Program Viewport,animasi,transformasi

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  • Words: 263
  • Pages: 5
VIEWPORT, TRANSFORMASI, & ANIMASI Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Tugas Mata Kuliah Grafik Komputer Dosen : Asep Deddy, M. Kom

Oleh : Hamdan Fauzi (0706043) Ridwan Setiawan (0706073)


Program Viewport_Transformasi_Animasi; uses crt, graph; var a,b,c,d:real; dr,md,e,f,g,h:integer; mat:array[0..3,0..3] of real; Procedure Trans(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9:real; q:integer); var amat,bmat:array[0..3] of real; w,x:real; o,p,y,z,i,j:integer; begin mat[1,1]:=a1; mat[1,2]:=a2; mat[1,3]:=a3; mat[2,1]:=a4; mat[2,2]:=a5; mat[2,3]:=a6; mat[3,1]:=a7; mat[3,2]:=a8; mat[3,3]:=a9; amat[1]:=10; amat[2]:=10; amat[3]:=1; x:=0; for i:=1 to 3 do begin for j:=1 to 3 do begin w:=(amat[j])*(mat[j,i]); x:=(x+w); end; bmat[i]:=x; x:=0; end; Initgraph(dr,md,'c:\tp\bgi'); line(10,10,60,10); line(60,10,60,60); line(60,60,10,60); line(10,60,10,10); readln; setcolor(yellow); case q of 1:begin o:=round(bmat[1]); p:=round(bmat[2]); y:=(round(bmat[1]-10))+60; z:=(round(bmat[2]-10))+60; line(o,p,y,p); line(y,p,y,z); line(y,z,o,z); line(o,z,o,p); readln; closegraph; end; 2:begin

o:=(round(bmat[1])-10/2); p:=(round(bmat[2])-10/2); line((10-o),(10-p),(60+o),(10-p)); line((60+o),(10-p),(60+o),(60+p)); line((60+o),(60+p),(10-o),(60+p)); line((10-o),(60+p),(10-o),(10-o)); readln; closegraph; end; 3:begin o:=((round(bmat[1]))-10); p:=((round(bmat[2]))-10); line((10+p),(10+o),(60+p),(10+o)); line((60+p),(10+o),(60-o),(60-o)); line((60-o),(60-o),(10-o),(60-o)); line((10-o),(60-o),(10+p),(10+o)); readln; closegraph; end; end; end; begin Repeat Writeln ('=============================='); writeln('|1. Translasi |'); writeln('|2. Scalling |'); writeln('|3. Shearing |'); writeln('|4. Viewport |'); writeln('|5. Animasi |'); writeln('|6. Keluar |'); writeln('============================'); Write('Masukan Pilihan : '); readln(e); clrscr; case e of 1:begin write('Masukan Besar Translasi Untuk x: '); readln(a); write('Masukan Besar Translasi Untuk y: '); readln(b); Trans(1,0,0,0,1,0,a,b,1,e); end; 2:begin write('Masukan Besar Scala: '); readln(a); Trans(a,0,0,0,a,0,0,0,1,e); end; 3:begin write('Masukan Besar Pembebanan Ke Sumbu x: '); readln(a); a:=a/10; b:=0; Trans(1,a,0,b,1,0,0,0,1,e); end; 4:begin write('Masukan panjang sisi segi empat: '); readln(f); write('Masukan Panjang Pemotongan Bangun: '); readln(g); Initgraph(dr,md,'c:\tp\bgi'); SetViewPort(10, 10,g+10, g+10, ClipOn); rectangle(0, 5, f,f+5); readln;

closegraph; end; 5:begin InitGraph(dr,md,'c:\tp\bgi'); f:= 25; g:= GetMaxY; h:=1; Repeat setcolor(h); circle(f ,g div 2,50); Delay(250); ClearDevice; f:=f+25; h:=h+1; Until KeyPressed; CloseGraph; End; else end; until e=6; end.

Output :

1. Translasi

2. Scalling

3. Shearing

4. Viewport

5. Animasi

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