Quants Question Bank 1

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  • Pages: 8
Q.2 A ladder lies against a wall. The top of the ladder reaches 8 ft. above the ground. When the ladder slips two metres away from the wall, the top of the ladder touches the foot of the wall. The length of the ladder is 1) 15 2) 17 3) 8 4) 10 Q.3 A takes 4 days to do a work. B takes twice as long as A. C takes twice as long as B and D takes twice as long as C. They are made in groups of two. One of the groups takes two third of the time taken by second pair. What is the combination of the first pair? 1) A,C 2) A,D 3) B,C 4) B,D Q.4 A student got marks in the ratio 6:7:8:9:10 in five subjects having equal maximum marks. In all, he scored 60% marks. In how many subjects, he got more than 50% ? 1) 4 2) 5 3) 3 4) None of these Q.5 What is the least value of x for which expression x3 – 7x2 + 11x – 5 gives positive quantity? 1) 4 2) 5 3) 8 4) None of these Q.9 Ram is having 158 coins of one rupee. He puts it in different bags, so that he can hand over the cash of any denomination required between Rs. 1 to Rs. 158. What is the least no. of bags required ? 1) 11 2) 13 3) 15 4) None of these Q.10 Train X starts from A towards B. At same time, train Y start from B towards A. Train X travels at speed of 70 kmph and Y travels at 50 kmph. While X does not stop anywhere on the way, the train Y stops at station C in between at 60km from B for 15 minutes. At what distance from A they would meet 1) 115km 2) 112km 3) 120km 4) None of these Q.11 There are three classes X,Y and Z. Average of class X is 83. Average of Class Y is 76. Average of class Z is 85. Average of class X and Y is 79, average of class Y and Z is 81. Find average of three Classes. 1) 81 2) 81.5 3) 82 4) 84

Q.12 There are five nos. a,b,c,d,e having value of 2,5,6,10,4, not necessarily in this order. We have following clues 1) c + a = e 2) e + a = d 3) b-d = d Which of the following is true ? 1) 10-5 = b-d 2) 4 + 6 = a+e 3) 4-2 = b-d 4) None of these. Q.13 How many 5 digit different nos. can be formed which is divisible by 4 from the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6 without repetition. 1)144 2)168 3)192 4)None of these Q.14 All the pages of a book starting from page 1 are summed. One of the pages has been added twice, and the total thus obtained is 1000. Which is the page that has been added twice ? 1) 10 2) 12 3) 14 4) None of these. Q.15 In a certain system product of 44 X 11 is represented as 2124 find how 1453 can be represented in decimal system ? 1)248 2) 346 3) 393 4) 410 Q.16 All positive consecutive integers starting from 1 were written on the blackboard. One of the students entered the class and erased one of the numbers. Now the average of the remaining numbers is 35 7/17.The erased number is _______. 1)17 2)8 3)9 4)None of these Q.18 In a four digit number, the sum of digits in the first and fourth place is twice the sum of the digits in the third and fourth place. The difference in the first and third digit is equal to the second digit. What is the digit in the third place? 1) 5 2) 4 3) 3 4) 1

Q.19 A person had to multiply two numbers. Instead of multiplying by 35, the person multiplied by 53, and the product went up by 540.What was the raised product? 1) 780 2) 1040 3) 1590 4) None of these Q.20 Euclid had a triangle in his mind .The longest side is 20 and the other side is 10.Area of the triangle is 80.The third side is__ 1) root 260 2) root 240 3) root 250 4)root 210 Q.21 09/12/2001 is Sunday. What was the day on 09/12/9071? 1) Thursday 2) Wednesday 3) Saturday 4) Sunday Q.22 In a fibonacci series, difference between squares of 6th and 7th terms was 517. What is the 8th term. 1) 32 2) 65 3) 83 4) None of these Q.23 There is a circular field having four doors in North, East, West and South. A person walks 3 meters from the North door. Another person comes out of the South door and walks 9 meter towards East so that he is just able to see the first man. What is the diameter of the field. 1) 12 2) 15 3) 9 4) None of these. Q.25 Ram has 128 boxes with him. He has to put atleast 120 oranges in one box and 144 at the most. Find the least number of boxes which will have the same number of oranges. 1) 5 2) 6 3) 103 4) Can’t determine. Q.26 There are two persons A and B who joined an organization on 1st Jan 1970. A joined at Rs. 300 and annual increment of Rs.30. B gets salary of Rs. 200 and hike of Rs. 50 per six month. Find the total amount distributed at the end of 31st December 1979. 1) 91200 2) 92800 3) 97200 4) None of these

Q.29 If X and Y are positive integers and X + Y = 1, what is the least value of (X + 1/X)2 + (Y+1/Y)2 ? 1) 24 2) 12.5 3) 20 4) None of these Q.30 2<X<3 and –7 b and c> d and abcd =1 ,then which of the following is correct? 1) bd ³ ac 2) a+c > b+d 3) a2 b
Q.38 x > 5 and y < -1. Which of the following is true ? 1) x2y >1 2) 4x > 5y 3) –4x < 5y 4) None of these Q.39 x,y and z are integers, x and y are positive odd and z is positive even integers then which is even ? 1) (x-z)2y > 0 2) (x-z)y2 > 0 3) (x-y)2z > 0 4) None of these Q.40 There is a rectangular field of length 60 m and width 20 m. A path of uniform width and area 516 sq m surrounds the field. Find the width of path 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 Q.41 If abcd = 1 then the minimum value of (1+a)(1+b) (1+c) (1+d) is __________ 1) 8 2) 16 3) 4 4) None of these Q no.42 -44 are based on the following data: A player X played an inning such that r1=Scores of completed innings. r2=Scores of incomplete innings. n1= number of completed innings. n2=number of incomplete innings. B=r1+r2 / n1 C=r1/n1 + max { 0,r2-r1/n2} D= r1+r2/ n1+n2 Q.42 Which of the following holds? 1) C ³ B ³ D 2) D ³ B ³ C 3) B ³ C ³ D 4) None of these. Q.43 If B=100 and in next innings he scored 45 not out, then which of the following holds? 1) B>C 2) C>B 3) C>D 4) None of these

Q.44 If total number of matches played were 20 and the score was 620,which of the following is true? 1) B=31 2) D=31 3) C>D 4) None of these. Q.45 What is the minimum value of value of x for which the expression x3-5x2+11x-5 gives positive values? 1) 5 2) 8 3) 4 4) None of these. Q.46 One boy while solving a Quadratic equation takes the constant term wrong and gets the roots (4,3). Another boy takes the coefficient of x wrong and gets the roots (2,3). What are the actual roots? 1) (6,1) 2) (-4,3) 3) (2,-3) 4) None of these. Q.47 If A,B,C are running a race A beats B by 12m while B beats C by 8 m. What is the length of the track ? 1) 48 2) 30 3) 50 4) None of these. Q.48 The difference in the money between A and B is Rs.1450.C has money twice of B and difference in the money between A and C is Rs.700.So the amount with A is? 1) 750 Rs. 2) 2200Rs. 3) 800Rs. 4) None of these. Q.49 P, Q and S are moving on a circular stadium of circumference 2100 m. When P completes one round, Q is still 700 m behind. When S completes one round, Q is 300 m ahead of him. How far from the starting point three of them will meet for the first time ? 1) 168 2) 2568 3) 2100 4) None of these Q.50 x, y, z are distinct integers such as x is positive, y is lesser than x and z is more than x and y. Then which of the following is true ? 1) x y³ 0 2) x-y > 0 3) x y z >0 4) None of these

1. (1) 2. (2) 3. (2) 4. (1) 5. (4) 6. (1) 7. (1) 8. (4) 9. (4) 10. (2) 11. (2) 12. (3) 13. (3) 14.(1) 15.(3) 16.(4) 17.(2) 18.(2) 19.(3) 20. (1) 21.(1) 22.(4) 23. (3) 24. (3) 25. (4) 26. (4) 27. (2) 28. (1) 29. (2) 30.(3) 31. (2) 32. (4) 33. (1) 34. (2) 35. (2) 36. (4) 37. (2) 38. (3) 39. (3) 40.(3) 41. (2)

42. (3) 43. (1) 44. (2) 45. (4) 46. (1) 47. (1) 48. (2) 49. (1) 50.(2)

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