R7102306-process Engineering Principles

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Code No: R7102306

I B.Tech (R07) Supplementary Examinations, June 2009 PROCESS ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES (Bio-Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) Describe a continuous pressure filter. (b) Describe the working of leaf filter.


2. (a) Gas leaving the fermenter at close to 1 atm pressure and 25o C has the following composition : 2.6% CO2 , 19.2% O2 and 78.2% N2 . Calculate i. Mass composition of the fermenter off-gas. ii. The mass of CO2 in each cubic meter of gas leaving the fermenter. (b) Make the following conversions : i. 294.0 gm/lt Sulphuric acid to normality. ii. 54.75 gm/lt Hydrochloric acid to molarity. (c) The temperature and pressure of the gas mixture are 21.1o C and 755 mm. mercury. Find the following :i. The composition by weight basis ii. The density of the gas mixture at N.T.P. Calculate the density of Air at 1.1 atmosphere absolute pressure and at 30o C. [5+5+6] 3. What are the different forms of energy in a flowing fluid. Represent schematically the Bernoulli’s equation for flow through a tapering pipe and show the position of total energy line and the datum line. [16] 4. (a) What is meant by shear thinning and shear thickening fluids? (b) Differentiate between i. liquid and gases. ii. Real fluid and ideal fluids. iii. Specific weight and specific volume of a fluid.


5. (a) Define Fanning’s friction factor. How is it related to the pressure drop? (b) Explain the methods of reducing skin friction. (c) Employing dimensional analysis, show that the friction factor is a function of Reynold’s number. [5+5+6] 6. (a) Derive the basic equation of terminal settling velocity. (b) Give the relationship between Drag coefficient and Reynolds number in i. Newton’s range of operation ii. Intermediate range of operation.


7. (a) Explain indetail about the plug clock values and ball values in process industries. (b) What are the importance of check values in process industries and explain its working? [8+8] 8. (a) Explain with neat sketch the working of a centrifugal pump. What are the merits and demerits of such a pump? (b) What is cavitation and how it can be eliminated for a centrifugal pump? [8+8] ?????


Code No: R7102306

I B.Tech (R07) Supplementary Examinations, June 2009 PROCESS ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES (Bio-Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) How are bio-chemical reactions different from chemical reactions? (b) Briefly explain the steps in development of a complete bioprocess for commercial manufacture of a new recombinant DNA derived product. [8+8] 2. (a) Calculate the volume in liters of NH3 gas under a pressure of 1 atm and at a temperature of 20 0 C that can be dissolved in 100 liters of water at the same temperature. For NH3 and water at 20 0 C, H=2.7 atm/mole fraction. (b) A Solution with a CO2 content of 0.5 Kg CO2 /100 kg H2 O flows out of a pressure apparatus for absorption of CO2 by water and into an open vessel. Compute the amount of CO2 given up by 1 m3 of water after being expanded to a pressure of 746 mm Hg, if the water temperature is 20 0 C. For CO2 and water at 20 0 C, H = 1.08 × 106 mm Hg/mole fraction. [8+8] 3. (a) By applying momentum balance to the steady flow of a fluid in a stream-tube, derive Euler’s equation of motion. (b) Obtain Bernoulli equation from Euler equation by making necessary assumptions. [8+8] 4. (a) If the velocity distribution of a fluid over a plate is given by u=(3/4)y-y2 where u is the velocity in metre per sec at a distance of y meters above the plate, determine the shears stress at y=0.15 meters. Take the dynamic viscosity of the fluid as 8.5×10−5 kg-sec/m. (b) Classify the types of fluid.


5. (a) Derive Vavg = 0.5 Vmax in laminar flow. (b) Explain the importance of Reynold’s number.


6. (a) Using Ergun’s equation determine the minimum velocity of water to start fluidization of spherical particles of diameter 1 mm packed in a tube of 10mm diameter. Porosity =0.45, Viscosity of water=10−3 Pa.s, Density of particles =1500 Kg/m3 Assume an wall factor of 1.067 and necessary assumptions and mention clearly. (b) What are the characteristics of laminar flow?


7. (a) Explain in detail about the calibration of rotometer and venturimet. (b) Discuss about the differences between variable head meters and variable area meters.[8+8] 8. (a) With the help of neat sketch explain the operation of a centrifugal pump. (b) State the principle and applications of air lift and diaphragm pumps with a neat sketch. [8+8] ?????


Code No: R7102306

I B.Tech (R07) Supplementary Examinations, June 2009 PROCESS ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES (Bio-Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) Discuss in detail about the application of heat transfer Principles in Bioprocessing engineering. (b) Discuss indetail about the application of transport phenomena principles in Bioprocess engineering. [8+8] 2. (a) Gas leaving the fermenter at close to 1 atm pressure and 25o C has the following composition : 2.6% CO2 , 19.2% O2 and 78.2% N2 . Calculate i. Mass composition of the fermenter off-gas. ii. The mass of CO2 in each cubic meter of gas leaving the fermenter. (b) Make the following conversions : i. 294.0 gm/lt Sulphuric acid to normality. ii. 54.75 gm/lt Hydrochloric acid to molarity. (c) The temperature and pressure of the gas mixture are 21.1o C and 755 mm. mercury. Find the following :i. The composition by weight basis ii. The density of the gas mixture at N.T.P. Calculate the density of Air at 1.1 atmosphere absolute pressure and at 30o C. [5+5+6] 3. Derive an expression for capillary rise of water in a small tube. Define hydrostatic equilibrium and express the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium. [16] 4. (a) What is Newton’s Law of viscosity? Define coefficient of viscosity. (b) What is Reynold’s number? What is its significance? (c) What is meant by laminar flow and turbulent flow? How do you quantify them? [4+4+8] 5. (a) Derive Hagen-Poiseuille equation. Explain the significance of the equation. (b) Derive relations for Reynolds number and friction factor.


6. (a) Derive Ergun’ equation. Extend the equation for both laminar and turbulent conditions of packed tower operation. (b) Illustriate the development of laminar flow and turbulent boundary layers on a flat surface, when a fluid flows past the surface. What is meant by boundry later separation? [8+8] 7. (a) Explain the purpose of using a non return valve in suction pipe of a centrifugal Pump. (b) Write short notes on i. Stuffing boxes ii. Mechanical seal. [6+10] 8. (a) With the help of neat sketch explain the operation of a centrifugal pump. (b) State the principle and applications of air lift and diaphragm pumps with a neat sketch. [8+8] ?????


Code No: R7102306

Time: 3 hours

I B.Tech (R07) Supplementary Examinations, June 2009 PROCESS ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES (Bio-Technology) Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ?????

1. (a) Describe a continuous pressure filter. (b) Describe the working of leaf filter.

Max Marks: 80


2. (a) Gas leaving the fermenter at close to 1 atm pressure and 25o C has the following composition : 2.6% CO2 , 19.2% O2 and 78.2% N2 . Calculate i. Mass composition of the fermenter off-gas. ii. The mass of CO2 in each cubic meter of gas leaving the fermenter. (b) Make the following conversions : i. 294.0 gm/lt Sulphuric acid to normality. ii. 54.75 gm/lt Hydrochloric acid to molarity. (c) The temperature and pressure of the gas mixture are 21.1o C and 755 mm. mercury. Find the following :i. The composition by weight basis ii. The density of the gas mixture at N.T.P. Calculate the density of Air at 1.1 atmosphere absolute pressure and at 30o C. [5+5+6] 3. Briefly explain the following fluid properties (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Surface tension Capillary rise Specific weight Compressibility Bulk modulus.


4. (a) Enumerate various types of Non-Newtonian fluids. (b) With the help of shear stress -shear rate diagram, explain the Non-newtonian fluids. Discuss their important characteristics. [8+8] 5. (a) Describe Reynolds experiment to demonstrate the two types of flow. (b) Water at room temperature flows through a smooth straight pipe A of internal diameter 4cm at an average velocity of 42 cm/sec. Oil flows through another pipe B of internal diameter 12.5 cm at such a velocity that dynamic similarity exists between the two streams. Calculate the velocity through pipe B. (Specific Gravity of oil = 0.85, viscosity of oil = 2 cp and viscosity of water = 1 cp.) [8+8] 6. (a) Using Ergun’s equation determine the minimum velocity of water to start fluidization of spherical particles of diameter 1 mm packed in a tube of 10mm diameter. Porosity =0.45, Viscosity of water=10−3 Pa.s, Density of particles =1500 Kg/m3 Assume an wall factor of 1.067 and necessary assumptions and mention clearly. (b) What are the characteristics of laminar flow? [8+8] 7. Give an account on the following with appropriate sketches (a) (b) (c) (d)

Simple U-tube manaometer Two fluid U-tube manometer Bourdan pressure gauge Gravity separator for two immiscible liquids.


8. (a) Draw the characteristic curves for a centrifugal pump. (b) What is a positive displacement pump? Describe the working of any one type with neat sketch. [8+8] ?????

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