Prologue Worksheet

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Prologue Define and/or explain each “term” and identify from where you found your information “Term”

Define and/or explain

Source location


Psychology is the scientific study of behavioral and mental processes.

Pg. 2 D.G.M.

Prescientific Psychology

This was the philosophy of how the mind works; days of Aristotle, Socrates and Descrartes for example. When there was no access to scientific means to figuring out the human brain. Only philosophy.

Pg. 2-3 D.G.M.


Formed by Bacon and Locke's thoughts, it was the view that knowledge is gained through experience and science should look rely on observation and experimentation.

Rene Descartes

Agreed with Plato and Socrates in the thought that the mind is “entirely distant from the body. ” Also that the mind would survive the body's death. He also said that animals have “animal spirits” flowing through them through the nerves which caused movement. To him memories were pores in the brain where those “animal spirits” would go into.

Wilhelm Wundt

The German professor that measured the time it took to have a simple reflex and a more complex one. With those two being: when a ball hit the ground and when you were aware of the ball hitting the ground. Which he discovered to be different, 0.1 seconds and 0.2 seconds on average. This was the first psychologic experiment.


Developed by Edward Titchener, it was an early method of psychology that was performed using introspection to explore the human mind. He had people look inward and then had them report any experience they had from different stimuli. It eventually fell as the results were unreliable from person to person.

Edward Titchner

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Pg. 3-4 D.G.M.

Pg. 4-5 D.G.M.

Developed structuralism and shared it with C. S. Lewis. ^ Most notes.

Pg. 4-5 D.G.M.


William James created functionalism by wondering why the body and brain do what they do and using that to figure out how it works. Somewhat goes along with evolution with the idea of how we survive and adapt, etc.

Pg. 5 D.G.M.

Mary Calkins

She was taught by William James around 1890. She qualified all the requirements for a Ph.D. In psychology but was denied it by Harvard. Despite that she was the first woman President of the APA in 1905.

Pg. 5-6 D.G.M.

Margaret Washburn

She was the first woman to receive a Ph.D. In psychology and was the second woman president of the APA. She also wrote the book The Animal Mind. She was the first person to have a foreign study published in Wundt's journal. The fact she was a woman barred her from join the organization of experimentalo psychologists founded by Titchener; her graduate advisor.

Pg. 6 D.G.M.

It was a response to Fruedian psychology and behaviorism in the 1960's. Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow founded it because they thought the above was too mechanical. It was focused more on enviornmental influence and meeting our needs for love and acceptence; human dependance.

Pg. 7 D.G.M.

Sigmund Freud

Developed Freudian psychology and the ideas of the super-ego, ego and the stages of growing up, etc. Developed an influential theory of personality noted above.

Personal knowledge and Pg. 6 D.G.M.

John Watson

Along with Skinner created behaviourism and showed conditioned responses in a baby. He was the initil creator of behaviourism.

Pg. 7 D.G.M.

Was the second pioneer in behaviourism and studied consequences and what they did to behaviour.

Pg. 7 D.G.M.

The dispute as to whether our traits are inherited or adapted depending on enviornment. The book states that it is both inherited and adapted to.

Personal Knowledge and Pg. 9-10 D.G.M.


B.F. Skinner Humanism Nature/Nurture

Prologue “Term” Natural Selection

Define and/or explain

Source location

The accepted rule developed by Charles Darwin that states through chance organisms evolve to adapt new traits, and through those traits those that survive will continue to reproduce and therefore are better adapted to their enviornment.

Personal Knowledge

Charles Darwin

Devloped the idea of Natural Selection. Examined creatures on different islands to come up with the idea.

Pg. 9 D.G.M.

Levels of Analysis

There are different levels of analysis is psychology that are very compatable with eachother and are used that way. The biological, psychological, and the social-cultural levels. They are generally referred to as the biopsysiosocial approach.

Pg. 10 D.G.M.

Biopsychosocial approach Neuroscience perspective Evolutionary perspective Behavior genetics perspective Psychdynamic perspective Behavioral perspective Cognitive perspective Social-cultural perspective Basic research Applied research Counseling psychologists Clinical psychologists Psychiatrists

The combination of all the different levels of analysis. It encompasses all of their ideas to form one accepted idea.

Pg. 10 D.G.M.

This is focused on how the brain and body aenable emotions, memories and the such.

Pg. 11 D.G.M.

How the selection of traits promotes the continuation of one's genes.

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How much our genes and enviornment influence our differences.

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How behaviour comes from the unconcious in ourselves.

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How we learn responses and what they mean.

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How we store all information and recover it.

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How traits vary from region to region.

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It is research that expands the base of knowledge in psychology. But isn't used in entirely practical purpouses.

Pg. 12 D.G.M.

This is research used for conventional purposes, such as better training or employment.

Pg. 13 D.G.M.

They are used to help people cope with problems in their life that are enviornmental and not a disorder.

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They are used to treat disorders that are not caused by enviornmental problems. But are created in their head or body. Some want to be able to administer drugs to their patients.

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They are M.D.'s and also do psychotherapy. They are licensed to give drugs to their patients to help with whatever it is that is wrong with them.

Pg. 13 D.G.M.

Color code terms into the

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