R7210301 Production Technology

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Code No: R7210301

II B.Tech I Semester(R07) Regular/Supplementary Examinations, December 2009 PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) What are the materials that are generally used for making patterns? Explain the reasons for their choice. (b) What are the common allowances provided on patterns? Why and how they are provided? Give suitable examples. [8+8] 2. Calculate the size of a cylindrical riser (Height and diameter equal) necessary to feed a slab casting 20 × 20 × 5 cm with a side riser, casting poured horizontally in to the mould. Use caine’s equation and take constants in caine equation as a = 0.15, b = 0.04 and c = 1.0. [16] 3. (a) What design features can be altered to permit the joining of different thickness or different conductivity metals? (b) What types of weld joints commonly employ filler welds?


4. (a) Write the constituents of electrode coating with their functions. (b) Explain the process of TIG welding with neat sketch.


5. (a) How do you differentiate metal working processes from metal cutting processes? (b) Differentiate hot working and cold working.


6. (a) Differentiate between a blanking die and piercing dies? Draw a neat sketch of screw forging press and explain its working? (b) Enumerate the method of reducing cutting force?


7. An aluminum alloy is hot extruded at 4000 c. Through square dies without lubrication, Iron 15cm diameter to 5cm diameter. The extrusion speed is 5cm/s. The flow stress of the material at the above temperature is 250mpa. The length of the billet is 37.5cm Determine the extrusion load? [16] 8. (a) Explain the method used for processing thin hallow plastics with a neat sketch? (b) Name three important thermosetting materials? Compare thermosetting materials and thermoplastic materials? Discuss their properties? [8+8] ?????


Code No: R7210301

II B.Tech I Semester(R07) Regular/Supplementary Examinations, December 2009 PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) Explain the manual method of core making? (b) What is the function of a core? What are core prints? Explain.


2. (a) How are risers and sprues placed in sand molds? Explain with appropriate sketches. (b) Describe the procedures that would be involved in making a bronze statue? Which casting process(es) would be suitable? Why? [8+8] 3. (a) Explain different forge welding techniques? (b) Explain how fillet welding is done?


4. (a) Derive an equation for the calculation of standard time for arc welding. (b) Explain the applications, advantages and limitations of explosive welding. [8+8] 5. (a) Formulate a condition for biting of strip rolls in rolling process? Explain the role of friction? (b) Describe briefly the meaning of draught and elongation as related to hot rolling?


6. (a) Explain the bending terminology with the help of a suitable sketch. (b) A sheet which has already has been in a cold state, offers great resistance to further binding. Explain the reason. [8+8] 7. Estimate the maximum force required for extruding a cylindrical aluminum billet of 50mm diameter and 75mm length to a final diameter of 10mm. The average tensile yield stress for aluminum is 170 N/mm2 . What percent of the total power input will be lost in friction at the start of the operation? [16] 8. (a) Describe the various additives with their uses added in plastics? (b) Discuss briefly machining of plastics? ?????



Code No: R7210301

II B.Tech I Semester(R07) Regular/Supplementary Examinations, December 2009 PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) Make neat sketch of sweep pattern and explain its advantages. (b) Discuss the essential properties of a core.


2. (a) How are risers and sprues placed in sand molds? Explain with appropriate sketches. (b) Describe the procedures that would be involved in making a bronze statue? Which casting process(es) would be suitable? Why? [8+8] 3. (a) What are the three types of metal transfer that can occur during the welding? Explain. (b) What is the ideal sequence for pressure application during resistance welding? [8+8] 4. (a) What are the work piece material requirements for arc welding? (b) Describe the shielded metal arc welding process.


5. (a) Explain the functioning of two-high rolling mill and multi-pass-rolling mill ? (b) Discuss briefly the factors affecting the rolling process?


6. (a) Explain the coining operation with a neat sketch? (b) Describe briefly the deep drawing operation with a neat sketch? And discuss its advantages and applications? [8+8] 7. (a) Explain the principle of Hydrostatic extrusion with neat sketch? (b) Explain the principle of impact extrusion with neat sketch?


8. (a) What is compression moulding and Explain all the three types of moulding stating their purpose and use? (b) Explain briefly the following plastic production processes: i. Calendaring ii. Casting.

[8+8] ?????


Code No: R7210301

II B.Tech I Semester(R07) Regular/Supplementary Examinations, December 2009 PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) What is gating ratio? Explain its significance. (b) Calculate the gating dimensions with a gating ratio of 3:4:5 for a ductile iron casting of thickness 18mm weighing 50kg. Assume a sprue height of 300mm. [8+8] 2. Calculate the size of a cylindrical riser (Height and diameter equal) necessary to feed a slab casting 30 × 30 × 10 cm with a side riser, casting poured horizontally in to the mould. Use caine’s equation and take constants in caine equation as a = 0.17, b = 0.07 and c = 1.0. [16] 3. (a) Describe the reaction that take place in an oxy fuel gas torch. What is the level of temperature generated? Explain. (b) Describe the procedure to be followed in an oxy fuel gas welding operation? [8+8] 4. (a) With the help of a neat sketch explain the principle of laser welding. (b) With the help of a neat sketch explain induction welding process.


5. (a) Discuss briefly the factors affecting the rolling process? (b) Derive an expression for Roll power?


6. (a) Enumerate the method of reducing cutting force? (b) What factors should be considered for selecting an appropriate press for a given job? Explain the principle of metal shearing? [8+8] 7. What is the purpose of yield criteria? Discuss Non-misses and Teresa yield criteria. Show the influence in case of uni-axial deformation. Obtain an evaluation of non-misses yield criteria for plane-strain condition? [16] 8. (a) What are the advantages of injection moulding over the compression moulding process of plastic? Explain? (b) Explain briefly thermoforming? What are its advantages and limitations? [8+8] ?????

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