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An online notice board is a place where people can leave any types of messages and notifications, for example, to advertise things, announce events or provide any information. Notice board online it can be placed on digital devices such computers, tabs, mobile phones etc. This online notice board project is very helpful for all type of users like existing users and new users. So admin can leave and erase notification for other people to read and see. The main aim of this free online notice board project is make information dissemination much easier in a paperless community as the world tends to interact with the online notice board facility as an project, Online notice board admin can send the notification to the particular students regarding fee payments, results, any new activity happen in college campus or college fest participation, libraries dues, any workshop registrations, warnings and reminders etc for this work online notice board project is make all work much easier and understandable to all. This online notice board work generally intends to act as a support system for the all users. By the help of free online notice board users can access the notifications and articles quickly not only in the particular premises, also wherever and whenever they need to know. Online notice board usability is fully capable of passing relevant notices and announcements, and keeping the users update from time to time.The students are kept updated each time with the online notice board for college is uploaded based on their preferences with respect to the departments and categories through a notice board online. Online notice board is one of the applications to improve the usage of notice board of the college by making it available online.This web application involves almost all the features of online notice board. In the online notice board project all the updates like, add, delete, view are done by admin, so that user will get the updated current information through online notice board .

1.1 OVERVIEW The Online Notice Board System is intended for colleges and institutions where information and file sharing on regular basis plays vital role in the performance. The proposed system will act as an online notice board which will make use of the modern communication methodologies and techniques for information flow. The system is planned to consist of various useful features for the said purpose. The proposed system aims to create a platform for issuing notice, sharing information and files between the members of the institution. Different users shall have different level of access to the content. In the context of a college, there shall be two users of the software –admin and user . The admin shall be able

to issue notice, upload files, and view user’s activities on the software. The user shall be able to see the notice, update profile, change password. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT In today’s world, everything is digitalized and paper is being used less and less every day. How often has it happened that we miss some important notice because we have to go to a wall and read the notice there? There are dedicated file hosting sites and clouds used by some institutions, but there is a definite need for a dedicated notice board system. The proposed system is such a system. 1.3 NEED Almost all leading institutions, excepting a few, currently lack an electronic notice board system .Though some have taken the aid of third-party websites like Facebook ® to interact, it comes at the cost of mixing one’s social life with professional. Keeping this in mind, educational institutes will find this software extremely useful .The “Online Notice Board System” is a web-based software, with supplementary application software, that aims to aid the institutes by providing such digital notice board.

ADVANTAGES: It is not required to going at College Notice Board see Information regarding to any event or advertise or a messages.  The College easily posts all types of message on the notice board. - Students can easily go through the notices through their logins.  The management authorities can automatically set to activate/deactivate a given notice for a given time period thus helping in automizing the posting and removal of notices after the given time period.  The management authorities can also manually activate/deactivate the notices incase the college/department wants to remove the notice bearing wrong message.

1.4 DISADVANTAGES: To see notice student or user can require register themselves , otherwise they will be not able to see notice.

TECHNOLOGIES SPECIFICATION:Front end:- HTML, CSS, Jquery, Bootstrap. Middle end:- PHP Back end:- MySQLi

HTML:The definition of HTML is HyperText Markup Language. 

 

HyperText is the method by which you move around on the web — by clicking on special text called hyperlinks which bring you to the next page. The fact that it is hyper just means it is not linear — i.e. you can go to any place on the Internet whenever you want by clicking on links — there is no set order to do things in. Markup is what HTML tags do to the text inside them. They mark it as a certain type of text (italicised text, for example). HTML is a Language, as it has code-words and syntax like any other language.

How does it work? HTML consists of a series of short codes typed into a text-file by the site author — these are the tags. The text is then saved as a html file, and viewed through a browser, like Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. This browser reads the file and translates the text into a visible form, hopefully rendering the page as the author had intended. Writing your own HTML entails using tags correctly to create your vision. You can use anything from a rudimentary text-editor to a powerful graphical editor to create HTML pages.

CSS:Cascading Style Sheets, fondly referred to as CSS, is a simple design language intended to simplify the process of making web pages presentable. CSS handles the look and feel part of a web page. Using CSS, you can control the color of the text, the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, what background images or colors are used, layout designs,variations in display for different devices and screen sizes as well as a variety of other effects. CSS is easy to learn and understand but it provides powerful control over the presentation of an HTML document. Most commonly, CSS is combined with the markup languages HTML or XHTML. Advantages of CSS:

CSS saves time − You can write CSS once and then reuse same sheet in multiple HTML pages. You can define a style for each HTML element and apply it to as many Web pages as you want.

Pages load faster − If you are using CSS, you do not need to write HTML tag attributes every time. Just write one CSS rule of a tag and apply it to all the occurrences of that tag. So less code means faster download times.

Easy maintenance − To make a global change, simply change the style, and all elements in all the web pages will be updated automatically.

Superior styles to HTML − CSS has a much wider array of attributes than HTML, so you can give a far better look to your HTML page in comparison to HTML attributes.

Multiple Device Compatibility − Style sheets allow content to be optimized for more than one type of device. By using the same HTML document, different versions of a website can be presented for handheld devices such as PDAs and cell phones or for printing.

Global web standards − Now HTML attributes are being deprecated and it is being recommended to use CSS. So its a good idea to start using CSS in all the HTML pages to make them compatible to future browsers.

Who Creates and Maintains CSS? CSS is created and maintained through a group of people within the W3C called the CSS Working Group. The CSS Working Group creates documents called specifications. When a specification has been discussed and officially ratified by the W3C members, it becomes a recommendation. These ratified specifications are called recommendations because the W3C has no control over the actual implementation of the language. Independent companies and organizations create that software.

NOTE − The World Wide Web Consortium, or W3C is a group that makes recommendations about how the Internet works and how it should evolve. CSS Version:Cascading Style Sheets level 1 (CSS1) came out of W3C as a recommendation in December 1996. This version describes the CSS language as well as a simple visual formatting model for all the HTML tags. CSS2 became a W3C recommendation in May 1998 and builds on CSS1. This version adds support for media-specific style sheets e.g. printers and aural devices, downloadable fonts, element positioning and tables.

JQuery:JQuery is a fast, small, cross-platform and feature-rich JavaScript library. It is designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, animation, event handling, and AJAX very simple with an easy-to-use API that works on a lot of different type of browsers. The main purpose of jQuery is to provide an easy way to use JavaScript on your website to make it more interactive and attractive. It is also used to add animation. What is jQuery? jQuery is a small, light-weight and fast JavaScript library. It is cross-platform and supports different types of browsers. It is also referred as ?write less do more? because it takes a lot of common tasks that requires many lines of JavaScript code to accomplish, and binds them into methods that can be called with a single line of code whenever needed. It is also very useful to simplify a lot of the complicated things from JavaScript, like AJAX calls and DOM manipulation.  jQuery is a small, fast and lightweight JavaScript library.  jQuery is platform-independent.  jQuery means "write less do more".  jQuery simplifies AJAX call and DOM manipulation. jQuery Features:Following are the important features of jQuery. 

HTML manipulation

DOM manipulation

DOM element selection

CSS manipulation

Effects and Animations



HTML event methods

JSON Parsing

Extensibility through plug-ins

Why jQuery is required? Sometimes, a question can arise that what is the need of jQuery or what difference it makes on bringing jQuery instead of AJAX/ JavaScript? If jQuery is the replacement of AJAX and JavaScript? For all these questions, you can state the following answers. 

It is very fast and extensible.

It facilitates the users to write UI related function codes in minimum possible lines.

It improves the performance of an application.

Browser's compatible web applications can be developed.

It uses mostly new features of new browsers.

So, you can say that out of the lot of JavaScript frameworks, jQuery is the most popular and the most extendable. Many of the biggest companies on the web use jQuery. Some of these companies are: 





What should you know before starting to learn jQuery? It is always advised to a fresher to learn the basics of web designing before starting to learn jQuery. He should learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript first. But, if you belong to a technical background, it is up to you.


It is not required to going at College Notice Board see Information regarding to any event or advertise or a messages.

The College easily posts all types of message on the notice board.

Students can easily go through the notices through their logins.

The management authorities can automatically set to activate/deactivate a given notice for a given time period thus helping in automizing the posting and removal of notices after the given time period.

The management authorities can also manually activate/deactivate the notices incase the college/department wants to remove the notice bearing wrong message.


To see notice student or user can require register themselves, otherwise they will be not able to see notice.

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