M, Tech.in Optoelectronicsand Laser Technolory (First Semester)EXAMINATION, 2008
Time : ThreeHours Max. Marks : 100
) Note : Solveanyfive questionsin all, selectingonequestionfrom eachunit. UNIT - I
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1 ,1
Justifythat Attenuationin singlemodetlber is smallerthan in multimode fiber. Explain the mechanismthat causes attenuationin optical fiber. 10 OR
I (a)
Draw a basic-blockdiagramof Fiber optic communication link and explain in brief the function of eachbiock. Also explainthe needof fiber optical communication. 10
Discussthe nonlinearphenomenathat are most relevantfor fiber-optic communications.Define stimulatedfight and Brillouin scattering. 10 Describe group velocity Dispersion and inter-modal dispersionphenomenonin singlemode fiber. Discusshow doesGroup velocity Dispersionlimits the performanceof light wavesystemusedin opticalfiber system. 10
Q,3(a) UNIT - II
Q 2( a )
Definethe corediameter of opticalfiber. Describethe types of opticalfiber giving fiber construction andrefractiveindex profile. Explainhow differentmodespropagates throughan' opticalfiber.Whataremicrobendsandmacrobends ? 10 Describethe followingprocessof fabricationof opticalfiber. (i) OVPO(outsidevapourPhauOxidation) (iD MCVD (Modifiedchemicalvapourdeposition) 10 Discussmeritsanddemeritsalso. OR Draw and explain ideal and real characteristicsof a WDM opticalfilter. Definethefollowingparameters10 (i) (ii) Centrefrequency PassBandwidth (iit (iv) StopBandwidth Isolation (v) Ripple.
Describethe principai of operationof Erbium dopedfiber Amplifier.Discussits gainspectrum. 10 Discussthe advantagesand disadvantages of analog and disital modulationschemeusedin ooticalfiber svstems.1 0
j )
( Q4.
Discussthe designof optical Transmitterwith respectto followine(D Sourcefiber coupling (ii) Ddving circuitry (iii) Opticalmodulators 20 OR
). I
Define the following functionalparametersof optical passivq devices10 \., (t InsertionLoss(IL) (ii) RetumLoss(RL) (iii) Reflectance (i") Operatingwavelength (v) Transfermatrixfor a FiberopticBranchingDevice. UNIT - III
OR Describe the principal of operation of Raman Amplifier. DefineRamanGainandBandwidth. 10 Discuss the purpose of use of optical ampliliers (Application)in the designof fiber opticcornmunication.10
,l {
Discussthefollowingnoisegenerated in Receiver 10 (D ShortNoise (iD ThermalNoise Describethe following basicconceptscommonto all photo defectors10 (i) quantumefficiency Responsivity(ii) (iiD Bandwidth. IINIT - V
Describe synchronousoptical Network (SONET) giving structure,BasicBuildingBlock andSTS-Nframes. 10 Describe the principal of operation of WDM optical switches. 10 OR
Q 5 (a )
Describe SynchronousDigital Hierarchy (SDH) giving standardbit ratesandfiame structure. 10 Describe the function WDM (wavelength division multiplexing) multiplexer andits channeiprofile type. 10
M,Tech. in Optoeleclronicsand Laser Technology
(First Semester) f,xamination,2008
Q.4. Describethe electrcnicstatcsin conjugatedmolecularsolids.How singlet and in molecular triplet statesare farmed.Discussfluorescence& phosphorescence solidswith the help ofsuitable diagram.
oE-l3 Paper Third OPTOELECTRONICS Time : ThreeHours
OR Max. Marks : 100
/,/Descdbeanyoneofthe followiugin detail(i) TIIF method (ii) Bossier Model
Note : Answer any five Questions.Selectingone from eachunit. All questionscarry equalmarks.
UNIT - I i1.
What is relationbetweenabsorptionand emissionspectra? Describea rnethod for measurementofabsorption and Luminescencespecha.
Describefabrication andworkingprincipleof organiclight emittingdiode.On whatfactorsdoestheefficiencvofOLED deoands. OR
OR Describethe processofelectron-holepair formation and rec,ombination in semiconductorswith suitablediasrams.
UNIT - II . Discussthenematic,Smecticaadcholosteric phases ofliquid crystals. Describethe operationoftwisted nematicdisplay. OR Describeany two ofthe following growth methodsofoptoelectronicmaterial and enumeratetheir advartages ard disadvantages (i) MBE
(ii) MocvD (iii) Plasma CVD UNIT _ III Q.| a/
Describe the principle c'f working chamcteristics and fabrication ol photodiode.Classifyphotodiode.
OR Write a short note on any two (i) Neno electronics (ii) Luminescentmaterials (iii) Solarcells.
Describein detailconstruction andprincipleofworkingoforganic photovoltaic. Discussfill factorVoc,IscandefficiencyofOPV.
Code:S-739 M.Tech.in Optoelectronics& LaserTecblologr (First Semester)Examination,2008 QE- 12 Paper- Second (LASER TECHNOLOGY)
Time : ThreeHours
y' '
,,1( Discussthe working principle ofrare earthdopedlasers.
Max Mark. 100
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Note - Attempt all five questions.Eachquestioncarry equalmarks.
OR a. What arestandingwaveandtravelling waveresonators? Discussary one activemodelocking scheme.
1. a. Why minimumthreeenergylevelsa:erequiredto causepopulationinversion betweentwo levels ?
b. How non-lineareffectsare usedfor enhanced modelocking? Discuss measmement techniques associated with ultrashorllaserpulses.
b. Explain purposeand working of optical resonators.Discussthe conditions for oscillator stabilitv in laserresonator.
Dir"u* th"o"""u"u4,u.d ,uffi3lt corditioosfo, laseractior.
i t
. Describein shortthe line broadeningmechanismof emittedlaserbeam. Out ofthese broadeningwhich one is the mostdominating? Unit - [ 2. a. Describetlle role ofmaroscopic polarizationon dispersionandgain in a laseroscillator.
Unit - V Explaintheappiicationoflaserin foilowirrg: a. Measurementof rotation b. Medicineandsurgery OR a. Describetheapplications oflasersin oplical- fibre communications. b. Explain the term holopaphyandholographicintenferomety.Discussapplicationofholographyin datastorage.
b. Explain designand analysisof any one popular optically pumpedsolid statelaserusingproperillustrations. OR the following topics in short : a. Q-switchingandmodelocking -,Explain b. Turablelaser
,. Unit-N Explantrnportantcharacteristics ofultrashorlpulselasers.How ulfia short purselasersaregenerated /
b7 Discusssomeimpofiant applicationsof ultrashortpulse lasers.Explain / broadband coherentexcitationin short.
Unit - I
,r" Explainhowpopulationinversionandlasingactionocculsin directbandgap semiconductors. Comparethe structureandpropertiesof semiconductor laserandlight emittingdiodes(LEDs;.
Unit - I Describethe principle andstrucfl[e ofheterojunctionlasers.Discussimportantfactorsresponsiblefor lessesin heterojunctionlasers.Namesome importanthetedunctionlasermaterialsandtheir relativemerits. OR \
M.Tech.jn Optoelectronicsand Laser Technology @irst Semester)EXAMINATION, 2008
/ /vv' kUtn^ /-oE-rr PaperFirst \
MODERN OPTICS tax. Marks: 100
Time : ThreeHou.t
carryequalmarks. Note: All questions / that determine theproperties .t. (7) Describethedifferentopticalcoeffrcients olthe medium at the macroscopic level.
*" reflectivity of silicon at 633 nm is 35% and the absorption coefficientis j.8 x t0-t m-1.Calculatethe tansmissionand optical densityof a samplewith a thicknessof 10 pm.
'/ 'rd
OR Discuss in details about the Atomic oscillators & vibrational oscillators. \"/
and also Explain the excitation and relaxation in Photoluminescence explainPbotoluminescencespectroscopy. OR Defme Electroluminescenceand explair the principle and working of light emitting diodes.Give any two applicationsof LED's.
/-+ <_/
Derive the expressionfor the elecfic field strength 6 , tle polarization i andthe electric displacementi anddefrnethem. OR Explain Quantumtra$ition ratesin detail. Discussthe physical origin of optical nonlinearitiesandexplainthe nonlinearfrequencymixing. Also explainthe non resona.ntard resonartnonlineadties.
/ s,/ .-/
DiscussRayleigh, Brillouin and Ramanscatteriryincluding non-linear effects. Wrile shortnoteson (a) Fourier transform (b) Spatialandtemporalcoherence OR Wlat is Holography?DiscussHolographictecbniques& applications.