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  • Words: 484
  • Pages: 16
Different Phylum of Protozoa Mastighapora Sarcodina Ciliophora Sporozoa

• Eukaryotes that lack in mitochondria and Golgi apparatus. • It has one or more flagella. • Produce by binary fission. • Move by means of whip-like flagella that pulls the cell through the environment. • Reproduction by asexual trough binary fission and sometime sexually process called syngamy. • Most species forms cyst and free-living and Mastigohapora it also includes some parasites.


Representative of Mastigophora 1. Trichomonas vaginalis (trik-ō-mōnas ̒ va-jin-al΄is) – A vaginal parasites adhering to vaginal epithelial cells collected from vaginal swabs.

2. Chilomastix (kai-low-masticks) • found in the large intestine of man and other primates, and in many other mammals, birds, amphibian, and reptiles; it is ordinarily nonpathogenic, but

3. Giardia lamblia (jē-är’dē-ä lam’lēä) • Has eight flagella and two prominent nuclei, giving its distinctive appearance. • Parasite that colonies and reproduces in the small intestine.

Euglenozoa Euglenoids • Phytoflagellated (photosynthesizing) protozoa • Each chloroplast has a pyrenoid, which synthesize and stores polysaccharides. Some are lack in chloroplast and are always heterotropic. • Reproduce by binary

Hemoflagellates (blood parasite) • Transmitted by blood-feeding insects. • Rapidly multiply by fission, after entering the insect. • The genus of Trypanosoma (tri-pa’nōsō-mä)

T. brucei gambiense (brüs’ē gam-bē-ens’) • transmitted by tsetse fly.

T. cruzi (kruz’ē) • transmitted by the “kissing bug”

• major locomotor organelles are speudopods (false foot). •Speudopods are used for feeding and moving. •Multiply by binary fission. •Foramiferans – free-living amoebas Sarcodina

Entamoeb a

•The only amoeba that is pathogenic amoeba found in human intestine. •It has two distinctive species; E. histolytica (en-ta-me’ba his-toli’ti-ka) E. dispar

Representativ e of amoebas

E. histolytica

Arcella • A common shelled amoeba. •Simillar to Difflugia except that the shell is made by chitinlike material secreated by the amoeba

Difflugi •Lives a in

freshwater and builds a shell of sand grains and a cement secreted by the cell

Foraminifira •Salt water types that build chalky shells with several chambers, they also resemble to snail shells


•Produces skeletons of selica covering the whole cell, or the body may be covered with a gelatin like material with rigid speudopods made of silica

Ciliophora (Ciliated) •Similar to flagella however it is shorter. •Cilia are arranged in precise rows in cell. •Moved in unison to propel the cell through its environment and to bring food particle to the mouth. It divide by transverse fission. Majority of ciliates are free-living and

Colpoda •A common freshwater protozoa

Paramecium Reproduce asexually by binary fission or sexually by conjugation

Balantidium coli • the only diseaseproducing parasitic ciliate

Sucturia •Showing a budding process.

Apicomplexa (sporozoa) • (a”pi-kom-plex’ah) • All are parasites. • Motility is absent in most cell except male gametes. • Life cycle include sexual and asexual phase. • Produce special sporelike cells called sporozoites. • Class Coccidea - some members

Plasmodium •Causative agent of malaria •Grows by sexual reproduction in the Anopheles mosquito

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