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USE OF E-COMMERCE IN MEDIUM SMALL BUSINESSES Radityo Adiguno Department Management, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia Abstract In this modern era, people are required to follow developments, especially in the field of information and communication technology. Small and Medium Enterprises or SMEs are one of the regional development movements. There are many types of SMEs that have good potential in Indonesia, but there are many problems faced by such as in terms of product branding and marketing. The use of e-commerce through a smartphone website / application is one way to overcome this problem. Thus, making websites / smartphone applications by programmers or SMEs is very helpful for entrepreneurs in the development of the creative economy.

1. Introduction The development of the era into the era of globalization was Followed by the Increasingly rapid development of information and communication technology, better known as ICT (Information and Communication Technology) [1]. Reviews These developments require people to be Able to be competitive, especially in the economic field. More and more people have innovations and creative ideas in utilizing the potential that exists in the area or district where they live [2]. Evidenced by the number of Small and Medium Enterprises that have sprung up especially in the field of souvenirs and tourism. SMEs is one of the fields that contributes Significantly in spurring economic growth in Indonesia [3]. The main problem faced by SMEs in the regions is product marketing. Most SMEs still offline market Reviews their products or look directly at consumers. [4] The use of the internet and digital technology the data in the field of marketing and sales in the past few years is growing rapidly. With the internet supported by sophisticated technology, the marketing and sales process can be done at any time without being bound by space and time [5]. One of the applications of the Internet in the field of business and commerce is electronic commerce (e-commerce). Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is a concept that can be Described as the process of buying and selling goods on the internet or the process of buying and selling or exchanging products, services, and information through information networks Including the internet [6]. The use of e-commerce as a means of marketing SME products through websites and markets created by local governments or volunteers of SMEs themselves [7]. Around the world, SMEs are increasingly seen as essential for economic diversification through job creation [8]. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) Refers to the use of the Internet for buying and selling activities [9]. One of the E-Commerce services in the service of empowering SMEs is Tokopedia.com, with this application users or SMEs can Easily sell and buy goods they want by displaying them on a website or smartphone application for free [10]. The purpose of this paper is to provide that Tokopedia.com can be an opportunity for SMEs to start a business and create new jobs and increase the creative economy, using only online media. And also can make it easier for users to buy and sell goods wherever and whenever.

2. Method

The method used in this study is a comparative method by analyzing e-commerce applications in the field of marketplace services, knowing the benefits for business people and Also the benefits of e-commerce application users in the field of marketplace services. The author uses the application so that the reader understands how to use e-commerce applications, and knows the ease of starting a certification service business through the use of e-commerce, in this method the author uses the Tokopedia.com application. 3. Results and Discussion For SMEs, Tokopedia will be Able to be one opportunity to sell and buy goods Easily without having to worry about the heavy cost, with the service marketplace Also buyers can view items SMEs without having to visit the store Physique just simply by looking at the website and smartphone app. On the View Menu, you need to sign in if you have an account, or if you do not already have an account, you can register an account in the column list, and choose to Open Store Guide. (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Main Course

If we as a seller, we can make the name of the store and make the store Domain. (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Seller : Open Shop

This application can fill in the information store to be created, such as the type of goods to be sold and the store logo. (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Seller : Shop information

Here you fill in the location of the shipment of goods, the origin of your city and the postal code of your store, and where the goods will be taken by the shipping service (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Seller : Shipping Location Next, you'll choose a delivery service to deliver the goods to the buyer, there is a wide range of shipping services, choose according to your needs. (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Seller : Shipping Location

This application can sell your item through input Item name, description the item, item price and Attach the picture. (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Seller: Add Product Here's your application can be a buyer and looking for items you want to buy. (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Buyer: Search Item.

As a buyer or a seller you can find a reliable shop (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Buyer/Seller: Search Other Shop.

Conclusion Tokopedia can be a tool to promote SMEs with easy that can be done anywhere and anytime without any constraints, as well as the education, space and time, so anyone can SMEs with legal status easily and maintain brand SMEs. Performers Tokopedia also facilitate SMEs in buying materials that they buruhkan for their efforts, because ditokopedia seller can be a buyer, and greatly facilitated the delivery because the seller can deliver the goods to the buyer to choose the delivery service required by the seller. Marketplace with services provided Tokopedia, can minimize fraud because buyers and sellers are protected legal entity, and as a buyer can see reviews of many buyers who have subscribed in the stores. This service is suitable for SMEs who want to increase his efforts to contribute to the creative economy.

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