Qc Requirements Tab User Guide

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  • Pages: 50
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Quality Center Requirements Tab

Practitioners Guide with Step by Step Instructions

Practitioners Guide for Quality Center Requirements Tab

Contents Contents......................................................................................................................................2 INTRODUCTION TO REQUIREMENTS TAB..............................................................................4 Requirements Menu.................................................................................................................6 Analysis Menu..........................................................................................................................7 Standard Quality Center Toolbar..............................................................................................8 View Box..................................................................................................................................9 Description and History Tabs.................................................................................................11 Coverage View.......................................................................................................................14 Attachments...........................................................................................................................17 INTEGRATION BETWEEN QUALITY CENTER AND CALIBER ..............................................19 Quality Center Process Flow .................................................................................................19 Information published from Caliber to Quality Center Requirement Tab.................................20 SETTING NUMERATION OPTION............................................................................................21 REQUIREMENTS TAB VIEWS – WHEN TO USE....................................................................23 Document View......................................................................................................................23 Coverage View.......................................................................................................................24 Coverage Analysis View.........................................................................................................26 LINKING TEST CASES TO REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................31 Select QC Test Case to link to QC Requirement....................................................................31 Verify Design Steps have been created for the QC Test Case ..............................................32 Select Requirements Coverage section.................................................................................33 Select QC Requirement to be linked (traced) to the QC Test Case........................................34 Select QC Requirement to review from QC Test Case...........................................................35 LINKING TEST CASES TO REQUIREMENTS (REQUIREMENTS TAB–COVERAGE VIEW)..37 a)Viewing the Tests Coverage Grid .......................................................................................38 Adding Tests Coverage .........................................................................................................38 Removing Tests Coverage ....................................................................................................40 REQUIREMENTS REPORTING................................................................................................41 Target Custom Reports..........................................................................................................41

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Standard Reports...................................................................................................................43 CHANGES TO REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................48 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS REPORTING: TEST PLAN TAB............................................49 SUPPORT................................................................................................................................50 CHANGE HISTORY..................................................................................................................50

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Practitioners Guide for Quality Center Requirements Tab

INTRODUCTION TO REQUIREMENTS TAB The Requirements Tab of Quality Center contains requirements published from Caliber. Requirements can be linked to test cases, traceability and test coverage can be verified.

The Requirements Tab contains many features which will be helpful in working with the requirements published from CaliberRM. If you have not imported the requirements from CaliberRM, follow the instructions given in Caliber - Quality Center Integration guide. The guide is available from the CaliberRM User's Reference site. http://sharepoint.target.com/sites/CaliberRM/default.aspx You will find the Integration guide in the Links section on the right side of the Home page. Once the Requirements have been published in Quality Center, the data cannot be edited; it is Read-Only.

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As on other tabs in Quality Center, the Requirements tab contains a menu bar that has drop-down menus of commands for working with Requirements. The Requirements Tab has the following menus:

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Requirements Menu

The list of commands on the Requirements menu will display. Other menus that contain commands specific to the Requirements tab are the View menu, Tools menu and Analysis menu. Commands on the menu are based on what is currently selected. Many options are unavailable since Requirements in Quality Center are Read-Only. NOTE: Remember, CaliberRM is the source of truth. All Requirements are to be entered in CaliberRM and published to Quality Center. No changes to Requirements are to be made within Quality Center.

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Analysis Menu

The Analysis menu contains reports available for Requirements in Quality Center. Reports will be explained and demonstrated in greater detail in the topic called Requirements Reporting.

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Standard Quality Center Toolbar

The standard Quality Center toolbar is always available, regardless of which tab is being used. It contains icons for Spell-Check and other general functions

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View Box

There is also a View Box that allows you to choose how you would like to view the Requirements data. Options are Document View (default), Coverage View or Coverage Analysis View. The various views will be explained and demonstrated in greater detail in the topic called Requirements Tab Views - When to Use. Click on the arrow next to the View Box which currently is displaying the Document View, to choose one of the other options.

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Each of the views will be examined later in this topic. For now, we will remain on the Document View to show some of the additional features you may find helpful on this view. The hierarchical structure of this view is sometimes referred to as the Requirements Tree. The branches of the tree can be expanded to see the detail below. This can be done by clicking on the '+' sign next to any level. On the next page the _Quality Center eLearning branch has been expanded.

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Description and History Tabs

In the Document View, and also the Coverage Analysis View, there are two tabs available that will show Description and History details of the requirement you have selected (in this case, Ability to search for existing customer information). The panel which reveals the two tabs can be shown or hidden by using the doublearrow button in the lower right corner of the screen. Click the double-up-arrow to show the Description tab.

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The description entered in the CaliberRM tool will be brought into Quality Center when the requirements are published from CaliberRM. Next click the History tab to view historical details about this requirement.

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There are two fields on the selected Requirement for which changes are tracked on the History tab. These fields are CaliberRM Priority, and Cover Status. The CaliberRM Priority is brought in when data is published to Quality Center from CaliberRM. Cover Status is updated when Test Cases are linked to Requirements and whenever there is a change to the execution status of a Test Case. Next we will look at the Coverage View of the Requirements. Click on the arrow of the View Box.

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Coverage View

Select Coverage View.

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In Coverage View the Tests Coverage tab displays on the right side of the screen. This tab lists the Test Cases associated with the Requirement selected on the Requirements tree. Click on the Details tab.

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The Details tab displays attributes of the Requirement selected on the Requirements tree. Click the Attachments tab.

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The attachments include a link to the CaliberRM Requirement. Clicking on this link will open CaliberRM to this requirement. To open an attachment, double-click the attachment icon.

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The Quality Center SharePoint site is another great source of information. The link to the site is (http://sharepoint.target.com/sites/qualitycenter/default.aspx)

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INTEGRATION BETWEEN QUALITY CENTER AND CALIBER Quality Center Process Flow For a complete look at how the process works, please click on the Quality Center Process Flow link located at:


NOTE: Please print the Quality Center Process Flow for future reference.

i. Pre-Condition: Requirements Published to Quality Center: Caliber-QC Integration Guide

ii. Below is the first section of the Quality Center Process Flow. Review the Testing Inputs from Analysis Phase. If you don’t have these, please contact the business analyst for your project.

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Information published from Caliber to Quality Center Requirement Tab

Fields published from CaliberRM to Quality Center:

CaliberRM Name, CaliberRM ID, CaliberRM Priority, CaliberRM Func. Spec Flow, CaliberRM Baseline, and Attachments – Caliber Link & Description (rich text)

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SETTING NUMERATION OPTION A Numeration option is available on the Requirements Tab and this data is used on reports. To turn this option on, select the View menu option, Numeration and press <Enter>.

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An example of how requirements look with the Numeration option “on” is shown below:

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The default view on the Requirements tab is the Document View. It is a Hierarchical view based on the CaliberRM structure. You may customize the columns in this view, but cannot filter or sort data. Document View contains the Requirements Tree and can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the ' + ' and ' - ' symbols next to the requirements on the list. By default, the Cover/Execution Status is set to Not Covered. The following is a list of the Cover/Execution Status and its definition: • • • •

Not Covered - The requirement has not been linked to a test. Failed - One or more tests covered by the requirement have "Failed". Blocked – One or more tests covered by the requirement have been “Blocked” from execution. Not Completed - One or more tests covered by the requirement have "Not Completed".

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Practitioners Guide for Quality Center Requirements Tab • • • • •

Passed - All the tests covered by the requirement have “Passed". No Run - All the tests covered by the requirement have "No Run". N/A - The current status of the requirement is not applicable. Rerun – One or more tests covered by the requirement may be in “Rerun”. Out of Scope – One or more test covered by the requirement may be “Out of Scope”.

Refer to Requirements to Test Case Traceability – Detailed report under the Target Custom Reports section to help determine Execution/Cover Status. NOTE: The Blocked, N/A, Rerun and Out of Scope Execution/Coverage status will display as “Failed” within the Coverage Analysis View. Also, Rerun and Out of Scope are Project specific and will not display for every project. Coverage View Selecting the Coverage View allows you to see how many and which test cases are linked to a requirement.

From the Coverage View, you can select different levels in the hierarchy (using +/-) to assess test coverage for various groupings

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On the Test Coverage tab – use Select Tests to link test cases to requirements Test Coverage Chart for the selected requirement grouping: SCN – View Weekly Activity, is viewable in lower-right pane Click on Test Name to navigate to the Test in Test Plan Tree The pie chart will graphically display the full tests coverage for the requirement, grouped according to test status. In this example, the SCN – View Weekly Activity requirement and its child requirements are associated with 1 Passed test, 1 Not Completed test, 1 Blocked test, 1failed test, and 6 No Run tests. NOTE: Please note when the Full Coverage box is selected, Test Coverage is shown for all levels (all requirements under this node are included).

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Coverage Analysis View In the Requirements module, the Coverage Analysis View will examine the status of your requirements. It enables you to quickly understand the breakdown of child requirements according to Test Coverage. For example, in the _Quality Center eLearning project, select the SCN – View Weekly Activity requirement. This requirement has 10 children. In the Coverage Analysis View, you can see that two of the children have a status of Failed (one or more of the tests covered by the requirement failed).

Notes: Select Coverage Analysis View from drop-down list. Remember NOT every requirement will be covered. Depending on how requirements (and test cases) are written, REQs may be “covered” by test cases linked to DETs. For SCNs and high-level nodes (e.g. Project Name and 05. Functional Requirements) there probably won’t be any test coverage and “Not Covered” will display in the Cover Status column.

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Expand: Quality Center eLearning; 05. Functional Requirements; SCN – View Weekly Activity I.

Double-click on the Coverage Analysis SCN – View Weekly Activity:


Coverage Analysis pop-up window is displayed.


Double-click on grey area (1 Not Covered) test coverage.


Quality Center displays requirement(s) that have no test coverage.

to view requirement with no

Press to navigate to the requirement in QC.

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Click on Show Tests Coverage link (below in red).


Coverage Analysis - Tests Coverage Chart is displayed, which is part of the Coverage View. Shows high-level (summary) data on the test cases linked to the selected requirements. Display execution status, number and percent

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Double-click on the Tests Coverage Chart to drill-down to Detailed test case data, again part of the Coverage View. You can filter on Status (see below) Status Filter: Failed Select Full Coverage to include ALL requirements under: SCN – View Weekly Activity

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Data may also be copied to Clipboard for inclusion in Email or Report. Select Copy to Clipboard and paste information into document.

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LINKING TEST CASES TO REQUIREMENTS Once the Requirements have been approved and published from CaliberRM the QC Test Cases need to be linked to the QC Requirements to ensure traceability and test coverage. Select QC Test Case to link to QC Requirement Select the Test Case from the Test Plan tab that is to be linked to the QC Requirement.

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Verify Design Steps have been created for the QC Test Case Select the Design Steps section under Test Plan tab to verify that steps have been designed for the individual Test Case.

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Select Requirements Coverage section Once the Test Steps have been verified from the Design Steps, select the “Reqs Coverage” section. Click on the Select Req. button.

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Select QC Requirement to be linked (traced) to the QC Test Case Once the Select Req button has been selected, the Requirements Tab will display in a window format. This window will list the Caliber Projects that have been published to Quality Center. Select the Caliber Project and Functional Requirement you want linked to the Test Case and Double Click. In this example the _Call Center Example and Detailed Requirement “DET-Ability to search for customer by state” has been selected.

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Select QC Requirement to review from QC Test Case After you have selected the QC Requirement from the Requirements Tab Window, it will appear in the Reqs Coverage window for the QC Test Case. To navigate to the Requirement within the Requirement Tab, double click on the Name. In this example we used, ‘DET-Ability to display an error message if customer not found’. This allows you to toggle between requirement and test case data and views to review the context and details of these items.

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b) Requirements Tab View

Note: If you want to go back to the Test Case after reviewing the Requirement, just click on the Test Plan tab to toggle to the Test Case.

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LINKING TEST CASES TO REQUIREMENTS (REQUIREMENTS TAB– COVERAGE VIEW) You can also link tests and requirements using the Requirements module. Note: This section assumes you are using the Requirements module’s Coverage View to create test coverage. When you select a requirement in the requirements tree, the requirement's tests coverage is displayed in the Tests Coverage tab. The coverage grid lists the test cases that cover the selected requirement. You can view, add and delete tests in the coverage grid.

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The coverage grid contains the following columns: Column


Test Name

The test name and a test type icon.

Execution Status The current execution status of the test. Execution Date

The date on which the test was last run.


The name of the test's designer.

a) Viewing the Tests Coverage Grid You can filter the coverage grid, and show or hide full coverage. You can also instruct Quality Center to go to a test case in the Test Plan Tree or in a Test Set. • • • • •

To filter the coverage grid by status type, select a status from the Status Filter list. For example, you can select to view only tests that have passed. Select All to clear the filter. To show the tests coverage of all the children of the requirement as well, check the Full Coverage check box. By default, full coverage is not displayed. To go to the test in the test plan tree, click the test in the coverage grid. Alternatively, right-click the test in the coverage grid and choose Go to Test in Test Plan Tree. To go to the test in the Test Lab module, right-click the test in the coverage grid and choose Go to Test in Test Set. Click Show to display the Tests Coverage Chart. This pie chart graphically displays the run statuses of the tests in the coverage grid.

Adding Tests Coverage To add tests coverage to a requirement, you select tests from the Test Plan Tree. To add tests coverage to a requirement: •

In the Requirements Tree, select a requirement. The Tests Coverage tab displays the Coverage Grid for the selected requirement.

In the Tests Coverage tab, click the Select Tests button Test Plan Tree on the right.

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to show the

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Select a test or test folder to add to the requirement's tests coverage. Click the Add

to Coverage button . The test is added to the coverage grid. Note that if you select a test folder, only tests that match your current filter are added to the tests coverage. Click the Close button to hide the test plan tree. Tip:  You can also define tests coverage by dragging a test or test folder in the test plan tree to the coverage grid.  To search for a specific test in the tree, type the name (or part of the name) of

the test in the Find box and click the Find button successful, the test is highlighted in the tree.

. If the search is

 To refresh a test in the tree, select the test and click the Refresh button

. To refresh all the tests in the test plan tree, select the Subject folder and click Refresh.

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Removing Tests Coverage You can delete tests from a requirement's tests coverage. To delete tests coverage from a requirement: • •

In the Requirements Tree, select a requirement. The Tests Coverage tab displays the Coverage Grid for the selected requirement. Select a test from the Coverage Grid to delete.

Click the Remove from Coverage button

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and click yes to confirm.

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REQUIREMENTS REPORTING The following reports are available in the Requirements module: Target Custom Reports •

Requirements to Test Case Traceability – Detailed report lists the individual Test Case(s) that trace to each Requirement. This Report is a required output for teams using Quality Center to demonstrate requirements to test case traceability.

NOTE: This report is mandatory and should be stored on the Project’s SharePoint site.

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Requirements to Test Case Traceability – Summary report lists the Cover Status for each Requirement. It displays the Paragraph (QC ID); CaliberRM Name; CaliberRM Priority; (Test) Cover Status; and CaliberRM ID.

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Standard Reports •

Standard Requirements report lists the requirements that appear in the Requirements tree.

Two sub-reports are also available in this report: • •

Coverage Tests: Lists the tests coverage information for each requirement. Associated Defects: Lists the associated defects for each requirement.

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Tabular report displays the requirements that appear in the requirements tree in a grid format.

Two sub-reports are available within this report: • •

Coverage Tests: Lists the tests coverage information for each requirement Associated Defects: Lists the associated defects for each requirement.

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Requirements with Coverage Tests report lists the requirements that appear in the requirements tree with their tests coverage information.

Two sub-reports are available within this report: • •

Coverage Tests: Lists the tests coverage information for each requirement. Associated Defects: Lists the associated defects for each requirement.

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Requirements with Coverage Tests and Steps report lists the requirements that appear in the requirements tree with their tests coverage information. It also displays test steps for each of the tests covered.

Two sub-reports are available within this report: • •

Coverage Tests: Lists the tests coverage information for each requirement. Associated Defects: Lists the associated defects for each requirement.

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Requirements with Associated Defects report lists the requirements that appear in the requirements tree with their associated defects.

Two sub-reports are available within this report: • •

Coverage Tests: Lists the tests coverage information for each requirement. Associated Defects: Lists the associated defects for each requirement.

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CHANGES TO REQUIREMENTS When a requirement, test, or defect changes, Quality Center has been configured to process traceability notifications for associated entities as follows: # Description

Module Entity Flagged

1 When a requirement changes, the associated test case(s) are flagged with a Trace Changes icon

Test Plan

Test Case

2 When the status of a defect changes to "Fixed", the associated test instance is flagged with a Trace Changes icon

Test Lab

Test instance

3 When a test runs successfully, the associated defect(s) is flagged with a Trace Changes icon

Defects Defect

Notes: All requirement changes are made in CaliberRM and then published to Quality Center. Only the Designer can clear these trace changes.

How to Resolve Traceability Notifications (referenced above): 1. When a Test Case in the Test Plan Tab is flagged with a Trace Changes icon, you

should review the linked requirement(s) to determine what has changed and update the test case accordingly. 2. When a Test Instance in the Test Lab Tab is flagged with a Trace Changes icon, you

should review the defect to determine which Test Cases in the Test Set are impacted and rerun them. 3. When a Defect is flagged with a Trace Changes icon, you should review the Defect

to determine if it can be closed. The Defect is flagged, as the associated Test Instance was run successfully.

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ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS REPORTING: TEST PLAN TAB Tests with Covered Requirements is a standard Quality Center report that is accessed from the Test Plan Tab.

This report can be used to find Test Cases that are not linked to any Requirements.

In this example: Test ID (7017) – REQ – Ability to display weekly call rep activity, is not linked to any requirements; so there is no Covered Requirements section.

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SUPPORT The HP/Mercury Quality Center tool is a TTS supported tool. Please direct questions on HP/Mercury Quality Center to: TTS.MercuryTools

CHANGE HISTORY Date December 2008

December 2008

Version Prepared by 1.0

Mary Larson D. CarlsonAlojado

Change Description Created document


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