"in The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Compassionate". We Must Start Our Work With The Name Of Almighty Allah, That He Will Show Us The Right Path And Help Us To Complete Our Work With Accuracy

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,255
  • Pages: 38
"In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate". We must start our work with the name of Almighty Allah, that He will show us the right path and help us to complete our work with accuracy.

Communication Strategy


Communication Strategy of LG MOBILES

Communication Strategy


Presen ters Miss. Anzil Mosood Khan Miss. Humaira Kiran Miss. Aaminah Shahid Siddiqui Miss. Anila Iram Miss. Ayesha Nawaz Mr. Umair Saeed Khan

Communication Strategy


Communication Strategy of an Organization (Summary) • Introduction – What is a communication strategy?

Communication Strategy


Introduction • Communication: – The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information by speech, signals, writing, or behavior such that that the recipient understands clearly what the sender intends.

Communication Strategy



Communication Strategy : A communication strategy outlines a process for communicating and sharing information on project benefits and facts to target audiences and stakeholders. It is a tool used for promoting the awareness, knowledge and understanding of a project.

Communication Strategy


Communications Strategy A Communications Strategy: • • • • • • •

Will help deliver a focused, consistent message about the organization. Ensures everyone in the organization delivers the same message and understands desired impact. Is an internal guide and should be detailed. Ensures most efficient use of limited resources. Prioritizes between conflicting demands. Gives clear direction for everyday activity. Provides milestones to measure future success. Communication Strategy


Communications Disciplines A Communications Strategy includes: •

Internal Communications – What type of communication • tools used (fax, email system etc)? – What kinds of Problems, themes, factors (issues) being faced while using these tools? – Methods of Evaluation of employees? – Customer Services? • What are the issues? • What are the messages?

External Communications – Public Relations – Direct Marketing – Advertising – Branding – Media Relations – Donor Relations – Business Community Relations

Communication Strategy


Company Profile Before designing the plan, ask some fundamental questions: • Why does this organization exist? • What is it trying to achieve? • How aware is the public of the organization’s work? • What is the public’s opinion of the organization’s work? Communication Strategy


Communications Strategy Our • • • • • • • • •

strategy establish:

Objectives Audiences Messages Message Delivery Methods of Delivery & Tone Timelines Budget Resources Evaluation and Amendment

Communication Strategy


Objectives •

Align communications objectives with organizational objectives (makes the case for proper resourcing of communications activities).

Determine what you want people to know about the organization (e.g. create awareness, strengthen relationships or produce an action?).

Set short & long term objectives: – Where do you want the organization at the end of a campaign? – Where do you want the organization in 1 year? – Where do you want the organization in 3 years?

Communication Strategy


Audiences •

Identify the audiences you need to target to achieve organizational objectives (The “general public” is too vague.).

Prioritize the audiences (you have more than one audience.).

The more you narrow down your audience, the more effective your message will be.

Find out how your target audience gets its information (newspaper, radio, internet, etc.).

Communication Strategy


Messages •

What do you want to say? (your key message).

Ask yourself, “Why should the target audience come to us?”

Key messages: – should be simple and consistent. – should be incorporated into news releases. – should be used by spokespersons in interviews with media or with stakeholders.

Communication Strategy


Message Delivery •

Branding (consistent with messages, logo, colors, fonts).

Memorable name, slogan, logo is best (3 word statement--for example, “Just do it”).

Determine tactics (e.g. news release, e-mail to clients, speech at event).

Designate spokespersons for public and media enquiries.

Communication Strategy


Methods of Message Delivery Identify the most appropriate methods of message delivery to the audiences & customize the tone of key messages. Some examples: • •

• •

Personal contact, special events, trade shows, seminars, word of mouth, personal letter, e-mail messages, presentations. Direct mail, newsletters, brochures, posters, store window displays, billboards, transit boards, annual reports, facts sheet, banners, greeting cards. Print publication (newspapers, magazines). Electronic media (Website, TV, radio, videos, CD’s). Communication Strategy


Strategy & Timelines •

Prepare a detailed plan of action.

Do you want a big blast of publicity or a steady flow?

Prepare targets and timetables (e.g. 18 presentations over 6 months).

Each method of communication has its own time restraints or limits.

Media releases should be timely (e.g. magazine stories 3 months in advance, news releases 2 days in advance). Communication Strategy


Budget •

What is the plan going to cost?

In an ideal world, would simply be cost of implementing the strategy.

Non-profits unable to do it all, need to narrow the options.

Funders more likely to contribute to a specific method if it is part of an overall communication strategy.

Communication Strategy


Resources •

Always deliver what you promise and never over- promise.

Use your resources and time lines to set legitimate levels of expectations.

Target resources at the most effective method, even if not the most glamorous.

Communication Strategy


Evaluation & Amendment •

Evaluation is an early warning system that enables changes in strategy.

Ongoing evaluation is difficult to maintain but necessary to determine if efforts are successful.

The best strategy is one that is flexible and changes over time.

Consider a Communications Audit to assess the effectiveness of strategy.

Use the audit results to amend the strategy. Communication Strategy


Making plan (1) • • • • •

Dividing the duties Discussions with management If needed, hiring consultants Studies and analysis done previously If needed, making new researches

Communication Strategy


Making plan (2) • • • •

Brainstorming inside the organisation Draft Budget, argumentation to get money Making of the final version and presentation to the board • Shorter version for public • Training of the team • REALIZATION!

Communication Strategy


Internal communication is essential: staff are your #1 audience

Communication Strategy


Your staff need their questions answered. What does it mean for me?

Communication Strategy


Nothing beats face-to-face communication. I love it when we unite.

You’re so coordinated!

Communication Strategy


Senior management paints the big picture, the conditions that drive decisions.

Communication Strategy


Schedule your coordination experts to talk with your UN team regularly.

Communication Strategy


Coordinate word of mouth and make it part of your communications plan.

Communication Strategy


Tell me a story that makes my conversations more interesting

Communication Strategy


Make it something I really care about Make it fun, credible and memorable Make it something I can easily tell others Be true, so I don’t look like a liar

Communication Strategy


Be creative about the venues you choose for internal communications.

Communication Strategy


Strategic communication s is about pursuing concrete outcomes that promote development and strengthen the UN country team. Communication Strategy


Work together to develop a Country Team Communications Strategy.

Communication Strategy


The country team’s UN Communication s Group should unite to help agencies communicate together. Communication Strategy


Internal communication is essential: staff are your #1 audience

Communication Strategy


Consider pooling communications funding, HR and office space.

Communication Strategy


Communicate to unite your team and convince it to deliver what you promise.

the choice

Communication Strategy


Communication Strategy


? Communication Strategy


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