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  • Pages: 45
Rational Robot What is Rational Robot? Rational Robot is a complete set of components for automating the testing of Microsoft Windows client / server and Internet applications running under Windows NT, Window 98, and Windows 95. Other Components of Robot are : •

Rational Administrator : Use to create and manage Rational repositories, which store your testing information.

Rational Test Manager : Use to plan your tests and manage test assets.

Rational Log Viewer : Use to review and analyze test results.

Object Properties, Text Grid, and Image Comparators : Use to view and analyze results of verification point playback.

Rational Site Check : Use to manage Internet and Intranet Websites.

Managing the Rational Repository with the Administrator : The Rational administrator is the component that you use to create and manage rational repositories. The Rational repository is the component for storing application testing information, such as scripts, verification points, queries, and defects. Each repository consists of a database and several directories of files. All Rational Test components on your computer update and retrieve date from the same active repository. ITPF _- AUTOMATED TOOLS- Rational Robot

Rational Robot Within the repository, information are categorized by projects. Projects help you organize your testing information and resources for easy tracking. Repositories and projects are created in the Rational Administrator, usually by some one with administrator privileges. Use the Administrator to : •

Create and delete a repository

Connect to a repository

Configures SQL Anywhere in database server

Create and manage users, groups and computers for a Regional Test database.

Create and manage projects containing Requisite Pro database and Rose models.

Manage security privileges for the entire the Rational repository.

Change Rational Test and Clear Quest database types.

Use the centralize Rational Test, Rational Requisite Pro, and Rational Rose data store using the Rational Synchronizer. (The Rational Synchronizer is available only with Rational Suite Test Studio).

Planning and Managing Tests in Test Manager Rational Test Manager is the component that you use to plan your test, manage your test assets and run queries and reports. Use Test Manager to : •

Plan Scripts and Schedules – A script is a file that is created when you record in Robot. A schedule contains scripts, information about how and where to run the


Rational Robot script and how to coordinate script playback. (Schedules are used in Load Test, which is available only in Rational Performance Studio). •

Create, Manage and run queries – The query tools in TestManager help you manager your’ scripts, schedules and sessions. You can use the default queries provided with TestManager or create queries of your own.

Create, Manage and run reports – The reporting tools help you track assets such as script, builds, and test documents. They also help you track test coverage and progress.

Create and Manage builds, log folders, and logs – Logs are created when you play back a script in Robot. Log folders are used to organize logs.

Create and Manage datapools and data type – A datapool supplies data values to variable in a script during script playback. A data type is a source of data for one datapool column.

Developing Tests in Robot Robot is the tool that you use to develop two kinds of scripts : GUI scripts for functional testing and virtual user scripts for performance testing. Note: Virtual user scripts are available only in Rational Performance Studio. Use Robot to : •

Perform full functional testing – Record and play back scripts that navigate through your application and tests the state of objects through verification points.

Perform full performance testing – Use Robot and Load Test together to record and play back scripts that help you determine whether a multi client system is performing within user defined standards under varying loads.

Create and edit scripts using the SQABasic and VU scripting environments – The Robot editor provide color-coded commands with keyword Help for powerful integrated programming during script development. (VU scripting is available only in Rational Performance Studio). ITPF _- AUTOMATED TOOLS- Rational Robot

Rational Robot •

Test applications developed with IDEs such as Visual Basic, Oracle Forms PowerBuilder, HTML and Java. You can test objects even if they are not visible in the application interface.

Collect diagnostic information during script playback Robot is integrated with Rational Purify, Rational Visual Quantify and Rational Visual Pure coverage, which let you instrument certain types of applications. The Objects oriented recording technology in Robot lets you generate scripts by

simply running and using the application under test. Robot uses Object Oriented Recording to identify objects by their internal object names, not by screen coordinates. If objects change locations or their text changes, Robot still finds them on playback. The Object Testing technology in Robot lets you test any object in the application under test, including the objects properties and data. You can test standard Windows objects and IDE specific objects, whether they are visible in the interface or hidden. In Functional testing, Robot provides many types of verification points for testing the state of the objects in your application. For example, you use the Object Properties verification point to capture the properties of an object during recording and to compare these properties during play back. Creating Datapools A datapool is source of test data that scripts can draw from during play back. If a script sends data to a server during playback, consider using a datapool as the source of the data. By accessing a datapool, a script transaction that is executed multiple times during playback can send realistic data and even unique data to the server each time. If you do not use a datapool, the same data (you recorded is sent each time the transaction).


Rational Robot When creating a datapool, you specify the kinds of data (called data types) that the script will send – for example, customer names, addresses, and unique order numbers. When you finish defining the datapool, Test Manager automatically generates the number of rows of data that you specify. Test Manager is shipped with many commonly used data types. In addition, Test Manager lets you create your own data types. The following figure shows a datapool being defined. Note that most of the data types in the Type column are standard data types shipped with Test Manager. Two data types, Product List and Color List, are user defined data types. Analyzing Results in the Log Viewer and Comparators : The Rational Log Viewers is the component that you use to view the logs that are created when you play back scripts in Robot, run schedules in Load Test. •

View the playback results – including verification point failures, procedural failures, aborts, and any additional playback information. Reviewing the playback results in the Log Viewer reveals whether each script and verification point passed or failed.

Use the Comparators to : Analyze the results of verification points - to determine why a script may have failed. Robot includes four comparators : -

Object Properties Comparator


Text Comparator


Grid Comparator


Image Comparator.


Rational Robot When you double click the line that contains the failed Objects Properties verification point, the Object Properties Comparator opens and shows the result. In the Comparator, the baselines column shows the original recording and the actual column shows the playback that failed. Compare the two files to determine whether the difference is an intentional change in the application or a defect. Managing Intranet and Web Sites with Site Check and Robot Rational Site Check is the component that you use to test the structural integrity of your internet or World Wide Web Site. It is designed to help you view, track and maintain your rapidly changing site. Use Site Check to : •

Visualize the structure of your Web site and display the relationship between each page and the rest of the site.

Identify and analyse Web pages with active content, such as forms, Java, Java Script, Active X and Visual Basic Script (VBScript)

Filter information – so that you can inspect specific file type and defects, including broken links.

Examine and edit the source code - for any Web page, with color – coded text.

Update and repair files using the integrated editor, or configure your favourite HTML editor to perform modifications to HTML files.

Perform comprehensive testing of secure Web sites – Site Check provides Secure Socket Layer (SSL) support, proxy server configuration, and support for multiple password realms. ITPF _- AUTOMATED TOOLS- Rational Robot

Rational Robot

Robot has two verification points for use with Web Sites : •

Use the Web Site Scan verification point to check the content of your Web Site with every revision and ensure that changes have not resulted in defects.

Use the Web Site Compare verification point to capture a baseline of your Web site and compare it to the Web site at another point in time.

Using Robot with Other Rational Products Rational Robot is integrated with many other Rational products and components including Test Factory, Clear Quest, Purify, Visual Quantify, Visual Pure coverage, and Load Test. The products and components are available based on what you have installed. Testing Applications with Rational Test Factory Rational Test Factory is a component based testing tool that automatically generates Test factory scripts according to the application’s navigational structure. Managing Defects with Rational Clear Quest Rational Clear Quest is a change request management tool that tracks and manages defects and change requests throughout the development process. With Clear Quest, you can manage every type of change activity associated with software development, including enhancement requests, defect reports and documentation modifications. Note: Clear Quest is available in Rational Suite Test Studio, Rational Performance Studio, and Rational Team Test.


Rational Robot With Robot and Clear Quest, you can •

Submit defects directly from the Log Viewer or Site Check.

Modify and track defects and change request.

Analyse project progress by running queries, charts, and reports.

For information about Collecting Diagnostic Information During Playback You can use the Rational diagnostic tool to perform run time error checking, profile application performance, and analyse code coverage during play back of a Robot script. Note: The Rational diagnostic tools are available in Rational Suite Test Studio. Rational Purify is a comprehensive C/C++ run time error checking tool that automatically pinpoints run time errors and memory leaks in all components of an application, including third party libraries, ensuring that code is reliable. Rational Visual Quantify is an advanced performance profile that provides application performance analysis, enabling developers to quickly find, prioritize and elimiminate performance bottlenecks within an application. Rational Visual Pure-coverage is a customizable code coverage analysis tool that provides detailed application analysis and ensure that all code has been exercised, preventing untested code from reaching the end user. Performance Testing with Rational Performance Studio Rational performance studio is a sophisticated tool for automating performance tests on client / server system. A client / server system include client applications accessing a database or application server and browsers accessing a Web Server.


Rational Robot Rational Performance Studio includes Rational Robot Load Test. Use Robot to record client / server conversation and store them in scrips. Use Load Test to schedule and play back the script. During playback, Load Test can emulate hundred, even thousands, of user placing heavy loads and stress on your database and Web servers. With performance Studio, you can : •

Find out if your system – under – test performs adequately.

Monitor and analyze the response times that user actually experience under different usage scenarios.

Test the capacity, performance and stability of your server under real world user loads.

Discover your server’s break point and how to more beyond it.

Recording GUI Scripts The chapter explains the recording process and tells you how to record GUI scripts in Rational Robot. It includes the following topics : •

The recording process

The recording workflow

Guidelines before you begin recording

Enabling IDE applications for testing

Setting GUI recording options

Using advanced features before recording

Recording a new GUI script

Defining script properties

Coding a GUI script manually

Testing your recorded script

Creating shell scripts to play back scripts in sequence.


Rational Robot

When you record a GUI script, Robot records •

Your actions as you use the application under test. These user actions include keystrokes and mouse clicks that help you navigate through the application.

Verification points that you insert to capture and save information about specific objects. A verification point is a point in a script that you create to confirm the state of an object across builds. During recording the verification point captures object information and stores it as the baseline. During play back, the verification point recaptures the object information and compares it to the baseline. The recorded GUI script establishes the baseline of expected behaviour for the

application under test. When new builds of the application become available, you can play back the script to test the builds against the established baseline in a fraction of the time that it would take to perform the testing manually. The Recording Workflow Typically, when you record a GUI script, your goal is to : •

Record actions that an actual user might perform (for example, clicking a menu command or selecting a check box).

Create verification points to confirm the state of objects across builds of the application under test (for example, the properties of an object or the text in an entry field).

Guidelines Before You Begin Recording You should plan to use Robot at the earliest stages of the application development and testing process. If any Windows GUI objects such as menus and dialogue become


Rational Robot exist with the initial builds of your application you can use Robot to record the corresponding verification points. Consider the following guidelines before you begin recording : •

Establish predictable start and end states for your scripts

Set up your test environment

Create modular scripts

Plan your scripts in Rational Test Manager

Enable your applications for testing

These guidelines are described in more detail in the following sections. Establishing Predictable Start and End States for Scripts By starting and ending the recording at a common point, scripts can be played back in any order, with no script being dependent on where another script ends. For example, you can start and end each script at the Windows desktop or at the main window of the application under test. Setting up your test environment Whatever windows are open, active, or displayed when you begin recording should be open, active or displayed when you stop recording. This applies to all applications including Windows Explorer, e-mail and so on. Robot can record the sizes and positions of all open windows when you start recording based on the recording options settings. During playback, Robot attempts to restore windows to their recorded states, and inserts a warning the log if it cannot find a recorded window.


Rational Robot In general remove any unnecessary applications from the Windows desktop before you start to record. For stress testing, however, you may want to deliberately increase the load on the test environment by having many applications open. Creating Modular Scripts Rather than defining a long sequence of actions in one GUI script, you should define scripts that are short and modular. Keep your scripts focused on a specific area of testing – for example, on one dialogue box or on a related set of recurring actions. When you need more comprehensive testing, modular scripts can easily be called from or copied into other scripts. They can also be grouped into shell scripts, which are top level, ordered groups of scripts. The benefits of modular scripts are: •

They can be called, copied, or combined into shell scripts

They can be easily modified or re-recorded if the developers make international changes to the application under test.

They are easier to debug.

Planning Scripts in Test Manager Planning scripts and defining script properties are important parts of the test planning process. You typically define a script’s properties in Test Manager before you record the script in Robot. You can then start Robot, select a planned script, and start recording. •

Script propertiì¥Á127

1212ð¿12121212121212121212121212É ミ 1212


Rational Robot 13bjbjUU131313131313131313131313131313131313


Œ131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313ÿÿ¤1 3131 3131 3131 3131 3ÿÿ¤131313131313131313ÿÿ¤1313131313131313131313131313131313l1313131313Þ 131313131313Þ




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13131313131313131313É ミ 1313


Rational Robot •



1414-Œ141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414 141414ÿÿ¤141 4141 4141 4141 414ÿÿ ¤141 414141414141414ÿÿ¤1414141414141414141414141414141414l1414141414Þ 141414141414Þ



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Rational Robot 15bjbjUU151515151515151515151515151515151515


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Rational Robot •



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Rational Robot 17bjbjUU171717171717171717171717171717171717


Œ171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717ÿÿ¤1 7171 7171 7171 7171 7ÿÿ¤171717171717171717ÿÿ¤1717171717171717171717171717171717l1717171717Þ 171717171717Þ



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Rational Robot 18bjbjUU181818181818181818181818181818181818


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Rational Robot 19bjbjUU191919191919191919191919191919191919


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Rational Robot 20bjbjUU202020202020202020202020202020202020


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Rational Robot -

21bjbjUU212121212121212121212121212121212121 21%Â21217| 21217|2121Œ2121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212 12121ÿÿ¤212 1212 1212 1212 121ÿÿ ¤212 1212 1212 1212121ÿÿ¤2121212121212121212121212121212121l2121212121Þ 212121212121Þ 2121Þ 212121212121Þ 212121212121¢ 21212 1212 121 ¢2 1212 1212 121 ¢2 121 µ2121212121212121212121¶212121212121ª,2 12121212121ª,212121212121ª,21218212121â,212121ì¥Á217 2121ð¿21212121212121212121212121É ミ 2121


Rational Robot 22bjbjUU222222222222222222222222222222222222


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Rational Robot 23bjbjUU232323232323232323232323232323232323


Œ232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323ÿÿ¤2 3232 3232 3232 3232 3ÿÿ¤232323232323232323ÿÿ¤2323232323232323232323232323232323l2323232323Þ 232323232323Þ 2323Þ 232323232323Þ 232323232323¢ 23232 3232 323 ¢2 3232 3232 323 ¢2 323 µ2323232323232323232323¶232323232323ª,2 32323232323ª,232323232323ª,23238232323â,232323ì¥Á237 2323ð¿23232323232323232323232323É ミ 2323


Rational Robot -

24bjbjUU242424242424242424242424242424242424 24%Â24247| 24247|2424Œ2424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242 42424ÿÿ¤242 4242 4242 4242 424ÿÿ ¤242 4242 4242 4242424ÿÿ¤2424242424242424242424242424242424l2424242424Þ 242424242424Þ 2424Þ 242424242424Þ 242424242424¢ 24242 4242 424 ¢2 4242 4242 424 ¢2 424 µ2424242424242424242424¶242424242424ª,2 42424242424ª,242424242424ª,24248242424â,242424ì¥Á247 2424ð¿24242424242424242424242424É ミ 2424


Rational Robot 25bjbjUU252525252525252525252525252525252525


Œ252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525ÿÿ¤2 5252 5252 5252 5252 5ÿÿ¤252525252525252525ÿÿ¤2525252525252525252525252525252525l2525252525Þ 252525252525Þ 2525Þ 252525252525Þ 252525252525¢ 25252 5252 525 ¢2 5252 5252 525 ¢2 525 µ2525252525252525252525¶252525252525ª,2 52525252525ª,252525252525ª,25258252525â,252525ì¥Á257 2525ð¿25252525252525252525252525É ミ 2525


Rational Robot 26bjbjUU262626262626262626262626262626262626


Œ262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626ÿÿ¤2 6262 6262 6262 6262 6ÿÿ¤262626262626262626ÿÿ¤2626262626262626262626262626262626l2626262626Þ 262626262626Þ 2626Þ 262626262626Þ 262626262626¢ 26262 6262 626 ¢2 6262 6262 626 ¢2 626 µ2626262626262626262626¶262626262626ª,2 62626262626ª,262626262626ª,26268262626â,262626ì¥Á267 2626ð¿26262626262626262626262626É ミ 2626


Rational Robot -

27bjbjUU272727272727272727272727272727272727 27%Â27277| 27277|2727Œ2727272727272727272727272727272727272727272727272 72727ÿÿ¤272 7272 7272 7272 727ÿÿ ¤272 7272 7272 7272727ÿÿ¤2727272727272727272727272727272727l2727272727Þ 272727272727Þ 2727Þ 272727272727Þ 272727272727¢ 27272 7272 727 ¢2 7272 7272 727 ¢2 727 µ2727272727272727272727¶272727272727ª,2 72727272727ª,272727272727ª,27278272727â,272727ì¥Á277 2727ð¿27272727272727272727272727É ミ 2727


Rational Robot -

28bjbjUU282828282828282828282828282828282828 28%Â28287| 28287|2828Œ2828282828282828282828282828282828282828282828282 82828ÿÿ¤282 8282 8282 8282 828ÿÿ ¤282 8282 8282 8282828ÿÿ¤2828282828282828282828282828282828l2828282828Þ 282828282828Þ 2828Þ 282828282828Þ 282828282828¢ 28282 8282 828 ¢2 8282 8282 828 ¢2 828 µ2828282828282828282828¶282828282828ª,2 82828282828ª,282828282828ª,28288282828â,282828ì¥Á287 2828ð¿28282828282828282828282828É ミ 2828


Rational Robot 29bjbjUU292929292929292929292929292929292929


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Rational Robot 30bjbjUU303030303030303030303030303030303030


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Rational Robot -

31bjbjUU313131313131313131313131313131313131 31%Â31317|31317|3131Œ313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131ÿÿ¤3 1313 1313 1313 1313 1ÿÿ¤3 13131313131313131ÿÿ¤3131313131313131313131313131313131l3131313131Þ 313131313131Þ 3131Þ 313131313131Þ 313131313131¢ 31313 1313 131 ¢3 1313 1313 131 ¢3 131 µ3131313131313131313131¶313131313131ª,3 13131313131ª,313131313131ª,31318313131â,313131ì¥Á317 3131ð¿31313131313131313131313131É ミ 3131


Rational Robot 32bjbjUU323232323232323232323232323232323232


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Rational Robot 1.

33bjbjUU333333333333333333333333333333333333 33%Â33337|33337|3333Œ333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333ÿÿ¤3 3333 3333 3333 3333 3ÿÿ¤3 33333333333333333ÿÿ¤3333333333333333333333333333333333l3333333333Þ 333333333333Þ 3333Þ 3333333333→Þ 333333333333¢ 33333 3333 333 ¢3 3333 3333 333 ¢3 333 µ3333333333333333333333¶333333333333ª,3 33333333333ª,333333333333ª,33338333333â,333333ì¥Á337 3333ð¿33333333333333333333333333É ミ 3333


Rational Robot 34bjbjUU343434343434343434343434343434343434


Œ343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434ÿÿ¤3 4343 4343 4343 43434ÿÿ¤343434343434343434ÿÿ¤3434343434343434343434343434343434l3434343434Þ 343434343434Þ 3434Þ 343434343434Þ 343434343434¢ 34343 4343 434 ¢3 4343 4343 434 ¢3 434 µ3434343434343434343434¶343434343434ª,3 43434343434ª,343434343434ª,34348343434â,343434ì¥Á347 3434ð¿34343434343434343434343434É ミ 3434


Rational Robot 35bjbjUU353535353535353535353535353535353535


Œ353535353535353535353535353535353535353535353535353535ÿÿ¤3 5353 5353 5353 5353 5ÿÿ¤353535353535353535ÿÿ¤3535353535353535353535353535353535l3535353535Þ 353535353535Þ 3535Þ 353535353535Þ 353535353535¢ 35353 5353 535 ¢3 5353 5353 535 ¢3 535 µ3535353535353535353535¶353535353535ª,3 53535353535ª,353535353535ª,35358353535â,353535ì¥Á357 3535ð¿35353535353535353535353535É ミ 3535


Rational Robot 36bjbjUU363636363636363636363636363636363636


Œ363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636ÿÿ¤3 6363 6363 6363 6363 6ÿÿ¤363636363636363636ÿÿ¤3636363636363636363636363636363636l3636363636Þ 363636363636Þ 3636Þ 363636363636Þ 363636363636¢ 36363 6363 636 ¢3 6363 6363 636 ¢3 636 µ3636363636363636363636¶363636363636ª,3 63636363636ª,363636363636ª,36368363636â,363636or example, that a window does not exist during playback. 6.

Click OK.

Inserting Timers Robot lets you insert start timer and stop timer commands to record and write to the log the duration of events in a script. A timer measures the time it takes to perform an activity. For example, you may want to record the time required to perform a database transaction on a remote server, or how long it takes the same verification point to execute on client machines with different hardware configurations.


Rational Robot You can insert any number of timers with different names into the same script to measure a variety of separate tasks. You can nest timers within other timers (starting and stopping the second timer before stopping the first timer), and you can overlap timers (stopping the second timer after stopping the first timer). However, you should top a timer before starting that same timer over again. If you start the same timer twice without stopping it, Robot terminates the first occurrence when it starts the second. If you do not explicitly stop a time, the timer is stopped automatically at the end of the transactions. When you play back a script that includes timers, you can view the elapsed time in the log. Uses for Timers You can use timers to measure general application performance and specific task performance. Measuring General Application Performance For general application performance, start a timer, perform a series of action and create verification points with the application – under – test and then stop the timer. The following is an example of using timers with verification points that have wait state values. You use the wait water value to detect the completion of a task before stopping the timer. The following is an example of using timers for specific task performance testing 1.

During recording, start a timer


Rational Robot 2.

Start an application task or transaction (for example, open an application or start a database query)


Insert a verification point with a wait state (for example, insert a Window Existence verification point that waits up to 30 second for a windows that indicates the task is complete).


Stop the timer.


Continue recording other action to stop the recording.

After the play back the script, the log shows the timing results. Inserting a Timer To insert a timer while recording or editing a script : 1.

Do one of the following : -

If recording, click the Display GUI insert toolbar button on the GUI Record toolbar.


If editing, position the pointer in the script and click the Display GUI Insert Toolbar button on the Standard toolbar.


Click the Start Timer button on the GUI Insert toolbar.


Type a timer name (40 characters maximum) and click OK. If you start more than one timer, make sure you give ach timer a different name.


Perform the time activity.


Immediately after performing the timed activity, click the Stop Timer button on the GUI Insert tool bar.


Select a timer name from the list of timers you started and click OK.

Playing Back a Script that includes timers Do the following before you play back a script that include timers: 1. Click Tools →GUI Play back options 2. In the Play back tab, clear Acknowledge results ITPF _- AUTOMATED TOOLS- Rational Robot

Rational Robot This prevents a pass / fails result message box from appearing for each verification point. You can still view the results in the log after payback. 3. In the Play back tab, set the Delay between commands value to 0. This removes any extra Robot timing delays from the performance measurement. If you need a delay before a single command, click Insert Delay and type a delay value. 4. Click OK When you play back the script and view the log in the Log Viewer, the elapsed time is displayed for each Stop Timer event. During recording or editing, you can insert lines of comment text into a GUI script Comments are helpful for documenting and editing scripts.

Robot ignores

comments at compile time. To insert a comment into a script during recording or editing: 1.

Do One of the following: -

If recording, click the DISPLAY GUI Insert Toolbar button on the GUI Record Toolbar.


If editing, position the pointer in the script and click the Display GUI Insert Toolbar button on the Standard toolbar.


Click the Comment button on the GUI Insert toolbar.

Robot inserts the comment into the script proceeded by a single quotation mark. For example: This is a comment in the script. To change lines of text into comments or to uncomment text. ITPF _- AUTOMATED TOOLS- Rational Robot

Rational Robot

1. Highlight the text. 2. Click Edit → comment Line or Edit → Uncomment Line Inserting Log Messages During recording or editing, you can insert a log message, description, and result into a GUI script. During playback, Robot inserts this information into the log. You can use log message to document your script for the playback process. To insert a log message into a script during recording or editing. 1. Do one of the following: -

If recording click the Display GUI Insert Toolbar button on the GUI Record toolbar.


If editing position the pointer in the script and click the Display GUI Insert Toolbar button on the Standard toolbar.

2. Click the Write to Log button on the GUI Insert toolbar. After playback, you can view logs and message using the Log Viewer. The message appears in the Log Event column. The result appears in the Result column. To view the description, select the log even and click View → Log Event Properties. Click the Result tab. Inserting Delay Values During playback of a GUI script, Robot adds a delay value between each user action command and between each verification point command. You can set this value in the Playback tab of the GUI Play back options dialog box.


Rational Robot At times during playback, you may need to have Robot pause for a specific amount of time before executing a particular command. For example, an additional delay may be necessary if the application accesses a network server, printer, or other remote system. In these cases, if script play back does not wait, it can become out of sync with the application by executing script commands before the application is ready for them. When you insert a delay value into a script, the script waits for that specified amount of time before playback continues. This delay is useful when you can calculate the amount of time needed for a process to finish before playback resumes. NOTE: If you are testing an application in which time estimates are not predictable, you can define a wait state for a verification point instead of inserting a delay value. With a wait state, playback waits based on specific conditions rather than on absolute time. To insert a delay value into a script during recording or editing: 1. Do one the following: -

If recording, click the Open Robot Window button on the GUI Record toolbar.


If editing, position the pointer in the script.

Creating Verification Points in GUI Scripts About Verification Points A verification point is a point in a script that you create to confirm the state of an object across builds of the application under test. Verification Points and Data Files


Rational Robot During recording, a verification point captures object information (based on the type of verification point) and stores it in a baseline data file. The information in this file becomes the baseline of the expected state of the object during subsequent builds. When you play back the script against a new build, Rational Robot retrieves the information in the baseline file for each verification point and compares it to the state of the object in the new build. If the captured object does not match the baseline, Robot creates an actual data file. The information in this shows the actual state of the object in the build. After playback the results of each verification point appear in the log in the Lov Viewer. If a verification point fails (the baseline and actual data do not match). You can double click the verification point in the log to open the appropriate Comparator. The Comparator displays the baseline and actual files so that you can compare them. Types of Verification Poitns Alphanumeric:- Captures and tests alphanumeric data in Windows objects that contain text, such as edit boxes, check boxes, group boxes, labels, push buttons, radio buttons, toolbars and windows (captions). You can use the verification point to verify that text has not changed, to trap spelling errors, and to ensure that numeric values are accurate. Clipboard:- Captures and compares alphanumeric data that has been copied to the Clipboard. To use this verification point, the application must supply a Copy or Cut capability so that you can place the data on the Clipboard. This verification point is useful for capturing data from spread sheet and word processing applications as well as terminal emulators. File Comparison:- Compares two specified files during playback. The comparison is based on the contents of the files and their sizes, not on the file names or dates. When


Rational Robot you create the verification point, you specify the drive, directory and file names. During playback, Robot compares the files byte for byte. File Existence:- Verifies the existence of a specified file during playback. When you create the verification point, you specify the drive, directory and file name for the required file. During playback, Robot checks to see if the file exists in the specified location. Verification point type Region Image:- Captures a region of the screen as a bitmap. The captured region is a pixel-by-pixel representation that includes colors, height and width. Website Compare:- Captures a baseline of a Web site and compares it to the Web site at another point in time. Web site Scan:- Checks the contents of a Web site with every revision and ensures that changes have not resulted in defects. Window Existence:- Verifies the existence and status of a specified window during playback. The status can be normal, minimized, maximized or hidden. Window Image:- Captures a window as a bitmap. The captured window is a pixel-bypixel representation that includes colors, height and width. Working with Datapools This chapter describes how to create and manage datapools. It includes the following topics. -

What is a datapool


Planning and creating a datapool


Data types ITPF _- AUTOMATED TOOLS- Rational Robot

Rational Robot -

Using datapools with GUI scripts


Managing datapools with Test Manager


Managing user – defined data types


Generating and retrieving unique datapool rows


Creating a datapool outside Rational Test


Creating column of values outside Rational Test

You should familiarize yourself with the concepts and procedure in this chapter before you begin to work with datapools. Note: This chapter describes datapool access from GUI scripts played back in Robot. If you have Rational Performance Studio installed, see the datapools chapter in the using Rational Load Test manual for information about accessing, datapools from GUI and virtual user scripts played back in a Lord Tests schedule. What is a Datapool? A datapool is a test data set. It supplies data values to the variables in a script during script play back. Datapools automatically pump a different set of test data to a script each time a script sends data to the server during the playback of a test. Consider using a datapool whenever multiple records are being sent to the server in a single playback and you want to send a diffeent record each time – for example. -

If a script transaction sends a record to the server, and the script repeats the transaction multiple times through a loop.


If script transaction sends a record to the server and the script is executed multiple times through a Callscript command in a loop.


Rational Robot -

If multiple scripts are executed consecutively through shell script, and each script sends the server one or more records of the same type.

If you do not use a datapool, the same literal values (the values that were captured when you recorded the script) are sent to the server each time a record is sent to the server during script play back. Managing Datapool Files A data pool consists of two files: -

Data pool values are stored in a comma – separated – value text file with a extension.


Data pool column names are stored in a specification file. The Robot or Test Manager software is always responsible for creating and maintaining this file. You should never edit this file directly.

csv. and spc files are stored in the Datapool directory of your Robot project. Unless you import a datapool, the Robot or Test Manager software automatically creates and manages the csv and spc files based on instructions you provide through the user interface. If

you import a datapool you are responsible for creating the csv file and

populating it with data. However, the Rational Test software is still responsible for creating and managing the spc file for the imported datapool.