Qsg - Wsi 1[1].3.2 V1

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WSI 1.3.2 – Quick Start Guide A Technote by Customer Support February 2008

Wyse Customer Support TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary......................................................................................................................... 3 Audience ......................................................................................................................... 3 Affected Products ............................................................................................................ 3 Requirements/Issues....................................................................................................... 3 Procedure/Solution.......................................................................................................... 4 Wyse Simple Imager Installation on a Windows 2003 server.......................................... 4 WSI installation on a Windows XP Professional Machine ............................................... 7 Wyse Simple Imager Usage.......................................................................................... 10 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 13 The thin client gives an “ARP Timeout” error when attempting to image it............. 13 Getting “Incompatible Firmware” messages........................................................... 13 The image was sent to the thin client but the device boots normally...................... 13 A DHCP server is not installed on my XP machine. Where can I get one?............ 13 Getting “Illegal TFTP operation” error messages on the thin client. ....................... 13 When attempting to image I get a message “Boot file not found”........................... 13 Getting “File not found” error messages................................................................. 14 Not getting an IP Address ...................................................................................... 14 Getting the following Error: “Failure: Firmware is not compatible”.......................... 14 After re-imaging, the Thin Client reboots and starts the process again, and becomes and endless loop. ................................................................................... 14 Getting an error “PXE-E78” on the thin client and cannot re-image. ...................... 15 I followed the instructions and I still can’t image the thin client. ............................. 15

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Wyse Customer Support SUMMARY This is a Quick Start Guide to help you install and run the Wyse Simple Imager version 1.3.2

AUDIENCE Customers, 1st Level Support, and Systems Engineering Group

AFFECTED PRODUCTS Wyse Simple Imager V1.3.2

REQUIREMENTS/ISSUES Execution of this application requires •

A Windows 2000 server SP4 or Windows 2003 SP1 server (If you wish to use Windows XP Pro SP2, see important notes below), IN AN ISOLATED NETWORK. IT CANNOT BE INSTALLED ON THE SAME SERVER WITH WYSE DEVICE MANAGER. • The WSI server and Thin Client MUST BE CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER BEFORE INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE. Failure to connect the devices before installation will result in a loopback network condition and a subsequent inability to re-image your thin clients. DHCP, IIS with FTP Services installed and running Single network adapter supported. If you have two adapters, you must disable one All software firewalls and Antivirus services stopped A simple hub, unmanaged (inexpensive) switch or a crossover cable Wyse Simple Imager software V1.3.2 An image file for the device requiring the image

• • • • • •

IMPORTANT for Windows XP Pro SP2 Users: 1.

You will need to provide a working DHCP server. Windows XP Pro does not include one.


When installing and using WSI, ensure to run it on an isolated network.


See Page 7 for installation instructions on Windows XP Pro.

NOTE: If a previous version of WSI exists, you must remove it before installing this version. QSG - WSI 1.3.2 v1.doc

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Verify that IIS, FTP services are installed and running. (Refer to Microsoft documentation for details)


Setup FTP. Browse to “Settings\Control Panel\Administrative Tools\Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager” and launch the applet.


From the IIS Manager screen (Figure 1), select the “Default FTP Site” on the right pane, then “Right Click” and select “Properties”.

Figure 1 - Windows 2003 Server IIS Manager - FTP Site Select


Select the “Home Directory” Tab (Figure 2). Verify that the “Read, Write, Log visits” privileges are set, and the MS-DOS® option is selected.

Figure 2 - Check FTP Configuration – Windows 2003 Server

NOTE: If you cannot find this option, verify that FTP services are installed. QSG - WSI 1.3.2 v1.doc

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Wyse Customer Support 5.

Verify DHCP. Before installing WSI, make sure that DHCP is running. You can do this by connecting a device to the server’s hub, unmanaged switch or crossover cable and verify that you get an IP address. If this is not the case, correct the problem first. IF DHCP IS NOT RUNNING, DO NOT INSTALL WSI.


Install Wyse Simple Imager. ƒ Double-click on the WSISetup.exe file and follow the installation prompts. Use the default installation parameters. Verify that the installation path is the same as the Default path of the IIS FTP root path (see Figure 2).

Figure 3 - FTPRoot Install Path


After WSI Setup is complete, a Wyse Simple Imager shortcut will be created on the desktop from which the application can be run.

Figure 4 - WSI Icon


Setup TFTPD. From “Start”, go to “Run” and browse C:\inetpub\ftproot\rapport\tools\sa\util and run the file TFTPD32.exe.

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Wyse Customer Support 9.

Enter the following information in the TFTPD32 settings screen o Security = None o Server Configuration Timeout = 3 MAX Retransmit = 40000 TFTP Port = 69 o Base Directory C:\InetPub\FTProot\Rapport\Tools\sa o Advanced TFTP Options Option Negotiation = Enabled Show Progress bar = Enabled Activate Tftpd32 on this interface =

Figure 5 - TFTPD32 Settings


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Wyse Customer Support WSI INSTALLATION ON A WINDOWS XP PROFESSIONAL MACHINE Follow these three steps: 1. CONNECT: Connect your Windows XP Professional machine and the device(s) you need to re-image via a simple hub, unmanaged switch or a crossover cable. Verify that the Thin Client has power, but it’s NOT powered-on. During the WSI installation, a Proxy server is installed. If the devices are not connected, a loopback network connection is created and you will not be able to image your devices. Note: Disable all software firewalls and antivirus. 2. INSTALL: Install the required software IIS, FTP, DHCP and WSI. Note: For this example we are using DHCP turbo. This program is not supplied nor supported by Wyse. 3. CONFIGURE: Configure TCP/IP properties, TFTPD, DHCP turbo and FTP in that order. TCP/IP properties (See Figure 6) Set the TCP/IP properties for the alternate configuration as follows: IP address: Subnet mask: Default gateway:

Figure 6 - Alternate Configuration Settings.

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Wyse Customer Support TFTPD (Figure 7) i. Setup TFTPD. From “Start”, go to run and browse C:\inetpub\ftproot\rapport\tools\sa\util and run the file TFTPD32.exe. ii. Enter the following information in the TFTPD32 settings screen (Figure 7)


• Security = None • Server Configuration o Timeout = 3 o MAX Retransmit = 40000 o TFTP Port = 69 • Base Directory o C:\InetPub\FTProot\Rapport\Tools\sa • Advanced TFTP Options o Option Negotiation = Enabled o Show Progress bar = Enabled o Activate Tftpd32 on this interface = Enable Click “OK” and close the window.

Figure 7 - TFTDP Settings

Figure 8 - DHCP Turbo settings

DHCP Turbo (Figure 8) Under the “localhost”, create a new scope, name it “Wisard” and set the parameters as shown above. These are the only parameters required. SAVE THE CONFIGURATION AND CLOSE DHCP TURBO. Scope Information: Start Address: End Address: Mask: Lease: 6 Hours or less QSG - WSI 1.3.2 v1.doc

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Wyse Customer Support FTP Browse to Control Panel\Administrative Tools\Internet Information Server Default FTP Site then “Right Click” select “Properties” then select the “Home Directory” Tab. Verify that the “Read, Write, Log visits” privileges are set, and the MS-DOS® option is selected.

Figure 9 - Default FTP Properties

Press “Apply” and “OK” Verify that all software firewalls and antivirus are disabled. Restart DHCP Turbo before you start WSI.

Where to get DHCP Turbo: http://www.tucows.com

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Wyse Customer Support WYSE SIMPLE IMAGER USAGE 1.

Connect the client (to be imaged) to the Wyse Simple Imager machine, through a hub, unmanaged switch or cross-over cable.


Launch Wyse Simple Imager


Select the appropriate Product you wish to image from the Product list.


Click on the “Add” button Figure 5

Figure 10 - Select Product and Firmware

Figure 11 - Completed WSI Add Image page

Note: A recent change in manufacturing to make our devices ROHS compliant, required us to use different hardware components and make changes to the software to accommodate and recognize these components. To address this issue and to prevent any damage to the hardware with Wyse Simple Imager, new "Product Numbers" where added. To avoid an “Incompatible Firmware” message or an “Imaging and re-booting” loop, check the part number of your thin client, and use the following table to cross reference your thin client model to the equivalent model to select under WSI 1.3.2 when "Adding" or “Submitting” the new firmware into WSI. This is only for the Sx0 and Vx0 series. Part Number WSI Model Part Number WSI Model 902110 S12 902134 V32 902113 S32 902135 V52 902114 S52 902136 V92 902115 S92 902138 V92 902122 V32 902142 V32 902123 V52 902143 V52 902124 V92 902144 V92 902132 V12 QSG - WSI 1.3.2 v1.doc

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Wyse Customer Support 5.

Fill in the fields with appropriate values. WSI uses these parameters to build the directory structures and filenames. Where Product

Provides a dropdown list of the supported models. IMPORTANT: For the V30L / V30LE use V32, for the V50L / V50LE use V52, and for the V90L / V90LE use V92.

Image Version

Refers to the Firmware version and could be a numerical value such as 559. This value is normally part of the filename you downloaded from Wyse.

Flash Size

This parameter is from the amount of Flash memory installed in your device. You can use this parameter to separate image files if your environment includes multiple versions of the same device and you need specific image files for the amount of flash memory on the devices. Sizes can be 16M, 32M, 192M, 256M, 512M, etc.


For your information. This information will help you identify the characteristics of the device this image is for. (See figure 6 for an example). Important: Use only “Alpha Numeric” (A through Z, 0 through 9, underscore ( _ ) or spaces.

Image File

The name of the file you wish to add. Click on the browse button to see navigate to the list of available files. This should be the directory where you unzipped the downloaded image file.


Click on the “Browse” button and select the image file which is already downloaded/given from Wyse.


Click “Ok” and wait for the message ‘Image is successfully added”.

Figure 12 - WSI Successful Image Added message


Added image will appear in the firmware list.


Select the firmware and click on “Submit”.

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Wyse Customer Support 10.

The TFTP application will automatically launch. Note: this application window should not be closed until the client is successfully imaged with the new firmware.

Figure 13 - TFTPD Application window


Wait for the message ‘Please start/restart the client to start imaging’.

Figure 14 - Restart Client Message window.


Click “Ok” and the “Log message” screen will appear.

Start/Reboot the client. When client finishes the imaging process, the Log screen will display the log messages and the final status. If the imaging was successful, ‘Success’ will be displayed. If it failed, it will display an error message.

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Wyse Customer Support TROUBLESHOOTING Problem 1:

The thin client gives an “ARP Timeout” error when attempting to image it.

Solution 1:

De-install DHCP turbo, Install DHCP Turbo and configure it using parameters on page 8.

Problem 2:

Getting “Incompatible Firmware” messages.

Solution 2:

Review notes on page 10 of this document.

Problem 3:

The image was sent to the thin client but the device boots normally.

Solution 3:

1. Verify the boot order. Power on the thin client, press and hold the “DEL” key to enter the BIOS setup. When prompted, enter the password “Fireport” (case sensitive). The first boot device should be set to “PXE” or “LAN”. If that is not the case, make the necessary changes. 2. Verify that the FTP Server has “Write” permission enabled (page 9) 3. Verify on the WSI server, the TFTPD screen. If you see an IP address of anywhere, you have a loopback network condition. To recover from this, “De-Install WSI ONLY”, make sure you connect the WSI server and the thin client (with power applied to it, but NOT powered-on), and then re-install WSI. Refer to page 7 for more details. 4. Verify the directory structure is set to: c:\inetpub\ftproot\rapport c:\inetpub\ftproot\rapport\tools c:\inetpub\ftproot\rapport\tools\sa 5. Check for spaces in the firmware filename under C:\inetpub\ftproot\rapport\<product>. FTP does not recognize spaces.

Problem 4:

A DHCP server is not installed on my XP machine. Where can I get one?

Solution 4:

You can download a DHCP server (i.e. DHCP Turbo) from www.tucows.com. NOTE: This information is provided for your convenience and Wyse does not endorse or supports any of these programs.

Problem 5:

Getting “Illegal TFTP operation” error messages on the thin client.

Solution 5:

Try re-imaging a different Thin Client. If the issue is resolved, you have a hardware problem and will need to send the defective Thin Client to our service department (1-800-800-9973 option 2 or www.wyse.com/serviceandsupport/service/service.asp ) for repair.

Problem 6:

When attempting to image I get a message “Boot file not found”

Solution 6:

Verify that the “Scope” is set on DHCP Turbo as per the instructions on page 8. Also, if you have a VPN client installed on the WSI server, remove it and try again.

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Wyse Customer Support Problem 7:

Getting “File not found” error messages

Solution 7:

Verify that your default FTP server address is set correctly using the IIS Administration utility

Problem 8:

Not getting an IP Address

Solution 8:

Verify that the “Database” section of DHCP Turbo does not exceed five (5) IP Addresses. Otherwise just clear the displayed addresses and try again to connect.

Problem 9:

Getting the following Error: “Failure: Firmware is not compatible”

Solution 9:

Open the most recent log file in the C:\INETPUB\FTPROOT\RAPPORT\TOOLS\SA\LOGS directory. Look for an error message similar to Evaluating: Unable to Open Source (archive/ftp//anonymous:[email protected]/Rapport/Wyse5S50\5150_128_WyseS505150/ 5S50.i2d)

Verify the path of the file. In the case of the path for the example above, it should be C:\inetpub\ftproot\rapport\Wyse5S50\5150_128_WyseS505150 What you may find is that the path is actually: C:\Inetpub\ftproot\Rapport\Wyse5S50\5150_128_WyseS505150,NewVersion Note that an invalid character such as a “,” (comma) will cause the WSI to truncate from that point on, giving you the above message. Solution: Rename the path so that you remove the invalid character. You can substitute the “,” (comma) for an underscore. Problem 10: After re-imaging, the Thin Client reboots and starts the process again, and becomes and endless loop. Solution 10: Verify that the correct model was selected for the “Product” field when the “.i2d” file was added. See table on page 10 and compare the part number with the appropriate model. To verify this problem open the most recent log file in the C:\INETPUB\FTPROOT\RAPPORT\TOOLS\SA\LOGS directory. Look for an error message similar to: Evaluating: 'ftp//anonymous:[email protected]/Rapport/Tools/sa/9V90/push.k' to 'stream/sec/test' Unable to Open Source (ftp//anonymous:[email protected]/Rapport/Tools/sa/9V90/push.k)

If you have a V90LE, the directory it’s looking for should be “9V92”. Solution: Re-import the “.i2d” file using V92 as the product”. QSG - WSI 1.3.2 v1.doc

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Wyse Customer Support Problem 11: Getting an error “PXE-E78” on the thin client and cannot re-image. Solution 11: PXE-E78 means "Unable to locate boot server". The most common cause of this is when the WSI server is installed by itself with no other devices connected to the network; you get a "loopback" ip address created for the proxy server in WSI. “De-Install WSI ONLY”, make sure you connect the WSI server and the thin client (with power applied to it, but NOT powered-on), and then re-install WSI. Refer to page 7 for more details. Problem 12: I followed the instructions and I still can’t image the thin client. Solution 12: De-Install WSI, De-Install DHCP Turbo. Read this document over and install according to the instructions. Remember: When all else fails, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS.

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