Providence Solutions Master Overview 20081204

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 8,169
  • Pages: 144
Non-Stop Servers Platforms Simple, Affordable, Reliable Enterprise IT Solutions : : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Introduction • Focus on high-availability, and fault-tolerant solutions. Since 2001 • Represent only vendors with genuinely unique solutions which meet existing market needs • High value-added distribution in Asia – delivering marketing, sales and technical support • Extensive knowledge in fault-tolerance, high-availability clusters, Disaster Recovery & Virtualisation • Work with reputable partners throughout Asia whose customers are large organisations and government agencies • Installed sites in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, Hong Kong, Philippines, India, China, Vietnam.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Provider of integrated solutions Server Virtualisation

Server Fault-tolerance Server High-availability Component Fault-tolerance Application Network

Component High-availability

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Provider of integrated solutions

Application monitoring Operating System Monitoring

Application Network

System Performance Monitoring

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Provider of integrated solutions

Server Disaster-tolerance Server Disaster-recovery Application DR

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Provider of integrated solutions Storage Virtualisation Storage Management Thin Provisioning Application Network Storage Area Network

Data Availability

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Distributors of 3 Main Product Groups High-Availability, Fault-tolerance, Virtualisation

• • • •

Marathon everRun FT&HA Windows Servers Neverfail Marathon everRun VM+Citrix XenServer --- HA&FT w/VMs Syntergy Sharepoint Replicator (also Syntergy suite of sharepoint tools) --- Storage Management & Virtualisation • DataCore System and Data Backup and Replication • Requirement based recommendations Solid-state Disks • Adtron


Visit our website at For complete product info

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Providence Reference Customers • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Ministry of Home Affairs Singapore Ministry of Defense Singapore Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) Singapore Airport Terminal Services National Cancer Centre of Singapore Singapore Changi Prison Invensys GK Goh Holdings White & Case LLP Inova Ventures Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) Malaysia Bank Negara Malaysia National Semiconductors Hong Kong Fire Services Dept HK Govt. Architectural Services Dept. Hopewell Holdings Hong Kong Citic Industrial Bank (China) Fiberhome Telecommunications (China) Bank Lampung Bank Jasa Indonesia Bank Kalimantan Selatan Bank Nusanatara Parahyangan Bank Eka Bumi Artha Korea Bond Web LG Chem Korea POSCO Group Korea

Ever-growing list of Satisfied Users

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

System Downtime is a serious issue Sustaining high levels of system availability continues to be a key issue and concern for many organizations. Gartner Each messaging [Exchange] downtime hour in a 500-person organization amounts to $8,600 in real productivity losses – costing more than $400,000 annually. Alinean 93% of all companies that experience a major loss of data are out of business within five years. Gartner When asked about their priorities, many people, without thinking, quickly respond that protecting data and maintaining uptime are equally important.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Business Impact Assessment Understanding the cost of downtime Recovery Recovery Time Time Objective Objective (RTO) (RTO) Downtime Downtime Recovery Recovery Point Point Objective Objective (RPO) (RPO) Data Loss Data Loss


ƒ Number of employees affected x hours down x burdened rate

ƒ Manufacturing disruptions

Damaged Reputation ƒ Customers ƒ Suppliers ƒ Financial Markets ƒ Banks ƒ Business Partners

Miscellaneous Expenses ƒ Temporary employees ƒ Equipment rentals ƒ Overtime costs ƒ Travel costs ƒ Legal costs ƒ Fines

Gartner – Data Replication Architectures - 2006


ƒ Direct loss ƒ Compensatory payments ƒ Lost future revenue ƒ Billing losses ƒ Investment losses

Financial Performance ƒ Revenue recognition ƒ Cash flow ƒ Lost discounts ƒ Payment guarantees ƒ Credit ratings ƒ Stock price

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Causes of Downtime LAN/WAN Equip. <1%

Client <1%

Planned Downtime 30%

Environment 5%

People 15% Software 40% Hardware 10% Source: IEEE Computer

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

High Availability Solutions Availability

Annual Hours of Outage

Fault and Disaster Tolerant Solutions

> 99.999%

(0-5 min.)

Advanced Clusters

>99.99% - 99.9%

Minutes - 8.76

Basic Failover Clusters



RAID and Data Mirroring



Redundant Components


Days to weeks


: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Levels of Availability VM HA


AL4: Continuous Availability 100% component and functional redundancy; no transaction loss. Transparent to users.

AL3: High Availability-Cluster Automatic failover transfers user session and workload to backup components; multiple systems connected to disks. User Interruption. (Storage level HA)

AL2: High Availability-Cluster User work transferred to backup components; multiple system access to disks. User interruption. AL1: Conventional with RAID RAID and log-based/journal file system for identification and recovery of incomplete in-flight transactions. All service stops.

AL0: Unprotected Servers No redundant system components, no protection for data, application, or OS. All service stops. Source: Gartner

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

MS Cluster Pitfalls Two application licenses needed

Failover when primary server fails Causing downtime and lost tranactions and sessions in memory

External Shared Disk Poses Additional Costs and Single Point of Failure No Disaster-recovery Capability

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

MS Cluster Pitfalls Two application licenses needed

External Shared Disk Poses Additional Costs and Single Point of Failure No Disaster-recovery Capability

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

There is NO ONE-SOLUTION that’s suitable for EVERYONE • Providence believes every situation and requirement is unique – Windows/Linux/Unix • What do you need primarily? – • • • • • • •

System Availability Data Availability Application Availability and Monitoring Performance Monitoring Data Backup and Archival Disaster Recovery Data and System Rollback

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Windows Product Selection Matrix

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Availability vs Cost vs Functionality • What level of availability is needed • How much downtime and data loss can be tolerated vs cost of owning solution – We have every solution to cater for different needs

• What is the total cost of ownership • Additional Hardware Required • Number of Application licenses Needed • Number of CPUs to be licensed for Apps

• Do not pay for availability level and functions that you do not need

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Zero Downtime for Windows

Marathon everRun Servers

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Flexible Solutions for Inflexible Applications

“Dialable” availability • Configurations to meet varying availability needs • Choose the appropriate level for each application • A common approach across the dial • • • • • •

Simple - A single application environment Completely automated Supports any Windows application Fault-tolerant I/O subsystem Protects data, network connectivity, & application Zero data loss

“Because different applications have different availability requirements”

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Time for a Change

A Typical Cluster/Failover Configuration Application

Clustering/ Failover Software Operating System

Script failover policies Configure heartbeat policies Configure application to failover Test failover policies Test heartbeat policies Test application to failover

Complex deployment High Maintenance Suspect reliability Excessive downtime


Clustering/ Failover Software Operating System

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

A Paradigm Shift

When good enough isn’t good enough

Forget clusters Forget failover

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

A Unique Approach Application

9Simple - operates like a standalone server

Operating System

9Out-of-the-box support for

9Supports any storage type 9Online migrations to minimize planned downtime

ANY Windows application

9Single IP address and

9No configuration or scripting


9Zero data loss – RPO = 0

9Minimizes downtime

9Capable of meeting 0 RTO

- Fault-tolerant I/O Windows Server

Windows Server

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Device Virtualization Building Redundancy

• Virtual Windows server • Single IP address • Single hostname • Single MAC address • Like physical devices are redirected • Disks • Network Interfaces • CD-ROM • Tape Drives • Paired to create a single virtual device • Failed devices do not affect application availability

everRun Virtual Server

Virtual Disk

Virtual NIC


: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Marathon everRun FT Server •

Flagship continuous availability offering

Software-only product

• •

• •

Use standard off-the-shelf hardware

Non-proprietary – not locked into single vendor hardware

Choose best price/performance hardware

Complete redundancy of devices and complete servers • Ensures zero downtime through minor and major faults Unique innovation in lockstepping • 12 US patents • Ensures zero data loss in the event of a server failure Mainframe-class availability (99.999%+ uptime) Supports any Windows application • No modifications or high-maintenance scripting • No need cluster-aware versions that cost more

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

FT Fault Management Marathon everRun FT Server Application Environment Only one application license needed

Marathon everRun FT Server Application Environment

Application and OS continue to operate through a failure. No failover or loss of transaction in memory, transparent to users

Failure Occurs Both Servers Operating Redundantly

Operational Server

Failed Server

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Application & User Perspective •Applications are installed in the virtual OS environment •Appears as a standalone reference server •Clients connect to one server - always

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Marathon Video & Demo

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Marathon everRun FT Server Architecture


Lockstep everRun FT Server Environment FTv OS

Public Ethernet

FTv Processor

FTv Processor

CoServer Processor

CoServer Processor

PCI-X CoServer OS

CoServer 1

Gig-e Gig-e

Main Memory

Main Memory



PCI-X CoServer OS

CoServer 2

Storage Public Ethernet

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Marathon everRun HA

The Next Generation Availability Technology • Comprehensive very cost-effective high availability (90%+ FT performance) for • Applications with a short Recovery Time Objective (RTO) • Non-cluster aware applications • Applications needing higher and more robust availability • Minimizes downtime due to faults • Computes through most device failures • Downtime only as a result of a complete server failure • Scalability and Flexibility • Highly scalable – 2x, 4x, 8x (physical) SMP • No need for identical server pairs • Utilize existing hardware • Broad Platform Compatibility • Intel & AMD multi-core CPU designs • SAN / DASD storage configurations

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

everRun HA How it Works

• Virtual Server environment runs on one server at a time • Utilizes Ready server and devices for redundancy • Storage is synchronously mirrored – RAID 1 • Zero data loss • Planned migration synchronizes Memory & I/O • Then migrates Virtual Server • Application remains online and available – no interruption Virtual Server

CoServer 1 Active

Redundant CoServer Links


CoServer 2 Ready

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Device Virtualization Disk Mirroring – Logical View

Virtual Server Application Environment • Single write by the application • Simultaneous writes to each physical disk Virtual Disk

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Marathon everRun HA Server Architecture - 2x, 4x, 8x (physical) SMP TM

everRun HA Server Environment HAv OS

HAv Processor

HAv Processor

HAv Processor

HAv Processor

HAv Processor

CoServer Processor PCI-X

CoServer OS Public Ethernet

Main Memory


Main Memory

No Failover

HAv Processor

CoServer 1

Gig-e Gig-e

- Up to 32GB memory - No need for identical server - mult/single-core CPUs - SAN / DASD storages

CoServer Processor PCI-X

CoServer OS

CoServer 2

Storage No Failover

Public Ethernet

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Online Migration

everRun HA Server Reduces Scheduled Downtime

Application Operations Never Stop Clients Never Disconnect


Application running in Active CoServer


Online migration

Application running in Standby CoServer

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Marathon everRun HA Server Architecture


everRun HA Server Environment FTv OS

Public Ethernet


FTv Processor

FTv Processor

CoServer Processor

CoServer Processor



Main Memory

Main Memory




CoServer OS

CoServer OS

CoServer 1

CoServer 2

Storage Public Ethernet

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

everRun Products

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Virtualization & Availability Rapidly becoming mainstream • Explosive growth in acceptance • Only 1 - 2% of the world’s servers are presently virtualized • People recognized the problems in providing high availability to virtual machines (VM’s) • Virtualization has become widely accepted as a solution to many problems in addition to server consolidation

• Marathon is uniquely positioned to offer FT-class availability for virtual environments • Integrating virtualization and availability • Family of simple, turnkey solutions • Simple, Automated processes

• Marathon offers the Citrix Xenserver hypervisor to run with its new everRun VM software. • Citrix is an established and tested leader in info technology • Hypervisor - a program that allows several operating systems, such as Windows and Linux, to share a single hardware processor.”

everRun VM is the convergence of virtualization & availability

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

everRun v-Available Technologies • everRun will deliver FT-class availability for VM’s


• Dial-in availability level for each Virtual Machine • Set appropriate levels for each application


Virtual Machines

everRun for Virtual Machines A Complete Range of v-Available Solutions

• Protect multiple VM’s on 2 or more servers



• Simple, automated solution • No failover configuration, setup, or management • Completely integrated with hypervisor

• Cost effective availability • Protect multiple applications • Multi-host support

everRun unites multiple XenEnterprise Servers

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

everRun for Virtual Machines Server Pools

Unprotected VM e.g Linux • No 1:1 server limitations

Protected VM’s By Marathon










XenServer Enterprise

XenServer Enterprise

XenServer Enterprise

• Manage a pool of everRun servers • Many-to-1 configurations • Geographic separation of each physical server • Centrally manage all systems

* Available on next release of everRun VM


: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

everRun Architecture VM










x86-Based Server

x86-Based Server

• Individual virtual machines protected across two physical servers • Removes need to setup, install, configure, and manage the secondary / standby virtual machine • Create as many VM’s as practical • Add everRun protection as needed • Open architecture to allow future support for other hypervisors

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

everRun: Preventing Failures CRM1 DNS1



SQL1 everRun

everRun AD2


Availability Link

XenServer x86-Based Server

x86-Based Server



Application Network

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

everRun Availability Center Status and Configuration Views

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

First-Ever Fault Tolerant Class Solution for Virtual Environments

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

HA Technology Compared VMware Availability drawbacks • No visibility into what’s actually happening “inside the VM” • HA protects only if physical host or OS fails • Requires shared storage (single point of failure, costly, not useful for DR) • VMware Virtual Center and License Server are single points of failure • Long recovery times for Virtual Center if it fails

How we are different • Advanced monitoring within VM – hardware, network, software, performance • Full redundancy, so that faults themselves aren’t mirrored • Component failures are masked – ZERO DOWNTIME • No reliance on SAN technology • Off-site Disaster Recovery • No reliance on Virtual Center and License Server • Member server will be immediately promoted to master server 44

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story – Singapore Changi Prison • Most sophisticated,hi-tech prison in Asia, 2 systems installed with Marathon • Application : Building and Security Control, SQLServer • Controlling all doors and security cameras in the prison • Why They Chose Marathon : The security system needs the application and database server to be up at all times, with zero downtime. Fail-over would cause downtime to the entire system, and introduce high security risks. Also, Marathon was easy to implement, whereas a cluster would be complex because the application is not cluster-aware • Partner : Tyco Building Security

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story – Singapore Armed Forces • Systems – Classfied • Application – classified. Custom-built applications. • Why They Chose Marathon : Mission critical applications require zero downtime. Many are custom applications. Overall cost is lower than competitive products. Better I/O performance. • Partner : ST Electronics (Info-Software Systems)

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story – Singapore Airport Terminal Services • 7 systems installed with Marathon. Customer for more than 6 years • Application : Cargo Management, SQLServer • An entire suite of applications to control and manage cargo at Singapore Changi airport • Why They Chose Marathon : The cargo handling system needs the application and database server to be up at all times, with zero down time. Fail-over will cause downtime of the entire system, and has high security risks. Also, Marathon was not complex to implement, unlike clusters, as their application is not cluster-aware • Partners : Hewlett Packard

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story – Changi Airport Singapore • 12 systems Installed • Application : Intelligent Building Management System •

Controlling all doors, security, air vents etc in the airport terminals

• Why They Chose Marathon : The IBMS system needs the application and database servers to be up at all times, with zero downtime. Fail-over would cause downtime to the entire system, and introduce high security risks. Also, Marathon was easy to implement, whereas a cluster would be complex because the application is not cluster-aware • Partner : IBMS Application Vendor, Tridium

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story - Invensys • Invensys is a global automation, controls and process solutions Group. Operating in more than 60 countries worldwide, Invensys meets the needs of the process and batch industries. • Application : Invensys Triconex System • Why They Chose Marathon : The Triconex is a security and crticical controls system which needs the application and database server to be up at all times, with zero down time. Fail-over may cause catastrophic disasters. The Triconex applcation is not cluster-aware and it’s much easier to deploy in Marathon than on Clusters.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story - GK Goh Holdings • Founded 1979, a listed Financial (Stock brokering, Investments, Financial Services etc.) company in Singapore. • Application : Stock trading application, SQLServer • Why They Chose Marathon : The trading system needs the application and database server to be up at all times, with zero down time. Fail-over will cause downtime of the entire system, and loss of data and transactions which can cause millions in losses. Also, Marathon was not complex to implement, unlike clusters.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story – Kian Ho Bearings • Founded 1956, a listed bearings manufacturing company based in Singapore. Offices in Singapore, Malaysia, China and Taiwan with global customers in many markets. • Application : Navision Enterprise ERP, SQLServer • Why They Chose Marathon : The ERP server is critical to the company’s operation and has to be up at all times, with zero down time. Fail-over will cause downtime of the entire system, and loss of data and transactions which can cause millions in losses and interruption to their operations. Also, Marathon was not complex to implement, unlike clusters.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story – Telechoice Inernational Limited • TeleChoice International Limited ("TeleChoice") is a leading regional provider of mobile telecommunications equipment and solutions. TeleChoice is a subsidiary of Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte Ltd, a leading informationcommunications company with operations in Asia-Pacific, the Americas and Europe. • Application : MS Exchange Server • Why They Chose Marathon : The ERP server is critical to the company’s operation and has to be up at all times, with zero down time. Fail-over will cause downtime of the entire system, and loss of data and transactions which can cause millions in losses and interruption to their operations. Also, Marathon was not complex to implement, unlike clusters.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story – Malaysia MSC Management Services • MSC Management Services Sdn Bhd (MSCMS) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDC). MDC was set-up in June 1996 to spearhead and oversee the development and implementation of the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC). . • Application : MS Exchange Server • Why They Chose Marathon : The Exchange server is extremely critical to the company’s operation and has to be up at all times, with zero down time. Fail-over will cause downtime of the entire system, and loss of data and transactions which can cause interruption to their operations. Also, Marathon was not complex to implement, unlike clusters.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story – Texas Instruments Malaysia • Texas Instruments Incorporated is the world leader in digital signal processing and analog technologies, the semiconductor engines of the Internet age. • Application : Custom production floor application • Why They Chose Marathon : The application is extremely critical to the company’s operation and has to be up at all times, with zero down time. Fail-over will cause downtime of the entire system, and loss of data and transactions which can cause interruption to their operations. Also, the application is not cluster-aware and would not have been able to run on clusters. Making Marathon the obvious choice.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story – Architectural Services Department, Hong Kong S.A.R • Application :Call-centre, SQLServer • A complete suite of call-centre applications for call handing • Why They Chose Marathon : The callcentre system needs the application and database server to be up at all times, with no down time. Fail-over will cause downtime to the entire system and endangers public safety. Also, Marathon is not complex to implement, unlike a cluster, as their application is not cluster-aware • Partners : Call-center vendor - ITApps

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story - Fiberhome Telecommunications (China) • Application : Telco Fib ire Switch Management • Develops and sells Telco fiber switches and management. Uses Marathon for their switch management suite • Why They Chose Marathon : Switch management solution needs the system to be up at all times with no down time. Fail-over will cause downtime to whole system. Also not complex to implement unlike cluster as their application is not cluster-aware • Direct Customer

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Stories – Banks in Indonesia • • • • •

Bank Lampung Bank Kalimantan Selatan Bank Nusanatara Parahyangan Bank Eka Bumi Artha Bank Jasa

• Application : Customised Banking Application, SQLServer • Why They Chose Marathon : They needed zero down time for their connection to ATM systems. Compared Marathon to proprietary fault-tolerant systems and found Marathon performance far better • Partners : Banking Application vendor • Hewlett Packard

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story – POSCO Group Korea • POSCO is the fourth largest steel producer in the world based in Pohang, South Korea. One of the biggest conglomerate companies in South Korea. • Application : Video Conferencing System • Why They Chose Marathon : Being a global company, the Video Conferencing system is being used throughout the organisation extensively and need to be up at all times, with zero downtime. Marathon was easy to implement, whereas a cluster would be complex because the application is not cluster-aware

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story - LG Chem Korea • LG Chem, considering both size and performance, is the leading chemical company in Korea. It is the mother company of LG Group • Application : Intelligent Building Management System • Controlling all doors, security etc. • Why They Chose Marathon : The IBMS system needs the application and database servers to be up at all times, with zero downtime. Fail-over would cause downtime to the entire system, and introduce high security risks. Also, Marathon was easy to implement, whereas a cluster would be complex because the application is not cluster-aware

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story – Korea BondWeb • The first Internet-based information platform in the Korean fixedincome market. provides real-time spot price quotes as well as market news, research, and statistical data to the users. • Application : On-line Trading, SQL Database • Online securities trading system running 24 x 7 • Why They Chose Marathon : Online trading operates 24 x 7 and needs the system to be up at all times, with zerodown time. Failover will cause downtime to the whole system.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story – icube Korea • A leading technology company in digital multimedia entertainment and in various solutions for broadcasters • Application : Digital Broadcast System • Why They Chose Marathon : The Digital broadcast system is their core system that needs the application and database servers to be up at all times, with zero downtime. Fail-over would cause downtime to the entire system, and loss of revenue. Marathon was easy to implement, whereas a cluster would be complex because the application is not cluster-aware

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

HA and DR for Windows

Neverfail Cluster and DR Solution

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

About Neverfail Neverfail – A global software company providing affordable data protection, high application availability and disaster recovery software solutions for the Windows® technology platform. • 14 Years of DR Consulting Experience • Development has roots in Tandem • 2000+ customers, multiple markets, Enterprise and SME


: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

The High Availability Marketplace Continuous Availability Complete Environmental monitoring and protection

Clustering Active/Passive, Active/Active, Multi-node

Replication-Failover Asynchronous, CDP, Manual, Automatic

Back Up File, Block, Full, Incremental, Onsite, Offsite

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

The High Availability Marketplace Continuous Availability Availability Centric

Complete Environmental monitoring and protection

Clustering Active/Passive, Active/Active, Multi-node

Recovery Centric

Replication-Failover Asynchronous, CDP, Manual, Automatic

Back Up File, Block, Full, Incremental, Onsite, Offsite

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

The High Availability Marketplace Continuous Availability Availability Centric

Complete Environmental monitoring and protection

Clustering Active/Passive, Active/Active, Multi-node

Recovery Centric

Business Process Focused Application Focused

Replication-Failover Asynchronous, CDP, Manual, Automatic

Back Up File, Block, Full, Incremental, Onsite, Offsite

Data Focused

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

More than just “Recovery Time” Total Cost Acquisition, Maintenance, On-going Labor

Recovery Profile

Scope of Protection

Business Risk Transaction / Data Loss, Outage Time

Components covered, Number of “gaps”

Operational Profile Administrative overhead, Manual error exposure, Human dependency

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

More than just “Recovery Time”

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

So what does Neverfail Offer? Continuous Availability

Availability Centric

Complete Environmental monitoring and protection

Clustering Active/Passive, Active/Active, Multi-node

Business Process Focused Application Focused

Replication-Failover Asynchronous, CDP, Manual, Automatic

Recovery Centric

Back Up File, Block, Full, Incremental, On-site, Off site

Data Focused

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

So what does Neverfail Offer? Continuous Availability

Availability Centric

Complete Environmental monitoring and protection

Replication-Failover Asynchronous, CDP, Manual, Automatic

Recovery Centric

Business Process Focused

Data Focused

Best of Breed for Availability of Data and Applications

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

More than just “Recovery Time”

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

So what does Neverfail Offer? Continuous Availability

Availability Centric

Complete Environmental monitoring and protection

Replication-Failover Asynchronous, CDP, Manual, Automatic

Recovery Centric

Business Process Focused

Data Focused

Best of Breed for Availability of Data and Applications

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

So what does Neverfail Offer? Continuous Availability

Availability Centric

Complete Environmental monitoring and protection

Business Process Focused

Seamless Upgrade Replication-Failover Asynchronous, CDP, Manual, Automatic

Recovery Centric

Data Focused

Best of Breed for Availability of Data and Applications

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

How Neverfail Is Different - Reliability Neverfail

• • •

Diagnoses the system, tries to prevent server failure from happening Identifies possible problems Takes automatic, preemptive corrective action to prevent failures

• Applies Best Practice methodologies to establish and maintain a sound server environment

Typical Approaches to Availability • Do not try to prevent server failure • -failover only when server completely goes down • Try to protect data and applications in case a failure occurs

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

How Neverfail Is Different - Resilience Neverfail provides fully automated, complete data and site protection against failure in: * OS * Hardware * Application * Network • • • •

Prevents data loss Prevents application failure Diagnoses performance problems and sends alerts Prevents hardware loss

• •

Prevents data loss Prevents hardware loss

Prevents data loss

Typical Approaches to Availability Application & Performance Monitoring


• • • • •


• •

Backup Snap-shot and Restoration

• • •

Shared architecture = single-point of failure Very expensive No site protection Highly complex Protects only data, sometimes hardware Very long recovery Does not prevent server loss Data is can be outdated Very long recovery Protects only data

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Continuous Availability Suite Enabling Business 24x7 Predict whether applications will be reliable • Health Checks • Best Practice Evaluation • Failure Avoidance

Protect Data and Application Availability • Redundancy • Monitoring, Automation • End-to-end Ecosystem

Deliver Performance • Keep users connected • Affordable and Accessible • No business downtime Continuous, uninterrupted user access to all critical applications and information without interruption from any threat, at an affordable cost with accessible technology

File Server IIS

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Neverfail Replicator Protecting semi-critical applications • Out of the Box Data Availability: • • • • • •

Data replication Server monitoring and failover Manual switchover/switchback Disaster protection Seamless switchback back to primary Identity takeover

• To achieve Application Availability, customer provides: • Network, application and performance monitoring • Manually identifying, defining and maintaining replicated data sets • Maintaining fully cloned server (identify and track applications and configuration settings) • Defining and maintaining failover scripts • Dealing with data corruption

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Neverfail + Virtualization Primary benefits of virtualization • Server consolidation • Streamlined software testing and development • BUT… Application Downtime during migration • All of your eggs are now in one basket!

VMware Availability capabilities • Distributed resource optimization (VMware VMotion) • Host system monitoring and LAN failover (VMware HA) • Relies on VMware Virtual Center and License server

VMware Availability drawbacks • No visibility into what’s actually happening “inside the VM” • Faults that occur within the VM will be evident on any/every host • HA protects if physical host or OS fails • Requires shared storage (single point of failure, costly, not useful for DR) • VMware Virtual Center and License Server are single points of failure

How Neverfail protects and complements VMware • Advanced monitoring within VM – hardware, network, software, performance • Full redundancy, so that faults themselves aren’t mirrored • No reliance on SAN technology • Off-site Disaster Recovery • Protects Virtual Center and License Server 78

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Virtualisation Support •One-to-Many, Many-to-One Setup •True High Availability with Application •No Single Point of Failure (no need for SAN) And System Resource Monitoring



: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Neverfail Architecture

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Neverfail Application Modules • Automatically identify and fully support designated applications – out of the box • Monitor all key application services • Monitor all key application performance attributes • Provide pre-emptive failover avoidance • Seamless switchover, failover and switchback of application workload • Support and protect additional applications such as Anti-virus


: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Neverfail Data Rollback Module •Recover from system crashes, data corruptions, virus infections etc. • Create shadow copies (snapshots) on both active and secondary servers up to 512 copies and minimum 15 mins intervals • Captures and roll back system states, registry settings and application data •Ensure data consistency and eliminates discrepancy with registry settings •Only differentials are captured, shadows are done with minimal impact to performance and running of the system – can be done mostly on passive server

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Neverfail SCOPE Server Check, Optimization, and Performance Evaluation

• Automatically collects configuration and environmental information • Unobtrusively collects detailed performance information • Validates configuration information and makes change recommendations • Analyzes Server workload characteristics • Analyzes Bandwidth usage • Allows network “what if” modeling

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Recognised Awards Neverfail is the winner in the ”Exchange Backup/Disaster Recovery,” as well as in the “Replication/Data Availability Solution” category of the 2005 Windows IT Pro Readers’ Choice Awards. “The Windows IT Pro Readers’ Choice Awards are highly coveted in the IT industry because our readers, who are the buyers and users of these products, are the ones who choose the winners,” said Paulsen. “These awards are the ultimate acclamation an IT company can earn from its peers in the IT community.” Neverfail Wins "2004 Products of the Year“ Award from Neverfail for Exchange earned the notice of the judges for performance, features, an easy-to-use interface and seamless deployment and integration with Microsoft's Windows and Exchange Server.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

The ultimate Combination Marathon-Neverfail FT/HA + DR everRun FT everRun HA




Data Redundancy

No loss of sessions/transactions/data

System/Data Roll-back

Automatic Problem Rectification by monitoring Application Services Application+OS resources System Resources Network Connectivity Server Health

LAN CoServer 1

CoServer 2


Low Bandwidth

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story – Kanaly Trust Company

Kanaly’s client communication is increasingly dependent on email, resulting in the growing demand for rapid response and constant availability to connect associates and clients. At Kanaly, regular email communication with clients is of critical importance. To ensure email resilience, site recovery and protection, and effective disaster recovery response, Kanaly has implemented a high availability software solution from the Neverfail Group. >100 user on MS Exchange Server 2000

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story: White & Case LLP - A Global Law Firm Founded in New York in 1901, White & Case has lawyers in the United States, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. White & Case has more than a quarter-century of experience advising clients doing business throughout the vast and continually evolving continent of Asia. Regional Office in Singapore manages offices in Tokyo, Bangkok, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong. The company relies heavily on Exchange servers, SQL servers as well as Blackberry servers to operate. Disaster-recovery is needed and cross-boundary regional failover capability is crucial for business continuity. Employs multiple pairs of servers running Neverfail for Exchange, SQL and Blackberry over all regional offices doing remote data replication and failover delivering disaster-recovery capability.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Success Story – Inova Venture Founded in Singapore. Provides innovative telecommunication platforms and solutions to telcos in various markets since 1999. Uses Neverfail to protect the SQL servers supporting the mission-critical telecommunication applications.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

National Semiconductor National Semiconductor, the industry's premier analog company, creates high performance analog devices and subsystems. Uses Neverfail for their many Exchange, SQL Database and File Servers. Uptime is critical both on the business side as well as manufacturing systems that demands no interruption to the system as well as high performance.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Brunei Ministry of Trade and Primary Resources The Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources (MIPR) was formed in 1989 with the responsibility of promoting and facilitating industrial development in Brunei Darussalam. Application: Exchange Server. Uptime is critical in the government services in Brunei as they strive to improve in service levels and IT efficiency.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam Berhad has 14 BIBD branches located at strategic locations in all the four districts; 11 branches located in the Brunei Muara District, 1 Branch in the Tutong District, 2 located in the Kuala Belait District and 1 located in the Temburong District. Application: SQL Database Server. (14 licenses, one for each branch) Uptime is critical as the database is being used for for their branch office banking applications

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Bank Negara Malaysia • Bank Negara Malaysia is the central bank for Malaysia. It was established on 26 January 1959, under the Central Bank of Malaya Ordinance, 1958, • Bank Negara Malaysia, as the Central Bank, is committed to excellence in promoting monetary and financial system stability and fostering a sound and progressive financial sector, to achieve sustained economic growth for the benefit of the nation. • Application: Blackberry Server. • Banking management staff are dependent on blackberry for their business applications. It is required to be continually available at all times

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Affin Bank Berhad • Affin Bank Berhad (AFFINBANK) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Affin Holdings Berhad which is listed on Bursa Malaysia. • The Bank serves both retail and corporate customers. The business units of the Bank comprise Enterprise Banking, Consumer Banking, Debt and Capital Markets and Hire Purchase. Consumer Banking provides credit cards, personal loans, mortgages and deposit taking services to individuals. Enterprise Banking offers corporations, institutional clients and SMEs services in corporate banking, contract financing and trade finance. Enterprise Banking serves as an important feeder to the other business units by way of contacts and opportunities.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Radicare, Malaysia Radicare is a one-stop source for healthcare support services in the areas of clinical waste management, linen and laundry, cleansing, biomedical engineering maintenance and facility engineering maintenance. Application: MS SQL Server, Apache Tomcat. Operates web-based application for their operations that demands very high uptime. Requires a very cost effective and reliable solution that works with their application. Requires remote site disasterrecovery capability over low bandwidth. Only Neverfail was able to provide both application-level, performance monitoring and disaster-recovery in one solution.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Berjaya Group, Malaysia Berjaya Corporation is a major Malaysian conglomerate with an annual revenue in excess of RM2.73 billion. Application: MS Exchange. Exchange server is critical to their operations. The environment demands no downtime and a system that is extremely reliable, high performance and scalable.

Only Neverfail was able to provide both application-level, performance monitoring and no single point of failure through replication in one solution.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology


Marathon everRun FT Svr

Marathon everRun HA Svr


Needs external data and quorum drives 1. External storage costs more 2. Shared storage is a single point of failure

Writes to two redundant servers simultaneously, providing 1. Lower storage cost 2. No downtime if one Storage fails

Writes to two redundant servers simultaneously, providing 1. Lower storage cost 2. No downtime if one Storage fails

Writes to two redundant servers simultaneously, providing 1. Lower storage cost 2. No downtime if one Storage fails

OS Licenses

Requires MS Enterprise Edition OS on each of the two servers. These are more expensive

Requires 3 Standard Server OS licenses - one for each server, and one for the virtual server they share that provides the faulttolerance.

Requires 3 Standard Server OS licenses - one for each server, and one for the virtual server they share that provides the faulttolerance.

Requires just 2 Standard Server OS licenses - one for each server

Application licensing

Two complete sets of licenses – servers and are more expensive as they need to be cluster-aware e.g 2 x Enterprise Exchange

Typically One application license only, Because there is only one instance of the app installed and running. No need for enterprise edition

Typically One application license only, Because there is only one instance of the app installed and running. No need for enterprise edition

Two application licenses but no need for enterprise edition

Apps License if by CPU

Application - 2 CPU license

Application – Typically 2 CPU license

Application – Typically Single CPU License

Neverfail – 2 CPU license

Complex Setup Requires extensive maintenance and testing

Easy Setup Maintenance-free

Easy Setup Maintenance-free

Easy Setup Low Maintenance



: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Storage Management and Virtualisation

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Total Enterprise Virtualization

“DataCore the Flexible Storage Foundation for Total Enterprise Virtualization”

Virtual Desktop Citrix XenDesktop, VMware, Provision Networks

Virtual Servers VMware, Citrix XenServer, Virtual Iron, Oracle VM, SUN VM, Microsoft VM

Virtual Storage DataCore

Total Enterprise Virtualization – The combination of proven virtualization solutions into comprehensive, enterprise-wide, virtual infrastructures, comprising desktops, servers and storage. Driving the next phase of infrastructure virtualization!

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

DataCore Solves Infrastructure Challenges ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Capacity on Demand Disaster Recovery/Replication Business Continuity/High Availability Storage Resource Management Performance Cost Flexibility Power Consumption

Extending the paradigm of virtualization from the compute layer to the storage layer. Universal Storage Services across all platforms and vendors.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Getting Started 1 Start Start with with aa standard standard off off the the shelf shelf server. server.

2 Add Add aa Windows Windows O/S O/S

Hint: Hint: ItIt can can even even be be aa VM! VM!

3 4

Install Install SANmelody SANmelody software software

Configure Configure channels channels (( FC, FC, iSCSI, iSCSI, or or even even both) both)

6 Attach Attach storage storage (FC, (FC, SAS, SAS, SCSI, SCSI, SATA, SATA, IDE IDE –– ifif Windows’ Windows’ Disk Disk Manager Manager can can see see it, it, DataCore DataCore can can Virtualize Virtualize it! it! 100

SANmelody SANmelody will will utilise utilise up up to to 80% 80% of of the the server’s server’s memory memory as as high high performance performance storage storage cache. cache.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

DataCore Software Product Suite SANsymphony-equipped Storage Domain Servers

SANsymphony ™ Provides a common set of services across heterogeneous storage arrays SANmelody ™ Traditional storage array alternative Traveller ™ Adds Continuous Data Protection & Recovery SANmaestro ™ Storage Resource Management & Analysis Suite UpTempo ™ Disk I/O accelerator for Windows SANmelody-equipped Disk Servers

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Thin Provisioning - Hands Free Capacity ESX3 / XenServer Cluster (DRS/HA)

Just-in-time Thin Provisioning takes the guesswork out of disk allocation. 2TB




VMFS-3 LUNs DataCore Virtualization Layer Network Managed Volume / Virtual Capacity 1.5TB Pool 500GB



Thin Provisioning presents large virtual volumes to applications however, only allocates disk blocks dynamically as the application consumes them. The software notifies you as the physical space gets depleted so that you may add more drives early enough to meet future demands. Increase storage utilization and storage management productivity.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Snapshots & Fast Disk-to-Disk Backups Application Server

Backup Server

Low-end Storage

⑤ Map Volume

Point-in-time snapshots are generated using copy-on-write technology for selected virtual volumes. They can be mounted directly by a backup-server or another system without occupying the application machine. •Complete

② CI ④ IU + CI

① Snapshot (1 ) Hi-end Storage

③ Snapshot (2 )

Images (CI) •Image Updates (IU) •Source Updates (SU) •Command Line Interface (CLI) Frequent snapshots provide a convenient means to restore disks to known-good images, such as database checkpoints.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Business Continuity (Data HA) – Synchronous Mirroring Synchronously mirrors writes between a pair of SANmelody disk servers using iSCSI or Fibre Channel connections.

App Server

Disk blocks written by the application to a primary volume on one disk server are automatically mirrored in real time to the companion disk server.

Fail Over

Fail Over

In the event of a failure, the companion server takes over with the mirrored volumes.


Both disk servers may actively process I/Os with one handling primary paths for some of the volumes and secondary paths for others.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Business Continuity (Data HA) – Virtual Servers “Motion”

VMware ESX/XenServer

ƒ No single point of failure ƒ Faster I/O response through Caching

Fail Over

ƒ Transparent to ESX and App servers

Fail Over

ƒ RAID mirroring Fibre Channel or iSCSI Mirroring

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Asynchronous IP Mirroring(AIM)

③ Mapping

② Snapshot

① Asynchronous IP Mirroring

The Asynchronous IP Mirroring (AIM) option replicates selected volumes between a pair of disk servers using native IP connections over long distances. AIM is often combined with snapshots and other contingency plans at the remote site to rapidly restore operations should the primary site suffer a catastrophe or a planned outage.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

DataCore: Value, Cost Savings and R.O.I. 2X Performance

Eliminate 10X More Double disk utilization 40 80%+

managed capacity per administrator

Plus serve more users with existing resources

downtime attributed To storage


4 3

Unmatched Performance Scope of Connectivity Business 1 Ethernet and or FC Continuance Centralization, Disk-to-Disk Backups Optimal Resource Consolidation Disaster Recovery & Utilization, Automation Network Pooling & Auto-provisioning

Flexible Virtual Storage

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

SharePoint Replication & Tools

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Enhanced SharePoint Modules Current

Replicator Replicator 1.1


Cut & Paste



Bulk Loader

SharePoint Enhanced SharePoint modules enables a seamless experience for employees, customers and partners.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Replicator • • • •

Publish to remote sites, one direction or bi-directional Granularity at the list level Check-in/out, user permissions, meta-data Aggregate lists from a number of sites to one master site

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

MS SharePoint Replicator - Syntergy • • • •

Publish to remote sites, one direction or bi-directional Granularity at the list level Check-in/out, user permissions, meta-data Aggregate lists from a number of sites to one master site

One-to-one, Many-to-Many Replication LAN / WAN

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Integrated Into Site Administration

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

List Level Granularity

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Advanced Features

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Define Server Topology

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Site Definition

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Monitoring Tools

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Business Need Addressed • Multiple SharePoint Implementations • International – need for defined replication, not all data can leave country • Intranet->Extranet – Partner site, Outsourcing site, selective content securely replicated • Mobile Divisions • Ships • Platforms • Construction Sites

• Slow links between servers • Lotus Notes matching functionality – email address for any list

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Enhanced SharePoint Modules Current



Cut & Paste



Bulk Loader

SharePoint Enhanced SharePoint modules enables a seamless experience for employees, customers and partners.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Livemail • Offline document management • Email from SharePoint a set of documents, reply to message and return documents back to document library

• Select documents to be mailed and flag as checked out or linked • Email enable a discussion • Participate in SharePoint discussion via email • Reply to a thread and response is added to SharePoint

• Alerts send body of discussion • Listserver functionality – fetch items via email

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Send Documents and Links

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Livemail Alerts

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Reply to Alert

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Added to Discussion List

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Email Enable Lists

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Rules Engine

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

List Server

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Business Needs Addressed • Collaboration with non-SharePoint users • Lotus Notes matching functionality – email address for any list • Capture a copy of business process email • E.g [email protected]

• Improve adoption with access via email • Alerts contain content • Alerts can be replied to • Email links and documents/checkout, list items

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Enhanced SharePoint Modules Current



Cut & Paste



Bulk Loader

SharePoint Enhanced SharePoint modules enables a seamless experience for employees, customers and partners.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Audit • Audit document and folder events • Track activity per document, user, date or event type • Administrator tool for searching audit records • Audit History on a document • Audit History on list items • Audit History on site creation and permission changes • Export Audit records to Excel • SQL Database for extended reporting

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology


: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Site Level Reporting

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Query Interface

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Export to Excel

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Business Needs Addressed • Compliance Requirements • Financial Services • HR • Public Sector • HIPPA

• Business Intelligence • Access to key information for reporting • Site Activity • Top Ten, Author/Documents Viewed • Trends

• Corporate Curiosity

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Enhanced SharePoint Modules Current



Cut & Paste



Bulk Loader

SharePoint Enhanced SharePoint modules enables a seamless experience for employees, customers and partners.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Cut/Copy/Paste • SharePoint provides no interface for moving a document or folder from the web interface • Network folder copying does not preserve version history! • Syntergy Cut and Paste module provides support for copy/cut a folder or document and paste to a destination • Copy entire version history • Copy all metadata • Copy shortcut

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Enhanced SharePoint Modules Current



Cut & Paste



Bulk Loader

SharePoint Enhanced SharePoint modules enables a seamless experience for employees, customers and partners.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Bulk Loader • • • •

Rapid migration of data into SharePoint Support for all meta data including owner and creation date Unattended service mode monitor’s drop-off directories Supports: • Documents and metadata • Folder creation • Document Library creation • Assignment of permissions to document libraries • Tasks and Discussions • Picture Libraries • WSS and Portal Sites

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Business Needs Addressed • Migration of content and assign metadata • Scheduled Loading • High volume • Administrator tool

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Enhanced SharePoint Modules Current



Cut & Paste



Bulk Loader

SharePoint Enhanced SharePoint modules enables a seamless experience for employees, customers and partners.

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

ShareLink for SharePoint • Features include: • Inventory Livelink (Livelink module), identify trouble areas in Livelink • Extract Livelink Data (Livelink module), select areas to export • LL2SP Tool - Stage, Analyze and Map Livelink Data to SharePoint • Auto generation of configuration file for SharePoint loading • Custom webpart integration of Livelink Objects such as workflow tasks. • Integrated search support • Consulting and Training for migration services • Bulk Load Livelink documents/folders/tasks/discussions into SharePoint • Search interface into Livelink

: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology


: : Customer-focused InfoTechnology

Thank You For More Information Contact: Providence Solutions Pte Ltd Malaysia: B-3A-17 Block B, Merchant Square, No. 1 Jalan Tropicana Selatan 1, PJU 3, Petaling Jaya, Selangor 47410, Malaysia. Tel +60 3-78830793

Singapore Headquarters: 10 Ubi Crescent #05-100, Ubi Techpark Lobby E Singapore 408564 Tel: 65-64826302

Hong Kong: Shell Tower, Suite 2912 Times Square, 1 Matheson Street Causeway Bay Hong Kong Tel: +852.81990039 [email protected]

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