Question Bank Cn

  • November 2019
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D.Y.PATIL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,AKURDI,PUNE-44 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS &TELECOMMUNICATION UNIT WISE QUESTION BANK SUB. : - COMPUTER NETWORK B.E(E&TC) 100 mark theory UNIT I 1. What is the principle difference between connectionless communication and connection oriented communication? 2. What are two reasons for using layered protocols in communication networks? 3. What are the functions of following layers in OSIISO reference model: i) Physical layer. ii) Data link layer. iii) Network layer. iv) Transport layer. 4. Suggest various network topologies for i) Broadcast networks ii) Point to point networks List their advantages and disadvantages. 5. Which OSI layer is responsible for the following ? i) Determining the best path to route packets. ii) Providing end-to-end communication with reliable service. iii) Providing node-to-node communication with reliable service. 6. Give the detailed comparison of OSl and TCP reference model for Networks. 7. Why do LANs tend to use broadcast networks? 8. List the six network topologies used for a point to point subnet topology? 9. Define LAN, MAN and WAN 10.Explain how data is transmitted and received in a seven layer OSI mode? 11.What are service primitives? Explain with examples. 12. Explain the service primitives used in connection oriented communications

13.State with reasons which of the seven layers of the OSlmodel wih play a role in the following circumstances: i) A user would like to use a preferred path for communication. ii) A user wants to have secret communication for selected messages. iii) The network supports a packet service with packet length of 1024 bytes. A user wants to send short messages of 128 bytes each. iv) A user wants to acquire real time data from a remote site . 14. Explain in detail network software design issues. 15. How the computer networks are classified into different categories? Explain why? 16.What is interface, service and protocol? Explain how interface works with ,the help of neat diagram. 17.What principles, are applied to arrive at seven layers of OSI-1S0 model?, Give reasons for failure of this model. 18.Explain clientserver network 19 Explain in brief any four issues involved with design & implementation of wireless networks. 20 Give classification of networks based on i) Geographical Distance ii) Protocol stack used iii) Physical medium used 20. Explain peer-to-peer network 21.Explain following terms with reference to layered architecture ' i) Interfaces ii) Services iii) Protocol

UNIT II Physical Layer 1. Explain the characteristics of transmission line. 2. Explain the transmission media ? 3. Which factors are consider while designing the transmission media ? 4. What are the different transmission medium used in communication? 5. What is the advantage of co-axial and fiber optic cable? 6. Explain the following media: a) STP, b) UTP, c) FOC d) Co-axial; 7. Explain the message switching in telephone network. 9. Compare datagram and virtual circuit. 9. Write the difference between packet, circuit and message switching. 10. Draw the block diagram of modem and explain. 12. List the functions of modem at the transmitting end. 13. Explain the functions of modem at the receiving end. 14. Explain the working of modem. 15. List the features of modem. 16. List the different types of modem. 17. What is full duplex and half duplex modem? 18. What do you mean by four wire modem? 19. Write a short note on standard modem. 20. Explain the features of following modems: a) Bell 103 mo.del11 b) Bell 212 modem c) Bell 202 modem 21. Explain the Bell103 modem. 22. Explain the frequency division multiplexing. 23. Give the advantages and disadvantages of FDM. 24. What is TDM? Explain. 25.Explain working of modem with the help of blockdiagram.

26. Wlite short note on communication satellites. [6] 27. Write a short note on : a) Synchronous TDM b) Asynchronous TDM (STATDM) 26. List the advantages and disadvantages of TDM. 28. Compare the FDM and TDM. 29. Give the advantages of TDM over FDM. 30. Explain the ASK, PSK and FSK modulation method. 31. Explain the concept of Internet over cable. 32. Explain why the bandwidth of TP and coaxial cable decreases with distance. 33. List the names of transmission media used for networking. List characteristics of each medium 34. Give a brief description of the application and limitation of the following types of transmission media i) Twisted pair iii) Co-axial cable ii) Fiber optic cable iv) Microwaves. 35. Write short note on - ADSL. 36.Compare circuit switching and packet switching. [5] 37.Explain different multiplexing tectmiques used in,computer networks. 38.What signal-to-noise ratio is required to put TI carrier on a 50kHz line. -Given that is carrier line has 24 multiplexed voice signals sampled at 8kHz and 1bit per frame is used 39. WHat is cable modem? Explain. 40. Compare LEO'S MEO'S al1dGEO'S. 41. Compare the maximum data rate or noiseless 4 kHz channel using. i) Analog encoding with 2 bit per sample. ii) TheTl PCM system specified in theta 3(a). 42.Explain coaxial cables with reference to following: i) Coaxial cable standards. ii) Coaxial cable connectors. iii) Performance iv) Applications 43.explain in brief the following modem standerds 1)V.32 2)V.34 bis 3)V.90

UNIT-III Data Link Layer 1.Explain any six functions provided by datalink layer. 2.Explain the control field in HDLC frame. 3.Ca1culate ring latency of 20 stations seprated by. 100 meters and operate at a speed ,4 mbps Assume the delay introduced by each station to be 2.5 bits. 4.Consider a 64 kbps geostationary satellite channel, used to send 512 bytes data frames in one direction, with very short ,acknowledgement coming back the other way what is maximum throughput for a window size of 1,7, 25 & 127 if sliding winadow protocol is' used 5. Explain Bit map protocol. [4] 6. Make the following data transparent and put it in a BSC frame and underline original message. DLE ETX SYN DLE DLE ETX 7. Two neighboring nodes A and B use a sliding window protocol with a 3-bit sequencenumber'. ARQ mechanism Go-back-N is used with a window size of 4. Assuming A istransmitting and B is receiving, show the window position for the following succession. i) Before A sends any frames. ii) After A sends frames 0, 1, 2 and B acknowledges 0, 1, and the ACKs are received by A. iii) After A sends frames 3, 4, and 5 B acknowledges 4 and the ACK is received by A. 8. Explain bit stuffing process. a)Draw a flow-chart to show the process the receiver follows to identify and discard a

stuffed bit. Assume total of 15 or more consecutive l' s indicates idle

channel and total of 7 to 14 consecutive 1'5 indicate an abort. 9. With the aid of sketches, identify the direction of commands and responses associated with HDLC protocol for the following network configuration: i) Point to point with single primary and secondary.

ii) Point to point with combined station. iii) Multipoint with a single primary 10. What is character stuffing and bit stuffing in DLL ? Discuss in detail in which algorithm character stuffing is used. 11. Write a program for the transmitter and the receiver implementing 'stop-andwait' A RQ over a data link that introduces errors. Assume station 'A' has an unlimited supply of frames to s('Jnd to station 'B'. Only ACK frames are sent from station B to A. Identify each event that can take place at the transmitter and receiver. (Dec.-200l) 12. Consider a 64 Kbps geostationary satellite channel is used to send 512-byte' data frame's in one dilwtion, with very short acknowledgement coming back the' other way. What is the maximum throughput for window size of 1, 7, 15 and 127 ? (sliding window protocol is used). 13. List the design issues involved in data-link-layer design. (May-2002) 14. Discuss in detail the HDLC protocol. What arc the similarities and differences between PPP and HDLC ? (May-2002) 15. Suppose transmission channel becomes virtually error free. Is the data link layer still needed ?' Justify. (Dec.-2002) 16. A channel has got a bit rate of 4 Kbps and propagation delay of 20 msec. For what range of frame sizes the stop and wait wih give an efficiency of at least 50 '10. 17. With the help of algorithm explain the working of sliding window protocol. 18. List the various services a data link layer provides to Network layer. 19. A 64 kbps satellite channel sends data frames of size 512 bytes in one direction. Calculate the maximum throughput for window size 1, 7, 15 and 127, when a sliding window protocol is. used. Assume' the acknowledgement coming back the other way are very short. 20. Explain Go-Back-N protocol. What are the demerits of this protocol ? (Dec.2003) 21. Explain in detail the HDLC frame format and its control fields. (Dec.-2003) 22. List the design issues involved in data link layer design. (Dec.-2003)

22. PPP is based closely on HDLC, which uses bit stuffing to prevent accidental flag byte's within the pay load fr0111causing confusion. Give reason why PPP use's character stuffing instead. 23. What is media sharing? State types of media sharing. 24. Explain - a) Static Channel Allocation b) Dynamic Channel Allocation 25. Explain multiple access protocols. 26. What is ALOHA? Explain its types. 27. Explain i) Pure' ALOHA ii) Slotted ALOHA 28. Define following terms for a pure ALOHA system a) Throughput b) Offered traffic c) Channel capacity 29. Derive expression for maximum throughput for pure ALOHA channel. 30. Derive maximum throughput for slotted ALOHA channel. 31. Explain CSMA protocol and its different types. 32.What is difference between non-persistent CSMA and P-Persistent CSMA ? 33. Explain CSMA protocol operation. 34. What is the purpose of 'jam' signal ? 35. Explain collision free protocols. 36. What is multiple access technique? Explain different multiple access techniques. 37. Write short note on - Wireless LAN protocols. 38. Measurements of a slotted ALOHA clzm111elwith an infinite number of user. of the slots are idle. i) What is channel load ? iij What is throughput ? iii) is the channel overloaded or under loaded ? 39. What is CSMAnCO ? Explain the binary expansion back off algorithm. 40. What is frame format for 802.3 and 802.4 standards ?

41. Explain in detail Token Ring MAC sublayer protocol. 42. Explain the working principle of FDDI. 43. List the specifications of IEEE 802.3 LAN standard. 44. Explain the mechanism of Logical Right Maintenance for IEEE 802.4. 45. List the specifications of 802.6 (DQDB). Explain the working. 46. Compare & contrast Goback"ANARQ.protocol with selective Repeat ARQ 47.Compare & contrast HDLC&PPP.Protocols. [6] 48.Explain CSMACD ' [6] Using 5 bit sequence numbers, what is the maximum size of the send & receive window for [6] i) Stop and-wait ARQ. ii)Go-back-N ARQ. iii) Selective-Repeat ARQ.

UNIT IV – NETWORK & TRANSPORT LAYER 1. State the functions of Network Layer. 2. What are the services provided by the network layer to the transport layer?

3. Compare virtual circuit & datagram subnet. 4. List the goals of network layer. Define routing, flooding. 5. What is distance vector routing? Explain it’s disadvantages with suitable example. 6. State principle of congestion control. What are the congestion prevention policies? 7. Explain leaky bucket algorithm. 8. How the connection is established & released in TCP? 9. Give the states used in the TCP connection finite state machine. 10. Define routing. Explain the types of routing. 11. What is the task of transport layer? List the services provided to upper layers by transport layer. 12. Explain how Q.S. is improved by transport layer? 13. What are the transport service primitives? 14. Write short note on UDP, RSVP. 15. Compare TCP & UDP. 16. Draw & Explain TCP Header Format. 17. Explain performance issues for network. 18. Explain any two congestion control algorithm. 19. Explain the functions of transport layer& services provided to upper layer. 20. Compare token bucket & leaky bucket algorithm. 21. Compare congestion control flow control algorithm. 22. What is the difference between end to end delay & packet jitter? 23. What are the causes of packet jitter? 24. If two packets arrive at destination, which control is needed at transport layer? 25. Compare distance vector & link state routing.

UNIT V APPLICATION LAYER 1. What are the security issues in communication network? 2. Explain the functions of application layer. 3. State the principle of cryptography. 4. Explain the types of cryptography. 5. What are the various security issues involved in internet & intranet? 6. Compare stream cipher & block cipher. 7. Explain symmetric key & asymmetric key cryptography. 8. What is a socket? What is its use? 9. What is DNS? What resources records are associated with it? 10. What is the concept of socket programming for client server? 11. Write short note on SNMP management model. 12. Write short note on FTP. 13. What are the security issues in communication network? Discuss public key algorithm. 14. Write short note on cryptography. 15. Give UDP packet format. 16. What are the two final delivery protocols used to deliver the mail to the user? Compare them. 17. Explain in brief video on demand. 18. What is SMTP? Explain in brief. 19. Describe the role of DNS in a content distribution network. 20. Hoe to write a web page in HTML? Explain with suitable example. 21. Write short note on a) W W W b) SMTP c) ARP d) TELNET e) RSA algorithm f) DNS server g) POP h) E- Mail. 22. State & Explain the advantages & dis advantages og HTML 23. Compare HTTP & SMTP., Compare MD 5 & SHA. 24. Write short note on key distribution & certification. 25. Explain the functions of E-mail.

UNIT VI TCP / IP PROTOCOL SUITE 1. Explain the internetworking with its significance. 2. State the different parameters to differ the network. 3. Explain the terms tunneling & fragmentation. 4. Draw & Explain the format of IP header. 5. Describe the IP addressing formats with suitable examples. 6. Explain all IP addressing formats range of host address. 7. A machine is attached to more than one physical networks, explain in brief why does it will require different IP addresses for each attainment? 8. What is the subnet masking? 9. A network on the internet has a subnet mask of What is the maximum no. of hosts it can handle? 10. Describe the IP addressing formats. What is the purpose of keeping aside the special IP address? 11. What is the purpose of firewall? Describe the types of firewall. 12. Explain the use of Network Address Translation (NAT). 13. State & Explain in brief the internet control protocols. 14. What is ICMP? Explain with message format. 15. What is ARP? Where is it used? Give example. 16. Write short note on RARP. 17. Why do we need POP3 or IMAP4 for electronic mail? 18. What is network virtual terminal (NVT)? 19. What is IGMP? Give its message format. 20. What is the size of ARP packet when the protocol is IPV4 & network is Ethernet? 21. What are various components of DNS? Explain it. 22. Write short note on IPV6. 23. Explain the difference between IPV4 & IPV6. 24. Explain FTP with suitable example.

25. State & explain in brief FTP commands. 26. What is Trivial FTP? 27. Explain the difference between FTP &TFTP. 28. Write short notes on a) SMTP b) ICMP c) IPV6 d) FTP e) ARP f) RARP g) IGMP h) TELNET i) RTP 29. What is DHCP? How it works? 30. What is Bootstrapping? Explain Bootstrap protocol (BOOTP). 31. Describe the term NFS with client &server. 32. What is CIDR? What is the allocation of class C address space? 33. What is internet multicasting? Give examples of permanent group address. 34. Explain the different types of IP utilities.

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