Pta Gruesa (ex67) April-june 2009 Report

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Global Vision International, 2009 Report Series No. 002 ISSN 1748-9369 (Print)

GVI Mexico Punta Gruesa Marine Conservation Expedition, Q Roo, Mexico

Phase Report 092 April – June 2009

GVI Mexico/Marine Conservation Expedition Report 092 Submitted in whole to Global Vision International Amigos de Sian Ka’an Produced by Chris Mason-Parker – Field Staff Stuart Fulton – Base Manager Raphael Zara – Expedition Coordinator Rowana Walton - Field Staff Luli Noriega Pons – Field Staff Nicola Taylor – Field Staff And Dean Tabone Tim Matthews Erika Gress Brian Runciman Carolyn Flesner Victoria Preece Francesca Hinman Jessica Dow Elliott Prior Robyn Pirie Brandon Bell

Scuba Instructor Science Science Expedition Member Expedition Member Expedition Member Expedition Member Expedition Member Expedition Member Expedition Member Expedition Member

Liv Fordell Cath Branwood Rebecca Emmett AC Geering Clemence Raemy Guy Passey Joel Kemp Tim Hedley Reshma Barnarse

Expedition Expedition Expedition Expedition Expedition Expedition Expedition Expedition Expedition

Edited by Daniel Ponce-taylor, Regional Director

GVI Mexico/Marine Conservation Expedition Address: Apartado Postal 16, Col Centro, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo Mexico Email: [email protected] Web page: and

Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

Executive Summary The sixth 10-week phase of the Punta Gruesa, Mexico, Global Vision International (GVI) expedition has now been completed. The expedition has maintained working relationships with local communities through both English classes and local community events. The expedition has continued to work towards the gathering of important environmental scientific data whilst working with local, national and international partners. The following projects have been run during Phase 092:

Monitoring of strategic sites along the coast.

Training of EMs in the MBRS methodology including fish, hard coral, and algae identification.

Continuing the MBRS Synoptic Monitoring Programme (SMP) for the selected sites within the Mahahual region to provide regional decision makers with up to date information on the ecological condition of the reef.

Providing English lessons and environmental education opportunities for the local community.

Further developing the current Marine Education programme for the children of Mahahual that works alongside the standard curriculum.

Liaise with local partners to develop a successful and feasible programme of research in collaboration with GVI into the future.

Continue adding to a coral and fish species list that will expand over time as a comprehensive guide for the region.

Continuation of the National Scholarship Programme, whereby GVI Punta Gruesa accept a Mexican national on a scholarship basis into the expedition.

Assisting with the local community to create and develop new environmental management strategies, with GVI actively collaborating to develop Mahahual’s marine zoning proposal.

© Global Vision International – 2009


Table of Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ii Table of Contents ...........................................................................................................iii List of Figures................................................................................................................ iv List of Tables ................................................................................................................. iv 1. Introduction.............................................................................................................. 5 2. Synoptic Monitoring Programme................................................................................. 7 2.1 Aim .................................................................................................................. 7 2.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 7 2.2.1.Benthic Cover .......................................................................................... 7 2.2.2 Fish Populations.................................................................................... 9 2.2.3 Physical Parameters ............................................................................ 13 2.3 Methodology and Training.............................................................................. 13 3. Results ...................................................................................................................... 18 3.1 Fish ................................................................................................................ 18 3.1.1 Adult fish............................................................................................... 18 3.1.2 Juvenile Fish .......................................................................................... 20 3.2 Discussion ...................................................................................................... 22 3.2.1 Adult Fish .............................................................................................. 22 3.2.2 Juvenile Fish ....................................................................................... 23 3.3 Coral............................................................................................................... 23 3.3.1 Point Intercept transects ...................................................................... 24 3.3.2 Coral Community Transects................................................................... 26 3.4 Discussion ...................................................................................................... 29 4. Incidental Sightings Programme............................................................................... 30 4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 30 4.2 Methodology .................................................................................................. 30 4.3 Results............................................................................................................ 31 4.4 Discussion ...................................................................................................... 33 5. Coral Disease Monitoring Programme....................................................................... 35 5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 35 5.2 Methodology .................................................................................................. 35 5.3 Results & Discussion ...................................................................................... 36 6. Community Work Programme................................................................................... 38 6.1 English Language Programme ........................................................................ 39 6.2 Environmental Education................................................................................ 39 6.3 Other Programmes and Activities ................................................................... 39 6.3.1 Dive into Earth Day ............................................................................... 39 7. Marine Litter Monitoring Programme........................................................................ 41 7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 41 7.2 Methodology .................................................................................................. 41 7.3 Results............................................................................................................ 42 7.4 Discussion ...................................................................................................... 43 8. Bird Monitoring Programme ..................................................................................... 45 7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 45 8.2 Methodology .................................................................................................. 46 iii

8.3 Results............................................................................................................ 46 8.4 Discussion ...................................................................................................... 46 8.5 Limitations and error ...................................................................................... 47 9. References................................................................................................................. 49 10. Appendices.............................................................................................................. 51 Apendix A – SMP Methodology Outlines............................................................. 51 Appendix B. Species List of adult fish that are recorded during monitoring dives. 55 Appendix C - Juvenile Fish Indicator Species List ................................................ 56 Appendix D - Coral Species List........................................................................... 57

List of Figures Figure 2.1 Map of the monitoring (yellow) and training (green) sites for GVI Mahahual .... 14 Figure 3.1 Total fish biomass per phase........................................................................... 18 Figure 3.2 Adult fish familiy percentage abundance by phase .......................................... 19 Figure 3.3 Percentage abundance of adult fish families per site during 092. .................... 20 Figure 3.4 Percentage abundance of juvenile fish families by phase................................ 21 Figure 3.5 Percentage abundance of Surgeonfish and Turf Algae by phase .................... 22 Figure 3.6 Frequency of species by site on PI transects................................................... 24 Figure 3.7 Abundance of algaes recorded on PI transects ............................................... 25 Figure 3.8 Comparison of algae presence in 082 and 092 ............................................... 26 Figure 3.9 Presence of disease recorded during CC transects......................................... 27 Figure 3.10 Frequency of Bleaching recorded during CC transects.................................. 28 Figure 3.11 Frequency of predation recorded on CC transects ........................................ 28 Figure 4.1 Recorded sightings of sharks and rays from 084 to 092 .................................. 31 Figure 4.2 Turtle sightings by phase ................................................................................ 32 Figure 4.3 Sphyraena barracuda sightings by site............................................................ 33 Figure 5.1 Siderastrea siderea with areas of full bleaching............................................... 37 Figure 5.2 Diploria strigosa with red band disease. .......................................................... 38 Figure 6.1 Earth day activities ……………........................................................................ 40 Figure 6.2 Bubble maker………………............................................................................. 40

List of Tables Table 2.0-1 Name, depth and GPS points of the first monitoring sites (SMP)................... 15 Table 3.1 Number of transects/adult fish recorded per phase. ......................................... 18 Table 3.0-2 Number of transects/juvenile fish recorded per phase ................................... 20


1. Introduction The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) extends from Contoy island at the North of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, to the Bay Islands of Honduras through Belize and Guatemala and is the second largest barrier reef in the world. The GVI Marine Programme within Mexico initiated the running of its first base, Pez Maya, in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve in 2003. Since then the programme has flourished, with a sister site being set up in the south of the Yucatan at Mahahual. The current projects of GVI Pez Maya and Mahahual are assisting Amigos de Sian Ka’an (ASK) and Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP) to obtain baseline data by conducting marine surveys along the coast of Quintana Roo. By obtaining this data, ASK and its partners can begin to focus on the areas needing immediate environmental regulation depending on susceptibility; therefore, implementing management protection plans as and when required. Surveys using the same methodology are being conducted by a number of bodies through the entire Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, in Belize, Honduras and Guatemala, coordinated by the MBRS project group. Such a project is especially significant in current times of rapid development along the small fishing village coast of the Mahahual area, due to the tourism industry generated by the cruise ship pier that was built near the town in 2002. The cruise ship pier was badly damaged following Hurricane Dean in August 2007 and remained out of operation until October 2008 when Mahahual again began to receive the first cruise ships. The current terminal can berth 3 cruise ships with, on average, 12 arrivals per week during high season. The cruise ships bring a flood of tourists in to the Mahahual region, an area that, at present, only has a limited infrastructure for dealing with large numbers of people. Furthermore, plans are underway to increase the number of cruise ships in port, and on land, develop the roadway through the mangrove system, increasing access to vacation homes and hotels. There are also plans to re-open the small airport about 10 km from Mahahual in an effort to get more people to the area. Such development invites degradation of other ecosystems contributing to the health of the reef, as well as activities directly disturbing the reef, such as wave runners and environmentally

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unaware tourists, increasing the pressure on marine resources. Consequently, effective monitoring is becoming ever more important. By assessing the health of the marine environment, new policies can be formulated and environmental degradation prevented if the appropriate measures are taken to advocate long-term, sustainable ecotourism. The collaboration between ASK, UQROO and GVI in Mahahual was finalised in early 2004, contributing in part to the Programa de Manejo Integrado de Recursos Costeros (MIRC),with the Estación Costa Maya (ECM) base running as a fully functional research station from April 2004. Expeditions ran on a 10 week basis until June 2007, working on marine and littoral studies and focusing on local community development. 5 weeks before Hurricane Dean, GVI briefly moved to Sol y Mar, a site north of Mahahual town from where the monitoring in Mahahual continued to be monitored. The last phase of 2007 was held in the badly damaged ECM before arriving to Punta Gruesa in January 2008. Punta Gruesa is located approximately 40km north of Mahahual and 12 km south of the southern tip of the Sian Ka´an Biosphere. The area is, at present, relatively unpopulated although many plots of land in the locality are currently in the hands of foreign investors to eventually be sold or in the process of development. This expedition is the second of GVI’s second year at Punta Gruesa. By using divers with appropriate training, GVI has demonstrated how Mexico can benefit from GVI’s work. The data provided by large numbers of rigorously trained researchers will be extremely useful for the decision makers for effective coastal zone management and provide a comparison with data collected inside the Sian Ka´an Biosphere at Pez Maya.

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2. Synoptic Monitoring Programme 2.1 Aim The projects at Punta Gruesa and Pez Maya aim to identify species and their resilience to environmental stressors. The projects also aim to ascertain areas of high species diversity, areas of high algal mass, fish species and abundance.

2.2 Introduction 2.2.1.Benthic Cover Caribbean reefs were once dominated by hard coral, with huge Acropora palmata stands on the reef crests and Acropora cervicornis and Montastraea annularis dominating the fore reef. Today, many reefs in the Caribbean have been overrun by macroalgae during a ‘phase shift’ which is thought to have been brought about by numerous factors including a decrease in herbivory from fishing and other pressures, eutrophication from land-based activities and disease (McClanahan & Muthiga, 1998). One of the Caribbean’s key reef herbivores, the long-spined sea urchin Diadema antilarium, suffered mass mortalities during 1983-84, resulting in a reduction in number of approximately 90% (Deloach, 1999). This has resulted in a large amount of grazing pressure being removed, providing algae with an opportunity to increase in abundance. Fishing pressures, and the subsequent removal of herbivorous fish such as Parrotfish, has further reduced grazers. The main coral family in the Caribbean was once the Acroporidae which includes the Acropora cervicornis and palmata. In the mid 1980’s this family suffered from what developed into a massive reduction in abundance, which can be clearly seen on many sites in the area by the rubble of dead skeletons of the above species. This decline has subsequently been attributed to both White Band disease and natural factors, and has lead to A. palmata and A. cervicornis being added to the US Endangered Species list as ‘threatened’ (NOAA, 2006). The removal of the Acroporids lead to a change in dominance to the lesser reef building families Poritidae and Agaricidae and it had been found that sites across the Caribbean have decreased in hard coral coverage by as much as 80%

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over the last 30 years (Gardener et al., 2003). With the reduction in Acropora sp., the decimation of the Diadema population and continued fishing pressures, algal species have been able to flourish, and combined with increasing eutrophication, the shift to algal dominance has taken root. Benthic transects record the abundance of all benthic species as well as looking at coral health. The presence of coral on the reef is in itself an indicator of health, not only because of the reefs current state, but also for its importance to fish populations (Spalding & Jarvis, 2002). Coral health is not only impacted by increased nutrients and algal growth, but by other factors, both naturally occurring and anthropogenically introduced. A report produced by the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) in 2004 stated that nearly 66% of Caribbean reefs are at risk from anthropogenic activities, with over 40% of reefs at high to very high risk (UNEP-WCMC, 2006). Naturally occurring events such as hurricanes can have devastating effects on coral reefs in very short periods of time (Gardener et al., 2005). The impact of a hurricane can be felt for some time after the initial strike due to increased sedimentation and nutrient load as low turbidity and low nutrient levels are required for coral growth and health. An increase in sedimentation has been found to increase mortality rates due to impeded photosynthesis and increased energy required to remove sediment from colony surfaces (Nuges & Roberts, 2003; Yentsch et al., 2002). Sediment levels can increase after storms and hurricanes and also as a result of anthropogenic activities such as deforestation, dredging and coastal construction. Hurricanes can also damage reefs through increased wave action, which physically destroys more fragile species resulting in a phase shift of dominant corals. Different coral families have differing resistances to stress. However, with multiple stressors present (sediment, removal of herbivores, disease) even the most hardy can succumb to the pressure, resulting in loss of coral coverage (Kenyon et al., 2006; Yentsch et al., 2002). The measurement of percentage coral mortality provides a way of determining the state of health for the colony and these measures are taken during benthic monitoring (Nuges & Roberts, 2003).

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As a result of the phase shift on Caribbean reefs, the abundance and type of algae present are of particular interest. It has been found that some macroalgae and cyanobacteria do not simply occupy space on the reef, but can actively inhibit coral recruitment (Kuffner et al., 2006). Of those algae present on the reef, two key genera are particularly observed, Halimeda and Dictyota. Halimeda is an important genera due to its calcified structure providing large amounts of calcium carbonate that contributes greatly to beaches and adds to the structure of the reef (Littler et al., 1989). Dictyota spp. have been found to not only inhibit the growth of Halimeda spp. through its epiphytic nature, but also certain species have been found to be able to kill coral recruits in ways other than by simply shading the light or taking the available space (Beach et al., 2003; Kuffner et al., 2006). Due to their opportunistic nature, ability to deal with stress and mechanisms for out-competing coral for space, algae has been able to maintain the coral-algae phase shift. It is not confirmed what the major culprit for these phase shifts is, but it is believed that the reversal of one or more causative factor could lead to a shift back to coral dominance (Edmunds & Carpenter, 2001). In the Caribbean the decrease in coral coverage is believed to be slowing (Gardener et al., 2003). Studies in Jamaica have found areas of Diadema resurgence and within these areas, macroalgae coverage has been found to have reduced and the number of young corals has increased (Edmunds & Carpenter, 2001). Through monitoring the abundances of hard corals, algae and various other key benthic species, as well as numbers of Diadema urchin encountered, we aim to determine not only the current health of the local reefs but also to track any shifts in phase state over time.


Fish Populations

Large numbers of fish can be found on and around coral reefs. These fish are associated with the reef for a variety of reasons. The structural complexity of coral reefs provides shelter for fish, a quick refuge from predators during the day or a safe place to sleep at night. Others rely on the reef directly for food, be they corallivores, such as Butterflyfish, Chaetodontidae or territorial herbivores like some Damselfish, Pomacentridae. The reef

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also indirectly provides food for predatory fish, both those that are site attached like Scorpion fish and pelagic predators such as Bar Jacks. Fish surveys are focused on specific species (see Appendix B) that play an important role in the ecology of the reef as herbivores, carnivores, commercially important fish or those likely to be affected by human activities (AGRRA, 2000). The most important herbivorous fish on the reef are the Parrotfish, Scaridae, and the Surgeonfish, Acanthuridae (AGRRA, 2000). Parrotfish feed primarily on uncalcified algae and seagrasses. However, they are more widely known for scraping algal turf from dead coral heads with their fused front teeth, which form a beak like structure. Live coral is rarely eaten by parrotfish, with the exception of the Stoplight Parrotfish, Sparisoma viridae, and the Queen Parrotfish, Scarus vetula, which often feed on living Montastrea annularis colonies. Parrotfish also utilise the caves, overhangs and crevices in the reef for protection at night from predators (Deloach, 1999). Surgeonfish often feed in large mixed aggregations on the reef, descending upon damselfish gardens and decimating them before moving on. Feeding continues all day, with Blue Tangs and Doctorfish concentrating their activities on the reef itself, while the Ocean Surgeonfish tend to forage over the sand. All surgeonfish play an important role in limiting the growth of algae on the reef (Deloach, 1999). The importance of other fish can be determined by commercial fishing pressure. Many carnivores on the reef such as Groupers and Snappers are important predators and their presence denotes a balanced food chain and also low levels of fishing. Snappers feed nocturnally on crustaceans and small fish and inhabit the reef in daylight hours. Groupers occaisonaly feed during the day, but mainly at dusk and dawn, drawing their prey of fish, crustaceans and cephalopods into their mouths by simply opening them wide, creating a suction effect (Deloach, 1999). Unlike the groupers and snappers, Bar Jacks and Barracuda are pelagic predators and are considered top-level carnivores feeding mainly on fish. They are also commercially

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important fish and their removal has knock on effects to the balance of the food chain (Deloach, 1999). Other predatory fish recorded during fish surveys and which are susceptible to fishing pressures are the many Grunt species, often the most abundant fish on many Caribbean reefs, which spend their days around the reef and feeding at night on sea grass beds, and Hogfish, a favourite target for spear fishers, Spanish Hogfish and Triggerfish (Lee & Dooley, 1998; Deloach, 1999). Fish such as Butterflyfish and Angelfish are also commercially important, but for removal for the aquarium trade rather than for commercial fishing. Butterflyfish are coralivores, eating polyps from both hard corals and gorgonians and are considered to be a general indicator of good coral health. Angelfish, once thought to belong to the same family as the Butterflyfish, can also be coralivores, but have evolved over time to feed on sponges, possibly to avoid increased competition for food (AGRRA, 2000 & Deloach, 1999). All reef fish play an important role in maintaining the health and balance of a reef community. Fishing typically removes larger predatory fish from the reef, which not only alters the size structure of the reef fish communities, but with the reduction in predation pressure, the abundance of fish further down the food chain is now determined through competition for resources (AGRRA, 2000). Although each fish is important, the removal of herbivores can have a considerable impact on the health of the reef, particularly in an algal dominated state, which without their presence has little chance of returning to coral dominance. Through the monitoring of these fish and by estimating their size, the current condition of the reef at each site can be assessed, any trends or changes can be tracked and improvements or deteriorations determined. Population abundances are determined to an extent by larval recruitment. The vast majority of reef fish are pelagic spawners, releasing their gametes into the water column where they are under the influence of water flow for several weeks. Other forms of spawning include benthic egglaying, which is common among Damselfish and Triggerfish.

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Despite the fertilised eggs being laid in nests and protected by diligent parents, once hatched, even these larvae have a pelagic period where their distribution is also controlled by water movement. During this time the fish larvae can travel hundreds of miles from where they were originally spawned, occasionally, however, due to specific oceanographic influences, larvae may be held close to their site of origin (Deloach, 1999). For larvae which survive their pelagic existence, when they eventually settle, they may be a considerable distance from where they were spawned. Recruitment of these larvae into the populations of the different sites has been found to vary. There are several theories about the difference in recruitment levels between sites, even those which are closely situated. Some believe that each reef has a specific carrying capacity and recruitment is based on existing adult abundances. Others believe that abundance of larval recruits is determined after they have settled on a site when competition for resources such as food, space and shelter begin. Rates of predation at specific sites will also play their part in the survival of larval recruits. Recruitment has also been found to vary seasonally (Deloach, 1999). The monitoring of juvenile fish concentrates on a few specific species. The presence and number of larvae at different sites can be used as an indication of potential future population size and diversity. Due to the extensive distribution of larvae, however, numbers cannot be used to determine the spawning potential of a specific reef. The removal of fish from a population as a result of fishing, however, may influence spawning potential and affect larval recruitment on far away reefs. The removal of juvenile predators through fishing may also alter the number of recruits surviving to spawn themselves (AGRRA, 2000). Together with the information collected about adult fish a balanced picture of the reef fish communities at different sites can be obtained.

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Physical Parameters

For the optimum health and growth of coral communities certain factors need to remain relatively stable. Measurements of turbidity, water temperature, salinity, cloud cover, and sea state are taken during survey dives. Temperature increases or decreases can negatively influence coral health and survival. As different species have different optimum temperature ranges, changes can also influence species richness. Corals also require clear waters to allow for optimum photosynthesis. The turbidity of the water can be influenced by weather, storms or high winds stirring up the sediment, or anthropogenic activities such as deforestation and coastal construction. Increased turbidity reduces light levels and can result in stress to the coral. Any increase in coral stress levels can result in them becoming susceptible to disease or result in a bleaching event. In the near future, GVI Punta Gruesa hopes to be able to use this data for analysis of temporal and seasonal changes and try to correlate any coral health issues with sudden or prolonged irregularities within these physical parameters.

2.3 Methodology and Training The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System Synoptic Monitoring Programme methodology has been followed in the monitoring of this phase’s sites. At each site transects were undertaken at a depth of 10m, which corresponds with the reef crest at each site. The sites that are monitored as part of the MBRS programme at GVI Mahahual were chosen through discussions with ASK, the Programa de Manejo Integrado de Recursos Costeros (MIRC, a subsidiary of UQROO) and discussions with local fishermen. The established sites currently cover the immediate vicinity to Punta Gruesa but more sites are looking to be added to the monitoring programme. Seven of these are currently monitored annually with a range covering 6.5 km of the coast.

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Figure 2.1 Map of the monitoring (yellow) and training (green) sites for GVI Mahahual

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Table 2.1 lists the locations of the monitoring sites. GPS points are listed here in the WGS84 datum.


Site ID




Los Boyos Las Joyas Los Milagros Costa Norte Las Delicias Las Palapas Flor De Cañon Sol Naciente Delicias Profundas Los Gorditos

LB10 LJ10 LM10 CN10 LD10 LP10 FDC10 SN10 DP30 LG25

10m 10m 10m 10m 10m 10m 10m 10m 30m 25m

19.02 21.8 19.01 53.0 19.01 35.6 19.01 31.0 19.01 24.7 19.01 55.8 19.02 04.4 19.00 36.0 19.91 24.7 18.59 37.6

087.33 54.8 087.34 07.6 087.34 13.3 087.34 16.5 087.34 20.2 087.34 05.0 087.34 03.4 087.34 33.0 087.34 20.2 087.34 51.9

Table 2.1 Name, depth and GPS points of the first monitoring sites (SMP).

The methods employed for the underwater visual census work are those outlined in the MBRS manual (Almada-Villela et al., 2003), but to summarise, GVI use three separate methods for buddy pairs: o

Buddy method 1: Surveys of corals, algae and other sessile organisms


Buddy method 2: Belt transect counts for coral reef fish


Buddy Method 3: Coral Rover and Fish Rover diver

The separate buddy pair systems are outlined in detail in Appendix A. 2.4 Synoptic Monitoring ProgrammeTraining The non-specialist volunteers recruited by GVI all undergo a rigorous training programme prior to taking part in monitoring surveys. There are four expeditions a year, each identified by a three digit code incorporating the year and phase period, i.e. the first phase of 2009 then becomes 091, the second 092 and so on. During each phase, EMs are trained in 5 week periods. During the first 3 weeks, a series of theory and practical sessions are held to develop each EMs knowledge and skills to a standard level, which is necessary to

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obtain reliable data. Each EM focuses on the knowledge and skills required to conduct either fish or coral MBRS SMP transects. The lecture series builds on basic concepts of coral reef ecology and introduces issues that are relevant to marine research monitoring. Hazards of the Reef

Classification and Taxonomy

Goals of the Station

Monitoring Methods and Lecture Demonstration

Introduction to Coral Reefs

Marine Plants and Algae

Introduction to Fish and Coral

Coral Diseases

Introduction to Coral Identification

Marine Turtles

Introduction to Fish Identification

Development of the Quintana Roo Coast

Threats to the Reef

General Oceanography

In addition to these lectures, volunteers take part in a number of coral or fish identification workshops with staff members, before taking a computer exam that requires a minimum 95% score to pass. Underwater training focuses first on developing the necessary dive skills, with an emphasis on high levels of buoyancy control and diving safety procedures. EMs then undergo a series of spots, covering either hard coral and benthic species identification, as well as coral health monitoring techniques, or adult and juvenile fish identification, size estimation exercises and practice transect work. EMs are tested by experienced monitoring staff at each stage, with 100% required before being approved for monitoring. Physical Parameters In addition to the dive survey reports collected at each site, measurements of the following physical parameters are collected on each dive survey made at the permanent SMP monitoring sites:

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Sea state


Cloud Cover

Bottom and surface temperature

Turbidity Sea state is recorded using a modification of the Beaufort scale for wind. Cloud density is recorded through a visual estimation of the cover above the site by dividing the sky into eight and establishing how many sections have 60% or greater coverage. Turbidity is recorded using a Secchi disk marked in half metre intervals, which is lowered into the water until no longer visible. The length of line is then established whilst the disk is reeled in. Salinity samples are taken at the surface of the survey site by the captain from the boat and on the reef itself by one of the survey divers. The samples are tested using a refractometer to obtain direct salinity measurements in parts per thousand (PPT). Surface temperature is recorded using a handheld depth sounder with built in temperature gauge. Bottom temperature is collected from a survey diver using a dive computer.

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3. Results 3.1 Fish The numbers of transects per phase and total fish seen per transect are listed in Table 3.1. In 092 there was a significant increase in the number of fish recorded per transect compared with 091.


Total Transects in Phase

Total fish in phase

Fish per transect

























Table 3.1 Number of transects/adult fish recorded per phase.

3.1.1 Adult fish

Figure 3.1 Total fish biomass per phase

Adult fish biomass witnessed a dramatic increase in 092 compared with the previous three phases. At 3.86kg 100m-2 this is an increase of 1.8kg and the highest level recorded since

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082. The increase though extremely encouraging still remains well below the Caribbean average. Species belonging to 13 families were recorded during transect monitoring in phase 092. Figure 3.2 displays adult fish percentage abundance for twelve families as once again no sightings of the family Sphyraenidae were recorded. Following the trend of previous phases Haemulidae accounted for the most commonly observed fish family with 50.9% of the total number observed. The next most abundant family was the Acanthuridae (22.30%), Scaridae (6.64%) and Lutjanidae (5.69%). All remaining families accounted for

% Abundance of adult fish

less than 15% of the total sightings.


Figure 3.2 Adult fish familiy percentage abundance by phase

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Site Figure 3.3 Percentage abundance of adult fish families per site during 092.

Figure 3.3 shows the percentage abundance of fish families for each of the survey sites monitored. The two dominant fish families recorded were the grunts (Haemulidae) and the Surgeonfish (Acanthuridae). As with phase 091, the grunts were the more abundant family observed at all sites except ‘Flor de Canyon’ (FDC10). Transects undertaken at CN10 and LP10 recorded higher numbers of Snapper than at other sites, while Parrotfish were most frequently observed at FDC10 and LB10.

3.1.2 Juvenile Fish Phase

Total Transects in Phase

Total fish in phase

Fish per transect

























Table 3.2 Number of transects/juvenile fish recorded per phase

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% Abundance

Phase Figure 3.4 Percentage abundance of juvenile fish families by phase

As with previous phases total of five juvenile fish families were monitored on transects in 092. The most abundant family recorded at all sites was Labridae (52%). The results show abundance of Pomacentridae (32%) and Scaridae (12%) have increased in 092 when compared with the previous phase. 092 also witnessed the highest number of Acanthuridae recorded since monitoring began.

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% Abundance

Phase Figure 3.5 Percentage abundance of Surgeonfish and Turf Algae by phase

Figure 3.5 shows the relationship between Acanthuridae and Turf Algae. As with the same period last year there has been a slight decrease in the abundance of both Surgeonfish and Turf Algae for the phase 092.

3.2 Discussion 3.2.1 Adult Fish A total of 843 adult fish were recorded in phase 092, the highest number since monitoring began at Punta Gruesa. During this period the families Acanthuridae and Haemulidae have dominated the adult fish data. Once again in 092 these familes made up a large proportion of the total fish observed, with the Haemulidae accounting for over 50% of the total fish species. At present the reasons for the dramatic increase in adult fish biomass when compared to the previous three phases is unclear. However, it is likely that the recording of a number of schools of the species Haemulon carbonarium and Haemulon sciurus containing over twenty individuals at the sites CN10 and LM10 may have contributed partly to the increased fish numbers. Due to the design of the methodology used, fish species are only recorded if they pass through an estimated 2m box in front of

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the monitoring diver, remaining unrecorded if they linger outside this area. Another possibility for the increased biomass is a higher accuracy in fish sizing by volunteers. The number of adult fish recorded for the remaining families remained relatively constant with that of previous phases. Furthermore, the continued close correlation between the abundance of Acanthuridae and Turf algae indicates a balanced equilibrium within the reef ecosystem. There have been no reports of members of the family Sphyraenidae for the past five phases. These results are misleading and can once again be attributed to the monitoring methodology employed. Sphyraena barracuda (Great Barracuda) spend much of their time high in the water column and rarely cruise close to the reef benthos. For this reason they ae unlikely to swim into the divers´ 2m box and remain unrecorded. Due to this inconsistency, GVI Punta Gruesa has included Great Barracuda as part of the Incidental Sightings program (Section 4) and will look to monitor population numbers in the area.

3.2.2 Juvenile Fish Juvenile fish numbers peak as coastal waters warm during the first six months of the year. In 092 an average of 17.96 juvenile fish were recorded per transect compared with 5.74 in the previous phase. Adult T.bifasciatum and H.garnoti usually spawn in the spring or early summer with juveniles of the species recruiting to the dermal population in summer. With this in mind the increase in juvenile numbers was expected. However, coinciding with the adult fish recorded, the scale of the increase in phase 092 when compared with the previous two phases can not be attributed to this alone. Currently the reasons for this significant increase are unknown and will require further investigation.

3.3 Coral The coral health and biodiversity of benthic species is an important indicator for reef health. The PI (Point Intercept) and CC (Coral Communities) transects offer data to assess these indicators over the monitoring period.

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3.3.1 Point Intercept transects The PI transect gives an overview of the benthic cover of the monitoring sites. Below is the breakdown of these results for 092 by site.

Frequency of species by site on PI transects 250

Hermatypic Coral Bryozoan Blue Green Algae



Coralline Algae Dictyota


Gorgonians Halimeda Lobophora


Macroalgae Sand


Sponge Turf algae











Figure 3.6 Frequency of species by site on PI transects

The overall most common species according to the figure is Macroalgae. The algae, in general, are abundant, which is in line with the phase shift that has occurred throughout the Caribbean whereby coral cover has reduced, and alga has become dominant. The changes are thought to be related to anthropogenic influences such as fishing pressures, coastal development and climate changes that have changed the environment and therefore affected the balance of species thriving there. Hermatypic corals are relatively consistent over the sites, and appear to be equal coverage to some algae species.

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The algae are separated below, illustrating the dominance of macroalage in comparison to the other species. Blue-green algae appear to be the least common amongst the group, with the larger, more aggressive growth types taking over the space.

Abundence of algaes recorded on PI transects


250 200

Turf algae


Macroalgae Dictyota




Lobophora Coralline Algae

0 CN






Blue Green Algae


Figure 3.7 Abundance of algaes recorded on PI transects

A comparison between this phases algae data, and that recorded in 2008 are shown below. The patterns and trends appear to remain fairly constant, and macro emerges as the most dominant algal category during both phases.

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Comparison of algae presence in 082 and 092 1400 1200


1000 800




400 200

rf Tu

M ac ro

Lo bo ph or a

Ha lim ed a

D ict yo ta

Co ra llin e

Bl ue

gr ee n



Figure 3.8 Comparison of algae presence in 082 and 092

3.3.2 Coral Community Transects The CC transects offer a view of the health of the corals themselves by recording disease, predation and bleaching presence on the reef. By far the most common disease on all phases is Dark Spot Disease, which is illustrated by the results of the figure below. It was the only disease recorded during 092, with the exception of a few cases of unknown diseases that were found along transects. This can be taken as a good sign, with the presence of only one disease rather than abundance of the more aggressive diseases such as White Band and Yellow Blotch that kill large sections or all of a colony, compared to Dark Spot that is far less aggressive.

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Pre s e nce of dis e as e re corde d on CC trans e cts 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Dark spot

Other Dis e as e

Figure 3.9 Presence of disease recorded during CC transects

Bleaching follows a similar pattern to other phases, with the three types in proportion in comparison. Pale bleaching is an overall lightening of the colony, full is the complete loss of zooxanthellae over a significant proportion of the coral, and partial being small area of full bleaching. Pale is the most common due to the prevelance on a certain species that is very abundant in the area; Sidersatrea siderea. This species often presents with pale bleaching, and therefore due to the abundance, pale is often high in proportion to the other types.

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Frequency of bleaching recorded on CC transects Frequency 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Full



Bleach type

Figure 3.10 Frequency of Bleaching recorded during CC transects

Finally, the CC transects monitor predation on corals such as overgrowth and other reef creatures that eat the polyps. The figure below shows the breakdown of this for 092. Sponge overgrowth, namely Cliona, is the most common source of predation, with the remainder presenting only once or twice. The numbers are relatively low, which, for the volume of corals recorded overall, is positive for the health of the reef.


Frequency of predation recorded on CC transects 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Damselfish

Firew orm


Short coral snail

Sponge overgrow th

Tunicate overgrow th

Predation type

Figure 3.11 Frequency of predation recorded on CC transects

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3.4 Discussion The data in general is showing little in the way of degredation or recovery. The reef appears to be fairly stable overall, with the algae trend and coral cover remaining constant. The presence of diseases and predation is in line with previous phases, showing little or no increase that would suggest the health and resislience of corals to be changing. With further study, more trends will become aparent and with the socioeconomic information surrounding the area and knowledge of development and activities pertaining to the reef, strategies can be suggested for management of the area to ensure the reef is sustained or allowed to recover from previous factors.

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4. Incidental Sightings Programme 4.1 Introduction GVI Mahahual has implemented an incidental sightings program since April 2004, due to the high number of turtles and other megafauna species seen on dives in the area. Species that make up the incidental sightings list are: •

Sharks and Rays



Marine Mammals

Great Barracuda

These groups are identified to species level where possible and added to the data collected by the Ocean Biogeographic Information Systems Spatial Ecological Analysis of Megavertebrate Populations (OBIS-SEAMAP) database. An interactive online archive for marine mammal, seabird and turtle data, OBIS-SEAMAP aims to improve understanding of the distribution and ecology of marine megafauna by quantifying global patterns of biodiversity, undertaking comparative studies, and monitoring the status of and impacts on threatened species. 4.2 Methodology Each time an incidental sighting species is seen on a dive or snorkel it is identified, and the date, time, location, depth it was seen at, and size are all recorded. The EM’s are provided with a Megafauna presentation during science training, which aids in identification of shark, ray and turtle species. All the completed dives are logged by GVI, showing the total effort for each phase in comparison with the species recorded. Previous Mahahual expeditions have recorded turtle nesting sites during the nesting season. However in Punta Gruesa there are no nesting beaches so this programme has been discontinued. For the first time in 092 GVI Punta Gruesa began recording Sphyraena barracuda sightings.

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4.3 Results A total of 170 incidental sightings (excluding S.barracuda) were recorded during 092. Sharks rays and eels were once again the most commonly observed species (130 individuals). Rays are the most commonly observed members of the Sharks, rays and eels category across the past three phases, with the Southern Stingray the most common of the rays (Figure 4.1) 092 provided the highest number of Southern stingray, Spotted Eagle ray and

Number of individuals recorded

Yellow stingray observations.


Figure 4.1 Recorded sightings of sharks and rays from 084 to 092

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Six sharks were observed this phase. This is an increase on the previous two phases with the most common species remaining the nurse shark. Two Caribbean reef sharks were

Number of individuals recorded

also recorded.

Figure 4.2 Turtle sightings by phase

A total of twenty-six turtles were recorded in 092 which is nine more than the previous phase. A significant increase in observations of Hawksbill and Loggerhead turtles over the previous two phases contrasted with an absence in Green turtle recordings for 092 (Figure 4.2).

For the first time in 092 Sphyraena barracuda (Great Barracuda) sightings were recorded. A total of 158 individuals were observed across all the sites (Figure 4.3) with the highest number observed (44 individuals) at the site ‘Las Palapas’.

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Figure 4.3 Sphyraena barracuda sightings by site

4.4 Discussion Incidental sightings of large marine creatures are often good indicators of a healthy ecosystem. These species are highly mobile animals and therefore their movements depend on a range of external factors. At present with a limited amount of data available few obvious trends are visible. It is expected that the collection of additional data over future phases will allow for further investigation of temporal trends. The reasons for a lack of Green turtle sightings in 092 are unclear and require further investigation. Unlike Green turtles, recordings of Hawksbill and Loggerhead turtles have increased significantly over the past two phases. This may perhaps be attributed to the discovery of the new dive site ‘Los Gorditos’ (LG) which was dived over twenty times last phase. A spur and groove site with a bottom depth of around 28m, and many crevices and

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overhangs favoured by Hawksbill turtles, LG provided six of the total of eleven Hawksbill sightings. A significant increase in the number of eel and ray sightings can perhaps be attributed to more accurate recording of megafauna sightings. The appointment of a monitor ensured data was collected after each dive and snorkel. Despite this, sightings of Aetobatus narinari (the spotted eagle ray is a species that has traditionally been recorded accurately over previous phases) have increased dramatically. A total of eighteen were identified in 092 compared with eleven in 091 and four in 084. Furthermore, in 091 all eleven Spotted Eagle Ray sightings took place in the Lagoon while in 092 ten of the eighteen observations took place on different dive sites. The reason for the increase in Aetobatus narinari sightings over the last three phases is unclear but may bare some relation to the breeding season of Strombus gigas (Queen conch), one of the rays preferred food items. The sites dived around Punta Gruesa appear to support a healthy Sphyraena barracuda population. An important apex predator alongside sharks, S.barracuda populations help to maintain a healthy equilibrium within coral reef ecosystems. The reefs in the area are subjected to low level fishing pressure from a group of six to ten spear fishermen. The fishermen fish the reef on average once a week targeting Great barracuda alongside other fish species. In addition to spearfishing, the coastline also plays host to sporadic game fishing tournaments during which S. barracuda are one of the species caught. Sphyraena barracuda is a circumtropical, diurnal species, hunting along coral reefs and seagrass beds from just after sunrise until before sunset. The site ‘Las Palapas’ accounted for the highest number of sightings with an average of 4.89 barracuda observed on each visit to the site. On six occasions during 092 S. barracuda was observed schooling in groups of between eight and twenty individuals. This schooling behaviour is frequently seen in subadults and is thought to be a behavioural adaptation aimed and prey capture and predator avoidance. However, the schooling barracuda observed over the phase 092 were predominantly large adults ranging from 1.31.7m in size. Further monitoring over the coming phases will determine whether this behaviour is common in the local area.

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5. Coral Disease Monitoring Programme

5.1 Introduction In phase 092 GVI Punta Gruesa implemented a coral disease, predation and bleaching monitoring program. Globally coral reefs are under severe pressure from a series of natural and anthropogenic impacts including overfishing, disease, pollution, sedimentation, climate change and unsound tourism practices. The prevalence of disease may be higher in corals stressed by human impacts such as mechanical damage and pollution (Bryant et al., 1998). As sea temperatures continue to rise and the seas become more polluted the occurrence of disease is likely to become more frequent. Through an integrated coral disease, predation and bleaching monitoring program, GVI Punta Gruesa hopes to observe how different species of coral are affected by stressors and investigate whether recovery, if it occurs, is driven by the coral species or physical parameters.

5.2 Methodology Individual coral colonies affected by disease or bleaching were identified, tagged and photographed at the site ‘Los Milagros’ (LM). Polystyrene markers attached to 1m lengths of string provided a visual tag. The coral colony is photographed and physical parameters recorded. A coral cover pole was used to provide scale and measure the extent of disease/predation/bleaching. The colonies were then revisited at five-week intervals and further photographs taken to monitor the stressors. Four colonies were tagged on May 20st 2009 and photographs taken for further analysis. LM1 = Diploria strigosa with encrusting gorgonian LM2 = Siderastrea siderea affected by white plague. LM3 = Siderastrea siderea with partial bleaching. LM4 = Diploria strigosa affected by red band disease.

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The site was revisited on July 3rd 2009 and additional photographs taken for comparative analysis.

5.3 Results & Discussion Encrusting Gorgonian (LM1) The encrusting gorgonian Erythropodium caribaeorum is known to overgrow and kill hermatypic corals. A colony of Diploria strigosa was identified at the site ´Los Milagros´ at a depth of 10m with approximately 60% of the coral covered by a layer of E.caribaeorum. The coral colony was revisited after a five week period and further photographs and measurements taken. Initial observations point towards little if any change in the percentage of the colony encrusted. White Plague (LM2) The identified colony of Siderastrea siderea has a diameter of 18cm and a height of 10cm. It is located at a depth of 12m. When observed on May 20st 2009 it exhibited a thin circular band of white plague approximately 8cm in diameter on the top of the colony. Upon returning to the coral on June 3rd 2009 further observations indicate that there had been minimal if any progress regarding the spread of the disease. The water temperature on both occasions was 28 degrees centigrade. Partial Bleaching (LM3) Once again a colony of Siderastre siderea was selected on this occasion displaying partial bleaching. The colony located at a depth of 11m is 22cm in diameter with a height of 2cm. Accross one side it is in competition with another S. siderea.

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Figure 5.1 Siderastrea siderea with areas of full bleaching.

20/05/2009 2

03/07/2009 2

Figure 5.1 displays partial bleaching on a colony of Siderastrea siderea over a period of approximately five weeks. The photograph taken on July 3rd clearly shows a return of the zooxanthellae to many areas of the colony, particularly in the centre and the bottom left corner. However, further bleaching appears to have occurred in the area towards the right of the colony (as seen in the photographs). The reason for an increased bleaching in this area is likely to be the stress related resulting from the competing S.siderea. Red Band Disease (LM4) Diploria strigosa is a species of brain coral that is commonly affected by red band disease (RBD). In the colony identified as part of the monitoring program, RBD was already well established. Located at a depth of 10.5m, the colony has a diameter of 100cm and a height of 80cm. Upon first observation of the approximately 70% of the colony was dead with the disease working its way from the top of the coral towards the bottom. The colony was visited again after three weeks at which point only 10-15% remained healthy and again after five weeks by which time the entire coral was dead (Figure 5.2). The observations show that red band disease moves quickly destroying 30% of a large coral colony in less than six weeks. In future GVI Punta Gruesa will look to identify a colony exhibiting early signs of the disease to obtain an improved idea of the timescale between disease appearance and coral mortality.

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Figure 5.2 Diploria strigosa with red band disease.




Over the coming phases the programme will continue to monitor the marked colonies LM2 & LM3 while looking to tag and monitor further corals exhibiting signs of stress. Through the ongoing identification and monitoring of coral disease and predation and the early detection of coral bleaching GVI Punta Gruesa hopes to build up a better understanding of the factors affecting differing coral colonies.

6. Community Work Programme GVI is committed to working with the local communities, assisting them to guide Mahahual´s development towards a sustainable future. For that, we center our activities in two main aspects: English and Environmental Education. GVI hopes to provide locals in Mahahual with the tools to develop the area beneficially for themselves, their professions and needs, whilst protecting it for the future. Consequently, during both the child and adult education programs, wherever possible an environmental theme has been included within the structure of the lessons. EMs appreciate the opportunity to participate in the teaching experience and are happy to interact with and contribute directly to the community and children, either teaching in a classroom or playing outdoors in addition to researching data. The program is carried out in two main areas: English for adults and children in three levels (basic, intermediate and advanced) during the afternoons; and Environmental education for primary and secondary school during the mornings every Thursday.

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6.1 English Language Programme This has been the second phase of the new format: only Thursday afternoons from 4:30 to 6:00pm and 6:30 to 8:00pm. This new format’s worked quite well. We had a very good attendance. Unfortunately, the H1N1 Influenza situation dramatically affected the whole country in general, but specifically Mahahual due to the lack of tourism which is the base of economy. Without cruise ships, there is little local employment, so members of the local population returned to family homes (often Chetumal), schools were closed and large gatherings of people were forbidden. This resulted in poor attendance for the lessons by the end of the phase. We hope next phase brings the success we’ve had in previous phases.

6.2 Environmental Education This program takes place in the primary school every Thursday from 9:30 to 10:30am and, in the secondary school from 11:30 to 12:30pm. As mentioned above, schools were closed, so we were not able to reach the students for several weeks until the school reopened. 6.3 Other Programmes and Activities

6.3.1 Dive into Earth Day On April 22nd, GVI joins many other people around the globe celebrating Earth day. This annual event was instated to raise awareness and demonstrate the importance of the environment by providing activities with insightful information, promoting terrestrial and marine conservation. Since its presence in Mahahual, GVI has organized events for this day, last year and this year being one of our most successful ones, offering diving and snorkelling to the school children of Mahahual, and also spent the morning playing educational games on the beach with some of the students, whilst others attended a puppet show regarding the importance of the symbiosis of zooxantheli algae and polyps of the corals.

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There was also a Bubble Maker session for the older children given by the GVI scuba instructors and the help of EMs. This last activity took place at Matan Ka’an hotel, which, since last year has kindly lent us their facilities. This was a very special and successful day for all of us. Expectations were exceeded by EMs, staff and school teachers alike.

Figure 6.1 Earth day activities

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Figure 6.2 Bubble maker

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7. Marine Litter Monitoring Programme 7.1 Introduction Phase 092 saw the beginning of the marine litter collection program at Punta Gruesa. Marine litter is prevalent along the Caribbean coast and is not only unsightly but a health hazard to marine life and humans alike. In order to collect more data on this issue a beach clean program will be conducted every phase. This is part of a worldwide program and is just one method of investigation to discover where marine litter originates from and which materials are most common.

Figure 7.1 Marine litter washed up on the beach at Punta Gruesa

Objectives of the beach clean programme 1. Quantified data and photographic evidence as to the extent of marine litter. 2. Conservation of terrestrial and marine fauna threatened by litter. 3.

Improvement of beach aesthetics.

7.2 Methodology Marine litter is collected weekly on a 200 metre stretch of beach north of base. The transect is cleared one week prior to the commencement of the monitoring program, in © Global Vision International – 2009

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order that only a weekly amount of debris is recorded. Materials are collected from the tidemark to the vegetation line to eliminate waste created by inland terrestrial sources. The waste is separated, weighed and recorded by the categories below: • • • • • • • • • •

Fabric Glass Plastic Polystyrene Metal Natural material (modified) Medical waste Rubber Rope Other

7.3 Results Seven beach cleans were conducted this phase. The highest percentage of litter by weight collected was plastic (53%) with the next largest group ´other´ (21%). There was no fabric or medical waste collected, and only a small amount of metal, polystyrene and paper/cardboard (Figure 7.3-1).

Figure 7.2 Marine litter collected as % of total weight

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Table 7.1 represents the total litter collected by each category weight. As shown in the previous graph plastic again accounts for the greatest weight of litter collected.

Total fish in phase

Fish per transect

Fabric (0kg)

Natural material (modified) (4.1kg)

Glass (4.08kg)

Medical waste (0kg)

Plastic (41.95kg)

Rubber (3kg)

Polystyrene (1.29kg)

Rope (7.07kg)

Metal (0.12kg)

Other (16.85kg)

Table 7.1 Marine litter collected as actual weight (kg)

 7.4 Discussion The beach at Punta Gruesa directly faces the Caribbean current, which originates from the equatorial Atlantic Ocean and transports significant amounts of water north-westwards through the Caribbean Sea and into the Gulf of Mexico via the Yucatan current (Gyory, 2006). It is possible that litter is driven by the Caribbean current towards the shores of the Yucatan and therefore originates from quite far afield. This is compounded by boat traffic in the Caribbean and outflows from rivers and storm drains etc. It is likely that weather changes affecting sea turbulence and tide-lines will affect the amounts of marine debris being washed up. It was noted in the data collected that there was an increased amount of litter after a week of storms or high winds. This could be due to a greater level of sea turbulence. As can be seen from the results plastic is the most prevalent material collected. Plastic is one of the most damaging materials as it is does not break down easily and can persist for long periods of time in the marine environment. It is a hazard to marine life as it can cause entrapment or be ingested.

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However, the results produced need to be examined further as they do not account for volume of material collected only weight. Plastic is generally a light material, as is polystyrene, so even a huge volume of these materials would possibly weigh the same as a small amount of metal. Unfortunately it is not possible to measure the volume of the materials collected. Furthermore, due to the weight of the different types of debris they can travel further in the ocean. For example, a plastic bag weighs little and can be carried far by the ocean. But a metal drum is heavy and is therefore likely to sink at the site where it is deposited. In the results the Other category accounted for the second greatest weight of all debris collected. This category comprised of three items made of concrete, tar and ceramic. As a result the individual weight of these materials meant that the category accounted for a larger percentage of the total weight collected than was perhaps representative. Although efforts are made to collect only marine debris, it is clear that not all litter is washed ashore and that some part of it, as yet unquantified, comes from recreational shore activities and people visiting the beach.

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8. Bird Monitoring Programme A bird monitoring programme was initiated in April 2009 at GVI Punta Gruesa.

Objectives •

Develop a species list for the area

Gain an idea of the abundance and diversity of bird species. Long-term bird data gathered over a sustained period could highlight trends not noticeable to short-term surveys.

Educate the expedition members in bird identification techniques, expanding on their general identification skills. The birding project also provides a good opportunity to obtain a better understanding of area diversity and the ecosystem as a whole.

7.1 Introduction With regard to avi-fauna, Mexico, Central and South America can be divided into three distinct regions separated by mountain ranges: the Pacific slope, the Interior and the Atlantic slope. These regions can be further divided into other sub-zones, based on a variety of habitats. The Yucatan Peninsula lies on the Atlantic slope and is geographically very different from the rest of Mexico: a low-level limestone shelf on the east coast extending north into the Caribbean. The vegetation ranges from rainforest in the south to arid scrub environments in the north. The coastlines are predominantly sandy beaches but also include extensive networks of mangroves and lagoons, providing a wide variety of habitats capable of supporting large resident populations of birds. Due to the location of the Yucatan peninsula, its population of resident breeders is significantly enlarged by seasonal migrants. There are four different types of migratory birds: Winter visitors migrate south from North America during the winter, from August to May. Summer residents live and breed in Mexico but migrate to South America for the winter months. Transient migrants are birds that breed in North America and migrate to South America in the winter but stop or pass through Mexico. Pelagic visitors are birds that live offshore but stop or pass through the region. © Global Vision International – 2009

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Punta Gruesa is located near the town of Mahahual close to the Mexico/Belize border between a network of mangrove lagoons and the Caribbean Sea. The local area contains three key ecosystems; wetland, forest and marine environments.

8.2 Methodology Bird monitoring surveys are conducted using a simple methodology based on the bird monitoring program at Pez Maya. A member of staff and one or two EM’s monitor one of four transects daily between 6 and 7a.m. There are four transects - Beach south, Beach north, Road south and Road north. These transects were selected to cover a range of habitats, including coastline, mangroves, secondary growth and shrub. The transects are completed in around 30 minutes to allow for consistency of data. To reduce duplication of data, recordings are taken in one direction only to avoid double-counting where individuals are very active or numerous. Birds are identified using binoculars, cameras and a range of bird identification books. If the individual species cannot be identified then birds are recorded to family level (eg. Oriole sp.). Each survey records the following information location, date, start time, end time, name of recorders and number of each species seen. Wind and cloud cover have also been recorded to allow consideration of physical parameters.

8.3 Results In total 737 birds were recorded to species level and 29 birds to genus level in the 092 phase. A total of 21 species were seen. 60% of the total birds seen were the Great Tailed Grackle. Aside from the Grackle the most commonly seen birds (with over 20 individuals seen) were the Tropical Mockingbird, Brown Pelican, Magnificent Frigatebird, Royal Tern and the Golden Fronted Woodpecker.

8.4 Discussion The Great Tailed Grackle, Brown Pelican and Magnificent Frigate were the most frequently sighted birds on the transect. However, they are also the most visible and easily identifiable species. The large Grackle population is centered around base and is attracted © Global Vision International – 2009

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by the organic waste produced. Therefore, it would be expected that a high proportion of birds sighted would be the Grackle. In addition the Punta Gruesa base is located next to a fishermen’s recidence. Frigate birds often feed on the fisherman’s discarded fish entrails leading to higher numbers in the local area. The most commonly sighted birds are resident breeders in the area so a stable population of these year round would be expected. Data collection in future phases will allow for a comparison of their prescence throughout the year. Further data is also needed to enable studies of resident and migratory populations in the area which will be possible over future phases. Wind and cloud conditions were recorded on the transects to allow for comparison of the physical parameters with the data collected. During the first five weeks of the phase there was high wind and dense cloud cover on most transects conducted. These conditions hamper data collection as visual and audible identification is made more difficult. With improved weather conditions it would be expected that more birds will be recorded. The current transects do not allow for access to the lagoon system behind the mangroves therefore the wading birds are not accurately represented in the data. In future phases attempts will be made to create a transect through the mangrove to provide access to the lagoon.

8.5 Limitations and error Following staff attendance at a bird identification course revision of the data was necessary as mis-identification had previously occurred. For example, the Couch and Tropical Kingbird have virtually identical plumage and can only be identified from each other by their call. In consequence, all Tropical Kingbirds that had been recorded were altered to Kingbird sp. Also in light of this course other members of staff and EM’s received extra training and advice to encourage them to identify species accurately. One of the greatest variables on this program is the experience level of the observers. Initially they are inexperienced and are likely to mis-identify species, as they gain more knowledge they will become more familiar with them and more capable of recording accurately. It is imperative therefore that their original identifications are correct otherwise mis-identification could continue throughout the phase.

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At present the data set is not sufficiently accurate and the program has not been running for a necessary period of time to obtain scientifically valid information regarding populations in the area. It has achieved the goal of providing an idea of species diversity in the area, improving identification skills, and increasing awareness of the ecosystem among the EMs. Further workshops and courses with local bird experts will be undertaken to improve the accuracy of data collected. An improvement in the recording of bird species combined with a longer period of monitoring should allow for the analysis of more valid data in future phases.

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9. References AGRRA (2000) Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA). Assessment Protocol.

The AGRRA Rapid

Almada-Villela P.C., Sale P.F., Gold-Bouchot G. and Kjerfve B. (2003) Manual of Methods for the MBRS Synoptic Monitoring System: Selected Methods for Monitoring Physical and Biological Parameters for Use in the Mesoamerican Region. Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems Project (MBRS). Aronson R.B. and Precht W.F. (2001) White-band disease and the changing face of Caribbean coral reefs.Hydrobiologia 460: 25-38. Beach, K., Walters, L, Borgeas, H, Smith, C., Coyer, J., Vroom P. (2003) The impact of Dictyota spp. on Halimeda populations of Conch Reef, Florida Keys. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 297: 141-159. Bezaury, J.C., C.L. Sántos, J. McCann, C. Molina Islas, J. Carranza, P. Rubinoff, G. Townsend, et al. 1998. Participatory Coastal and Marine Management in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Proceedings: International Tropical Marine Ecosystems Management Symposium (ITMEMS). 9. Connell, J. H. (1978). Diversity in tropical rain forests and coral reefs.Science199:1302–1310. Deloach, N. (1999) Reef fish behaviour: Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas. New World Publications. Artegrafica. Verona, Italy. Edmunds, P.J. and Carpenter, R.C. (2001) Recovery of Diadema antillarum reduces macroalgal cover and increases abundance of juvenile corals on a Caribbean reef. PNAS 98(9): 5067-5071. Gardener, T.A., Cote, I.M., Gill, J.A., Grant, A., Watkinson, A.R. (2005) Hurricanes and Caribbean Coral Reefs: Impacts, recovery patterns, and role in long-term decline. Ecology 86(1): 174-184. Gardener, T.A., Cote, I.M., Gill, J.A., Grant, A., Watkinson, A.R. (2003) Long-term region-wide declines in Caribbean corals. Science 301: 958-960. Humann, P. and Deloach, N. (2003) Reef Fish Identification: Florida, Caribbean Bahamas. New World Publications.Star Standard Industries, Jacksonville, FL. Kenyon, J.C., Vroom, P.S., Page, K.N., Dunlap, M.J., Wilkinson C.B., Aeby, G.S. (2006) Community Structure of Hermatypic Corals at French Frigate Shoals,NorthwesternHawaiian Islands: Capacity for Resistance and Resilience to Selective Stressors. Pacific Science 60(2): 153175. Kuffner, I.B., Walters, L.J., Becerro, M.A., Paul, V.J., Ritson-Williams, R. and Beach, K.S. (2006) Inhibition of coral recruitment by macroalgae and cyanobacteria. Marine Ecology Progress Series 323: 107-117 Lee, A.S. and Dooley, R.E. (1998) Coral Reefs of the Caribbean, The Bahamas and Florida. Macmillan Education Ltd, London.

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Littler, D.S, Littler, M.M, Bucher, K.E. and Norris, J.N. (1989) Marine Plants of the Caribbean: A Field Guide from Florida to Brazil. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. McClanahan, T.R. and Muthiga, N.A. (1998) An ecological shift in a remote coral atoll of Belize over 25 years. Environmental Conservation 25: 122-130. NOAA, 2006.NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected resources. Nugues, M.M, and Roberts, C.M. (2003) Partial mortality in massive reef corals as an indicator of sediment stress on coral reefs. Marine Pollution Bulletin 46: 314-323. Spalding, M.D. and Jarvis, G.E. (2002). The impact of the 1998 coral mortality on reef fish communities in the Seychelles. Marine Pollution Bulletin 44: 309-321. UNEP-WCMC (2006). In the front line: shoreline protection and other ecosystem services from mangroves and coral reefs. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK. Yentsch, C.S., Yentsch, C.M., Cullen, J.J., Lapointe, B., Phinney, D.A., Yentsch, S.W. (2002) Sunlight and Water Transparency: cornerstones in coral research. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 268: 171-183.

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10. Appendices Apendix A – SMP Methodology Outlines Buddy method 1: Surveys of corals, algae and other sessile organisms At each monitoring site five replicate 30m transect lines are deployed randomly within 100m of the GPS point. The transect line is laid across the reef surface at a constant depth, usually perpendicular to the reef slope. The recent discovery of two Spur and Groove sites (DP & LG) at a depth of 20m will allow for additional future monitoring. In keeping with Scuba diving profiles at such depths, 10m transect lines will be used in order to provide sufficient time to successfully complete monitoring surveys and return to the surface safely. Owing to the nature of the Spur and Groove reef orientation, transects will be laid perpendicular to the shoreline. The first diver of this monitoring buddy pair collects data on the characterisation of the coral community under the transect line. Swimming along the transect line the diver identifies, to species level, each hermatypic coral directly underneath the transect that is at least 10cm at its widest point and in the original growth position. If a colony has been knocked or has fallen over, it is only recorded if it has become reattached to the substratum. In addition to identifying the coral to species level, the diver also records the water depth at the top of the corals, at the beginning and end of each transect. In cases where bottom topography is very irregular, or the size of the individual corals is very variable, water depth is recorded at the top of each coral beneath the transect line at any major change in depth (greater than 1m). The diver then identifies the colony boundaries based on verifiable connective or common skeleton. Using a measuring pole, the colonies projected diameter (live plus dead areas) in plan view and maximum height (live plus dead areas) from the base of the colonies substratum are measured. From plane view perspective, the percentage of coral that is not healthy (separated into old dead and recent dead) is also estimated.

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The first diver also notes any cause of mortality including diseases and/or predation and any bleached tissue present.

The diseases are characterised using the following ten

categories: o

Black band disease


Red band disease


White band disease


Hyperplasm and Neoplasm (irregular growths)


White plague


Predation and type


Yellow blotch disease


Bleaching and type




Dark spot disease

The second diver measures the percentage cover of sessile organisms and substrate along the 30m transect, recording the nature of the substrate or organism directly every 25cm along the transect. Organisms are classified into the following groups: Coralline algae - crusts or finely branched algae that are hard (calcareous) and extend no more than 2cm above the substratum Turf algae - may look fleshy and/or filamentous but do not rise more than 1cm above the substrate Macroalgae - include fleshy and calcareous algae whose fronds are projected more than 1cm above the substrate.

Three of these are further classified into additional groups,

which include Halimeda, Dictyota, and Lobophora Gorgonians Hermatypic corals - to species level, where possible Bare rock, sand and rubble Any other sessile organisms e.g. sponges, tunicates, zoanthids, hydroids and crinoids. Where possible, these are recorded to order or family.

Buddy method 2: Belt transect counts for coral reef fish At each monitoring site 8 replicate 30m transects lines are deployed randomly within 100m of the GPS point. The transect line is laid just above the reef surface at a constant depth, usually perpendicular to the reef slope. The first diver is responsible for swimming slowly

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along the transect line identifying, counting and estimating the sizes of specific indicator fish species (Appendix B) in their adult phase. The diver visually estimates a two metre by two metre ‘corridor’ and carries a one meter T-bar divided into 10cm graduations to aid the accuracy of the size estimation of the fish identified. The fish are assigned to the following size categories: 0-5cm





>40cm (with size specified)

The buddy pair then waits for three minutes at a short distance from the end of the transect line before proceeding. This allows juvenile fish to return to their original positions before they were potentially scared off by the divers during the adult transect. The second diver swims slowly back along the transect surveying a one metre by one metre ‘corridor’ and identifying and counting the presence of newly settled fish of the target species (Appendix C). In addition to rolling in the tape, it is also the diver’s responsibility to identify and count the Banded Shrimp, Stenopus hispidus. This is a collaborative effort with UNAM to track this species as their population is slowly dwindling due to their direct removal for the aquarium trade. The adult diver also counts any Diadema antillarum individuals found on the transects whilst rolling in the tape. This is aimed at tracking the slow come back of these urchins.

Buddy Method 3: Coral & Fish Rover divers At each monitoring site the third buddy pair completes a thirty minute survey of the site in an expanding square pattern, with one diver recording all adult fish species observed. The approximate density of each fish species is categorised using the following numerations: Single

(1 fish)


(2-10 fish)


(11-100 fish)


(>100 fish)

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The second diver swims along side the Fish Rover diver and records, to species level, all coral communities observed, regardless of size. The approximate density of each coral species is then categorised using similar ranges to those for fish: Single

(1 community)


(2-10 communities)


(11-50 communities)


(>50 communities)

Analyzing the rover data provides a broader view of additional organisms that may constitute the reef site but that may not be represented from the randomly placed transect lies. In the case of fish data, the rover data aids in collecting population size information of target species that may keep away from a transect line due to the intimidating and possibly invasive nature of unnatural objects and divers on the reef.

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Appendix B. Species List of adult fish that are recorded during monitoring dives. Scientific Name

Common Name

Scientific Name

Common Name

Acanthurus coeruleus, Acanthurus bahianus, Acanthurus chirurgus, Chaetodon striatus, Chaetodon capistratus, Chaetodon ocellatus, Chaetodon aculeatus, Haemulon flavolineatum Haemulon striatum Haemulon plumierii Haemulon sciurus Haemulon carbonarium Haemulon chrysargyreum Haemulon aurolineatum Haemulon melanurum Haemulon macrostomum Haemulon parra Haemulon album Anisotremus virginicus Anisotremus surinamensis Lutjanus analis Lutjanus griseus Lutjanus cyanopterus Lutjanus jocu Lutjanus mahogoni Lutjanus apodus Lutjanus synagris Ocyurus chrysurus Holacanthus ciliaris Pomacanthus paru Pomacanthus arcuatus Holacanthus tricolour Scarus coeruleus Scarus coelestinus

Blue Tang Ocean Surgeonfish Doctorfish Banded Butterflyfish Four Eye Butterflyfish Spotfin Butterflyfish Longsnout Butterflyfish French Grunt Striped Grunt White Grunt Bluestriped Grunt Caesar Grunt Smallmouth Grunt Tomtate Cottonwick Spanish Grunt Sailor’s Choice White Margate Porkfish Black Margate Mutton Snapper Gray Snapper Cubera Snapper Dog Snapper Mahaogany Snapper Schoolmaster Lane Snapper Yellowtail Snapper Queen Angelfish French Angelfish Grey Angelfish Rock Beauty Blue Parrotfish Midnight Parrotfish

Scarus guacamaia Scarus vetula Sparisoma viride Scarus taeniopterus Scarus iserti Sparisoma aurofrenatum Sparisoma chrysopterum Sparisoma rubripinne Sparisoma atomarium Sparisoma radians Epinephelus itajara Epinephelus striatus Mycteroperca venenosa Mycteroperca bonaci Mycteroperca tigris Mycteroperca interstitialis Epinephelus guttatus Epinephelus adscensionis Cephalopholis cruentatus Cephalopholis fulvus Balistes vetula Balistes capriscus Canthidermis sufflamen Xanithichthys ringens Melichthys niger Aluterus scriptus Cantherhines pullus Cantherhines macrocerus Bodianus rufus Lachnolaimus maximus Caranx rubber Microspathodon chrysurus Sphyraena barracuda

Rainbow Parrotfish Queen Parrotfish Stoplight Parrotfish Princess Parrotfish Striped Parrotfish Redband Parrotfish Redtail Parrotfish Yellowtail Parrotfish Greenblotch Parrotfish Bucktooth Parrotfish Goliath Grouper Nassau Grouper Yellowfin Grouper Black Grouper Tiger Grouper Yellowmouth Grouper Red Hind Rock Hind Graysby Coney Queen Triggerfish Gray Triggerfish Ocean Triggerfish Sargassum Triggerfish Black Durgon Scrawled Filefish Orangespotted Filefish Whitespotted Filefish Spanish Hogfish Hogfish Bar Jack Yellowtail Damselfish Great Barracuda

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Appendix C - Juvenile Fish Indicator Species List The subsequent list specifies the juvenile fish species and their maximum target length that are recorded during monitoring div

Scientific Name

Common Name

Acanthurus bahianus Acanthurus coeruleus Chaetodon capistratus Chaetodon striatus Gramma loreto Bodianus rufus Halichoeres bivittatus Halichoeres garnoti Halichoeres maculipinna Thalassoma bifasciatum Halichoeres pictus Chromis cyanea Stegastes adustus Stegastes diencaeus Stegastes leucostictus Stegastes partitus Stegastes planifrons Stegastes variabilis Scarus iserti Scarus taeniopterus Sparisoma atomarium Sparisoma aurofrenatum Sparisoma viride

Ocean surgeonfish Blue tang Foureye butterflyfish Banded butterflyfish Fairy basslet Spanish hogfish Slipperydick Yellowhead wrasse Clown wrasse Bluehead wrasse Rainbow wrasse Blue chromis Dusky damselfish Longfin damselfish Beaugregory Bicolour damselfish Threespot damselfish Cocoa damselfish Striped parrotfish Princess parrotfish Greenblotch parrotfish Redband parrotfish Stoplight parrotfish

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Max. target length (cm) 5 5 2 2 3 3.5 3 3 3 3 3 3.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5

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Appendix D - Coral Species List

Family Acroporidae Acroporidae Acroporidae Agariciidae Agariciidae Agariciidae Agariciidae Agariciidae Agariciidae Agariciidae Antipatharia Astrocoeniidae Caryophylliidae Faviidae Faviidae Faviidae Faviidae Faviidae Faviidae Faviidae Faviidae Faviidae Faviidae Faviidae Faviidae

Genus Acropora Acropora Acropora Agaricia Agaricia Agaricia Agaricia Agaricia Agaricia Helioceris Cirrhipathes Stephanocoenia Eusmilia Colpophyllia Diploria Diploria Diploria Favia Manicina Montastraea Montastraea Montastraea Montastraea Solenastrea Solenastrea

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Species cervicornis Palmata prolifera agaricites Fragilis grahamae lamarcki tenuifolia Undata cucullata Leutkeni intersepts fastigiana Natans clivosa labrynthiformis strigosa Fragum areolata annularis cavernosa faveolata franksi bournoni hyades

Family Meandrinidae Meandrinidae Meandrinidae Milliporidae Milliporidae Mussidae Mussidae Mussidae Mussidae Mussidae Mussidae Mussidae Mussidae Pocilloporidae Pocilloporidae Pocilloporidae Pocilloporidae Poritidae Poritidae Poritidae Poritidae Siderastridae Siderastridae Stylasteridae

Genus Dendrogyra Dichocoenia Meandrina Millepora Millepora Isophyllastrea Isophyllia Mussa Mycetophyllia Mycetophyllia Mycetophyllia Mycetophyllia Scolymia Madracis Madracis Madracis Madracis Porites Porites Porites Porites Siderastrea Siderastrea Stylaster

Species cylindrus stokesii meandrites alcicornis complanata rigida sinuosa angulosa aliciae ferox lamarckiana Reís sp. decactis formosa mirabilis pharensis astreoides divaricata furcata porites radians sidereal roseus

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