Program Pengolahan Citra Didalam Menu Dengan Menggunakan Visual 2008.docx

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Program Pengolahan Citra Didalam Menu Dengan Menggunakan Visual Basic.Net 2008

Keterangan : 1) Form 1 (Form Login) 2) Form 2 (Form Menu) 3) Form 3 (Form Pengolahan Citra) Baiklah Sobat Saya Sekalian Langsung Saja Kita Membuat Form Login Dengan Mendisain Form Seperti Gambar Di Bawah Ini :

# Listing Program : 1). Klik Double Bebas Pada Form Dan Isikan Printah Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form2_Load(Byval Sender As System.Object, Byval E As System.Eventargs) Handles Mybase.Load Password.Passwordchar = "*" End Sub 2) Klik Double Pada Button Ok Dan Isikan Printah Private Sub Button2_Click(Byval Sender As System.Object, Byval E As System.Eventargs) Handles Button2.Click If User.Text = "" Or Password.Text = "" Then Msgbox("Maaf, Username Dan Password Belum Di Input!!") User.Focus() Elseif User.Text = "Awal" And Password.Text = "123" Then Msgbox("Welcome To Menu Utama :-)") Form2.Show() Me.Hide() Else Msgbox("Maaf, Username Dan Password Salah!") User.Text = "" Password.Text = "" User.Focus() End If End Sub 3)Klik Double Pada Textbox Password Untuk Menggunakan Keypress Caranya Dengan Mengubah Textchanged Menjadi Keypress,Dan Isikan Printah Private Sub Password_Keypress(Byval Sender As Object, Byval E As System.Windows.Forms.Keypresseventargs) Handles Password.Keypress If Asc(E.Keychar) = 13 Then If User.Text = "Awal" And Password.Text = "123" Then Msgbox("Welcome :-)") Form3.Show() Me.Hide() Else Msgbox("Sorry :-( Password And Username No Valid Tryagain!!") User.Text = "" Password.Text = "" End If End If End Sub 4) Klik Double Pada Button Keluar Isikan Printah Private Sub Button1_Click(Byval Sender As System.Object, Byval E As System.Eventargs) Handles Button1.Click

Me.Close() End Sub End Class Selanjutnya Sobat Membuat Form Menu Dengan Gambar Di Bawah Ini : # Listing Program : 1). Membuat Menu File Kita Harus Menambahkan Menustrip Pada Kotak Toolbox Dan Isikan Kolom 1) File 2) Pegolahan Citra 3) Keluar Lebih Jelas Lihat Gambar Di Bawah Ini :

2) Selanjutnya Klik Double Menu Pencitraan Dan Isikan Printah Public Class Form2

Private Sub Pencitraantoolstripmenuitem_Click(Byval Sender As System.Object, Byval E As System.Eventargs) Handles Pencitraantoolstripmenuitem.Click Form3.Mdiparent = Me Form3.Show() End Sub 4) Selanjutnya Klik Double Menu Keluar Dan Isikan Printah Private Sub Keluartoolstripmenuitem_Click(Byval Sender As System.Object, Byval E As System.Eventargs) Handles Keluartoolstripmenuitem.Click End End Sub

End Class Setelah Selesai Mendisain Kedua Form Tersebut Dan Yang Terahir Kita Membuat Form Pengolahan Citra Seperti Gambar Di Bawah Ini :

# Listing Program : 1).Cara Memasukkan Gambar Di Dalam Picturebox Ialah - Kotak Properties-Pilih Image - Cukup Satu Picturebox Saja Yang Di Isi..Okeyy :-D 2). Isikan Printah Di Dalam Button –Hijau : Private Sub Button1_Click(Byval Sender As System.Object, Byval E As System.Eventargs) Handles Button1.Click Dim Pb, Pc As Integer Dim Vm, Vh, Vb As Double Gambar2 = New Bitmap(Picturebox2.Image) For Pb = 0 To Gambar2.Height - 1 For Pc = 0 To Gambar2.Width - 1

Vm = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).R - 10 Vh = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).G Vb = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).B If Vm <= 0 Then Vm = 0 Gambar2.Setpixel(Pc, Pb, Color.Fromargb(Vm, Vh, Vb)) Next Picturebox2.Image = Gambar2 Picturebox2.Refresh() Next End Sub

3). Isikan Printah Di Dalam Button +Hijau : Private Sub Button2_Click(Byval Sender As System.Object, Byval E As System.Eventargs) Handles Button2.Click Dim Pb, Pc As Integer Dim Vm, Vh, Vb As Double Gambar2 = New Bitmap(Picturebox2.Image) For Pb = 0 To Gambar2.Height - 1 For Pc = 0 To Gambar2.Width - 1 Vm = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).R + 10 Vh = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).G Vb = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).B If Vm >= 255 Then Vm = 255 Gambar2.Setpixel(Pc, Pb, Color.Fromargb(Vm, Vh, Vb)) Next Picturebox2.Image = Gambar2 Picturebox2.Refresh() Next End Sub

4). Isikan Printah Di Dalam Button Grayscale : Public Class Form3 Dim Gambar2 As Bitmap Private Sub Button3_Click(Byval Sender As System.Object, Byval E As System.Eventargs) Handles Button3.Click Dim Pb, Pc As Integer Dim Rt, Vm, Vh, Vb As Double Gambar2 = New Bitmap(Picturebox2.Image) For Pb = 0 To Gambar2.Height - 1 For Pc = 0 To Gambar2.Width - 1 Vm = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).R Vh = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).G Vb = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).B Rt = (Vm + Vh + Vb) / 3 Gambar2.Setpixel(Pc, Pb, Color.Fromargb(Rt, Rt, Rt)) Next Picturebox2.Image = Gambar2 Picturebox2.Refresh()

Next End Sub

5). Isikan Printah Di Dalam Button -Merah : Private Sub Button4_Click(Byval Sender As System.Object, Byval E As System.Eventargs) Handles Button4.Click Dim Pb, Pc As Integer Dim Vm, Vh, Vb As Double Gambar2 = New Bitmap(Picturebox2.Image) For Pb = 0 To Gambar2.Height - 1 For Pc = 0 To Gambar2.Width - 1 Vm = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).R + 5 Vh = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).G + 5 Vb = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).B + 5 If Vm >= 255 Then Vm = 255 If Vb >= 255 Then Vb = 255 If Vh >= 255 Then Vh = 255 Gambar2.Setpixel(Pc, Pb, Color.Fromargb(Vm, Vh, Vb)) Next Picturebox2.Image = Gambar2 Picturebox2.Refresh() Next End Sub

6). Isikan Printah Di Dalam Button +Merah : Private Sub Button5_Click(Byval Sender As System.Object, Byval E As System.Eventargs) Handles Button5.Click Dim Pb, Pc As Integer Dim Vm, Vh, Vb As Double Gambar2 = New Bitmap(Picturebox2.Image) For Pb = 0 To Gambar2.Height - 1 For Pc = 0 To Gambar2.Width - 1 Vm = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).R - 5 Vh = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).G - 5 Vb = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).B - 5 If Vm <= 0 Then Vm = 0 If Vb <= 0 Then Vb = 0 If Vh <= 0 Then Vh = 0 Gambar2.Setpixel(Pc, Pb, Color.Fromargb(Vm, Vh, Vb)) Next Picturebox2.Image = Gambar2 Picturebox2.Refresh() Next End Sub

7). Isikan Printah Di Dalam Button Rotate : Private Sub Button6_Click(Byval Sender As System.Object, Byval E As System.Eventargs) Handles Button6.Click Dim Pb, Pc As Integer Dim Vm, Vh, Vb As Double Gambar2 = New Bitmap(Picturebox2.Image)

Dim Gambar3 As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Picturebox1.Image) For Pb = Gambar2.Height - 1 To 0 Step -1 For Pc = Gambar2.Width - 1 To 0 Step -1 Vm = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).R Vh = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).G Vb = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).B Gambar3.Setpixel(Gambar2.Width - 1 - Pc, Gambar2.Height - 1 - Pb, Color.Fromargb(Vm, Vh, Vb)) Next Picturebox2.Image = Gambar3 Picturebox2.Refresh() Next End Sub

8). Isikan Printah Di Dalam Button -Britness : Private Sub Button7_Click(Byval Sender As System.Object, Byval E As System.Eventargs) Handles Button7.Click Dim Pb, Pc As Integer Dim Vm, Vh, Vb As Double Gambar2 = New Bitmap(Picturebox2.Image) For Pb = 0 To Gambar2.Height - 1 For Pc = 0 To Gambar2.Width - 1 Vm = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).R Vh = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).G - 10 Vb = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).B If Vh <= 0 Then Vh = 0 Gambar2.Setpixel(Pc, Pb, Color.Fromargb(Vm, Vh, Vb)) Next Picturebox2.Image = Gambar2 Picturebox2.Refresh() Next End Sub

8). Isikan Printah Di Dalam Button +Britness : Private Sub Button8_Click(Byval Sender As System.Object, Byval E As System.Eventargs) Handles Button8.Click Dim Pb, Pc As Integer Dim Vm, Vh, Vb As Double Gambar2 = New Bitmap(Picturebox2.Image) For Pb = 0 To Gambar2.Height - 1 For Pc = 0 To Gambar2.Width - 1 Vm = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).R Vh = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).G + 10 Vb = Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).B If Vh >= 255 Then Vh = 255 Gambar2.Setpixel(Pc, Pb, Color.Fromargb(Vm, Vh, Vb)) Next Picturebox2.Image = Gambar2 Picturebox2.Refresh()

Next End Sub

9). Isikan Printah Di Dalam Button Negativ : Private Sub Button9_Click(Byval Sender As System.Object, Byval E As System.Eventargs) Handles Button9.Click Dim Pb, Pc As Integer Dim Vm, Vh, Vb As Double Gambar2 = New Bitmap(Picturebox2.Image) For Pb = 0 To Gambar2.Height - 1 For Pc = 0 To Gambar2.Width - 1 Vm = 255 - Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).R Vh = 255 - Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).G Vb = 255 - Gambar2.Getpixel(Pc, Pb).B If Vm <= 0 Then Vm = 0 If Vb <= 0 Then Vb = 0 If Vh <= 0 Then Vh = 0 Gambar2.Setpixel(Pc, Pb, Color.Fromargb(Vm, Vh, Vb)) Next Picturebox2.Image = Gambar2 Picturebox2.Refresh() Next End Sub

10). Isikan Printah Di Dalam Button Selesai : Private Sub Button10_Click(Byval Sender As System.Object, Byval E As System.Eventargs) Handles Button10.Click End End Sub End Class

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