Quiz 2 Fall 2006 | 2005 - 2007 | Www.ilearnmath.net

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  • Words: 539
  • Pages: 2
AP Calculus :: 2006-2007 :: Shubleka

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Show all your work for full credit! Problem 1 (10 points) i)

Use the natural logarithm to eliminate the quotients and exponents in the following equation: 3  x 12 x  3 y 1  7 x 2 x  3 3 4






Solve the following equation for x : 1

log 3 ( x 4 )  log 3 ( x 3 )  2 log 3 ( x 2 )  5 Problem 2 (10 points) Definition: A real-valued function f (x) is a one-to-one function if and only for any two values x1 , x2 in the domain, the following is true: f ( x1 )  f ( x2 )  x1  x2 i)

Show that f ( x)  x 3 is a one-to-one function.


True or False? All one-to-one functions are invertible (i.e. their inverses are also functions). If true, justify your answer with an informal (or formal!) argument. If false, provide a counterexample.

Problem 3 (20 points) i)

Determine the general solution for the doubling time x D and the half-life xH for the function

y  y 0 a x . Comment on the restrictions on a in each case. ii)

Determine the general solution for the doubling time x D and the half-life xH for the function

y  y0 e kx . iii)

The half-life of radium-226 is 1620 years. Write a formula for the quantity, Q , left after t years, if the initial quantity is Q0 .


What percentage of the original amount of radium is left after 500 years?

Problem 4 (10 points) True of False? Briefly justify your answer in each case. No formal proofs are required. 1


If f (x) is strictly increasing, then f

( x) is also strictly increasing.


If a function is odd, then it does not have an inverse function.


The function f ( x) | sin x | is even.

A mathematician's reputation rests on the number of bad proofs he has given. Besicovitch, A.S.

AP Calculus :: 2006-2007 :: Shubleka



If f (x) is strictly increasing and g(x) is strictly increasing, then f ( x)  g( x) is decreasing for all x values.


If f (x) is strictly increasing and g(x) is strictly increasing, then f ( x)  g ( x) is decreasing for all x values.


If f (x) is strictly increasing and g(x) is strictly increasing, then f ( x) g ( x) is decreasing for all x values.


If f (x) is strictly increasing and g(x) is strictly increasing, then f g (x) is increasing for all x values.


If g(x) is an even function, then f ( g ( x)) is decreasing always even.


The inverse of y  log x is given by y 


An exponential function can be decreasing.

1 log x


“I hereb y agree th at I w ill not discuss or disclose the content of this quiz with anyone other than Mr. Shubleka until 10/3/2006.” __ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ __ (Sign ature)

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