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Quest for Yes: II Breakthrough Selling


TRANSFORM YOUR SALES TEAM GENERATE NEW BUSINESS GROW REVENUE © Copyright 2008 EntreQuest, Inc. All Rights Reserved www.entrequest.com

Quest for Yes™

Revolutionize Your Sales



Joe Mechlinski President | [email protected]

Joe Mechlinski has specialized in working with high growth companies and their sales teams throughout the country for more than 10 years. With a proven track record for scaling companies, Joe teaches teams how to use emotional intelligence (EQ) vs. intellectual intelligence (IQ) to grow their sales. In addition, he helps companies harness current social and economic trends, creating successful sales structures and developing winning environments to attract and retain top talent. Prior to EntreQuest, Joe co-founded a lead generation company, a sales and marketing firm and an entrepreneurial development company, which grew rapidly to more than 150 employees in three years. Joe was a member of the National Speakers Association and the Greater Baltimore Committee’s 2007 LEADERship program. He graduated from The Johns Hopkins University with a bachelor’s degree in Economics. Joe actively participates on several boards that reflect his passion for education and mentorship in the community, including The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Maryland, The Baltimore Urban Debate League, and The National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame – Greater Baltimore Chapter. He has also sat on the board for the b4students foundation, The League for People with Disabilities, and The Alumni Executive Committee for the Johns Hopkins University. And while Joe would like to say he is an avid golfer in his spare time, his 32 handicap does not make him the next Tiger Woods. He has an uncanny ability to predict the next best selling book, reading more than 400 books on business, sales, self improvement, history and marketing. Joe also survived a trek up Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa and his first (and last) Baltimore marathon.

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Quest for Yes™

Revolutionize Your Sales



Jeremy Steinberg Executive Trainer | [email protected]

Jeremy Steinberg is an Executive Consultant for EntreQuest. Jeremy designs sales systems and processes that help businesses improve production, profitability and time management. By emphasizing technology, Jeremy ensures that clients can leverage technologies they have already invested in as well as aiding them in finding new tools that can expand current business and grow new sales and revenue. Jeremy graduated from the University of Maryland College Park with a degree in Finance. He spent several years with numerous fast-growing companies where his focus was national expansion. Jeremy devised and implemented strategies for sales growth and scalability which took numerous small operations from humble beginnings to employing over 100 individuals. Jeremy has since worked within Fortune 500 organizations and brings that experience to numerous organizations today. Jeremy is active in the community both personally and professionally. He sits on the board of directors of Sales and Marketing Executives International (SMEI) as well as being active within the Greater Baltimore Technology Council (GBTC) and Greater Baltimore Committee (GBC). Jeremy is a frequently requested presenter at regional and national chamber and company events. He is also a frequent guest lecturer at Towson University.

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Quest for Yes™

Revolutionize Your Sales

Table of Contents

• • • •

Principle vs. Technique Dynamics of Learning Definition of EQ Building Relationships


• • • •

The Achievement Model Mindset Beliefs I Move, I Think, I Say


• • • •

Four Personality Types Dynamics of Effective Communication 3 Modes Communication in Social Media

• • • •

Enrollment vs. Closing The Grape Zone™ Story vs. Reality Getting Past the Gatekeeper

• • • • •

The Enrollment Model Peeling the Onion Means vs. Ends Needs The Achievement SOP SMART Outcomes

• • • •

Results Call to Action Overcoming Objections Align and Re-Direct



• Overview • Exercise

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Revolutionize Your Sales



Selling Is

“I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity to not know what can’t be done.” – Henry Ford

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Revolutionize Your Sales


principle vs. technique


NOUN - A basic ____________ or_____________.


NOUN - The systematic procedure by which a complex ________ is accomplished.







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Revolutionize Your Sales


dynamics of learning Learning is _____________________________. - Socrates

1. 2.

% &



3. &

1 3

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Revolutionize Your Sales


definition of EQ

Emotional Intelligence: Key Reading on the Mayer and Salovey Model by John D. Mayor, Marc A Bracket, Peter Salovey. Port Chester, New York: Dude Publishing, 2004.

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building relationships

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check-in Based on the skills learned in this module, you should be able to: • Understand the Dynamics of Learning • Understand the difference between Principle and Technique • Know the definition of EQ

What have I learned?

How will I apply it?

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Revolutionize Your Sales

Access to Achievement

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Revolutionize Your Sales

Access to Achievement



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Access to Achievement

access to achievement

Achievement Model


alone are not sustainable. What did you notice?

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Revolutionize Your Sales

Access to Achievement


Achievement Model



Describe an experience where process was the focus.

“I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career, I've lost over 300 games, 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I failed over and over and over in my life. And that's why I succeed." -Michael Jordan

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Revolutionize Your Sales

Access to Achievement

the achievement model Sustainable




Mindset Never confuse activity with achievement!

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Revolutionize Your Sales

Access to Achievement


Mindset Beliefs

Belief: [n] a feeling of






“ Your beliefs are your reality. If you don’t like the reality you see, change your beliefs." –Stephen C. Paul, Ph. D.

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Access to Achievement


Based on the skills learned in this module, you should be able to: • Distinguish the 3 levels of the Achievement Model and the effectiveness of each. • Understand the Achievement Model. • Understand beliefs. • Learn how to choose your mindset.

What have I learned?

How will I apply it?

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four personalities Personality

What Motivates

“ Give what they want, and they will take what you have to give.” –Steve Lishansky

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Revolutionize Your Sales



Words Voice Body The following is based on a study conducted at UCLA by Dr. Moravian in 1967.

• Words


• Voice Quality


• Body Language



of communication is

- . “Here I come to save the day!” – Mighty Mouse

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Revolutionize Your Sales



Engagement Outcome of Communication Engagement is to occupy the of a person or persons.


Being Present The Foundation of Effective Communication To effectively communicate, you must first be and shift your to the other person.

Foundation First! "Ignorance on fire is stronger than knowledge on ice."  -Anonymous

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Present vs. Preoccupied • Preoccupations are those thoughts, expectations, and concerns that already have your attention (and theirs). • The brain can process 10 times faster than we can speak. • What you’re saying is not what they are paying attention to. • Recognize and move outside of your preoccupations. • Once you deal with your preoccupations and focus on the other person, you are then in a position to take action to establish and build a relationship and to enhance the value of a relationship.

Take a minute to write down what you have to do when you go back to work.

“ Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.” –Oprah Winfrey

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Judgement Judgement is when you have __________________ the outcome or future.

Assessment When you have made a best __________________but are open to ___________.

The minute you judge, you lose the influence to enroll. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle

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three modes

To master effective enrollment you must first master the modes of effective communication.

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social media

List 3 Social Media sites: 1. 2. 3.

Guidelines of Social Media 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Don't do social media without a strategy. Don't break the laws of human behavior. Don't be a jerk. Don't make a withdraw before you make a deposit. Don't have an online personality that is different from your real-life personality.

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check-in Based on the skills learned in this module, you should be able to: • • • •

Learn the three elements of effective communication. Understand the the importance of being present in communication. Understand the four personality types. Understand how communication plays into social media.

What have I learned?

How will I apply it?

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Quest for Yes™

Revolutionize Your Sales

EQ Sales Model

- Enrolling vs. Closing - De-graping - Story vs. Reality - Getting Past the Gatekeeper

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Enrolling vs. Closing


Enrollment vs. Closing or Convincing Enrollment is moving a prospect to

Enrollment (


• Our focus on being a partner in success with another person takes precedence over any individual deal or project. We might even offer special arrangements or concessions on an individual project if it would help our overall partnership. • Reciprocal relationships most often focus on helping each other fulfill


Closing or Convincing (


• Our focus is on each individual interaction. We pay most attention to what we are working on, what we are doing, and how we are being treated and evaluated within the transaction. • We focus upon solving the client’s strategic or tactical

• Transactional relationships suffer from competitive pressure and a mindset of “You are only as good as your last deliverable.”


• In reciprocal relationship ‘entrepreneurial’ opportunities become more pronounced as you build high value, longterm relationships. It is important for your future growth that you recognize and seize these opportunities.

The fundamental difference between enrollment vs. closing or convincing involves our focus, and the resulting quality of the relationship.

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Enrolling vs. Closing


Remember a time when you were 'convinced'.

Remember a time when you were 'enrolled'.

What was the difference?

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Enrolling vs. Closing


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Grape Zone

what is it?

Suspect Prospect

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Grape Zone

what is it?

"Just Say No..."

List three prospects that you have in your Grape Zone ™

What do grapes turn into?


is as good as a

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Grape Zone


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Story vs. Reality


Reality Story -



___________ ____________ __________

“We are not disturbed by things, but the view we take of them.” -Epictetus

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Story vs. Reality

checking your story

Rule One

Don't _____________________!

Rule Two

Ask _____________________!

“He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.” -Chinese Proverb

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Story vs. Reality


Scenario You approach a potential client and in speaking with them they tell you that they have heard that your product/service is not the cheapest in your market.

Question What do you think is most important to the prospect?

"Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream of things that never were and ask why not." -George Bernard Shaw

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Story vs. Reality


Scenario You have been pursuing a potential client for six months without getting any commitment from them and they tell you to call them after the first of the month. Last week you called them and they said that you need to call them back later.

Question What do you think is happening?

"Do or do not, there is not try." -Yoda

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Story vs. Reality


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Getting Past the Gatekeeper


From this exercise, there are 3 principles you should take with you:




“Approach each customer with the idea of helping him or her solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product or service.” - Brian Tracy

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Getting Past the Gatekeeper


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EQ Sales Model

check-in Based on the skills learned in this module, you should be able to: • • • •

Understand the difference between Enrollment and Closing/Convincing. Understand the Grape Zone. Distinguish between Story and Reality. Know 3 Principles to use to Get Past the Gatekeeper.

What have I learned?

How will I apply it?

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Enrollment: Needs

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Enrollment: Needs



__ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

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Enrollment: Needs

exercise SMART Outcome Develop a SMART Outcome for this course.

Specific Measurable Attainable Recorded Time Frame "If I had ten hours to chop down a tree, I would spend six hours sharpening my axe." -Abraham Lincoln

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Enrollment: Needs

achievement s.o.p. SMART Outcome Procedure

1. Get Your Map: _______________ _______________

1 3


2. Bridge the Gap: _______________ _______________ 3. Avoid the Trap: _______________ _______________

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Enrollment: Needs


"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

- Albert Einstein

"When you discover you are on a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount. Of course, there are other strategies. You can change riders. You can get a committee to study the dead horse. You can benchmark how other companies ride dead horses. You can declare that it's cheaper to feed a dead horse. You can harness several dead horses together. But after you've tried all these things, you're still going to have to dismount."

- Gary Hamel

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Enrollment: Needs

the enrollment model Y N A



Needs © Copyright©2009 EntreQuest, Inc. | All Rights Reserved www.entrequest.com Copyright 2008 EntreQuest, Inc. All Rights |Reserved

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Revolutionize Your Sales

Enrollment: Needs

the enrollment model

Achieve Outcome

Create Value-Based Compelling Solutions

Reveal the SMART Need Identify the ________before you identify the _________.

Access to 'need' is asking empowering questions. © Copyright©2009 EntreQuest, Inc. | All Rights Reserved www.entrequest.com Copyright 2008 EntreQuest, Inc. All Rights |Reserved

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Enrollment: Needs

peeling the onion Means Needs

Means Needs are those things that we are most important but in reality are

Ends Needs

Ends Needs are the


for achieving what is most important.

Examples • Great job • Health • Family

that we ultimately want to experience that are directly associated with the Means Needs. Examples • Success, Fulfillment • Security, Confidence • Love, Connection

Peeling the Onion

To reach the Ends Needs you must first peel back the Means Needs by asking _______________________ questions.

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Enrollment: Needs

means vs. needs Means Needs vs. Ends Needs

• The process of Peeling the Onion is asking a series of questions that will reveal a deeper answer than the previous one. • The ____________answer is almost never the only need.

Reveal Ends Needs through Peeling the Onion • Open Ended Questions • Directed Questions • Deficit Questions

Exercise Means Needs

Ends Needs

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Enrollment: Needs

summary Peeling the Onion

• • • •

Make sure that the questions you ask bring a specific focus to the conversation Use the questions as a way to guide you to what is most important to the prospect Understand their hierarchy of concerns and values Make sure that they are in touch with what is most important to them

Example What do you think about _______________________? What do you like about _____________________? What is most important to you about _________________? If you had __________________, what would that give you? What is preventing you from having ________________? If we could ______________what would that do for you? What must happen for you to feel that you have _________________? If we could ____________________how satisfied would you be?

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Enrollment: Needs

listen & talk Listen: 66%

x2 Talk: 33%

x1 “It is said that we have two ears and one mouth because we should listen twice as much as we speak” –Anonymous

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Enrollment: Needs


Bull in the Ring

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Enrollment: Needs

exercise Scenario Scenario

You are the salesperson and meeting with a prospect. After you engaged them you begin to investigate their needs. Your goal is to Peel the Onion to find the Ends Need of the prospect.

Instructions Salesperson • Take five minutes to discuss how you would approach this situation with the others playing the role of the salesperson • Use the question on page 58 for your discussion. Prospect • Get together with the others playing the role of pros pect. You will receive instructions from the facilitator. Observer • Get together with the other observers and the facilitator and use the worksheet on page 60 to track your observa- tions during the meeting.

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Enrollment: Needs


Scenario Details



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Enrollment: Needs


Salesperson Preparation Sheet What concerns can you anticipate the prospect will have?

How will you initiate the investigation?

What questions will you use to find out what is important to the prospect?

How will you know if you have determined the Ends Need?

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Enrollment: Needs


Prospect Preparation Sheet Prospect Instructions

Prospect Needs (Means and Ends)

Additional Notes

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Enrollment: Needs


Observer Worksheet How well did the salesperson create rapport?

What specific questions did the salesperson ask (circle the most effective)?

Does the salesperson effectively Peel the Onion?

Does the prospect disengage? If so, when?

Was the Ends Need Revealed? If so, how?

What coaching would you give to the salesperson so that they can improve?

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Enrollment: Needs

check-in Based on the material taught in this module you should: • • • •

Understand the SMART Outcomes Understand the Achievement SOP Understand the difference between Means and Ends Needs Understand how to effectively Peel the Onion

What have I learned?

How will I apply it?

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Enrollment: Value

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Enrollment: Value

the enrollment model

Achieve Outcome

Create Value-Based Compelling Solutions

Reveal the SMART Need

If it's compelling, they have to have it. Reveal the SMART Need _____________Value ___________

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Enrollment: Value


Price vs. Value

Present: The goal of presenting is to specifically address the Ends Need with a solution that has a higher perceived value than the investment.

Perceived Value

Your Product/Service Value


Prospect's Costs

IF PRICE IS AN ISSUE, THE VALUE IS NOT CLEAR. © Copyright©2009 EntreQuest, Inc. | All Rights Reserved www.entrequest.com Copyright 2008 EntreQuest, Inc. All Rights |Reserved

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Enrollment: Value W




You need to start tuning into WIFT radio: What's In It For Them? What are the services you provide?

What _____does this give your client?

What is your value statement?

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Enrollment: Value


Are we putting our message in our own words?

Who are you?

What do you do?

For whom?

What is the benefit for the client?

Why are you different? What is your call to action?

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Enrollment: Value

so what??

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Enrollment: Value


Your Value

Values Shark Whale Dolphin Octopus


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Enrollment: Value


Bull in the Ring

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Revolutionize Your Sales

Enrollment: Value



Scenario You continue the previous scenario from the three-person exercise in the previous section. The conversation picks up under the assumption that the salesperson has revealed the Ends Need of the prospect. The salesperson must now present the Value-Based Compelling Solution and make a Call to Action.

Instructions Salesperson • Take five minutes to discuss how you would approach this situation with the others playing the role of the salesperson • Use the questions on page 71 for your discussion. Prospect • Get together with the others playing the role of pros pect. You will receive instructions from the facilitator. Observer • Get together with the other observers and the facilitator and use the worksheet on page 73 to track your observa- tions during the meeting.

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Quest for Yes™

Revolutionize Your Sales

Enrollment: Value


Salesperson Preparation Sheet Rules Commission Structure • • •

How will you present your Value-Based Compelling Solution?

What do you anticipate the prospect's questions/concerns to be?

How will you address their questions/concerns?

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Revolutionize Your Sales

Enrollment: Value


Prospect Preparation Sheet

Prospect Instructions

Additional Notes

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Quest for Yes™

Revolutionize Your Sales

Enrollment: Value


Observer Worksheet Does the salesperson focus on Process or Value?

Does the salesperson determine a measurement of the Ends Need? If so, what was it?

Does the salesperson create Value?

Does the prospect have any questions/concerns?

Does the salesperson relate the price to value? If so, how?

Does the salesperson enroll the prospects? If so, at what price? If not, why?

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Quest for Yes™

Revolutionize Your Sales

Enrollment: Value

check-in Based on the material taught in this module you should: • Understand the difference between Value and Process • Be able to present value • Understand how you currently can present value (value statement).

What have I learned?

How will I apply it?

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Quest for Yes™

Revolutionize Your Sales

Integration Exercise

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Revolutionize Your Sales



Closing Exercise What are you committed to having happen in one year?

S__M__A__R__T__ For the above to happen, what has to happen in the next 90 days?

S__M__A__R__T__ What is preventing you??

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Revolutionize Your Sales



The Good Side


The Bad Side


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Revolutionize Your Sales


release of liability

Voluntary Release of Liability This Voluntary Release of Liability (the 'Agreement') is executed on the day and year set forth below. This Agreement is by and between the undersigned participant and EntreQuest, Inc, a Maryland Corporation. The terms and conditions of this Agreement are set forth below. 1. I acknowledge that I am voluntarily taking part in the "Board Breaking" exercise provided by EntreQuest, Inc. 2. I acknowledge that there are risks associated with participating in this exercise, and I assume these risks with the understanding that I have been fully informed of these risks by EntreQuest, Inc. 3. I indemnify and hold EntreQuest harmless for any resulting injuries from my voluntary participation in this activity. 4. I am executing this Agreement free from duress or any type of coercion. Signature _________________________________________________ Name (Printed) ___________________________________________ Date ___________________ EntreQuest, Inc. ___________________________________________ Date ___________________

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Revolutionize Your Sales


check-in Based on the skills learned in this course, complete the following activity.

What have I learned?

How will I apply it?

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Revolutionize Your Sales


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