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M.D. University, Rohtak (Haryana) In the partial fulfillment of the requirement For the Award of the Degree of

M.Sc (Comp. Sc.) Session: 2018-2019

Under the Supervision of:

Submitted By:

Ms. Geetika


Asst. Professor,

Roll No: 1404720036

Govt. Collage for Girls, Secter 14, Gurugram

Class: M.Sc (Comp.Sci)

Govt. Collage for Girls, Sector-14, Gurugram



This is to certify that Manjeet, roll no. 1404720036 has worked under my supervision to prepare report on the “RAILWAY RESERVATION SYSTEM”. The embodied in this report is original and was conducted at Govt. College for Girls, Gurugram. I completed all requirement of M.SC (Computer Science) ordinance. Ms. Geetika (Project Guide)

(H.O.D, Dept of Comp.Sci) (Principal)


DECLARATION I hereby declare that the project work entitled “RALWAY RESIRVATION SYSTEM” is an authenticated work carried out by me at Govt. Collage for Girls, Secter-14 Gurugram for the partial fulfillment of the award of the degree of M.Sc. (Computer Science).and this work has not been submitted for similar purpose anywhere else.


Student Name: Manjeet


Enroll. No. 1404720036 Class: M.Sc (comp. sci.)



I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Ms. Geetika for his valuable guidance. I am also thankful to all the faculty members of the Comp. Sc. Dept. for their encouragement and help while collecting information about the project.

Student Name: Manjeet Enroll No. 1404720036





Page No.





System Requirement Specifications



Feasibility study



System Analysis


Data flow diagrams 5

System Design Input, Coding











System Testing









Limitations of Proposed System











PROJECT INTRODUCTION: This is a project based on train reservation. The program helps us to enter, display or alter the details of different trains. Moreover & most importantly the program helps us to reserve or cancel a train ticket. The program also helps us to know the present status of a reserved ticket, i.e. whether the ticket is confirmed or not. It includes various function programs to do the abovementioned tasks.

PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENTATION: •Descri be t he use, operati on, maint enance, or design of soft ware or hardware through the use of manuals, listings, diagrams, and • Other hard- or soft-copy written and graphic materials. • Assi gn responsi biliti es and business processes and practices.

est ablish

• Standardize business practices. • Reduce/eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse. • Comply with federal, state, and local regulations. • Comply with customer requirements. 7

authorit y


• Comply with contractual requirements. • Train new employees.

PRODUCT FUNCTIONS: It tells the short note about the product.

TRAIN DETAILS: Customers may view the train timing at a d a t e t h e i r n a m e a n d number of tickets. For Checking Train Details take the Train No or Train Name Form t he user, and check i t is valid or not. If Not t hen di spl ay appropriat e message to user else dis play the Trai n No, Trai n Name, Source, Destinati on, Arrival Time, and Departual Time.

RESERVATION: After checking the number of seats available the customers reserve the tickets.

BILLING: After reserving the required amount of tickets, the customer paid the amount.


If the customers want to cancel the ticket, then half of the amount paid by the customer will be refunded to him. For Canceling Reservation OR Booking, it necessary that before 10days from journey date passenger can cancel ticket. For Cancel Ticket take the PNR No from the User/Passenger, check PNR No is valid or not. If not valid then display appropriate message to user else display the details of that PNR No and ask sure user want to cancel ticket if yes then cancel the reservation of that PNR No.

USER PROBLEM STATEMENT: • Reservations can be done through any Indian Railway Reservation counter. • One can also opt for online booking from anywhere. • In case, the ticket has the both coach and berth number, it is regarded as “confirmed”. • In case, AS RAC is written on the ticket, it shows that one can enter the coach, but will be granted only sitting. • In case, the ticket is waitlisted, one cannot enter the reserved coaches. • Reservations can be cancelled even after the departure of train. In case of confirmed reservati on, one would recei ve a ref und of 50% of what has been pai d. Regarding a waitlisted ticket, one would receive the whole amount on cancellation in advance.


• Reservations made for sight-seeing trips or pilgrimages are permissible in all classes with a condition that the journey starts and ends at the same station

COUNTER BOOKING: This is the oldest method of booking the tickets. The reservation counters are there at railway department from where people can get the tickets to their respective destinations. • If you wish to know the route and the timings click on “Show Route”. If you want to know the availability of seats/berths, click on “Show Availability”. • To get the fare, click on “Get Fare button. The fare appearing is for a single adult Passenger excluding the service charges charged by IRCTC and by the Bank (Credit Card/Direct Debit). • To book tickets, click on Book Ticket button.0 • If you wish to select other train, click on “Select Other Train” button


OBJECTIVE The main idea of developing this project is to simplify the work procedure of customers and also for swift processing of their working operations. Following are the few objectives of this system:

1. To provide easy to understand, good management system. 2. Provides very much user friendly input forms, on which most of the work is done only at the clicks of the mouse. 3. Minimizes the paperwork, which is very time consuming difficult to maintain. 4. Helps in ‘Optimal utilization’ of various resources 6. Generation of reports as per requirements according to date.


INTRODUTION OF C++: It is an object oriented language that object oriented programming languages are playing and in seriously important role in the computing industry important role another computing industry visit the gradual decline in hardware costs the cost of computer system is largely dominated by software more powerful tools operating system and programming languages are evolving to keep up with the pace of hardware development software for different applications need to be developed under these environments which is a complex process as a result the relative cost of software( both development and maintenance) internet is increasing substantially when compared to the cost of the hardware of the computing system the software maintenance is the process of modifying or vending the capabilities of the existing software it requires mastery over the understanding and modifying the existing software and finally revalidating the modifying or extending the capabilities of extending software The software crisis right from the beginning is providing and impetus for the development of software engineering principals’, tools and better programming paradigms to build more reliable and reusable system the state of the earth solution to overcome software crisis is the object Oriented paradigm.



C++ is an object-oriented programming language. Initially named ‘C with class. C developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT&T bell laboratories in the early eighties. The features of C++ were a combination of the object oriented features of a language called simula67 and the elegance of C. therefore C++ is an extension of C with a major addition of the class construct features of simula67. When C++ is a versatile language for handing very large program. It is suitable for virtually programming task including development of editor, compilers, database, communication system and complex real-life application system.

Proposed System : The proposed system is based on C++ language and would automate the organization. Time saving and least efforts would be implied and maintain accuracy.

After making a detailed study of the existing system it is found that there are many difficulties in handling total procedure manually. So to reduce human error, save valuable and precious time, and making optimum use of manpower they decided to go for computerization of existing system.


Limitations of existing system:

 Maintaining all these registers manually is very cumbersome task and is error prone.  Staffs usually make errors while posting transaction and maintaining all these registers.  MIS generation is difficult on time and on demand because they have to look for various registers for the purpose, which is very time consuming and troublesome work.  Difficult to simultaneously update all the register s and files.

Advantages of proposed system:    

High speed Less time consuming Less error High security



CHAPTER – 2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION The outlines of system requirement specification are:

INTRODUCTION: The system Requirements specification document forms the basic for the design and development of the student data management. The purpose of document is to be defined all the purpose involved in the function of student data management.

Information description: The development of this system assists in the maintenance of the information and to fulfill the complete software of this package.

Functional description: A processing narrative is provided for each function design constraints are stated and justified, performances are stated and diagram is included.




: Pentium-2.0 GHZ


: 256 MB

Hard disk capacity

: 40.0 GB

Operating System

: Windows 10

HARDWARE: Hardware is a term given to machine itself and to various piece of equipment. It refers to physical devices of a computer system, thus the input, storage, processing and control and output devices are hardware


Tool(s)/Language(s) to be used:

Front End: The Graphical Interface (Front End) of the application is prepared by the usage of C++ Coding for the validation is provided through of the use of C++.

Back End: The back end of the application is maintained in Microsoft Access the Information Source is Management Information System





Feasibility is the determination of whether or not a project is worth doing. The process followed in making this determination is called feasibility study. Feasibility Study can be extended too many areas but mainly concentration is given on technical, social and economical feasibility of the project. The objective of a feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to acquire a sense of its scope. During the study, the definition must be crystallized and aspects of problem to be included in the system are determined. The result of the feasibility study is a formal proposal. This is simply a report formal document detailing the nature and scope if the following:

 Statement of the problem.  Summary of findings and recommendations.  Details of findings.  Recommendations and conclusions.


Technical Feasibility:

As this study concerned with the equipment and software specification .The technical needs of the system might include

 The facility to produce output in time  Response time under consideration  Ability to process a certain volume of transaction at a particular speed.  Facility to communicate on distant location.

 The configuration of computer is being used is PIII 1GHz with 64 MB RAM, 10GB HDD, 1.44MB FDD. The software required for the same is windows based operating system, Ms-Access, Visual basic 6.0.all these are available with the Department. Hence, project is technically feasible.


Operational Feasibility: This application is capable in handling the data of 5000 Customers. Now it does not mean that after this limit this application will not work, it will work in the same manner but with some slower speed.

Economical Feasibility: This application is economical feasible because this does not require to bring new operators in light. The application can be handled by persons who even have not worked with system






System Analysis is defined as the process of dividing system into parts, identifying each part and establishing relationship b/w the parts. In the specific context of user system, analysis comprises:  Taking known facts concerning a system.  Breaking these into their elements.  Establishing logical relationship b/w the elements.

Objective: System analysis is conducted with the following objectives:  Identification of customer’s needs.  Evaluation of system concept for feasibility.  Perform economical analysis.  Allocate function to H/W, S/W, people, database and other system elements.  Establish cost & benefits Constraints.


 This system is basically concerned with the reservation and cancellation of railway tickets to the passengers. The need of this system arose because as is the known fact that India has the largest rail way network in the whole of the world and to handle it manually is quite a tough job. By computerizing it, we will be able to overcome many of its limitations and will be able to make it more efficient. The handling of data and records for such a vast system is a very complex task if done manually but it can be made much easier if the system is computerized. To be more specific, our system is limited in such a way that a train starting from a particular source will have a single destination. The basic functions being performed by our system are reservation and cancellation. These functions will be handled with the help of following sub functions:  It reserves and cancels seats for the passenger.  It contains information about the trains.  It contains information about the passenger.  It contains the details of reservation fees, any concessions etc.  It makes entries for reservation, waiting, cancelled tickets.  It will update for uptime and downtime trains.

 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS:  Functional requirement of ticket reservations are:


 PRODUCT FUNCTIONS:  It tells the short note about the product.

 TRAIN DETAILS:  Customers may view the train timing at a date their name and number of tickets.

 RESERVATION;  After checking the number of seats available the customers reserve the tickets.


 BILLING:  After reserving the required amount of tickets, the customer paid the amount.

 CANCELLATION:  If the customers want to cancel the ticket, then half of the amount paid by the customer will be refunded to him.

DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS: Data flow diagrams (DFD) are commonly used in problem analysis. DFD are quite general and are not limited to problem analysis for software requirement specification. DFD are very useful in understanding a system and can be effectively used for partitioning during analysis.DFD shows the flow of data through a system. The system may be an organization, a manual procedure, a software system or any combination of these. DFD shows the movement of data through different transformation or process in the system.

Guidelines while constructing DFD  In a DFD, data flows are identified by giving unique names. These names are chosen so that they convey some meaning about what the data is. 27

 Try drawing alternate data flow graph before settling on one.  Never try to show control logic.  Label each arrow with proper data elements. Input and output of each transforms should be carefully identified

Advantages of DFD: of DFD  First they force analyst to communicate their understanding of a system to end user.  Second, they require analyst to examine the interface between systems, subsystems, and rest of the world.


Symbols used in DFD:

Data flow

Transform Process

External Sources/ receive

Data store















System design is a transaction form a user oriented document to document oriented to programmers or database personnel. The analysis of user requirements will have to be identified to form a basis for discussion. The definition of a system design is considered to be defining logical systems, which requires creative thoughts, but it is more of and extension of analytical process, which had already taken place. The elegant design achieves its objective with a minimum use of resources. Resources are always limited, and acceptable design often proves to be a compromise between a no. of theoretical ideals and resources available. It requires a full understanding of the problem, this is need of analysis of requirements for resources.

The acceptable design is likely to be compromise between a numbers of factors particularly:

 Cost  Reliability  Accuracy 39

 Security  Control  Integration  Expansibility  Availability  Acceptability

Input design:

The input design shows how user oriented input is converted to a computer based format. The goal of designing input data is to make data entry as easy, logical free from errors as possible. While entering data allocated space for each field, sequence and the format in which the data is to be entered, should be known to operator. Input forms are designed so as to provide an interactive and to use input medium.

Output design: The objective of output design is to represent the information about different activities in such a manner that it helps in quick and easy 40

retrieval of information. It is the most important source of information to the user. It improves the system’s relationship with the user and helped in decision-making. A major form of the output is a hard copy from the printer.

The following points are kept in mind:  What information is to be processed  What information is to be presented  Whether to display or print the information  How to arrange the information

Following points are considered while designing this project:

 Each report is given a specific name.  Format is same as specified by the user.  All fields are label as per naming conventions  Proper editing is done.  Field length are as specified by the user  Flexibility is provided to the user to take reports any time he/she wishes. 41

Form Design: It serves as a tool for asking data from the people and giving information of the system. For example: booking the ticket

Database Design: It’s a collection of related fields that acts as a single centralized data bank for various data processing applications. It is designed and built to serve a specific purpose as needed by a group of users. For example: Main Menu is 1. RESERVATION 2. CANCELLATION 3. DISPLAY STATUS 4. EXIT





The major activity of the project work is the writing and testing of the computer programs, which we call the coding phase. The goal of coding or programming phase is to translate the design of the system produced during the design phase into code in a given programming language, which can be executed by the computer, which performs the computation specified by the design.

Aim of coding phase

 Implement the design in best possible manner.  Reduce the cost involved in testing and maintenance phase of software


#include<stdio.h> #include #include class Train { int number; //train number Int seats_1;//total seats in first class Int seats_2;// total seats in second class Int seats_3;//total seats in third class Public: Train (int i, int j, int k, int l) { Number = i; seats_1 = j; seats_2 =k; seats_3 = l; } Int getnum (void) { Return number; } Int getseats_1 (void)


{ Return b seats_1 ;} Int getseats_2 (void) { Return seats_2; } Int getseats_3 (void) { Return seats_3; } }; Class Reservation: public Train { Int bkd_1;// seats reserved in 1st class Int bkd_2;//seats reserved in 2nd class Int bkd_3;// seats reserved in 3rd class Public: Int i,j, k,l; Reservation (int i,int j,int k,int l):Train(i,j,k,l) {


bkd_1=bkd_2=bkd_3=0; } Void book (char type, int num); Void cancel (char type, int num); Void disp_status (void); }; Void Reservation::book (char type, int num) { switch (type) { case'1': bkd_1+=num; //add num to bkd_1 break; case'2': bkd_2+=num;//add num to bkd_2 break; case'3': bkd_3+=num;//add num to bkd_3 break; default: cout<<"wrong class\n"; } }


void Reservation :: cancel(char type, int num) { switch(type) { case'1':bkd_1-=num; break; case'2':bkd_2-=num; break; default:cout<<"wrong class\n"; } } void Reservation::disp_status(void) { cout<<"\t\t Train number:"<

void main() { clrscr(); int num; cout<<"Enter Train Number:\n"; cin>>num; cout<<"\n Enter total Number Of seats in 1st class\n"; int s1; cin>>s1; cout<<"\n Enter total number of seats in 2nd class\n"; int s2; cin>>s2; cout<<"\n Enter total number of seats in 3rd class\n";


int s3; cin>>s3; Reservation Tr(num,s1,s2,s3); char cl_type; int choice,seats; do { cout<<"\n Main Menu\n"; cout<<"1.Reservation\n"; cout<<"2.Cancellation\n"; cout<<"3.Display Status\n"; cout<<"4.Exit\n"; cout<<"Enter your choice:"; cin>>choice; cout<<"\n"; switch(choice) { case 1: cout<<"which class?(1/2/3):";


cin>>cl_type; cout<<"\n How many seats?"; cin>>seats; cout<<"\n"; Tr.book(cl_type,seats); break; case 2:cout<<"Which class?(1/2/3):"; cin>>cl_type; cout<<"\n How many seats?"; cin>>seats; cout<<"\n"; Tr.cancel(cl_type,seats); break; case 3:Tr.disp_status(); break; case 4:break; default : cout<<"Wrong choice!!\n"; }; //end of switch


} while(choice>=1&&choice<=3); getch(); }













Testing is the process of executing the program(s) with the intention of finding out errors. During testing, the program to be tested is executed with a set of test cases and the output of the program for the test case is evaluated to determine if the program is performing as it is expected to be.

Levels of testing:

 Unit Testing  Integration Testing  System Testing  Acceptance Testing

These different levels of testing attempt to direct different types pf faults. The relations of faults introduced in different levels of testing are as shown below:


Client Testing

Acceptance Needs


System Testing


Integration Testing

Unit Testing: Code

Unit Testing`

The first level of testing is called unit testing. In this, different modules are tested against the specifications produced during design for the modules. Unit testing is essential forFig:verification of the code produced during the Levels of Testing coding phase, and hence the goal is to test the internal logic of the modules.


Integration Testing:

The next level of testing is often called the integration testing. In this, many tested modules are combined into sub systems, which are then tested. The goal is to see if the modules can be integrated properly, the emphasis being on testing interfaces between modules. This testing activity can be considered as testing design and hence the emphasis on testing modules interactions.

System Testing:

During system testing, the system is used experimentally to ensure that the software does not fail i.e. it will run according to its specifications and in the way users except ,special test data inputs for processing and the results examined. A limited number of users are allowed to use the system so analyst can analyze the use in unforeseen ways.

Acceptance Testing:

It is sometimes performed with realistic data of the client to demonstrate that the software is working properly. Acceptance Testing focuses on the external behavior of the system. The internal logic of the program is not emphasized. 63

Testing with live data :

Effective testing is a must for any software as it ensures an error free and efficient system. The software for “Turbo C++” has been completely tested by me with actual live data.






Implementation phase is also called Installation Phase is concerned with actually installing the system on the clients computer system and then testing it. Then follows the software maintenance. Maintenance is an activity that commences after the software is developed and deployed.

The system implementation is done successfully at client side and both client and me are fully satisfied with the performance of the package.

Back up strategy: The application is loaded on the PC at client side. Access rights will be given level wise to see different kind of reports. Backup of the application can be taken at any time from the application itself to any desired destination.


Responsibility: Administrator of the application will be responsible for taking daily backup.

Recovery: In case of any damage in application/data, following things will be available:  Original application software media either on floppy or CD.  Backup of data till last day.  MS- Office CD (already existing)  Windows 98 boot diskette(already existing)  Windows 98 operating system CD (already existing)

Whenever the m/c will be shut down, application would automatically store the current data on C: drive.





The development of this system has been a great learning and satisfying experience. It has been a learning experience as it has increased my knowledge as well as my logical concepts of Visual Basic. It also has helped me in developing my designing ability of crystal report. It is also quite satisfying on my part, as I have tried my level best to develop and design a system, which can be totally of practical use for discovery’s encyclopedia.

Thus I conclude by saying that although this is my first hand on practical experience therefore the experience gained while developing it will certainly going to help me in the field of software development in the long run.




 Before installing this software all work was done manually, as a result of this installation of this project will increase the expectation of the user, which sometimes cannot be met.  Breakdown of Hardware, Software or System.  Business interruptions.  Misplacement or destruction of data, programs etc.  Out of date program and system documentations.  Misappropriations of computers resources.  Data corruption and decay of storage media  Sickness and injury to seniors.




CHAPTER – 11 SCOPE This system is basically concerned with the reservation and cancellation of railway tickets to the passengers. The need of this system arose because as is the known fact that India has the largest railway network in the whole of the world and to handle it manually is quite a tough job. By computerizing it, we will be able to overcome many of its limitations and will be able to make it more efficient. The handling of data and records for such a vast system is a very complex task if done manually but it can be made much easier if the system is computerized.





The Bibliography, as a discipline, is traditional the academic study of books as physical, Cultural Object: in this sense, In this sense, it is also Know as Bibliography. appears regularly at set intervals, sometimes as a continuing publication. Current indexes are compiled according to types of printed matter, such as books, periodicals, sheet music, and maps.

Book is the Object-oriented programming with C++ And Author is E Balagurusamy Web site is www.pdfcoke.com


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