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Download & View R05222302-instrumental-methods-of-analysis as PDF for free.

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Set No. 1

Code No: R05222302

II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2008 INSTRUMENTAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS (Bio-Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. (a) Describe the types of Instrumental methods used in analytical laboratories? (b) Give the advantages & limitations of instrumental methods?


2. Narrate the principle of operation of a fluorescence micrscope. Give its applications in biology? [5+11] 3. (a) Define the term centrifugation.What is differential centrifugation? (b) Explain the technique with a suitable example.

[8 × 2 = 16]

4. Differentiate between the following terms: (a) Band spectra & Line spectra. (b) Fluorescence & Phosphoroscence (c) Molar absorptivity & Absorptivity (d) Stokes shift & Bathochromic shift.

[4 × 4 = 16]

5. Write a brief note on: (a) Doppler broadening (b) Pressure broadening (c) Chemical interference (d) Atomic fluorescence.

[4 × 4 = 16]

6. Explain the following: (a) The cause of absorption in UV & IR regions. (b) The information gained from UV & IR spectra about the nature of organic compounds. (c) The region of greatest intrest to organic chemist for UV & IR spectra. [5+5+6] 7. (a) What are the spin numbers of the following nuclei: 1 H,19 F,13 C,31 P,11 B,35 Cl,79 Br,81 Br. (b) Calculate the NMR frequency of a base proton in magnetic field of 14092 Gauss. Given: gn = 5.585 & βn = 5.05 × 10−27 JT − 1. [8 × 2 = 16] 8. Write short notes on:

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Set No. 1

Code No: R05222302 (a) matrix technique (b) gyromagnetic ratio (c) limitations of ESR.

[16] ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆

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Set No. 2

Code No: R05222302

II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2008 INSTRUMENTAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS (Bio-Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. Write an account on analytical methods based on the physical property measurement? [16] 2. (a) Briefly describe the scanning probe microscope & its most popular versions i.e the scanning tunneling microscope & the atomic force microscope. (b) What are these microscopes used for?

[8 × 2 = 16]

3. (a) In an experiment carried out at 200 , the following data was obtained when congo red was subjected to sedimentation equilibrium : Distance f rom axis of rotation(cm)

Relative con. Of congo red

X2 X1 C2 C1 5.87 5.84 53.6 50.46 The initial concentration of the dye was 0.1g per litre dissolved in 0.1 M Nacl, the density of the resulting solution being 1.0023. The speed of rotation of the centrifuge was 17,976 rpm. The partial specific volume of congo red is 0.6. From the above data calculate the molecular weight of congo red. (b) Explain the principle involved in above method.

[8 × 2 = 16]

4. (a) Why does a deuterium lamp produces a continuous rather than a line spectrum in the ultraviolet? (b) What are the differences between a photon detector & a heat detector. [8×2=16] 5. Define the following terms: (a) Resonance fluorescence (b) Internal conversion (c) Stokes shift (d) Self quenching.

[4 × 4 = 16]

6. Explain the following: (a) The cause of absorption in UV & IR regions. (b) The information gained from UV & IR spectra about the nature of organic compounds. (c) The region of greatest intrest to organic chemist for UV & IR spectra. [5+5+6] 1 of 2

Set No. 2

Code No: R05222302 7. Define & explain the following: (a) equivalent hydrocarbons (b) upfield & downfield (c) coupling constant (d) different chemical environment.

[4 × 4 = 16]

8. (a) Why electron spin resonance is also called electron para magnetic resonance? (b) Calculate the ESR frequency of an unpaired electron in a magnetic field 0.33τ . Given for free electron g = 2&β = 9.273 × 10−24 JT −1 . [8 × 2 = 16] ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆

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Set No. 3

Code No: R05222302

II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2008 INSTRUMENTAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS (Bio-Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. Write an account on Radiometric methods explaining the phenomenon underlaying & the property measured. [16] 2. (a) What is confocal scanning laser microscope(CSLM). (b) Explain with a diagram about its optical pathway & its applications. [8 × 2 = 16] 3. (a) How are density gradiants solutions are prepared for centrifugation? (b) Write a note on following materials importance: i. Caesium chloride ii. Sucrose iii. Ficoll.

[8 × 2 = 16]

4. (a) Discuss the important characteristics of electro magnetic radiation. (b) Differentiate between absorption & emission of radiation.

[8 × 2 = 16]

5. (a) What are the differences between atomic absorption & flame emission. (b) Describe the methods used to exite atoms.

[8 × 2 = 16]

6. (a) Discuss in brief the basic principles of mass spectrometry. (b) In the mass spectrum of ethanol, some of the prominent peaks appear at m/e 46,45,31,29,17&15. What are the most probable species responsible for these peaks. [8 × 2 = 16] 7. Write short notes on : (a) Chemical shift (b) Spin-spin coupling (c) Shielding & desheilding (d) Coupling constant.

[4 × 4 = 16]

8. (a) Discuss the principle & working of electron spin resonance? (b) give important applications of ESR. ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆

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[8 × 2 = 16]

Set No. 4

Code No: R05222302

II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2008 INSTRUMENTAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS (Bio-Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. Write an account on optical methods specifying the phenomenon underlaying & the property measured. [16] 2. Who discovered the instrument Microscope? Give the principle on which this instrument works. [16] 3. Calculate the molecular mass of the protein where the sedimentation coefficient of the protein is 7.75 ×10−13 s. In subsequent analysis the protein was found to have an average diffusion coefficient 0f 4.0 × 10−11 m2 s−1 & the a partial specific volume of 0. 734 ×10−3 m3 kg −1 . (a) convert the molecular mass to relative molecular mass. (b) Express the molecular mass in Daltons.

[8 × 2 = 16]

4. (a) Explain the basic principle of spectroscopy. (b) Give the relationship between wavelength & energy of electromagnetic radiation. [8 × 2 = 16] 5. (a) Discuss the origin of emission spectra (b) What is emission spectroscopy. Discuss the theoretical principles involved in the production of emission spectrum. [8 × 2 = 16] 6. (a) Explain the origin of molecular spectra. (b) Differentiate clearly between ultraviolet & infra red spectra. (c) The absorption of ultraviolet & visible radiation can be conveniently studied together,but infra red absorption studies are made separately. Why? [5+5+6] 7. (a) Calculate the NMR frequency of 19F ina magnetic field of 2.3487τ . Given gn = 5.255&βn = 5.05 × 10−27 JT −1 . (b) Describe NMR spectrum of ethanol & explain the position of each band. [8 × 2 = 16] 8. Why ESR spectroscopy is widely used in the study of chemical, photochemical & electrochemical reactions? Justify your answer. [16] ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆

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