Quiz One Solutions

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 382
  • Pages: 3
Name: _______________________________________ ID

: _______________________________________


Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

You are short a forward contract on an investment asset with a delivery price K. On 1 the delivery date, T, the investment asset’s market price is ST. Which of the following diagrams best describes your payoff profile?






For a non-dividend paying asset and given: F0 = Forward price today with T = term to maturity a) Buy one F0 r = T-period risk free rate b) Sell short one S0 S0 = underlying asset spot price today. You notice by observing the market that F0 < S0*erT. You would... Based on the previous question; at time T, to a) Receive one S0 lock-in your profit, you would … b) Sell one S0 You will receive a student grant of €1,500 in four months and again in six months time. Interest rates are a constant 4%. Using €2,950 continuous compounding, what is the value of your grant today? You shorted an american put option with a Z - max(X-S,0) strike price X, for a premium Z. At expiration underlying price is S. your profit is: What is the current, arbitrage-free price of a 6 month forward contract on a 10-year bond. The face value of the bond is $1,000 and the market price is $1,050. The bond pays a 5% €1,101.58 coupon on a semi-annual basis and the next coupon is due in six months, immediately before the forward contract delivery. Risk free interest rates are constant at 2%. With regard to Futures Exchanges, which of Exchanges provide a



a) Sell short one F0 b) Buy one S0

a) Buy one F0 b) Buy one S0

Nothing, the market is in equilibrium


a) Deliver one S0 b) Buy one S0

a) Receive one S0 b) Buy one S0

a) Deliver one S0 b) Sell one S0






max(S-X,0) - Z

max(X-S,0) - Z

Z - max(S-X,0)




The exchange clearinghouse The exchange allows

The exchange provides a



• • • •

Answer all questions All questions carry equal marks Answer 1, 2, 3 or 4 on the right-hand side Ensure you have entered your name and Student ID on the first page

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