Psak 47-rev

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 11
accounting of land

sfas no. 47

contents paragraph preface objective scope definitions elucidation recognition of land initial recognition of land fixed asset cost components acquisition on a collective basis exchanges of land fixed asset donated land subsequent expenditures after acquisition subsequent measurement of the initial recognition depreciation write off and disposal recognition of deferred costs due to the legal processing of the land rights amortization

01 - 03 04 05 - 06 07 08 - 27 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 - 16 17 - 18 17 - 18 19 - 24 24 - 25 26 - 27


28 - 29


30 - 32

effective date


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paragraphs printed in bold letters are standard paragraphs. explanatory paragraphs are printed in standard letters. there is no requirement to apply this standard on items considered to be immaterial. preface 01.

land as a fixed asset. 01.a.

the accounting of land should in principle follows sfas no. 16 regarding accounting of fixed assets. this statement is a supplement to sfas no.16.


this statement is applicable to commercial and non-profit entities. accounting entities utilize land as fixed asset, commercial good, raw material, investment and or other assets. accounting entities utilizing land as fixed asset covers various types of industries. specific industries dealt with in certain sfas should also follow this standard, as long as the land fixed asset has not been specifically regulated.


domestic land is land located in the geographical area of indonesia, which is divided into three zones, namely bonded zones, zones under the jurisdiction of representatives of foreign countries and the customs zones. the land laws regulate in general the rights on land for the two areas and specifically regulates bonded zones. zones under the jurisdiction of foreign countries’ representatives are related to the representative offices of foreign countries or embassies.



overseas land is a land located outside the indonesian area, subject to land laws other than those of indonesia. the legal ownership of land is dictated by the legal norms of the respective countries.

land rights as deferred costs. the acquisition and control of land requires complete legal documentations. the costs to obtain complete legal documentation is accumulated as deferred cost. the absolute ownership of land is restricted by article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 constitution, which states that land and waters and the natural wealth contained therein should be controlled by the state and should be utilized for the maximum welfare of the people. thus, various types of rights to land ,other than ownership, have arisen. if the requirements of the law are fulfilled by the holder of the land right and the land is not utilized for public interest, it is still possible to renew the land right, page 2

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which is not an ownership right, after the extension period expired. however, based on the spirit of article 33 paragraph (2) of the constitution, even an ownership right can be revoked for the sake of public interest. 02.a.

for the purpose of this statement, land ownership based on whatever right is called a land accompanied by disclosure of the type of right and useful period. the land ownership based on various types of rights cannot be depreciated, unless it is anticipated that it will be impossible or that the possibility is highly unlikely for the management to obtain an extension or renewal of the right. a lease right of land or equivalent which is obtained based on a lease contract is not equal to a land ownership and accordingly should be treated as capital lease in accordance with paragraph 05.


deferred costs incurred for the legal processing of the land right in the form of a document giving a certain right, including the extension of a certain right, renewal of a certain right , to entities to use the land should be calculated based on the rate according to prevailing law and regulations, paid to the government. if it is considered material, these amounts should be presented separately from other deferred costs account and amortized in a systematic and rational manner over the useful period accompanied by disclosure of type of rights, useful life and method of amortization.


relation with other sfas’s a.

sfas no. 10 paragraph 32 and sfas 4 for the capitalization of extra ordinary exchange loss relating to the acquisition of land fixed asset with borrowings denominated in foreign currencies.


sfas no. 16 as a general standard of accounting of fixed assets and other assets.


sfas 16 paragraph 66 and sfas 21 paragraph 44 regarding revaluation of fixed assets, including land.


sfas 22 and 38 dealing with acquisition, business combination and restructuring of enterprises


sfas 26 for borrowing cost.


sfas 37 dealing with the operation of state land, for example the land on which the toll road is built.


sfas 48 which addresses impairment of assets

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sfas 51 dealing with accounting of quasi reorganization.

objective 04.

the objective of this statement is : a.

to regulate the accounting treatment and reporting of land as a fixed asset and its depreciation


to regulate the accounting treatment and reporting of the land right as deferred costs and its amortization

scope 05.

this statements deals with the accounting for land as a fixed asset and the deferred costs for the legal processing of land right and therefore these statements does not relate to : a. b. c. d. e.


land as a commercial good ( commodity) land as a raw material for production land as a property investment (under the investment account) land as other asset land as fixed asset – capital lease

this statement is a supplement to sfas 16 regarding fixed assets and other assets ,in general, and deferred costs in particular, so that all parts of sfas 16 which do not contradict this statements should apply to the accounting for land and deferred costs - land right.

definitions 07.

definitions related only to this sfas are as follows : land is a tangible asset which is acquired ready for use, or acquired and subsequently improved until it is ready for use in the entity’s operations with an economic benefit of more than one year, and is not intended to be traded in the normal operating activities of the entity. deferred costs for the legal processing of land right are the costs incurred to obtain all rights issued by the government based on laws and regulations. the type of right, the limitation of the right and the validity of the right are explicitly shown on the document of right. the ownership right has no time limitation of ownership, and accordingly cannot be classified as deferred

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costs, thus these costs should be capitalized as a cost component of the land acquisition costs. other types of right outside the ownership certificate have a limitation of the validity period, although these rights can be extended or renewed. unlike other intangible assets, deferred costs incurred due to the acquisition of land right are closely related to the physical condition of the land. useful life of a land is : a. the time period of the use of land asset which can expected to be achieved, or b. the time period during which the expected total production units can be produced by the land asset. c. the effective period of the rights, if the rights is not renewable or extendable, if item c is shorter than item a or b. the useful life of a deferred costs due to the acquisition of a land right is the useful life of the land or the validity of a non-extendable or non-renewable land right, whichever is shorter. the fair value of a land is the objective market price on the acquisition date or based on the generally accepted appraisal of a professional, whichever is more reliable. the fair value of infrastructure and facilities is the objective market value on the acquisition date or based on the generally accepted appraisal of a professional, whichever is more reliable. elucidation recognition of land 08.

the acquisition cost of land fixed asset developed on its own represents the accumulation of all acquisition and improvement cost , in the form of total cost of getting the land ready for its intended use, exclusive deferred costs due to the legal processing cost of the land right. initial recognition of land fixed asset


land is measured initially based on the acquisition cost. expenditures for the acquisition of land should be recognized separately from the expenditures for the legal processing of land right. if land is obtained free of charge, the initial recognition constitutes the fair value in accordance

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with paragraph 13 of this statements plus the component of legal costs only. cost components 10.

the acquisition costs of land include the following: a.

the purchase price of the land including plants, facilities (infrastructure), buildings thereon which must be subsequently demolished. if they are not demolished, refer to paragraph 10. the price of land originating from a donation is dealt with in paragraph 13.


the construction or the reclamation costs of land, if the land must be reclaimed.


compensation cost to resident, relocation cost.


the purchase cost of another land as a replacement.


commission paid to an intermediary (broker).


loan costs capitalized in the value of the land


land development cost

deferred costs for the legal processing of land right include the following: a. legal audit costs such as the verification of the authenticity of the land certificate(deed), urban plan. b. measurement cost – staking out and mapping. c. public notary fee, transaction fees and land deed official’s fees. d. taxes related to the purchase and sale of land e. official fees which must be paid to the state treasury for the acquiring, extension or renewal of right, either the status or the allocation. because these deferred costs have different characteristics from other deferred costs, are closely related to land, and have their own amortization model, they are presented separately from other deferred costs on the balance sheet. joint acquisition 11. joint acquisition of land and facilities located upon or beneath it on a collective basis should be allocated to the land fixed asset proportionately based on relative fair value of the land fixed asset and the non-land fixed asset.

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if the fair value of land is very reliable, the price of land should be determined first, thereafter the remainder should be capitalized as the acquisition costs of the facilities and infrastructure. the same procedures should apply, i.e. if the price of the facilities and infrastructure is very reliable, but the price of land is difficult to determine. exchange of land fixed asset 12.

the exchanges of land fixed asset should be accounted for in accordance with sfas no. 16.

donated land 13.

donated land obtained should be recorded based on the fair value at the location and should be recognized as capital originating from donation in accordance with sfas no. 21 regarding equity accounting. subsequent expenditures after acquisition 14. subsequent expenditures after acquisition of land should be added to the recorded amount if they increase the economic benefit in the form of increased performance and or economic life.

examples of increases in economic benefits are as follows : a. increasing the elevation of the parking lot in the shopping area which is often flooded by rain fall, thereby increasing the number of shoppers during the rainy season. b. post- acquisition expenditures on swamp land in the formof landfills so that the land reclassified firm, thus increasing value of the land. c. the cost of construction of safety poles and or anti-erosion structure for land located at the shore that will enhance the safety of the building and avoid the land area from shrinking and loss. 15.

expenditures to maintain the condition of the land so that it will function normally in accordance with the initial plan, taxes and local fees related to land should be charged to the profit and loss account for the current year. 16. expenditures related for the extension of right/title which extends the useful life should not be added to the recorded value of the land, but should be recorded as deferred costs. expenditures for the extension of right/title which are immaterial should be charged to the current year profit and loss account.

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subsequent measurement of the initial recognition depreciation 17.`

land is not be depreciated, unless : a. the condition of the quality of land is no longer suitable to be used in the main operation of the entity. b. the nature of the main operation is to abandon land and buildings after completion of the project. example : land fixed asset and buildings in a remote or isolated area. in this case land should be depreciated in accordance with the estimated length of the main operation or project. c. management’s prediction or a certainty that extension or renewal of the land right most probably or certainly will not be obtained. if depreciated, the land should be presented based on the acquisition cost or other carrying value in accordance with the revaluation of the land or sfas regarding the reduction of the asset value less accumulated depreciation.


land fixed asset is be depreciated except under the conditions explained in paragraph 17. the depreciation method should be based on sfas no. 17, depreciation accounting, selected in line with the land utilization pattern of the business activities.

write off and disposal 19. land donated or granted in part or in its entirety should be substracted from the carrying value of the land on the balance sheet by debiting the current year’s profit and loss accompanied with the necessary disclosure. donated land should be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements including the economic reasons and consideration for commercial entities or social reasons for such action by a non-profit entity. deferred costs of land rights related to land donated or granted land in its entirety should be written off from the balance sheet by debiting the current’s year profit and loss account. deferred costs of land right related to land which is partly donated or granted should not be affected, as long as the allotment of the land use does not change. 20.

losses due to land taken over by the state for public interest, with or without compensation, after deducting any compensation received or most probably will be received, should be charged to the current year profit and loss account.

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land, the area of which, physically decreases due to natural erosion, should proportionately reduce the carrying value of the land asset on the balance sheet date which should be charged to the current year profit and loss account. the carrying value should be depreciated over the period of remaining economic or legal benefit, whichever is shorter.


land which is not utilized for company operations, cannot be leased out and has no sale value, should be eliminated from the balance sheet by charging it to the current year profit and loss account.


if the land concerned can be sold, the carrying value should be written down to the conservative net realizeable value.

recognition of deferred costs due to legal administration of lands rights 24.

deferred costs in the form of a land right must be proven by a valid evidence of ownership. a land right, either new or extension or a renewal title ,should be recognized as deferred costs.


deferred costs in the form of a land right should be recorded at the acquisition cost of the right or the cost of extending the right or the cost of renewing the right.

amortization 26.

all deferred costs related to rights should be amortized over the legal or economic life of the land asset, whichever is shorter.


the method of amortization should be in line with the utilization pattern of the land right in the company operations, in line with paragraph 21, which should be followed systematically and consistently. the utilization pattern and the economic life of the deferred costs must be evaluated periodically and should be changed in line with the very latest conditions.

presentation 28.

land should be presented as part of the tangible fixed asset group.


all rights on land should be presented as deferred costs - land right on the balance sheet, separated from other deferred costs.


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sfas no. 1 regarding the disclosure of accounting policies remains valid for land fixed asset in explaining the substance of the land account on the balance sheet. in addition to sfas no. 16 paragraphs 73 - 75 and sfas no. 17 paragraphs 12 and 17, the following information must be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements : a. the types of land rights and their useful lives, and b. management’s prediction or degree of certainty whether or not the title can be extended/renewed. c. the inter-relationship with the deferred costs - land rights account.


reclassifications of the status of land on the balance sheet must be disclosed, for example other asset which are reclassified to land fixed asset, real estate inventory or land which are reclassified to land fixed asset, land investment which are reclassified to land fixed asset and the reverse.


information on deferred costs - land rights should be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements, in particular : a. the inter-relationship with a certain land in line with the disclosure under paragraph 30. b. the policy on the amortization of deferred costs and the reason for selecting the policy c. specific disclosure must be made if extension or renewal of right is obtained.

effective date 33.

this statement is effective for the preparation and presentation of financial statements covering the reporting period beginning with or after 1 january, 1999. early implementation is encouraged.

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