Ramadan Kareem To All You

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Ramadan Kareem to all you. Ramadhan Kareem untuk semua Anda. Allah says: “O you who believe! Allah berfirman: "Hai kalian yang percaya! fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqoon (the pious).” (Qur'an, 2:183) puasa telah Diwajibkan atas kamu seperti yang diresepkan untuk orang-orang sebelum kamu, supaya kamu menjadi Al-bertaqwa (yang saleh). "(Al Qur'an, 2:183) … ... Just like every year, the month of Ramadan is here again. Sama seperti setiap tahun, bulan Ramadan adalah di sini lagi. What you gain from this month depends completely on you. Apa yang Anda dapatkan dari bulan ini tergantung sepenuhnya pada Anda. Every Ramadan, similar to every act of worship holds the same opportunities every time you come across it. Setiap Ramadan, sama dengan setiap tindakan ibadah memegang kesempatan yang sama setiap kali Anda datang di atasnya. However, you can make it different and better for yourself in how you approach this month and the faith and beliefs that you hold deep within you. Namun, Anda dapat membuatnya berbeda dan lebih baik bagi diri Anda sendiri dalam cara pendekatan Anda bulan ini dan iman dan keyakinan yang Anda pegang mendalam dalam diri Anda. To start out, you need to ask yourself – Do you want to make it different? Untuk memulai, Anda harus bertanya pada diri sendiri - Apakah Anda ingin membuatnya berbeda? What do you expect to get in return? Apa yang kamu harapkan untuk masuk kembali? What would you do to make the most of it? Apa yang akan Anda lakukan untuk membuat sebagian besar dari itu? If you are a practicing Muslim and if you have not already, you will surely come across many occasions during this month when you will be reminded about the blessings of Ramadan. Jika anda adalah seorang Muslim dan jika Anda belum melakukannya, Anda pasti akan menemukan banyak kesempatan selama bulan ini ketika Anda akan diingatkan tentang berkat-berkat bulan Ramadan. The gist of those sayings and the underlying teachings and wisdom will primarily focus on the tremendous opportunities that you as a Muslim have at your disposal moment after moment during this month to seek forgiveness and expiation of your sins, and add to your rewards. Inti dari perkataan mereka dan yang mendasari ajaran-ajaran dan kebijaksanaan terutama akan berfokus pada kesempatan yang luar biasa Anda sebagai seorang muslim memiliki pembuangan Anda saat setelah saat selama bulan ini untuk mencari pengampunan dan pemulihan dari dosa-dosa Anda, dan menambah penghargaan Anda. Yet, despite all these reminders year after year and getting the opportunity to earn so many gains, many of us still do not maximize these opportunities. Namun, meskipun pengingat semua tahun demi tahun dan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan begitu banyak keuntungan, banyak dari kita masih tidak memaksimalkan peluang ini. Instead, if people were told that engaging in certain behaviors could help them in gaining real worldly goods, the situation will reverse and they will surely make the most of it.

Sebaliknya, jika orang-orang diberitahu bahwa terlibat dalam perilaku tertentu dapat membantu mereka dalam memperoleh barang-barang duniawi nyata, situasi akan mundur dan mereka pasti akan membuat sebagian besar dari itu. The potential to earn tangible rewards makes the motivation different and as a result different types of beliefs spring into action. Potensi untuk memperoleh ganjaran nyata membuat motivasi berbeda dan sebagai akibat kepercayaan jenis musim semi ke dalam tindakan. The connection seems more direct between the potential of those tangible earnings and the impact of those earnings to their daily lives. Sambungan tampaknya lebih langsung antara potensi penghasilan yang nyata dan dampak dari pendapatan mereka untuk kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. However, when speaking in the context of religious faith, where rewards may not seem as tangible and where the returns may not be as immediate, the motivation and beliefs take on a different turn and therefore the drive to rush toward earning the rewards and the motivation to have our sins forgiven is not as strong as it should be for a number of us. Namun, ketika berbicara dalam konteks iman religius, di mana imbalan mungkin tidak tampak sebagai nyata dan di mana kembali mungkin tidak langsung, motivasi dan keyakinan mengambil giliran yang berbeda dan karenanya dorongan untuk bergegas menuju mendapatkan ganjaran dan motivasi memiliki diampuni dosa-dosa kita tidak sekuat sebagaimana mestinya untuk sejumlah dari kami. The rewards and punishments do not seem as real. Imbalan dan hukuman tidak tampak sebagai nyata. A number of factors influence people's motivations when it comes to following religious teachings. Sejumlah faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi orang ketika datang untuk mengikuti ajaran agama. Here, we will focus on two for now. Di sini, kita akan fokus pada dua untuk saat ini. The first has to with our faith and the second has to do with our understanding regarding the effect of our sins on our lives. Yang pertama harus dengan iman kita dan yang kedua berkaitan dengan pemahaman kita mengenai efek dari dosadosa kita di kehidupan kita. Take a quick check of your faith. Ambil cepat memeriksa iman Anda. How seriously do you take the commandments behind the verses of the Quran? Seberapa serius kamu mengambil perintah-perintah di balik ayat-ayat dari Quran? What importance do you give to the prophet's sayings? Pentingnya apa yang Anda berikan kepada perkataan-perkataan nabi? Is there any hesitation on your part to implement those commandments in your daily lives? Apakah ada keraguan di pihak Anda untuk melaksanakan perintah-perintah mereka dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? Do the rewards promised in the Quran truly excite you and on the same token does the fear of the punishments in the Quran and Hadith prevent you to indulge in more sins? Apakah imbalan yang dijanjikan dalam Quran benar-benar menggairahkan Anda dan token yang sama tidak takut akan hukuman dalam Quran dan Hadis mencegah Anda untuk menikmati lebih banyak dosa? If the answer to all these questions is not a strong “ YES ”, then it's time to further renew your faith. Jika jawaban untuk semua pertanyaan ini tidak kuat "YA", maka sudah waktunya untuk lebih memperbaharui iman anda. The need to strengthen our faith and belief in Allah, belief in is His words in the Quran and the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), is extremely essential. Kebutuhan untuk memperkuat iman dan keyakinan kita kepada

Allah, kepercayaan adalah kata-kata-Nya dalam Quran dan ajaran Nabi kita Muhammad (SABAH), adalah sangat penting. The fact is that stronger our belief and faith, the more seriously we will take the words of Quran and the sayings of the Prophet and the more actively we will strive to make them part of our lives. Kenyataannya adalah bahwa kuat keyakinan dan iman kita, semakin serius kita akan mengambil kata-kata Al-Qur'an dan perkataan Nabi dan semakin aktif kita akan berusaha untuk membuat mereka bagian dari kehidupan kita. The good news is that the month of Ramadan provides many opportunities to strengthen our faiths. Kabar baiknya adalah bahwa bulan Ramadhan memberikan banyak kesempatan untuk memperkuat iman kita. One of the steps in strengthening our faiths is to consciously recognize the need to do so and to ask Allah to help us in this effort. Salah satu langkah dalam memperkuat iman kita adalah untuk secara sadar mengenali kebutuhan untuk melakukannya dan meminta Allah untuk membantu kami dalam upaya ini. Allah and prophet recognize the weakness of the human heart in terms of the dwindling faith levels. Allah dan nabi mengenali kelemahan hati manusia dalam hal tingkat iman yang semakin menyusut. The prophet said: “Faith wears out in your heart as clothes wear out, so ask Allah to renew the faith in your hearts.” (narrated by alHaakim in his Mustadrak and al-Tabaraani in his Mu'jam with a saheeh isnaad). Nabi berkata: "Iman habis dipakai dalam hatimu sebagai pakaian usang, sehingga meminta Allah untuk memperbaharui iman dalam hatimu." (HR. Al-Hakim dalam Mustadrak dan al-AthThabarani dalam Mu'jam dengan sanad yang shahih ). Another factor that can help in understanding the blessings of Ramadan and the tremendous opportunities that it holds for us is to understand the nature of “sins” and how our sins – the many that we constantly accumulate by our own actions and deeds – impact us. Faktor lain yang dapat membantu dalam memahami berkat-berkat bulan Ramadan dan peluang luar biasa yang berlaku bagi kita adalah untuk memahami sifat "dosa" dan bagaimana dosa-dosa kita - banyak yang kita terus-menerus menumpuk oleh tindakan kita sendiri dan perbuatan - dampak kita. The better we understand the ghastly nature of our sins, the rate at which we accumulate them, along with their undesirable impact on our daily lives and the hereafter, the more it can propel us away from committing sins in general and the more it will drive us to seek forgiveness for our sins. Semakin baik kita memahami sifat mengerikan dosa-dosa kita, tingkat di mana kami mengumpulkan mereka, beserta dampak yang tidak diinginkan pada kehidupan sehari-hari kita dan akhirat, semakin dapat mendorong kita menjauh dari melakukan dosa secara umum dan semakin banyak itu akan mendorong kita untuk mencari pengampunan untuk dosa-dosa kita. Ibn Qayyim provided one of the great descriptions of sins and the impact of sins in this life and after. Ibnu Qayyim memberikan salah satu deskripsi besar dosa dan dampak dosa dalam kehidupan ini dan sesudahnya. Here is a very short summary of what he compiled about how our sins impact our lives. Berikut adalah ringkasan yang sangat singkat dari apa yang ia dikompilasi tentang bagaimana dampak dosa-dosa kita hidup kita. [islamqa.com] [islam-qa.com]

Sins deprive a person of provision (rizq) in this life. Menghilangkan dosa seseorang penyediaan (Rizq) dalam kehidupan ini. In Musnad Ahmad it is narrated that Thawbaan said: “The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: 'A man is deprived of provision because of the sins that he commits.'” (Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 4022, classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah). Dalam Musnad Ahmad ada sebuah hadits yang Thawbaan berkata: "Rasulullah (SABAH) berkata:" Seorang pria ini dirampas penyediaan karena dosa-dosa yang ia melakukan. ' "(HR. Ibnu Majah, 4022, digolongkan sebagai hasan oleh al -Albani dalam Shahih Ibnu Majah). A sinful person experiences a sense of alienation (indifference) with his Lord, and between him and other people. Seorang orang berdosa mengalami rasa keterasingan (ketidakpedulian) dengan Tuhannya, dan antara dirinya dan orang lain. One of the salaf had said that he could see the impact of disobedience to Allah (in some aspects of his daily life). Salah seorang salaf mengatakan bahwa ia bisa melihat dampak dari ketidaktaatan kepada Allah (dalam beberapa aspek dari kehidupan sehari-hari). A person who commits sins sees that things become difficult for him. Seseorang yang melakukan dosa melihat bahwa hal-hal menjadi sulit baginya. In any matter that he turns to, he finds the way blocked or he finds it difficult. Dalam masalah apa pun bahwa ia menoleh, ia menemukan jalan terhalang atau dia menemukan kesulitan. By the same token, for the one who fears Allah, things are made easy for him. Dengan cara yang sama, bagi orang yang takut kepada Allah, hal-hal dibuat mudah baginya. 'Abd-Allaah ibn 'Abbaas said: “Good deeds make the face light, give light to the heart, and bring about ample provision, physical strength and love in people's hearts. 'Abdullah bin' Abbas berkata: "Selamat perbuatan membuat wajah terang, memberikan cahaya ke jantung, dan membawa banyak ketentuan, kekuatan fisik dan cinta dalam hati orang-orang. Bad deeds make the face dark, give darkness to the heart, and bring about physical weakness, a lack of provision and hatred in people's hearts.” Perbuatan buruk membuat wajah gelap, berikan ke jantung kegelapan, dan membawa kelemahan fisik, kurangnya penyediaan dan kebencian dalam hati orang. " Sin breeds sin until it dominates a person and he cannot escape from it. Melahirkan dosa dosa sampai mendominasi seseorang dan ia tidak dapat melarikan diri dari itu. Sin weakens a person's willpower. Dosa melemahkan kemauan seseorang. It gradually strengthens his will to commit sin and weakens his will to repent until there is no will in his heart to repent at all… so he seeks forgiveness and expresses repentance, but it is merely words on the lips, like the repentance of the liars, whose hearts are still determined to commit sin and persist in it. Secara bertahap memperkuat kehendak-Nya untuk melakukan dosa dan melemahkan kehendak-Nya untuk bertobat sampai tidak ada akan di dalam hatinya untuk bertobat sama sekali ... jadi dia mencari pengampunan dan menyatakan pertobatan, tetapi hanya katakata di bibir, seperti pertobatan dari pembohong , yang hatinya masih bertekad untuk melakukan dosa dan bertahan di dalamnya. This is one of

the most serious diseases that is likely to lead to doom. Ini adalah salah satu penyakit yang paling serius yang mungkin membawa kepada kehancuran. He becomes desensitized and no longer find sins abhorrent, so it becomes his habit, and he is not bothered if people see him committing the sin or talk about him. Dia menjadi peka dan tidak lagi menemukan dosa menjijikkan, sehingga menjadi kebiasaannya, dan ia tidak peduli jika orang-orang melihat dia melakukan

Ramadan Kareem to all you. Allah says: “O you who believe! fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqoon (the pious).” (Qur’an, 2:183) … Just like every year, the month of Ramadan is here again. What you gain from this month depends completely on you. Every Ramadan, similar to every act of worship holds the same opportunities every time you come across it. However, you can make it different and better for yourself in how you approach this month and the faith and beliefs that you hold deep within you. To start out, you need to ask yourself – Do you want to make it different? What do you expect to get in return? What would you do to make the most of it? If you are a practicing Muslim and if you have not already, you will surely come across many occasions during this month when you will be reminded about the blessings of Ramadan. The gist of those sayings and the underlying teachings and wisdom will primarily focus on the tremendous opportunities that you as a Muslim have at your disposal moment after moment during this month to seek forgiveness and expiation of your sins, and add to your rewards. Yet, despite all these reminders year after year and getting the opportunity to earn so many gains, many of us still do not maximize these opportunities. Instead, if people were told that engaging in certain behaviors could help them in gaining real worldly goods, the situation will reverse and they will surely make the most of it. The potential to earn tangible rewards makes the motivation different and as a result different types of beliefs spring into action. The connection seems more direct between the potential of those tangible earnings and the impact of those earnings to their daily lives. However, when speaking in the context of religious faith, where rewards may not seem as tangible and where the returns may not be as immediate, the motivation and beliefs take on a different turn and therefore the drive to rush toward earning the rewards and the motivation to have our sins forgiven is not as strong as it should be for a number of us. The rewards and punishments do not seem as real. A number of factors influence people’s motivations when it comes to following religious teachings. Here, we will focus on two for now. The first has to with our faith and the second has to do with our understanding regarding the effect of our sins on our lives.

Take a quick check of your faith. How seriously do you take the commandments behind the verses of the Quran? What importance do you give to the prophet’s sayings? Is there any hesitation on your part to implement those commandments in your daily lives? Do the rewards promised in the Quran truly excite you and on the same token does the fear of the punishments in the Quran and Hadith prevent you to indulge in more sins? If the answer to all these questions is not a strong “YES”, then it’s time to further renew your faith. The need to strengthen our faith and belief in Allah, belief in is His words in the Quran and the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), is extremely essential. The fact is that stronger our belief and faith, the more seriously we will take the words of Quran and the sayings of the Prophet and the more actively we will strive to make them part of our lives. The good news is that the month of Ramadan provides many opportunities to strengthen our faiths. One of the steps in strengthening our faiths is to consciously recognize the need to do so and to ask Allah to help us in this effort. Allah and prophet recognize the weakness of the human heart in terms of the dwindling faith levels. The prophet said: “Faith wears out in your heart as clothes wear out, so ask Allah to renew the faith in your hearts.” (narrated by al-Haakim in his Mustadrak and al-Tabaraani in his Mu’jam with a saheeh isnaad). Another factor that can help in understanding the blessings of Ramadan and the tremendous opportunities that it holds for us is to understand the nature of “sins” and how our sins – the many that we constantly accumulate by our own actions and deeds – impact us. The better we understand the ghastly nature of our sins, the rate at which we accumulate them, along with their undesirable impact on our daily lives and the hereafter, the more it can propel us away from committing sins in general and the more it will drive us to seek forgiveness for our sins. Ibn Qayyim provided one of the great descriptions of sins and the impact of sins in this life and after. Here is a very short summary of what he compiled about how our sins impact our lives. [islam-qa.com] •

Sins deprive a person of provision (rizq) in this life. In Musnad Ahmad it is narrated that Thawbaan said: “The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: ‘A man is deprived of provision because of the sins that he commits.’” (Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 4022, classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah). A sinful person experiences a sense of alienation (indifference) with his Lord, and between him and other people. One of the salaf had said that he could see the impact of disobedience to Allah (in some aspects of his daily life). A person who commits sins sees that things become difficult for him. In any matter that he turns to, he finds the way blocked or he finds it difficult. By the same token, for the one who fears Allah, things are made easy for him.

‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Abbaas said: “Good deeds make the face light, give light to the heart, and bring about ample provision, physical strength and love in people’s hearts. Bad deeds make the face dark, give darkness to the heart, and bring about physical weakness, a lack of provision and hatred in people’s hearts.” Sin breeds sin until it dominates a person and he cannot escape from it. Sin weakens a person’s willpower. It gradually strengthens his will to commit sin and weakens his will to repent until there is no will in his heart to repent at all… so he seeks forgiveness and expresses repentance, but it is merely words on the lips, like the repentance of the liars, whose hearts are still determined to commit sin and persist in it. This is one of the most serious diseases that is likely to lead to doom. He becomes desensitized and no longer find sins abhorrent, so it becomes his habit, and he is not bothered if people see him committing the sin or talk about him.

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