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1. What are the Features & Benefits of Quick Test Pro (QTP)..? Operates stand-alone, or integrated into Mercury Business Process Testing and Mercury Quality Center. Introduces next-generation “zero-configuration” Keyword Driven testing technology in QuickTest Professional 8.0 — allowing for fast test creation, easier 2. Where can I get Quck Test pro (QTP Pro) software.. This is Just for Information purpose only. Introduction to QuickTest Professional 8.0, Computer Based Training: Please find the step to get QuickTest Professional 8.0 CBT Step by Step Tutorial and Evaluation copy of the software. The full CBT is 162 MB. You will have to create account to be able 3. How to handle the exceptions using recovery secnario manager in Qtp? There are 4 trigger events during which a recovery scenario should be activated. They are A pop up window appears in an opened application during the test run. A property of an object changes its state or value. A step in the test does 4. What is the use of Text output value in Qtp? Answer posted by shreethik on 2005-06-09 08:36:38: Output values enable to view the values that the application takes during run time. When parameterized, the values change for each iteration. Thus by creating output values, we can capture the values that 5. How to use the Object spy in QTP 8.2 versions? 6. What is the file extension of the code file & object repository file in QTP? Regarding code I have no idea but for object repository there are 2 files Shared repository .tstper test .mtr 7. Explain the concept of object repository & how QTP recognises objects? With QTP 8.2, there available QTP Plus,setup.It provides Repositories Merge Utility.The Object Repository Merge Utility enables user to merge Object repository files into a single Object repository file. 8. What are the properties you would use for identifying a browser & page when using descriptive programming? For Browser We will have to see for "title"For Page also We will have to see for "title" 9. What are the different scripting languages you could use when working with QTP? This will also support java script, but i hve not tries refer Quick test plus help for each functions they have give code in vbs and js. 10. Give me an example where you have used a COM interface in your QTP project? com inteface appears in the scenario of front end and back end.for eg:if you r using oracle as back end and front end as VB or any language then for better compatibility we will go for an interface.of which COM wil be one among those intefaces. 11. Few basic questions on commonly used Excel VBA functions. Common functions are: Coloring the cell Auto fit cell setting navigation from link in one cell to other saving 12. Explain the keyword createobject with an example.





Createobject:Creates and returns a reference to an Automation object.Example:Dim ExcelSheetSet ExcelSheet = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet") 13. Explain in brief about the QTP Automation Object Model. Hello Friends, Can anyone explain, as what is a Framework and how to create a Framework using any automation tool like WinRunner or QTP? 14. How to handle dynamic objects in QTP? Using GETRO Property we will handle the runtime objects. 15. What is a Run-Time Data Table? Where can I find and view this table? The test results tree also includes the table-shaped icon that displays the run-time Data Table—a table that shows the values used to run a test containing Data Table parameters or the Data Table output values retrieved from a test while application 16. How does Parameterization and Data-Driving relate to each other in QTP? How i can get evaluation version of QTP. 17. What is the difference between Call to Action and Copy Action? When u insert a call to action,they r read only in the calling test.It can be modified in the original test.where as come to copy action,you can make changes to the copied action,your changes will not effect the original action where it created. 18. Discuss QTP Environment. QuickTest Pro environment using the graphical interface and ActiveScreen technologies - A testing process for creating test scripts, relating manual test requirements to automated verification features - Data driving to use several sets of data using 19. Explain the concept of how QTP identifies object. During recording qtp looks at the object and stores it as test object.For each test object QT learns a set of default properties called mandatory properties,and look at the rest of the objects to check whether this properties are enough to uniquely identify 20. Differentiate the two Object Repository Types of QTP. In Qtp there are 2 object repositories, they are1.Shared Object Repository2.Per Action Mode,by default it's per action mode.we will use shared OR for calling a particular action,it's like calling external libraries.we will use per action for a particular 21. What the differences are and best practical application of each. Per Action: For Each Action, one Object Repository is created. Shared: One Object Repository is used by entire application 22. Explain what the difference between Shared Repository and Per_Action Repository In Shared reporsitory, one object is used in more than one actions and in per action reporsitory, everytime in every action, objects are stored differently and are not shared. 23. Have you ever written a compiled module? If yes tell me about some of the functions that you wrote. I used the functions for capturing the dynamic data during runtime. Function used for Capturing Desktop, browser and pages.





24. What projects have you used WinRunner on? Tell me about some of the challenges that arose and how you handled them. pbs :WR fails to identify the object in gui. If there is a non std window obk wr cannot recognize it, we use GUI SPY for that to handle such situation 25. Can you do more than just capture and playback? Yes you can do more than capture/playback. Descriptive Programming is the answer to this question. We can write scripts without recording and it would still work fine. 26. How long have you used the product? 27. How to do the scripting. Is there any inbuilt function in QTP as in QTP-S. Whatz the difference between them? how to handle script issues? Yes, there's an in-built functionality called "Step Generator" in Insert->Step->Step Generator -F7, which will generate the scripts as u enter the appropriate steps. 28. What is the difference between check point and output value. Additional comment on Above comment:An output value is a value retrieved during the runsession and entered into runtime table or data table subsequently it can be used as input value in your test. 29. IF we use batch testing.the result shown for last action only.in that how can i get result for every action. u can click on the icon in the tree view to view the result of every action 30. How the exception handling can be done using QTP Recovery scenario manager provides a wizard that guides you through the defining recovery scenario. Recovery scenario has three steps 1. Triggered Events 2. Recovery steps 3. Post Recovery Test-Run 31. How do you test siebel application using qtp? In SWE section u need to addAutomationEnable = TRUE and at the same time you need to use SWECmd= AutoOn in the URL 32. How many types of Actions are there in QTP? QTP structured by actions.actions are subprocedures which perform certain actions on application under test.there are 2 types of actionsregular actions (non reusable actions) reusable actionsregular actions:regular actions are used only in the script in 33. How do you data drive an external spreadsheet? Import from External Spreadsheet File by selecting Import then From File . Which imports a tabbed text file or a single sheet from an existing Microsoft Excel file into the table. The sheet you import replaces all data in the currently selected 34. I want to open a Notepad window without recording a test and I do not want to use SystemUtil.Run command as well how do I do this? Another alternative to open a notepad is to use ShellObject. Check out with the following example:Dim aSet a = WScript.CreateObject ("WSCript.shell")a.run "notepad.exe"





35. how many types of recording modes in QTP?describe each type with an example where we use them? 3 types of recording modes in QTP.1.norma 2.analog mode 3.low level recording mode.pls describe where we use them exactly.. 36. How can we do the Frame work in QTP 37. Testing > QTPWhich feature of QTP would you like to improve? How would you go about implementing it ?(This question is only to test the candidate, I dont expect any strong answers. How should be able to convince the interviewer, thats it.) 38. Explain as to how would you design the driver code for a keyword based test script. 39. what if storage limit of shared object repository exceeds its limit(2 MB).how this kind of situation can be handled? One can use advanced object repository Editor from Sirus SQA 40. how to handle java tree in QTP Hi, first of all we need to have a java add-in to handle a java tree.In tools option we have the "object identification" drop down list.There we have the java option to recognise the objects there select the tree option.Add the properties 41. How to fetch test data from Database by using QTP? In order to fetch test data from Database we have to create a adobdb connection object to connect with data base. the syntax is .... >CreateObject("Adodb.connection"). 42. What is the procedure to test flash applications using QTP? Can anyone please answer? 43. if a error occur during the excution of QTP script. how can we get the name of the current object that cause the error 44. I am using the QTPlus Repositories Merge Utility to merge all my different repositories into a single one. After having merged some repositories, I notice that, from the test, you can't see the web objects that were merged into the reposotory.If you open the merged repository in the Merge Utility, the web objects appear there.Has anyone encountered this problem? Am I missing something obvious? Does 45. Can we update the database though QTP. 46. How can we write scripts without having GUI(means u dont have any GUI and u want to write a script in QTP)? 47. How can u write a script without using a GUI in QTP? GUI in Qtp?do you mean to say Object repository?without OR,tester need to write descriptive tests,where you would directly assign property values and write methods.you do not need to save OR. 48. how to load the *.vbs or test generating script in a new machine?





49. How to add run-time parameter to a datasheet? 50. What is descriptive programming? 51. How you write scripts in qtp?what's the main process in qtp?How do you run scripts in Qtp?Please anyone can answer my questions....... 52. How to instruct QTP to display errors and ther description in the test results instead of halting execution by throwing error in the mid of execution due to an error (for example Object not found)? 53. I Have an interview in Qtp..Please could any one give me the hints what will they ask in interview..this is the first interview for me. 54. What is the descrirptive progrmaing?.what is the use of descriptive programing? 1. How will you test a stapler? Using user acceptance test 2. How will you write test cases for a code currently under development? The First Thing I will go through the Requirments if it is not understandable then we will conduct Requirment Analysis within our Team, then if need we will get the knowledge on the product from the developers.after that i will Prepare Requirement Traceblity 3. Describe the last project scenario and generate test cases for it? Based on the last project functionality we write test cases for it. 4. If there are a lot of bugs to be fixed, which one would you resolve first As a tester.. We donot fix bugs.. we only find bugsAs a developer... Bugs are to be fixed basing on the Priority and severity of bug.Sometimes even the severity is low..but if attaches to major functionality, then priority will be more to fix that bug.. 5. What would be strategy to fix bugs in an unknown piece of code? R&D works means basically we can say it is a verification process. Before you implementing some logic into your function you have to review those to find is their any errors which can be cleared by goingthrough that piece of logic we are going 6. If a customer wants a new feature to be added, how would you go about adding that? First Dev team do some R &D on required new feature, weather it is feasible or not.. If it is feasible then onle we will think further on that, We will update our old requirement docs and test plan. After that we will create some test 7. Did u ever have to deal with someone who doesn't believe in testing? What did u do? geetanjali Wrote: i will explain if the product will release without testing it can cause loose of quality, customer relaibilty, loss of reputation, and even loss of life, in a normal IT company there are 1:1 tester to developer, but in NASA there are 8. Generate test cases for replace string method





1. If characters in new string > characaters in previous string, none of the characters should get truncated. 2. If characters in new string < characters in previous string, junk characters should not be added. 3. Spaces 9. Write test cases for char * my_itoa(int n) method? What if this function is mission critical? How will you test it? How can you speed up the implementation? char * my_itoa(int n) method For this function : First I will pass correct argument and checks weather it is functioning correctly or not for correct arguments. I will pass float as argument, and check weather type casting is happening 10. How would you test a fast lazer printer? 11. How will you test a keyboard? First check the requirements of the keyboardas we are familiar with keyboards, check the dimensions and design of the keyboard as requirementsnext checks the total no. of keys and check whether all keys are present and present correctly in their specified 12. How will you test a newly installed elevator? What will you be the broad categories of your test cases. go through the requirements.. check for the maximum load cpacity.. check wheather the system is funcitoning properly.. check for the different switches awilable.. check their funtionality... 13. What important test cases will need to be run to test an installable? 14. What is defect leakage? Defect leakage defines the time gap between defects found to defect resolved 15. What are the flaws in water fall model and how to overcome it? Since testing comes at the last stage , there are huge chances of defect multiplication, defects will be migrated to every stagewastage of human resuources and time delays are also introduced 16. How does u test a weblink which is changing dynamically? This could be tested through the automatedted test tools like rational robot and winrunner. 17. What is the difference between Return and treturn? 18. What is system testing and what are the different types of tests you perform in system testing? System testing is a type of Black box testing. System testing means testing the application. After the integration testing, usually will do system testing. Functionality, Regression, and performance testings comes under system testing. 19. How do we know about the build we are going to test? where do you see this? in test plan we r going to have all the details about who should test which tests in a team which is given by team leader.according to that all the group will do their testing 20. What did you do as a team leader? The roles of a lead1) Before the project gets started, will conduct one team meeting and discuss briefly about the upcoimg project2) will distribute the work among the team members and let them know which part of the application they are going to test3)





21. What test you perform mostly? Regression or retesting in your testing process? Retesting is the repeated execution of the test case which results in a fault,with the aim that fault has been cured,Regression testing is the renewed testing of already tested program or part after modification with the aim that the modification had 22. What is the major diff. between the Winrunner 6.0 and 7.0 (with internal procedure)? 23. What is tracebility matrix? 24. traceability matrix, test strategy 25. What is the actual different between re-testing and regressiontesting .brefily explain 26. what is inspection,review 27. What are the errors encountered while testing an application manually or using automated tool like Testdirector,Winrunner. 28. What bugs are mainly come in webtesting what severity and priority we are giving What is the job of the Test Engg when a Project is accepted by CEO? 29. What is the difference in testing a CLENT-SERVER application and a WEB application ? Client/server application is a 2-tier application where as web application is an n-tier application. 30. What is the difference in testing a CLENT-SERVER application and a WEB application ? Suganthi Wrote: In both of the Test we are performing Load and Performance Testing.Testing the application in intranet (withoutbrowser) is an example for client -server.Testing an application in internet (using browser) is called webtesting 31. What command is used to launch a application in winrunner? Invoke application command used to launch application in WR. See function generate in WR 32. Without using gui map editor? We can recognize the application in WinRunner ? Without Using GUI map Editor, We can recognize the Application in WinRunner by using Rapid Test Script Wizard, but it is also recognize only Client server application, not Web based application. 33. How can we write a good test case? Prasad Wrote: how to conduct a testing in Broken-links using WinRunner? Please If you know the Answer for a question .give that. or else submit question aging. 34. For a triangle (sum of two sides is greater than or equal to the third side),what is the minimal number of test cases required. Generally, we will calculate the number of test cases that depends on the particular module and its complexity. Minimum number of test cases= (number of inputs) multiply (1.6) (approx. calculatio 35. How will you check that your test cases covered all the requirements?





There is one formula to no the number of testcases i.sMinimum Number of testcases=No. Of inputs *1.6 36. How is test case write? Effictive test case contain Test case describtion,test i/p data,exp o/p and actual o/p. 37. What is meant by hot keys? A hot key is a key or a combination of keys on a computer keyboard when pressed performs a task. The specific task performed by a particular hot key varies by operating system or application. However, there are commonly-used hot keys. For example, pressing 38. Can any one help me in writing the testcases on atm transactions.... urgent pls answer to my query? 39. With what extension you can save the list of tests in a file to run in Test Batch Runner? Ans: .mtb 40 What are the key elements available in Test Result window? Ans: Test Result File bar, Menu bar, Test results tool bar, Test result tree, Test result details, Status bar. 41 What are Main panes available in QTP Test Browser? Ans: Test Pane (Tree & Expert), Test Details Pane (Active Screen), Date table, Debug viewer Pane. 42 How many tabs are available to view your test in a Test pane and what are they? Ans: Tree & Expert 43 What are the 3 main stages involved in Testing with QTP? Ans: Creating Tests, Running Tests, Analyzing Tests. 44 Write a Function to capture the Pop-up's? ans) Here I am writing steps to handle Pop-up Exceptions 1)select the Recovery scenario manager 2)Press the new scenario 3)click next 4)select the pop-up exception 5)select the pop-window which we want to handle(capture) by clicking the spy button 6)press next 7)select the specified option like keyboard or mouse operation press next 8)select the specified option cleck default button or press enter 9)cleck next and uncheck add another recovery operation 10)cleck next and select proceed next step 11)click next and give the scenarion name and description 12)click next and select add scenario to current test and add scenario to default setting.click finish afterword save that scenario. 45 What are different types of exceptions ? Ans)4 Types of Exceptiona are there 1)Pop-Up exceptions 2)Object State exceptions 3)Test Run error exceptions 4)Application Crash exceptions 46 What are Output values and why they are used ? Ans)Ouput values are values we can get those values from our application. We can put those values in data table and wherever we want we can use those values. In Parameterizing Tests, you created parameters that inserted different data into each iteration of a test run. You can also retrieve data from





your application and output it to the Data Table, using output values. This data can then be used at a later stage in the test. QuickTest displays the retrieved data, following the test run, in the Runtime Data Table 47 What are the Different types of Functions available in QTP and Explain ? Ans)Functions are 2 types 1)VB Script Functions-abs,now….etc 2) User defind Functions 48 What are the main Differences of QTP and Win Runner? Ans) 1) QTP is icon based testing tool. 2) QTP uses VB script while winRunner uses TSL which is C language based 3) QTP has Recovery Manager .Win Runner 7.5 also having Recovery Manager. 4) QTP generates output values and these can be used as input values to other Objects 5) QTP has userfriendly Browser, At a glance we can have a look of scripts ,Active Screen and Data XL sheet 6) In QTP we can’t put Runtime Database check Point. In win runner we can 49 Differences between Text and Test Area Checkpoints? Ans) Text Checkpoint—Enables you to check that the text is displayed in a screen, window, or Web page, according to specified criteria. It is supported for all environments Text Area Checkpoint—Enables you to check that a text string appears within a defined area in a Windows application, according to specified criteria. It is supported for Standard Windows, Visual Basic, and ActiveX environments 50 In what occasion we can specify Global sheet and Action sheet? Ans) We store data in the Global tab when we want it to be available to all actions in our test, for example, to pass parameters from one action to another. We store data in the action’s tab when we want it to be available to only one action in our test 51 What are Main panes available in QTP Test Browser? Ans) Test pane—Contains the Tree View and Expert View tabs Test Details pane—Contains the Active Screen Debug Viewer pane—Assists you in debugging your test. The Debug Viewer pane contains the Watch Expressions, Variables, and Command tabs. (The Debug Viewer pane is not displayed when you open QuickTest for the first time. You can display the Debug toolbar by choosing View > Debug Viewer.) 52 How we can import data from database? Ans) we can import data from a database by selecting a query from Microsoft Query or by manually

specifying an SQL statement Right-click on the Data Table sheet to which you want to import the data and select Sheet > Import > from Database. The Database Query Wizard opens. Select your database selection preferences like create query using Microsoft query or specify SQL statement manually and click next. After words by specifying connecting string and SQL statements. We can get data from database to data table. 53 Define Virtual object? Ans)Virtual objects enable you to record and run tests on objects that are not normally recognized by QuickTest. We can teach QuickTest to recognize any area of your application as an object by defining it as a virtual object.Some times QTP may not recognize some objects. In this kind of situations Using New Virtual Object we can convert Cutom Objects into standard Objects



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