Rajeev Ranjan Project Mca 3rd Sem

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Seating Arrangement

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the awards of the degree of

Master of computer application [Software Engineering]


Submitted by:

Mrs. Jyostna

Rajeev Ranjan MCA (SE)- IIIrd Sem. Rollno:


University School of Information Technology GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi-110006 (2008-2011)



This is to certify that the project report (IT-755) entitled “Seating Arrangement” done by Mr. Rajeev Ranjan , Roll no. 0171644508 is an authentic work carried out by him under my guidance. The matter embodied in this project work has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Mrs. Jyotsna USIT,GGSIPU


Acknowledgement I would like to thank my project guide, Mrs. Jyotsna for her guidance. This project entitled “Seating Arrangement” could not have been completed without the flexibility and support provided by her to me to pursue this project. I wish to thank our project in charge Mr. Sanjay Malik for coordinating all the project related activities. At last I wish to express my sincere thanks to all the authors whose works (both online and in print) we have referred to, in course of my study of the subject.

Rajeev Ranjan MCA (SE)-IIIrd Sem. 0171644508 USIT, GGSIPU [email protected]


Table of contents Contents




1.1.1 Purpose


1.1.2 Scope


1.1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations


1.2. Overall Description


1.2.1 Product Perspective

8 System Interfaces

8 User Interfaces

8 Hardware Interfaces

8 Software Interfaces

9 Memory Constraints


1.2.2 Product Functions


1.2.3 Constraints


1.2.4 Assumptions and Dependencies



1.3. Specific Requirements


1.3.1 External Interface Requirements


1.3.2 Functional Requirements

11 Validity checks on the inputs

11 Exact sequence of operations

11 Responses to abnormal situation


1.3.3 Performance requirement


1.3.4 Logical Database requirements


1.3.5 Software System attributes

12 Reliability

12 Availability

12 Security

12 Maintainability


2. Data flow diagram


3. Entity Relationship Diagram


4. Data dictionary:


4.1. Description of modules


4.2Student information and maintenance module:


4.3Course information module:


4.4Subject information module:


4.5Database maintenance module:


5. Uses Case Diagram:


5.1Uses Case description:


5.2. Maintain student information



5.3Maintain Subject Information


5.4. Maintain User Accounts


6. Coding


7. Snapshots


8. References:


1. Software Requirements Specification (S.R.S) 1. Introduction: 1.1.1 Purpose The purpose of this documentation is to present the Software Requirement Specification for Seating Arrangement for the Examination department .This Document illustrate the how this software makes easier of arranging seat for an Examination. 1.1.2 Scope

The software product “Seating Arrangement “is a application which arranges the Seat matrix for an examination. The application creates the databases for different Allocation table at run time, information provided by user. The application then establishes the connection to access database and allocates the seat for students. 1.1.3 Definitions:

DSN: Stands for data source name It specifies the source name from where the data is coming. Connection string: Connections string has information required to connect to a database. It generally consist of information of provider, drivers, data source, user name, password etc.


Record set: Recordset object is used for the management of records that result from database request.

1.2. Overall Description: A data base is an ordered set of data that is usually saved in one or several files that belong together. The data is structured as tables, with reference from one table to another being possible. There are various type of database management system are available for use like DB2, oracle, MS-Access. All of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. MS-Access is treated comparatively simple than other database system in terms of learning and using but not suitable for large databases. Some time the user need to create the database at runtime as per user requirement for taking advantage of that database system. The application “seating Arrangement” design and arranges seat matrix in MS Access format. This application is general purpose that is it takes the information about database to create of any size and can be added any number of tables to MS Access database. The application takes database name as the input. User must have proper right to use the application. Then it establishes the connection to MS Access database. After successful establishing of connection the application takes the name of table, number of column, number of rows as input from the user and creates the table in runtime in the specified database name provided earlier by the user. Then application establishes the connection to 7

the table and adds records as per our requirement specified or defined for the application.

1.2.1Product Perspective:

This application is fully windows based self contained and independent software Product products. FRONT END APPLICATION IN VB 6.0

MS ACCESS DATABASE System Interface: None User Interface: This system has very user friendly and menu based interface. Following screens will be provided: 1 .A login screen for entering the username , password and user name. Access to different screens will be based on the information provided. 2. There is the screen for creating the databases and opening databases. 3. There is a form in which user can specify the table name and size of the table. 8 Hardware Interface: The hardware interfaces for this application are: I. Screen resolution of at least 800 x 600 for proper and complete viewing of screens. But performs best at 1024 x 768. ii. Proper hardware configuration for running oracle and MS-Access databases Software Interface: The software interfaces for this application are: i. Windows Xp/ windows 98 ii. MS Access 2003 or any higher version of MS Access as the DBMS for database. iii. Visual Basic 6- for coding /developing the software. iv. Oracle database Communication interfaces None Memory Constrains: At least 128 MB ram and 1 GB hard disk space will be required. 1.2.2 Product Functions:

The system will allow access only to authorized users. Those can access the Access database can establish the connection by providing the information. Following are the major functions that will be provided by the system: i. Login facility for enabling only authorized access to system. ii. Authorized user specifies the database information require creating or opening 9

the databases. iii. The application establishes the connection on the run time. iv. The application provides the functionality to input the name of table to be created or opened. v. Then it accesses the records of the table to be evaluated according to application. vi. using the above information it generate the report table into MS-Access format. 1.2.3 Constraints:

i. Due to limited features of DBMS being used performance tuning features will not be applied to the queries and thus the system may become slow with the increase in number of records. ii. Due to the limited features of the DBMS database Auditing will also not be provided. iii. Administrator will have to implement a security policy to safeguard the Records from unauthorized users. 1.2.4 Assumptions and Dependencies:

i. A user must have the knowledge of using application the handle databases. ii. The user must know username and password to access database 1.3. Specific Requirements:

This section contains the software requirements to a level of detail sufficient to enable designers to design the system, and testers to test that system. 1.3.1 External Interface Requirements: 10 User Interfaces: The following screens will be provided to the users: 1. Login Screen: from this screen the user will login to the application. Various fields available for this screen will be (a)

User ID: alphanumeric of length up to 10 characters


Password: alphanumeric of length up to 8 characters

2. Step1 Screen: After logging in successfully by the user the step1 screen of the application will appear. The user can enter the database information for MS Access database. 3. step2 screen: Next screen is step2 screen in witch user can input the table name and size of the table to be created. 4. Step3 screen: in this screen user can specify the course information of the student for allocation of seat matrix. Also can specify multiple course information. Hardware interfaces As stated in section 2.1.3 Software interfaces As stated in section 2.1.4 1.3.2 System feature Validity checks on the inputs:

(i) Only the authorized user can access the database and application. (ii) Proper validity checks should be imposed while data is being transfer from one database to other. 11 Exact sequence of operations There must exist an Ms Access database to be opened. The user must have proper right to access the Ms Access database before using this application the connection must be established and tested before the transaction between different tables takes place. A User can exit from the application whenever he/she wants. Responses to abnormal situation Error handling and recovery Erroneous data operations are rejected with an error message prompt. No recovery module is needed as erroneous operation is not allowed to proceed. 1.3.3 Performance requirement None 1.3.4 Design Constraints None 1.3.5 Logical Database requirements: (i) Log: user id, password (ii) Student info: enroll no., student name, course_id, year 1.3.6 Software System attributes: Reliability The system would be reliable enough to save a number of records. Availability The system has to run as per the requirement of the user. 12 Security The system will use password protection to allow only authentic users to access The system according to their privilege. Maintainability The application is to be designed in a maintainable manner. It should be easy to Incorporate new requirements in the individual modules.

2. Data flow diagram

Report generation

Student details

Student info management

Data entry operator



Id, password

Course id

Course name

User account info

Study in


User account management



Entity Relationship Diagram: Student id

age Student name

Consist of

subject 14

Subject id

Subject name

Data dictionary: Data dictionary describes the columns, which are used in the development of the system. It is one of the most important DBA tools. The data dictionary describes effectively a database that contains information about the entities. Database profile helps connecting to the database; it prevents unauthorized use of database. Following are the tables and views that the database contains. TABLE NAME: Student record NAME Strudent_id Student name Course_id Year_of_adm

TYPE Number Text Number Date

WIDTH 10 20 06 --

TABLE NAME: Course Record NAME TYPE Course_id Number Course name Text No_of_Sem Number

WIDTH 05 20 06

TABLE NAME: Subject Record NAME TYPE Course_id Number Subject_id Text Subject name Text

WIDTH 05 20 06

DESCRIPTION OF MODULES System is controlled in market units of limited size to simplify development 15

and maintenance when necessary, modification of S/W is done partly due to separate function they perform. Our system can be modularized into various modules each one performing some specific function to achieve their objective. There modules are: Student information and maintenance module: This module consists of functions that perform the operation to keep record of individual information of students in data file. All The details of a single student act as a single record in the file. Course information module: This module consists of functions that perform the operation to keep record of course related information like subject id, course id , subject name ,no of semester in which they taught etc. All these information are used to maintain the relation between student in college and their respective course. Subject information module: This module consists of functions that perform the operation to keep record of subject name in each semester of course and all optional subjects also. It also keeping the record of new subjects if it is going to be add in particular course. The various operations can be performed on the data files: 1. Addition of new records. 2. Deletion of a particular record 3. Retrieving data. 4. Displaying data. 5. Modification of any information stores. Database maintenance module: This module is used to maintain the entire database which are created for each examination time and keeping all the seating arrangement record with room no. So, that if any requirement occurs then can able to open and see their information

3. Uses Case Diagram:


Maintain Student info. Add/modify/delete student details Login

DataEntry operator

Reset System Deletion of all existing Information from the from backend database

Maintain Subject info. Add/Modify/delete subject for different semester


administrator Maintain user Accounts Add modify/delete user Accounts

Generate Reports 1.student list report 2.seating arrangement report

Uses Case description: 1. Login 17

1.1. Brief Description This use case describes how a user logs into the Seating Arrangement System 1.2.Actors The following actor(s) interact and participate in this use case: Data Entry operator, Administrator, Co-coordinator. 1.3.Flow of controls This use case starts when the actor wishes to login to the Seating Arrangement system. 1. The system requests that the actor enter his/her name, password and role.

The role can be any one of data entry operator, co-ordinator or administrator. 2. The actor enters his/her name, password and role. 3. The systems validate the entered name, password, and role and log the

actor into the system. 1.3.2. Alternative flows name/password/role If in the basic flow, the actor enters an invalid name, password and /or role, the system displays an error message. The actor can choose to either return to the beginning of the basic flow or cancel the login, at which point the use case ends.

1.4 Special Requirements None 1.5 Pre-Conditions 18

All users must have a user account created for them in the system, prior to executing the use cases. If the use case was successful, the actor is logged into the system. If no, the system state is unchanged. If the actor has the role ‘Data entry operator’ he /she will have access to only screen corresponding to the subject info maintenance, student info maintenance module of the system. If the actor has the role ‘administrator’ he/she/ will have access to only screen corresponding to user account maintenance module and reset system feature of the system. 1.7 Extension points None

2. Maintain student information 2.1 Brief Description This use case allows the actor with role ‘Data Entry operator’ to maintain student information. This includes adding, changing and deleting student information from the system. 2.2 Actors Data Entry Operator 2.3 Flow of Events 2.3.1 Basic Flow This use case starts when the data entry operator wishes to add, change, and/ or delete student information from the system. 1. The system requests that the data entry operator specify the function he/ she would like to perform. 19

2. Once the data entry operator provides the requested information, one of the subflows is executed. a. If the data entry operator selected “Add a Student”, the Add a student Subflow is executed. b. If the data Entry operator selected” Update a student”, the update a student sub flow is executed. c. If the data entry operator selected “Delete a student” , the delete a student sub flow is executed 2.3.1Alternative flows Student not found If in the update a student or delete a student sub-flows, a student with the specified enrollment number does not exist, and the system displays an error message. The data entry operator can then enter a different enrollment number or cancel the operation, at which points the use case ends Update cancelled If in the update a student sub-flow, the data entry operator decides not to update the student information, the update is cancelled and the basic flow is re-started at the beginning. delete cancelled If in the delete a student sub-flow, the data entry operator decides not to delete the student information, the delete is cancelled and the Basic Flow is re-started at the beginning. 20

2.3 Special Requirements None 2.4 pre-condions The data entry operator must be logged onto the system before these use case beginnings. 2.5 Post-Condition If the use case was successful, the student information is added, updated, or deleted from the system otherwise, the system state is unchanged 2.6 Extension points None

3. Maintain Subject Information 3.1 Brief Description This use case allows the actor with role ‘Data Entry Operator’ to maintain subject information. This includes adding, changing and deleting subject information from the system. Actor Data Entry Operator. Flow of Event 3.3.1 Basic Flow The use case starts when DEO wishes to add, change, and/or delete subject information from the system. (i) The system requests DEO to specify the function he/she would like to perform. • Add a subject 21

• Update a subject • Delete a subject. (ii) Once the DEO provides the required information, one of the sub flows is executed. A. If DEO selected “Add a subject” the “Add-a subject sub flow is executed. b. If DEO selected “Update-a subject” the “update-a- subject” sub flow is executed c. If DEO selected “Delete- a- subject”, the “Delete-a-subject “sub flow is executed. 3.5.1 Add a Subject (i) The System requests the DEO to enter the subject information. This includes: * Name of the subject 3.5.2 Update a Subject (i) The system requests the DEO to enter subject_id. (ii) DEO enters the subject_id. The system retrieves and displays the subject information. (iii) DEO makes the changes. (iv) Record is updated 3.5.3 Delete a Subject (i) Entry of subject_id. (ii) After this, system retrieves & displays subject information. * System prompts the DEO to confirm the deletion. * DEO verifies the deletion. * The system marks the subject record for deletion. 22

3.6 Alternative Flow 3.6.1 Subject not found If in any sub flows, subject-id not found, error message is displayed. The DEO may enter a different id or cancel the case ends here. 3.6.2 Update Cancelled If in the update a subject sub-flow, the data entry operator decides not to update the subject information, the update is

cancelled and the basic flow is restarted at the

begin. 3.6.3 Delete Cancellation If in delete-a-subject sub flow, the DEO decides not to delete subject, the delete is cancelled, and the basic flow is restarted from the beginning.

3.7 Special Requirements: None 3.8 Use Case-relationships None

4. Generate Report 4.1 Introduction This use case allows the DR to generate Student reports. Options are a. Course code wise


b. Semester wise C. Enrollment Number wise 4.2 Actors Data Reporter 4.3 Pre-Conditions DR must logged on to the system 4.4 Post conditions If use case is successful, desired report is generated. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged. 4.5 Basic Flow The use case starts, when DR wishes to generate reports. (i) DR selects option. (ii) System retrieves the information displays. (iii) DR takes printed reports. 4.6 Alternative Flows 4.6.1 Record not found If not found, system generates appropriate message. The DR can select another option or cancel the operation. At this point, the use case ends. 4.7 Special Requirements None 24

4.8 Use case relationships None

5. Maintain User Accounts 5.1 Introduction This use case allows the administrator to maintain user account. This includes adding, changing and deleting user account information from the system. 5.2 Actors Administrator 5.3 Pre-Conditions The administrator must be logged on to the system before the use case begins. 5.4 Post-Conditions If the use case was successful, the user account information is added, updated, or deleted from the system. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged. 5.5 Basic Flow This use case starts when the Administrator wishes to add, change, and/or delete use account information from the system. (i) The system requests that the Administrator specify the function he/she would like to perform (add a User Account, Update a User Account, or Delete a User Account). (ii) Once the Administrator provides the requested information, one of the sub-flows 25

is executed * If the Administrator selected “Add a User Account”, the Add a User Account sub flow is executed. * If the Administrator selected “Update a User Account”, the Update a User Account sub-flow is executed. * If the Administrator selected “Delete a User Account”, the Delete a User Account sub-flow is executed.22 5.5.1 Add a User Account 1. The system requests that the Administrator enters the user information. This includes: (a) User Name (b) User ID-should be unique for each user account (c) Password (d) Role 2. Once the Administrator provides the requested information, the user account information is added. 5.5.2 Update a User Account 1. The system requests that the Administrator enters the User ID. 2. The Administrator enters the User ID. The system retrieves and displays the user account information.


3. The Administrator makes the desired changes to the user account information. This includes any of the information specified in the Add a User Account sub-flow. 4. Once the Administrator updates the necessary information, the system updates the user account record with the updated information. 5.5.3 Delete a User Account 1. The system requests that the Administrator enters the User ID. 2. The Administrator enters the User ID. The system retrieves and displays the user account information. 3. The system prompts the Administrator to confirm the deletion of the user account. 4. The Administrator confirms the deletion. 5. The system deletes the user account record. 5.6 Alternative Flows 5.6.1 User Not Found If in the Update a User Account or Delete a User Account sub-flows, a user account with the specified User ID does not exist, the system displays an error Message. The Administrator can then enter a different User ID or cancel the operation, at which point the use case ends. 5.6.2 Update Cancelled If in the Update a User Account sub-flow, the Administrator decides not to update the user account information, the update is cancelled and the Basic Flow is re-


started at the beginning. 5.6.3 Delete Cancelled If in the Delete a User Account sub-flow, the Administrator decides not to delete the user account information, the delete is cancelled and the Basic Flow is re-started at the beginning. 5.7 Special Requirements None 5.8 Use case relationships None

4. Coding Splash form: Option Explicit Private Sub Form_KeyPress (KeyAscii as Integer) Unload Me End Sub ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub Form Load () ProgressBar1.Value = 0 Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28

Private Sub Timer1_Timer () ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 25 If ProgressBar1.Value >= 100 Then Timer1.Enabled = False frmlogin.Show Me. Hide End If End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MDI Form: Private Sub MDIForm_Load () mnuEdit.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub mnuExit_Click () End End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub mnuFileOpenDesign_Click () End Sub Private Sub mnuFileCreate_Click () Form1.Show End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29

Private Sub mnuFileOpen_Click () db1 = Input Box ("Enter the database name") Yr = Input Box ("Enter the year") db1 = db1 & yr 'tb = db1 & yr 'db1 = db1 & ".mdb" Unload Me Load Form4 Form4.Show 'Load Form4 'Form4.Show 'Load studentfrm 'studentfrm.Show 'Load Form2 'Form2.Show End Sub ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Login Form: Dim db As Database Dim rs As Recordset Private Sub cmdcancel_Click () txtuserpassword.Text = "" txtuserpassword.SetFocus cmdcancel.Enabled = False 30

End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub Form_Activate () txtusername.SetFocus End Sub ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub cmdhelp_Click () MsgBox "For proceeding to the next window please enter the valid username and password. After that press OK.” vbInformation, "HELP BUTTONS" End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub cmdok_Click () On Error GoTo ex If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub End If rs.MoveFirst While not rs.EOF If rs.Fields(0) = txtusername.Text And _ rs.Fields(1) = txtuserpassword.Text Then MsgBox "Valid User", vbInformation Unload Me mainfrm.Show Exit Sub 31

End If rs.MoveNext Wend MsgBox "Invalid User..", vbCritical 'cmdok.Enabled = False 'cmdcancel.Enabled = False 'txtuserpassword.Locked = True txtusername.Text = "" txtuserpassword.Text = "" txtusername.SetFocus ex: MsgBox "Database already exist" End Sub --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub Form_Load() Set db = OpenDatabase(App.Path + "\log.mdb") Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("login") End Sub -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Label4.Caption = Time Label5.Caption = Date End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32

Create Database: Dim db As Database Dim wrk As Workspace Dim tabldf As TableDef Dim fld As Field 'Dim tablename As String 'Dim dbname As String Dim year As String Dim a As String Dim rs As Recordset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub cmdcancel_Click() dbnametxt.Text = " " dbnametxt.SetFocus yeartxt.Text = Clear tablenametxt.Text = Clear End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub cmdexit_Click() End End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub cmdok_Click() 33

Dim S(20) As String Dim i, j As Integer 'On Error GoTo ex dbname = dbnametxt.Text year = yeartxt.Text dbname = dbname & year 'tablenametxt.Text = dbname & year Set wrk = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) Set db = CreateDatabase(dbname, dbLangGeneral, ";pwd" = " ") MsgBox "database created.." Unload Me Load mainfrm mainfrm.Show Exit Sub ex: dbnametxt.Text = Clear yeartxt.Text = Clear tablenametxt.Text = Clear MsgBox "database already exist" Unload Me End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub cmdok_GotFocus () 'tablenametxt.Text = dbname & year 34

End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub Form Load () End Sub Private Sub mnuFileExit_Click () Unload Me Load mainfrm End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Open Form: Dim i, j As Integer Dim sc, cr As Integer Dim db As Database Dim rs As Recordset Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset Dim str As String -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub Command1_Click () Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset Dim a As New ADODB.Command cid = Text1.Text sid = Text2.Text '*********when index is not full**************** 35

nseat = Text3.Text j = nseat - 1 Text1.Enabled = False Text2.Enabled = False Text3.Enabled = False a.CommandText = "SELECT STUDENT_ID FROM STUDENT_INFO WHERE COURSE_ID='" & cid & "'" a.ActiveConnection = cn Set rs1 = a.Execute For j = j To seat Step j + 2 'MsgBox j If j > seat Then Exit Sub End If If j > 0 Then i=0 While Not rs1.EOF And i < nrow For i = 0 To nrow - 1 If j > 0 And i = 0 Then rs.MoveFirst End If 'MsgBox "seat " & j & i rs.Edit 'MsgBox rs1.Fields(0) 36

rs.Fields (j) = rs1.Fields (0) rs1.MoveNext rs.Update rs.MoveNext If rs1.EOF Then MsgBox "THERE IS NO MORE STUDENT", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "RECORD_INFORMATION" str = MsgBox("DO YOU WANT TO ADD MORE STUDENT RECORD", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "RECORD_INFORMATION") If str = 6 Then Text1.Text = " " Text2.Text = " " Text3.Text = " " Text1.Enabled = True Text2.Enabled = True Text3.Enabled = True Text1.SetFocus Exit Sub Else Unload Me Load Form4 Form4.Show Exit Sub End If 37

End If Next i Wend Else 'MsgBox tb i=0 While Not rs1.EOF And i < nrow For i = 0 To nrow - 1 'MsgBox "seat " & j & i rs.AddNew 'MsgBox rs1.Fields(0) rs.Fields(j) = rs1.Fields(0) rs1.MoveNext rs.Update If rs1.EOF Then Exit Sub End If Next i Wend End If 'MsgBox tb 'MsgBox "subdivision" & j Next j Set rs1 = Nothing 38

Unload Me Load Form4 Form4.Show 'End End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim r As String r = MsgBox ("ARE YOU WANT TO EXIT THE APPLICATION", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "SEATING ARRANGEMENT") If r = 6 Then End End If End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub Form Load () Set db = OpenDatabase (db1) Set rs = db.OpenRecordset (tb) Set cn = New ADODB.Connection Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=info.mdb" cn.ConnectionString = "driver=Microsoft access driver (*.mdb);" cn.Open "info.mdb" Label1.Caption = tab 39

End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Add Table: Dim dbt As Database 'Dim rst As Recordset Private Sub Command1_Click () Dim S (20) As String Dim i, j as Integer 'On Error GoTo ex tablename = Text1.Text ncol = Text2.Text nsubcol = Text3.Text nrow = Text4.Text seat = ncol * nsubcol 'MsgBox seat tb = tablename Set tabldf = dbt.CreateTableDef (tablename) For i = 1 To seat S (i) = "seatid" & i 'MsgBox S (i) With tabldf 'MsgBox i .Fields. Append .CreateField(S (i), dbText) End With 40

Next i dbt.TableDefs.Append tabldf 'MsgBox "seat" & seat MsgBox "Table created.." Unload Me Load Form2 Form2.Show Exit Sub 'x: 'dbnametxt.Text = Clear 'yeartxt.Text = Clear 'tablenametxt.Text = Clear 'MsgBox "database already exists" 'Unload Me End Sub --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub Command2_Click() End End Sub --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub Form_Load () Label5.Caption = db1 Set wrk = DBEngine.Workspaces (0) Set dbt = OpenDatabase (db1) 41

End Sub ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Form: Dim dbt As Database 'Dim rst As Recordset Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim S(20) As String Dim i, j As Integer 'On Error GoTo ex tablename = Text1.Text ncol = Text2.Text nsubcol = Text3.Text nrow = Text4.Text seat = ncol * nsubcol 'MsgBox seat tb = tablename Set tabldf = dbt.CreateTableDef(tablename) For i = 1 To seat S(i) = "seatid" & i 'MsgBox S(i) With tabldf 'MsgBox i .Fields.Append .CreateField(S(i), dbText) End With 42

Next i dbt.TableDefs.Append tabldf 'MsgBox "seat" & seat MsgBox "Table created.." Unload Me Load Form2 Form2.Show Exit Sub 'x: 'dbnametxt.Text = Clear 'yeartxt.Text = Clear 'tablenametxt.Text = Clear 'MsgBox "database already exist" 'Unload Me End Sub ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub Command2_Click() End End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Label5.Caption = db1 Set wrk = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) Set dbt = OpenDatabase(db1) End Sub 43


Snapshots 1.Splash form:


The first page of application is Splash form. Splash form which shows the application is loading their processing file and going to be start.

2.Login from:


Login form is used to accept the user information like username and their respective password. It allows only authorized user who have the permission to access this software.



Main form which is the parent form of this application helps us to create database for seating arrangement and room details where seat are allocated.

4.Create datablase:


Create database form where user can make a database for seating arrangement. And all the information related to seating plan like room detail and student allocated to that room are store in this database.

5. Add_roomdetail from:


6.Add Record form


7. Student_record form:


8. Course_detail form:


References: •

Evangelos Petroutsos, “Mastering Visual Basic 6”, BPB Publication.

Special edition using visual basic6 by Brian siler and Jeff Spotts.

Steven Holzner , “Visual Basic 6 Programming, Black Book”, The DreamtechPress,reprint – 2004.

Ivan Bayross, “SQL, PL/SQL”, BPB Publications, 3rd Edition- 2005 52








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