RasMol v2.5 Quick Reference Card (c) Copyright 1994 Roger Sayle
Mouse Buttons Clicking on an atom identifies that atom in the command window. Moving the mouse whilst holding mouse buttons and/or control keys manipulates the molecule. The default bindings are described below. RASWIN Left Button Right Button Shift Left Button Shift Right Button Control Left Button
ACTION Rotate X-Y Translate X-Y Zoom Rotate Z Z-Clipping (Slab)
Display Commands
Colour Commands
wireframe [boolean] Display wireframe wireframe
Display stick bonds
colour [object]
spacefill [boolean] Display spacefill spheres spacefill Specify atom sphere radius spacefill temperature spacefill user backbone [boolean] backbone
Display alpha backbone Specify backbone radius
ribbons [boolean] ribbons
Display solid ribbons Specify ribbon width
strands [boolean] strands set strands
Draw ribbon as strands Specify ribbon width Number of ribbon strands
label [boolean] Draw default atom labels label <string> Label with arbitrary text set fontsize Set label font height
General Commands
Objects: atoms ribbons ssbonds ribbons1
bonds labels dots ribbons2
Colour representation backbone hbonds axes
Predefined Colours: blue black cyan greenblue magenta orange red redorange v i o l e t yellow Atom Colour Schemes: cpk amino group chain temperature charge
shapely structure user
load [format] Load a molecule pdb Brookhaven Protein Databank mdl Molecular Design Limited's Mol file mol2 Tripos' Sybyl Mol2 file format alchemy Tripos' Alchemy file format charmm CHARMm format card file xyz MSC's XMOL XYZ file format
ssbonds [boolean] ssbonds
exit quit
set hbonds backbone HBonds between alphas set hbonds sidechain HBonds donor/acceptor
zoom [boolean] zoom
Scale molecule Specify magnification
dots [boolean] dots
slab [boolean] slab
Enable/disable slabbing Move Z-clipping plane
centre [expression]
Set centre of rotation
Initial transformation
help [topic [subtopic]]
Exit from RasMol Display on-line help topic
select <expression> Update part of molecule restrict <expression> Display only part of mol. set bondmode [mode] Change bond selection script
Execute file of commands
Delete molecule
set ssbonds backbone set ssbonds sidechain hbonds [boolean] hbonds
Display disulphide bonds Specify ssbond radius SSBonds between alphas SSBonds between sulphurs Display hydrogen bonds Specify hbond radius
Display dot surface Specify dot density
set solvent [boolean] VDW or solvent surface set radius Specify probe sphere rad. set axes [boolean] Display co-ordinate axes set boundbox [boolean] Display bounding box set unitcell [boolean] Display crystal unit cell
colour hbonds type colour dots potential
green purple white
Colour hbonds by offset Display potential surface
Manipulation Commands rotate [-] translate [-]
Rotate molecule
Translate molecul
Atom Expressions
Export Commands
Predefined Sets:
write [format] Output image file gif CompuServe GIF format ps, epsf Encapsulated PostScript monops Monochrome PostScript vectps 'Cartoon' PostScript bmp Microsoft Bitmap format pict Apple 'PICT' file ppm Portable Pixmap sun, sunrle Sun Rasterfile
alpha hydrophobic Residue Ranges: 3,16,12 9-20 Boolean Operators: backbone and not alpha ligand or 196-199 Primitive Expressions: cys, glu, arg, as? ser70a, **p, glu24:1 hem*p.fe, *.sg Comparison Operators: atomno=4,atomno=6 temperature>=900 Within Expressions: within(8.0,ligand)
Predefined Sets at alpha basic charged hetero large nucleic pyrimidine small water
acidic amino bonded cyclic hydrogen ligand polar selected solvent
acyclic aliphatic aromatic backbone buried cg cystine helix hydrophobici o n s medium neutral protein purine sheet sidechain surface turn
define <expression>
User-defined sets
Rendering Commands background
Set background colour
set ambient [value]
set shadows [boolean] Enable/disable shadows set specular [boolean] Enable atom highlights set specpower [value] Control atom 'shininess'
set vectps
Colour Schemes
Enable cartoon outlines
write script write molscript write kinemage set kinemage
Generate RasMol script Output MolScript script Output Kinemage file Set Mage file detail
Misc. Commands structure connect [boolean] renumber
DSSP secondry structure Recalculate connectivity Sequentially number chains
show information show sequence show symmetry
Display molecule statistics Display molecule sequence Display crystal space group
set mouse rasmol set mouse quanta set mouse insight
Default mouse bindings Polygen's Quanta bindings Biosym's Insight II bindings
Command Line Editing In addition to the cursor keys, the following 'emacs' control keys may be used to edit the command line. Ctrl-H / Ctrl-D Ctrl-B / Ctrl-F Ctrl-A / Ctrl-E Ctrl-P / Ctrl-N
Delete previous/next character Move backward/forward a character Move to beginning/end of line Display previous/next history
CPK Atom Colours Carbon Oxygen Nitrogen Hydrogen Sulphur Phosphorous Chlorine Calcium, Metals Unknown
light grey red light blue white yellow orange green dark grey deep pink
[200,200,200] [240,0,0] [143,143,255] [255,255,255] [255,200,50] [255,165,0] [0,255,0] [128,128,144] [255,20,147]
bright red yellow blue orange mid blue cyan light grey green dark grey pink pale blue flesh
[230,10,10] [230,230,0] [20,90,255] [250,150,0] [50,50,170] [0,220,220] [235,235,235] [15,130,15] [200,200,200] [180,90,180] [130,130,210] [220,150,130]
Secondary Structure Colours Alpha Helix Beta Sheet Turns Other
magenta yellow pale blue white
[240,0,128] [255,255,0] [96,128,255] [255,255,255]
Hydrogen Bond Type Colours Offset +2 Offset +3 Offset +4 Offset +5 Offset -3 Offset -4 default
white magenta red orange cyan green yellow
[255,255,255] [255,0,255] [255,0,0] [255,165,0] [0,255,255] [0,255,0] [255,255,0]