Qtp - Automation Testing Training

  • November 2019
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Automation Testing Training Introduction To QTP

Session Objectives     

Introduction to Automation Benefits of Automated Testing Automated Testing Process Introduction to QTP and its Salient Features Environment Supported

Introduction to Automation 

Drawbacks of Manual testing Manual Testing

- Manual testing is time-consuming and tedious

- Requiring a heavy investment in human resources - Time constraints often make it impossible to manually test every feature thoroughly before the application is released - Low reliability

Benefits of Automated Testing 

Why Automation -

Fast Reliable Repeatable Programmable Comprehensive Reusable

Automated Testing

The following XL sheet give you the difference in Time taken for Manual testing and Automation Testing. Sales Process

Sr.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10

Business Process Sales Order Processing Reversal Process BOM and Pallets Shipment POD & X-DOCS Free Promotions Goods Crate Material Generation of Requirement Batch Split & Invoice Summary Inter company Sales Out of Scope Total

No of Script No of Conditions Name Conditions Automated S001 32 32 S002 7 7 S003 8 8 S004 4 4 S005 10 10 S006 4 4 S007 3 3 S008 1 1 S009 2 2 S010 5 5 40 0 116


Effort (in hours) for Automation 30.4 6.65 7.6 3.8 9.5 3.8 2.85 0.95 1.9 4.75 0 72.2

Time Taking Effort (in seconds) for Running for Manual (in Seconds) Running of all the for one conditions iteration 1500 420 298 123 512 240 395 120 714 182 388 124 445 148 422 210 630 101 555 185




Sr.No. 1 2

Business Process Rebate Agreement Processing Out of Scope Total

Time Taking Effort (in seconds) for Running No. of Effort (in for Manual (in Seconds) Script No of Condtions hours) for Running of all the for one Name Conditions Automated Automation conditions iteration R001 28 28 26.6 1200 360 2 0 0 30 28 26.6 1200 360

Which Test Cases to Automate?

   

Tests that need to be run for every build of the application (sanity check, regression test) Tests that use multiple data values for the same actions (data driven tests) Stress/load testing Tests requiring a great deal of precision

Which Test Cases Not to Automate?

Usability testing 

 

One-time testing "ASAP" testing 

"How easy is the application to use?"

"We need to test NOW!"

Ad hoc/random testing 

based on intuition and knowledge of application

Leading Automation Tools available in the Market For Functional testing

WinRunner QTP

Rational Robot

Silk Test

QA Run

Automated Testing Process

Automated testing involves three main steps

Creating Script(s)

Executing Script(s)

Analyzing Result(s)

Advantages of QTP over Win runner

 

QTP has user-friendly Browser, At a Glance we can have a look of Scripts, Active Screen and the Data XL Sheet. QTP uses VB Script while win runner uses TSL which is C language based QTP has Recovery Manager QTP generates output values and these can be used as input values to other Objects

Introduction to QTP 

Quick Test Professional is the flagship functional testing tool from Mercury Interactive. It is an icon based tool, which automates the functional & regression testing of an application. QTP is easier to use and implement for both technical & non technical testers in comparison to other functional testing tools available. Available versions are QTP 6.0 , 6.5,8.0 and 8.2

Salient Features 

 

Its Active Screen technology offers a Point-and-check interface for accessing & interacting with the components of the application under test. QTP produces an Icon-Based test tree in which each branch represents a step in the business process Testers can view and edit their test using either the tree view, an Icon-Based representation, or the expert View, which reveals the VBScript test that QTP automatically generates. QTP can automatically introduce Checkpoints

Salient Features 

During execution testers can manually insert several types of check points to verify that the objects continue to behave as expected. These check points are shown in the presentation in the later stage

Testers are able to record their tests so that each action, or step in the business process are modular & reusable.

When application under test changes, testers can update Object Repository, thus the change made is then propagated across all the scripts that reference to this object  EX: In the Authentication screen when the name of the button is changed to Sign In form Login, Just make an update in the Object Repository.

Salient Features

 

 

After running a test QTP displays the results in a tress structure and in clear visual reports Scripting Language is VBScript which is easy to use , understand and program even complex functionalities with ease.. Library files contains VBScript functions and subroutines that can be added to the test. Support Modern Development Environment.

QuickTest testing process 

The QuickTest testing process consists of 7 main phases: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Preparing to record Recording a session on your application Enhancing your test Debugging your test Running your test Analyzing the test results Reporting defects

Add–In Manager 

Default ActiveX VisualBasic Web

Additional Java Oracle PeopleSoft .Net Terminal Emulator Sap, Siebel & Web services

Environments Supported 

Basic Web Technologies  HTML  DHTML  XML Browsers  Netscape  Internet Explorer  AOL Advanced Web Technologies  JavaScript  Java  ActiveX

Environments Supported 

Multimedia Technologies  Flash  RealAudio/Real Video  MS Media Player ERP Solutions  mySAP.com  Siebel 2001  Oracle  PeopleSoft .NET  Win Forms  Web Forms  NET Control

Environments Supported   

Web Services XML WSDL

Operating Systems  Windows XP/2003  Windows 2000  Windows 98  Windows NT  Windows ME

Environments Supported 

Terminal Emulators   

3270 5250 VT100

Languages    

European Japanese Chinese (traditional and simplified) Korean

Environments not Supported  • • • • • •

 • • • •

Custom C/S PowerBuilder Forte Delphi Centura Stingray Smalltalk ERP/CRM Baan PeopleSoft Windows Siebel 5, 6 GUI Clients Oracle GUI Forms

QTP Screen

Important Toolbars   

  

Test toolbar: containing buttons to assist you in the testing process(ex: record,Run..) Debug toolbar: containing buttons to assist you in debugging your test Action toolbar: containing buttons and a list of actions, enabling you to view the details of an individual action or the entire test flow Test pane: containing two tabs to view your test—the Keyword View and the Expert View Test Details pane : containing the Active Screen Data Table: containing two or more tabs to assist you in parameterizing your test—Global and one tab for each Action

What you need to Know in QTP?             

How are the objects recognized? What is Object Repository? What is Object Recognition configuration? What is Active Screen? What is Keyword View and Expert View? What are Actions? What are the checkpoints available? Output Values Synchronization Point Data Driven Test? Transaction Response Time Exception Handling Reporting

Recording Modes in QTP 

Normal(This mode is the default and takes full advantage of

Quick Test's test object model, recognizing the objects in your application regardless of their location on the screen) 

Analog Recording (enables you to records the exact mouse

and keyboard operations you perform in relation to either the screen or the application window. In this recording mode, Quick Test record and tracks every movement of the mouse as you drag the mouse around a screen or window. User cannot edit analog recording steps from within Quick Test)

Recording Modes in QTP

Low Level Recording (enables you to record on any object in your application, whether or not Quick Test recognizes the specific object or the specific operation. This mode records at the object level and records all run-time objects as Window or Win Object test objects. Use low-level Recording for Recording tests in an environment or on an object not recognized by Quick Test. You can also use low-level Recording if the exact coordinates of the object are important for your test.)

What you need to Know in QTP?             

How are the objects recognized? What is Object Repository? What is Object Recognition configuration? What is Active Screen? What is Keyword View and Expert View? What are Actions? What are the checkpoints available? Output Values Synchronization Point Data Driven Test? Transaction Response Time Exception Handling Reporting

Object Repository 

Object Repository acts as a translator between QTP script and the Operating System ( similar to GUI map concept in win runner).

QTP stores information it learns about a window or an object in object repository

When QTP runs a test, it uses the object repository to locate objects. QTP reads an objects description in the repository and then looks for an object with the same properties in the application under test.

How QTP Stores Objects

Generates Script


Add objects using object identification settings

Object Repository

Object Repository Types of Object Repositories

Per Action Object Repository

Shared Object Repository

Object Repository Per Action TEST 1

Object Repository


Object Repository


Object Repository

Object Repository

Shared Object Repository TEST 1 ACTION 1 ACTION 2 Object Repository TEST 2 ACTION 1 ACTION 2

Per Action vs Shared Object Repository Per Action Object Repository  

 

Separate action repository for each action. If an object description changes, you need to modify the object in every action repository using that object. No need for any Object Repository administrator. Preferred method if application won’t change during renovation Default Object Repository. Preferable for novice QTP users.

Shared Object Repository 

 

can use the same shared object repository file for multiple tests. If an object description changes, you only have to modify in the shared Object Repository – all tests will playback properly. Requires Shared object repository creation and maintenance. Crucial if application may change during renovation Most commonly used across Automation projects.

What you need to Know in QTP?             

How are the objects recognized? What is Object Repository? What is Object Recognition configuration? What is Active Screen? What is Keyword View and Expert View? What are Actions? What are the checkpoints available? Output Values Synchronization Point Data Driven Test? Transaction Response Time Exception Handling Reporting

Object Recognition configuration 

To identify objects uniquely, object identification configuration can be done. User can configure Mandatory,Assistive properties and ordinal identifier  Examples:  List Box  Combo Box  Text Box  Text Area

Smart Object Identification 

Smart Object Identification to Ensure Successful Test Execution

A sophisticated object recognition mechanism allows tests to automatically recover when object properties are not found during execution. Quick Test now evaluates application object properties upon test playback, and can make decisions based on logical property matches, even if the recorded object properties are not present.

Smart Object Identification 

Base filter properties—The most fundamental properties of a particular test object class; those whose values cannot be changed without changing the essence of the original object. For example, if a Web link's tag was changed from to any other value, you could no longer call it the same object. Optional filter properties—Other properties that can help identify objects of a particular class as they are unlikely to change on a regular basis, but which can be ignored if they are no longer applicable How does Smart Identification process work?

What you need to Know in QTP?             

How are the objects recognized? What is Object Repository? What is Object Recognition configuration? What is Active Screen? What is Keyword View and Expert View? What are Actions? What are the checkpoints available? Output Values Synchronization Point Data Driven Test? Transaction Response Time Exception Handling Reporting

What is Active Screen? 

While recording the screen is captured and stored. In the tool the same can be seen as “Active Screen” The same can be updated by using “Change Active Screen” Option

What you need to Know in QTP?             

How are the objects recognized? What is Object Repository? What is Object Recognition configuration? What is Active Screen? What is Keyword View and Expert View? What are Actions? What are the checkpoints available? Output Values Synchronization Point Data Driven Test? Transaction Response Time Exception Handling Reporting

Script View

Keyword View

Expert View

Keyword View

Expert View

What you need to Know in QTP?             

How are the objects recognized? What is Object Repository? What is Object Recognition configuration? What is Active Screen? What is Keyword View and Expert View? What are Actions? What are the checkpoints available? Output Values Synchronization Point Data Driven Test? Transaction Response Time Exception Handling Reporting

What are Actions?    

Actions help divide your test into logical units Group of Statements to perform certain action Actions can be nested Multiple actions can be called in a single test    

Splitting Actions Calling Actions Using Action Parameters Impact on Object Repository

Actions 

Three Types 


Re-usable 


Actions 

 

Actions can divide a test into several distinct business Processes. Each actions signifies a logical independent test. To divide a test into actions you can  Insert a New Action  Split an existing action into two Actions  Insert a copy of an existing Action  Insert a call to an existing Action In this way several actions can be integrated to each other within the test or across different tests logically.

What you need to Know in QTP?             

How are the objects recognized? What is Object Repository? What is Object Recognition configuration? What is Active Screen? What is Keyword View and Expert View? What are Actions? What are the checkpoints available? Output Values Synchronization Point Data Driven Test? Transaction Response Time Exception Handling Reporting

Checkpoints A checkpoint is a step in your test that compares the actual values of a specified object property to an expected value of the same property Like, Verify text in status bar Verify value in a grid Verify bitmaps (Tick mark in Release strategy )

Checkpoints 

Various Checkpoints are available  Text / Text Area Checkpoint  Bitmap Checkpoint  Database Checkpoint  XML Checkpoint(File/Webpage)  Standard Checkpoint(Page/Table/Image/object)  Accessibility Checkpoint

What you need to Know in QTP?             

How are the objects recognized? What is Object Repository? What is Object Recognition configuration? What is Active Screen? What is Keyword View and Expert View? What are Actions? What are the checkpoints available? Output Values Synchronization Point Data Driven Test? Transaction Response Time Exception Handling Reporting

Output Values

An Output value is a step in which one or more values are captured at a specific point in the test   

Can capture status bar messages Can capture object properties and text Can store the values in a variable or table 

Text / Text Area Output Value

Bitmap Output Value

Database Output Value

XML Output Value(File/Webpage)

Standard Output Value

What you need to Know in QTP?             

How are the objects recognized? What is Object Repository? What is Object Recognition configuration? What is Active Screen? What is Keyword View and Expert View? What are Actions? What are the checkpoints available? Output Values Synchronization Point Data Driven Test? Transaction Response Time Exception Handling Reporting

What is a Synchronization Point?

A synchronization point is a line in the test script that instructs QTP to wait for a certain response from the application during playback.

Why Synchronize?

Inputs data to AUT Attempts next step Script fails

Accepts input Sends data to database server

Inputs data to AUT




t rip

Run script




Run script

With synchronization point


Without synchronization point rip t

Accepts input Sends data to database server

Waits for server; cannot continue


Client affirms transaction is complete

Process To Add Synchronization Points

Locate the lines in the script to insert the synchronization point In Quick Test choose Insert > Step > Synchronization Point. The mouse pointer turns into a pointing hand. This should be done while recording. Using the Hand Pointer click on the object to Synchronize. Add Synchronization Point dialog box opens.

Synchronization 

Select the Property name and its corresponding value which you want to use for the synchronization point.

Enter the synchronization point timeout (in milliseconds) and Click OK. A Wait Property step is added to your test.

 

For e.g. for this case the step inserted in the script will be Dialog (“Login”) . WaitProperty "enabled", 1, 10000

What you need to Know in QTP?             

How are the objects recognized? What is Object Repository? What is Object Recognition configuration? What is Active Screen? What is Keyword View and Expert View? What are Actions? What are the checkpoints available? Output Values Synchronization Point Data Driven Test? Transaction Response Time Exception Handling Reporting

Data Driven Testing

   

 

QTP supports Data Driven Testing Can use the Data Driver Wizard to parameterize the tests Stores data file with extension .XL Two types of sheets within the data table “Global” and “Action” Data in “Global” is available across all actions in the test Data in “Action” is available only to that action


 

Parameterization allows us to pick different values at run time. Reduces Time and Effort. Usage of data drivers allow us to use the same data for various input boxes. Parameterization can also be done for checkpoints.

What you need to Know in QTP?             

How are the objects recognized? What is Object Repository? What is Object Recognition configuration? What is Active Screen? What is Keyword View and Expert View? What are Actions? What are the checkpoints available? Output Values Synchronization Point Data Driven Test? Transaction Response Time Exception Handling Reporting

Transaction Response Time

 

Transaction Response Time is used to measure the response time of any transaction  Can be done for a single transaction  Can be done for multiple transactions Results are logged in Test results log for every iteration Response time measured from start to end of one iteration (within login and logoff)

What you need to Know in QTP?             

How are the objects recognized? What is Object Repository? What is Object Recognition configuration? What is Active Screen? What is Keyword View and Expert View? What are Actions? What are the checkpoints available? Output Values Synchronization Point Data Driven Test? Transaction Response Time Exception Handling Reporting

Recovery scenarios    

QTP can recover from unexpected events and/ or errors Control can be transferred to a function Useful, when running unattended Every Script has at least one recovery scenario  Generic recovery scenario naming convention is g  Script specific recovery scenarios naming convention is <Script ID>_

Recovery scenarios In QTP

    

What is Recovery Scenario How to Implement Recovery Scenario Types of Recovery Scenario Advantage of Recovery Scenario Disadvantage of Recovery Scenario

What is Recovery Scenario

Recovery Scenario is used to control the execution flow of QTP script.

To Control the unexpected event or action perform by the application which we are going to automate.

Recovery Scenario

Unexpected events, errors, popup window, message, link and application crashes during a test run can disrupt your test and distort test results. This is a problem particularly when running tests unattended—the test is suspended until you perform the action needed to recover.

How to Implement Recovery Scenario.

In QTP the Recovery Scenario Manager provides a wizard that guides you through the process of defining a recovery scenario—a definition of an unexpected event and the operation's necessary to recover the test run.

How to Implement Recovery Scenario.

 

Record the Error on which you want to create recovery. In QTP go to Tools Menu Option -> select the Recovery Scenario Manager.

Recovery Scenario Manager

Recovery Event

Recovery Condition

Recovery Operation

Run Option

Save The Recovery Scenario


After you have created recovery scenarios, you can associate one or more scenarios with a test in order to instruct QuickTest to perform the recovery scenario's during the test run if a trigger event occurs. The Recovery tab of the Test Settings dialog box lists all the recovery scenarios associated with the current test.

To add a recovery scenario to a test

Advantage of Recovery Scenario

  

Control the Execution flow of script. Handle unexpected behavior of application. User define Error Message.

Settings 

When we call Recovery scenario with On Every step option scrip execution become slow. Call only on Error.

What you need to Know in QTP?             

How are the objects recognized? What is Object Repository? What is Object Recognition configuration? What is Active Screen? What is Keyword View and Expert View? What are Actions? What are the checkpoints available? Output Values Synchronization Point Data Driven Test? Transaction Response Time Exception Handling Reporting

Execute Script Script can be executed in two ways  Run  Select Test->Run  Run from Step  Select Test->Run from Step

Test Run Where the Test Results are stored Two ways  New folder is created for each run  Temp folder overwrites last run results E.g.. T:\QTP_SCRIPTS_FINAL\S007_015\Res1 C:\DOCUME~1\SU2693\LOCALS~1\Temp\TempResults

Test Run

Analyze Result's Structure of a Test Result log  Results at an overall level and at step level  Results at action level rolled up to get summary of results  Screen shots help you to verify the flow  Screen shots available to identify the failures  Run time data is visible for debugging the failures

Test Results QTP Test/Step Outcome  Passed  Expected Vs actual is same  Failed  Expected Vs actual is different  Done  Step has been executed  when unable to execute, marks the step as failed  Warning  Step has been executed but QTP logs a message

Test Results How to view the Test Results 

Select Test->Results

How to check the results of the past runs 

Select Start->QTP->Test Results Viewer

How to delete the past test results 

Select Start->QTP->Tools-> Test Results Deletion Tool

What you need to Know in QTP?             

How are the objects recognized? What is Object Repository? What is Object Recognition configuration? What is Active Screen? What is Keyword View and Expert View? What are Actions? What are the checkpoints available? Output Values Synchronization Point Data Driven Test? Transaction Response Time Exception Handling Reporting

Any Questions?

? Thanks

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