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Download & View Prospectus as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 2,848
  • Pages: 12
Together we aspire, we discover, we excel

Welcome to our prospectus which we hope will give you a flavour of life at Lordswood Girls’ School. Lordswood Girls’ School and Sixth Form Centre is a school that does not stand still! We are constantly striving to improve on our best, be it with regard to school facilities and the educational opportunities that we offer students or in the range of innovative projects in which the school is involved and which enable Lordswood to remain at the cutting edge of education. The School and Sixth Form Centre enjoy excellent reputations for their academic, sporting and artistic achievements. Students perform consistently well in public examinations and the school regularly out performs similar schools at GCSE and is ranked within the top 10% of schools nationally for value added. In its most recent Ofsted inspection, the school was graded ‘outstanding’ in all aspects. The school also achieved the DfES achievement award in each year of its award and has gained Artsmark Gold and Sportsmark awards. So what makes us so successful? We believe that the high expectations we have of all our students, the great importance placed on standards of behaviour and the quality of teaching and learning, together with a strong partnership with parents and carers are key factors in our success. Extra-curricular activities, trips and visits and involvement in community projects all form an important part of the Lordswood experience and all students are encouraged to participate. Through our Applied Learning afternoon, we want our students to take more responsibility for their own learning and to realise that learning is not confined solely to the classroom. Students are given the opportunity to extend their learning through individual research and a range of activities within and outside school. At Lordswood, we aim to provide our students with the opportunities and experiences that will equip them with the skills, knowledge and outlook necessary to make a positive contribution as citizens of 21st century and, above all, to engender in them a love of learning that will last throughout life. We hope that your daughter will want to become part of this learning community.

Mrs Jane Götschel Headteacher

Mission Statement Together we aspire, we discover, we excel We believe that:

Lordswood Girls’ is an exceptional school, outstanding in the quality of all its learners

We are all learners; learning is enriching, enjoyable and lifelong. We learn from each other

Academic achievement is a vital, but not exclusive, indicator of success. An effective, rounded education engages the whole person and extends beyond the academic

The quality of Lordswood lies in the richness of its aspirations, the commitment of its learners and the quality of the relationships within and beyond the school building

Our past success informs our present practice and will be the foundation, but not the limitation, of our future growth

Schools are communities within larger communities. Between us, we can create an excitingly rich and diverse pool of talent from which we can grow

Therefore, we aim to:

Value and include all who contribute to the life and growth of the school

Nurture mutually respectful, supportive relationships

Create a happy, purposeful and secure learning environment which engenders in all a hunger to fulfil potential

Inspire a zest for learning which extends beyond the ordinary and endures beyond the temporary

Model and promote the value of lifelong learning

Develop enthusiastic, self-disciplined and motivated learners who respect themselves, others and the world around them

Recognise the unique talent within every individual and realise their full potential

Harness, integrate and develop the wealth of resources available to us within all of the communities of which we are part

Ensure the uncertainties of the future are anchored by strong self-belief, continuous development of skills and an unwavering determination to realise the best in all of us

“What matters is not what Lordswood has but what Lordswood is”

How to Join Us As a Foundation School, Lordswood Girls’ School and Sixth Form Centre operates the following admissions policy which is based on that of the Local Authority. The admissions criteria used to decide which girls will be allocated places in Year 7 are: •

Children in public care

Children with a statement of special educational needs

Girls with a sister already at the school and who live within 3 miles of the school

Girls who live nearest the school (calculated on the basis of a straight line measurement between home and school)

When a place becomes available after Year 7 transfer it is allocated to a pupil on the waiting list according to the LA criteria. The school continues to be heavily over-subscribed. In 2008 the last pupil admitted lived 1.893km from the school. At post-sixteen level, the Sixth Form Centre is open access and welcomes both male and female applicants from across the City and outside Birmingham. Separate admissions criteria operate for the Sixth Form. Inclusion We are committed to providing a high quality education to all students regardless of their ability, age, gender, ethnicity, disability or background. The school follows the SEN Code of Practice and is working to ensure that, as far as possible, all areas of school life are accessible to all members of the school community. The school welcomes applications from students identified as having special educational or additional needs and, where the school has been named in a student’s statement of special educational needs, will work with external agencies and with the primary school to ensure that these needs can be fully met. The school has undertaken work to make it accessible to students and parents/carers with visual impairment and on the ground floor there is ramp access. The School Access Plan and SEN and Inclusion Policy are reviewed annually and action points incorporated into the School Improvement Plan.

Special Educational Needs The school follows the National Code of Practice for all students with special needs. Students with special needs are catered for both in subject areas and through targeted support. Specialist subject staff and teaching assistants work alongside the subject teacher to support students within subject lessons. Some students are also withdrawn from mainstream lessons to be given individual help. All students requiring special needs support are screened to assess their individual needs and an appropriate programme of work is then prepared. Progress is regularly reviewed and parents fully involved in the process of future target setting. Gifted and Talented Programme An enriched curriculum and extension activities are offered to gifted and talented students in all year groups. Gifted and talented students are identified on the basis of evidence from SATs results, cognitive abilities tests and the assessments of subject specialists. Parents are informed of these assessments. Extension activities in lessons, extended homework tasks, enrichment events in and outside school all form part of the school’s Gifted and Talented Programme. PSHEE All students in Years 7-11 follow a programme of personal, social, health and enterprise education. This comprises issues such as healthy lifestyles, relationships, money management and economic awareness, sex education, as well as careers education and guidance.

“The teachers are really committed to the students and will always do their best for you, as long as you are prepared to do your best as well”

Attendance Regular attendance is essential if a student is to achieve her full potential. Students who require leave of absence for any reason, other than illness, must obtain permission at least one day in advance. A note from a parent should be shown to the Review Tutor and then taken to the School Office. Permission will not be given on the day. In cases of illness, parents are requested to telephone the School Office on each day of illness before 9.00 a.m. On return to school, students must give an absence note from parents to the relevant review tutor stating the reason for and the dates of absence. In accordance with school and Local Authority policy, the School will not authorise holidays taken during term time.

“One of the most important things that Lordswood teaches us is respect” Behaviour and School Rules School rules are kept to a minimum and self-discipline amongst students is strongly encouraged. The underlying principles are of respect, tolerance and supporting one another. We believe that students should be allowed to learn and teachers to teach. Staff will respond to all cases of poor behaviour in a consistent way through the use of ‘alert slips’. These serve to inform the Review Tutor of any concerns regarding attendance, punctuality, homework or behaviour. The Review Tutor will automatically discuss any concerns raised with students during regular review sessions. Detentions and the withdrawal of privileges are the main sanctions given by the school for poor behaviour. Students whose attendance, punctuality or behaviour are unsatisfactory will not be allowed to take part in special activities such as visits and trips. Praise and Rewards Rewards play an important part in promoting a sense of responsibility and in developing caring and mature attitudes amongst students. Praise slips are given for particularly good effort, excellent work and good citizenship. Students with the highest number of praise slips will receive the Headteacher’s Award. A wide range of certificates, including those awarded for excellent attendance and punctuality, give permanent recognition to those achievements made in all aspects of school life. Various events are organised during the year to recognise the effort and achievements of students.

“We can be individual in our own way, but together we make Lordswood”

Religious Education and Collective Worship In accordance with the Education Act 1988, religious education is a compulsory part of the school curriculum and students currently follow the Birmingham agreed syllabus. We believe that teaching about the different faiths represented in society and within the school community in particular is vital in order to build tolerance, understanding and to break down prejudice and stereotyping. Collective worship at Lordswood Girls’ School aims to: • • •

Celebrate the key festivals within each of the main religions Complement work undertaken in relgious education Develop the spiritual, moral and cultural understanding of students and contribute to community cohesion

Parents or guardians who have any objections to their child attending collective worship or religious education lessons have the right to withdraw their child from these activities. Any parent or guardian wishing to do this should contact the Headteacher so that suitable alternative arrangements can be made. Sex and Relationship Education The Governors recognise that the prime responsibility for bringing up children rests in the home. The school has a supportive role in helping students to understand and manage the emotional and physical aspects of their growing up and in preparing them for the challenges and responsibilities that sexual maturity brings. Sex and relationship education in Years 7-11 takes place within PSHEE lessons and science and RE lessons at KS3 and KS4. Review Tutors generally deliver the PSHEE Curriculum with support from professionals where appropriate. Some parents prefer to take the responsibility for aspects of this element of education. They have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the sex and relationship education except for those parts included in the statutory National Curriculum (i.e. in science lessons). Alternative arrangements would be made in such cases.

“It’s an environment where your background and ethnicity do not affect your ability to achieve”

Curriculum We are passionate about securing success for all students and personalised pathways and curriculum breadth are key elements in delivering this aim. We want students to experience a curriculum which is relevant to their needs, will stretch them intellectually and will develop their talents in a supportive atmosphere whilst also preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. A range of enrichment courses add to the diversity of the programmes of study on offer. Diplomas are delivered in partnership with other schools in the South West Network and Lordswood is the lead school for the Creative & Media Diploma. Careers and Work Related Learning Careers education is delivered as part of the PSHEE programme in Years 7-11 and plays an important part in preparing our students for adult life and the world of work in a changing society. Information, advice and guidance have a key role in each key stage in order to guide students onto appropriate curriculum and career pathways. We also work closely with our Connexions Advisor who provides careers advice and will attend Parents’ evenings to advise on choices. Students in Year 10 complete a short period of work experience which is designed to give them insight into the world of work and to get them to think about their strengths and interests. Students following vocational courses will in addition undertake work experience which is specifically related to their area of study. Homework Homework is an integral part of the curriculum and gives students the opportunity to consolidate or extend their learning and to develop their independence as learners. Homework is set regularly according to homework timetables produced for each year group at the start of the academic year. Students are issued with a school planner in which to record all homework set and the deadlines for completion. Parents and Review Tutors are required to sign the planner regularly in order to monitor progress and to be alerted to any problems at an early stage. Extra Curricular Activities At Lordswood we recognise that some of the most effective learning takes place outside the classroom and as a result, we aim to offer a range of activities, trips and visits to broaden students’ horizons and extend their skills and experiences.

Activities include:

• • •

Subject areas organise trips which complement the curriculum and students are actively encouraged to join a wide range of clubs and groups outside lesson time.

Theatre and cinema visits Peripatetic music lessons Residential field courses and study visits both locally and abroad

“We are all treated as equals and as potential stars”

Student Support On entry to the school, students are allocated to a Review Group which is overseen by a Review Tutor. The Review Tutor has responsibility for the academic progress and welfare of each student. As well as overseeing the day to day well being of students, Review Tutors also set targets and monitor achievement through individual reviews which provide opportunities for students to discuss any problems. Further support is available through the Achievement Co-ordinator who oversees the progress of all students within a particular phase. Partnerships between Home and School We work very closely with our parents to ensure the best results for our students and value their support in helping us to achieve our aims. We recognise that one of the key factors in a student’s success is the relationship between home and school and aim to keep parents up to date with their daughter’s progress on a regular basis and informed about events and developments at school in the following ways: • • • • • • • •

Regular newsletters Personal Review Tutor meetings Parents’ meetings Information evenings Parent forums and parent representation on the Governing Body Subject profiles Text alert system Web site

“Everyone is connected to one another, nobody is left alone” The School Council Students are encouraged to play an active role in the life of the school. We believe that the School Council has a key role to play in making Lordswood an even better school for all, whilst at the same time developing the leadership skills of our students. Members of the School Council are appointed to the Student Executive Team and work alongside staff in school development groups and Governing Body meetings. Lunchtime Arrangements In light of Government concerns to ensure that students are kept safe and eat healthily, students in Years 7-11 are expected to remain on site during lunchtime. Students will only be allowed out of school where parents have requested, in writing, that a student returns home to eat lunch with the family and are able to ensure that she can return in time for afternoon school. We are committed to providing healthy and nutritious meals and school meals at Lordswood are very popular amongst students.

“There’s always something different going on, different events all the time, it’s really exciting”

Links with the Community Lordswood has been successful in establishing strong links with a number of community groups and organisations both through its specialisms and in its aim to establish a learning community which extends beyond the school. We work closely with other schools and community organisations to offer high quality learning opportunities and enrichment for all students. The Sixth Form Our Sixth Form Centre enjoys an excellent reputation within the city, as a result of its success. It offers a broad curriculum which caters for a range of interests, abilities and aspirations. A unique addition to the Sixth Form is the Basketball Academy which offers places to students who wish to develop their sporting talent in addition to academic and vocational studies. For further information on the Sixth Form Centre, including admission arrangements, please ask for a copy of our Sixth Form prospectus.

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