Purchase Re Questions Interactive

  • November 2019
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Requirement: List the first 100 purchase requsitions at the plant 'PL01' (table EBAN). Then make it possible to change the purchase requisition itself from the list by clicking twice on the row or by using a push-button. Solution: In the purchasing (MM modul) you can process the purchase requisitions. The purchase requisitions define primarily the need for a material/service. List the first 100 purchase requsitions at the plant 'PL01' (table EBAN). Then make it possible to change the purchase requisition itself from the list by clicking twice on the row or by using a pushbutton. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS TO THE LIST: 1. CONTENT: PURCHASE REQUISITION NUMBER, ITEM NUMBER, DOCUMENT TYPE, MATERIAL, QUANTITY, UNIT OF MEASURE 2. LAYOUT: MAIN HEADER SHOULD INCLUDE PROGRAM NAME, COMPANY NAME, PLANT, PURCHASE GROUP, CREATION DATE, PAGE NUMBER 3. ONE PAGE SHOULD HAVE 50 LINE ITEM

report zmjud001 no standard page heading line-size 85 line-count 50. * DATA /TABLES DECLARATION* tables: eban. data: prog_nam(8). data: begin of pur_req occurs 100, ekgrp like eban-ekgrp, werks like eban-werks, banfn like eban-banfn, bnfpo like eban-bnfpo, bsart like eban-bsart, estkz like eban-estkz, matnr like eban-matnr, menge like eban-menge, meins like eban-meins, numb(3) type n.

data: end of pur_req. * THE REPORT HEADER prog_nam = sy-repid. top-of-page. perform header_write. * SELECTION start-of-selection. pur_req-numb = 1. * SELECT ONLY THOSE FIELDS THAT WILL BE USED FROM THE TABLE EBAN, AND ONLY *THE FIRST100 RECORDS OF THE THE PLANT 'PL01' select banfn bnfpo bsart ekgrp matnr werks menge meins frgdt estkz into corresponding fields of eban from eban up to 100 rows where bsart = 'NB' "document type 'NB' = purchase requisition and werks = 'PL01' and statu = 'N' "processing status and loekz = ' '. "deletion indicator * THE SELECTED RECORDS SHOULD BE APPENDED TO INTERNAL TABLE 'PUR_REQ' pur_req-banfn = eban-banfn. pur_req-matnr = eban-matnr. pur_req-werks = eban-werks. pur_req-ekgrp = eban-ekgrp. pur_req-bnfpo = eban-bnfpo. pur_req-bsart = eban-bsart. pur_req-menge = eban-menge. pur_req-meins = eban-meins. pur_req-estkz = eban-estkz. append pur_req. pur_req-numb = pur_req-numb + 1. endselect. * CHECK WHETHER THE TABLE EBAN CONTAINS ANY PURCHASE REQUISITIONS if sy-subrc ne 0. write: / 'No Purchase Requisition found.'. endif. * PROCESS THE INTERNAL TABLE; WRITE OUT THE REQUIRED FIELDS AND HIDE THE *FIELDS YOU ARE GOING TO USE LATER loop at pur_req. write: /1 pur_req-numb, 9 pur_req-banfn, 21 pur_req-bnfpo, 31 pur_req-bsart, 41 pur_req-matnr, 61 pur_req-menge unit pur_req-meins, 82 pur_req-meins. hide: pur_req-matnr, pur_req-werks, pur_req-banfn. endloop.

clear pur_req-banfn. clear pur_req-matnr. clear pur_req-werks. * IN THE MENU PAINTER (SE41) CREATE A STATUS TO YOUR PROGRAM. HERE YOU CAN *DEFINE THE PUSH-BUTTON set pf-status 'basic'. * CHOOSE A REQUISITION (WITH DOUBLE CLICKING OR PUSHBUTTON) IN THE LIST! THE *PURCHASE REQUISITION IS GOING TO COME UP at line-selection. if pur_req-banfn <> space. set parameter id 'BAN' field pur_req-banfn. " parameter id for pruchase req. number call transaction 'ME52' and skip first screen. "trans. code 'ME52': Change Purchase Requis. clear pur_req-banfn. clear pur_req-matnr. clear pur_req-werks. endif. * FORM THE HEADER form header_write. write: / prog_nam, 32 'FUN-FACTORY', / 'Purch.Gr.:', pur_req-ekgrp, 26 'Purchase Requisition List', 61 'As Of Date:', 75 sy-datum, / 'Plant:', pur_req-werks, 61 'Page:', 75 sy-pagno. uline. write: / text-001, / text-002. uline. endform.

NOTES: 1. PUSH-BUTTON DEFINITION (SE11) In the Menu Painter a status must be created where you can maintain the function keys 2. MAINTAIN THE TEXT ELEMENT TO THE HEADER OF THE LIST (SE38 choose the object component 'TEXT ELEMENTS' at the first screen, then the'TEXT SYMBOLS'. Here you can add a number (I.E. 001) to 'TEXT SYMBOL' and write the header title into the text field like this:

001 Numb.__Requisition__Item___Document_____Material_____________________Quanti ty_Unit_of 002 _________Number_____Num______Type_____________________________________ ___Measure THE FIRST 15 LINE ITEMS OF THE RESULT AND THE HEADERS: ZMJUD001 FUN-FACTORY Purch. Gr.: 001 Purchase Requisition List As Of Date: 05/09/1997 Plant: D031 Page: 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Numb. Requisition Item Document Material Quantity Unit of Number Num Type Measure -----------------------------------------------------------------------1 10049227 00010 NB 11141-030 23.000 CS 2 10049223 00010 NB 11141-030 23.000 CS 3 10049225 00010 NB 11141-030 13.000 CS 4 10049226 00010 NB 11141-030 9.000 CS 5 10049224 00010 NB 11141-030 23.000 CS 6 10049222 00010 NB 11141-030 23.000 CS 7 10049221 00010 NB 11141-030 38.000 CS 8 10049228 00010 NB 11141-030 23.000 CS 9 10049229 00010 NB 11141-030 23.000 CS 10 10049230 00010 NB 11141-030 22.000 CS 11 10049231 00010 NB 11141-030 24.000 CS 12 10049232 00010 NB 11141-030 24.000 CS 13 10049233 00010 NB 11141-030 24.000 CS 14 10049234 00010 NB 11141-030 23.000 CS 15 10049235 00010 NB 11141-030 5.000 CS

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