. The online or current database is made up of all the records that are accessible to the DBMS during its operation. The current database consist of the data stored in nonvolatile storage and not yet propagated tot the nonvolatile storage. 10.7. Concurrency Control by Timestamps One of the important transactions is that their effect on shared data is serially equivalent. This means that any data that is touched by a set of transactions must be in such a state that the results could have been obtained if all the transactions executed serially (one after another) in some order (it does not matter which). What is invalid, is for the data to be in some form that cannot be the result of serial execution (e.g. two transactions modifying data concurrently). One easy way of achieving this guarantee is to ensure that only one transaction executes at a time. We can accomplish this by using mutual exclusion and having a “transaction” resource that each transaction must have access to. However, this is usually overkill and does not allow us to take advantage of the concurrency that we may get in distributed systems (for instance, it is obviously

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RDBMS overkill if two transactions don’t even access the same data). What we would like to do is allow multiple transactions to execute simultaneously but keep them out of each other’s way and ensure serializability. This is called concurrency control. Locking We can use exclusive locks on a resource to serialize execution of transactions that share resources. A transaction locks an object that it is about to use. If another transaction requests the same object and it is locked, the transaction must wait until the object is unlocked. To implement this in a distributed system, we rely on a lock manager - a server that issues locks on resources. This is exactly the same as a centralized mutual exclusion server: a client can request a lock and then send a message releasing a lock on a resource (by resource in this context, we mean some specific block of data that may be read or written). One thing to watch out for, is that we still need to preserve serial execution: if two transactions are accessing the same set of objects, the results must be the same as if the transactions executed in some order (transaction A cannot modify some data while transaction B modifies some other data and then transaction A accesses that modified data -- this is concurrent modification). To ensure serial ordering on resource access, we impose a restriction that states that a transaction is not allowed to get any new locks after it has released a lock. This is known as two-phase locking. The first phase of the transaction is a growing phase in which it acquires the locks it needs. The second phase is the shrinking phase where locks are released. Strict two-phase locking A problem with two-phase locking is that if a transaction aborts, some other transaction may have already used data from an object that the aborted transaction modified and then unlocked. If this happens, any such transactions will also have to be aborted. This situation is known as cascading aborts. To avoid this, we can strengthen our locking by requiring that a transaction will hold all its locks to the very end: until it commits or aborts rather than releasing the lock when the object is no longer needed. This is known as strict two-phase locking. Locking granularity A typical system will have many objects and typically a transaction will access only a small amount of data at any given time (and it will frequently be the case that a transaction will not clash with other transactions). The granularity of locking affects the amount of concurrency we can achieve. If we can have a smaller granularity (lock smaller objects or pieces of objects) then we can generally achieve higher concurrency. For example, suppose that all of a bank’s customers are locked for any transaction that needs to modify a single customer datum: concurrency is severely limited because any other transactions that need to access any customer data will be blocked. If, however, we use a customer record as the granularity of locking, transactions that access different customer records will be capable of running concurrently. Multiple readers/single writer There is no harm having multiple transactions read from the same object as long as it has not been modified by any of the transactions. This way we can increase concurrency by having multiple transactions run concurrently if they are only reading from an object. However, only one transaction should be allowed to write to an object. Once a transaction has modified an object, no other transactions should be allowed to read or write the modified object. To support this, we now use two locks: read locks and write locks. Read locks are also known as shared locks (since they can be shared by multiple transactions) If a transaction needs to read an object, it will request a read lock from the lock manager. If a transaction needs to modify an object, it will request a write lock from the lock manager. If the lock manager cannot grant a lock, then the transaction will wait until it can

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RDBMS get the lock (after the transaction with the lock committed or aborted). To summarize lock granting: If a transaction has: another transaction may obtain: no locks read lock or write lock read lock read lock (wait for write lock) write lock wait for read or write locks Increasing concurrency: two-version locking Two-version locking is an optimistic concurrency control scheme that allows one transaction to write tentative versions of objects while other transactions read from committed versions of the same objects. Read operations only wait if another transaction is currently committing the same object. This scheme allows more concurrency than read-write locks, but writing transactions risk waiting (or rejection) when they attempt to commit. Transactions cannot commit their write operations immediately if other uncommitted transactions have read the same objects. Transactions that request to commit in this situation have to wait until the reading transactions have completed. Two-version locking The two-version locking scheme requires three types of locks: read, write, and commit locks. Before an object is read, a transaction must obtain a read lock. Before an object is written, the transaction must obtain a write lock (same as with two-phase locking). Neither of these locks will be granted if there is a commit lock on the object. When the transaction is ready to commit: - all of the transaction’s write locks are changed to commit locks - if any objects used by the transaction have outstanding read locks, the transaction must wait until the transactions that set these locks have completed and the locks are released. If we compare the performance difference between two-version locking and strict two-phase locking (read/write locks): - read operations in two-version locking are delayed only while transactions are being committed rather than during the entire execution of transactions (usually the commit protocol takes far less time than the time to perform the transaction) - but… read operations of one transaction can cause a delay in the committing of other transactions. Problems with locking Locks are not without drawbacks Locks have an overhead associated with them: a lock manager is needed to keep track of locks - there is overhead in requesting them. Even read-only operations must still request locks. The use of locks can result in deadlock. We need to have software in place to detect or avoid deadlock. Locks can decrease the potential concurrency in a system by having a transaction hold locks for the duration of the transaction (until a commit or abort). Optimistic concurrency control King and Robinson (1981) proposed an alternative technique for achieving concurrency control, called optimistic concurrency control. This is based on the observation that, in most applications, the chance of two transactions accessing the same object is low. We will allow transactions to proceed as if there were no possibility of conflict with other transactions: a transaction does not have to obtain or check for locks. This is the working phase. Each transaction has a tentative version (private workspace) of the objects it updates - copy of the most recently committed version. Write operations record new values as tentative values. Before a transaction can commit, a validation is performed on all the data items to see whether the data conflicts with operations of other transactions. This is the validation phase. If the validation fails, then the transaction will have to be aborted and restarted later. If the transaction succeeds, then the changes in the tentative version are made permanent. This is the update phase. Optimistic control is deadlock free and allows for maximum parallelism (at the expense of possibly restarting transactions) Timestamp ordering

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RDBMS Reed presented another approach to concurrency control in 1983. This is called timestamp ordering. Each transaction is assigned a unique timestamp when it begins (can be from a physical or logical clock). Each object in the system has a read and write timestamp associated with it (two timestamps per object). The read timestamp is the timestamp of the last committed transaction that read the object. The write timestamp is the timestamp of the last committed transaction that modified the object (note - the timestamps are obtained from the transaction timestamp - the start of that transaction) The rule of timestamp ordering is: - if a transaction wants to write an object, it compares its own timestamp with the object’s read and write timestamps. If the object’s timestamps are older, then the ordering is good. - if a transaction wants to read an object, it compares its own timestamp with the object’s write timestamp. If the object’s write timestamp is older than the current transaction, then the ordering is good. If a transaction attempts to access an object and does not detect proper ordering, the transaction is aborted and restarted (improper ordering means that a newer transaction came in and modified data before the older one could access the data or read data that the older one wants to modify). 10.8. Concurrency Control by Validation Validation or certification techniques. A transaction proceeds without waiting and all updates are applied to local copies. At the end, a validation phase check if any updates violate serializability. If certified, the transaction is committed and updates made permanent. If not certified, the transaction is aborted and restarted later. Three phases: read phase validation phase write phase Validation Test Each T is associated with three TS's: start(T): T started val(T): T finished read and started its validation finish(T): T finished its write phase Validation test for Ti: for each Tj that is committed or in its validation phase, at least one of the following holds: finish(Tj) < start(Ti) writeset(Tj) ∩ readset(Ti) = finish(Tj) < val(Ti) writeset(Tj) ∩ readset(Ti) =.. writeset(Tj) ∩ writeset(Ti) = .. val(Tj) < val(Ti)

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RDBMS Unit 11 More About Transaction Management

11.1Introduction of Transaction management 11.2Serializability and Recoverability 11.3View Serializability 11.4Resolving Deadlocks 11.5Distributed Databases 11.6Distributed Commit 11.7Distributed Locking 11.1 Introduction of Transaction Management The synchronization primitives we have seen so far are not as high-level as we might want them to be since they require programmers to explicitly synchronize, avoid deadlocks, and abort if necessary. Moreover, the high-level constructs such as monitors and path expressions do not give users of shared objects flexibility in defining the unit of atomicity. We will study here a high-level technique, called concurrency control, which automatically ensures that concurrently interacting users do not execute inconsistent commands on shared objects. A variety of concurrency models defining different notions of consistency have been proposed. These models have been developed in the context of database management systems, operating systems, CAD tools, collaborative software engineering, and collaboration systems. We will focus here on the classical database models and the relatively newer operating system models. A type of computer processing in which the computer responds immediately to user requests. Each request is considered to be a transaction. Automatic teller machines for banks are an example of transaction processing. The opposite of transaction processing is batch processing, in which a batch of requests is stored and then executed all at one time. Transaction processing requires interaction with a user, whereas batch processing can take place without a user being present. The RDBMS must be able to support a centralized warehouse containing detail data, provide direct access for all users, and enable heavy-duty, ad hoc analysis. Yet, for many companies just starting a warehouse project, it seems a natural choice to simply use the corporate standard database that has already proven itself for mission-critical work. This approach was especially common in the early days of data warehousing, when most people expected a warehouse to do little more than provide canned reports. But decision-support requirements have evolved far beyond canned reports and known queries. Today's data warehouses must give organizations the in-depth and accurate information they need to personalize customer interactions at all touch points and convert browsers to buyers. An RDBMS designed for transaction processing can't keep up with the demands placed on data warehouses: support for high concurrency, mixed-workload, detail data, fast query response, fast data load, ad hoc queries, and high-volume data mining. The notion of concurrency control is closely tied to the notion of a ``transaction''. A transaction defines a set of ``indivisible'' steps, that is, commands with the Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID) properties: Atomicity: Either all or none of the steps of the transaction occur so that the invariants of the shared objects are maintained. A transaction is typically aborted by the system in response to failures but it may be aborted also by a user to ``undo'' the actions. In either case, the user is informed about the success or failure of the transaction. Consistency: A transaction takes a shared object from one legal state to another, that is, maintains the invariant of the shared object.

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RDBMS Isolation: Events within a transaction are hidden from other concurrently executing transactions. Techniques for achieving isolation are called synchronization schemes. They determine how these transactions are scheduled, that is, what the relationships are between the times the different steps of these transactions. Isolation is required to ensure that concurrent transactions do not cause an illegal state in the shared object and to prevent cascaded rollbacks when a transaction aborts. Durability: Once the system tells the user that a transaction has completed successfully, it ensures that values written by the database system persist until they are explicitly overwritten by other transactions. Consider the schedules S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 given below. Draw the precedence graphs for each schedule and state whether each schedule is (conflict) serializable or not. If a schedule is serializable, write down the equivalent serial schedule(s). S1 : read1(X), read3(X), write1(X), read2(X), write3(X). S2 : read1(X), read3(X), write3(X), write1(X), read2(X). S3 : read3(X), read2(X), write3(X), read1(X), write1(X). S4 : read3(X), read2(X), read1(X), write3(X), write1(X). S5 : read2(X), write3(X), read2(Y), write4(Y), write3(Z), read1(Z), write2(Y), read1(Y).

write4(X), read1(X),

11.2 Serializability and Recoverability Serializability is the classical concurrency scheme. It ensures that a schedule for executing concurrent transactions is equivalent to one that executes the transactions serially in some order. It assumes that all accesses to the database are done using read and write operations. A schedule is called ``correct'' if we can find a serial schedule that is ``equivalent'' to it. Given a set of transactions T1...Tn, two schedules S1 and S2 of these transactions are equivalent if the following conditions are satisfied: Read-Write Synchronization: If a transaction reads a value written by another transaction in one schedule, then it also does so in the other schedule. Write-Write Synchronization: If a transaction overwrites the value of another transaction in one schedule, it also does so in the other schedule. Recoverability for changes to the other control file records sections is provided by maintaining all the information in duplicate. Two physical blocks represent each logical block. One contains the current information, and the other contains either an old copy of the information, or a pending version that is yet to be committed. To keep track of which physical copy of each logical block contains the current information, Oracle maintains a block version bitmap with the database information entry in the first record section of the control file. Recovery is an algorithmic process and should be kept as simple as possible, since complex algorithms are likely to introduce errors. Therefore, an encoding scheme should be designed around a set of principles intended to make recovery possible with simple algorithms. For processes such as tag removal, simple mappings are more straightforward and less error prone than, say, algorithms which require rearrangement of the sequence of elements, or which are context-dependent, etc. Therefore, in order to provide a coherent and explicit set of recovery principles, various recovery algorithms and related encoding principles need to be worked out, taking into account such things as: The role and nature of mappings (tags to typography, normalized characters, spellings, etc., with the original, ...); • The encoding of rendition characters and rendition text;

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RDBMS • • •

Definitions and separability of the source and annotation (such as linguistic annotation, notes, etc.); Linkage of different views or versions of a text; -0.5ex

11.3 View Serializability Serializability In this paper, we assume serializability is the underlying consistency criterion. Serializability requires that concurrent execution of transactions have the same effect as a serial schedule. In a serial schedule, transactions are executed one at a time. Given that the database is initially consistent and each transaction is a unit of consistency, serial execution of all transactions will give each transaction a consistent view of the database and will leave the database in a consistent state. Since serializable execution is computationally equivalent to serial execution, serializable execution is also deemed correct. View Serializability A subclass of serializability, called View Serializability, is identified based on the observation that two schedules are equivalent if they have the same effects. The effects of a schedule are the values they produce, which are functions of values they read. Two schedules H 1 and H 2 are defined to be view equivalent if 3 Runtime overhead in hard real-time systems effectively translates into increased tasks' execution times, which in turn affects an algorithm's schedulability. Database Concurrency Control ffl Multiple users. ffl Concurrent accesses. ffl Problems could arise if there is no control. ffl Example: - Transaction 1: withdraw $500 from account A. - Transaction 2: deposit $800 to account A - T 1 : read(A) A = A \Gamma 500 write(A) - T 2 : read(A) A = A + 800 write(A) - Initially A = 1000 - T 1T

2 A = 1300 - T


1 A = 1300 - T

1 : read(A)

T 1 : A = A \Gamma 500

T 2 : read(A)

T 2 : A = A + 800

T 2 : write(A) T 1 : write(A)

A = 500, inconsistent

T 2 : read(A) T 1 : read(A)

T 1 : A = A \Gamma 500

T 1 : write(A)

T 2 : A = A + 800

T 2 : write(A)

A = 1800, inconsistent

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RDBMS Transactions and Schedules ffl A transaction is a sequence of operations. ffl A transaction is atomic. ffl T = fT 1 ; : : : ; T n g is a set of transactions. ffl A schedule of a sequence of operations in T 1 ; : : : ; T n such that for each 1 ^ i ^ n; 1. each operation in Ti appears exactly once, and 2. operations in Ti appear in the same order as in Ti ffl A schedule of T is serial if 8i8j; i 6= j ) either 1. all the operations in Ti appear before all the operations in Tj , or 2. all the operations in Tj appear before all the operations in Ti ffl Assumption: Each Ti is correct when executed individually. ffl Any serial schedule is valid. ffl Objective: Accept schedules "equivalent" to a serial schedule (serializable schedules). ffl ? What do we mean by "equivalent" ? View Serializability: ffl equivalent: same effects ffl The effects of a history are the values produced by the Write operations of unaborted transactions. ffl We don't know anything about the computation of each transactions. ffl Assume that if each transactions' Reads read the same value in two histories, then all W rites write the same values in both histories. ffl If for each data item x, the final Write on x is the same in both histories, then the final value of all data items will be the same in both histories. ffl Two histories H and H 0 are view equivalent if 1. They are over the same set of transactions and have the same operations; 2. For any unaborted Ti , Tj and for any x, if Ti reads x from Tj in H then Ti reads x from Tj in H0 , and 3. For each x, if wi [x] is the final write of x in H then it is also the final write of x in H0. ffl Assume that there is a transaction (Tb) which initializes the values for all the data objects. ffl A schedule is view serializable if it is view equivalent to a serial schedule. ffl r3 [x]w4 [x]w3 [x]w6 [x] - T3 read-from Tb. - The final write for x is w6 [x]. - View equivalent to T3 T4 T6. ffl r3 [x]w4 [x]r7 [x]w3 [x]w7 [x] - T3 read-from Tb. - T7 read-from T4. - The final write for x is w7 [x]. - View equivalent to T3 T4 T7. ffl r3 [x]w4 [x]w3 [x] - T3 read-from Tb. - The final write for x is w3 [x]. - Not serializable. ffl w1 [x]r2 [x]w2 [x]r1 [x] - T 2 read-from T1. - T1 read-from T2. - The final write for x is w2 [x]. - Not serializable. ffl Test for view serializability. ffl Tb issues writes for all data objects (first transaction). ffl Tf read the values for all data objects (last transaction). ffl Construction of labeled precedence graph 1. Add an edge Ti. 0 ! Tj, if transaction Tj. Reads from Ti. 2. For each data item Q such that - Tj read-from Ti.- T k executes write(Q) and T k 6= Tb. (i 6= j 6= k) do the followings: (a) If Ti = Tb and Tj 6= T f , then insert the edge Tj 0 ! T k .

11.4. Resolving Deadlocks Use the Monitor Display to understand and resolve deadlocks. This section demonstrates how this is done. The steps assume that the deadlock is easy to recreate with the tested application

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RDBMS running within Optimize It Thread Debugger. If this is not the case, use the Monitor Usage Analyzer instead. To resolve a deadlock: 1. Recreate the deadlock. 2. Switch to Monitor Display. 3. Identify which thread is not making progress. Usually, the thread is yellow because it is blocking on a monitor. Call that thread the blocking thread. 4. Select the Connection button to identify where the blocking thread is not making progress. Double-click on the method to display the source code for the blocking method, as well as 5. methods calling the blocking method. This provides some context for where the deadlock occurs. 6. Identify which thread owns the unavailable monitor. Call this the locking thread. 7. Identify why the locking thread does not release the monitor. This can happen in the following cases: • The locking thread is itself trying to acquire a monitor owned directly or indirectly by the blocking thread. In this case, a bug exists since both the locking and the blocking threads enter monitors in a different order. Changing the code to always enter monitors in the same order will resolve this deadlock. • The locking thread is not releasing the monitor because it remains busy executing the code. In this case, the locking thread is green because it uses some CPU. This type of bug is not a real deadlock. It is an extreme contention issue caused by the locking thread holding the monitor for too long, sometimes called thread starvation. • The locking thread is waiting for an I/O operation. In this case the locking thread is purple. It is dangerous for a thread to perform an I/O operation while holding a monitor, unless the only purpose of that monitor is to protect the objects used to perform the I/O. A blocking I/O operation may never occur, causing the program to hang. Often these situations can be resolved by releasing the monitor before performing the I/O. • The locking thread is waiting for another monitor. In this case, the locking thread is red. It is equally dangerous to wait for a monitor while holding another monitor. The monitor may never be notified, causing a deadlock. Often this situation can be resolved by releasing the monitor that the blocking thread wants to acquire before waiting on the monitor.

11.5 Distributed Databases To support data collection needs of large networks, a distributed multitier architecture is necessary. The advantage of this approach is that massive scalability can be implemented in an incremental fashion, easing the operations and financial burden. Web NMS Server has been designed to scale from a single server solution to a distributed architecture supporting very large scale needs. The architecture supports one or more relational databases (RDBMS). A single back-end server collects the data and stores it in a local or remote database. The system readily supports tens of thousands of managed objects. For example, on a 400 MHz Pentium Windows NT system, the polling engine can collect over 4000 collected variables/minute, including storage in the MySQL database on Windows.

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RDBMS The bottleneck for data collection is usually the database inserts, which limits the number of entries per second that can be inserted into the database. As we discuss below, with a distributed database, considerably higher performance is possible through distributing the storage of data into multiple databases. Based on tests with different modes, one central database on commodity hardware can handle up to 100 collected variables/second; with distributed databases, this can be scaled much higher. The achievable rate depends on the number of databases and the number and type of servers used. With distributed databases, there is often a need to aggregate data in a single central store for reporting and other purposes. Multiple approaches are feasible here: • Roll-up data periodically to the central database from the different distributed databases. • Use Native database distribution for centralized views, e.g. Oracle SQL Net. This is vendor dependent, but can provide easy consolidation of data from multiple databases. • Aggregate data using JDBC only when creating a report. This would require the report writer to take care of collecting the data from the different databases for the report. The need arises to • To reduce the burden of Poll Engine in Web NMS Server. • To facilitate faster data collection The solution is Distributed Polling. You can adopt this technique when you are able to distinguish the network elements geographically. You can form a group of network elements and decide to have one Distributed Poller for them. This section describes Distributed Polling architecture available with Web NMS Server. It discusses the design, and the choices available in implementing the distributed solution. It provides guidelines on setting up the components of the distributed system.

Architecture is very simple. • • •

You have Web NMS server running in one machine and Distributed Poller running in other machines, one in each. Each Poller is identified by a name and has an associated database (labelled as Secondary RDBMS in the diagram) You create PolledData and specify the Poller name if you want to perform data collection for that PolledData via the distributed poller. In case you want Web NMS Polling Engine to

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collect data you don't specify any Poller name. By default, PolledData will not be associated with any of the Pollers. Once you associate the Polled Data with the Poller and start the Poller , data collection is done by poller and collected data is stored in Poller database (Secondary RDBMS).

Major features of a DDB are: o o o o

Data stored at a number of sites, each site logically single processor Sites are interconnected by a network rather than a multiprocessor configuration DDB is logically a single database (although each site is a database site) DDBMS has full functionality of a DBMS

To the user, the distributed database system should appear exactly like a non-distributed database system. Advantages of distributed database systems are: o o o o o o

local autonomy (in enterprises that are distributed already) improved performance (since data is stored close to where needed and a query may be split over several sites and executed in parallel) improved reliability/availability (should one site go down) economics expandability shareability

Disadvantages of distributed database systems are: o o o o o o

complexity (greater potential for bugs in software) cost (software development can be much more complex and therefore costly. Also, exchange of messages and additional computations involve increased overheads) distribution of control (no single database administrator controls the DDB) security (since the system is distributed the chances of security lapses are greater) difficult to change (since all sites have control of the their own sites) lack of experience (enough experience is not available in developing distributed systems)

Replication improves availability since the system would continue to be fully functional even if a site goes down. Replication also allows increased parallelism since several sites could be operating on the same relations at the same time. Replication does result in increased overheads on update. Fragmentation may be horizontal, vertical or hybrid (or mixed). Horizontal fragmentation splits a relation by assigning each tuple of the relation to a fragment of the relation. Often horizontal fragmentation is based on predicates defined on that relation. Vertical fragmentation splits the relation by decomposing a relation into several subsets of the attributes. Relation R produces fragments R1,R2,………,R3 each of which contains a subset of attributes of R as well as the primary key of R. Aim of vertical fragmentation is to put together those attributes that are accessed together. Mixed fragmentation uses both vertical and horizontal fragmentation. To obtain a sensible fragmentation design, it is necessary to know some information about the database as well as about applications. It is useful to know the predicates used in the application queries - at least the 'important' ones. Aim is to have applications using only one fragment. Fragmentation must provide completeness (all information in a relation must be available in the fragments), reconstruction (the original relation should be able to be reconstructed from the fragments) and disjointedness (no information should be stored twice unless absolutely essential, for example, the key needs to be duplicated in vertical fragmentation). Transparency involves the user not having to know how a relation is stored in the DDB; it is the system capability to hide the details of data distribution from the user.

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RDBMS Autonomy is the degree to which a designer or administrator of one site may be independent of the remainder of the distributed system. It is clearly undesirable for the users to have to know which fragment of the relation they require to process the query that they are posing. Similarly the users should not need to know which copy of a replicated relation or fragment they need to use. It should be upto the system to figure out which fragment or fragments of a relation a query requires and which copy of a fragment the system will use to process the query. This is called replication and fragmentation transparency. A user should also not need to know where the data is located and should be able to refer to a relation by name which could then be translated by the system into full name that includes the location of the relation. This is location transparency. Global query optimization is complex because of • cost models • fragmentation and replication • large solution space from which to choose Computing cost itself can be complex since the cost is a weighted combination of the I/O, CPU and communications costs. Often one of the two cost models are used; one may wish to minimize the total cost (time) or the response time. Fragmentation and replication add another complexity to finding an optimum query plan. Date's 12 Rules for Distributed Databases RDBMS in all other respects should behave like a non distributed RDBMS. This is sometimes called Rule 0. Distributed Database Characteristics: According to Oracle, these are the database characteristics and how Oracle 7 technology meets each point: 1. Local autonomy The data is owned and managed locally. Local operations remain purely local. One site (node) in the distributed system does not depend on another site to function successfully. 2. No reliance on a central site All sites are treated as equals. Each site has its own data dictionary. 3. Continuous operation Incorporating a new site has no effect on existing applications and does not disrupt service. 4. Location independence Users can retrieve and update data independent of the site. 5. Partitioning [fragmentation] independence Users can store parts of a table at different locations. Both horizontal and vertical partitioning of data is possible. 6. Replication independence Stored copies of data can be located at multiple sites. Snapshots, a type of database object, can provide both read-only and updatable copies of tables. Symmetric replication using triggers makes readable and writable replication possible. 7. Distributed query processing Users can query a database residing on another node. The query is executed at the node where the data is located. 8. Distributed transaction management A transaction can update, insert, or delete data from multiple databases. The two-phase commit mechanism in Oracle ensures the integrity of distributed transactions. Row-level locking ensures a high level of data concurrency. 9. Hardware independence Oracle7 runs on all major hardware platforms. 10. Operating system independence A specific operating system is not required. Oracle7 runs under a variety of operating systems.

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RDBMS 11. Network independence The Oracle's SQL*Net supports most popular networking software. Network independence allows communication across homogeneous and heterogeneous networks. Oracle's MultiProtocol Interchange enables applications to communicate with databases across multiple network protocols. 12. DBMS independence DBMS independence is the ability to integrate different databases. Oracle's Open Gateway technology supports ODBC-enahled connections to non-Oracle databases. 11.6 Distributed Commit To create a new user, test, and a corresponding default schema you must be connected as the ADMIN user and then use: CREATE USER test; CREATE SCHEMA test AUTHORIZATION test; --sets the default schema COMMIT; and then connect to the new user/schema using: CONNECT TO '' USER 'test' Notice that the COMMIT was needed before the CONNECT because re-connecting would otherwise rollback any uncommitted changes. In this example the sequence of events is as follows: The coordinator at Client A registers automatically with the Transaction Manager database at Server B, using TM_DATABASE=TMB. The application requester at Client A issues a DUOW request to Servers C and E. For example, the following REXX script illustrates this: /**/ 'set DB2OPTIONS=+c' /* in order to turn off autocommit */ 'db2 set client connect 2 syncpoint twophase' 'db2 connect to DBC user USERC using PASSWRDC' 'db2 create table twopc (title varchar(50) artno smallint not null)' 'db2 insert into twopc (title,artno) values("testCCC",99)' 'db2 connect to DBE user USERE using PASSWRDE' 'db2 create table twopc (title varchar(50) artno smallint not null)' 'db2 insert into twopc (title,artno) values("testEEE",99)' 'commit' exit (0); When the commit is issued, the coordinator at the application requester sends prepare requests to the SPM for the updates requested at servers C and E. The SPM is running on Server D, as part of DB2 Connect, and it sends the prepare requests to servers C and E. Servers C and E in turn acknowledge the prepare requests. The SPM sends back an acknowledgement to the coordinator at the application requester. The coordinator at the application requester sends a request to the transaction manager at Server B for the servers that have acknowledged, and the transaction manager decides whether to commit or roll-back. The transaction manager logs the commit decision, and the updates are guaranteed from this point. The coordinator issues commit requests, which are processed by the SPM, and forwarded to servers C and E, as were the prepare requests. Servers C and E commit and report success to the SPM. SPM then returns the commit result to the coordinator, which updates the TMB with the commit results. Two-phase Commit RDBMS Scenario

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11.7 Distributed Locking The intent of this white paper is to convey information regarding database locks as they apply to transactions in general and the more specific case of how they are implemented by the Progress server. We’ll begin with a general overview discussing why locks are needed and how they affect transactions. Transactions and locking are outlined in the SQL standard so no introduction would be complete without discussing the guidelines set forth here. Once we have a grasp on the general concepts of locking we’ll dive into lock modes, such as table and record locks and their effect on different types of database operations. Next, the subject of timing will be introduced, when locks are obtained and when they are released. From here we’ll get into lock contention and deadlocks, which are multiple operations or transactions all attempting to get locks on the same resource at the same time. And to conclude our discussion on locking we’ll take a look at how we can see locks in our application so we know which transactions obtain which types of locks. Finally, this white paper describes differences in locking behavior between previous and current versions of Progress and differences in locking behavior when both 4GL and SQL92 clients are accessing the same resources. Locks The answer to why we lock is simple; if we didn’t there would be no consistency. Consistency provides us with successive, reliable, and uniform results without which applications such as banking and reservation systems, manufacturing, chemical, and industrial data collection and processing could not exist. Imagine a banking application where two clerks attempt to update an account balance at the same time: one credits the account and the other debits the account. While one clerk reads the account balance of $200 to credit the account $100, the other clerk has already completed the debit of $100 and updated the account balance to $100. When the first clerk finishes the credit of $100 to the balance of $200 and updates the balance to $300 it will be as if the debit never happened. Great for the customer; however the bank wouldn’t be in business for long. What objects are we locking? What database objects get locked is not as simple to answer as why they’re locked. From a user perspective, objects such as the information schema, user tables, and user records are locked while being accessed to maintain consistency. There are other lower level objects that require locks that are handled by the RDBMS; however, they are not visible to the user. For the purposes of this discussion we will focus on the objects that the user has visibility of and control over. Transactions

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RDBMS Now that we know why and what we lock, let’s talk a bit about when we lock. A transaction is a unit of work; there is a well-defined beginning and end to each unit of work. At the beginning of each transaction certain locks are obtained and at the end of each transaction they are released. During any given transaction, the RDBMS, on behalf of the user, can escalate, deescalate, and even release locks as required. We’ll talk about this in more detail later when we discuss lock modes. The aforementioned is all-true in the case of a normal, successful transaction; however in the case of an abnormally terminated transaction things are handled a bit differently. When a transaction fails, for any reason, the action performed by the transaction needs to be backed out, the change undone. To accomplish this most RDBMS use what are known as “save points.” A save point marks the last known good point prior to the abnormal termination; typically this is the beginning of the transaction. It’s the RDBMS’s job to undo the changes back to the previous save point as well as ensuring the proper locks are held until the transaction is completely undone. So, as you can see, transactions that are in the process to be undone (rolled back) are still transactions nonetheless and still need locks to maintain data consistency. Locking certain objects for the duration of a transaction ensures database consistency and isolation from other concurrent transactions, preventing the banking situation we described previously. Transactions are the basis for the ACID • ATOMICITY guarantees that all operations within a transaction are performed or none of them are performed. • CONSISTENCY is the concept that allows an application to define consistency points and validate the correctness of data transformations from one state to the next. • ISOLATION guarantees that concurrent transactions have no effect on each other. • DURABILITY guarantees that all transaction updates are preserved.

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RDBMS Unit 12 Database System Architectures

12.1Centralized And Client-Server Architectures 12.2Server System Architectures 12.3Parallel Systems 12.4Distributed Systems 12.5Network Types 12.1. Centralized And Client-Server Architectures Centralized Systems: Run on a single computer system and do not interact with other computer systems. A Modern, General-purpose computer system: one to a few CPUs and a number of device controllers that are connected through a common bus that provides access to shared memory. Single-user system (e.g., personal computer or workstation): desk-top unit, single user, usually as only one CPU and one or two hard disks; the OS may support only one user. Multi-user system: more disks, more memory, multiple CPUs, and a multi-user OS. Serve a large number of users who are connected to the system vie terminals. Often called server systems.

Client-Server Systems: In this system, Server systems satisfy requests generated at client systems, whose general structure is shown below: client and server

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Database functionality can be divided into: a)Back-end: manages access structures, query evaluation and optimization, concurrency control and recovery. b) Front-end: consists of tools such asforms, report-writers, and graphical user interface facilities. The interface between the front-end and the back-end is through SQL or through an application program interface.

Advantages of replacing mainframes with networks of workstations or personal computers connected to back-end server machines: – better functionality for the cost – flexibility in locating resources and expanding facilities – better user interfaces -easier maintenance 12.2. Server System Architectures Server systems can be broadly categorized into two kinds: – transaction servers which are widely used in relational database systems, and – data servers, used in object-oriented database systems A) Transaction Servers

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RDBMS - Also called query server systems or SQL server systems; clients send requests to the server system where the transactions are executed, and results are shipped back to the client.. -Requests specified in SQL, and communicated to the serverthrough a remote procedure call (RPC) mechanism. -Transactional RPC allows many RPC calls to collectively form a transaction. -Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is an application program interface standard from Microsoft for connecting to a server, sending SQL requests, and receiving results. Transaction Server Process Structure: A typical transaction server consists of multiple processes accessing data in shared memory. 1. Server processes  These receive user queries (transactions), execute them and send results back  Processes may be multithreaded, allowing a single process to execute several user queries concurrently  Typically multiple multithreaded server processes 2.Lock manager process: This process implements lock manger functionality, which includes lock grant, lock release, and deadlock detection. 3. Database writer process  Output modified buffer blocks to disks continually 4. Log writer process  Server processes simply add log records to log record buffer  Log writer process outputs log records to stable storage. 5.Checkpoint process  Performs periodic checkpoints 6. Process monitor process  Monitors other processes, and takes recovery actions if any of the other processes fail -E.g. aborting any transactions being executed by a server process and restarting it

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Shared memory contains shared data  Buffer pool  Lock table  Log buffer  Cached query plans (reused if same query submitted again) All database processes can access shared memory To ensure that no two processes are accessing the same data structure at the same time, databases systems implement mutual exclusion using either  Operating system semaphores or  Atomic instructions such as test-and-set To avoid overhead of inter-process communication for lock request/grant, each database process operates directly on the lock table data structure (Section 16.1.4) instead of sending requests to lock manager process  Mutual exclusion ensured on the lock table using semaphores, or more commonly, atomic instructions  If a lock can be obtained, the lock table is updated directly in shared memory  If a lock cannot be immediately obtained, a lock request is noted in the lock table and the process (or thread) then waits for lock to be granted  When a lock is released, releasing process updates lock table to record release of lock, as well as grant of lock to waiting requests (if any)  Process/thread waiting for lock may either: -Continually scan lock table to check for lock grant, or -Use operating system semaphore mechanism to wait on a semaphore. -Semaphore identifier is recorded in the lock table -When a lock is granted, the releasing process signals the semaphore to tell the waiting process/thread to proceed

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RDBMS -Lock manager process still used for deadlock detection B) Data Servers: Used in LANs, where there is a very high speed connection between the clients and the server, the client machines are comparable in processing power to the server machine, and the tasks to be executed are compute intensive. Ship data to client machines where processing is performed, and then ship results back to the server machine. This architecture requires full back-end functionality at the clients. Used in many object-oriented database systems Issues: - Page-Shipping versus Item-Shipping – Locking – Data Caching – Lock Caching a) Page-Shipping versus Item-Shipping – Smaller unit of shipping ) more messages – Worth pre-fetching related items along with requested item – Page shipping can be thought of as a form of pre-fetching b) Locking – Overhead of requesting and getting locks from server is high due to message delays – Can grant locks on requested and prefetched items; with page shipping, transaction is granted lock on whole page. – Locks on the page can be deescalated to locks on items in the page when there are lock conflicts. Locks on unused items can then be returned to server. c) Data Caching – Data can be cached at client even in between transactions – But check that data is up-to-date before it is used (cache coherency) – Check can be done when requesting lock on data item d) Lock Caching – Locks can be retained by client system even in between transactions – Transactions can acquire cached locks locally, without contacting server – Server calls back locks from clients when it receives conflicting lock request. Client returns lock once no local transaction is using it. – Similar to deescalation, but across transactions. 12.3. Parallel Systems _ Parallel database systems consist of multiple processors and multiple disks connected by a fast interconnection network. _ A coarse-grain parallel machine consists of a small number of powerful processors; a massively parallel or fine grain machine utilizes thousands of smaller processors. _ Two main performance measures: throughput — the number of tasks that can be completed in a given time interval response time — the amount of time it takes to complete a single task from the time it is submitted A) Speed-Up and Scale-Up Speedup: a fixed-sized problem executing on a small system is given to a system which is Ntimes larger. Measured by: speedup = small system elapsed time large system elapsed time Speedup is linear if equation equals N.

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RDBMS Scaleup: increase the size of both the problem and the system N-times larger system used to perform N-times larger job Measured by: scaleup = small system small problem elapsed time big system big problem elapsed time Scaleup is linear if equation equals 1. Speedup linear speedup sublinear speedup resources speed

Scaleup linear scaleup problem size) TS TL.

sublinear scaleup problem size (resources increase proportional to

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RDBMS Batch and Transaction Scaleup: Batch scaleup: _ A single large job; typical of most database queries and scientific simulation. _ Use an N-times larger computer on N-times larger problem. Transaction scaleup: _ Numerous small queries submitted by independent users to a shared database; typical transaction processing and timesharing systems. _N-times as many users submitting requests (hence, N-times as many requests) to an Ntimes larger database, on an N-times larger computer. _ Well-suited to parallel execution. Factors Limiting Speedup and Scaleup: Startup costs: Cost of starting up multiple processes may dominate computation time, if the degree of parallelism is high. Interference: Processes accessing shared resources (e.g., system bus, disks, or locks) compete with each other, thus spending time waiting on other processes, rather than performing useful work. Skew: Increasing the degree of parallelism increases the variance in service times of parallely executing tasks. Overall execution time determined by slowest of parallely executing tasks. B) Interconnection Network Architectures Bus. System components send data on and receive data from a single communication bus; does not scale well with increasing parallelism. Mesh. Components are arranged as nodes in a grid, and each component is connected to all adjacent components; communication links grow with growing number of components, and so scales better. But may require 2pn hops to send message to a node (or p n with wraparound connections at edge of grid). Hypercube. Components are numbered in binary; components are connected to one another if their binary representations differ in exactly one bit. n components are connected to log( n) other components and can reach each other via at most log( n) links; reduces communication delays.

C) Parallel Database Architectures 1. Shared memory -- processors share a common memory 2. Shared disk -- processors share a common disk 3. Shared nothing -- processors share neither a common memory nor common disk 4. Hierarchical -- hybrid of the above architectures

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a) Shared Memory 1. Processors and disks have access to a common memory, typically via a bus or through an interconnection network. 2. Extremely efficient communication between processors — data in shared memory can be accessed by any processor without having to move it using software. 3. Downside – architecture is not scalable beyond 32 or 64 processors since the bus or the interconnection network becomes a bottleneck a. Widely used for lower degrees of parallelism (4 to 8). b) Shared Disk 1. All processors can directly access all disks via an interconnection network, but the processors have private memories.  The memory bus is not a bottleneck  Architecture provides a degree of fault-tolerance — if a processor fails, the other processors can take over its tasks since the database is resident on disks that are accessible from all processors. 2. Examples: IBM Sys plex and DEC clusters (now part of Compaq) running Rdb (now Oracle Rdb) were early commercial users 3. Downside: bottleneck now occurs at interconnection to the disk subsystem. 4. Shared-disk systems can scale to a somewhat larger number of processors, but communication between processors is slower. C) Shared Nothing 1. Node consists of a processor, memory, and one or more disks. Processors at one node communicate with another processor at another node using an interconnection network. A node functions as the server for the data on the disk or disks the node owns. 2. Examples: Teradata, Tandem, Oracle-n CUBE 3. Data accessed from local disks (and local memory accesses) do not pass through interconnection network, thereby minimizing the interference of resource sharing. 4. Shared-nothing multiprocessors can be scaled up to thousands of processors without interference.

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Main drawback: cost of communication and non-local disk access; sending data involves software interaction at both ends.

d) Hierarchical 1. Combines characteristics of shared-memory, shared-disk, and shared-nothing architectures. 2. Top level is a shared-nothing architecture – nodes connected by an interconnection network, and do not share disks or memory with each other. 3. Each node of the system could be a shared-memory system with a few processors. 4. Alternatively, each node could be a shared-disk system, and each of the systems sharing a set of disks could be a shared-memory system. 5. Reduce the complexity of programming such systems by distributed virtual-memory architectures  Also called non-uniform memory architecture (NUMA) 4. Distributed Systems _ Data spread over multiple machines (also referred to as sites or nodes). _ Network interconnects the machines _ Data shared by users on multiple machines

Differentiate between local and global transactions – A local transaction accesses data in the single site at which the transaction was initiated. – A global transaction either accesses data in a site different from the one at which the transaction was initiated or accesses data in several different sites. Distributed Databases 1. Homogeneous distributed databases  Same software/schema on all sites, data may be partitioned among sites  Goal: provide a view of a single database, hiding details of distribution 2. Heterogeneous distributed databases  Different software/schema on different sites  Goal: integrate existing databases to provide useful functionality 3. Differentiate between local and global transactions  A local transaction accesses data in the single site at which the transaction was initiated.  A global transaction either accesses data in a site different from the one at which the transaction was initiated or accesses data in several different sites. Trade-offs in Distributed Systems _ Sharing data – users at one site able to access the data residing at some other sites. -Autonomy – each site is able to retain a degree of control over data stored locally.

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RDBMS _ Higher system availability through redundancy — data can be replicated at remote sites, and system can function even if a site fails. _ Disadvantage: added complexity required to ensure proper coordination among sites. – Software development cost. – Greater potential for bugs. – Increased processing overhead. Implementation Issues for Distributed Databases 1. Atomicity needed even for transactions that update data at multiple site  Transaction cannot be committed at one site and aborted at another 2. The two-phase commit protocol (2PC) used to ensure atomicity  Basic idea: each site executes transaction till just before commit, and then leaves final decision to a coordinator  Each site must follow decision of coordinator: even if there is a failure while waiting for coordinators decision  To do so, updates of transaction are logged to stable storage and transaction is recorded as “waiting”  More details in Sectin 19.4.1 3. 2PC is not always appropriate: other transaction models based on persistent messaging, and workflows, are also used 4. Distributed concurrency control (and deadlock detection) required 5. Replication of data items required for improving data availability 12.5. Network Types Local-area networks (LANs) – composed of processors that are distributed over small geographical areas, such as a single building or a few adjacent buildings. Wide-area networks (WANs) – composed of processors distributed over a large geographical area. Discontinuous connection– WANs, such as those based on periodic dial-up (using, e.g., UUCP), that are connected only for part of the time. Continuous connection – WANs, such as the Internet, where hosts are connected to the network at all times. WANs with continuous connection are needed for implementing distributed database systems Groupware applications such as Lotus notes can work on WANs with discontinuous connection: – Data is replicated. – Updates are propagated to replicas periodically. – No global locking is possible, and copies of data may be independently updated. – Non-serializable executions can thus result. Conflicting updates may have to be detected, and resolved in an application dependent manner.

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Unit13 Distributed Databases 13.1Homogeneous And Heterogeneous Database 13.2Distributed Data Storage 13.3Distributed Transaction 13.4Commit Protocols 13.5Concurrency Control In Distributed Databases 13.6Availability 13.1. Homogeneous And Heterogeneous Databases All computer systems have limits. These limitations can be seen in the amount of memory the system can address, the number of hard disk drives which can be connected to it or the number of processors it can run in parallel. In practice this means that, as the quantity of information in a database becomes larger, a single system can no longer cope with all the information that needs to be stored, sorted and queried. Although it is (currently) still possible to build bigger and faster computer systems, it is often not a cost-effective solution to upgrade the hardware every few months. Instead, it is more affordable to have several database servers that appear to the users to be a single system, and which split the tasks between themselves. By doing this we can use commodity machines at affordable prices. This has the added advantage that systems are not simply discarded as soon as a newer version arrives, but can be added to and then replaced as they become obsolete. These are called distributed databases, and have the common characteristics that they are stored on two or more computers, called nodes, and that these nodes are connected over a network. There are two classifications for distributed databases, homogeneous and heterogeneous. Homogeneous databases all use the same DBMS software and have the same applications on each node. They have a common schema (a file specifying the structure of the database), and can have varying degrees of local autonomy. They can be based on any DBMS which supports this function, but it is not possible to have more than one DBMS type in the system. Local autonomy specifies how the system appears to works from the users and programmers perspective. For example, we can have a system with little or no local autonomy, where all requests are sent to a central node, called the gateway. From here they are assigned to whichever

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RDBMS node holds the information or application required. This is typically seen on the web with mirror sites for popular locations to speed access time since several nodes can hold exactly the same information and applications to speed throughput and access times. It has the disadvantage that the gateway into the system, has to have a very large network connection and a lot of processing power to keep up with requests and the routing the data back from the nodes to the users. At the other end of the scale, we have heterogeneous databases which have a very high degree of local autonomy. Each node in the system has its own local users, applications and data and dealing with them itself, and only connects to other nodes for information it does not have. This type of distributed database is often just called a federated system or a federation. It is becoming more popular with organizations, both for its scalability and the reduced cost in being able to add extra nodes when necessary and the ability to mix software packages. Unlike the homogenous systems, heterogeneous systems can include different database management systems in the system. This makes them appealing to organizations since they can incorporate legacy systems and data into new systems. Distributed Database System -A distributed database system consists of loosely coupled sites that share no physical component -Database systems that run on each site are independent of each other -Transactions may access data at one or more sites Homogeneous Distributed Databases In a homogeneous distributed database  All sites have identical software  Are aware of each other and agree to cooperate in processing user requests.  Each site surrenders part of its autonomy in terms of right to change schemas or software  Appears to user as a single system In a heterogeneous distributed database  Different sites may use different schemas and software  Difference in schema is a major problem for query processing  Difference in software is a major problem for transaction processing  Sites may not be aware of each other and may provide only limited facilities for cooperation in transaction 13.2. Distributed Data Storage Assume relational data model Replication  System maintains multiple copies of data, stored in different sites, for faster retrieval and fault tolerance. Fragmentation  Relation is partitioned into several fragments stored in distinct sites Replication and fragmentation can be combined  Relation is partitioned into several fragments: system maintains several identical replicas of each such fragment. Data Replication A relation or fragment of a relation is replicated if it is stored redundantly in two or more sites. Full replication of a relation is the case where the relation is stored at all sites. Fully redundant databases are those in which every site contains a copy of the entire database. Advantages of Replication

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RDBMS Availability: failure of site containing relation r does not result in unavailability of r is replicas exist. Parallelism: queries on r may be processed by several nodes in parallel. Reduced data transfer: relation r is available locally at each site containing a replica of r. Disadvantages of Replication -Increased cost of updates: each replica of relation r must be updated. -Increased complexity of concurrency control: concurrent updates to distinct replicas may lead to inconsistent data unless special concurrency control mechanisms are implemented. -One solution: choose one copy as primary copy and apply concurrency control operations on primary copy Data Fragmentation Division of relation r into fragments r1, r2, …, rn which contain sufficient information to reconstruct relation r. Horizontal fragmentation: each tuple of r is assigned to one or more fragments Vertical fragmentation: the schema for relation r is split into several smaller schemas  All schemas must contain a common candidate key (or superkey) to ensure lossless join property.  A special attribute, the tuple-id attribute may be added to each schema to serve as a candidate key. Example : relation account with following schema Account-schema = (branch-name, account-number, balance) Horizontal Fragmentation of account Relation

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branch-name Hillside Hillside Hillside


A-305 A-226 A-155

balance 500 336 62



Valleyview Valleyview Valleyview Valleyview


A-177 A-402 A-408 A-639

balance 205 10000 1123 750

Vertical Fragmentation of employee-info Relation

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tuple-id 1 Lowman 2 Camp 3 Hillside Camp 4 Hillside Kahn 5 Valleyview Kahn 6 Valleyview Kahn 7 Hillside Green depositValleyview =Πbranch-name, customer-name, tuple-id(employee-info) 1 Valleyview account number tuple-id balance branch-name


500 336 205 10000 62 1123 750(employee-info)

A-305 A-226 A-177 deposit2=A-402 Πaccount-number, balance, tuple-id A-155 A-408 A-639

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Advantages of Fragmentation Horizontal:  allows parallel processing on fragments of a relation  allows a relation to be split so that tuples are located where they are most frequently accessed Vertical:  allows tuples to be split so that each part of the tuple is stored where it is most frequently accessed  tuple-id attribute allows efficient joining of vertical fragments  allows parallel processing on a relation Vertical and horizontal fragmentation can be mixed.  Fragments may be successively fragmented to an arbitrary depth. Data Transparency:

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RDBMS Data transparency: Degree to which system user may remain unaware of the details of how and where the data items are stored in a distributed system Consider transparency issues in relation to:  Fragmentation transparency  Replication transparency  Location transparency Distributed Query Processing For centralized systems, the primary criterion for measuring the cost of a particular strategy is the number of disk accesses. In a distributed system, other issues must be taken into account:  The cost of a data transmission over the network.  The potential gain in performance from having several sites process parts of the query in parallel. Query Transformation Translating algebraic queries on fragments.  It must be possible to construct relation r from its fragments  by the expression to construct relation r from its fragments Consider the horizontal fragmentation of the account relation into account1 = σ branch-name = “Hillside” (account) account2 = σ branch-name = “Valleyview” (account) The query σ branch-name = “Hillside” (account) becomes σ branch-name = “Hillside” (account1 ∪ account2) which is optimized into σ branch-name = “Hillside” (account1) ∪ σ branch-name = “Hillside” (account2) Example: Since account1 has only tuples pertaining to the Hillside branch, we can eliminate the selection operation. -Apply the definition of account2 to obtain σ branch-name = “Hillside” (σ branch-name = “Valleyview” (account)) -This expression is the empty set regardless of the contents of the account relation. -Final strategy is for the Hillside site to return account1 as the result of the query. Simple Join Processing -Consider the following relational algebra expression in which the three relations are neither replicated nor fragmented account depositor branch -account is stored at site S1 -depositor at S2 -branch at S3 -For a query issued at site SI, the system needs to produce the result at site SI Possible Query Processing Strategies Ship copies of all three relations to site SI and choose a strategy for processing the entire locally at site SI. Ship a copy of the account relation to site S2 and compute temp1 = account depositor at S2. Ship temp1 from S2 to S3, and compute temp2 = temp1 branch at S3. Ship the result temp2 to SI. Devise similar strategies, exchanging the roles S1, S2, S3 Must consider following factors:  amount of data being shipped  cost of transmitting a data block between sites  relative processing speed at each site Semijoin Strategy Let r1 be a relation with schema R1 stores at site S1 Let r2 be a relation with schema R2 stores at site S2 Evaluate the expression r1 r2 and obtain the result at S1. 1. Compute temp1 ← ∏R1 ∩ R2 (r1) at S1.

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RDBMS 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ship temp1 from S1 to S2. Compute temp2 ← r2 temp1 at S2 Ship temp2 from S2 to S1. Compute r1 temp2 at S1. This is the same as r1


Formal Definition: The semijoin of r1 with r2, is denoted by: r1 r2 It is defined by: ∏R1 (r1 r2) Thus, r1

r2 selects those tuples of r1 that contributed to r1

In step 3 above, temp2=r2



For joins of several relations, the above strategy can be extended to a series of semijoin steps. Join Strategies that Exploit Parallelism: Consider r1 r2 r3 r4 where relation ri is stored at site Si. The result must be presented at site S1. r1 is shipped to S2 and r1

r2 is computed at S2: simultaneously r3 is shipped to S4 and r3

r4 is computed at S4 S2 ships tuples


S4 ships tuples of (r3 Once tuples of (r1








r4) to S1 r2) and (r3

with the computation of (r1

r4) arrive at S1 (r1



r2) at S2 and the computation of (r3

r4) is computed in parallel r4) at S4.

Heterogeneous Distributed Databases Many database applications require data from a variety of preexisting databases located in a heterogeneous collection of hardware and software platforms Data models may differ (hierarchical, relational , etc.) Transaction commit protocols may be incompatible Concurrency control may be based on different techniques (locking, timestamping, etc.) System-level details almost certainly are totally incompatible. A multidatabase system is a software layer on top of existing database systems, which is designed to manipulate information in heterogeneous databases  Creates an illusion of logical database integration without any physical database integration Advantages Preservation of investment in existing  hardware  system software  Applications Local autonomy and administrative control

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RDBMS Allows use of special-purpose DBMSs Step towards a unified homogeneous DBMS  Full integration into a homogeneous DBMS faces  Technical difficulties and cost of conversion  Organizational/political difficulties – Organizations do not want to give up control on their data – Local databases wish to retain a great deal of autonomy Unified View of Data Agreement on a common data model  Typically the relational model Agreement on a common conceptual schema  Different names for same relation/attribute  Same relation/attribute name means different things Agreement on a single representation of shared data  E.g. data types, precision,  Character sets  ASCII vs EBCDIC  Sort order variations Agreement on units of measure Variations in names  E.g. Köln vs Cologne, Mumbai vs Bombay Query Processing Several issues in query processing in a heterogeneous database Schema translation  Write a wrapper for each data source to translate data to a global schema  Wrappers must also translate updates on global schema to updates on local schema Limited query capabilities  Some data sources allow only restricted forms of selections  E.g. web forms, flat file data sources  Queries have to be broken up and processed partly at the source and partly at a different site Removal of duplicate information when sites have overlapping information  Decide which sites to execute query Global query optimization 13.3. Distributed Transactions Transaction may access data at several sites. Each site has a local transaction manager responsible for:  Maintaining a log for recovery purposes  Participating in coordinating the concurrent execution of the transactions executing at that site. Each site has a transaction coordinator, which is responsible for:  Starting the execution of transactions that originate at the site.  Distributing subtransactions at appropriate sites for execution.  Coordinating the termination of each transaction that originates at the site, which may result in the transaction being committed at all sites or aborted at all sites. Transaction System Architecture

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System Failure Modes Failures unique to distributed systems:  Failure of a site.  Loss of messages  Handled by network transmission control protocols such as TCP-IP  Failure of a communication link  Handled by network protocols, by routing messages via alternative links  Network partition  A network is said to be partitioned when it has been split into two or more subsystems that lack any connection between them Note: a subsystem may consist of a single node Network partitioning and site failures are generally indistinguishable. 13.4. Commit Protocols Commit protocols are used to ensure atomicity across sites  a transaction which executes at multiple sites must either be committed at all the sites, or aborted at all the sites.  not acceptable to have a transaction committed at one site and aborted at another The two-phase commit (2 PC) protocol is widely used The three-phase commit (3 PC) protocol is more complicated and more expensive, but avoids some drawbacks of two-phase commit protocol. Two Phase Commit Protocol (2PC) Assumes fail-stop model – failed sites simply stop working, and do not cause any other harm, such as sending incorrect messages to other sites. Execution of the protocol is initiated by the coordinator after the last step of the transaction has been reached. The protocol involves all the local sites at which the transaction executed Let T be a transaction initiated at site Si, and let the transaction coordinator at Si be Ci Phase 1: Obtaining a Decision Coordinator asks all participants to prepare to commit transaction Ti.  Ci adds the records <prepare T> to the log and forces log to stable storage

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RDBMS  sends prepare T messages to all sites at which T executed Upon receiving message, transaction manager at site determines if it can commit the transaction  if not, add a record <no T> to the log and send abort T message to Ci  if the transaction can be committed, then:  add the record to the log  force all records for T to stable storage  send ready T message to Ci Phase 2: Recording the Decision T can be committed of Ci received a ready T message from all the participating sites: otherwise T must be aborted. Coordinator adds a decision record, or , to the log and forces record onto stable storage. Once the record stable storage it is irrevocable (even if failures occur) Coordinator sends a message to each participant informing it of the decision (commit or abort) Participants take appropriate action locally. Handling of Failures - Site Failure When site Si recovers, it examines its log to determine the fate of transactions active at the time of the failure. -Log contain record: site executes redo (T) -Log contains record: site executes undo (T) -Log contains record: site must consult Ci to determine the fate of T.  If T committed, redo (T)  If T aborted, undo (T) -The log contains no control records concerning T replies that Sk failed before responding to the prepare T message from Ci  since the failure of Sk precludes the sending of such a response C1 must abort T  Sk must execute undo (T) Handling of Failures- Coordinator Failure -If coordinator fails while the commit protocol for T is executing then participating sites must decide on T’s fate: 1. If an active site contains a record in its log, then T must be committed. 2. If an active site contains an record in its log, then T must be aborted. 3. If some active participating site does not contain a record in its log, then the failed coordinator Ci cannot have decided to commit T. Can therefore abort T. 4. If none of the above cases holds, then all active sites must have a record in their logs, but no additional control records (such as of ). In this case active sites must wait for Ci to recover, to find decision. -Blocking problem : active sites may have to wait for failed coordinator to recover. 13.5. Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases -Modify concurrency control schemes for use in distributed environment. -We assume that each site participates in the execution of a commit protocol to ensure global transaction automicity. -We assume all replicas of any item are updated Single-Lock-Manager Approach -System maintains a single lock manager that resides in a single chosen site, say Si -When a transaction needs to lock a data item, it sends a lock request to Si and lock manager determines whether the lock can be granted immediately  If yes, lock manager sends a message to the site which initiated the request

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RDBMS  If no, request is delayed until it can be granted, at which time a message is sent to the initiating site -The transaction can read the data item from any one of the sites at which a replica of the data item resides. -Writes must be performed on all replicas of a data item -Advantages of scheme:  Simple implementation  Simple deadlock handling -Disadvantages of scheme are:  Bottleneck: lock manager site becomes a bottleneck  Vulnerability: system is vulnerable to lock manager site failure. Distributed Lock Manager -In this approach, functionality of locking is implemented by lock managers at each site  Lock managers control access to local data items  But special protocols may be used for replicas -Advantage: work is distributed and can be made robust to failures -Disadvantage: deadlock detection is more complicated  Lock managers cooperate for deadlock detection  More on this later -Several variants of this approach  Primary copy  Majority protocol  Biased protocol  Quorum consensus Primary Copy -Choose one replica of data item to be the primary copy.  Site containing the replica is called the primary site for that data item  Different data items can have different primary sites -When a transaction needs to lock a data item Q, it requests a lock at the primary site of Q.  Implicitly gets lock on all replicas of the data item - Benefit  Concurrency control for replicated data handled similarly to unreplicated data simple implementation. -Drawback  If the primary site of Q fails, Q is inaccessible even though other sites containing a replica may be accessible. Majority Protocol -Local lock manager at each site administers lock and unlock requests for data items stored at that site. -When a transaction wishes to lock an unreplicated data item Q residing at site Si, a message is sent to Si ‘s lock manager.  If Q is locked in an incompatible mode, then the request is delayed until it can be granted.  When the lock request can be granted, the lock manager sends a message back to the initiator indicating that the lock request has been granted. -In case of replicated data  If Q is replicated at n sites, then a lock request message must be sent to more than half of the n sites at which Q is stored.  The transaction does not operate on Q until it has obtained a lock on a majority of the replicas of Q.  When writing the data item, transaction performs writes on all replicas.

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RDBMS -Benefit  Can be used even when some sites are unavailable -Drawback  Requires 2(n/2 + 1) messages for handling lock requests, and (n/2 + 1) messages for handling unlock requests.  Potential for deadlock even with single item - e.g., each of 3 transactions may have locks on 1/3rd of the replicas of a data. Biased Protocol -Local lock manager at each site as in majority protocol, however, requests for shared locks are handled differently than requests for exclusive locks. -Shared locks. When a transaction needs to lock data item Q, it simply requests a lock on Q from the lock manager at one site containing a replica of Q. -Exclusive locks. When transaction needs to lock data item Q, it requests a lock on Q from the lock manager at all sites containing a replica of Q. -Advantage - imposes less overhead on read operations. -Disadvantage - additional overhead on writes Deadlock Handling Consider the following two transactions and history, with item X and transaction T1 at site 1, and item Y and transaction T2 at site 2:

T1: write (X) write (Y)


X-lock on X write (X)

write (Y) write (X)

X-lock on Y write (Y) wait for X-lock on X

Wait for X-lock on Y Result: deadlock which cannot be detected locally at either site Centralized Approach -A global wait-for graph is constructed and maintained in a single site; the deadlock-detection coordinator  Real graph: Real, but unknown, state of the system.  Constructed graph: Approximation generated by the controller during the execution of its algorithm .

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RDBMS -the global wait-for graph can be constructed when:  a new edge is inserted in or removed from one of the local wait-for graphs.  a number of changes have occurred in a local wait-for graph.  the coordinator needs to invoke cycle-detection. -If the coordinator finds a cycle, it selects a victim and notifies all sites. The sites roll back the victim transaction.

Local and Global Wait-For Graphs Local


13.6. Availability

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RDBMS -High availability: Time for which system is not fully usable should be extremely low (e.g. 99.99% availability) -Robustness: ability of system to function despite failures of components -Failures are more likely in large distributed systems -To be robust, a distributed system must  Detect failures  Reconfigure the system so computation may continue  Recovery/reintegration when a site or link is repaired -Failure detection: distinguishing link failure from site failure is hard  (partial) solution: have multiple links, multiple link failure is likely a site failure

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