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PROJECT Presentation Medical multimodal Image retrieval

By - Vijayender Singh 105483657


Topic we will cover Why medical industry  IRMA Methods of System Categorization  Image train labels  Bag of words model  Pyramid kernel  Spatial pyramid scheme  SFIT  Clustering  K means clustering  Support Vector Machine 


Motivations Huge data base.  The IRMA code for unique classification of medical images.  Beneficial in necessary times.  New topic and Future prospects is good.  Part of my master project  Topic related to image processing  Challenging subject  Will be helpful many fields 

  


Why Medical Industry Consist of huge database  Needs for content-based image retrieval in medical applications  New and challenging field  The IRMA code for unique classification of medical images.  Research oriented topic  Still lot of topics to explore 

 


IRMA Methods of System Categorization First of seven successive analyzing steps extracting content information from medical images.  Aims to establish intelligent processing strategies  Current image under investigation used in strategies.  Valid relations between code and sub-code elements  Code must be strictly hierarchical in order to support semantic queries on a database. 

 


Causality is important for grouping of processing strategies.  Mono-hierarchical scheme is required  Each sub-code element is connected to only one code element.  Medical images must cover all aspects  Influencing the image content and structure  Multi-axial scheme was designed.  Presented previously in German 


Technical code of IRMA  

The IRMA coding system consists of four axes with three to four positions "0" denotes "unspecified" to determine the end of a path along an axis: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

 

T (technical): image modality D (directional): body orientation A (anatomical): body region examined B (biological): biological system examined

Short and unambiguous notation (IRMA: TTTT – DDD – AAA – BBB) T, D, A, and B denotes a coding or sub-coding digit of the technical, directional, anatomical, and biological axis Notation avoids mixtures of one- and two-literal code positions.


Image Train Labels 

Needs for content-based image retrieval in medical applications.  coding scheme is required to describe 

◦ a) the imaging modality including technical parameters. ◦ b) the orientation of the image with respect to the body. ◦ c) the body region examined. ◦ d) the biological system investigated.

Worked on the Body region examined. 


Problem To extract the features using spatial pyramid.  Multi resolution histograms of local features.  Visual Dictionary.  IRMA technical code and system categorization.  Create new category for body region examined.  Support Vector Machine. 


Approach used Multi resolution histograms of local features.  Spatial pyramid.  K means Algorithm.  Visual Dictionary.  Support Vector machine. 


Introduction Image is collection of order less features.  Incapable of capturing shape or of segmenting an object from its background.  Bag features method.  Kernel based recognition method.  Repeatedly sub dividing the image.  Compute histogram of local features.  Global method for object recognition.  Identify overall scene.  Categorizing images as containing objects. 

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Previous Work Computing Histograms for image description  Mutliresolution histograms  Resolutions stays fixed  Paper used a Opposite approach  Fixing the resolution at which features are computed  Varying the spatial resolution at which features are aggregated  Preserves more information  Kernel used for appropriate geometric matching 

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Bag of words Model Used for texture recognition  Text is represented as an unordered collection of words.  Disregards the grammar.  Don’t follow the word order ie a good book = good book a. 


Representation based on the bag of words model Text can be represented by Ex Harry loves to play soccer. Sam loves to play rugby. Manchester united is a soccer club.  Above example can be represented in a dictionary .  Dictionary = {1”Harry”, 2 ”loves”, 3 ”to”, 4 ”play”, 5 ”soccer”, 6”Sam”, 7”rugby” , 8”Manchester”, 9”united”, 10”is”, 11”a”, 12”soccer”, 13”club”}  Here we have 13 dictionary words. 

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Representation Based On The Bag Of Words Model contd Using the indexes of the dictionary, each document is represented by a 13-entry vector [1, 2, 2, 2,1,1, 1,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,] [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,]  Each entry of the vectors refers to count 

  


Bag of Features Model Same idea of the bag of words model applied in computer vision.  Image treated as a document.  Represent images collection of order less local features.  Features extracted from the image and treated as a word.  Works well for image classification. 


Outline of Bag of Feature Model Extract features.  Create visual vocabulary.  Quantize features using visual vocabulary .  Represent images by frequencies of visual words. 


Spatial Pyramid Matching Kernel based recognition method.  Efficient scene recognition in the large datasets.  It involves repeatedly sub dividing the images.  Compute histogram.  Histogram are compared using weighted histogram intersection. 


Works by placing the sequence of increasingly coarser grids over the feature space.  Two point said to matched if they fall into the same grid 


Pyramid Match kernel Pyramid Match Kernels.  build pyramid in feature space.  discard spatial information  X, Y are the two sets of vectors .  HlX and HlY denotes the histogram of X and Y.  HlX (i) and HlY (i) denotes the number of points from X and Y into the ith cell grid. 

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Histogram intersection function I(HlX, HlY)  Eq : D l l Il = I(Hl , Hl ) = X Y i=1 ∑ min (H X (i) and H Y (i)) . Matches found in level l also found in l+1 level So new matches found at level l will be  Il – Il-1 for l = 0…. l-1 


Spatial Matching Scheme Perpendicular approach  build pyramid in image space  quantize feature space  Use of traditional clustering technique  Calculate all feature vectors into M types  Final equation l (X , Y ) Kl (X, Y) = M∑ K m=1 m m 


Spatial Matching Scheme contd


Feature Extraction 

Two types used ◦ Strong features ◦ Weak features

Features are extracted using SFIT descriptor  K Means clustering of random patches  Visual vocabulary from training data set 

 


SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transformation)      

Algorithm in computer vision. Publish by David Lowe in 1999. Widely used in object recognition. Detect and describe local features. Key points are extracted from the image and stored in the data base. Description extracted from the training image can be used on the test image and find the matching features based on the Euclidean distance of the feature vectors. Image size of 500 * 500 pixels can generate about 2000 stable features

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Key Point In SIFT Scale Invariant Feature Detection

Transformation of an image into collection of feature vectors  Each vector is invariant to image translation, scaling and rotation  Key location are defined by the maxima and minima of the difference of Gaussian function  Low contrast points and edge response points are rejected  Remaining key points are more stable for matching and recognition 

 


Four Stages Of The Algorithm 

Scale Space Peak Selection

 

Key Point Localization

 

Orientation Assignment

 

Key Point Descriptor


Scale Space Peak Selection Potential interest points are identified by scanning the image over location.  Implemented by constructing a Gaussian pyramid  search for local peaks or key points.  Done by using difference of Gaussian function. 

 


Key Point Localization Determine location and scale  Selection based on stability  Unstable key points rejected 


Orientation Assignment Identifies the dominant orientation of the each keypoint.  Based on local image path.  Enable the SIFT to create a canonical view for the keypoint . 


Key Point Descriptor Builds the representation of each key points.  Based on the pixels in its local neighborhood  Significance level of local shape distortion and change in the illumination. 

 


Clustering What is cluster.  process of organizing objects into groups who are similar in some way.  Two types of clustering 1) Distance based clustering. 2) Conceptual clustering. 

 


Distance Based Clustering 

Two or more object belong to the same cluster if they are close according to their geometrical distance  Ex below we have 4 clusters 


Conceptual Based Clustering Objects are grouped according to their fit to descriptive concepts not according to simple similarity measures.  Example 


Clustering Algorithm Classification 

Classify into four groups Exclusive Clustering ◦ data are grouped in the excusive way so that each cluster to be distinct.

Overlapping Clustering ◦ Data associated with a proper membership value. ◦ uses fuzzy sets to cluster data so that each point may belong to two or more cluster with different degree of membership.

Hierarchical Clustering ◦ Based on union between two nearest cluster.

Probabilistic Clustering ◦ It uses the probabilistic approach.


Clustering Applications 

  

  

Marketing - finding groups of customers with similar behavior given a large database of customer data containing their properties and past buying records Biology - classification of plants and animals given their features Libraries - book ordering Insurance - identifying groups of motor insurance policy holders with a high average claim cost or identifying frauds City-planning - identifying groups of houses according to their house type, value and geographical location Earthquake studies - clustering observed earthquake epicenters to identify dangerous zones WWW - document classification clustering weblog data to discover groups of similar access patterns


Distance Measure Important concept of clustering algorithm.  Distance between two data points.  Euclidian distance can some times be misleading . 

 


Requirements Main requirement an clustering algorithm should satisfy  Scalability .  Dealing with different types of attributes.  Discovering clusters with arbitrary shape.  Minimal requirements for domain knowledge to determine input parameters.  Ability to deal with noise and outliers.  Insensitivity to order of input records.  High dimensionality.  Interpretability and usability.


K Means Clustering Basic idea is to define k centroids one for each cluster.  Each centriod give different result.  Purpose is to classify the data.  Algorithm groups the objects based on features into K number of group.  K is positive integer number.  The grouping is done by minimizing the sum of squares of distances between data and the corresponding cluster centroid. 

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K Means Properties There are always K clusters.  There is always at least one item in each cluster.  The clusters are non-hierarchical and they do not overlap.  Every member of a cluster is closer to its cluster than any other cluster. 


Simple Flowchart Of K Means           

Step 1 – Start Step 2 – Number of cluster Step 3 – Centroid Step 4 – Distance of objects to centroid Step 5 – Grouping based on minimal distance Step 6 – No object move group If yes Step 7 – End If no ( it iterates) repeat Step 3 to step 6

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Simple flowchart of K Means


K Means Equation  

Equation J = j=1 ∑k

2 ∑ ǀ X µ ǀ nεSj n j

 Here we have Clustering of n data points into

K disjoint subset


 Where  

Xn = vector representing nth data point µj= geometric centriod of the data points in Sj

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Advantages Of Using K Means Can work with a large number of variables  K-Means may be computationally faster  K-Means may produce tighter clusters than hierarchical clustering 


Disadvantages of using K Means Difficulty in comparing quality of the clusters produced  Fixed number of clusters create a problem to predict K value  Does not work well with non globular clusters.  Different initial partitions can result in different final clusters. 


Support Vector Machine Goal of SVM modeling is to find the optimal hyperplane that separates clusters of vector  One category of the target variable are on one side of the plane and cases with the other category are on the other size of the plane.  Performs classification by constructing an Ndimensional hyperplane  Optimally separates the data into two categories.  SVM models are closely related to neural networks. 

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SVM model using a sigmoid kernel function is equivalent to a two-layer, perceptron neural network.  Models are a close cousin to classical multilayer perceptron neural networks.  Kernel function are an alternative training method 

◦ Polynomial ◦ radial basis function ◦ multi-layer perceptron classifiers

weights of the network are found by solving a quadratic programming problem with linear constraints


Predictor variable is called an attribute  Solving a non-convex, unconstrained minimization problem not used.  Transformed attribute that is used to define the hyperplane is called a feature.  Choosing the most suitable representation is known as feature selection.  Set of features that describes one case (i.e., a row of predictor values) is called a vector.  The vectors near the hyperplane are the support vectors. The figure below presents an overview of the SVM process. 

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Advantages of using SVM Key advantage of SVM is the use of kernels.  The absence of local minima the sparseness of the solution.  The capacity control obtained by optimizing the margin. 


Disadvantages of using SVM The biggest limitation of the support vector approach lies in choice of the kernel  A second limitation is speed and size, both in training and testing.  Discrete data presents another problem  The optimal design for multiclass SVM classifiers is a further area for research. 


Experiments Done Took 500 images from the IRMA image folder  Spatial pyramid code applied on that images works fine  Histograms made  Pyramids where applied to SVM  SVM works fine shown the promising results 


Conclusion Modification of pyramid match kernel shown good result  Method uses global approach to find the object in the image  Shown the improvement over the order less image representation  Use of SVM works fine shown good result  Future work is to develop the method that can take full advantage of discriminative information provided by the images 


References                

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                 ,com_wrapper/Itemid,

   12/11/09

               Image source WIKI , spatial_pyramid_matching _sceme_1.pdf

      12/11/09


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