Protect Our Climate User Guide

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 40
User Guide

Protect Our Climate

All Rights Reserved All Rights are reserved by Global Challenge Award, USA. No part of this software or document may be reproduced, duplicated or modified in any form or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or any other or transmitted in any form without the prior consent of Global Challenge Award, 100 Notchbrook Road, Stowe, Vermont 05672 Telephone: (802) 253-9588 Fax: (802)253-5148 Marketing, distribution or use by anyone barring the people authorized by Global Challenge Award is liable to legal prosecution. All Trademarks of all software used and mentioned in this software and document are the trademarks of the respective companies. Copyright © Global Challenge Award

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User Guide

Protect Our Climate

Table of Contents 1

INTRODUCTION ______________________________________ 5


INSTALLATION DETAILS ____________________________ 7


System Requirements ________________________________ 7


Installation Procedure _______________________________ 8


OPENING SCREEN __________________________________ 10


General Navigation _________________________________ 11


Main Menu _______________________________________ 11


About Global Challenge Award _______________________ 12


What is Climate Change? ____________________________ 15


Web Links ________________________________________ 19


Games ___________________________________________ 20


Stimulations ______________________________________ 22


Do It Yourself ______________________________________ 24


About GCA Program ________________________________ 28

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Assessments ______________________________________ 31


Next Steps ________________________________________ 34


Additional Menus __________________________________ 35


FAQ’S _________________________________________________ 37


TABLE OF FIGURES ________________________________ 38

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Protect Our Climate

1 Introduction Welcome to “Protect Our Climate”, a fun-filled way to develop your understanding of Climate Change, its causes, effects and the many creative ways that you can help face the challenges posed by it. This CD is brought to you by Global Challenge Award (GCA), a not-for-profit organization based in the USA. In this User Guide, we will alternatively refer to the software “Protect Our Climate” as the application, CD, or software. With this CD you can explore the key issues and learn about climate change through exciting games and interesting animations. Though entertaining, these games and animations contain facts and figures to help you understand the scientific, social and economic impacts of Climate Change. This CD and its contents are aimed at children of age 10 years onwards. Of course, the youth, adults and senior citizens are also welcome to browse through it and gain a few insights into the issues highlighted. The User Guide will help you understand the various modules on the CD and how to access them. There are several screenshots of the application to help guide you. The first picture is taken from the introductory section of the software and shown below to introduce the goals of the Global Challenge Award.

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Figure 1-1 – Goals of Global Challenge Award

The main goals of the Global Challenge Award are: 1) Giving students the tools and confidence to solve global problems together. 2) Build a team with people halfway around the world. 3) Help fix global climate and energy problems with your creative ideas.

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2 Installation Details 2.1 System Requirements Operating  Windows XP Service Pack 2 onwards, System Windows Vista all editions and  Internet Explorer 6.0 onwards and any Prerequisite other standard browsers Software  Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or above  Plug-in: Macromedia Flash 7.0 onwards Hardware

 Pentium 4 (Min 1.2 GHz) equivalent and above, Dual Core recommended  512 MB RAM (1GB recommended) but will depend on the Windows OS you use  CD-ROM Drive  Sound card and speakers or headphones  Screen Resolution: 1024 X 768  Internet Connection: Dial-up (minimum), Broadband (recommended)

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2.2 Installation Procedure The software comes in a standard self-extracting installer with minimum inputs required from the user. In the CD version, the installer will start automatically as soon as the CD is inserted in the drive. If for some reason it does not, please browse the CD and double click on the InstallProtectOurClimate.exe file. The installation procedure will start and prompt you for basic details like Name, School Name, Serial Number, Folder Location, etc. In most cases, it is recommended that the default values be accepted. Once the installation is successful, the application can be launched through the desktop shortcut or by clicking Start > Global Challenge Award > Protect Our Climate > Launch Protect Our Climate Now you are all set to experience ”Protect Our Climate.”

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Detailed Tour of the Contents

Once the application is launched, an animation will introduce you to “ECO” our mascot, who will be your partner while you explore the pack. ECO will pop-up randomly during your exploration and keep you company. The introduction over, the application will display the “Main Menu” which is the console from which you will navigate your way.

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3 Opening Screen 1



5 Figure 3-1 - Opening Screen

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3.1 General Navigation How do I find my way around the CD?

The user interface is designed to be intuitive, enabling you to easily browse through the entire CD. To familiarize you with the various icons here is a list of what they represent: 1. About the CD: This button will open up a text box that describes details about the CD and its contents 2. Help on Protect Our Climate: Provides help concerning the CD and is a concise version of this document 3. Exit: Closes and exits the application 4. ECO: This is ECO, our mascot 5. Main Menu: Provides navigation to all the sections of the CD

3.2 Main Menu What are the various options that the Menu offers?

The set of images arranged horizontally on the Opening Screen are menu items that will take you to the various sections of the CD. Placing the mouse over the image Copyright © Global Challenge Award

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opens up an explanation of what the section has to offer. Clicking the mouse over the image will lead you to the section.

3.3 About Global Challenge Award What is Global Challenge Award?

This button will take you to a section with videos and information on Global Challenge Award and student participation. An example is a graph showing the increase in student participation over the years. Note that the arrow marked 1 shows a Globe, which is a link to go back to the Main Menu from each individual section.

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2 Figure 3-2 – Student’s @ Global Challenge Award

In all sections, the basic navigation includes buttons (arrow marked 2) that take you to the previous or the next screen within that section and shows you which page of the section you are on.

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How do I register to the Global Challenge Award Program?

Figure 3-3 – My GCA Expedition

Towards the end of this section we have for you a small activity or game called My GCA Expedition. This is an interesting way for you to understand the various steps required for you to register to the Global Challenge Award Program. Please take up this activity and get to know more and have fun as well as you make your way through the maze.

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3.4 What is Climate Change? How can you learn more about Climate Change?

Figure 3-4 - About Climate Change Menu

The “About Climate Change” section answers several questions about Climate Change, including: 

What is meant by climate change?

What are its causes?

Which corrective measures should be taken?

These and other questions are explained with the help of videos, animations and knowledge-based computer games.

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An example of a definition in this section is: Climate change is any long-term change in the patterns of average weather of a specific region or the earth as a whole. In the main sub-section of “About Climate Change” are Animations that give you more information. The screen for the animations menu is shown below:

Figure 3-5 – Learn More with Animations

The Animations screen is divided into four sections. Each of which describe causes of climate change, their effects, what corrective measures humans should take and the effects of corrective measures.

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Placing the cursor over the text of the item will display more information about the animation. Clicking the item will open the animation for you to view. A typical animation screen looks is shown below: 1




The buttons in each animation include: 1) Arrow 1 indicates “Facts” button, which will show you the following screen.

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This window shows some facts about coral reef bleaching. At the bottom right corner “Back” & “Previous” buttons allow navigation. 2) Arrow 2 is the “About” button, which shows you more information the animation. 3) Arrow 3 is “Start/Restart”, which is used to play the animation. 4) Arrow 4 is “Exit” button, which is used to exit from the animation.

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3.5 Web Links Where do I find more information on Climate Change?

The “Web Links” section will take you to the Global Challenge Award website. The page that opens up will have links of various online resources that are available on the internet on Climate Change. These include photos and videos posted on sites of leading organizations in the areas of Climate Change and Sustainability.

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3.6 Games Which games can I play?

Figure 3-6 – Games Menu

The CD contains a complete set of interactive computer games that teach you about Climate Change. We believe in a “Have Fun While Learning” approach. As your knowledge develops, we’ll help you prepare to share your ideas about climate change. We’ll encourage you to share your thoughts about solving energy related issues with your friends. In this way you can take action to create a safer and healthier world. Each game has its own help screen.

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In the Games menu you can play the following: My Low Carbon Diet: - A variety of everyday lifestyle decisions that impact our “Carbon Footprint” are made by you while playing this game; and based on your decisions a score is determined. By judicious choice, you can learn what it means to have a “balanced carbon diet”. Word Search: - Words commonly used in the “Climate Change” vocabulary are jumbled up and clues are provided. Your task is to learn which words go with the clues and then identify these words from the jumble and mark them in the fastest time possible. Game of Concentration: - Images of various causes impacting “Climate Change” matched with solutions to mitigate these causes are available in the form of a pair of cards. These cards are placed face down and your task is to match the pairs by opening the cards and remembering their locations. Home Design: - The equipment and accessories for our homes each have impacts on the “Carbon Cycle.” In this game, you have to decide which facilities to install to maintain a comfortable lifestyle and yet have minimal impact on the environment.

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3.7 Stimulations How do I get more information about global issues?

Figure 3-7 – Stimulations Menu

The “Stimulations” section has messages from eminent personalities, and readings and reports from well-known environmental institutions.

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Figure 3-8 – Stimulations: Videos, Pdfs, Web links

Various type of information on metal mining, water, carbon footprints and biocapacity results are available in this section. Click on any document to read the details of particular subject. This menu also contains videos of persons from well-known environmental institutions. We hope that you find the readings, videos and web links stimulating and thought-provoking!!!

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3.8 Do It Yourself How do I learn to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Renew?

Figure 3-9 – Do It Yourself

The “Do It Yourself” section presents activities that you can do your own to help save the world and shape your future. This section describes how you can make changes in your day-to-day life. This section teaches four important concepts:    

Reduce Recycle Reuse Renew

In our daily life there are simple things that we can do to save the earth. Some simple actions we can take include: Copyright © Global Challenge Award

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avoiding wastage of water, using paper or cloth bags instead of plastic bags, and conserving electricity. An interesting video 4-R will tell you more.

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Figure 3-10 – A Portable Biomass to Synfuel Producer

This is an image of one award-winning idea from one of the student teams at Global Challenge Award.

“Tips to Practice” lists things that you can easily do in your day-to-day life. To help save the world and shape the future, start by making changes yourself and then encourage others to do the same.

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Figure 3-11 – Tips to Practice

Some of these tips are as follows:    

Use cloth napkins instead of disposable paper napkins. Buy reusable products. Don’t let the water run while shaving or brushing teeth. Avoid unnecessary use of electricity.

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3.9 About GCA Program How can I learn more about the GCA Program?

Figure 3-12 – About GCA Program

This menu gives you details about the Global Challenge Award, a completely student directed program. Global Challenge Award provides students with “authentic project based learning experience” working in small local and global teams to solve climate change issues.

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Figure 3-13 – How GCA Works Flow Chart

Steps in the GCA program are described with this Flow Chart. More details are available online at

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Figure 3-14 – GCA Program Benefits

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3.10 Assessments How do I assess what I have learned?

Figure 3-15 - Assessments

This section includes “Non Trivial Pursuit” and “Snakes & Ladders” games, which assess how much you have learned.

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Snakes & Ladders Climate Change: This game is an adaptation of the popular board game that now includes Climate Change facts. You can learn about Climate Change as you take turns against the “Computer” or against a “Friend.” As you play at some points you will be expected to answer some simple questions on some topics that you have earlier learned.

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Non-Trivial Pursuit The objective of this game is to make you aware of various fingerprints and harbingers of Climate Change all over the globe. In the game, you are on a mission to collect information about a Climate Change issue for a presentation you will make at a UN conference. While playing the game, you land on various global hotspots and gather text, charts and pictures that help illustrate your points. You learn about the various species getting affected by climate change, how changing weather patterns are affecting the residents of various regions, and what geographical changes are occurring throughout the world.

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3.11 Next Steps What are the next steps that I can take?

Figure 3-16 – Next Steps

After going through this CD you will be able to assess your level of knowledge about climate change, and hopefully, you will want to make changes in your daily life that help address the challenges of climate change.

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3.12 Additional Menus What are the additional menus?

Additional menus include the progress map, glossary, and help. Clicking on the green colored triangle image in the top right corner will show you some options. Click the particular item to see more details.

For example-

Figure 3-17 – Glossary

The glossary presents an alphabetical list of Climate Change terms with the definitions for those terms.

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Figure 3-18 – Help Menu Screen

The above screen shows the help menu screen.

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4 FAQ’s How do I find my way around the CD? _______________________ 11 What are the various options that the Menu offers? ____________ 11 What is Global Challenge Award? ___________________________ 12 How do I register to the Global Challenge Award Program? ______ 14 How can you learn more about Climate Change? _______________ 15 Where do I find more information on Climate Change? _________ 19 Which games can I play? ___________________________________ 20 How do I get more information about global issues?____________ 22 How do I learn to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Renew? _________ 24 How can I learn more about the GCA Program? ________________ 28 How do I assess what I have learned? ________________________ 31 What are the next steps that I can take? _____________________ 34 What are the additional menus? ____________________________ 35

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5 Table of Figures Figure 1-1 – Goals of Global Challenge Award


Figure 3-1 - Opening Screen


Figure 3-2 – Student’s @ Global Challenge Award


Figure 3-3 – My GCA Expedition


Figure 3-3 - About Climate Change Menu


Figure 3-4 – Learn More with Animations


Figure 3-5 – Games Menu


Figure 3-6 – Stimulations Menu


Figure 3-7 – Stimulations: Videos, Pdfs, Web links


Figure 3-8 – Do It Yourself


Figure 3-9 – A Portable Biomass to Synfuel Producer


Figure 3-10 – Tips to Practice


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Figure 3-11 – About GCA Program


Figure 3-12 – How GCA Works Flow Chart


Figure 3-13 – GCA Program Benefits


Figure 3-14 - Assessments


Figure 3-15 – Next Steps


Figure 3-16 – Glossary


Figure 3-17 – Help Menu Screen


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Neeti Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

100 Notchbrook Road, Stowe, Vermont 05672 Telephone: (802) 253-9588 Fax: (802)253-5148

5, Parth Apartments, Prabhat Road, Pune, India – 411 004 Telephone: +91 (20) 25660564

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